• Published 5th Mar 2018
  • 4,956 Views, 271 Comments

The Lost One - thedarktome

"I can do this! I can do that!" Applejack mocked. "What about what WE can do, Rainbow?!" The others all voiced their agreements. "I concur!" Rarity yelled, stomping her hoof in the dirt. "Why are you even around, Rainbow Dash?!"

  • ...

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Chapter 7 - Day On The Town

The artist landed back in front of her home, which was congested with Paparazzi, obviously trying to get information on her next show. Luckily, the Royal Guard were there to hold them back, but they weren't leaving. "Uggghhhh....great," she muttered before she pulled back her hood, revealing her face. "Excuse me, I'm trying to get through," she said to them as they continued to take pictures and ask questions.

"Where is the next show going to be held?"

"Have there been any new paintings?"

"Will you be collaborating with more artists?"

Eventually she was able to get through the crowd and the royal guard before she made her way up to the doors with her new painting balancing on her back. After unlocking the door and walking inside, she calmly closed it and set the glass casing down on the kitchen table to look it over. So far, it was great! It could've been taken with a high quality camera it looked so good.

"Rainbow Dash, you are........nope. No, that is not my name anymore." She cleared her throat and tried again. "Pencil Sketch, you are awesome!" She jumped in the air and spun around in a circle before getting back on all four hooves again. This was a big accomplishment because none of her drawings and paintings have ever been this.....detailed. Sharp. Every crease of the mountainside could be seen, along with the cracks and lines in the leaves that were flying by. Forget fastest flier. How about Fastest and Advanced Painter/Artist?

"This is definitely going to get an award," She muttered before grabbing the glass casing agaiin and walking towards the locked vault she had installed in her home. It took awhile to have installed, but those guys were actually pretty scared of Buff. So they quickly did it and got out of there. And they did it so well.

She punched in the code and allowed the airlock and bolts to come undone before she pulled it the rest of the way open. There was also an internal lock in it as well for security measures. If someone were to close the door on her, she'd be able to get back out without a problem.

She looked around for the best place to put her painting-in-waiting. The art inside of the vault were all being held for the showcase coming around the corner in a week. Which she still doesn't know the location of. There have been votes with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, The Elements for some reason, Princess Cadance, and others on where her art can be seen by the most downhearted of ponies. Even though her work has inspired millions of them, there was still a handful of them that hadn't actually seen her work or even know it exists. So they were hoping to change that by bringing her to a city or town that didn't get a lot and was mostly cut off from the rest of Equestria. She had a few clues so far about where it would actually be held. Words such as Elements, Ville, Villa, Town hall, and Memorial were pretty big clues.

After taking the canvas out of the glass casing, she set it up on the wall inside another glass case with a magical lock on it, only being able to open it by her. Although she was going by the name Pencil Sketch, she was still very much like Rainbow Dash. Just a little different in attitude. But everything else was the same. Her height, face, legs, wing length, and her hair, tail, and cutie mark, all three just had a shade instead of color. Just like the rest of her body. Including the way she thought.

But she was still Rainbow Dash in the heart. That would never change. She just abandoned everything else and chased her passion. Hopefully....no one would learn about it too soon. Someone will find out eventually. But it won't be soon.

After the painting was hung up and secured, she walked back out of the vault and locked it back. A lot of things have happened in a few weeks. So much.

"Okay, so I found a few ponies," Twilight reported when the group walked back in. "But they don't entirely match Pencil Sketch's origin."

"What ya' find?" Applejack asked as she trotted over to get a better look with others right behind her.

"Most of them are teenagers. But Pencil Sketch is obviously a grown mare."

Mmmhmm," Celestia hummed, looking at the names.

"Berry Find. She went missing three years ago and no one has heard of her. She was Twelve. Yellow coat, solid blue mane. Pencil Sketch's coat was grayed out but it wasn't light enough to have an original hue of yellow." Rarity looked at the librarian skeptically.

"How could you tell that?"

Twilight shrugged. "I actually have no idea. I just do. But Berry Find has usually been spotted on and off in Equestria, mostly in Canterlot. The Royal Guard would try to get her to come home, but she would run away from them instead. Next up, we have Dried Leaf. He matches everything. Pegasus, comes from Cloudsdale, and was made fun of for his cutie mark which was a dried up leaf, hence his name. But there was one problem as to why I crossed him off."

"He was a stallion?" Fluttershy whispered.

"Yes, he was a stallion. And finally, we have Magenta Blue. She was fifteen when she went missing. A pegasus, bullied in Cloudsdale, ran away. But her parents found her fighting a group of other pegasi that was making fun of her. She's back with her family. Those were the only ones that have a close match as to who the pony is that gave up their life. All except one. But sadly, she is not around anymore." The atmosphere got really dark in the room before Celestia tried to break the silence.

"Well, hopefully she'll give us some more clues as to who this pony may be when she arrives here for her next art show," she said enthusiastically.

"Wait, are you serious?" Applejack asked unbelievably.

"Yes. It has been determined that since Ponyville isn't exactly close to Canterlot or Manehattan where her work is most evident, and is actually in between some more places where ponies can actually get to and not spend too much time on the road, we will be holding it here."

"That's fantastic, Princess!" Twilight said. "I haven't actually seen all of her work yet, but I heard it's really good."

"Good?!" Rarity said unbelievably. "It is AMAZING! She is able to capture so many details with only a brush, a pencil, and an eye! It is just marvelous! Do you know how many paintings she's bringing?"

"Well....she's been working on paintings for an entire month," Celestia said down to her with a chuckle. "So I bet that it's going to be a lot."

"Sounds great," Twilight said.

"I must return back to Canterlot now. I am positive Luna is about to throw another Elite out of the throne room as we speak."

"Luna? Can we please get some more land for another business?"

"And what type of business is this? Does it serve to bring happiness to ALL ponies of Equestria....or just the Elite.....again?" Luna leaned forward from her throne to stare at and intimidate the pony with an eyeglass in front of his right eye, a business suit and his head being held high in the air.

"Only the Elite, of course. Why would you ask such a-"


"Well, thanks for helping us out with this, Princess," Twilight said, giving her teacher a hug. "We appreciate it."

"Anytime, Twilight." When Twilight let go, Celestia teleported back to Canterlot, leaving the Elements of themselves to think and ponder.

"We should have a party!" Pinkie said, walking out of the kitchen with a cake on her back.

"Well.....we'll eat the cake, but we're definitely not dancing," Applejack said, waving her hoof at the party pony. "Especially Twilight. She is MOST definitely not dancing."

"Are you trying to say I can't dance?" She asked trying not to laugh. "And you dance better than me?"

"I'm not trying.....I am saying it." Twilight scoffed before putting the records back in the hidden bookcase and sliding it back into place. Once finished she walked over and got into Applejack's face, grinning.

"Okay. I might not be able to dance but I can sing better than you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Oh, no. We're not doing this either," Rarity interrupted, walking over and pushing the two mares back. "We.....are going.....to try on dresses!!!! For the upcoming show."


"Uggghhhh," Buff groaned outside of her doorway. The two were situated in front of Pencil Sketch's house that was currently being added on to get larger and more fancy. The place was becoming a little too small for her. So she locked away all her important belongings in the secure vault, put on some clothes and was headed out for a date with Buff. He deserved it after all.

"Hey, no complaining you rough stallion. Who's the mare in charge?" She gave him a smirk making him turn his head and mumble. "What was that? I can't hear yoooouuuuu."

"You're in charge." Pencil walked close to him and put her ear right by his mouth.

"Say it loudah'. I cannot hear you."

"You're in charge." Pencil chuckled and took a step back.

"Yes, I am in charge always. But for today......" She placed her left hoof on his chest, getting his attention. "You're in charge. You wanted a date, right?"

It's like the stallion's brain just shut down as he stared at the beautiful mare in front of him giving him a smile. "Y-y-yeah. I'm in charge today."

"That's right. So where do you want to take me?" Buff looked at her wide-eyed while he thought about the multiple places he could take her. Eventually he came up with one.

"How about.....Cloudsdale? Where we can see the Wonderbolts? Is that okay?"

Pencil picked up her saddle bags by the door and placed them on her back before she nodded. "Sounds wonderful." And to be honest, it was. She had actually missed Cloudsdale. And since it was Saturday, the Wonderbolts were training. So it was actually a relief on both of them.

"Would you like to ride carriage or are we just going flying?" Buff teased, giving her a smirk. The mare chuckled before nodding.

"We're flying, Buff. Are we leaving today or not?" She flapped her wings hovering in the air before her escort took off, flying away and leaving her on the ground. "Hey!" She flew up after him, catching up to him within only a few seconds. "Don't try and leave me like that again!"

He laughed at her pout before they altered their course for Canterlot, which is where you had to go through to get to Cloudsdale. "I was teasing you, don't worry. I won't be leaving you at all." Pencil's cheeks were like tomatoes before she coughed into her hoof to get rid of that. Buff the whole time was laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up tough guy."

"No, I'm not laughing at.....okay, yeah, I'm laughing at you AND your reaction! I've never seen you have a drop of color on you before. Let alone red."

"Hopefully that was the only time," Pencil muttered.

"Oh, come on! Don't be like that! I thought it was great, seeing you with color for once. It shows there's a beautiful mare underneath all that artwork." Pencil pulled in her lips and closed her eyes, trying her hardest not to blush again. Buff was watching the whole time, trying to see if she would crack under all the pressure. "You're beautiful."

That did it. Her face was as red as a tomato, making Buff grin. "You're going to stop that," Pencil chuckled, turning to face him with a grin on her face. "Or else I'm not gonna look good during the pictures!"

"No care, millionaire, you're going to smile today. Even if I have to make you blush in front of the wonderbolts."

She gasped before they entered the air over Canterlot. "You. Wouldn't. Dare."

"Try me, Ms. Sketch. You will-EEP!" He ducked just in time before a gray wing nearly hit him in the muzzle. Pencil laughed before she bopped him on the head.

"You will not embarrass me in front of the other ponies!" She laughed down to him. He looked back up and gave her a smile as they passed over the castle. "Because if you do, I....." She stopped for a second, hovering in the air as she looked around while Buff stopped and turned around.

"What is it? Is someone doing something?" Pencil shook her head before she looked down, spotting the problem.

"No. Much worse. But.....it's not our problem and doesn't affect us....yet."

"What do you mean?" She squinted her eyes at the statue, spotting a tiny crack at the base. Discord was going to come free. And soon it would seem.

"Don't worry about it," she finally answered before smiling at him. "Just don't make me be a tomato again, or I'll have your skin, got that?" She jammed a hoof into his chest to emphasize her point.

"Sure, boss lady. I'll make you an apple instead. Your face is really beautiful when it has a smile on it." Pencil's eyes popped open before she blushed heavily, and making her admirer chuckle before he flew away with her screaming after him.

"Get! Back! Here! NOW, BUFF!!"

After their little playtime was over, and Pencil successfully bucked him in his ribs for making her "Look like a wuss", they flew past Canterlot and towards the floating city of Cloudsdale, eager to see the Wonderbolts practice. Buff said afterwards, he was going to take her out to lunch. Of course she agreed to it! But she also brought her own sack of bits. He was obviously going to pay for the food, but she kept some bits on her just in case. The stallions these days.

"Here we are," Buff announced as they approached the edge of the floating Pegasus city. "Home sweet home....to Pegasi anyway." Buff landed on the cloud first before Pencil landed right next to him, a small smirk gracing her face. "So....are you ready to face the ponies that you loathe so much?"

"Uggghhhh....if I have to," she groaned walking forward with her head held high. The bodyguard chuckled before he followed after her, shaking his head. "I always look forward to the admiration of other ponies. No matter how much I don't like them."

"I'm not even gonna ask why," Buff chuckled. "You adore them looking at your artwork, and smiling and pointing at you, but don't like to talk to them."

"Correct." They walked past the houses where multiple ponies stopped what they were doing and pointed a hoof at them, obviously knowing who she was. "Don't mind me....I am just-"

"Being great, we get it," Buff interrupted, making Pencil scoff and bop his head again.

"Quiet, stallion," she scolded, trying to keep her own chuckles down. "These...are my people. And they will listen...to muah."

"You sound like a really bad dictator. Ms. Sketch, I suggest you stick to calm speeches and lovely paintings. As well as wooing this stallion down to the park." Pencil raised an eyebrow before they turned another corner into a main road that led up to the colliseum.

"Woo you to the park? Wouldn't it be better if I woo you to like a fancy restaurant or something more......grandeur?"

"Nah. I like small things. But I can tell you like the big things." He pointed a hoof towards the looming coliseum right in front of them. Pencil took on a smile while the Rainbow Dash inside was squealing like a filly. Glad to see she's still alive and kicking in there.

"I see you keep my best interests in mind, Buff," she commented, staring up at the coliseum and listening to the roars of the Pegasi in there.

"Well you're my lady today. gotta make her happy right?" *BOP* "Ow! What was that for?!" He rubbed the top of his muzzle tenderly while Pencil just stared at him with a red face.

"I warned you not to make me blush again. Now come on you rough stallion, we have a show to watch." Pencil walked into the building with a grumbling Buff right behind her. Her hoofshoes made soft metallic sounds through the halls, marking their arrival. They turned into what looked like a waiting room with a large desk at the end. There was a another Pegasus there as well, a receptionist doing some last minute work.

"Working hard?" Pencil asked her.

"Yeah," she responded without looking up from her writing. "Gotta get these letters sent out to a few more ponies that signed up for the Wonderbolts. How can I help......you?" Her mouth slowly dropped open while Pencil just stared at her. "M-m-m-Ms. Sketch! It's an honor to meet you! How can I be of service?"

"I'm trying to get some inspiration for my next painting....and he wants to treat me." She pointed a hoof at the stallion next to him who was grinning gleefully at the pegasus behind the counter, making Pencil slowly shake her head. "Stop that. May I speak to Spitfire, please?"

"Y-yes, ma'am, right away!" The pegasus dashed from behind the desk, leaving the two ponies waiting for her to return with the drill sergeant.

"You know, Buff.....you could've brought a picnic basket," she lightly scolded over her shoulder to mess with him.

"And ruin your appetite, no way." The painter clicked her tongue and shook her head.

"And remember! The wonderbolts is not for the weak minded pony. It is for the strong!" Spitfire yelled as she paced in front of the line of 20 Pegasi in uniform. "So I want you to show me HOW strong you are! Give me one hundred wing-ups right now, on the double!" She lifted her whistle to her lips and blew into it, making the wonderbolts go down and do the assigned task.

"Spi-spi-spi-spi-Sergeant Spitfire!" The receptionist yelled as she ran out onto the field. The orange maned drill sergeant sighed and turned around.

"What is it Rookie, this better be good. I have a team to prepare." The mare stopped in front of her and saluted.

"There is a VIP wanting to meet with you in the lobby, ma'am."

"And who is this VIP?" She replied blandly, watching the ponies do the wing-ups.

"Pencil Sketch, ma'am." The wonderbolts in training stopped their wing-ups while the coaches and drill sergeant turned to the receptionist in disbelief.

"You're pulling my tail."

"I kid you not, sergeant. She is waiting for you in the lobby with her bodyguard."

"This better not be a joke, rookie!" She yelled in her face. "We are in the middle of training and...." Spitfire looked around the shaking receptionist to see a familiar gray coated, long haired pony walking out of the corridor for the exit of the field, along with a big yellow maned pegasus stallion next to her.

She stopped and looked around the area, trying to find something before spotting and walking towards the group.

"Oh my god, she's coming this way," one of the coaches muttered. The other ponies that were on the ground quickly stood back up as she approached, slowing down to a stop in front of the drill sergeant.

"Hello, Spitfire," she said in her cold voice. "I have been waiting."

"I am very sorry about that Ms. Sketch," she apologized, shaking the famous mare's hoof. "I was in the middle of training. How may I help you?"

"Well, SOMEpony has offered me a day out on the town and we chose this place to start it. Is it alright if we sit and stay for awhile?"

"O-of course, take a seat somewhere and enjoy yourself!" Pencil Sketch nodded as she and Buff flapped their wings and flew towards the stands.

"You will not even know I'm here," she called out over her shoulder before taking a seat in one of the stands.

Spitfire nodded before turning her attention back to the group of trainees. "Let's get back to it, people! This is not a plaace to gawk....AND WAVE!"

The brown coated pony waving his hoof gasped before dropping it to his side and resuming the stoic position. "Do those wing-ups! Now!" She blew her whistle again, making all the trainees start over.

Pencil Sketch watched from the top as the ponies below continued their exercise, as well as chatting with Buff about various things.

"Any idea on where you're holding your next show?" the bodyguard asked her in interest.

"I have an idea......that it will be Ponyville," she answered, watching as a wonderbolt collapsed on the ground in exhaustion, making her chuckle. "She tried. Now she's about to get Spitfire'd."

Buff looked back at the scene as Spitfire approached the mare and started yelling down to her. "Is that really, necessary?" He asked tentatively.

"The Wonderbolts were built for the ponies that have stamina. If you don't have it, they put it in you. You know......I wanted to be in the Wonderbolts growing up."

"Really?" He looked at his employer in surprise. "I never took you for a fast flyer."

Pencil Sketch smirked while Rainbow Dash in her started screaming obscentities. "Then I have left out quite a bit about my life that is very important to me. Flying. I was fast. REALLY fast. Faster than Spitfire down there. I did a raincheck on that on Friday."

"Prove it." The painter looked over at her date to see him sporting a cocky grin. "Prove to me you're the fastest out here. Right now."

Pencil put her hoof to her chin, thinking about the dare. Rainbow Dash would've done it without a second thought, but Pencil Sketch is a lot more careful. She didn't want to give away her identity and she might do that by accidentally making a Sonic Grayboom. There was only one pony who could do that. You know what?

"I only fly my top speed when it is needed," she answered, losing her smile. "The only time I really fly like I did before....was way back when."

Buff could tell this was a sore topic for her. The faraway look in her eye, the sad gaze. He decided to drop it.

"Okay. I won't push you to speak about it. You can tell me whenever you're comfortable."

Pencil looked back at him before offering a small smile. "Thank you, Mr. Battalion."

"You're welcome, Ms. Sketch." The two faced forward again, watching the rest of the event in silence before the practice ended.

After it did, Pencil shook all of their hooves, saying they did a wonderful job before promising to put it on a painting someday. Afterwards, the two left, with Buff taking the lead as he guided them to a restaurant. Luckily it was located in Cloudsdale, right around the corner from them. It was a fancy place with neon lights on the outside, dim lighting on the inside.

"It looks nice enough," Pencil commented as they walked in. "I cannot see much though."

"Which makes it romantic, right?" The bodyguard teased. "This is much better than a fast-food joint."

Pencil shrugged and looked around some more before a waiter showed up to guide them to a table. "Hello! Welcome to Northern Lights! How many are......."

Buff raised an eyebrow while Pencil sighed and kicked the podium he was leaning on, shocking him out of his awestruck state and back into reality.

"Huh what?" He looked around for a moment, realizing he was at work and turned back to the group in front of him. He gasped again at the familiar face in front of him. "M-Ms. Sketch! It-it's an honor to see you here!"

"Yeah, that's great, can we get a table now?" She asked blandly, trying to move it along. The stallion nodded before he grabbed two menus and walked out.

"Just follow me, ma'am!" The two customers went ahead and trotted behind the excitable pony towards a table away from the rest of the customers in there eating and talking that haven't noticed her yet, which was great. Being a well-known influencer was great, but it did have its moments.

The pony stopped at another table, a round one and set down the menus, watching them take a seat. "What drink would you like?"

Buff looked across from him to the beautiful mare in front of him, raising an eyebrow in wonder. "Can we both get a fine non-alcoholic wine, please?"

"Okay. We don't have any brands, but we do have the flavors. Blueberry, Strawberry-"

"Blueberry, please," Pencil requested. The stallion nodded and wrote that down before telling them he'll return with their drinks and running back to the kitchen, obviously going to tell the others of her arrival.

"Wow, I wonder how you got so popular," Buff teased. "Did you break into everypony's house and leave twenty bits in their bags?"

"Something like that, yeah," Pencil said going along with it. "Sometimes, I just walk into their houses, start a conversation, eat their food, and then leave again before doing the same to the neighbors."

"You know, I did that once." Pencil glanced at him as she tried not to laugh.

"You're stupid, you know that?"

"Like Blueblood?"

"Oh no no no, not that stupid," she dismissed, waving her hooves frantically and shaking her head. "You know, I'm actually expecting him to show up to my next show with a threat to paint a portrait of him. I will of course say no. Then he will say something like, I'll make you go out of business. And in return, I will say, 'Good luck, Prince. You will have to convince over a billion ponies not to buy the artwork that inspires them to fly far and hard, and work like they've never worked before to make Equestria a better place. But I doubt you have done anything for Equestria that gives you the right to order ponies around besides having a title."

"And what'll happen next?" The bodyguard asked, actually intrigued into how that would play out.

"He would scoff, say I will be back, turn around and walk away, before turning back around to try and catch a glimpse of me again. Such a pompous Prince."

"Here you are, Ms. Sketch!" The two ponies looked up to see a mare balancing a tray on her back before sliding it on the table in front of them. She placed the two wine glasses directly in front of them, retrieved the tray and walked back.

Once she was gone, Pencil picked up the glass of clear liquid and took a sip, the same with Buff who nearly spat it out in surprise. "That's...rich."

"Yes, it is. You're not a drinking stallion?" The painter asked, smirking at him.

"I drink wine," he protested.


"Don't make me have to embarrass you, Ms. Sketch. It may cause a problem in the future for you."

"You mean for you," she corrected, pointing a free hoof at the suddenly overconfident bodyguard. "Don't forget, I'm the real one in charge here."

"Tomorrow of course." He grabbed her hoof and leaned down, planting a soft kiss on it and making her blush in the process. "But today, I am." Pencil chuckled before taking her hoof back and bopping him on the muzzle.

"What did I say about turning me into a tomato?!"

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait, everyone! I hope this chapter was alright! Next up is a little more questioning as well as the event!

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