• Published 5th Mar 2018
  • 4,943 Views, 271 Comments

The Lost One - thedarktome

"I can do this! I can do that!" Applejack mocked. "What about what WE can do, Rainbow?!" The others all voiced their agreements. "I concur!" Rarity yelled, stomping her hoof in the dirt. "Why are you even around, Rainbow Dash?!"

  • ...

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Chapter 8 - Discord And Wishes

When Pencil returned home, the first thing she did was check her mail for the bills before heading for the vault. The ponies who were billing her were required to use her legal name, which meant Rainbow Dash came into play. Although Pencil Sketch was the name, she couldn't use it in legal situations. She had enough money to change it, but the Rainbow Dash in her didn't want to. She may have started over completely. But her name was still important. The speedy mare wasn't dead. She was alive and kicking.

After finding all her things safely in the vault and placing them back where they were before, she went back into the kitchen to sort out the mail. There were bills, obviously, business offers, news on her studios she would be paying for, as well as fan mail. And finally, one from Celestia.

She ripped open the envelope and pulled out the letter to read it. After a second time, she sighed and set it back down softly. She was going to Ponyville. Again. The past just wouldn't leave her alone. But there was still one thing good in that cold heart of hers.

She wasn't loyal to those ponies. All of those ponies. But she was loyal to Equestria. The ponies could just sit back and watch.

Of course there was another problem. Discord. Earlier that day, she passed over the pony sisters' castle and felt the chaotic magic seeping out. But this......this was far stronger than in the past. If he gets out, five elements just weren't going to stop him. They weren't even going to work. If Discord was just going to reign havoc on the Elements, she'd be alright with it.

But Discord wanted Equestria. And that was a no-no.

Pencil could easily defeat him, already realizing the limits of chaos magic. It could only affect a real pony. But just like what she told the Elements, she was the shadow of a pony. The real one was hidden inside. A different look and attitude. But she still had pieces of Rainbow Dash. Loyalty, stamina, fighting, and the most important asset of all, speed. Not to mention all that built up anger.

Looks like she finally found an outlet.

She set the letter down on the table before turning around and trotting up the stairs, a good ol' mission in mind.

"Those ponies are going to get themselves killed," she muttered, opening her closet door and pulling out her incognito outfit. "Those Elements will not stop Discord. And he won't back down until he gets Equestria. Rainbow Dash.... you're still the definition of Loyalty. So get loyal."

She grabbed a quick access gray dress that she would wear over it. "I know you wanna hurt those ponies yourself, and will soon get that chance." She set both of the items aside along with some obelisk hoofshoes before making her way towards the door. "But for now, we make sure that the Draconequus does not interfere. Three days left."

Over the next few days, Pencil created two more paintings. One of the Wonderbolts, and another of Manehattan. One of those days, she was going to create a romantic painting for Hearts and Hooves day. But there was also another important day coming up. For the Elements, Ponyville, her parents, Scootaloo, and herself.

Her birthday.

Next Tuesday, five days from then, would be her twenty-fifth birthday. Of course there was going to be absolutely no celebration, especially down in Ponyville, but that did call for a nice swim in the pool that would be in the backyard by Saturday. Something relaxing to get everything off her mind.

She sighed before she got started on dinner, wishing she could have a specific dark blue, yellow maned bodyguard cook it for her. It would be a very sweet gesture and it would definitely get him inside the house. Finally. But...she still didn't want to get too close to ponies. It could spell trouble for her. She could get distracted, mess up her paintings, and lose the bits. But mostly...get her heart broken again which was the real crime.

Of course he'd be extremely disappointed, having only a professional relationship, but that's what it's like trying to court a business pony. Of course, with his advances, things were easier said than done.

Shaking her head, she got back to dinner. Breakfast for dinner anyway, scrambled eggs are awesome.

Twilight was in a state. A state of deep thinking and sadness. Along with her other friends as they all stood in front of the Rainbow Dash memorial, silently reminiscing on her life at nine at night. The crickets were chirping, breaking the silence of the night every now and then. Along with the awkward shuffle of a pony's hooves, trying to break the silence.

"I....I still don't think she's really gone," Fluttershy whimpered. Rarity pulled her in for a hug, already seeing where this was going.

The librarian closed her eyes while she let out a silent tear. "I know, Fluttershy. We all don't wanna believe it. But what other choice is there? We even scanned all of Equestria for her."

"We scanned Pencil Sketch too. But she evaded it. Maybe Dash could have too."

"Fluttershy, you can't just turn off your brain," Twilight sighed. "It takes advanced magic to do that. And it would be dark magic. And Pegasi can't even do magic like that."

"I'm sorry, sugarcube, but......I don't think Dash is comin' back," Applejack told her. "She's flying with the Rainbows now."

Fluttershy whimpered before she dropped her head and let the tears fall again, the sobbing escaping the normally hopeful mare making it all the worse for the others.

Eventually, they all got into a group hug, giving her the impression that she wasn't alone and that there were others there to share her pain. "We never got the chance to say we were sorry.," she whispered. "Her birthday is right around the corner and the birthday girl won't even be there. Instead, she's gone with the Rainbows."

"Rainbow always wanted to see how far she could go," Rarity whispered. "But her legacy lives on as the embodiment of loyalty. And it will stay that way." Fluttershy nodded into her coat before she pulled away.

"I have to head home. Angel Bunny will become really feisty if he doesn't get his dinner."

"Okay," Twilight agreed. "Goodnight, Fluttershy."

"Goodnight." The mare turned around and walked back towards the edge of town where her animals would be waiting to console and be there for her while she cried some more for her best friend. Twilight watched her go before focusing her sights back on the memorial in front of her.

"She's right, you know," Applejack said, not taking her eyes off the memorial. "We...never got the chance to say we were sorry and that it was our fault. We drove her away. Some friends we are."

"I know," the librarian responded. "We should at least say it now. We're sorry, Rainbow Dash. We love you very much and it's our fault that we drove you away....and that you're..." Twilight pulled in her lips and closed her eyes while a few tears rolled down her cheeks. "That...that you're gone. It's all our fault and we're very sorry. We will always love you, embodiment of loyalty." She put the flowers she was levitating behind her at the foot of the memorial, making sure that Rainbow was appreciated. Rarity did the same thing with her own bouquet before they both turned around and headed to their respective homes while Applejack stayed behind, wanting to say a few words.

"You know, sugarcube," she said before picking up her hat. "Whenever we raced, and competed, it was always for fun. The others may have had an unknown grudge......but they still loved you. Yeah, you were sometimes annoying. More than the average pony. Or Pinkie Pie. But.........we love you. You were there for us. I wish we could've been there for you. I love you Rainbow." She put the hat on her head and turned back around, headed back to her farm.

There was one more pony there that had tears streaming down her face, holding a balloon as she stared at the plaque. "Loving Friend & The Definition Of Loyalty. Fly Fast And Fly Far, Rainbow Dash".

"This balloon....is for our undeniable friendship, Rainbow," Pinkie cried as she walked forward and tied the balloon string around the plaque. "You will always be remembered. No one will ever forget you. Especially me." Pinkie sighed once again before turning around and heading back home. After awhile, a tiny head poked out from behind the corner of Town Hall, scanning the front of the memorial. Once the pony deemed the night was free of any neighboring others, they walked out into the light, revealing the form of Scootaloo with a small bouquet of flowers. She stopped and turned around in front of the memorial, gazing at the head with a determined smile on her face.

"You always told me things like, 'You're my little buddy', 'You remind me of myself', and 'You're gonna be just like me when you get older'. And you were right. I'm going to be just like you Rainbow Dash. I'm going to fly fast, and I'm going to fly far, no matter how long it takes me. And I'm going to keep flying.....keep flying until I see you again! And nothing's going to stop me! You're like a big sister to me! And you will always be my big sister! I love you, Rainbow!" She placed the bouquet of flowers at the foot of the memorial with everyone else's before she turned around and went back home, tears going down her face.

None of them, not even the bookworm, had noticed the figure laying over the top of Town Hall looking down at them, her silhouette from the moon behind her making her face and the rest of her front anonymous to those down below. The only sign being the night breeze blowing her long gray hair outwards and her shadow on the ground right in front of the memorial. How no one had noticed was a mystery.

"You sure will squirt," Pencil whispered with a smile on her face. "Fly like me, and you could go faster than me. I'll come home soon....hopefully." She stood back up and flew back towards Manehattan at her widely known speed, a gray trail in her wake.

Scootaloo continued running, tears pouring down her face when a roar sounded off above her, making her look up to see the gray highlighted trail zoom right past at a Rainbow Dash speed towards the city of Canterlot in the distance, causing her to stop and stare at it. Soon the trail diminished, leaving a smile on Scootaloo's face and her tears to dry before she continued walking back home peacefully.

Soon, the day had arrived for Pencil Sketch to present her paintings to the town of Ponyville. And there was certainly some news about that. She was bringing Twenty of them to Ponyville and placing them in the square for viewing. And there were going to be a lot of ponies there. A LOT. So far, it seemed that half of manehattan had left early to get there before the big rush of Elite chariots, crowded trains, and others would arrive. Even some from the dragon lands were coming to check out her work, as well as Zebrica, from what Color Rise told her. But that was the least of her worries.

She was more worried about Discord. So far, it seemed his statue is breaking free, and he is crawling out of that hole the Elements put him in. And he wants revenge. Pencil Sketch could feel his chaotic magic right at this moment while she was putting on her suit that resembled a Wonderbolt uniform, but was all jet black, along with a hood that would serve as a mask when she pulled it over her face. It had mesh-covered eye holes as well as slits for her nostrils. If Discord was coming, she'd be ready. But it was going to be hot in that thing. She was wearing that underneath a gray dress with golden sequins on it, making her shimmer when she arrived in the small, distraught town. As well as bring her magic along with her.

Somehow, in some way, when she changed into Pencil Sketch in the cloudominium, she was given....more dark magic than before. Which is why Celestia and Twilight couldn't find her. So every night for around two hours, she took up the Egghead's pastime. Going out and trying new things with her magic. There was no doubt going to be a situation where she would have to use it, and it would seem that the time would come. Some things that she found she could do was teleport through black smoke. Instead of teleporting with a flash of light, it'll be like a puff of black smoke that makes her disappear, like a childhood magic trick that Trixie would've made.

Another thing she had learned was she can appear from shadows. She can walk into them and appear wherever and whenever she can. It was cold in there though. Like a chilly breeze. Another thing was her Gray Booms were devastating. Unlike the pony who switched out with her, one gray boom could wipe out a whole city if she was low enough and put enough magic into it, at most by the rooftops of homes below her. Another thing that she had figured out....she could feel the elements calling to her. Asking her to come to her. Even the dust of the element of loyalty. It was chanting to her. But she denied it. It wasn't time for a permanent relation. Let alone a permanent reunion.

She shook her head in dismay while she put on her dress, making sure her outfit underneath it was well hidden. She had a plan created once Discord arrived. She knew he was coming. She could feel his form breaking out of that stone at that very moment. Man, her dark magic felt great. But it was still dangerous. That and she still held up all that built up anger.

Once she looked in the mirror and brushed her hair over her right eye, she smiled, finding herself as beautiful as when she was when she was full of color. Gorgeous. Buff is going to drop his mouth open to the floor, she could already see it.

The painter chuckled before flapping her wings and moving her body, making sure she was comfortable in the clothing. Finding that she was, she put on a new necklace, a simple golden chain and tucked it underneath her dress before turning around and walking out her room and down the grand stairs. She stopped at the door, already knowing what was out there. It was eight in the morning already and the exhibit started at ten. "Face the crowd, Pencil," she muttered.

Pencil Sketch huffed and pulled the door open to see the major amount of news ponies behind the line of Royal Guard already trying to take a picture of her, as well as her bodyguard in his armor, looking handsome like always. "Hello, Buff."

"Hello, Lady Sketch." Pencil chuckled before she shook her head.

"What happened to Ms. Sketch? Where'd the 'lady' come from?" They began walking towards the group of news ponies, ignoring the shuttering of the cameras as they walked through the aisle that led up to the golden, long chariot that contained her paintings and more artwork such as her sketches.

"Well....I had to upgrade, is that a problem?" He teased as he opened the door for her, allowing her to walk in and take a seat.

"It's no problem, just curious." Buff walked in after and took a seat next to her. Once comfortable, he closed the door behind him and prepared himself for the ride. The ponies who were in the front began pulling the long chariot. There were ten ponies in front, making it look like a sleigh as it lifted off the ground with more Royal Guard around it. "You know.....I feel like something unfortunate is going to happen today."

"Oh?" He looked at her with worry in his eyes. "Like what? Any specific details?"

"Yeah.....there's going to be a really dumb prince who will show up, points at one of my paintings, and say, 'I want mine just like that, Pencil Sketch! You will paint me or I will throw you in the dungeon!'"

"You know how ignorant that blue faced foal would sound?" Buff said, slowly shaking his head. "Don't worry, he won't be getting anywhere near you unless he's giving you a compliment and a greeting. And there's a limitation to that."

"So protective, Mr. Battalion. My oh my, what would I do without you?" Pencil teased, poking at him.

"You'll just have to run and hide behind your luxurious paintings until some pony comes and saves you, Lady Sketch," he responded, lowering his eyelids and giving her a smile. Pencil closed her eyes and hid herself behind her mane, taking on a Fluttershy posture. Of course he'd tried to flirt with her early in the morning. Stallions.

"W-well...I can defend myself just fine, thank you."

"Then why'd you ask?"

Pencil looked out from behind her mane at the smirking face of the bodyguard before pouting and stuck her head in the air.

"I wanted to see what you were going to say," she responded determinedly.

"Uh huh."

Pencil turned around and bopped him on the muzzle, making him cringe and rub it. "You underestimate me, stallion. I can protect myself just fine. You'll see one day."

"Whatever you say, Lady Sketch. But in the meantime, you have me to protect you today. Okay?" He reached over and grabbed her hoof and held onto it, making her smile and blush.

"Okay, Buff. I'll let you TRY to protect me today. Don't worry if I go missing for awhile, alright?"

"Why would you go missing?" He asked cluelessly.

"To use the young mare's room, you dolt." She bopped him on the muzzle again.

"Stop doing that!"

Soon they landed on the outside of Ponyville, where there was a line of chariots, obviously all wanting to get that life changing sights of the paintings of Equestria, ponies, and victories they have ever had over the rough times. There was a lot. And the citizens of Ponyville were helping them get into spaces to set them off across from Applejack's farm who was trying to sell Apple Cider to those waiting. Of course everyone's attention was captured when a long chariot with ten pegasi Royal Guards pulled it into view, obviously the reason the ponies were all coming to Ponyville in the first place. After passing the line of over thirty chariots, Pencil counted, they arrived at the area where more Royal Guard were stationed, scanning ponies for any type of weapon or something else on them that could cause a threat to any VIPs on the scene. Security was tight. Thank you, Shining Armor.

After they passed through the line, Pencil looked around the crowded town, who were all staring back intensely. It was only eight thirty, so they had plenty of time to relax and walk around. Buff had never been there before, so she was going to show him around. Although she had to be careful around the Elements, who were already in the square waiting with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor, Dragon Lord Ember, Thorax of the Changelings, so there were probably some Changelings walking around too. And finally, uggghh...........Prince Blueblood.

The chariot stopped on the left side of the group, before one of the guards walked to the side and opened the door to the chariot. Pencil Sketch took her time getting out the chariot, her sequined dress glowing in the sunlit town before Buff Battalion followed along. Once the door closed, the two approached the group. She was all business, showing no emotion. Sketch style.

"Hello, Pencil Sketch," Celestia greeted, shaking her hoof. "It's a pleasure to see you again."

"Likewise, Princess Celestia. I sure hope the ponies here can find hope through my paintings." She moved onto the next in line, Princess Luna.

"Hello, Princess Luna," she greeted shaking her hoof. "I do not believe we have met."

"Hello, Ms. Sketch. I have only seen a few of your paintings and they were absolutely beautiful. Especially Fly Fast, Fly Far."

"Thank you. I hope the others will be inspired as well." She went through all the Elements, Thorax, Shining Armor and his wife, and shook their hooves before turning to Spike. "Hello....uhhh," she pretended, making sure her cover was not blown.

"I'm Spike. Twilight's number one assistant." He reached out with a paw and shook her hoof while she nodded. During the whole time, she did not smile. Although she should have smiled at the Princesses, she didn't. Princess Celestia already knew she wasn't the smiling type. And Pencil Sketch had her reasons for why she wasn't smiling at the Elements.

"Hello, Spike. A pleasure to meet you." She walked over to the older, but still young female dragon that was standing at attention beside him. "And you are?"

"I am Dragon Lord Ember, Ms. Sketch. There are a few dragons that wanted to see your work, having heard about it through some sources of Canterlot nobility. I am here to feed my own curiosity as well."

"No problem. I feel obligated to share my work with the world." She moved onto the last pony in line. And the last that she'd ever want to see gazing at her work. "And.....you are?"

"You do not know who I am?" Prince Blueblood stated obnoxiously. Pencil shook her head, trying to keep down a smirk that was threatening to show all over her face, along with a guffaw.

"No I do not."

"I am Prince Blueblood, Nephew of Princess Celestia of and Princess Luna, and cousin of Princess Cadance."

"And what land do you rule over?" She asked, really trying her hardest not to snort at his bold facedness. "Where do you hail from?"


"Do you rule a land here?"

Prince Blueblood looked around and tried to find an answer while the others were laughing and chuckling. "I....do not rule over any land here."

"So you are only Prince through name, not actually a prince, then. Help me out here." Buff, who couldn't hold it in anymore, straight up laughed it out, making the others laugh.

Prince Blueblood looked on in horror at the group before shifting his eyes at the painter in front of him. "How dare you! I am royalty of Equestria!"

"You are not Royalty, you are nobility, which is underneath Royalty," she corrected. "Being a distant relative of Royalty does not make you a king or ruler of a land. I just wanted to put that out there for you in case you try something today. Buff?"

The bodyguard walked forward. "Yes?"

"How are my paintings?" She turned around to face everyone else and to look at her paintings being carried out and setup, no emotion on her face.

"There are display cases set up in the square, Ms. Sketch," Luna said, trying to keep her chuckling down. "And from the faces of the guards carrying and surrounding them, I'm guessing they look really good." They all turned to the guards who were carrying the paintings to see a look of awe on their faces, clearly impressed with the paintings they were carrying towards the thick glass boxes in the square, supported by a golden base.

"Good. The viewers will hopefully have similar reactions as well. I just hope the guards watch where they're going, those paintings cost over twenty thousand bits a piece." Everyone turned their heads to stare at the mare in shock. "Let's get this show on the road." She walked with the Royal Guard towards the Square, already thinking about the destruction the guards were going to go through in a few hours. She looked towards the sky and already saw the signs. There was one very specific one that she'll never forget.

A pink cloud. There was a small pink cloud right above their heads and they didn't even notice it. Pencil sighed and continued the trek, making sure to keep on her toes the whole time.

Two hours later, the crowd was allowed in. And what a crowd it was. There were so many ponies that business was booming, especially at Sugarcube Corner. Twilight's library was basically the hangout spot for the group as the ponies would usually come up, shake Pencil's hoof and ask about the paintings and her inspiration. So far, it was going really well. no one tried anything foolish, there was a heavy guard presence, and no Discord......until now.

Pencil's eyes snapped open before they narrowed, sensing the Draconequus right above her. "How did he get by without me noticing?" She muttered before shaking her head. She turned to Twilight. "May I use your restroom?"

"Yeah, it's the first door right underneath the steps," she responded, pointing towards the door behind her. Pencil nodded before asking Buff to stay outside and wait with everyone else while she went inside "to refresh". She opened the door and closed it back, shrouding the inside once again in darkness. She blended in perfectly. No one would be able to see her. Perfect.

She stood to the side in the darkness and unzipped the dress from her neckline to her hips before she shimmied out of it. She then opened a casing on the floor by a nearby table and stashed it inside, quietly closing it back before heading into the bathroom. To be honest, she really had to use it, but that could wait. Equestria could not. Once she was inside, she slipped into the shadows using her magic, going to a location no one would ever see her in.

Outside, Twilight and everyone else was listening to Prince Blueblood bicker about how Pencil had "Disgraced his name and family", as well as "she owes me" over and over. Buff calmly shoof his head while the others just groaned. eventually, Celestia had enough.

"Blueblood, in all fairness, you really aren't a prince," she clarified, waving a hoof at him. "You do not have anything in your name except servants and input into what happens in Equestria. But that is all." The others agreed with nod of their head before Twilight felt a drop of something fall on her snout. Then another, and another.

"Uh...were we scheduled for rain today?" She asked, gaining their attention. "Something keeps dropping on me." Celestia looked at her before glancing up.

"Not that I realize. But those clouds are......oh my Equestria." Luna looked up with her along with everyone else there, finally noticing the pink clouds...raining chocolate unto the ground below them.

"Discord!" They all yelled.

"That's right, Sunbutt and friends." They all looked towards the square, where the ponies were frozen and the guards positioning their weapons at the God of Chaos, who was casually walking around dressed in a suit, a top hat, and an eyeglass, seemingly admiring at the paintings. "These are really good. But where am I? I should be in some of these paintings don't you think? Oh! I know just what to do!"

The draconequus snapped his claw, putting a version of him in all the photos in the most cookiest way possible. "There we go, now THAT'S a painting! Hello, Twilight...and you. And you, you, and you. I hope you don't mind if I stop by. That stone was really hurting my back." He stretched, making his back give an audible pop, at the same time, turning all the guards, Buff, Ember, Blueblood, and Thorax into cactai.

"That is so much better." He snapped his finger again, making some of the nearby plants come to life, sprout out of the ground, and start to advance towards the citizens...which made all of the ponies freak out more than the chocolate rain that was falling down from the sky harder.

They all started screaming and running around, headed into buildings that literally floated up into the air, exposing them again. "Twilight....I think you know why I'm here." The Princesses all got into a defensive position, lighting their horns while discord plucked an apple that was floating through the air and took a bite out of it, shivering in delight at the taste. "Oh that is delicious. Well, Twilight?"

The mare in question just glared at him, the other elements doing the exact same. "You want revenge, but you're not going to get it, Discord! Girls, let's go!"

"Twilight, wait!" Celestia called before they ran in the library. Discord groaned before he snapped his claw again, freezing the Princesses who were about to cover them and fire at him.

"Ugh, you ponies. Fine, I'll just wait right here then." The draconequus made a red velvet couch appear behind him and took a seat while the ground turned into checkerboard, the sky turned pink, and other destruction that started happening. "Hey, sunbutt. I have a question. Where's the fast one?" The princess didn't respond, and couldn't respond while he shrugged. "Fine don't tell me, I'll find out eventually." He grabbed some black seeds from behind him and started chowing down while the ponies came back out of the library with the Elements of Harmony wrapped around their chests and on Twilight's head.

"You will not have Equestria, Discord!" Twilight yelled, while he counted the ponies with his fingers. "This a land for ponies and peace, not pain and destruction!" Discord pouted his lip and nodded.

"That's great, Twilight. But you should probably know that those stupid rocks you're wearing won't fully work unless you have all six," he clarified with a smirk. "And I only see....five?! My oh my, where's the blue one? The one who is so stuck up?" Twilight twitched, just now realizing how this was going to go. The Draconequus looked around, trying to locate the pegasus and spotted the memorial. "Oh......so she's gone."

He sighed and stood up, making his way over to the memorial made out of flowers. "'Loving Friend & The Definition Of Loyalty. Fly Fast And Fly Far, Rainbow Dash.' I am very sorry for your loss, girls. But this just makes things a whole lot easier for me!" He snapped his claw, ordering a pink cloud to zip directly over the group and dump a bunch of chocolate rain on them before going back up again.

Twilight sighed and moved her soaked bangs out from in front of his face, giving unamused expression. "Seriously, Discord? Still with the chocolate?"

"That was just a warning. But you can try to turn me to stone if you want, I won't do anything." He stood straight up and put up his claw. "Scout's honor."

Twilight grunted and closed her eyes, focusing the energy of the Elements into her crown. The rainbow started from the two ponies at the end of the line, Rarity and Pinkie Pie and went towards Twilight's crown. But of course it would not work.

Before it hit the crown it stopped and went back, dropping the ponies back onto the ground with a grunt and yelp. "What? Wh-what happened?" The Element of Generosity stuttered. "Why didn't it work?"

"I just told you! Ugh, you never listen, hard headed pony." He walked forward and grabbed the chest plates and crown from off their bodies, ignoring their protests. He looked at them while pushing the ponies trying to get them back away from him with one claw. "You know, if Rainbow were still around, I'd be gone within a few seconds. But, sadly, she's not so..." he took the elements and threw them behind him, hitting a few ponies that were running around. "This will only take a moment."

He twirled around and hit the ponies with his tail, sending them flying into the trunk of the Golden Oaks Library hard, making them all grunt out in pain and collapse to the ground. Twilight opened her eyes and looked up to see Discord walking forward dressed in a baseball uniform, complete with a hat and bat.

"You know how torturous it was in that stone?" He said, polishing the bat. "I had an itch that I couldn't scratch, it was so irritating! So now...." He put the girls back up against the wall by the neck with his long tail. "I am going to show you what that felt like. He pulled back his arm, preparing to swing before-

An explosion, very loud above, caught their attention. He looked up to the sky above him at a gray colored wave expanding over the air around them, the shock of it sending him flying back with a grunt and creating a groove in the ground. The elements all collapsed to the ground, trying to catch their breath while the Princesses, Prince Blueblood, Ember, Spike, Thorax, and Shining Armor were all set free, as well as everything returning to normal. Buff was still in the stone prison for the moment.

The Draconequus groaned while he got up, the princesses all watching him with fear. He got stronger. MUCH stronger. So much so that he was able to turn them to stone. But how?

"Now who in-" He was interrupted by a hoof to the face that sent him flying into a nearby store, shattering the glass window and breaking whatever else was inside with a loud crash, The ponies all stopped running and stared at the draconequus peeking out the window, who was looking at the pony who hit him, a pegasus, who was completely covered in a black suit, no sign of who they were. "That really hurt, you know. So I'll just return the favor." He grinned evilly, lifted his claw and snapped it, watching the pony with hope in his eyes.

The others yelped and shut their eyes in fear for around five seconds. Fearing the worst, they cracked one open to see something truly stunning. The pony wasn't affected by his magic. They were still standing there staring at him and shaking their head. Discord cocked his head in confusion and did it again. Same result. "What? Why and how are you not affected?!" He got out of the building and walked towards the pony, evil intentions in his eyes. He started running and swiped at the them, who disappeared in black smoke, making him and everyone else gasp.

"What...in Equestria?" Princess Celestia whispered with wonder written all over her face, the same with everyone else there. "How can they avoid chaos magic?"

Discord looked around for the pony, who was literally falling down towards him at that very moment. "Where are you?! Show yourself!" Something fell on his back and started knocking at his head, making him yelp and snarl. He reached back and grabbed the pony, throwing them off of him. But they were prepared. They teleported again in mid throw to the area behind him, the momentum Discord through them at making them land and trot forward towards his back unknowingly. While he was distracted, they slid and turned around, lifted their rear hooves, and bucked him in the back, sending him flying.

He yelled and bonked his head onto one of the painting display cases, stunning him. He was seeing stars. Those things were hard. The clad in black heroine stalked towards the God's stunned form who surprisingly popped right back up, apparently ready. He ran towards the confident pony, making them run and seemingly retreat towards a shadowy area and jump in, making Discord run right into the wall instead. He yelped, rubbing his head in pain while the unknown pony returned back from the other side of the area, making everyone else gasp in surprise before they turned and bucked him back into the wal he crashed intol, creating an imprint of his body on the bricks.

He groaned in pain and slid to the ground while they dragged him by the tail out into the middle of the square, slamming him down over their shoulder and onto the ground in front of them, creating a small tremor. Not to mention a small crater. The Draconequus groaned in pain while the pony walked up his chest and stopped, looking down at his face. "Who are you?" Discord asked weakly. "How are you immune to my magic?"

The pony stared at him for a moment before reaching up and unzipping the mouth of the suit so they could talk. "You cannot put harm on a pony that doesn't exist, Discord. Maybe next time you'll learn. And when you do return...we will meet again." Those watching could tell it was a mare, the sound of their voice a little rough but still high pitched. They zipped their mouth closed again, before extending their left hoof towards the library.

The Elements of harmony all started shaking before the gems floated out and started circling her, shocking the citizens and elements enough to gasp.

"How can she summon the Elements?!" Twilight said in alarm. "Only the embodiments can do that!"

"It won't work," Luna clarified. "Just like Discord said, she needs all of the Elements for it-" The door behind them opened up, catching the group's attention when a familiar red dust floated out. Once it was in front of them it started to bundle and swirl together, making the Princesses gasp and the Elements to watch wide-eyed. It started going in a ring before a tiny red dot was created in the middle, which expanded, going bigger and bigger before it recreated the red lightning bolt. The Element of Loyalty was pieced back together again.

"HOW DID SHE DO THAT?!" Twilight yelled, watching as it floated over and joined the other elements in circling the mysterious heroine. She floated up into the air before the elements went faster and faster, creating a rainbow colored blur around her body that was making a whistling sound, getting higher and higher in pitch.

"Goodnight, Discord," She calmly said down to him clearly through the suit before the light fired at his form, making him yell in defeat. And anger.

"NO! I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED! YOU WILL NOT...." He was immediately silenced when his body quickly turned back to stone. Once the process was complete, the elements floated the mare back to the ground before slowing down and returning back to their places in the chest plates and crown. All except one.

The Element of Loyalty paused in front of her face, making her stare at it. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't escape her past. That is what it was trying to tell her.

Sighing she responded back. "I know. It will happen when they are ready. And when I am ready. Just.....a little while longer." She lifted her left hoof and hit the jewel sending it flying towards the door of the Golden Oaks library. Twilight reached out with her hoof before it unexpectedly turned back into dust and floated inside, settling back down into the jar that it was held in before it was called on. The ponies all looked towards the library before refocusing their attention back on the mysterious mare who was looking down at Discord, tapping his stone cold face.

"Dork." She removed her hoof before turning back around and calmly walking towards the dark area of an alley, preparing to leave now that her job was done.

"Wait, pony!" She slid to a stop and looked towards the library to see the elements running right towards her, disbelief written all over their faces. They slid to a stop in front of her, expectant looks on their faces. "How......how did you do that?" Twilight asked loudly. "All of that?"

Pencil just stared at her before lifting a hoof and lightly tapping her muzzle. Which gave her the answer. The touch was cold. Very cold. And there was also a stinging sensation upon contact. Dark magic. Twilight gasped before the mare turned around and walked into the shadow, leaving them all wondering what that was.

They all started murmuring while the guards approached the stone form of the god of chaos, fear ridden. "Well....that was unexpected." The group looked towards the library to see Pencil Sketch walk out, a look of relief on her face while Buff, now freed, was looking her over for any injuries. "Buff, I'm fine, stop being such a worry wart. But.....I believe I have found another subject for my next painting. Don't you agree, Celestia?"

The princess of the sun stared in disbelief at the scene laid out in front of her, trying to figure out where in the world that pony came from.Not to mention how in the world Pencil was in the bathroom that whole time. "Yes. I agree wholeheartedly."

Author's Note:

Oh my god, Discord! You're such a dork! Yeah guess what? In case you didn't notice Discord is still evil, even though he was reformed before season seven. Just thought I'd let you know in case you didn't.

Bee tee dubs, the new cover art is what Pencil Sketch looks like in my image. In case you guys wanted to know that too. :scootangel:

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