• Published 28th May 2018
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Three Kittens, Two Unicorns, and a BANANA! - Tatsurou

Tempest Shadow finds herself added to a rather...despicable family. Perhaps things will turn out better this time around.

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As Tempest had suspected, her ability to talk - however stilted - changed quite a lot with how she interacted with her little family, though admittedly not as much as she'd thought it would. While her sisters had made much of her right at first, it wasn't long before things seemed to get back to routine. To her surprise, the first sister she was able to spend one on one time with after that was Margo. In point of fact, the older girl asked Bob and Kevin to keep Edith and Agnes entertained while she spent time with Tempest. Edith and Agnes had been upset at first, but quieted when they saw Tempest herself was happy with that.

Before long, the pair were curled up in a missile-pod lift bed - it still amused Tempest to no end that Papa had refitted an obvious armory into a children's bedroom, complete with a rack for each bed so it could be shifted to a preferred height - shifted to the highest level where it was still visible from the door, Tempest curled up under Margo's arm with her nose in the book Margo was reading for her. Unlike before, every so often she would pause and ask Tempest to repeat the segment she'd just read, pointing to the spot to start at. Surprised, Tempest followed along. She found it was easier but less satisfying - for some reason - if she set aside the childish mindset imposed by the Overthought to do so. To her amazement, due to Margo's reading she'd absorbed quite a bit already, and the childishness seemed more a desire to not be grown up than a lack of ability to act it.

After the sixth or seventh time Tempest had read back to Margo, she stopped her sister's arm with one hoof and looked up at her. "Sis nah pek?" she managed to get out, still having trouble with some consonant sounds since she wasn't used to working her mouth in these shapes.

Margo looked at her thoughtfully for a time, rubbing her chin. Just as Tempest was considering summoning a minion to translate for her - as incongruous as that seemed - the older girl snapped her fingers. "Are you saying you want to be treated as a sister, not a pet?" she inquired curiously.

Tempest shrugged her shoulders and nodded. It was close enough to what she was asking, and easy enough to specify. "Befah pek?"

"Oh, I've been thinking of and treating you as a sister since your first solid meal," Margo pointed out readily, causing Tempest's eyes to go wide. "It's obvious you have a lot of personality, and have the Minions wrapped around your hoof. I half expected a red carpet-"

"Mo!" Tempest insisted, shaking her head and waving one hoof.

"They were going to and you stopped them?" Margo translated. When Tempest nodded, the older girl chuckled. "Yeah, they do go overboard, don't they?" She was about to turn back to the book, then turned back to Tempest. "You're hoping Edith and Agnes will treat you differently, too? Less like a pet and more like a sister?"

Tempest nodded, her eyes wide in amazement that Margo had read her so easily.

"Don't look so surprised," Margo offered teasingly. "I've been looking after my little sisters for a while. One of the first books I checked out from the library was a book on child psychology so I could learn how to keep them in line so we could survive and thrive without them feeling leashed, controlled, or caged."

"Yu smah a Gu an Gappa Nappa!" Tempest said in amazement.

Margo blushed, waving the compliment off. "I'm not as smart as Dr. Nefario. I can't make heads or tails of his inventions..."

"Peepah smah hadah deh mek smah!" Tempest insisted. "More plooss, hada see!"

Margo managed a chuckle. "I guess it is easier in chemistry or machinery to tell when you've made a big mistake," she admitted. "And knowing body language has certainly made some things easier...though I don't know if I originally misread Gru or..." She leaned back, lost in thought.

It didn't take looking into the Overthought to realize that Gru hadn't originally taken the girls in for altruistic reasons, any more than she needed to look there to see he genuinely adored them now. She idly wondered what had- "Chay haat!" she stated, putting her hooves to her chest.

"Yeah, people can change," Margo admitted. "I just...I've been the one keeping Edith and Agnes safe for so long. I trust Gru...I love him as a father...but letting go of fear doesn't come easy..."

Tempest leaned in to nuzzle Margo. While she understood what she was saying all too well, her command of spoken language wasn't enough to express it yet. Besides, she liked looking up to Margo as a big sister. She didn't want actually being older than her but reverse-aged to mix things up there...yet. Time enough for that if it became necessary.

Margo responded to the nuzzling with a smile and a stroke to her mane. After a time, she returned to the original subject. "Honestly, Edith's been treating you like a sister - or a best friend, not sure which exactly - since she figured out how you terrorized Kyle." Tempest's eyes went wide. "Yes, I knew it was you. You acted just a little too innocent every time he ran away from you." Tempest attempted to whistle innocently, failing miserably as Margo chuckled. "As for Agnes..." She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "I think at her age, you being a unicorn is going to supersede any thought of sister or pet. The distinction probably won't even exist for a year or so, at which point you'll be a younger sister. But until then..."

"Mago ada pahdi," Tempest stated, nodding ruefully.

"Yeah, make sure I'm at the tea parties to keep the spoons out of your throat or ears," Margo agreed, struggling not to laugh. "For the rest of it, be glad you're as durable as you are." She glanced at Tempest's scar. "Which leaves me wondering what had the power to injure you like that in the first place...and hoping we never encounter one."

Tempest shivered. The last thing she wanted was to encounter an Ursa Minor...unless Papa or the Minions figured out how to domesticate it-

...good lord, the Overthought was already trying to figure it out...