• Published 28th May 2018
  • 8,668 Views, 1,156 Comments

Three Kittens, Two Unicorns, and a BANANA! - Tatsurou

Tempest Shadow finds herself added to a rather...despicable family. Perhaps things will turn out better this time around.

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Meeting of the Minds

Tempest remained in the lab while Gru went out with a large group of the Minions - that was apparently the name of their race, as hard as that was for Tempest to accept - to steal the crystal quantum computer. He left another group of Minions in charge of watching the girls up in the house, while another assisted Nefario in the lab as he prepared things for the work he'd need to do once the computer arrived...as well as hook up points for the computer. Mel, Bob, and another Minion who introduced himself as Barry - his only unique distinguishing feature from other Minions being his insistence on wearing a costume unicorn horn at all times, either on his head or on whatever helmet he was wearing - had the responsibility of primary care for her, bringing her whatever she needed in terms of food, drinks, toiletries, or entertainment...though the last mostly consisted of Mel chasing Bob with a hammer, only for Bob to chase Mel with a flamethrower or similar dangerous weapon when Mel swiped Bob's bear.

To Tempest's surprise, the Minions had absolutely no trouble understanding her 'baby babble' when she made a request. All she had to do was look at one of them and attempt to say something, and they would understand exactly what it was she wanted and attempt to bring it to her. Admittedly, their accuracy of retrieval left something to be desired...but a few imperious glowers had drastically improved that, showing the issue was their memory rather than a failure of communication.

After a bit of experimentation, Tempest made another startling discovery. She'd been trying and failing to understand the Minions when they spoke by parsing the words, and had given up and only half-listened at one point while Mel and Bob argued about something...only to be surprised as it started to make sense. A few tests later, and she'd discovered that if she listened with her mind or her heart and not her ears - in fact, made a deliberate attempt to block out the sounds and hear meaning - what the Minions said came through clear as day. In point of fact, it came through far clearer than Nefario's attempts at translation.

<The words aren't important, are they?> she asked Barry as Mel and Bob struck at each other with a morning star and battle ax respectively, baby sounds coming out of her mouth even as she focused on getting the meaning across. <They're just a medium. Most of what you're saying...it's thought transfer!>

<More or less, yeah,> Barry confirmed, his meaning having almost nothing to do with the sounds coming out of his mouth. <But that's made past Masters uncomfortable, so we try to stick to a somewhat standardized sound pattern so they can explain it away. At least, those that have languages of their own.>

<But why would an entire race develop thought transfer that links to another race?> Tempest inquired thoughtfully. <And any other race, at that? And...why would you need a...> Her eyes widened as she realized the truth. <A proto-hive mind, but without anyone to act as the Queen, or focus of the Hive. That's why your race seeks a Master to give you all direction, so you can all unite in thought. That's how you all were able to know my names too, isn't it?> Barry nodded confirmation with a smile. Tempest grinned at that, but the grin began to fade. <But...> She frowned as she turned it over in her mind. <If that were the case, shouldn't some other race have naturally developed to be the receptor? To create the symbiotic relationship?>

Barry shrugged. <We've searched since our race began for someone to be the perfect receptor, the perfect focus for our over-thoughts. It had to be a mind that was compassionate yet ruthless, disciplined yet excitable, ambitious but reasonable. A mind that could be cold and calculating without being uncaring. Gru is the closest we'd found...until now.>

<You found someone new, then?> Tempest mused thoughtfully. <Best be careful how you tell Gru. Last I checked, even the nicest 'evil overlords' didn't like it when their minions reconsidered their employment.>

<Considering he brought this one to us, I don't think he'll mind,> Barry mused idly.

Tempest stared wide-eyed. <M-me?>

<Not only do you have the right sort of mind, but the way your mind interacts with energy has it naturally adapted to the over-thoughts,> Barry explained warmly. <As you put it, we were searching for our destined Queen...Your Majesty.> He bowed gracefully to her.

<Don't do that!> Tempest snapped out as Mel and Bob moved to mimic the action. <I...I'm nobody's queen! I...I was a general on the wrong side! I sold out my entire race for a false promise that wouldn't have even had meaning had it been true with what I paid! I...I traded the partial redemption I had received and I was working towards for a chance at getting off scot-free. That's the only reason I'm even here...> She lowered her gaze.

<We know all this,> Barry offered warmly. <As the perfect receptor to our over-thoughts, when you open yourself to hear us, we hear all of you. There is nothing in you we would judge you for. We are Minions, and the shape of mind we needed to be whole guaranteed we had to work for a great evil, or one who walked evil paths for good reasons. We can freely accept you...if you can accept us.>

Tempest stared at Barry in shock. The very unconditional acceptance she'd wanted back in Equestria but knew she wouldn't get...offered so freely here... Why couldn't this have been a true fresh start? she thought to herself, not speaking aloud even in her baby babble. If...if I didn't have the burden of remembering all the horrible things I did, I could accept this easily. But...not as long as I'm convinced I'll lead them down the wrong path. And...I can't take them away from Gru, not when that bond plainly means so much on both sides...

<I can hold those memories for you,> Barry offered helpfully.

<W-what?> Tempest gasped in shock.

<Hive-mind,> Barry explained readily. <The memories you wish you didn't have the burden of...I can hold on to them for you. The knowledge that you took a path you regret, the conviction to not tread it again, the you that was shaped by it, that will all stay intact within you. You'll also know you made this choice. But the guilt won't burden you, and you can move forward whole.>

<So...I'd still be me, just...unburdened?> Tempest asked in surprise.

Barry nodded firmly. <And it can all start once The Doctor restores your horn. Until he's ready for it to happen, think about it.> Pulling out a brush, he began to stroke her mane.

Tempest tried to relax into it, letting that turn over and over in her mind. It was...so tempting. But...was it the right decision?