• Published 28th May 2018
  • 8,674 Views, 1,156 Comments

Three Kittens, Two Unicorns, and a BANANA! - Tatsurou

Tempest Shadow finds herself added to a rather...despicable family. Perhaps things will turn out better this time around.

  • ...

We've Got Fun And Games

After Gru and Megamind cleaned up the debris from their mock battle, Gru turned to Tempest. "So where are they?" he asked curiously. "Is it far?"

"I can get Minion to tell me if it's already finished," Megamind pointed out as he pulled out his phone. "Just gotta find his number real quick, it's not Speed dial 1 anymore..."

"Or I can just do this," Tempest pointed out as her horn flashed a blazing white. When the light faded, they were inside what looked like an old observatory, though much of the interior was in a shambles. In one corner, Lucy was sitting in a comfy chair next to a rather pretty chestnut-haired woman in a white blouse and grey skirt. Both were sharing popcorn and sodas provided by a few yellow Minions and several dozen floating fish-shaped bots. Across from them was a large screen that briefly showed the courtyard the battle had taken place in before shutting down.

At the other end of the shambles the building was in, a short, skinny man in a yellow wing suit was pinned down by a robotic suit with a fish-like creature in a dome for a head sitting on him, watching in somewhat frightened awe as a dozen purple minions rampaged at an exceptionally buff man in a black "super suit" with a crimson T on the front. His features couldn't be made out too clearly as his head was inside one of the purple minions who was doing everything in his power to bite his head off while the others attacked his limbs. Three yellow minions encircled the fracas, chanting, "Red Potato Banana" over and over again while waving a crystal, a dried blowfish, and the toilet brush turned unicorn that Tempest had first seen in Nefario's lab.

"You weren't kidding about things being different," Megamind marveled as he made his way over to the chestnut haired woman. "Are you alright, Roxanne?" he asked worriedly.

The woman blew a loose lock of her hair aside dismissively. "As many times as I've been kidnapped - by you, no less - you really think another one is going to upset me too much?"

"You should have seen her!" Lucy added enthusiastically. "I'd swear she'd been through A.V.L.'s 'Kidnapper Destabilization 101' course! She had them chewing the scenery literally and tearing each others' hair out in frustration even before the Minions got here."

"Well, last time Titan there kidnapped you, it wasn't exactly a walk in the park for you," Megamind explained as he carefully - but politely - checked Roxanne over for injuries to reassure himself she was alright.

"That time I thought he was still rational and could be reasoned with," Roxanne pointed out with a chuckle. Leaning forward, she whispered, "Can you believe he actually bought it when I told him that as a new villain he had to honor the 'Frequent Kidnapping' promotion and stamp the card properly until he'd kidnapped me as many times as you had before discontinuing it? They spent a full half hour trying to figure out what the stamp was supposed to look like."

Megamind snorted laughter. "I can buy that. You're the one who talked me into offering that 'promotion' in the first place as an incentive for you to not let your nails get sharp between kidnappings or wear steel-toed boots." He paused thoughtfully. "Speaking of, though, I think you could make that sort of look work real well if you tried..."

"Later, Megamind," Roxanne teased as she put a finger to his lips, making his cheeks turn a royal blue.

"Since when can you teleport?" Gru demanded of Tempest.

"Since I got my horn repaired, but only to a large group of Minions," Tempest explained easily. "It's a bit energy and concentration intense, so unless it's a large distance or I'm in a hurry with a large group it's generally easier - or more fun - to walk or ride Simsa."

"And when were you going to mention it?" Margo asked curiously.

"When it became pertinent to delay Edith getting ideas," Tempest countered with a smirk.

"Hey!" Edith yelped irritably. She then paused in thought for a moment. "Okay, fair, but still!"

As the girls giggled, the black suited figure finally managed to get the Minion off his face, revealing his head was covered in the same black fabric as his suit. His eyes locked on Megamind in rage. "You!" he snarled out before lunging forward...only to tumble as he shrunk down to a short fat guy in an ill-fitting super suit instead of an Adonis, a golden capsule left floating in the air behind him. "What...?"

One of the purple Minions promptly smacked him upside the head with a frying pan, rendering him unconscious.

"These guys are impressive!" the fish in a robot suit declared in amazement. "You gotta add some of these to my suit's combat protocols, boss!"

"Another time, Minion," Megamind allowed with a grin. "For now we have damsels to deliver safely home and villains in distress to incarcerate."

"Really?" Lucy asked dryly as Gru walked over to help her up.

"Well, you both did just finish establishing that you were never actually in distress," Megamind pointed out playfully. "By the way, Gru, what brings you to Metrocity anyway? You never did say."

"Lucy and I have begun planning our wedding," Gru explained easily. "And I am in need of a Best Man."

Megamind's eyes widened as he gasped dramatically. "And...and you chose me?" he declared, his voice full of emotion. "I'm touched! Rather confused and a bit ferklempt, but touched! You really want moi to be your Best Man? To give a toast, plan your bachelor party, and be responsible for making sure the most important day of your life goes off perfectly? Of course I accept but why me? I always thought you were closer to Nefario."

"He said he was too old to handle it and hated public speaking," Tempest pointed out dryly.

Gru shot her a look, but Megamind nodded in understanding. "And you being the Minion Queen has you too young to be privy to a bachelor party planned by the Minions, so they were out?" he clarified. "So I beat out Nefario building a Best Bot? That makes a lot more sense-ow!"

Roxanne pulled her fist back as she glared angrily at Megamind. "What have I told you about being so down on yourself?" she demanded irritably. "You know you're better than that, and deserve to be someone's first choice."

Megamind rubbed his arm with a smile. "Roxanne, as long as I'm your first choice, I genuinely don't care what other people think of me. Long as I have you and Minion, I don't need anyone else."

"And now I'm thinking you should have been my first choice," Gru marveled as Roxanne blushed slightly. "When did you get so good at romantic talk?"

"Read lots of books on the subject once it actually became a genuine possibility for me," Megamind explained. He quickly held up a hand to forestall another punch to the arm. "Not being down on myself in the now, Roxanne. Just honest about past me."

"Besides," Margo added with a smirk. "If you're giving a toast and making a party, there's one thing that separates the 'Good' from the 'Super', right?"

Megamind's eyes went wide. "That's right! Present-ation!" he declared dramatically. "You have nothing to worry about, Gru! Your wedding - and your bachelor party - will be the likes of which the world has never seen! They shall be the greatest ever, and people will be talking about it for generations hence!"

"Okay, now I'm worried," Gru offered with a teasing smirk, leading to the pair trying to get each other in headlocks for noogies.

"So any idea when they'll grow up?" Roxanne asked Lucy quietly.

"As long as they can be good partners and good parents, why would we want them to?" Lucy responded with a happy grin.

Roxanne was silent as she watched the pair of 'adults' that had never grown up wrestle. There was some wisdom to what Lucy had said, after all.