• Published 28th May 2018
  • 8,674 Views, 1,156 Comments

Three Kittens, Two Unicorns, and a BANANA! - Tatsurou

Tempest Shadow finds herself added to a rather...despicable family. Perhaps things will turn out better this time around.

  • ...

Fitting Right In

As Gru had predicted, other agents of the A.V.L. had discovered a decoy capsule that had once contained PX-41, with just enough left stuck to the sides of the canister to explain the readings they were getting from the mall. It had been found in the vault of the wig shop owner, who was presently under observation but not under arrest, just in case of a double bluff.

In the meantime, as the family bided time until 'El Macho's Cinco de Mayo party, Gru and Lucy had actually managed to go out on a date, much to Tempest's pleasure. Much to her and her sisters' continued pleasure, it had apparently gone amazingly well. Tempest had wanted to tag along just in case one or the other needed a pointer on how to not make a complete fool of themselves, Gru had caught her attempting to do so and ensured she couldn't. She'd pouted about that...until Margo had pointed out that both Gru and Lucy were too energetic to avoid blurting something out at times, in which case them both accidentally making fools of themselves would lead to them bonding over not knowing how to act properly in a social situation, at which point both would stop trying to act normally and be able to accept each other for who they were on the inside.

"Or they end up blowing up half the city as a distraction from how socially awkward they are," Edith corrected impishly.

"To be fair, I think both of them would consider that a good date," Tempest countered with a grin.

"...they would," Margo allowed ruefully. "At least, until Lucy had to fill out the paperwork-"

"She's on this operation as a modified silk-sheet recruitment," Tempest pointed out with a chuckle. "As that's equal parts infiltration and recruitment by definition, there's quite a lot she could justify as 'acting villainous' to 'make him comfortable with her'."

"There'd still be reams of paperwork about what exactly she blew up as opposed to what he blew up," Margo pointed out. "If only to keep her in check."

That discussion wound up lasting all the way until Gru arrived home, having apparently dropped Lucy off first. Given the wide grin on his face, the date had gone well. Given the absence of sirens and news reports, collateral damage had been kept to a minimum.

Only Edith found that disappointing.

At last, the 5th of May rolled around, and the group made their way to the party they had been invited to. Gru's personal vehicle had the interior expanded to comfortably seat six without increasing exterior dimensions, and had several Minions in the lower levels maintaining the new magic systems built in. Tempest sent a memo to the Overthought to tell Father about those modifications...eventually.

...she was rather unsurprised that the 'eventually' file for memos led to the recycle bin.

Following the directions, the group came to a massive manor built atop a high cliff, with an entire tower built onto a platform extending out into the chasm, the entire area surrounded by red rock mountains. On an impulse, Lucy attempted a chemical scan. "There's way too much interference to pick up anything," she told Gru.

"Then we'll just have to use other methods," Gru allowed with a smirk, buckling an oddly configured belt around his waist.

"Do I get a tool belt too?" Edith asked eagerly.

"Not until you're older," Gru and Lucy said together, only to exchange a startled glance.

"Sorry!" Lucy offered quickly. "I shouldn't have spoken up with how you raise your kids-"

"No no, it's okay, it's okay," Gru interrupted quickly. "We had the same thought-"

"But we're only dating, so I shouldn't assume-"

"But you need to know how to relate to each other-"

"I wouldn't want to make things awkward-"

"Just kiss already!" all four sisters shouted together. For good measure, Tempest added a magic push...only for both adults to catch each other before it could work.

They then exchanged a smirk. "Told you," Lucy told Gru wickedly.

"Eh, I could have predicted that," Gru replied warmly, only to blink in surprise as Lucy leaned in to give him a quick peck on the cheek. A rather stupefied grin spread across his face.

"So now who gets to be the mature adult?" Margo asked idly.

Tempest turned to her in surprise. "You thought Gru was mature before?"

Margo opened her mouth to protest...then sighed. "Fair enough. Let's go party."

As they all piled out, Tempest caught Gru smiling at Lucy. "Told you you'd fit right in," he whispered warmly, making her smile widely.

Tempest grinned as well. One relationship going well tonight. She would be ready for what happened with the next one.

Author's Note:

Another short chapter...but good god, writer's block is beating the heck out of me, and I needed to get something out.