• Published 28th May 2018
  • 8,668 Views, 1,156 Comments

Three Kittens, Two Unicorns, and a BANANA! - Tatsurou

Tempest Shadow finds herself added to a rather...despicable family. Perhaps things will turn out better this time around.

  • ...


"So who is this old friend of yours we're going to meet?" Lucy asked as Gru turned the key in his massive silver vehicle. The Minions had already loaded up everything they would need for the trip, as well as several suitcases for souvenirs. The girls were in the back with Tempest, Inertial Dampeners acting as seatbelts so they could roughhouse while driving if they wanted. The Minions were loaded into the lower levels, with half of the Warrior Minions and those not transformed going with while the other half remained behind to assist Nefario or deploy heavier artillery backup as necessary. Despite being able to expand the internal dimensions of Gru's vehicle enough to contain all they needed without anyone feeling crowded, they could do nothing for the size of the exits without massively altering the vehicle's design. As such, despite there being room for Simsa Major inside, they weren't able to bring it with, much to Tempest's frustration...even if she was more pouting than angry.

"I...think I'll leave that as a surprise," Gru replied evasively. "I wouldn't want to prejudice you too much if you have heard of him."

"Understandable," Lucy allowed. "I do work for the A.V.L., so I've probably heard of him as a villain. Better for first impressions to actually be first impressions if at all possible."

"Can you at least tell us about him?" Margo pressed eagerly. "If you're naming him Best Man, he must be pretty close."

"Yeah!" Edith agreed eagerly. "Probably got all sorts of cool stories to tell us, too!"

"Like an Uncle!" Agnes piped up happily.

"I'd like to know, too," Tempest added, "but the Minions won't ruin your surprise by spilling the beans, so talk." Her horn sparked in a playfully threatening manner.

Gru chuckled indulgently as he pulled out of the driveway before starting down the road at...relatively reasonable speeds. "Well, I suppose I can tell you a little bit," he allowed. "Not too much, though." He rubbed his chin as he thought over how best to describe his friend. "Well, I did say he regularly clashed with a super hero..."

"Like in cartoons?" Agnes asked eagerly. "With all the Biff! Bam! Zow!?" She swung her fists playfully to demonstrate, causing Tempest to duck under each swing before shooting her a bemused glower.

"Something like that," Gru allowed. "But...more so."

"More so?" Edith asked in surprise. "Those were pretty campy and corny already with how much they hammed it up. Made me wonder why the 'heroes' never threw a bunch while they were monologuing."

Gru chuckled at that. "Edith, that's a villain tactic. Only anti-heroes try that."

"Besides, monologues can give you information on what the plan is so you can stop it," Lucy pointed out. "Never interrupt when your foe gets to bragging. Free information is always welcome."

"That too," Gru agreed. "Though...my friend never went in for monologuing. He much preferred a dialogue with the superhero..." He chuckled softly as a memory struck him. "Though they both tended to get into it to a ridiculous degree."

"They hammed it up that much?" Agnes asked in surprise.

"Between them there was more ham than 37 luaus," Gru explained warmly. "And the entire city was just so used to it, but they did it anyway because they enjoyed it so much!"

Lucy's eyes widened as she connected the dots. "Dear lord, we're going to Metro City, aren't we?"

Gru's eyes widened in surprise. "You put it together from that?"

"Are you kidding?" Lucy replied with a wide grin. "Do you have any idea how hard I laughed watching the recordings of how they went at each other? Half the time I expected one of them to cosplay as Darkwing Duck just to push the full extreme-"

"Actually, my friend did that once when his plan had him at a comic convention," Gru pointed out with a smirk. "It never got reported because they were both in costume, and they both worked too hard on them to want them damaged by fighting, so the struggle was mostly for show." He sighed nostalgically. "It's the one time they fought where he wasn't arrested at the end of it."

"Oh please tell me there's a recording of it!" Lucy begged eagerly.

"Aca pik tis!" one of the Minions offered as a screen called up the video, letting only Lucy see as she struggled not to bust a gut laughing.

"If he's so dangerous, how come the A.V.L. never dealt with him?" Margo asked curiously.

"Because he always fought a superhero and made a spectacle," Lucy explained. "The A.V.L. only handles things covertly, and there's no real way to do covert for something like that." She hesitated. "Gru, I know you consider him a friend, and it is an expected eventual outcome, but he did kill-"

"Faked death," Gru interrupted calmly. "I knew the moment the skeleton crashed through. The contours of the skull were all wrong." He shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno why he decided to throw the fight after so long, but that's what happened."

"Really?" Lucy asked in surprise. "That...doesn't seem like-"

"If the hero really did ham it up as much as your friend did, he probably burnt himself out on heroics after so long," Margo pointed out thoughtfully. "A mid-life crisis sort of thing, but because of how long they'd fought he probably knew there wasn't actually any real malice in your friend, and felt safe leaving the city in his hands while he went and became something else where he was only answerable to himself."

Lucy frowned thoughtfully. "That...makes sense..."

"Wow, heroes are jerks," Edith complained bitterly.

Gru shrugged. "That's why I tried to avoid dealing with them, and part of why I'm sticking to 'maybe'," he offered pleasantly, grinning playfully at Lucy.

"I'll recruit you one way or another yet," Lucy countered with a teasing smirk and a gaze that promised all sorts of things. Leaning into each other, they playfully rubbed the tips of their noses together.

"Awwww!!!" Agnes declared happily.

"Ewwww!!!" Edith gasped in repugnance.

Margo sighed ruefully through her smile.

"Gru, watch the road!" Tempest called out worriedly.

"Why?" Gru asked playfully as several vehicles were shoved aside by the modified cow catcher that formed the base of the vehicle's front grill. "Is someone stealing it?"

Tempest brought her hooves to her face with a groan of frustration. Still, she couldn't help but be pleased with the attitude, however frustrating it was.