• Published 28th May 2018
  • 8,673 Views, 1,156 Comments

Three Kittens, Two Unicorns, and a BANANA! - Tatsurou

Tempest Shadow finds herself added to a rather...despicable family. Perhaps things will turn out better this time around.

  • ...

New Family

Tempest did her best to maintain an irritated glower as the youngster - presumably Agnes - swung her about excitedly. Thankfully, her forelegs were up by her neck so she was able to both hold onto her arms for extra stability and avoid being strangled in the child's excitement. Since she wasn't going to be breaking out of the hold anytime soon, she instead took in her surroundings as best she could, glad her mind hadn't reverted to infancy along with her body...yet.

The first thing she caught sight of was the other two girls present, both human and with the same skin tone as the one that had an impressive grip on her. The shorter one had blue eyes, blonde hair, was dressed in a pink striped cap and sweater and a red skirt with matching leggings and white boots. Her expression seemed to be in transition from irritable boredom to wicked glee. Tempest felt a kinship with her already. The older girl was a little bit taller than the one in pink, with brown hair and eyes. She was also wearing glasses, and seemed to be the most 'sensibly dressed' of the trio, wearing a white button-down blouse, a black shirt with some sort of character on it over that, and a brown jacket over that. A plaid skirt completed the outfit, leaving her legs bare the short distance to her socks and red-and-white sneakers.

The next thing she caught sight of was the house. It was at least twice the size of the houses to either side of it, and seemed almost gothic in its design scheme. Where the other houses attempted to sit pleasantly with white walls and a red roof, this house seemed pleased to loom menacingly in all black, the chimney actively belching smoke. Tempest had seen her share of 'lairs' that screamed "I'm evil!" and the like while the Storm King had been repeatedly choosing his base of operations to 'match his style'...but this one didn't scream anything. It stated quite calmly that the resident didn't care what you thought, and would be more than happy to show you where to stick your opinions with the proper surgical tools. She found she liked the look of the place already.

The impression was increased when she was able to glance down and see that the yard in front of the house was dead brown grass or bare gravel, save for the bushes around the edges that looked quite menacing from any angle. Tempest was certain that if the owner of the house had the capacity to do so, they would be carnivorous just to ensure nobody's pets got into his yard to make a mess.

"Whoa!" the pink-clad girl declared as 'Agnes' finally stopped swinging her around. "She looks totally wicked!" She reached up towards Tempest's horn, and she jerked back from the contact.

"Careful Edith!" the oldest girl warned as she stepped over. "Those points look dangerous..."

"Check out that scar, Margo!" Edith declared excitedly, gesturing to the scar around Tempest's eye. "This girl's totally badass."

"Don't go teaching Agnes bad words," Margo chided automatically, confirming Tempest's assessment of her. She was definitely used to mothering the other two, even if they were close enough in age that they were likely sisters. She then reached up towards Tempest's face. "Just what happened to you?" she marveled curiously, concern in her voice.

"Can we keep her?!" Agnes begged eagerly. "She's a real live unicorn!"

Tempest felt her eyes go flat. She definitely didn't like the idea of being someone's 'pet', especially not the pet of three rambunctious girls. Now, if whoever lived in that house-

"Girls! Girls!" a voice called out, one with a distinct but unrecognizable accent and was most definitely an adult male. Tempest felt herself swung around to see the owner of the voice. He was very tall, with stick-thin legs and arms, an egg shaped body, a bald head, blue eyes, and a very pointed nose. He was dressed in dark grey from neck to toe, and the disapproving frown on his face completed a very menacing appearance. Tempest was certain this was the one who owned the house...and definitely having at least some acquaintance with the concept of 'your end justifies my means'. "What did I tell you?" he continued. "Be careful around the bushes after a storm. It screws up the land mines' pressure sensors." He then grinned widely. "Just a little joke. But seriously, you could get hurt." He then knelt down in front of Agnes and Tempest. "And what's this?"

"A real live unicorn!" Agnes squealed out happily. "Can we keep her, Gru?"

'Gru' glanced at Tempest askance, an uncertain expression on his face. "I'm not so sure that's a good idea..."

"Please?" Agnes pleaded. Tempest didn't even need to look up to hear the 'puppy dog pout' she had to be giving. She let out a frustrated breath of air through her pursed lips at that.

Gru glanced down at her and managed a smirk. "Well, she's certainly got a lot of personality...but I'm not sure if she and Kyle would get along..."

"Please?" Agnes repeated, her voice even more winsome if possible. Tempest could hear the quivering lip, and gave Gru a resigned glance. She was going to be stuck with this. She'd just have to deal with 'Kyle', whoever or whatever that was.

Gru chuckled softly. "Even this little lady knows I'm not winning this argument, eh Margo?"

"But what about her horn?" Margo asked worriedly. "It's broken!"

Tempest's eyes went wide, and she jerked her gaze up...where she could just make out the broken tips of her horn. That bastard turned me into a foal and didn't even give me back my horn? When I get my hooves on him I'm going to- She attempted to vocalize her fury as the actual thoughts would have been unprintable, but it only came out as a string of enraged baby babble.

"Fix it?" Agnes pleaded of Gru.

"Agnes, it's not like I can take her to the vet to get a prosthetic," Gru pointed out sympathetically. "It is broken and hollow inside. What am I supposed to do?" He sighed softly, shaking his head as he plucked Tempest from Agnes' grip, hefting her up in the air. "I'll...see what I can do."

Tempest's tirade stopped mid baby babble expletive. This man...could fix her horn? She gazed at him in hope filled awe.

Gru sighed ruefully. "Don't gimme that look, either of you..."

Tempest had a rather confused impression of the inside of the house as she was carried in. She managed to make out red walls and a lot of wicked looking weaponry before Gru began descending down a tube, taking her with him. She then found herself staring out at what was obviously a massive laboratory of some sort, with yellow pill-shaped beings in blue overalls and goggles running here and there as they worked on things, babbling in a language she couldn't quite make out. Gru waved happily to a few of them as he held her with one hand, then headed for one individual in particular.

It was a very old man with white hair dressed in a lab coat and thick goggles. He grinned as he saw Gru approaching. "Ah, Gru!" he greeted warmly. "Some new villainy afoot?" There was eager hope in his voice.

Gru held Tempest out to the man. "Agnes found a unicorn, Nefario," he explained readily. "Her horn is broken. Fix it."

Nefario gingerly took Tempest into his gloved hands. "...how?"

"You figure it out, but make sure she's safe to play with the girls!" Gru snapped out as he turned to see to some other aspect of the lab.

Nefario sighed gustily as he set Tempest down on a table. "It just hasn't been the same since he brought those girls back in," he grumbled to himself as he gathered a few tools. "He spoils them rotten, he does, and he hasn't attempted any villainy since. I dunno why I stick around anymore. Sure we're old friends, but lately it's always 'Dr. Nefario, do this impossible thing!' Not that I mind making the impossible happen, but usually it's at least in my wheelhouse. I know machines, not biology!" He turned back towards Tempest with an odd, pointed tool as he glanced into her horn. "...is that a crystal in there?" He reached into her horn with the tool.

Tempest's eyes widened, and she charged her magic as best she could to defend herself. The uncontrolled lightning leapt out of her horn, sending the tool flying even as it deflected off the scientist's rubber gloves to anchor in several of the nearby yellow creatures, making them shake in a cartoonish fashion.

Dr. Nefario stared at her for a time. "Energy channeling? Now that I can work with." He began to gather other tools excitedly.