• Published 28th May 2018
  • 8,668 Views, 1,156 Comments

Three Kittens, Two Unicorns, and a BANANA! - Tatsurou

Tempest Shadow finds herself added to a rather...despicable family. Perhaps things will turn out better this time around.

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Although the trip was somewhat long, it passed in good spirits as no one was stuck in one place for the entire trip, not even Gru. The Minions had added a rather sophisticated Auto-Pilot for the vehicle...which basically involved keeping the vehicle straight long enough for Gru to believe it was on auto-pilot so he'd go into the lower levels with everyone for 'family board games' before the Minions climbed up and took control. While they could drive quite well, they had their fun with a bit of reckless driving, ignoring hazards as the massively upgraded vehicle simply bulldozed through them without actually damaging anything unless they wanted it to.

Before long, they reached Metro City, and everyone climbed back up into the cab, Tempest and the girls for their first look at the city, Gru to actually drive and find a place until they made contact with his friend, and Lucy to look around for something to do in the meantime. Much to Tempest's disappointment, Metro City didn't seem to be all that different to cities anywhere in Equestria save size. There was a visible City Hall, a few skyscrapers, several office buildings, several apartment buildings, a few parks, and a statue of a skinny bald man with a giant head dressed in spiked leather.

...admittedly, that last was a bit odd. Considering the discussion they'd had on the way there, Tempest presumed this was Gru's friend they were here to meet. "He's certainly made an impact," she mused as she looked at the statue. "Gotta say, I like his style." She thought back to how she'd customized her armor while working under the Storm King to enhance her intimidation aspect, at first a necessity due to her being a 'pansy pony' as others saw it, later because she enjoyed it.

"Oh yeah," Edith purred eagerly. "Could use a few more spikes, though."

"Many more and he'd be poking himself every time he moved," Margo pointed out calmly. "That's actually a pretty good balance between convenience and intimidation value...and the long cape combined with the tight suit combines flexibility and protective qualities without reducing the dramatic impact. He must have researched that thoroughly to get it so exact."

"Oh yes, he put a lot of work into his designs," Gru confirmed happily. "He was always of the opinion that if you're going to do something, you need to do it right and put all your effort into it."

"Amazing..." Agnes gasped out in awe.

"Probably could have used adding a helmet, though," Tempest pointed out mildly. "That huge head is a big target."

"With lots of spikes!" Edith squealed eagerly.

"Which will get stuck in everything when it protects his head from impacts, making it only take one hit," Margo pointed out blandly. "Better to go for a full face look with intimidating contours, like a scaled design with the faceplate shaping a fanged maw letting him see between the teeth without blocking his view-" She cut herself off. "Edith, are you taking notes?"

"No!" Edith responded a little too quickly, hiding the notepad and pencil behind her back.

"The Minions are taking notes for me," Tempest replied easily with a smirk. "Got some design ideas to make use of for later."

"Seriously?" Margo asked dryly.

"What part of the name 'Tempest Shadow' makes you think I'm going to be anything more noble than an anti-hero?" Tempest replied just as dryly. She then smirked widely. "Besides, the dark costumes look much better, and are much more sensible than super heroes brightly colored outfits. That's like running out wearing a giant bullseye on your chest and hoping your enemies will be too polite to shoot."

"And that's why I always liked black," Gru allowed happily.

"I always found a diluted blue to work better," Lucy replied as they pulled up in front of a hotel. "Blends better with both day and night, and without the face mask it's far easier to slip it by as normal. Wearing all black, everyone thinks you're up to something. All blue, it's just a fashion statement."

"I'll have to keep that in mind," Gru allowed as they all climbed out.

"Why don't you take the girls inside and get us a room?" Lucy suggested happily. "I'll see about getting us unloaded with the little guys." She pet one of the Minions on the head playfully, making him giggle happily.

Gru started to say something, then paused. A slow smirk spread across his face. "You're checking on something you're unpacking you don't want me to see yet?" he asked playfully.

"Yes," Lucy replied without a hint of hesitation.

"Should I get two rooms, then?" Gru offered playfully.

"Ewwww!" Margo, Edith, and Agnes all called out together.

Chuckling, Tempest nudged Gru and the girls into the building. "Let's just get those rooms, then," she stated humorously. "Before they need one."

Getting rooms for the group proved to be a bit more problematic than expected, deriving entirely from the hotel's unexpected 'No Pets' policy. A particularly officious desk clerk attempted to make a fuss regarding Tempest...which led to Gru becoming most perturbed, and explaining rather pointedly to the clerk and the hotel at large the difference between a 'pet' and a 'non-human sapient family member', utilizing Kyle and several pieces of high powered weaponry to demonstrate his point. Given the number of blades in place of bayonets and the sharpness of Kyle's fangs, the clerk got the point...as did a large portion of the lobby and several other guests who defaulted on their reservations at high speeds. By the time the discussion was over, the clerk didn't even make a fuss about Kyle.

"What's taking Lucy so long?" Margo asked curiously as the discussion ended and the group began to make their way to the elevators. Marvel of marvels, they somehow received a free upgrade to the entire floor of the Penthouse suite, meaning a room for Gru and Lucy, a room for Tempest and the girls, and three rooms for the accompanying Minions. "Shouldn't she have come in by now to talk you down and smooth things over, Gru?"

Gru paused, tapping his chin. "I...had been wondering about that. I admit I went a little further than normal in expectation of her coming in to play 'Good Cop'." Turning to the Minions who were carrying their bags, he pointed to Margo, Edith, and Agnes. "Boys, watch the girls. Tempest, watch my back."

"Really?" Tempest asked in surprise as she followed him out. "Not trying to keep me safe?"

"If anything in this city can get past me and your magic, the building isn't going to provide you with much more protection," Gru pointed out. "Not only that, you probably have a remote summon function for the Simsa."

"True," Tempest allowed...only to come to a halt as they saw the vehicle overturned, luggage strewn everywhere, several unconscious Minions, a blue M drawn on the underside of the vehicle as it was pointed towards the hotel...and no sign of Lucy.

Gru frowned, his eyes narrowing to a flinty glint. "Someone is going to regret this..." he growled as he rubbed a finger over the still wet paint. After glancing over the Minions, he turned. "Tempest, bring the girls and keep them shielded. I need to have a word with Megamind..."