• Published 28th Jul 2012
  • 15,518 Views, 428 Comments

Within The Seas of The Galaxies - Soothing Stone

What will happen when Luna discovers she has a crush on Twilight.

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WARNING: Some of the content in this chapter is the reason why the story has a Teen Rating. Hopefully it is not too explicit to warrant a Mature Rating, but nevertheless, read at your own discretion.

The atmosphere in the castle had changed drastically from the last time Twilight had been inside it. Instead of feeling a slight sense of repression from the fear of anypony knowing about her marefriend, now she was draped close Luna as they walked to the gardens, feeling safe as the Guards watched them. Anypony who saw them together, and catching the occasional snuggle between the the two, could see they were a couple.

And it was largely the same for Luna as well, but in a different way. All that effort she had spent trying to please Twilight weren't needed any longer, allowing her to focus on other things like...well, the unicorn herself. It was nice for her, as she realized it was the first time she had been walking with her without having to worry about her feelings about what was going down.

The doors leading to the gardens had already been opened for them by the Guards, saluting them as they went by. Twilight almost felt like royalty as she passed them, into the sunshine of the outdoors.

It wouldn't be long until the seasons changed to winter, where the air would be bitter cold and a heavy coat would be necessary to trek outdoors. But you wouldn't know it here, as the day was unseasonably warm with not a cloud in sight.

Not long into the cement pathway lay a series of gardens in all directions. There were little patches of flowers planted into the ground and in full bloom for just a little longer, all separated by either tiny streams of water or more cement pathways acting as a trail through the sites. And within viewing distance was a rebuilt labyrinth, right in the spot where Twilight and her friends played the game for Equestria Discord put them through.

"I remember these now!" Twilight chirped. "It's felt like a long time since I've been here, well, other than that time I was sneaking around in a ninja suit..."

Luna chuckled a bit. "What were you doing here dressed as a ninja? Wait, what is a ninja? You should tell me when we're finished here."

Instead of discussing it further, Luna brought Twilight a few hundred feet into the first garden trail of many, one that had many water trails feeding into a pond. Once they arrived to that part, Twilight peered into the reflection at herself, sighing.

"Are you still concerning yourself over the time when they know of this love?" the princess asked.

"Not as much," the student replied. "I wasn't as sure it would work out as much as I do now. I'm sure my friends will be fine with it, as long as they understand why I did it."

"And what would you say is the reasoning?"

"I feel safe when I'm with you."

Twilight added onto the comment by giving Luna another kiss on the lips. The princess didn't mind, kissing back and pulling off.

"I know. But you should have faith your friends will be by your side along with me."

"That's what I should be doing, trusting my friends. But I guess it's one of those things where I won't know what happens until the moment's here."

Luna nuzzled Twilight on the top of her head, almost acting like a guardian at that moment. "I wish I could do more for that moment, maybe I'll come to Ponyville with you when you tell your friends...there's nothing I would want to see less than to see you hurt for that reasoning."

The princess led her to another part of the garden, one that was all flowers for the most part. It was the most open section of the trail, and in correlation had the most Guards present, given how a pony would have a clear view of most of the outdoor regions of the castle here.

During the time here, Twilight wandered off and took a closer look at the flowers beginning to bud as winter was approaching. The lighter colored ones would match perfectly with the snow that seemed to pick up in Canterlot.

As the unicorn took an interest to the flowers all of the sudden, Luna watched on as she took this moment to think.

Yes, it is wonderful we're together now. It is a thing of beauty, and with Celestia's permission there will be nothing from stopping me from spending my life with her.

But have I ruined her life at the same time? Her love will not stop her affection from her friends and her little town of Ponyville. And now I put her in a spot where she might have to choose, and if her life there is ruined it will be on my hooves.

Should I have waited? If I had, there would be no dilemma for her to undergo, as her studies might have been concluded and she could be back here in Canterlot. A few more years would be worth the wait.

But there is no going over what I could have done, just like Nightmare Moon. From now on, her life is my responsibility, and I have to be there for her, no matter what happens. And that is something I can do right now.

Having decided her course, she gazed over the same flowers Twilight was examining. They looked tasty to her eyes, so she used her horn to pick the one already in full bloom, and levitated it to Twilight.

"The Snowdrift Bloom. It's one of the most delicate flowers in existence, with most having a lifespan of only one week. They're one of the most delicious flowers at the same time, and you should have it."

A little surprised at the action, Twilight held it in her hoof once Luna dropped it. She never had anything like it before, and nibbled on the closest pedal. By human terms it would have tasted something like white chocolate, and Twilight thought it was amazing to the taste, perhaps more tasty than the entire salad she had last time. She took another pedal in her mouth, and another, until nothing was left but the stem it came on.

"That WAS good!" Twilight cheered. "That's another first for me, thanks so much!"

"You're welcome. There's something else I want you to see."

Taking a Snowdrift Bloom for herself to snack on, Luna trotted down another trail for Twilight to follow. This one was a little harder for them to see far into, given the placement of trees within. It was all for a reason however, as they were taken into a gazebo set underneath a few of the trees, complete with cushions to sit on and a light lunch set up for them.

"I admit I'm guilty of planning ahead, perhaps a little too far," Luna giggled. "When the pegasi weather team informed me how the weather would be this day, I couldn't resist the temptation."

The unicorn didn't bother to say anything, as she rushed to her respective cushion that had her cutie mark designed on the cover. She adjusted herself as Luna joined her across the picnic, sitting comfortably on a bigger cushion herself.

"You tell me if there is anything I should add to this lunch, and I will have a subject bring it in soon," Luna stated.

"This should be fine, I think," Twilight responded, going for a dandelion sandwich. "I was so nervous when Celestia told me she knew everything about me and you, but I didn't think she would be so understanding. I'm assuming she did the same when she was talking to you?"

Maybe...how should I explain this without talking about the spell? This might work...

"In a way. If her conversation with you and me were the same, she would have said something about wanting the best for the both of us, while wanting us to make sure we know what we were doing."

Twilight tilted her head. "Close enough."

Thank Mother and Father that worked.

There were a few minutes of silence after that, as both the student and the princess shared their lunch in peace. For what it was worth, it was a great first day truly as a couple. A simple picnic felt like something more with each other, and they liked that fact.

But then a thought crossed Luna's mind. She kept staring at Twilight, not bothering the unicorn at all, yet the more she looked at her, the stronger the idea took hold of her mind.

"Twilight, I apologize in advance if this question causes you to feel uncomfortable. Just how much do you love me?"

"What do you mean? You know I love you as a marefriend."

"To the point where you might consider marriage in the future?"

"It's too early for me to tell, but right now I would say yes. Is that what you wanted to know?"

"No...it's a bad question to ask. Forget I said anything."

"Wait, are you scared about what I'm going to do after you ask it?"

Luna couldn't hide it any longer, and nodded.

"Look, I know there's things we've done that we're not proud of. And there's secrets that we might have that we don't want anypony else to know. But I don't want to be like that, to the point where we hide stuff from each other. So no matter what it is that you want to ask me, I promise that I won't look at you in a lower light because of it."

"Are you sure?"

Twilight groaned, and decided to take her promise to the next level. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

"What was that you did?"

"It's called a Pinkie Promise. Go ahead and ask me."

Luna took a deep breath, and straightened herself out. "I want to merge souls with you."

Again, another head tilt. "What? I don't understand what that means. Merging souls? How do you do that?"

The princess blushed, and shooed any Guards that might be nearby. "It's when two ponies get close to each other intimately, usually in a bedroom, and then they--"

"Wait, you mean...you want to mate with me?"

"Is that the term they use today? Yes, Twilight, I want to mate with you."

Luna swore that she had never seen anything as red, not even the boiling lava of a volcano, as Twilight's cheeks were at that moment. She looked like she just confessed her high school sweetheart in front of her class, and her cheeks somehow were so red that a few sweat drops came down her face.

And not long after, both of them were blushing and hiding behind trees, Twilight for the obvious reasons and Luna hiding out of shame she proposed sexual intimacy to anypony like that.

What have I done? Luna asked herself. Who would say yes to such a proposal? Didn't I strike a stallion with lightning when I was young when he did the same thing? And he almost died? There is no way I should be happy with myself after today.

But much to her surprise, Twilight was by her side again, hiding behind the tree with her marefriend.

"Why...why do you want to mate with me," the unicorn whispered.

"I...it's a idiotic reason, I was a fool for asking you," Luna whispered back, both acting like they were still hiding from something.

"Please...tell me before somepony finds out we're hiding like this."

"Oh, alright. I think you're one of the most precious ponies I've ever met, and the most beautiful one of all time..." She blushed again and turned away.

"You...you really think I'm beautiful?"

Luna turned around, surprised at the question. "Of course I do. I always had, since I first met you."

"But...I'm not even that pretty...not as pretty as you...I wish I was, sometimes..."

"Twilight...please don't say that. You are beautiful, whenever you think you are not."

"I don't feel beautiful..."

"Then let me help you."

Luna wrapped her hooves around Twilight's waist, bringing her close to the princess, and she gave the student a deep, longing kiss. She didn't care how Twilight reacted for a second, only wanting to express her love in a way she hadn't before. Luna patted Twilight's mane with a hoof, almost holding her like a parent would hold a filly.

A tear came down Twilight's eye as she kissed back, placing her own hooves around Luna's neck. She never had anypony treat her like this, and she was coming to terms that she liked it. She even opened her mouth to transition to fancy kissing, which Luna complied with.

Even then Luna was surprised at how much Twilight was warming up to her, as they continued to kiss with passion.

Then she pulled away to witness Twilight's eyes streaming with tears, and she answered them with another tight hug.

"Do you feel as beautiful as I know you are now?"

"I don't know. I guess I could be...just hold me right now."

Luna complied and kept Twilight close as they were in the cover of the trees. Twilight continued to sob, holding onto her lover for dear life.

"I...I thought I was stronger than this...but I feel so weak right now..."

"It doesn't matter right now. If you're not as strong as you would like to be, you will eventually. You're getting better at your studies all the time."

"I know...I know..."

Luna waved off an approaching Guard as he heard Twilight's crying, and kept the unicorn close.

"I think I want to mate with you," Twilight whispered.

"What? No, I was wrong to force my will on you like that. You don't need to mate with me if you don't wish to do so."

"I want to..."

Luna looked down at the pony in her hooves, before putting her on the ground. "If that is what you wish, then we shall do it tonight."


The door to Luna's bedroom was kicked open, and the couple were kissing each other all over the other's face with wild abandon, their hooves clung to the other's body.

They steadily moved to the bed as they fancy kissed each other next, as Twilight was moaning a bit while her temperature felt like it was rising.

Allowing her time to adjust, Luna stopped their progress and returned the kiss, intertwining lips as she was exploring Twilight's frame with her hooves. She couldn't believe this was really happening, but she wasn't going to question that Twilight wanted it either, and so she kept going.

Twilight pulled herself off Luna, and before the princess felt like she had done something wrong, she climbed into the bed and invited Luna to come with her. Luna did as she wished and went into the bed too. Both were still standing as they returned to kissing, the blanket thrown off to the ground as they continued their dance.

Within time, Luna gripped Twilight just below her front hooves, Twilight gasping as her neck was assaulted in a flurry of kisses, before Luna stopped abruptly.

"Do you fully understand what we are about to do tonight?"

"No, not really, it's my first time. I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing once we start. I'm only doing good because it's all kissing and hugging."

"Do not worry, I will take care of this as we go. If you do this, there is no looking back once it's completed. Our souls will merge as one, and there is no way to undo it. You're going to feel a connection to me for the rest of time."

"Fine, I don't want to look back after this."

By the stars, you are committed to doing this, aren't you?

After that, Twilight eased herself as Luna lowered her onto her back, kissing her neck throughout it all.

What happened next was the best moment of their lives.


When it was all said and done, both of them were gasping and worn out, Luna staying close to Twilight's side. Twilight could only smile and gasp for air as the merging was over, and she clung to Luna the first moment she could.

"That...oh my goodness...I never thought it would feel that good..." Twilight said.

"Neither did I, it was my first time as well," Luna laughed. "So we were clueless together there."

"You seemed so sure when I was watching you!"

"That's because I didn't want to give you anything but the best. You deserved it, and I hope I pulled it off nicely."

"You have no idea."

They hanged onto each other, with the occasional kiss by Twilight, as she levitated the blanket back on the bed to cover them both.

"That's much better. It's getting kind of cold in here."

"Twilight, forgive me for asking, but why did you think you were not beautiful?"

The purple pony hid her head in the blanket, and Luna pulled it off in almost a playful manner.

"You can tell me. I promise I'll keep it a secret."

The unicorn sighed, and brought herself closer to Luna. "I think it was how much time I was with Celestia as she was teaching me for most of my life so far. I don't regret being under her wing...but when you see what she can do, and I guess what you can do too, you start to feel unqualified...like no matter how great you are, you can't be like her..."

Luna said nothing at first, kissing Twilight on the forehead.

"You don't have to match everything my sister does. Think about it for a moment. You have the other five Elements of Harmony for friends, and they all know you very well. And they've gotten to socialize with Tia at the same time, yet they still value your accomplishments. Finally, which pony did I allow to let her know me like nopony else has?"


"And you do not have to be a Celestia or even a Luna. And I said it before, and I always will: You are beautiful."

Twilight gave a weak smile and kissed her back, cuddling her as she was doing so. "Thanks...I think. I just...I don't want this to end."

"It won't. We are spending the night here after all. Is...is there something else you would like to do?"

In response, the unicorn laid herself within Luna's hooves, holding her tightly as she steadily grew drowsy. Within a few minutes of cuddling, Twilight closed her eyes, sleeping not long after.

With her love asleep in her grasp, Luna parted Twilight's mane with her hoof, sighing with the knowledge nothing was going to be the same.

It does not matter what will happen to you, Twilight Sparkle. Whatever will come your way, I will be there as your guardian, for I will not let any harm come to you.

You're my soulmate now. And soulmates don't leave each other to dry.

It wasn't long after until both of them were snoring, as the night continued its march.