• Published 28th Jul 2012
  • 15,518 Views, 428 Comments

Within The Seas of The Galaxies - Soothing Stone

What will happen when Luna discovers she has a crush on Twilight.

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As things quieted down, the last of the candy were handed out, and given the boost in budget everypony got more than they had last year. Granted, anypony foolish enough to travel into Nightmare Moon and Total Eclipse's lair with a sack full of candy would find themselves empty in no time at all.

Around ten in the afternoon, the last herd of screaming fillies fled the scare zone, and suddenly Luna and Twilight found themselves with a large sack of candy again. They left the area and looked up at the sky, seeing the moon was almost at its peak height. Midnight wouldn't be too far off from now.

Seeing that the night was almost over, Luna's heart was starting to pound. She had mentally prepared for the moment coming up for long enough, but preparing for something and actually doing it were two different things.

"What a marvelous night, much better than last year's dreadful start," she commended. "Since everypony is going home, I'll meet you at the Nightmare Moon statue when you're ready."

Twilight nodded as the princess left. She looked around at her work, and everything about the festival had went better than expected. Occasionally she would recognize a filly that she had scared straight, but they weren't terrified as much as they were laughing about it. There were even a few who wanted to go next year, and that made learning that transformation spell all worthwhile.

Nevertheless, after that last time out on the town, she watched the skies for Pinkie Pie while she watched things wind down. Even when she couldn't see the crazy pink pony, she could hear her swoop down for candy somewhere and hear somepony complaining that a hawk stole all their candy. That was her job, not Pinkie's! And at least the fillies KNEW she was going to do something to them.

And sure enough, she got to meet another victim in due time.

Rainbow Dash was sitting on a cloud high above, dressed this time as Commander Hurricane. She didn't look pleased with herself.

"Can you believe it?" Rainbow complained to nopony in particular. "I keep trying to pull the timeless lightning prank, but every time I almost get ready for it, she comes out of nowhere and steals somepony's candy again! Nopony outpranks Rainbow Dash!"

Twilight laughed it off, thankful she gave Luna the candy again. There would be no way Pinkie could tell where Luna was this time.

After seeing the staff of ponies come in for tear down, she went ahead and made her away to the meeting place. It was interesting, not even Celestia had secret meetings like this with her. So what could Luna want to do with her?

The unicorn was very optimistic about it, Luna was really happy to see her again. So maybe she had something promising in store for her.

As the time approached eleven, the moon was out in full bloom, a full moon tonight. It coated everything in an eerily blue glow, fitting the atmosphere of the occasion.

After a while following the trails, she found the statue she had been looking for. Luna was looking down at the empty bag of candy on the floor, in front of the statue.

"I will never fully understand how that earth pony does it," she sighed. "When you think you're gone from her sight, she comes in from nowhere and surprises you again. Does she do that often?"

"You have no idea," Twilight giggled. "That's Pinkie Pie for you."

Luna looked up to see Twilight was there. She froze in surprise and fear. The student was still in her costume, and it felt just like what happened last year when she came here, after her first impression wasn't as good as she had hoped. But this was far more nerve wrecking than before.

"So you wanted to see me here?" Twilight asked.

"Eh...yes, that is what I wanted you to do, see me here by the statue of myself," Luna grinned. Sweat drops went down around her face, and she looked uncomfortable with herself. "And now I have to explain what I'm going to do!"

Twilight could see through Luna's game immediately, and narrowed her eyes. "Is something wrong with you?"

"No, nothing's wrong with me. The thing is, I've never done anything like this before in my lifetime, and I've lived thousands of years. It's kind of a big moment for me."

The unicorn nodded, and sat down to await what came next.

But Luna was hesitant to do it. She tried to speak the words, but she choked every time she spoke. She tried again, and instead a bunch of rambles came out.

What is she doing? Twilight thought. She had some difficulties last time, but this is...I feel bad for her.

"Go ahead. You can tell me anything."

Somehow, this made Luna more nervous. She flapped her wings about for no reason, and adjusted the slippers on her hooves like they were giving her trouble.

Twilight sighed and facehoofed. "Would it help if I promise I won't tell anypony about what you're going to say?"

Luna nodded, her eyes watering from all the gagging.

"OK. I won't tell anypony about what happens tonight. I promise I won't."

The alicorn was relieved to hear that, and she calmed down after that. She paced around the statue a little, before sitting down on the ground and facing Twilight.

"First, you must understand that I ask of no ill will from you, no matter what you may feel about this. It will change a lot of things no matter how you react.

"Not more than a few days ago, I went inside Celestia's study. There, I found out about your friendship reports. Curious about these, I had asked my fair sister if I could read the collection she had gathered, specifically the ones you wrote."

Twilight gasped at this. Even though she always wrote them to be read by Celestia, there were times where it was more like writing a diary than anything else, and she wasn't sure she liked the fact that somepony else was reading them.

"So I took them to my sleeping quarters for study. It took time, for you had written so many of them. But after I had read most of them, I was awestruck by what you had done in your time after my return. The kindness you demonstrated, the courage, the support, everything. There was not one letter where I was not astonished by your impressive character."

The unicorn blushed deeply. She had never thought much of herself like that, just that she could get better with time...especially with her obsession of checklists...

"But it left me with a weird feeling. I did not know what it was, but it felt like a warm, gooey feeling was inside my chest. I thought about what it could be, and ended up thinking of last year. How we were in this very spot, and you were wearing the very costume you are draped in tonight.

"And I remembered what you did for me. Everypony was terrified of my presence, everypony thought I would either harm them, or in the case of Pinkie Pie, eat them. But you didn't. You came to me right here, and you were the only pony who wanted to help me out. I didn't have to ask for you to see me, you wanted to, and you did. That meant far more than you can imagine.

"And when I thought about that moment, and all the friendship reports you had written, I realized what the feeling was. And that is why we have met, so I can say it to you face to face."

She took a deep breath, trying to hide how much she was freaking out.

"Twilight Sparkle, I love you."


Twilight's jaw dropped to the floor. Luna, the princess, in love with...what...is this really happening...

There was nothing but silence after that. Neither said anything to the other. Twilight was so shocked she didn't know how to react. Luna watched for any expression from the purple unicorn, anything that would say what she thought about it. At least she wanted an answer, even if it was no.

But for a while Twilight didn't know what to say. It was like her whole world was shattered before her. She was as still as the statue behind Luna, and she was trying to make sense of it, ration it out. But it wouldn't help her out here.

So she did the only thing she knew how: Turn around and run away.

She galloped away from there, hoping it would clear her head. But as she continued, it only confused her more. She had no idea what she was doing.

But halfway through the forest, she stopped when she heard the forest vibrate from the sounds of a certain voice calling for her.


Twilight turned around to see Luna had come within ten feet of her. The princess could have punished her in any way, but here she was looking at the unicorn with curiosity more than anything.

I have to know for sure, Luna pondered. There has to be a good reason behind all of this.

Twilight didn't know what to say. She knew the reason, but saying something this personal to a princess was too much. Go on, don't leave her thinking like this..

"I don't mean to make you sad or anything," she responded, "but there's two reasons why I can't do this. One, you're a princess of Equestria! You could have me thrown in prison if I don't make you happy--"

"Nonsense," Luna interrupted. "There can be a difference from striking against me and not making me happy all the time. Now give me your second reason."

The unicorn was blushing so hard, her facial fur had turned full red. "I...I never had anypony say they loved me like this." She turned away to hide her red face. "I had crushes on a few stallions, but never has anypony had a crush on me..."

"I want you to face me."


"Please, I don't want you to cover away from me when you're talking about these things."

Twilight did as she was told, and her eyes were starting to water. "And I don't know...I don't know if I feel the same way about you. I do like you, I think you're a lot better than they give you credit for...but I don't know if I love you like that."

Seeing how honest and blunt the unicorn was, Luna came up and nuzzled the top of Twilight's head, much like a mother would after her child had a nightmare.

"Do not fret about this like I know you are. I do not expect you to love me because of my power. If you don't care to share those feelings, I can drop it, no matter if I like it or not."

The unicorn felt comforted as she was nuzzled. Suddenly she could think straight again, even if she was still freaking out about the crush part of this. At least now she knew she could choose whatever she wanted.

"But I do want an answer before I leave," Luna said. "I don't want this on my mind much longer, so if you don't mind, do you want to see where this goes or not?"

Then the panic came back. Both of the options were weighing inside Twilight's head. She didn't want to hurt Luna by saying no, but then again she wasn't too invested into romance at the time unlike Rarity.

She went back and forth, back and forth on her answer.

I don't think I love Luna at all. But that's only because I barely got to know her. And yet I don't want to do this. I don't want to hurt her feelings...wait! That's what I'm going to do!

"Yes," she said. "I'll see where it goes, but only once."

Luna's eyes shot up, her heart lifting up after hearing the answer. But only once? "What do you mean only once?"

"I guess I mean I'll find out by spending time with you sometime, like on a date or something. But only one date for sure, then I'll have a better idea what I think about this."

Luna stopped the nuzzling and pulled back, giving Twilight her personal space back. "Ah, your wisdom shows up again. I applaud your decision, and I will look forward to this date."

Twilight smiled, having felt like she picked a win-win for everypony.

"I confess I already came up with a date plan," Luna said, rubbing a hoof on her mane. "I would like to dine within one of the halls of the Canterlot castle, if that's what you desire."

"But what about the Guards and Celestia?" Twilight questioned. "They'll know as soon as we step inside the castle what's going on. And I don't want anypony to know I'm dating a princess!"

"I'll handle that," Luna explained. "I'll throw in a visit to the library to discuss some of the newest discoveries in science, so that way I can describe it as a business trip, and I wouldn't be lying about it either."

Even though she didn't realize it yet, she was pretty good on knowing how to reel them in.

"Wait, so not only do I get to go out on a date, but I get to know what scientists have discovered recently?" Twilight said in bewilderment. "That's great! I can't wait for that. So when do I go to Canterlot, and how?"

"That's the easy part. It will take place exactly one week from now, and as for transportation I'll send in a letter sometime this week with a train ticket to Canterlot. I just hope I don't abuse my power too much for this moment."

"I'm sure you won't," Twilight comforted. "I should go home now, Spike is probably wondering what's keeping me out so late."

"Then I shall go too. Farewell, Twilight Sparkle, and thanks again for agreeing to this."

The alicorn spread out her wings and took off into the sky. Twilight watched as she became a silhouette in the moon, landing on a chariot waiting for her that was as dark as the night. It flew off behind the cover of the clouds, leaving Twilight alone down there.

Now that she was with her thoughts, Twilight laughed in equal parts humor and fear. She couldn't believe this was happening. A princess asking her out on a date? That sounded like some romance novel in her library. Not that there was anything wrong, but they always felt a little off from reality, and here she was, living it out.

Maybe. She was still undecided about whenever or not she like liked Luna or not.

She trotted the way out of the forest, and saw Ponyville as the last parts of the teardown process were underway. The team she had hoofpicked were very efficient, and save for a few pieces of the main stage there was no hint there had been a Nightmare Night. Even the streets were clean of candy wrappers and confetti.

Pleased with the final results, she came to the former entrance of Total Eclipse's lair, and found Zecora still standing guard in that same spot. "Hey Zecora, why aren't you in bed yet? You should get some shuteye, you did an amazing job tonight."

"My work is not yet done," said Zecora, "in the final moments everything can become undone."

"That's true. My work is done, so I'm going to hit the hay. Happy Nightmare Night, Zecora."

"A happy Nightmare Night to you, too, as long as you don't wake up screaming at 2."

Twilight nodded and went to the front door of her house. Turns out a few fillies got inside the zone while she was gone, the entire tree had toliet paper all over. And then she saw a pony dashing off with her cloud, leaving a rainbow trail in her wake...

Note to self: Perform some snow related prank with Pinkie on Rainbow Dash during Hearth Warming's Eve.

But she let it go for a while and opened the door. The lights were still on, and Spike had passed out on his bed. In front of him was a big hill of candy, and he had a lollipop in his claw that was still moist. She shrugged and took the costume off, spilling into the bed.

Now she could think about Luna again as she got into the sheets.

Luna did seem really happy when I agreed to that date. This means a lot to her. A lot. I don't know what she's going to do if it turns out I do love her, or even if I don't.

Still...I don't know if I want to do this or not. I haven't even gone to prom in high school for Celestia's sake! But it's only one date. One. How bad can it be, when I'll be learning about science that same day?

Don't you see what she's doing? She's trying to make you feel as comfortable as possible. She could have used a spell to make you age when you ran away from her! And yet she didn't, because she loves you that much.

But I don't know what I'm doing! I could wreck everything with awkward questions and glances, and not to mention this is a mare I'm talking to! Does dating a mare have any similarities with dating a stallion?

No, I'm not going to worry about this. I'm going to be myself and see if we have any connection at all. That's why she was fine with just one guaranteed date, because she knows you don't know.

Now get some rest. It will work itself out in time.

After her mind was finally at ease, she closed her eyes and placed her hooves on the blanket. She fell asleep not far after that.