• Published 28th Jul 2012
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Within The Seas of The Galaxies - Soothing Stone

What will happen when Luna discovers she has a crush on Twilight.

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Hospital rooms can be either the most boring place you ever visit, or the most exciting, both for the same reason. For the most part, the only thing you always have with you is your thoughts. It gives you a moment to think clearly, which in Rainbow's case turned out to be I got things to do! Heal already, you stupid wing!

For Twilight, it turned out to be something else. She treasured having the rest of the day to think, until the doctors checked her out that night. Much to her surprise, the more she thought about her decision the more she felt like she made the right decision. And it wasn't that long ago that she fainted over the mere idea of forcing herself to give the spell to Shining.

After she was over it, she couldn't resist thinking about the future. There was no question she wanted to marry Luna, and so she said yes without question. And given who it was we were talking about, the ceremony would be held at the Canterlot castle, hopefully with Celestia still doing the honors.

But then it struck her--she hadn't told any of her friends about this with the exception of Rarity. Granted, Spike might have catched on, but that was it. She cowered over the sheets, realizing this was exactly what Shining had done, not telling anypony until he popped the question. And he had a better excuse then her.

I hope they don't get too mad I waited this long to tell them. It's going to be weird telling them I'm marrying Princess Luna.

Almost as a response to her thoughts, she heard the door open ahead of her. She pulled her head out to see Rarity and Pinkie Pie arrive, the former carrying a basket of flowers on her back.

"Hi Twilight!" Pinkie gleamed. "I heard you had been in a horrible accident, so I thought it would be nice of Rarity and me if I picked a bunch of flowers for you, because you like flowers. And then she told me 'Oh no, Pinkie. She had just been in an accident, nothing to worry about.' But by then I had already picked half of them, so I thought I should go ahead and finish!"

"Wow Pinkie, those look delicious!" Twilight replied, peering at the contents inside. "How long did it take for you to get them all?"

"Just a few minutes," Rarity answered. "I'm so happy to see you like this. They mentioned you should be out today. And between you and me, Spike is a little too eager to help. I designed a dozen dresses for an order that didn't exist, just so he wouldn't feel blue that I had no more dresses he could assist on making anymore."

After that, she levitated the basket onto Twilight's lap. The basket had a wide assortment of flowers, which would make for a good lunch by itself. Twilight smiled and took a hoofful of them into her mouth, munching on them like popcorn.

And that's when the opportunity struck her. She could finally tell one of her friends about the situation.

"Thanks for the flowers, Pinkie. But is it OK if I tell you something?"

"Like what? Is it a secret?" the party pony chirped.

"Kind of, but I don't want it to be a secret anymore."

The last line stopped her in her tracks. She already had it in mind to do the moves for the Pinkie swear.

"So it's like a secret that you would feel terrible about keeping a secret? Like how I developed my Pinkie Sense from eating--nevermind, keep going."

"Pinkie, I hope this doesn't change anything, because you're one of my closest friends. But I have to come clean. I'm engaged to Princess Luna."

Pinkie gasped, unsure what to say. Instead, she rushed around the room, shutting every window and door shut, and reshutting the window just to be sure nopony could hear any of this.

"ENGAGED?" Rarity squeaked. "You're engaged to her now? When did this happen?"

"Last night."

Eager, Rarity trotted to one side of the bed, with Pinkie on the other side. "I must have details right away, Twilight! I must!"

"And why are you marrying Nightmare Moon? So she can eat you twice?" Pinkie rambled.

Twilight glared at Pinkie, before calmly turning to Rarity. "I don't know where to begin. She came to visit me in my room, just to see how I was. While I was gone at Canterlot the other day, Celestia informed me that Luna was considering it."

"Celestia told you that?" Rarity interrupted. "But that was probably a secret Luna trusted her with! She must have been disappointed once she knew Celestia gave it to you like Spike gave me a diamond he had been saving."

"From what I saw, she wasn't. I told her how I knew she considered marriage, and also said I would say yes. And then she said she would be looking for a wedding ring."

Once again, Rarity could barely contain herself. She almost squealed at the news, before gulping and calming down.

"I must confess how surprised I am at you. Not in a bad way, darling, but at the thought you would ever consider marriage at your age. I have pictured that somepony would sweep you off your hooves, but not this early."

Twilight smudged her front hooves together. "Is that a bad thing? Should I have waited?"

"That is not for me to judge. She desired your hoof in marriage, you agreed to it. Clearly there is more to this than what I am seeing."

"And besides," Pinkie added, "it's going to be a lot of fun! I know the Cakes are married, and while they have problems or something like that, they seem to be really happy! And your cheeks have been very red the whole time, so that means you care for her, you're just not used to us knowing!"

"So you're not mad at me?" Twilight asked.

"Why would I be mad at something like this?"

"No, not that. I didn't say anything to you about Luna and I until we got engaged."

"It's OK. We got to know months in advance of the wedding, right? And you told me and Rarity eventually. So why would I hate you for that? It is a little weird, you were always shy whenever another pony asked you out."

"However, not all of her friends know about it," Rarity mentioned. "Fluttershy doesn't know, Applejack isn't in the know, and neither is Rainbow Dash. Since this is a wedding, they need to know as soon as possible."

They turned to Twilight, her cheeks redder than ever. She looked down at the flowers, eating a few as she was thinking.

At the same time, her insecurities came back in full bloom. She really had no clue what to expect once they found out. And then she remembered she hadn't even told her parents yet. That had to come next. Granted, they were used to their child marrying into the royal family like Shining had, but this was...a lot different. Luna was nothing like Cadence.

But in the end, waiting around and hesitating would only make the pain of the moment worse.

"Could you bring them in here? I need to tell them while I'm still in here."

"Of course," Rarity said. "I'll go find Fluttershy and Applejack. Pinkie, could you be a friend and see where Rainbow is? Last time I heard, she was in her house and I know you have a hot air balloon on you."

"Yes indeedy!" Pinkie answered. "I'll meet you back here in fifteen minutes!"

"Why fifteen? Her house is right above yours."

"That's because it takes ten minutes to get her out of a Daring Do book. Sometimes I think they're the same pony, lately she's been pretending she's the character when she's doing Sonic Rainbooms. It's kind of weird."

Rarity shook her head, letting that wait. "This shouldn't take long. I'll be back."

They walked out of the room together, giving Twilight more time to think. She didn't know why, but she felt like she was in good hooves. Then again, when you've been with five other ponies the way she had with them, trust like that naturally developed.

But one disadvantage of having all your thoughts with you is the insecurities that surface that wouldn't have, had you been busy. And the spell came back to mind.

She hadn't really thought about the years between now and when she became the next alicorn. Granted, having the combined magical resources of Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and now Shining would help her through the next 80 or so years until Tia could cast it again.

But it was still 80 years away, and she was being optimistic with that year count. She was already in her 20s, and by then she would be around 100 years old by the time she could become immortal.

Would it kill Luna to see her like that, a 100 year old mare that would have trouble just walking? Granted, 80 years of watching her wife age like any other pony would be nothing compared to the eternity they would spend together, each with power most unicorns could only dream of.

That's assuming I live that long.

And then, a feeling hit her stomach. Not regret from giving the alicorn spell to Shining. Sorrow, for what she had done without a doubt to Luna.

She had to pull the tears back again, she had to. She felt like she had made the right decision, and there were never any regrets for doing the right thing. Or at least that's how it should be.

The next minute, she found a herd of ponies enter into her room next. Rarity and Pinkie were back, and Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow joined them. In order, the three new visitors appeared alert, nervous, and anxious.

"So what's going on?" Rainbow inquired. "You didn't seem that bad when I saw you, so I was going to wait to see you at your house tonight."

"Now wait just a minute," Applejack countered. "She brought us all in here so she could tell us something important. So what is it, sugar cube?"

"I...I..." Twilight started.

"Yes?" Fluttershy added, the three of them all peering closer.

"I'm in love with Princess Luna."

All three pairs of eyes widened in surprise, Fluttershy placing her hooves over her mouth.

"Wait...what do you mean, in love with Luna?" Rainbow asked again. "You mean you have a crush on her?"

"I mean we've been dating."

"So what? I've dated my share of stallions, that meant nothing in the--"

"I slept with her, OK? And on top of that, we're engaged as of last night."

Another series of gasps. Rainbow heard all she had needed to hear, and dropped her sarcastic vibe finally.

"That serious, huh?"

Twilight nodded. It felt like a huge weight had lifted off her shoulders, now that it was open for all of them to see. And much to her relief, nopony looked ashamed at her. In fact, she even saw Applejack grinning back at the item.

"Ah'm really happy for you," she commented. "Ah wouldn't have guessed it was with Nightmare Moon--Luna Ah mean, but getting hitched is great for you. It can be mighty scary at first, but it's going to be one of the biggest moments of your life."

"Are you kidding? I would have never guessed!" Rainbow shouted. "I always thought it would be with a stallion, honestly. And never with a princess. But I guess it doesn't matter. She's engaged and they did it, right? That means they really like each other."

Having sat in the back of the room for the time being, Fluttershy finally came up and started to talk. "I'm really happy for you too. Have you decided what the wedding is going to be like?"

"Not a whole lot. I guess it's going to be at the castle, and Celestia volunteered to do the ceremonies. You think it's weird somepony would do the same wedding for her own sister?"

"Ah would, when the time comes," Applejack said.

"That's great, I could do so much for you," Fluttershy continued. "I really want to bring that bird choir back, if you don't mind."

"Of course not," Twilight responded. "So, none of you are mad that I waited this long to tell you?"

"Nah," Applejack answered.

"Of course not, at least I don't think so," Rainbow responded.

"Was I supposed to be mad? Was I?" Fluttershy said last, turning to the rest to receive headshakes. "Then I'm not."

Twilight sunk into her bed, feeling like the worst was over. Now all she had to do was tell her parents, and it would just be a straight line to the wedding.


"You're doing what?" Twilight's mother asked. She paced back and forth within Twilight's house, feeling like a bomb exploded a few inches from her face.

"How come you didn't tell us anything until after you wanted to get married?"

Later that night, Twilight looked down on the ground in shame, yet she made no attempt to run or hide. There was no point, if she didn't have this conversation now, it would just delay the moment she did.

"I don't mind having our little daughter doing all of this, it wasn't a big deal when Shining admitted to us he had a crush on Cadence in high school," said Twilight's father. "But this is different in so many ways. First, you hid it from us for so long, and we're just now hearing about it. You've never hid anything from us before, not even that time you had a crush on one of the mares in Canterlot.

"Second, this is Princess Luna. Do you know what that means? It changes everything. And third, we had to learn about this alicorn spell business by Shining coming home with wings one night."

"Keep in mind we're not disappointed in you," the mother said. "We just want to know what caused you to think you had to hide this from all of us."

Twilight straigened up, and made eye contact with her.

"Because I didn't know what to think about it for a while. She was my first real marefriend, Mom and Dad. I wasn't sure if I wanted to date a mare until she said she wanted me. And...I thought all my friends and family would hate me if I admitted I was in love with Princess Luna, because she's not only a princess, but she used to be Nightmare Moon."

"Twilight, Twilight, Twilight," her mother repeated, shaking her head. "I know how it would look to most ponies that you're dating Luna. But that doesn't mean we're going to hate you all of a sudden because of that. We would have talked it out with you, just to be sure this is what you really wanted. It wouldn't have been any different had you said you were dating somepony like Big Macintosh."

"But what about the alicorn spell?" the father added. "What do you have to say about that?"

"I...I couldn't do that to him," Twilight finally said. "I had a choice, and it came down to choosing whenever or not he and Cadence could spend eternity together and I might live enough to have the same life with Luna, and vice versa. There are times, however, where I'm afraid of what happens if I don't live long enough for that. I don't want to think about it."

"But you have to," said the father. "If you're thinking about it like this, she will be. If she's not thinking about the wedding, whenever or not you'll die is what's going to be on her mind. I'm proud of you that you would do something like that for Shining, but if you are so serious that you had sex with Luna and wanted to get married, you have to think about these things. You'll either be spending the rest of your life or eternity with her, and if you don't deal with it now, eventually you will."

Twilight wiped a tear away with the thought. "I know. I just...that's why I fainted just thinking about it. I didn't want to play God like that, but that's what I did. I didn't want Shining to die when I know I could have saved him like I have now."

Sensing she was going to break down, the parents came and hugged her as the tears came back. She sobbed quietly, feeling safe in their hooves. Yet the tears kept coming, and the sobs grew louder.

"I didn't want to do that to Luna either. But I felt like I had to. Nopony would have looked at me the same if I didn't. I hope she can forgive me for that..."

"If she's worth anything, she will," hushed her father. "She saw something in you she loved. Maybe this is it, your consideration for others. But don't do this to yourself. It's not a place you want to be."

"I know," Twilight replied. "I just want it to work out in the end."

"You both can," the mother answered. "I trust both of you now. I trust you in her hooves."

After what felt like hours being held like a filly, Twilight pulled back and gave a weak smile, her cheek fur matted with water from her eyes. But it didn't matter. In the end, she knew they approved. There were going to be issues to solve in the future like with any relationship, but the most immediate one was gone.

"So, what is she like?" the mother asked.

"You have no idea. I feel like I'm floating on air when I'm with her. I didn't hesitate to say I wanted to marry her. I felt like I'm safe when she's by my side. Is that how you felt like when you first married Dad?"

"Something like that," she grinned. "Something like that."