• Published 28th Jul 2012
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Within The Seas of The Galaxies - Soothing Stone

What will happen when Luna discovers she has a crush on Twilight.

  • ...

Epilogue: One Hundred Years Later

It had been one hundred years since that wedding day. And as anypony would know, Canterlot had changed rapidly during that time. It was still similar to the one of days' past, but at the same time, the castle had grown in size since then, more buildings were added and the walls had to move to accommodate the progress of the times, and it wouldn't be long until stone and brick would be the next common construction material for buildings.

Yet, some things didn't change at all during that time. That was evident within the castle itself, as the interior had remained unchanged with its portraits of Celestia, Luna, and Cadence throughout, not as memorials, but as respect for the current loyalty.

The Guards of that generation bowed as the prince Shining Armor walked down the hallways with his wife Cadence. In that time, he had adjusted considerably to his new abilities, with his wings and horn grown in that time. Yet his face was the same, without any sign of his true age.

The whole reason why they were here was obvious when they saw Princess Luna out in the balcony alone, looking up to the stars still visible in the early morning. She smiled as she did, before noting she had visitors.

"I'll leave you to it," said Cadence, exiting the balcony.

He nodded and kissed her hoof before walking to Luna, noting the stars as well. Neither one said anything as they began to fade from the shine of Celestia's sunrise. Yet the elephant in the room wouldn't stay quiet much longer.

That day, Canterlot would feel the outside bands of a nearby hurricane, and while it wouldn't hit the town directly, it would be enough that the sky wouldn't be sunny much longer after this moment.

Luna sighed as some of the stars were getting blocked from the impending clouds coming in, and glanced at Shining. Immediately she noted how he was staring at her wedding ring.

"Can you believe it's been a hundred years since then?" he asked. "Doesn't seem like it's been that long. I can still remember how happy she was when I was walking her down, and our parents waving at her. What about you?"

"When you have lived for thousands of years, a century feels like a wisp in the air," she commented. "But it was hard not to forget. That was when cameras were coming to light, and I kept every picture ever taken of that day. She was so innocent for those few hours, and that night, I never felt as close to anypony as I did then, not even with Celestia."

By then the storm was close enough that their manes were flying backwards in a gust of wind. They would have seen ponies down below taking shelter for something that wasn't as bad as they had feared, hence why Shining and Luna were still outside.

Yet, even with the previous comment, she managed to frown. "It has felt like some time though. The first few years were..." Tears welled up in her eyes as the memories came back. "...they were the best years of my life. But after ten years, she was so paranoid about aging. I used that spell to stop the damage so often, that after one night from using it, I fainted. Imagine that, me, the princess of the night, fainting!"

Shining looked down at his wings, remembering the night in the hospital. In the end, he did value what he gained from it all, but it was almost like living in a hell at times.

"And then the thought came that I needed her to know what would happen if she didn't make it. When I went through everything, it was like I was her guardian...her protector. Did I ever tell you that?"

He shook his head, his face emotionless. He had been through this routine before. The sting wasn't as strong as before, much to Cadence's horror.

The winds remained steady throughout, as the sky grew grey with clouds. It didn't have the harshness of most hurricanes, even for the outer bands, which were considered to be the weakest part of a tropical storm like that. It seemed like it would be a pure rainmaker from here, which was always appreciated.

Even with the retelling of all those brutal memories, she wasn't anything but calm in the face of both the storm and the emotions that resurfaced. It didn't matter anymore. The past was in the past, and nothing could be done about it now without tampering with the time flow, something she never wanted to consider.

"I think it's time we visited them while they're sleeping," Luna mentioned.

"I was thinking the same thing. I haven't been there in a few months. Have they changed anything since then?"

"No, I don't believe so. So the layout is what you remembered."

He breathed in and out in relief, and pushed the door open with his horn. Together they walked through the doors and into the main parts of the castle. It still took time for Shining to stroll around and see portraits of himself inside, yes he had done a lot for Equestria, but it felt like nothing to him.

Cadence saw them enter back inside from the top of the staircase inside the room, and waved to them. "You seem happier than usual today, Luna."

"Thank you Cadence. Shining and I are going down to the memorial right now. Do you want to come with us?"

"Isn't it supposed to rain today? And I can't, I visited yesterday and I'm a little behind on my duties for the year. Tell me how it goes when you get back."

"We will," said Shining. "I thought you were on pace for everything."

"They're considering a reinnovention of the castle lately. That changes a lot for me, but it shouldn't be a big problem. You should go ahead and get going before the hurricane gets any closer."

They both nodded and headed out of there quickly, as more and more Guards arrived inside with soaking manes and tails. Oh well, time for the "magical umbrella" as they called it.

When they opened the main doors, it had indeed started to rain outside Canterlot. Not too bad right now, but there were signs off in the distance that it was going to get worse soon. With that, Shining and Luna used a spell that created a magical barrier above them big enough that it would shield away all the rain away from them.

The storm continued to rage as they walked through the streets leading up to their destination. As they got closer in time, only one regret came to either one of them: Could we have saved any of the rest?

"I don't believe we were in a spot to save any one of them," Luna spoke up. "Only a year ago did you know how to cast the alicorn spell, and when I could cast it again, all of them were already gone."

"But do you ever wish you could?" he demanded.

"There's barely a pony that wishes they couldn't. Not only that they would live forever, but that their friends and family could do the same."

"I...I know the feeling," he responded, thinking about his parents.

Within a few minutes of their umbrella deflecting increasingly heavy amounts of rain, they had finally arrived at their destination: Memorial to The Elements of Harmony.

Given how much Equestria owed to these six ponies, no effort was spared to show how much everypony respected their acts of bravery. Because of that, they had built an expensive six story building, each floor in respect to one of the Elements. It was the best they knew how to do, and it was a marvel to anypony who had seen it.

It was so respected it had its own security in the form of a Royal Guard unit. The leader of it was waiting at the front door, holding it open for them. "Your Majesties, hurry! It's only going to get worse out there!"

They looked to the sky, and it was in fact getting darker outside at only 10 in the morning, dark enough that some would say it's nighttime. They rushed inside the front door without any hesitation in their legs, shutting the door to not let any rain inside. Once they were in, they levitated the "umbrellas" and dropped it outdoors, keeping all the water out.

The exhibit started immediately when they were inside, as the floor opened to the Element of Laughter. The walls were as pink as it could be, with balloons and ribbons all around the place with photographs, joke ideas, and paintings of Pinkie being Pinkie there. At the very end of the floor was a gravestone, with the very pony the area was dedicated to inside.

Shining and Luna adjusted to the dry air along with the Guard as they began to walk through the floor. Whenever or not they were happy with everything Pinkie was up to--especially the incident with a certain hawk costume and the later hijinks with a DJ--she always did have good intentions for them when it came down to it.

"Did you ever get to know Pinkie as a friend?" Luna asked.

"A little. I always thought she was hyper all the time, but I liked her as a friend, if that's what you want to know. Wasn't she the one who arranged the dance for my wedding?"

"I believe so. Now where is she...oh, right there."

She pointed over at the enclosed coffin to the end. It was covered in characteristic pink, but you could not get one glimpse of her body inside, despite what some would have liked. It was subtle other than the bright pink, and Shining leaned down to whisper to it.

"Pinkie...thank you for making us all laugh, especially my sister. You made it all easier for us to get through the hard times, and for that we'll be forever grateful."

"I would have said the same thing," Luna mentioned. "I believe it was her snake outfit that made that Nightmare Night festival the best."

They found a staircase behind that part to find the next level of the memorial. This one led to the Element of Generosity, giving way from bright pink to a darker shade of purple throughout the room. Compared to the open air and lighter attitude of the previous level, this one led to a more refined taste in atmosphere.

This goal was accomplished by aiming for a feel similar to going to the ball. The walls were made from a purple shaded form of marble, the floor was reflective as anything, and there was even a chandelier in the middle of the ceiling.

However, the memorial theme was continued as the area was flooded with all kinds of dresses Rarity had made throughout the years. None of them were for sale, of course, but there were some overwhelming ones on display, especially the wedding dress for Twilight. Luna paused when she spotted that one, and held back tears from the shot of nostalgia she was experiencing.

At the same time, there was another separate section that was also a reminder of the Elements, with all six dresses from the Grand Galloping Gala, with notes on how it was Rarity who had thoughtfully captured the traits of each pony through the dress.

Also on site were plenty of gems to see, all behind glass cases and pictures of dresses she had used that gem for, to demonstrate its effectiveness.

Just like the previous level, at the very end of the area, was a casket that had gems embedded on them. This time, it was Luna who was there to comment on this pony's deeds.

"Miss Rarity, if you can hear me from up there in the clouds, I would like to say how much I appreciate all you have done for my wife. She turned to you frequently for advice, and she had some of your pieces in her room on notes. That is how much she treasured your mind and your heart."

Shining nodded, and looked outside the window to see the storm had picked up in intensity, with a few tree branches on the street below. And it wasn't going to get better for a while anyways.

They traveled up the stairs to the next floor of the building, and they were greeted to what amounted to feeling like they had entered a forest. No surprise. since it was the Element of Kindness after all, but considering the amount of trees on the ground, the strands of grass on the top, and a petting zoo section that was closed for the time being, it still took some getting used to.

The walls were painted in cool shades of yellow and light green, keeping to the theme of the forest Fluttershy was so fond of. Within the walls were pictures of the animals she took care of the best, with educational tidbits on each one. As true to form, Angel looked ticked off about having to sit down and stay still for a picture, hence why you could see Fluttershy's stare in the corner of that one.

Yet, through the busy nature of the section, it gave a cool, unhurried atmosphere to it, especially given the many pictures of the pegasus taking care of both her friends and her creatures.

"What do you remember about her?" Luna brought up.

"A lot, since I started making visits to Ponyville once things quieted down in Canterlot. She remained shy to the end, but kind as well. It didn't matter what fear she had, she was doing her best to be kind and considerate to me. And what about you?"

"I had some troubles adjusting to her, since she insisted I was Nightmare Moon still. However, once she was over that fear, I came to respect her spirit. Not the way she hid in a bush when her friend landed on the ground behind her back, but I found her soft voice and overall personality appealing on a level."

Like every previous floor, there was a casket that Fluttershy rested in. This one was in a faded kind of yellow, with a border around the bottom of the lid that consisted of painted on ribbons and butterflies.

"Even when you ran away from your own shadow," Luna stated, "I know your friends respecting your loving hoof as much as we did. And we respected you for that. I hope it paid off with a good rest."

Shining held back a tear for later, as Fluttershy's death was possibly the saddest so far.

Then came the next floor, and as much as the previous one was subtle and calm, this one was energetic and wanted excitement. The Element of Loyalty was always going to be a little more quick paced, but that was nothing considering this pony.

The hallways were made with a sky blue color, and the bottom part was bordered with a finish line checker design. The whole area felt like one big arena in Cloudsdale, and not far off was the classical Wonderbolts costume put inside a thick glass case. It was clearly very important to the wearer, as there was a blurb that after Rainbow Dash obtained it, it almost never came off except when she was with her friends.

On top of that were spots that had the Sonic Rainboom painted on them, and how she was the first in many years to pull it off, to the point she could do it without a second thought. And out of all the memories stored here, possibly the one that brought the most joy was the picture of when she was handed her official Wonderbolts suit by Spitfire herself. No wonder she enjoyed it so much.

"I couldn't believe I was invited to attend," he commented. "But having pegasus wings changed everything. I insisted on watching with Twilight on the hot air balloon, and after Rainbow got the suit, she was so excited that she flew into the air, and became the first pegasus flier to create two Sonic Rainbooms in one minute."

"I heard a lot about her from the castle, even," said Luna. "She developed quite a reputation during her career. Not that I was surprised, anypony with her accomplishments would be famous within minutes."

Rainbow's casket laid there as well, and keeping in the same design as Fluttershy's casket, hers was blue and bordered with lightning strikes, but with a rainbow on the lid.

'There were many things you excelled at, such as loyalty to your friends, but the best was knowing how to top yourself," Luna commented. "And that's something more ponies should know how to do."

The next to last Element to be represented was that of Honesty. At that moment the atmosphere returned to the more calm feeling of Fluttershy's level, but with warmer orange and red colors for design this time.

Applejack took great pride in Sweet Apple Acres, and therefore stepping in here felt like walking into a small model of the same thing. There was a version of the Farm itself on display, as well as some of the other facilities the Apple family used.

On top of that, there was a bottle of the world famous cider they carried, with a note that only ponies 21 or older were allowed to have a taste test. There were more fillies groaning from the rule than the staff had wished.

But overall, it was easy to respect what the Earth Pony was able to accomplish over the years. The Acres had grown in scope of operations and size as time went on, and never during a family portrait did the smile on her face look forced. It was also thrilling to see how it was her and not Pinkie Pie that threw a party for Apple Bloom once she earned her cutie mark in construction.

In all, it felt like the observer was really at Applejack's farm, where it carried a warm and accepting atmosphere in the end. Many who came to this floor would say they wanted to visit the farm for real, where an elder Apple Bloom lived, always telling stories about what her big sister did.

"A lot to respect here. A lot," she repeated. "I find it hard to believe she had occasional fights with Rarity and Rainbow Dash like Twilight told me. She doesn't look like the kind that would get into petty fights."

"It happened sometimes," Shining pointed out. "It didn't ruin anything between the three of them, but it happened."

The casket here was as laid back and modest as one could get. She allowed them to paint her casket orange and put an apple emblem on top, but that was it. There were no artistic qualities at all, as Applejack hated the idea of showing off, even in death.

"Whenever something went wrong, she was always there, being the voice of reason," Shining said. "And Twilight needed that as she aged. I can't thank her enough for everything she did for my sister."

"Then I shall do the same." She walked over to the coffin and spoke directly to it. "Dear Applejack, you deserve the rest you enjoy today, as your life is something we should all strive to achieve in care."

Then, after some time there, they entered the final section of the memorial. Immediately they were greeting to the coolest and most magical section of them all, intentionally so given the pony it was dedicated to. This level was made to the leader of the Elements, later just dubbed the Element of Magic.

There were books full of all sorts of spells that Twilight had written through the years, as well as pictures of her days with Celestia. But more than anything, seeing the signs of magic, with all sorts of effects from spells, painted on the walls were the true treat on this floor.

However, there was a big difference in this floor than all the rest. Up until now, save for a Guard patrolling the building every now and then, there had been nopony in here except for Shining Armor and Princess Luna. On this floor, however, there was a visitor there with them, the first since they arrived.

This pony had a crown on her head to display her royalty status, and she had both a long horn and enormous wing on her back. Her mane and tail were as big as Luna's, almost as dark but with a stripe of light purple on them. Her mane was purple as could be, with her cutie mark that of a star.

Yet, she did not know her brother and wife had arrived, as she was caught up in a big portrait that was in the middle of her own floor, and the picture was that of all of her friends together, smiling as it had to have been taken just a few months after she had first arrived in Ponyville if she remembered right. She glanced to the left and saw Shining and Luna were standing there, surprised she was present.

"I remember them so much," Twilight Sparkle cried. "They were my first real friends in the whole world, and they taught me so many things about the magic of friendship when they were still alive. Can you believe it's been ten years since Applejack left? Only ten?"

Immediately Luna came to her side, nuzzling the side on her face. "It does feel like it was only yesterday since we held her funeral. But it does not matter. In the end, they left a legacy most ponies only dream they could have left behind, and I'm with you. You managed to survive after all these years."

"I know," Twilight replied. "I don't regret having to wait to have all of this. And there was nothing better I could have done to honor them than to approve this building. I didn't want them to be forgotten."

"And they won't," Shining cut in. "You couldn't have done a better job with this."

Twilight smiled and snuggled Luna back, their marriage as strong as ever. "I'm just so happy everything turned out OK without any regrets I can think of. I love you so much, Shining, and you too, Luna."

Luna grinned and kissed her wife on the lips longingly, and Twilight returned it back. "You have no idea how grateful I was, even now, that the spell worked," the princess of the night responded. "You must know that this is only the beginning now. We can live like this forever, by the other's side. And you managed to save your brother in the meantime."

"And I still can't say how much I appreciate that," Shining commented, coming up beside them both. "I don't think I've ever seen Cadence happier than she is now, and the same goes for Celestia. All I have to say anymore is, thank you."

Twilight continued to grin, hugging Shining afterward. "You're welcome. I wouldn't have changed a thing," she said, transitioning to a whisper, "even if I didn't make it. You matter too much to Cadence, I wouldn't do that to either one of you."

Shining was still surprised at Twilight's insistence he should have received it first, but instead of objecting to it, he returned the hug as Luna watched on, gazing at the portrait of the Elements of Harmony, grateful there wasn't a sixth coffin in this memorial.

"I believe it's time to go. Probably best if we returned to the castle before the hurricane arrives in full force," Luna said.

Twilight and Shining both nodded, and made their way with Luna down the steps of the memorial, occasionally glancing at the levels to each of the other Elements on their way down. In the end, Twilight did not feel like she lost her friends as much as she felt like she had the honor of knowing them, and that was enough for her.

They came to the exit doors as the two Guards had planks of wood, nails, and a hammer to board up the glass doors. Then they saw the two princesses and one prince arrive, and one of them met the three halfway. "I'm sorry, but you need to stay inside. It's getting worse out there, and the eye hasn't arrived yet, which means it will only get fiercer out there."

"It's us, remember?" Twilight laughed. "If it gets horrible out there, we have ways of protecting ourselves. We'll go ahead and leave, you guys should probably start boarding."

Before the Guard could even come up with a response, all three of them rushed through the doors and escaped to the outdoors, only to be greeted by an angry hurricane that had swept up debris in its path. Without thought they put up a force field around the three of them, otherwise a brick might have hit them in the face.

While they were laughing that the pegasi weather team allowed something like this to exist, they all rushed forward into the streets below, while gusts of wind came like clockwork and there was an inch of standing water below their hooves. It only seemed to get worse, so they were grateful that the castle was only twenty blocks away.

"What the hay? Why did this have to be the first hurricane the pegasi ever made?" Twilight demanded to know.

"I don't know, but I'm sending somepony to find out tomorrow," Shining answered. "I like it, but then again I have unlimited resources. The other ponies in Canterlot don't!"

"Quit your banter and keep running!" Luna shouted. "I can see the eye approaching, and that isn't good news for us!"

Twilight and Shining looked up, and surely enough the eye really was there. With that, they all spread their wings with the force field intact and flew for the castle. In no time at all they arrived at the balcony Shining and Luna spent their morning, and raced inside for shelter.

Once they were inside, a loud boom of thunder erupted from the hurricane, almost to say how lucky they were they got inside in time.

"That escalated quickly," Shining laughed. "Maybe next time we travel down to the memorial, it shouldn't be right before a hurricane comes in."

"Agreed," Twilight chimed in. "Cadence is probably wondering if you're still alive. Luna and I will go to our own bedroom, right?"

"Of course," Luna confirmed. "There is no way we'll be able to attend to our royal duties while that wretched storm continues. That could be a good thing, it has been years since either one of us has taken a day off."

"Yeah, I just remembered that," he added. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then. If she doesn't kick me in the teeth for worrying her, I'll be surprised."

Twilight and Luna both laughed at the joke, before waving him off as they traveled into their own room. It was so dark that a few hundred candles had been lit across the entire castle as a precaution. Yet they didn't mind as they finally entered into the peace and quiet of their own bedroom.

Luna's bedroom had been lightly modified since it was home to two ponies now, with both dark blue and purple shades on the interior this time. Yet the bedroom was the same size, given it was so big that five ponies Luna's size could be comfortable in.

Once they had shut the door to their own privacy, the couple put their crowns and sandals away, as their hooves felt cool to the touch of the floor. After they got used to being free of most of their "clothing", they snuggled up in bed to each other, looking out at the rain curtains on the window next to them.

"Well, that was more fun than I remembered," Twilight giggled.

"What do you mean? It's not often that ponies refer to visiting their friends' grave as 'fun'. Do you know what I mean?"

"I know. But I wasn't sad that time like I did the first. I was all depressed when they were all gone, but now I'm just happy over what they did accomplish. Does that make sense?"

"Sounds to me like the sting of their death has faded away. Not that there is anything bad about it. But can I ask you something, while we're here?" Luna asked, as they held each other in their hooves.

"What is it?"

"Do you think, when you really examine it, that our love has gotten better since you grew wings and stopped aging?"

Twilight smiled, and kissed Luna on the cheek. "Silly pony," she said, having picked up on some of Pinkie's mannerisms. "Of course it has. I don't have to worry about when it's going to end anymore. That was the only thing I was worried about for a while there."

"Good," Luna mumbled, bringing her lips closer to Twilight's neck. "I hoped it wouldn't. I didn't want you to go because of death...and you didn't."

With that, she made her advance on Twilight, kissing her on the neck while wrapping her hooves around the stomach. Twilight did nothing to stop her, almost moaning a bit. And with time Luna climbed on top of her, continuing to kiss all over.

"But I feel there is something wrong with you," Luna said, stopping the progress. "And you won't say it to me, maybe because even you don't know about it. What do you think it is?"

"I don't know. Maybe it was the feeling I should have saved one of my friends too. Do you know what I mean?"

"Twilight, you need to stop feeling responsible for everypony you know closely. You chose to save your brother, which was beautiful enough, but on top of that, by the time Celestia could cast the spell again, Applejack, who I remember was the last to die, had already spent one year in heaven. You should enjoy something you received for yourself for once."

"But it was a matter of life and death!"

Luna sighed, resorting to cuddling instead. "They didn't seem upset when I told them all about the spell, and how I was saving you for it. They never asked for me to save them instead, rather they were happy you would live forever with your new wife."

"That's true," Twilight said, opening her neck for kisses again. "I guess I really need to let that go. They're happy in heaven, I'm sure."

"That's what I needed to hear," Luna commented, as she returned to kissing Twilight's neck.

They spent the day together in bed, spending time getting intimate with each other, as Twilight had finally let go of her decisions with the spell.

Once the night had arrived, they looked up at the window to see the sky was clear of the storm, and not a cloud was to be there.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Twilight asked.

"I never thought you would ask," Luna replied.

With that, they pulled the sheets off and raced for the nearest balcony. Once they did, they spread their wings out and gazed into the nighttime sky.

The sight was something else, as they could both see the beauties of the atmosphere unmasked by light, and the destruction of the storm below. But that didn't matter, as they went higher and higher, until they were flying all the way up into the seas of the galaxies.