• Published 28th Jul 2012
  • 15,518 Views, 428 Comments

Within The Seas of The Galaxies - Soothing Stone

What will happen when Luna discovers she has a crush on Twilight.

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Intermission II: Decisions

The next day was not as peaceful as Twilight's sleep had become. As she went through her chores for that day, she found that she had second guessed her decision, like she had committed a sin by pushing it on Shining Armor.

It was strange, given how it felt like she was doing the right thing the night before. But in the end, she thought about what Luna would say to this action. The only reason why she even considered letting Shining have the spell...was because Luna had considered using it on her. And now Twilight went and let Shining have it.

But what would Luna say once Celestia told her?

The thought was twisting inside Twilight's stomach, so much that she felt physically ill. Once she was finished with her checklist, she climbed back into bed, only to be horrified by the celestial theme of her blanket. She pushed it off onto the floor and clutched her stomach with her front hooves, feeling like she was going to be sick.

"Twilight?" Spike questioned. "Can you tell me what's going on? First you go on about you and Shining and some spell, and now you look like somepony needs to take you to a hospital!"

Twilight turned around, seeing Spike looking geniunely worried for her.

"Thanks...Spike, for looking after me," Twilight groaned. "But...I think I need....some time alone..."

"I'm not leaving you alone like this!"

"Please...I'll be fine."

"Fine, but if I come home and you're any worse, I'm sending you to a nurse. I'm really worried about you."

Twilight sighed as the dragon left her alone, as her head was like it was on fire. She wanted Shining to enjoy it, but at the same time...did she finally ruin everything with Luna?

No...I couldn't have. She didn't know this was what I was going to do. And in the end, she has to respect that I was looking out for my brother, right?

But at the same time...I did go against what she wanted...

I'm an egghead. I knew what she had in mind, and I went around it and tried to justify it. And now she might never talk to me again...

She grabbed the blanket and pulled it over her head again. She didn't want to see anypony at that moment, and didn't want Luna to see her like this.

In the end, she did feel worse as the stress built up. She felt her vision getting blurry and her fever getting higher, as she slowly passed out again.


When she came to, she found herself in a hospital room. It was nighttime, the window to her left acting as a portal to the crisp air outside. She groaned as she felt a series of bandages around her head, and gasped when she looked across the room at a mirror to see her pitiful shape.

The unicorn looking back at her appeared like she hadn't slept for days, with bags hanging below her eyes. Her mane was in all directions, and her eyes were bloodshot. On top of that, there was a faint red spot on the bandage, hinting at a wound there.

She had no recollection of what happened after all of that, though she could have sworn she had done something after passing out. But she didn't remember, and now she was afraid how bad was the damage.

At that moment, the door swung open as a familiar white stallion with a blue mane walked into the room. Twilight gasped again as Shining Armor came to her bedside, with eyes neither sad nor happy.

"Shining...what are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

"I got a letter from Spike saying you were in the Ponyville Hospital after you had an accident. Thank Celestia you're OK."

"Wait...what happened?"

"You don't remember? You were going around Ponyville, saying you were an alicorn all of the sudden, and you tried to fly off the top of your house. You bumped your head pretty good, the doctors were afraid you suffered brain damage, but it ended up just as a concussion."

Twilight said nothing or showed any emotion, even though she was embarrassed as hay.

"You're going to be here for a few days, just to make sure nothing else is wrong."

She sighed and sunk into the back of her bed. And then the thought hit her. She looked all around the sides of Shining's body, checking to see if he had suddenly sported wings of any kind. It helped that he wasn't wearing anything, showing that there was nothing there.

Shining noticed and looked to his sides as well. He saw nothing there to be worried about.

"Twilight, is something wrong with me?"

She gulped, and decided to come out. "Shining...there's something I need to tell you. It's about Princess Luna."

His eyes changed expression all of a sudden, carrying a hint of sadness. "About the spell of the alicorn. I know. She told me all about it yesterday night."

Another crack appeared on Twilight's world. "WHAT? What did she tell you?"

"Everything." He walked over to the window, peering outside. "How Cadence was born a unicorn and Celestia transformed her into a permanent alicorn, how Luna was deeply involved with you, and she wanted to use the spell on you. And then you wrote to Celestia you wanted me to have it instead, even though you knew Celestia was trying to keep me alive until she could use it again."

Every sense of life had drained from Twilight's face. She didn't know what she was supposed to do anymore. Say she was sorry? You're welcome, enjoy eternity with Cadence?

"I wish you had told me about Luna before this all happened." He looked out the window, his mane pushed back with the breeze. "And...thank you for being this thoughtful. I know you were looking out for us when you gave it to me. I don't really know how I can repay you."

"It's fine, I think you deserve it more than I do--"

"But I have to give it back to you."

If Twilight's world wasn't gone by then, it was now.

"Wait...no, wait...you have to take it..."

"I know that's what you want. But...I'll be fine. Celestia's working to ensure I'll live long enough to be an alicorn too. I don't know if you'll survive that long...that's why I have to give it to you."

"But what if you die before...you know..."

"I want to take that risk for you. You're my sister, and I'm not going to let you throw something like this away, even if you're doing it for the right reasons. Please...I'll be fine."

She shook her head. "I...I can't...Luna's not going to look at me the same way again once she finds out I did all of this."

"Are you so sure?" a voice came out from behind the door. It opened to show Luna standing there, her attitude undeterred.

"Luna," Twilight gasped. "I'm so sorry..."

"No, do not apologize for this," Luna rebuked. "It was as Celestia said, I did not think this as thoroughly as I could have. But in the end, I have to respect somepony who would do something like this for her brother."

The siblings said nothing, glancing at each other with a smile.

"But I need to decide who to give the spell to, tonight if I can."

There wasn't a word spoken in that room, but the expressions on Twilight and Shining were enough. Twilight kept looking down on the ground, Shining was doing the same. It was like they were going through the same thought process.

As Luna watched, her horn started to glow with magic. She had plans to use this spell tonight, and it took some time to charge, may as well get started now.

At the same time, she hated the wait. It was understandable why they took as long as they were to decide, but it didn't make the uneasiness any better. It was to the point she glanced carefully at one or the other's mouth, just to see if it would open to say something.

In the end, it was Twilight's that opened first. "I still want Shining Armor to have it."

Luna's heart sank, as her horn continued to glow brighter. "Are...are you sure? Celestia won't know if she can help you survive that long. Shining can."

"I know," Twilight continued, a tear going down her face. "But I can't do that to us. I'll do my best to make sure I'll make it. Please..."

"I don't want you to go either," Luna mentioned. "You know...how much I want to be with you forever...but if that is what you wish..."

"No!" Shining shouted. "I'm not going to accept it. Cadence and I will be OK. Don't do this to yourself, for me."

In response, Twilight pulled the covers off the bed and pulled herself out of the hospital bed. She walked to Shining, wobbly as she did so. Once she finally made it to him, she wrapped a hoof around his neck, with a slight smile.

"I need you to accept it. Luna and I...we'll find a way. I promise. I know we can."

"Are you sure? You're my sister, I won't be disappointed in you if you transform."

"And neither will I, if you do. Please."

Shining looked down on the ground, shaking his head from being in such a spot. He turned to Luna for support. "Promise me you'll keep her alive, through these next few decades, and that she's going to make it. Can you do that?"

"I will do everything in my power to ensure she makes it. I promise you that. Is this your final answer?"

He looked back to Twilight, who had a big smile on her face. "I...I think so. I need you to survive...I don't want to regret this decision..."

Twilight brought him into a bigger hug. "You won't." She pulled back and climbed into her bed. "Go ahead."

With tears in her eyes, Luna's horn beamed with an energy rarely seen by few ponies. Papers and curtains flew everywhere as her frame lifted from the ground as her horn glowed with a light almost as bright as the sun. Shining's body lifted up as well, as circles of light surrounded him.

Suddenly, Luna's eyes were completely white as a surge of power escaped from her horn as a laser, landing directly onto Shining. As the process continued, he changed form before Twilight's eyes.

His horn became bigger than before, and two circles of light were on his sides. As it continued, a pair of new wings came out from them, spreading out in full range. He shouted with power as it continued, his eyes completely white as well.

Then, everything stopped. Luna and Shining dropped to the ground, and everything was quiet. Shining dropped to the floor, adjusting to his new form. He shook his head as he got back to his hooves, examining his wings.

"What...this feels incredible," he commented. "I feel...is this what being an alicorn feels like?"

"Yes, it does," Luna said, trying her hardest not to frown. "You should feel a surge in magical abilities first. Then you'll feel the power most Earth Ponies carry..."

She had to stop herself in the middle of the sentence. She rushed for Twilight and grasped the unicorn in her arms, tears coming down again. "I'm so sorry, Twilight. I promise you I will make this work...I'm sorry."

But then she looked at her lover's eyes, and there was no sadness there. Instead, there was a smile...a smile? After all that they went through, so many insecurities, the promise of eternal life pushed away from her, and she smiled?

"You don't need to be sorry," Twilight smiled. "I know we'll find a way to make it. I trust you with my life."

Luna sighed and kissed her on the lips with a passion. Twilight returned it, before they stopped to look at the new white alicorn in the room.

"Thank you, Twilight," he commented. "When I adjust to all of this, I'll do my best to help make sure you'll survive too. I'm not going to let my sister go."

Twilight smiled again, glancing at her marefriend. "Hey Luna, were you considering marriage in the future?"

The princess blushed, before realizing there was nothing to be embarrassed about anymore. "I was. Why do you mention it?"

"I think I want to get married."

With that, Luna smiled and kissed her on the cheek. "Then I shall start looking for a ring."