• Published 28th Jul 2012
  • 15,518 Views, 428 Comments

Within The Seas of The Galaxies - Soothing Stone

What will happen when Luna discovers she has a crush on Twilight.

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It was late that same day, the sun had set and the moon came out with its light not long after. Only minutes had passed after sunset when the temperature dropped ten degrees outside. Anypony that would be traveling outside would need a light jacket to feel comfortable out there.

And that was what Twilight Sparkle did. She wrapped up her studies in fire spells when she checked the time, and saw that it was time to go. The book was placed back on the shelf in its rightful place, and the purple unicorn traveled to the front door and pushed it open. She was greeted with a slight chill, so she put on the jacket her mother gave her last Hearth Warming's Eve.

Shutting the door carefully not to wake up the napping dragon, she trotted to the west direction as she thought about what could happen that night. Her heart was pounding as she raced through the possibilities, there was no doubt that this was going to be a long discussion in her mind, but she didn't know in which way.

Maybe she would just go through the circle again, with Luna's reassurance it would be taken care of. That's when she realized it wasn't going to be enough.

I don't want everything to just be swept away out of sight. It's going to come out eventually, just like Rarity said.

So what do I want? Hanging out more with Luna? Of course I do. But I don't want to stop my studies because of this.

That's what I need to tell her out here.

The buildings and the dirt paths soon gave way to forests and no clear path in sight, save for a rare trail. Soon, there were brown leaves everywhere, on the branches and on the ground, with every hoofstep causing a crunching noise.

Twilight recognized that Luna had not given a specific location in the forest to meet her at, but she thought she just needed to listen to the sound of crunching leaves to find the princess.

However, it took a while of wandering around the forest to hear anything at all except the occasional cricket. A few breezes came inside the cracks of the trees, and she pressed the jacket closer for warmth.

How was she supposed to know where Luna was out here? It wasn't the biggest forest out there, but it wasn't the smallest either. And leaf crunching didn't make that much noise. In frustration, she rested up against a tree, sending a few leaves down as she rubbed on the trunk. She closed her eyes for a brief rest, her ears perked to listen for anything, anything at all.

Not long after that, she heard another pony crunching leaves with their hooves. Her eyes opened wide, and she listened closer. It sounded like it was coming from her right side, and the pony was as directionless as she had been. It could finally be Luna out there.

The unicorn raced to the source of the noise, and slowed down when she finally saw Princess Luna out there. The alicorn turned around, hearing leaf crunching herself, andg greeted Twilight with a smile.

"Twilight Sparkle. It is good to see you again, even like this."

The student nodded and gave a weak smile, shuddering from the cool air.

"Is the temperature too low for your taste? I shall prepare a fire for you, I imagine this will be a long night for both of us, as it should be with somepony with an issue such as yours."

Luna's horn glowed with magic, the very tip sparking throughout. She lowered it to the ground, and as it touched the soil, a fire formed in its place within seconds. The princess sat down on the grass and took off her slippers, breathing a little as her hooves touched grass.

"It has been a long time since I've been able to do this. The moon is colder than the coldest place on this planet, so I've gotten used to it. Please, remove your jacket. It will be hot in no time at all."

Twilight complied and took off the jacket, placing it next to one of the trees out there. She took her spot across from Luna from the fire.

"That's a lot better, thank you," Twilight sighed. "Thanks for coming on such short notice, now about the problem..."

"Twilight, I hate to be rude, but I thought I told you I would settle everything for you. Anything that needs to be done will be done. For you, it's worth the trouble."

"But that's the thing. What would you do if everything came out and nopony here liked it much?"

"In that situation, I would be fine with moving you to Canterlot, inside the castle, if it turns out to be the best course."

"I don't want to move away though," Twilight gasped. "That's what worried me after I thought about it. I did like our date, and like I wrote a second date would be great, but I'm not sure if I wanted this to come at the cost of my friends and my studies. I don't know if that comes across as selfish, but I don't think it should ever come to a point where I have to pick between Ponyville and you."

When she recognized what she said, she gasped again and buried her face in the ground full of shame.

Did I just tell Luna I valued my friends and studies over her? Oh, I should have known I would screw it all up--

"I didn't know that's how you saw things," Luna replied. "I never really thought about it. Word getting out that you were dating a princess would change things, but I never gave much thought about how you wanted things to be. I apologize for that."

Twilight unwrapped her hooves around her face, getting back up on her hooves. "You're not mad at me? I thought it sounded like I wanted my friends over you."

"No, not at all. Twilight, it might have been a long time ago, but I went through something like that. I loved playing with my fillyhood friends all the time, but that came with the looming date that I would take the crown along with Tia. It is different with you, but I loathed the feeling I would have to decide down the timeline. That's nothing I should have forced you to experience."

That took the unicorn by surprise, and simply responded by nodding. She adjusted her hooves to get more comfortable, as the fire burned brighter and hotter than before. The princess had her eyes on Twilight the whole time, and looked more content with herself.

Hmm, she seems to be warming up to me, Luna thought. I think it's time to get closer, assuming I don't intrude on her.

"Twilight, would you be more comfortable over by this side of the fire?"

"Yeah, I think I would like that."

Luna watched the unicorn's movements closely as she walked around the fire to the princess' side, and interestingly she sat down rather close to Luna. She seemed comfortable being this tight to her.

Things are moving perfectly. But she does still seem nervous. Let's work on that next.

"I've noted you have done well under the eye of Celestia. Would you say the same thing for yourself?" she asked.

"That? Well, there's always more to learn, I'm not close to being finished," Twilight confessed. "But so far, I believe I've done well. I'm working hard on being on time, all the time, and I'm doing great on learning everything. She tells me I'm getting better all the time."

"Yes, you should listen to what she says when it comes to such things. If only I did when it counted..."

She gazed up on the moon, with a bare outline of the Mare on the Moon still remaining.

"Does it matter anymore?" Twilight responded. "You might have made a mistake there, but when she gave you the chance to come back, you took it and apologized. You're listening to her now."

Luna's eyes widened with that idea. "Yes...I guess you're right. The only reason why I assume I still bring myself back to that time was that Nightmare Night. It takes a while for anypony to remember you for anything other than that. But I already know that will not be the case, unlike with Discord."

The student laughed with the last sentence. "That's right. Did I ever say thank you for the date last night? It was really nice. And...and...Luna..."

"Yes, what is it?"

"Luna...I think I love you too."

Have you ever been at a time where you really wanted something so bad, you mistook it for a need? And did you ever get it in the end? When that happens, there is no feeling like it. You feel like, for a brief moment, you can do anything you ever wanted to do, and that you're the king of the world.

For Luna, that was an understatement.

She springed off the ground and grabbed Twilight tightly, giving her the biggest hug she ever had. She took it further and hopped up and down around the forest, repeating "Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

"Luna..." Twilight gasped, one of Luna's forelegs wrapped around the neck. "Air..."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," said Luna. She placed Twilight back on the ground and adjusted the pony's messed up mane and tail back to normal. "I need to learn how to not overreact. But I love you so much, that is the best thing anypony has told me since Celestia let me back on my throne. And..."

Without giving any warning, Luna brought her lips to Twilight's for a moment, closing her eyes as she did so.

Twilight was so surprised she also jumped back, until she wrapped her head around the idea that Princess Luna was kissing her on the lips. She didn't know how she was supposed to react, until she came to the idea that she should just find out what she felt about it.

And when she did, she found herself kissing Luna back.

There was no real way she could describe how it felt, but she tried. Every cliche she could think of, she felt it right then: Flying high above, feeling light headed, and not wanting a moment to end.

In fear, Luna pulled back. "I'm sorry. I should have done that--"

"No, I want to keep doing whatever that was, if that's OK with you."

Luna complied and kissed Twilight again. Twilight closed her eyes as she gave herself over to the moment, the thrill of it beyond what she felt before. She kept returning the kiss over and over again, until her brain kept feeling it had been minutes since they started all of this. But for once, the pony who was obsessed with schedules didn't give a buck.

The princess was so grateful at that moment to share this as well. She went out of her way to try not to force her love on Twilight, and when she learned the unicorn shared her feelings too, it was amazing to her as well.

After what had to have been an hour, they finally pulled off each other, opening their eyes to the other mare.

"Is it supposed to be like that?" Twilight asked.

"Truth be told, I do not know, but I wouldn't have it any other way than that."

The purple mare smiled and snuggled herself along Luna's frame, almost giggling about what was happening. "I like you, I really like you. I don't know what's going to happen with us, but I'm fine for now."

"As am I," replied Luna, bringing her head down to return the cuddling. "I will do what I can to ensure you can stay here, and I don't want you to hide anything from me. If there's something that's troubling you, I can visit again like this. Can you do that for me?"

"Of course," Twilight said dreamily. "I...I don't want to screw anything up...that's the only thing I'm worried about anymore..."

"You won't," Luna stated, as if it was a fact. "Come with me, we can talk about this while we're walking."

The unicorn pulled away from her new marefriend, and put her jacket back on. At the same time, the princess placed her sandals back on, her hooves feeling the best they had been in years. Within seconds the fire went out, and Twilight came close to Luna as they began to walk through the forest. By now the moon was at its full light, its white glow filling every nook and crany of the area.

"Is this about your inexperience again?" Luna inquired. "At this point, with all that you have done with your friends for Equestria, that is the only excuse I can come up with."

"I'm afraid so. Everything I've ever been good at, it took time to be competent at it. I'm only as talented as a magician as I am since I spent years studying magic. I might have learned a lot about friendship, but only because I've been in Ponyville just so I could learn about it for the last few years. And again, this is the first relationship I've ever been involved in, I'll have to learn a lot to know how to make it work."

"Twilight, I know you're not used to this." They arrived in an open field in the middle of the forest, allowing them to observe it in all directions. "But I knew that, and I didn't think it was enough to stop myself from trying anyways, because I liked the kind of pony you are. We both have our issues, such as...not having all the social skills required from society just yet...but we can work on it. You don't need to learn it all so fast."

Twilight laughed nervously, trying not to bring up how her schedule included borrowing fifteen romance books from Rarity, and reading them all in the span of a week. "I know, just...can I kiss you again?"

The question was so unusual Luna blinked to make sure she heard it right, before going ahead and kissing her again. That kiss brought Twilight confidance back up, unscrambling her brain.

"I guess I don't want to fail with this. The more time I spend with you, the closer I want to get to you...and the more I don't want it to end."

"I know what you mean. But as long as you don't try to force anything, we will be together at the end. Do you know that?"

Twilight nodded, before yawning a little. "Wow, I need to hit the hay for tonight. When do you think I can hang out with you again?"

"I shall sent a letter through your dragon Spike when I'm ready. You do look tired right now, I can see you passing out on your way back home. Let me help you with that."

Luna's horn glowed again, and Twilight was surrounded with an aura created from the spell. It built up in light as she was lifted off the ground, before she disappeared from the forest. The job was finished.

Once Twilight was gone, Princess Luna spread her wings out and took off into the sky. When she was high above, she flew in the direction Canterlot laid. There was something she needed to ask Celestia over.


Twilight quickly learned the spell Luna had used was a special kind of transportation spell. She could feel herself becoming a bright white wisp as she flew past the forest at dizzying speeds, quickly arriving in Ponyville. The wisp looked around for directions, before recognizing the tree Twilight called home. The moment it was at the doorstep, she was back to normal.

Spike peeked his head out the second floor window, and waved her in. "I was wondering what was keeping you up so late! How did it go with you and Luna?"

She took advantage of the jacket's hood to hide her blushing cheeks. "It went great, trust me. Did you leave the front door unlocked?"

"Of course not. Ponyville gets kind of creepy this time of year. Let me get that for you."

Twilight could hear Spike walk downstairs to the front door, with the noise of the door unlocking coming next. The dragon opened the door and let her in. She put the jacket back on the coatrack, and shivered as she was greeted with a warmnth from the fire.

Immediaely, Spike noticed there was something different about Twilight. Maybe it was the way there was a smile plastered on her face, or how her eyes didn't seem to know where to look. Either way, she looked happy, and for now it didn't seem like anything he needed to worry about.

I should tell Rarity I finally got kissed on the lips, Twilight thought delightfully to herself. She climbed back into bed for the night, and that time she slept with that smile on, at all times.


Meanwhile, Celestia was at the castle's library again, exploring some of the brand new textbooks that had been released. She already had some idea of the information written inside, but it was fun to know that the students in the University of Canterlot would be learning about them too during the next school year.

Yet, she felt like something was wrong. There were a few books here and there on subjects she did not want anypony to know about. There was a certain spell book she found, one that had been made recently, yet she knew about one of the spells already inside.

There was no way she was going to let this one come out into the open. It would look foolish to hide something like this, but she learned herself the downfalls of such a spell. It would bring more anguish than happiness, despite what popular opinion would say.

Just then, the entrance doors swung open and Luna swooped down to the ground, making a perfect landing a few yards away from her sister. She brushed the dirt off her frame and faced Celestia.

"Sister, I need to talk to you about something. I remember in my fillyhood a spell with great power to it. I don't remember the name, but if I recalled what I learned correctly, you cast it on Princess Cadence."

Celestia glanced at the soon-to-be-forbidden textbook, and flipped it to the table of contents. "Yes, I think I know which spell you're talking about. Do you remember the cost of magic it took to cast? I know only of three magicians that could ever cast it, and we're two of them. The only one was Starswirl the Bearded."

"I'm aware of it from beginning to end. Do you think you could teach it to me again?"

"Yes, but if you're thinking about using it, you will not without Twilight's authority. Do you understand?"

"I wouldn't dare rebel against your word again. I learned the folly of doing so. I'll ask for her permission when the time comes."

"I hope that's your plan, she might not take to it as well as you obviously did."