• Published 28th Jul 2012
  • 15,518 Views, 428 Comments

Within The Seas of The Galaxies - Soothing Stone

What will happen when Luna discovers she has a crush on Twilight.

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Wedding Bells

Six months later, winter had come and gone from the land of Equestria. It was colder than usual, given how the pegasi felt they had to compensate for a brutally hot summer to keep things in order. But it didn't matter anymore. Spring had begun, and it was going to be the most picturesque one in years.

And it was no different today. When the sun came up, it showcased a clear day with not even a breeze in the air. The temperature would be warm and cozy, and everything that was planned would go on as scheduled. The pegasi came through when they were needed.

Yet, that was not the focus within one of the bigger dressing rooms. In a rush of little touches by a designer, a purple unicorn's dress was adjusted little by little, with a comment every now and then.

"That's good, I'm telling you it looks perfect as it is right there!" Twilight interrupted.

"Nonsense!" Rarity declared. "It is your wedding day after all. This will be a moment all of Equestria will remember, and certainly Luna of all ponies. I cannot afford to let you go when one of the stars is off, that could be a fashion disaster waiting to happen!"

Twilight shrugged and went with it, as Rarity did as she wanted. To be fair, there was nothing she thought needed to be adjusted, since she was blown away from day one by the dress.

Given the magical and lunar nature of Twilight and Luna's names, colors, and cutie marks, they decided on a theme to match it. So in response, Rarity charged at the challenge head on and went with an unusual black dress, but the stars and ribbons chosen to look like shooting stars made this look anything but an outfit for mourning.

It was a very risque dress, Rarity had to admit. That would explain why Twilight once found three rejected ones in the trash bin one night.

"There, perfect," Rarity said, examining her adjustments. "I'm sorry if I seem a little like a perfectionist today, but weddings are always a big deal for the couple, and I have to give my best. And I have to say, you look fabulous."

Twilight looked at her reflection in the big mirror, and she couldn't believe it was herself she was looking at. The mare looked so beautiful, so precisely glowing, that it was like she was in a dream.

"Well?" Rarity questioned. "Are there any wedding jitters you would like to get out? We should still have an hour."

Twilight grinned, but that didn't stop a sweat drop coming down on her cheek. "Yes. I'm so nervous about this. I'm pretty sure I don't have cold hooves, but at the same time, there's going to be a huge crowd of ponies out there, watching my every move."

"But this is what happened with Shining, minus the changeling invasion. But I guess having you out there changes everything. But do not fret, they will not be so cold to glare at you if you mess up out there. No wedding is absolutely perfect, even though mine will be, so be yourself out there, and in the end you won't feel any regrets on your honeymoon."

The purple unicorn nodded, examining herself in the mirror again. She had been looking forward to this day more than she acknowledged to herself, and now that showtime was here, she found herself just wanting to see her lover again.

And thankfully for Rarity, the worst was over. It's funny how a little makeup just below the eyes can hide bangs from sight, developed from having maybe just a little too many days working from sunrise to the next sunrise.

It was a little better in another room of the castle. Here, there were no attempts to pretty up, it wasn't necessary when it came to the other bride of this union. Still, that didn't mean there weren't any chances for some awkward moments.

"Is the sun just right?" Celestia asked, more rushed than she ever was in her whole life. "Wait, of course the sun is right. But do you think we got enough sandwiches for the post-wedding party? I don't remember, we could have to make more."

Luna laughed at the whole dilemma. "It is my wedding, and you're the one more worried? That is something I have not seen from you before. And to be fair, I believe you bought enough to feed all of Canterlot for the week."

Seeing her folly, Celestia relaxed and adjusted the slippers on her hooves. "You're right. But I don't remember a time where somepony this close to the family ever got married. It must be the first time in centuries. And now that I remember, I didn't handle them too well since I was a filly."

The princess of the night smiled at her, and went to the mirror for some adjustments. She was encouraged not to try anything fancy for dresses or makeup, which she did even when she had the urge to hire Rarity for a dress.

Yet, even at that moment, she felt like all the eyes in Equestria were on her. It was big news as it was when she returned to her post, but the hearing that she had proposed to a unicorn living in Ponyville spread like wildfire on dry grass.

I do want this, do I not? She is everything I ever wanted from a lover, and nothing has changed on my decision to take her as my wife. I can't have cold hooves from a choice that big...because I need her.

She felt her heart beat wildly in her chest when she could hear a crowd outside. They were murmuring, and it struck her that this audience was likely to be much bigger than the one for Cadence and Shining's wedding. In fact, Celestia estimated it would be twice the size given how higher up Luna was on the royal family.

"I think I'm ready," she said.

"That's great," Celestia responded. "We just need to lay the final touches outside before we're ready. I'll meet you there."

She left the room for the ceremony location, leaving Luna alone to prepare herself mentally.

The atmosphere in the other room, almost at the ceremony location itself, was much more lively and upbeat. In it were four mares from Ponyville, all looking like they were ready to go hours ago, especially the pink one.

"Can you believe it?" Pinkie shouted breathlessly. "Twilight's finally getting married with Luna, and that makes her a princess too, right? With the fancy crown, a mother and father as king and queen, and all that goodies?"

"Nah, not for a while," Applejack shook her head. "Ah think that comes later. Where did you find that DJ you hired?"

"Vinyl Scratch? We're good friends, actually. She rose her rates like crazy since she became known as 'that DJ that performed at that wedding that was almost interrupted from an insect pony', but she did it for free when I said it was for my friend's wedding!"

"Yeah, thanks for that," said Rainbow Dash. "I like that DJ. Didn't she put something on vinyl recently?"

"I don't know," Fluttershy muttered. "Did anypony else think Twilight looked shy when we saw her yesterday? Or what it just me? I'm sorry, it probably was..."

"No, Ah was thinking the same thing," Applejack cut in. "Ah haven't seen her like that since she misplaced her report to Celestia on dragon eggs. You think we should check up on her?"

"Why would we?" Pinkie questioned. "Do you know what it's like to have a wedding? You spend at least an hour waiting to kiss the one you love, and while you're waiting you're probably changing something you're wearing. I know I was going to wear green lipstick before saying hi to Shining Armor, until Rarity pulled me away since I was about to have a 'fashion disaster'!" She smiled proudly, oblivious that even Rainbow thought it was a horrifying idea.

"So it wasn't just me," Fluttershy hummed. "That's good, I'm a little nervous myself about what's going to happen. Are you sure it hasn't started yet?"

Rainbow glanced over at the clock above them. "Yeah, we still have a while. So what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Wait, there is something that's bothering me. Why is Twilight going to Canterlot all the time now? When I met her at the depot last time, I think she looked a little younger than before."

Rainbow put a hoof on her chin in thought. "She does seem like she hasn't aged at all. It's probably nothing, she's not supposed to when she's like 22."

"OK. And another thing, since she's going to marry Nightmare Moon--I mean, Princess Luna," she corrected herself, getting a lot of curious looks, "does this mean Twilight is moving back to Canterlot. I don't want to see her go again."

"I asked Celestia about that the other day," Applejack mentioned. "They supposedly agreed that she would spend half a year in Ponyville to continue her studies and stay with us, and the other half she would be with Luna right here."

Fluttershy sighed in relief. "So she's not leaving for good yet. That's great."

Pinkie titled her head. "Why would she leave Ponyville? Are you scared she might leave one day?"

The yellow pegasus nodded. "I don't want any one of us to go...but I shouldn't force that either."

To her surprise, Pinkie came to hug her tightly, nuzzling their cheeks together. "Of course I wouldn't leave you! You are all my friends, and I'm sure Twilight will do the same, right?"

"Right!" Rainbow and Applejack said in unison.

Just then, they heard a knock on the door, as Shining came in with a smile cemented on his face. "They're ready for you to take your positions."


Like Celestia predicted, the audience for the wedding of Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna was twice as big as the previous royal wedding. It was so massive that every street was packed with ponies from all of Equestria, and a few of the ponies in the overflow crowd got creative and used hot air balloons to hover over the festivities, causing the event to look like one big party. Which was going to be accurate soon enough.

Inside the balcony where the wedding was located, all of the rest of the Elements had their spots on the carpet, each with a similar dress to the previous wedding. Rarity had to wipe away a tear as her emotions were getting to her.

The red carpet that led to the spot was long and extravagant, with Celestia standing tall at the end with the two wedding rings she had designed for them, one with a purple diamond and the other with a dark blue one.

Also with Celestia at the end were the Royal Guards standing tall as they kept an eye on the festivities. They would never leave such a huge event to chance again after the changeling invasion. It helped make Twilight's parents feel a bit safer, as they watched with tissues ready.

All eyes were glued to the big double doors as they were swung open for the wedding to officially begin. The first things to emerge were the Cutie Mark Crusaders spreading flowers all over the carpet, while hiding they were doing it just as much for the hope they would get their cutie marks as much as it was to be good friends.

Twilight's parents smiled to each other as the next part started with the first bride to appear with her brother next to her side. Shining's armor had been considerably modified where his new wings were, yet by now everypony was used to it. Twilight's eyes were gleaming in delight as the moment was finally here.

"You're doing great, sister. I couldn't have been more proud of you than I am right now," he whispered.

"Right back at you," she grinned.

After what felt like minutes of walking to the end of the carpet, Twilight found her spot and winked to her parents in the audience, who lost it and waved back. She blushed as her attention was back at the entrance like everypony else.

Soon, what was possibly the most beautiful pony in the world to her appeared within sight. Her mane was naturally moving with the stars embedded inside it, and she thought she had never seen anypony with eyes that shone with light like Luna's were.

When Luna caught sight of her lover at the alter, she stopped herself in disbelief. It had been days since she saw Twilight, but she couldn't believe how gorgeous she was in her wedding dress. Rarity's gamble had paid off tremendously, as now the unicorn's outfit was fitting for a princess almost. But she was perceptive enough to know that the other ponies would think something was wrong if she didn't keep moving, so she continued.

A million pair of eyes were watching her as she made her way down the line herself. She had the biggest grin on her face as she matched Twilight's glance the entire walk down, while Celestia had to wipe a tear of joy away.

I can't believe it, she thought privately to herself. I never seen Luna so happy before in my life. We're all going to remember this moment for the rest of our lives, aren't we?

After Luna went to her spot, Celestia cleared her throat as the town shushed itself to observe.

"On this day in Equestria, we are here to observe the union of two of the best ponies I have ever had the privilege to know personally. Princess Luna, my beloved sister, and Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student.

"There is only one wish I have for this marriage, and that as you two come together into union, that both of you will live together, through the thick and thin, through the good times and the bad times, being there for each other when the occasion requires it. And let this union shine, to serve as an example of two loving ponies coming together."

She almost choked there, but swallowed and turned to Twilight first.

"Do you, Twilight Sparkle, accept this mare to be your wife, now and forever?"

"I do. Now and forever," Twilight answered.

"And do you, Luna, Princess of the Night, take this mare to be your wife, now and forever?"

"I do. For as long as we live."

"Then I now pronounce you mare and wife."

The final moment of truth arrived, as they came together to share the unifying kiss at long last. They almost didn't hear the loud erupting of shouts and applause as they were finally married. Twilight hugged her again as they continued to share that kiss, as tears streamed down their faces.

"I love you so much," Twilight cried.

"I love you too, Twilight Sparkle, now and forever," Luna gasped.


As was promised from the rumor that Vinyl Scratch might be making an appearance which turned out to be true, the after party was wild and insane. After deciding that she alone wouldn't be able to make this party worthwhile, Pinkie decided to make Twilight's first wedding gift a party canon, which had the consequences you would have guessed.

But there was a quiet moment, believe it or not, where Twilight and Luna did share a quiet dance together. True to many of their moments together, the world around them ceased to exist, and it was like they were in the sky, flying with each other.

"Have you ever seen her like that?" Applejack asked the rest of the Mane 6.

"No, and that's what makes it beautiful," Rarity said, a whole tissue box by her side. "I think Twilight has finally become a true woman before our eyes. They grow so fast."

Rainbow tried to push how this gushy scene was getting to her, before finally giving in. "Fine, I like watching this. Thank Celestia the new Daring Do book came out this week, I'm going to have to read it to make up for this."

Fluttershy smiled, nudging Rainbow on the side. "It's fine, I'm sure you'll be fine. But I don't see any band playing the song. Then who is..."

They all turned to the DJ table, where Vinyl Scratch had put on a classical record to everypony's shock. She shrugged and would later say, "It was Octavia's first record. She would have strangled me if I didn't play it at an event that big."

However, neither Luna nor Twilight acknowledge the hijinks around them, and kept close to each other. Twilight kept in pace with the dance, as she would glance right at Luna, crying again.

"What's the matter? Is something bothering you?" Luna asked.

"No," Twilight answered. "I don't know if I've ever been this happy before in my life."

"I know that feeling, but I think there's more we haven't done tonight," she grinned.

Twilight leaned back into Luna's hooves, as she couldn't wait for their honeymoon to start either.


The next morning, Twilight and Luna were inside a private little house in the middle of nowhere, just what they both wanted: A break from their routines to be with each other.

As Luna's eyes opened up, she turned around to see that Twilight was still asleep. Hay, even having her wife like this was enough for her, that they were finally together at last.

She couldn't help herself and kissed Twilight on the forehead. However, with the touch, the unicorn's eyes propped open, and she grinned and kissed Luna on the forehead as well.

"That was a wild night, wasn't it?" she asked.

"I didn't assume you would last that long," Luna admitted. "I have to take that into consideration next time. But...this feels nice."

"What part about it feels nice?"

"Waking up in bed with you by my side. Nothing else. I had waited for a while for this moment, and...it was even better than I dreamed. And I have high dreams in my sleep."

"So do I." She kissed Luna again, and both of their hooves were wrapped against the other. It was a bit strange to see the princess without either her slippers or her crown, but that didn't matter. They were going to be very close to each other for the next week.