• Published 25th Jul 2018
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Rainbooms and Royalty (New) - Trinary

Rainbow Dash's first Sonic Rainboom garnered her plenty of attention—including from Celestia, who made Rainbow her student! A re-imagining of the events "Friendship is Magic" (New version!)

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Chapter 18

Rainbow Dash let out a challenging snort as the ‘fearsome’ Diamond Dogs crawled out of the ground. There were only three of them and none of them exactly struck her as being all that impressive. One was decently sized and bulky but looked about as sharp as a bowling ball, and another was so short a foal could’ve beaten him. The one in the middle with the red vest looked intelligent, comparatively speaking, but was skinny and lanky as all get out. The arms looked disproportionately large on them, but Dash doubted they’d pose a real threat.

No sooner had the thought passed her mind then a horde of large, muscular, armored Dogs emerged from below, forming an arc behind their leaders. That, Rainbow had to admit, posed more of an issue.

Zecora rapped her shin with her staff. Rainbow winced and rubbed her bruised leg, glaring at the zebra. “What was that for?”

“Shush! Do not make any sudden motion. We can settle this without commotion.” She looked to the Diamond Dogs. “What is it you have to say? Let us go, we have the right of way!”

The red vested-dog growled. “Enough with your twisty-talk. No pony or striped-pony can cross Dog territory without paying tribute!”

Zecora began digging through her saddlebags while Dash fidgeted irritably, thinking of all the faster, easier ways they could’ve avoided another delay if it was just her and Zecora. She could’ve flown over, maybe even carry her if she had to.

Pinkie Pie bounced up to the Diamond Dogs. “What sort of tribute do you want? Oooh, how about a party? We can have a great big doggy party with party favors shaped like bones and we can play pin the tail on the Diamond Dog and bob for tennis balls and eeep!” She yelped when Applejack yanked her back by her tail.

After Pinkie’s sudden intrusion—and removal—Diamond Dogs enveloped them in a ring of canines. The lead dog crossed his arms contemptuously. “None is better at digging holes than Diamond Dogs!”

“Diggy diggy holes!” snickered the smaller one, rubbing its grimy paws together and stamping twice on the ground.

Then the ground beneath them shook and split open, revealing a tremendous pink and purple worm-like monster. Its head split open in thirds as it roared in front of them, numerous tentacles—or possibly tongues—reaching out at them. Right atop its back sat another Diamond Dog, pulling on a harness that had been wrapped around its head.

This was getting ugly. Uglier, Rainbow amended. She rolled her neck and limbered up while Applejack pawed at the ground, readying herself for a charge.

Twilight tugged feebly at them with her magic. “We can’t fight all of them and that monster!” she whispered.

“Speak for yourself,” Rainbow hissed back. “If we can’t stand up to a bunch of dogs, how do you expect us to stop Nightmare Moon?”

Twilight amended her objection. “Okay, fine, you can take them—but you won’t be able to rest up until we stop Nightmare Moon, remember? And what if somepony else gets hurt? We’re not all as fast as you.”

Which was why, Rainbow grumbled to herself, she wanted to do this alone.

Zecora stepped forward. “There is no need to unleash such a beast, unless you’d prefer becoming its feast?” She wasn’t wrong; even the Diamond Dogs seemed willing to give the tatzlwyrm’s head a wide berth. “It is clear things have gone astray. I demand to know what the Twinkle-Eyes have to say.”

“Say what now?” Rainbow looked at her in confusion and she wasn’t the only one. The Diamond Dogs looked at each other and went into a quick huddle. There were hushed whispers and murmurings, mixed in with the odd glare directed towards the equine party. One of them darted back down into the ground. He emerged a moment later … trailed by a pony.

This was like nopony Rainbow Dash had ever met. Aside from living underground—which the sky-born pegasus could only just barely wrap her head around—her eyes looked like gemstones. Rarity swooned, though whether it was the gem-eyes or the fact that the mare was covered in dust and dirt was anypony’s guess.

“Anypony ever seen a pony like that?” Applejack asked in a voice barely above a whisper.

Twilight let out a small gasp. “Ohmygosh, a Twinkle-Eyed Pony! I’ve read about them but never had the opportunity to see one before! This is so exciting!”

Now that Twilight had said it, Rainbow found herself remembering too. “Oh yeah, that’s right! One of them visited Queen Celestia a while back. She told me they like to keep to themselves a lot and don’t really interact much with other ponies. At least, not for a few hundred years. I think something happened, but Celestia didn’t want to talk about it.”

“Ooh, yeah!” Pinkie gasped. “Maud always said they were the best geologists and rockologists out there. She said they had a real eye for gems.” She thought about this for a moment and then laughed. “Ooooh, now I get it! Maud, you clever pony! She always was the family comedian.”

Zecora nodded, her eyes focused on the Twinkle-Eye standing amid the Diamond Dogs. “They prefer their underground solitude from the rest of ponykind. They assist the Dogs, helping with the treasure they love to find.” She lowered her voice a touch. “If the truth be told, the Dogs are not that bright. I am hoping the Twinkle-Eye can help us avoid a fight.”

As if on cue, the pony stepped away from the Diamond Dogs to approach the group. “I am Bright Eyes. Why did you want to speak with me?”

“We are travelers looking to cross the path. It was not our intention to stir your friends’ wrath.” Zecora dipped her head politely. “We hoped a cooler head could see a way through our impasse, before any unpleasantness should come to pass.”

Bright Eyes wrinkled her muzzle. “You have a large party with you. If you can’t pay for all of you, it might be best if you turned around.”

Before Zecora could say another word, Rainbow Dash leapt in. “No way! Haven’t you noticed it’s still dark out?” Bright Eyes looked around at the sky, answering Rainbow’s question. “Nightmare Moon is back! She’s going to make it night forever unless you let us through! Don’t you think that matters?!”

“Day and night have little meaning where we live,” Bright Eyes replied. “Perhaps it’s better that way. We have no desire to be caught up in that again.”

Zecora swung her staff down, blocking Rainbow’s path. “Be that as it may, we must still be on our way. If you should choose to hinder us, you will be caught up in it regardless.”

Bright Eyes thought it over and trekked back to the Diamond Dogs where hushed talks resumed.

Applejack looked to Zecora. “What d’you think they’re fixing to want from us?”

“On past occasions, a minor trinket or gift would usually tide them over. However,” she frowned, “since our party is larger, we’ll need something greater to appease Rover. Their display of force and haggling is mainly just for show—but if they are challenged, they will not easily let us go.”

Rainbow frowned back. “Well, we’re in a hurry! Let’s just give them whatever it is they want and get on with it!”

“That begs the question of if we have anything they desire,” Zecora replied. “Diamond Dogs are greedy, avarice setting their hearts afire. If possible, they’d demand the sun as payment. Bargaining them down will take time—time poorly spent.”

It was then that Bright Eyes walked back over. “I spoke to them. They’re willing to allow you all to pass if they’re properly compensated. Beyond their usual toll.”

Zecora frowned and looked through her bags, grumbling in a way that did not exude confidence.

“Wait, they’re called Diamond Dogs.” Pinkie observed “Unless their name is just some kind of weird unrelated reference humor, that must mean they like gems and things, right?”

“It is true, glittering gems are the Dogs’ first love,” Zecora agreed. “But they’re not something that simply rains from above. That is why I usually offer something else to trade. Pray I have something they will accept for services paid.”

“Don’t suppose you happen to have some sort of magic spell that makes gems out of rocks, do you?” Applejack asked Twilight.

“Well, there are spells that can transform objects into other objects, but it’s only temporary—I don’t know if it’ll last long enough for us to get away,” she whispered.

Rarity bit her lip as she concentrated. Her horn shimmered with magic. After a minute she sighed and sat down, looking dejected. “It’s no use.”

“What is it?” Twilight asked, the others looking to see what Rarity had attempted.

“I know a spell that helps me find gems—it’s what led me to my cutie mark, though I didn’t know it at the time. I was checking to see if there were any gems nearby that we could dig up and give to them.”

“And?” Applejack asked. Rarity shook her head. “Shewt. Looks like we’re gonna have a fight on our hooves.”

Rainbow Dash stretched, cracking her neck as she readied herself. Her preparations were cut short by Rarity’s soft interjection. “Not necessarily.” She reached up with her hooves and slowly pulled her necklace off.

“Oh but Rarity—you can’t! It’s from your granny,” Applejack whispered with a pained look on her face.

“I know. But Equestria needs us to move forward more than I need this stone. As Rainbow said, we are in a hurry. And besides,” she gave a wane, sad smile as magicked the shining gem up to her eye. “I don’t really need it to remember that my grandmother loved me.” She strode forth, her head tilted back as she levitated her necklace up high for all the Diamond Dogs to see. “I assume this is enough for us to pass by?”

The dogs didn’t answer. They were all looking wide-eyed at the amazing, rainbow-colored gem. Their ears flattened against their skulls as if simultaneously awed and ashamed to be in front of such a gemstone.

“It beautiful,” whispered the short one.

The lead dog’s eyes went wide as he hesitantly reached out and caressed the gem within his paws. He cradled it, half-turning away from Rarity for fear that she might suddenly renege and take their precious gem away. “This is most beautiful gem Diamond Dogs ever see,” he whispered in a hushed tone that still managed to travel across the clearing for all to hear. “You give this … to us?”

Rarity closed her eyes and lowered her head in a single nod. “At least I’ll know that it’ll always be appreciated—eek!” She opened her eyes and raised her head to find herself being adoringly licked by the Diamond Dogs.

“Nice pony! Give pretty gem to dogs!” The leader slurped her cheek in a friendly manner. “You are friend to Diamond Dogs forever! You may pass! Yes, and back again later! Oh, thank you wonderful pony!”

Rarity gave a weak grin as her eye twitched at the sensation of Diamond Dog drool on her cheek and their hot breath in her nose. After one last group hug, the Diamond Dogs, still clutching their new treasure, leapt back into their holes and filled them up again.

Hesitantly, the rest of the group made their way to Rarity. “Are you okay?” Rainbow asked.

“Hmm, yes, I’m fine. Just … fine.” Rarity’s voice was light, even airy, but still not fully convincing. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie hugged her from both sides, and Applejack removed her hat. “Rarity I—I know how important it is to have something from your kinfolk to remember them by. You can wear my hat for a while, if you want.”

Shooting her a grateful smile and a nod, Rarity levitated Applejack’s hat onto her head. “Hmm, not the most stylish but undoubtedly functional.” She dipped her head. “Thank you.”

“So, think you’ll be okay?” Rainbow asked.

“I said so, didn’t I?” Rarity replied in a non-answer. “My grandmother used to tell me that you can’t be diminished by giving to others, because you grow through giving.” She offered a small smile. “I like to think she always wanted me to give that necklace to somepony else someday.”

Once more the party was on their way through the great tracts of the Everfree Forest. Rainbow Dash, for a change, had decided to walk with the rest of the group instead of flying above them. Her eye kept trailing to Rarity, who walked with quiet dignity, trying to conceal her pain at what she had to sacrifice. Rainbow was in the throes of cognitive dissonance—a phrase she had never had cause to use—as she tried to grapple with her two images of Rarity. On the one hoof, prim, prissy Prima Donna and fashioñista; on the other hoof, caring, and generous and even capable of deep sacrifice.

And Pinkie Pie: how could a pony that random and seemingly detached from reality be capable of being that insightful? Of being able to spread so much joy that she effectively managed to overcome the worst moments of her life?

So lost in thought, and admittedly extremely tired, Rainbow Dash didn’t even notice when everypony else stopped. She kept going ahead until she felt herself being tugged back by her tail.

“Hold up there, Rainbow,” Applejack said around a mouthful of rainbow. Releasing her grip, she gestured ahead of her. “Or were you planning on taking a dip?”

Dash looked ahead. She was about three feet from setting a hoof into a large river. She had nearly walked right into it without even noticing! “Er, right. Thanks.”

The forest came to an abrupt stop right at the river’s side, the group staring at the wide expanse of water before them. Rarity frowned as her hooves sank into the mud. “Not again…”

“Jeepers!” Pinkie Pie said as she peered over at the river. “That’s a river of refreshment! A lake of liquids, a whole lotta water, a … does anypony else suddenly need to use the bathroom?”

Sidestepping that issue entirely, Zecora looked across the river. “Blast this thrice-confounded mist! I can’t see a thing in this!”

“I-It looks really far away,” Fluttershy meekly observed.

“Too far to swim,” Applejack agreed. “I don’t think most of y’all could make it across, no offense.”

Twilight nodded. “None taken. We don’t even know what lives in that water.” She looked at it critically. “I can’t teleport across either if I can’t see the other side. I’d either come up short and end up mid-river, or overshoot it and end up teleporting into a rock or a tree or something. And to do that for all of you—that would take a lot of energy.”

“Nothing to stop me from flying over.” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I could carry you guys.”

“All of us? All the way across the river?” Twilight was incredulous. “You’re already tired; we all are. I’m sure you could carry a couple of us across, but we can’t see the other side. If your grip slips—even once!—somepony could fall in.”

Zecora nodded. “Our party splitting up would be extremely unwise, especially if we’re split on the river’s two sides.”

“Okay, so we can’t swim, teleport, or fly across.” Dash snorted. “What’s left?”

“Bucking.” Applejack announced, to incredulous stares. She grinned at their incomprehension, idly rubbing a hoof against her chest. “I know plenty about trees, and not just ones that grow apples. See these?” She nodded to the trees sprouting along the hilly riverbank. “These here are riparian trees—maple if you wanna be precise. Feel how muddy the ground is? It’s the roots of these trees that hold the riverbank together. If it weren’t for them, all this mud would just slide into the river and clog it up.”

Rainbow’s eyes lit up. “So what you’re saying is—”

“We knock down enough of them trees, we’ll start our very own mudslide. Probably won’t be enough to dam the river, but it oughta slow it down something fierce.” Applejack beamed proudly. “Heh, and bet y’all thought I was just a pretty face, didn’t ya?”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “What, come on, we never thought that you had a pretty face.” Applejack snorted.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “At the risk of interrupting this witty banter—or this off-brand substitute for wit—how are we supposed to knock down, what, dozens of trees?”

Applejack rolled her neck with an audible crick. “Good ol’ honest work. Let’s get to bucking!” She charged over and lashed out with her hind-hooves. The tree shuddered and began to sag in the soft, muddy ground. After a few more blows it toppled over entirely, its roots ripped up and exposed. “Huh, must be tireder than I thought. I could normally do that with one kick.” She shot her companions a grin. “Well? What’re y’all waiting for? A written invitation?”

Rainbow Dash needed no further bidding, launching herself into the air and smashing the trees with her hooves. While she couldn’t call upon the same experience that Applejack had built up over the years, nor the same sort of concentrated strength in her hind-legs, Rainbow could build up more momentum when she hit.

Not wanting to be outdone, Applejack redoubled her efforts, as did Rainbow Dash. Soon over a dozen trees had been felled, the mud and dirt sliding into the river, coaxed along by Twilight’s magic. The river’s roar had become a dull gurgle.

Rarity examined the situation critically, albeit while keeping her hooves away from the flowing mud. “The river looks calmer now, but it’s still too wide to cross by swimming.”

Applejack wiped her brow, “Aww, is that all? Here.” She grunted, and began pushing one of the downed trees into the river. “We can hop aboard and paddle our way across.” She demonstratively perched onto the tree and waved the others over.

The others climbed aboard with little difficulty, though Zecora had to gently nudge and prod Rarity into getting on the wet, dirty trunk but eventually she did.

“And we’re off!” Rainbow Dash cried as she started flapping her wings, helping to navigate the ungainly vessel. “Give me some wing power, Fluttershy!”

She squeaked. “O-okay, but it’s not going to be much.” With the two of them flapping, they managed to more or less steer the tree towards the other side of the river and had managed to put some distance between them and the other side. The mist that clung to the river’s surface had enveloped the bank they had launched from, now they couldn’t see either side of the river. It was all water and mist as far as the eye could see. The mud pouring to the water had stirred up the riverbed, with swirling dirt turning the water a muddy brown.

“Leastaways the water’s smoother,” Applejack said when Rainbow commented on it. No sooner had the words left her mouth then the tree was suddenly rocked hard. “Whoa nelly!” she called. “Everypony hang on to a branch!”

“Aaaaah!” Rarity shrieked as water splashed over her. “Bwah!”

“Is the water getting rough?” Rainbow Dash decided to stick with her companions on the tree even though she could have easily flown off to avoid the turbulence.

Twilight shook her head, though that could’ve been the tree rocking. “No! It’s not the water. I think something’s hitting us!”

Zecora pointed with a hoof. Everypony looked to see ripples in the water and a dark shape just barely visible below the surface swiftly approaching their makeshift ship. It collided, sending tremors all along the length of the tree. “I’m getting dizzy,” Fluttershy said woozily.

“Here come more of them!” Twilight said, seeing half a dozen dark shapes cutting swiftly through the water.

Rainbow just managed to shout “Hang on!” before the impact. The tree turned on its side, pitching seven equines into the cold river. Rainbow sputtered, spitting out water as she surfaced. “Everypony alright?” she called, her soaked mane obscuring her vision.

“Ptooey! I’m okay!” She heard Pinkie Pie call. “Hey, who wants to have a splash fight? We can—hmmph!”

Rainbow Dash sighed, grateful somepony else had put her hoof down—or in, as the case may be. “Thanks, AJ.”

“Thanks for what?” Applejack called back. “I didn’t do nothing.”

“Rarity? Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked, hearing a pair of ‘no’s drift her way. Looking around she saw Zecora treading water. Before she could ask her, Zecora suddenly submerged. Rainbow looked on in confusion as Zecora burst out of the water, spitting out water and taking a gasping breath of air. “Zecora, what—”

Suddenly the zebra went under again. Not diving under, Rainbow realized with horror, but pulled under. She then felt a tug on her hind leg. “Watch ou—HMPH!” There was barely any time to close her mouth before she was yanked under.

She kicked her hooves around furiously, but the water made her movements feel slow and lethargic. Still, whatever had pulled her under had been shaken off. Rainbow looked around. After flying at literally blinding speeds and through all sorts of weather, seeing through the water wasn’t much of a challenge for her. She saw Zecora and the others being tugged down by the tails, by their hooves, by vague shapes darting through the water.

Rainbow’s eyes widened as something tugged on her, spinning her around. She found herself staring face to face with something straight out of old legends: a pony face attached to body with fins, tails and flippers, snarling in her face her with a mouth full of little sharp teeth.