• Published 25th Jul 2018
  • 6,209 Views, 557 Comments

Rainbooms and Royalty (New) - Trinary

Rainbow Dash's first Sonic Rainboom garnered her plenty of attention—including from Celestia, who made Rainbow her student! A re-imagining of the events "Friendship is Magic" (New version!)

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Chapter 9

By the time Twilight caught up with Rainbow Dash and Applejack, they had already been relaxing in the center of Ponyville for a while. “What took you so long?” Rainbow asked the winded unicorn, who glowered by way of reply.

Applejack missed it as she was scanning the sky. “What’s the weather supposed to be like for the celebration?”

Twilight took a moment to catch her breath while consulting her official overseer’s checklist. “Clear blue skies. Why?” She looked up. “Oh.” The sky was pockmarked with white wispy clouds. “That isn’t right at all! Oooh, where is that weatherpony?!”

“Hey, give Derpy a break.” Rainbow defended her absent friend. “She’s working two jobs and has foals. So she’s a little behind schedule, big deal.”

Twilight seemed to shrink in on herself. “I-I didn’t know. I’m sorry, I just…”

Rainbow sighed and looked apologetic, even without Applejack’s warning look. Twilight was so sensitive she couldn’t bring herself to be annoyed with her.

“It’s okay. Sorry for snapping at you.” Rainbow offered her a small smile. No wonder Shining Armor wanted her to get away from her studies for a bit. She was as asocial as anypony she’d ever met. Eager to move away from the awkwardness, Rainbow decided to ask, “Say, do you know why Sweet Apple Acres is in charge of catering for the whole Summer Sun Celebration instead of Sugarcube Corner?”

Applejack flicked her tail, looking nettled. “Beg your pardon?”

Rainbow was getting tired of apparently saying just the wrong thing lately, took a breath and tried again. “I mean, after meeting Pinkie Pie it just seems weird that she wouldn’t be involved in planning a party. It’s probably her middle name.”

Mollified, Applejack nodded. “Okay, yeah I can see it. I won’t deny Sucarcube Corner’s food is anything but first rate. Truth of the matter is, they probably would be involved except that Mrs. Cake has a less literal bun in the oven to take care of.” She dipped her hat. “Before you feel bad for them missing out on the catering gig, know that we’re planning on donating about a third of what we make to help them out with the foal.”

“That’s cool.” Rainbow nodded, satisfied with the answer.

The lull in the conversation was filled by the arrival of a harried-looking gray pegasus. “Sorry! Sorry I’m late!” They looked up to see Derpy pushing at the clouds over their heads.

“Hey.” Rainbow Dash took to the air. “How are you?”

“Okay! A little busy, but fine.” Derpy bucked at a cloud, dissipating it. “Had to deliver…” she panted, “…a letter from the Mayor … for everypony in town about … the celebration!” She kicked at another cloud, having to hit it a couple of times before it broke apart. “The rest of my team is busy.”

Rainbow flew next to her. “Why don’t you take five and let me take care of it? I can have it done before you can say ‘muffin’!”

Derpy gave her a grateful look but shook her head. “N-no, I … I need the money,” she huffed, clearly out of breath.

“It’s not like I was going to take your pay!” Dash reared up. “Call this a freebee for that time in summer camp when you didn’t tell anypony about me breaking curfew.” Without another word Rainbow dashed about from one cloud to another and quickly bucking them apart. Below, Twilight, Applejack and Derpy looked straight up and watched Rainbow Dash, their eyes zipping back and forth like a ball in a tennis match. “And loop de loop around—” Rainbow grinned as she jammed her hoof through the last cloud, “—and ta da! All finished.”

The ponies on the ground looked around. There wasn’t a single cloud left in the sky. Rainbow grinned at their awestruck faces. She turned to enjoy the look on Derpy’s face, only to be tackled out of the sky by a fierce glomp. “Gyaah!” Rainbow grunted as she hit the ground, still being hugged by the endearingly wall-eyed mare.

“Thank you so much!” Derpy’s eyes were tearing up. “It’s just been so hard getting everything ready for the celebration and Dinky and—”

Dash grunted from underneath her. “It’s okay Derpy, really.” She gently pried her off and climbed back to her hooves.

Twilight ticked off a box on the checklist. “Um, Rainbow Dash? What you did for your friend, that was … nice.” Her purple cheeks pinkened slightly.

“‘Nice?’” Rainbow pulled a face at the pretty minimalist description, only to soften it when she saw Twilight flinch as though afraid she had said the wrong thing. “Yeah, I’ll accept that.” She made sure to smile so Twilight would know it was okay. She turned back just in time for Pinkie Pie to hop right in front of her.

“...you were whoosh, zoom, vroom...” She gestured wildly.

Rainbow blinked and leaned backwards. “Aheh, yeah, thanks.” She liked admirers as much as the next pony, but this one was starting to wear out her already low reserves of patience.

“I mean, wow! Your job must mean you fly a lot!”

Rainbow frowned. “I guess-”

“Where do you work? Are you a ninja?”


“Do you do stunt flying? Are you half-machine? Are you an alien from another world sent to show Equestria how to be morally upstanding by punching alien invasions and snapping ponies' necks? No, wait! I got it! You fell into a vat of rainbow juice in the weather factory as a filly and got super speed powers!"

Rainbow looked at the pink mare for a second, unsure how to respond. “I work out a lot,” she carefully stated. “And what do you do?” Rainbow was a little scared of letting this mare talk, but it was the smoothest way she had of changing the subject.

Pinkie beamed. “I’m a party planner!”

Rainbow waited for Pinkie to go into a long monologue, but she just stood there. Pinkie glanced around. “Why is everypony staring at me? I plan parties. It's not complicated.”

“Well, I sorta expected some kinda cockamamie explanation fer plannin’ that involved aliens or some such thing,” Applejack said.

Pinkie Pie snorted. “Don’t be silly. You want to hear complicated? Just ask me about Rock Farming!”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Rock farming?”

“I’m glad you asked!” Pinkie declared.

Applejack and Rainbow exchanged glances. “What have I done?” Rainbow whispered.

“Somethin’ stupid,” Applejack told her.

Rainbow glared at the other mare. “Thanks. You're a real pal.”

“You see, deep underneath Equestria, ancient beings lay in an enchanted sleep. Once, they ruled everything as the Rock Lords, indestructible silicon-based life forms that exist solely to destroy all that they see!”

Pinkie had disappeared from view, but her voice was still visible. She had also made large posters of the rock beings, which were rather disappointing simple boulders.

“But their re-emergence is upon us! The spell that cast them into a deep sleep has begun to fray, and they stir from their slumber. The evil Lavan has arisen, and he seeks revenge on those who had struck him and his allies down by destroying all of ponykind. Fortunately, there are those who stand in his way. Now, the ancient hero Boulder has been awaken by the noblest of ponies, Maud Pie. The two of them stand together against the Terra-Firmian hordes that lay deep beneath Equestria. They are our only hope!”

Dead silence reigned for a full half minute.

“You’re pulling our hooves, aren’t you?” Rainbow Dash deadpanned.

Pinkie looked her square in the face, her expression serious … for all of about three seconds. Then her lip trembled and she had to bite down. She snorted, giggling. “Of course I am!” Pinkie squealed, falling back on her rump and laughing. “That’s just silly! Rock Lords are the size of normal rocks! They couldn’t do anything to us even if they wanted to!”

Rainbow Dash considered questioning this further before her rarely used sensibility decided to veto that action and instead had her chuckle along with the pink mad mare. “Are you really from a rock farm?”

Pinkie nodded. “Yepperoni! It wasn’t as much fun as it sounded. Maud got to have the wacky adventures underground, and sometimes I got kidnapped and that was fun, but most of the time it was just work. Really, really, sucky work.” Her puffy hair began to deflate like a balloon with a hole in it. “I love my family, but I wasn’t happy there.”

She gave Rainbow Dash a knowing look that made the rainbow-maned pony wonder if Pinkie knew more than she let on. But that look was gone in a flash.

“But then I saw the most amazing rainbow that made me smile and smile until I never wanted to stop!” She looked at her flank as she perked up, her mane inflating. “That’s when I decided I wanted to make everypony else smile too, so I threw a big party for my family and they were all smiling and dancing and that’s when I got my cutie mark!”

“A partying cutie mark. I would never have guessed,” Rainbow deadpanned. “But then, why aren’t you involved in preparing for the Summer Sun Celebration?”

“Because I couldn’t get a permit for my party cannon,” Pinkie said breezily.

Rainbow’s sensibility nearly kept her from asking, but it had overextended its powers and was helpless to keep her from heading down this path. “What’s a party cannon?”

“A cannon that shoots parties, silly? What else could it be?” With that, Pinkie pronked away, satisfied that she’d answered everypony’s questions and been a great help.

Rainbow meanwhile was left rubbing her head, futilely trying to prevent an oncoming headache.

Derpy shrugged her wings and patted Rainbow on the back. “She’s just being Pinkie Pie. You get used to it.”

“Whatever,” Rainbow grumbled. “So, that takes care of the weather. What’s next, Twilight?”

Twilight checked her list. “Decorations. Do you know who’s in charge of that?”

Derpy waved her hoof in the air. “That’d be Rarity. I know because she told me when she said she’d make Dinky a special dress for the celebration!” She smiled, one eye wobbling up and away.

Rainbow groaned.

“Aww, c’mon it won’t be that bad.” Applejack nudged her. “C’mon, now, y’all have a job and you need to see it through.”

Rainbow grumbled but didn’t argue. Derpy gave her a comforting nuzzle and draped her wing over her back. “Why don’t you fly with me as we go?” she suggested. “I’m sure Applejack can keep Twilight company.”

Dash nodded as she went back into the air, soon joined by Derpy as the four of them made their way through town.

Derpy and Rainbow Dash flew side by side, Applejack and Twilight walking below to give them some privacy. After a few moments Derpy spoke up. “So, what’s put the thunder in your cloud?”

Rainbow twitched her wings. “Nothing.”

Sighing, Derpy rolled her eyes in opposite directions. It was quite a sight. “Don’t give me that. It’s obvious since yesterday something’s been bothering you, so tell me—without the attitude.”

Rainbow opened her mouth to protest at the very idea only to quail under Derpy’s gaze; when she broke out the ‘mom eyes’ there was no refusing her. “Okay,” Rainbow sighed. “I just don’t even know where to start.”

“How about the part why you don’t want them to know that you’re Queen Celestia’s student?”

Derpy’s question came out so neat and pat that it actually took a moment for Rainbow Dash’s brain to actually register it. “What?” Rainbow blinked. “I didn’t—I mean it isn’t that big a deal, you know? I didn’t want to make a whole thing out of it ...”

Derpy gently cuffed her with one wing. “Rainbow, I don’t like being lied to. You love talking about the amazing things that go on with your life. A lot. I know you’ve talked about it with Fluttershy when you write to her. She talks about you all the time.”

Rainbow Dash hesitated. “Really?”

“Yeah, she’s always saying, ‘I wonder what Rainbow Dash is doing?’ or ‘Rainbow Dash’s birthday is coming up, think I should send her something?’ ‘I just sent Rainbow Dash another letter, I hope she gets it’ or ‘when is that featherbrain going to take five minutes to write me back?’” Derpy paused. “Okay, one of those things she didn’t say, but I’m not telling you which.” Her gaze softened as she watched Rainbow struggle to form a response. “Hey, c’mon, I didn’t tell you that to make you feel bad. When you do write Fluttershy a letter she’s on cloud nine for days afterwards. And we’re kind of getting off topic—the point is that we know you’re the Queen’s student. Fluttershy, Cloud and I are really happy for you. We’re just wondering why you’re not.”

Rainbow flew in silence while she thought. Derpy recognized the rare expression on Rainbow’s face and gave her time. Exhaling softly, the she explained. “I guess I didn’t want ponies to see me as a failure.”

The incredulous look on Derpy’s face said it all, but she still felt obliged to say out loud: “You’re not a failure! Where did you get such a ridiculous idea as that?”

“When you think of somepony that’s supposed to be Queen Celestia’s student, what do you think of?” Dash asked. “Everypony thinks of some super magical, super smart and wise and nice and classy pony … whenever they look at me, they don’t see that. Mainly because I’m not that.”

Derpy brushed her outstretched wing against Rainbow’s side. “You’re an amazing pony Rainbow Dash.”

“I know.” Rainbow’s voice was matter of fact. “I know I’m amazing. I’m Rainbow Dash, I’m bucking awesome!” She gave Derpy a look. “But that’s because I’m being me. When I’m being Queen Celestia’s student … I can’t ever meet the expectations! It’s like,” she fumbled for a moment as she looked for an example. “Imagine somepony came into town and started to judge you on your ability to make authentic yak cuisine. You’ve never done it, you have no interest in it, and it’s not worth doing anyway since yak food is nasty.”

Derpy nodded to show she was following her. “That would be frustrating.”

“Right! But imagine that's the one thing it turns out that everypony cares about for no real reason. No matter how great you are at everything else, none of it matters for except this one stupid thing! That’s where I’m at.” Rainbow shook her head. “I like challenges but I don’t like being set up to fail. I don’t care about ponies judging me, but couldn’t they at least judge me on something that matters? Something I care about? They ignore all the stuff I’m great at and go on and on about stuff I don’t give a flying feather about. But apparently knowing what fork to use or remembering what some ancient pony said or what dress is in-season is all more important. It’s like I can’t win. And you know I hate that.”

She paused, rubbing at her face. “So why should I tell ponies here that I’m Celestia’s student? When they’d ask how it happened I’d have to say, ‘Oh I just did the most spectacularly amazing thing ever but I can’t do it again even though I’ve been trying and training forever,” Rainbow groaned. “My greatest achievement and nopony here would even believe that I did it. And the Nightmare Moon stuff hasn’t even happened yet. It’s like I haven’t accomplished anything at all—and that makes me a failure.”

After a minute Derpy leaned over and gently nudged her. “Funny, from what I recall making the impossible happen is what got you your cutie mark.”


“If ponies are seeing somepony else instead of you, then make them see just how much more amazing you are than whoever they expect you to be. Don’t let some imaginary pony set the standard—make a completely new one.” Derpy smiled encouragingly. “And anypony who doesn’t like you after all that is the kind of pony that’s never going to be satisfied, so who cares?”

Rainbow Dash gave a rueful sigh. “Yeah, thanks Derpy. When did you get so wise and stuff?”

“I’m a mom.” The gray mare winked. “It’s part of the job description.”

“It’s kinda funny. I remember you when you were a counselor in training. We loved having you because you were so much fun to be around, especially when you did something silly.” Dash cracked a smile, and Derpy returned it, albeit somewhat sheepishly. “What is it you used to say whenever you messed something up?”

“It’s my first day?” Derpy suggested.

Dash shook her head. “No, not that, the other one.”

“I was dead at the time?”


Derpy’s eyes widened in realization. “Oh. You mean…”

“I just don’t know what went wrong!” They said together, sharing a laugh. After taking a minute to let that out of their systems, Derpy brought up a new line of conversation.

“So what do you think of Ponyville?”

Rainbow shrugged. “Eh, it’s okay. Could be cooler. I mean, there aren’t any racetracks or anything but there’s a definite lack of snobbishness, so I guess it evens out.”

“The ponies here are really nice,” Derpy informed her. “Dinky really likes it here.”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “I bet you taught Ponyville how to make better muffins.”

“Yup!” Derpy giggled. “Before you go, I’m going to find out your favorite kind of muffin. Don’t tell me what it is, I’m really good at figuring out the perfect type of muffin for each pony.”

“Yeah, no question.” Rainbow looked below her to see Twilight and Applejack. She wondered what they were talking about, but mostly wanted to make sure they weren’t paying attention to her and Derpy. “Thanks Derpy. You’re the best.”

Derpy smiled her most endearingly goofy smile. “Aww, you’re being silly,” she cooed as she nuzzled Rainbow Dash like a filly, making her blue cheeks flush crimson.

“C’mon Derpy … cut that out.” She mumbled, embarrassed and strangely buoyed.

“So tell me, what’s the Queen like?” Her companion asked, prancing about in mid-air. “Is she really nice? I bet she’s nice … and pretty! Do you think she’d like muffins?”

An easy smile worked its way across Rainbow’s face. “Well, I do have a few stories. Promise to keep them to yourself?” Derpy nodded solemnly. “Alright, so this one time for April Foals Day, Celestia promised she’d spend the day with me. But of course some kind of prissy noble had a hissy fit about something dumb but couldn’t wait a day to see her. I was pretty bummed, but Celestia had an idea so she could do both things at the same time.”

Dash’s grin grew toothy. “She put me on the throne and put her crown and stuff on me. Then she hid behind the curtains and used a spell to cast her voice through me, like some kind of weird ventriloquist act.” Derpy smiled as she started to picture it. “So here was this rich aristocrat, huffing and puffing about something so stupid I can’t even remember it. About five minutes into his rant he looks up and sees yours truly sitting on throne, wearing the crown and all that.” Rainbow Dash grinned as Derpy started giggling. “But wait, we haven’t gotten to the best part! After he finishes picking his jaw up from off the floor, I announce—in Celestia’s voice—that everything’s fine and I am Celestia, I’ve just been changed into a filly by a magic spell.” Derpy’s eyes were getting moist the more she pictured it, beginning to snicker. Rainbow grinned and kept going.

“So after this bozo finally shuts up he asks if there’s anything he can do to help. So Celestia says that she can transfer the spell to another pony, but only one who is currently having a worse day than her. And since Duke Whatsits was just telling us how awful things were for him and she knew he was a loyal subject…” Dash’s composure cracked as she started laughing too. “He went dead white in like a second flat! Fell all over himself explaining how it wasn’t a big deal and that while he’d just love to help, he was in fact having a good day! A great day even! Then he just gave me a quick bow and bolted for the door! Best April Foals Day ever!”

Derpy rolled over in mid-air, laughing. “Hahaheehee! That’s so funny!” She and Rainbow laughed together for a minute while they waited for Twilight and Applejack to catch up. Wiping her eye, Derpy pointed out an ornate building. “That’s the Carousel Boutique, Rarity’s shop.”

Rainbow’s mirth subsided considerably. “Yeah, thanks Derpy.”

“Thanks again for helping me with the weather!” Derpy smiled. “I’m gonna go fly past the school to see how my muffin’s doing.” She flapped her wings. “See you later!”

Rainbow waved goodbye and rejoined her remaining companions on the ground.

“She seemed very nice.” Twilight said to Rainbow. “Did you two have a good talk?”

“Heh, yeah.” Rainbow Dash nodded. “We were just catching up. She used to be my counselor in flight camp. Good times … what were you two talking about?”

Twilight shook her head frantically. “Nothing!” Applejack nodded, her muzzle wrinkling as her eyes darted from side to side.

Dash shook her head. They were really the worst liars ever. Still, she didn’t want to press them if it meant they would dig into her own talk with Derpy. “Whatever, let’s go see how Rarity is doing with those decorations.”

Walking up to the door of the boutique, Rainbow knocked. “Comiiing!” Rarity’s too cheerful voice called out. It made the hair on the back of Rainbow’s neck stand up. The door swung open, revealing a beaming Rarity. “Oh, it’s you darling! I simply knew you couldn’t stay away for long!”

Rainbow started to roll her eyes again, but realized that if she kept that up, she’d look like Derpy by the day’s end. She walked inside, followed by Applejack and Twilight. “Look, we’re here about the decorations for the Summer Sun Celebration. How’re those coming along?”

Rarity’s eyes sparkled as they lit up. “I just knew a mare from Canterlot with your natural beauty would of course be interested in my exquisite plans for the Celebration!” She danced on her hooves. “I have them all at town hall, just waiting to be hung up.”

“Great we’ll just be going—” Dash turned for the door, only to find Applejack standing in the way.

“Well now, I was thinking,” the stolid farmpony’s tone was a bit too rehearsed for Rainbow’s liking. “Seeing as you’ve gotten so much done already, maybe you could take Rarity up on her spa offer?” Before Rainbow could object, Applejack put a hoof on Twilight’s back. “Twilight here’s never even been to a spa, can you imagine?”

Looking at Twilight’s mane and coat, Rainbow didn’t doubt that for a minute. Her coat looked as if it hadn't been properly cut or groomed in a long while and had only just recently been washed. Her mane was in a similar shape. Rainbow knew scruffy. Her mane probably appeared in some snooty pony’s dictionary next to the word ‘scruffy.’ And even she thought Twilight looked, well, frazzled, at best.

But she also didn’t doubt that Applejack had never set foot in a spa herself, but it’s clear that wasn’t meant for her. With a sinking feeling, Rainbow turned to look at Rarity. She could all but see the wheels turning in her head.

Applejack clinched the deal with her next words. “I need to take care of some things for the reunion, but why don’t the three of you make a morning out of it? Go nuts and have fun. I’m sure Rarity would love to hear all about Canterlot, wouldn’t you, sugarcube?”

“Oh absolutely!” Rarity turned to Twilight. “I can already think of so many possibilities with your mane. Won’t that be nice?”

“That might be fun,” Twilight murmured.

And just like that, Rainbow was trapped. She frowned at Applejack, who was wearing a predatory expression a timberwolf would’ve envied. But Applejack didn’t keep it up long, dipping her head Twilight’s way.

Rainbow sighed. This was going to suck so much...