• Published 25th Jul 2018
  • 6,209 Views, 557 Comments

Rainbooms and Royalty (New) - Trinary

Rainbow Dash's first Sonic Rainboom garnered her plenty of attention—including from Celestia, who made Rainbow her student! A re-imagining of the events "Friendship is Magic" (New version!)

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Chapter 7

Rainbow Dash zipped over to Shining Armor, eager to meet him as far away from the crowd as she could. Twilight Sparkle seemed to be following, but Rainbow couldn’t be bothered with that right now. She plastered on her widest, toothiest smile as she fluttered around him.

“Hey Shining! What’s up?”

Shining Armor gave her the famous neutral-guard glower.

Dash rubbed her legs together awkwardly. “So, ah, what brings you by?”

Reluctantly, Shining Armor dropped his authoritarian facade and gestured to the mare beside her. “Rainbow Dash, this is my little sister, Twilight Sparkle. Twilight, this is Rainbow Dash. I’ve been trying to get you two together for a while now. Didn’t think it’d be quite under these circumstances, but I’ll take what I can get.”

Twilight ducked her head and kicked idly at the ground. “So, um, nice to meet you,” she mumbled in a voice so low Rainbow had to strain to hear it.

“Yeah, totally.” Rainbow rubbed her head awkwardly.

Shining sighed. “Queen Celestia sent me to find you after I told her you decided to leave.” He frowned at Rainbow. “She seemed pretty worried about you.”

“Really?” She gave a sort of shamefaced smile.

“Yes, really.” He sighed. “Dash, what am I going to do with you?”

With a dramatic sigh, she held out her hooves. “Let’s see, you could clap me in irons, pluck out my feathers, drag me to the dungeons … yep, it’s the life of a prisoner for Rainbow Dash.”

Twilight looked horrified while Shining merely snorted in amusement. “Oh cut that out. It takes all the fun out of being mad at you.” He looked at the celebration spread out before them. “You didn’t take long, did you?”

“Hey, they wanted to throw a party!” Her sandy voice was a mix of indignant and smug. “I’m just that awesome.”

Twilight hesitantly looked around. “I guess it makes sense to make you feel welcome since you are the student of Quee—ooph!” She suddenly found an apple stuffed into her mouth, courtesy of a blue hoof.

Rainbow Dash shushed her as she looked around to make sure nopony else overheard. “Keep it down with that Q-word stuff!”

“Pwah!” Twilight spat out the apple. “But why?!” she asked incredulously, and far too loudly for Rainbow’s liking. “Why would you possibly be ashamed of being Queen Cel—hng!” Another apple.

Rainbow gave her a warning look. “We’re in an apple orchard, I can keep this up all night.” She looked at both of them. “I just came into Ponyville today and they’re already welcoming me into their homes, letting me take their kid sisters for rides, throwing parties for me and stuff and they don’t know that Queen Celestia’s my teacher! In Canterlot, nopony would ever do stuff like that unless they knew that you were somepony ‘important.’” Her nostrils flared. “I like being appreciated for being me for a change—for being Rainbow Dash instead of just Celestia’s student.”

Seeing the uncertain look on his face, Rainbow decided to fight dirty. She landed so she could tilt her head up, forcing her eyes to grow big and wide. “This is really important to me so please, please, pleeeease don’t mention anything about Celestia to them?” She clasped her hooves together, going for the most over the top, wide-eyed, puppy-dog, lower lip trembling expression she could muster, making a mental note to thank Dinky later for the inspiration.

Shining groaned and covered his face with his hoof. “Gyah. That is so—fine, fine, you win. Just put that face away before one of us ruptures something.” She grinned in triumph, but Shining wasn’t done. “Look Dash, when the Queen sent me out to find you it wasn’t to clap you in irons or make a big scene. In fact, she thought it might work out if you stayed here for a while.”

Rainbow’s jaw dropped. “She’s sending me away?! But … but what about my training? And she promised she’d help me perform the sonic rainboom again and get into the Wonderbolts! You both promised!” Her eyes wavered again, beseeching him. “If this is about last night, I’m sorry! I’m really sorry. Please don’t—!”

“Woah, woah, hold up there Rainbow.” Shining Armor held out both his hooves as though fending off a herd of stampeding buffalo. “She isn’t banishing you—she wanted to make it very clear that she would never send you away if you didn’t want to go.” Shining gently ruffled Rainbow’s mane. “You got that, Dashie?”

Rainbow Dash, suddenly embarrassed by her outburst, blushed and nodded. She heard a faint cough and glared at a painfully-straight faced Twilight Sparkle who she suspected was doing her darndest not to either laugh or 'aww' at the scene.

Eager to get the attention off her and to pay Shining Armor back, Rainbow just grinned. “Sure thing … Shiny-Hiney.” She grinned as Twilight Sparkle sputtered, trying and failing to hide her giggles.

Shining Armor’s cheeks flushed slightly and he gave her a look that promised revenge later. “Anyway.” He cleared his throat. “Queen Celestia was actually thinking that you had the right idea: maybe a little time and distance away from Canterlot would be good for you. Just for a bit,” he hurriedly added, seeing Rainbow was about to object. “She wanted to say … how did it go? Okay, she said that while Canterlot is a wonderful city, there are times when she felt like we live inside a bubble. She thinks that if you leave for a while and get to explore and live a little outside it, you’ll learn and experience things that you wouldn’t have otherwise, even if you stayed in Canterlot until you were a hundred.” Pausing to let that sink in, Shining took a breath. “So, the Queen would like it if you stayed here in Ponyville and helped work on the set-up for the Summer Sun Celebration to ensure it’s properly ‘cool’ and all.”

Rainbow Dash did an aerial somersault and pumped her hoof in the air. “Yes! Oh this is gonna be awesome!” Her smile fell a fraction. “Um, I really don’t know stuff about how to set up a big public celebration like this. Doing my flight routine for the celebration is one thing, but this is a bit different. I mean if it were up to me we’d just invite DJ-P0N3 and get some drinks and snacks, but I don’t think that’s what she wants, is it?”

“You can never tell with the Queen,” Shining Armor chuckled. “It’s okay. Turns out there are some ponies here in town who she asked to take care of the catering, music, decorations, and a few other things besides. And as for the organizational side of things—well, that’s where my little Twiley comes in.”

Twilight lowered her ears, her cheeks turning pink. “Arrrrmor, don’t call me that in public!” She pouted adorably while her brother gently tousled her mane. “Quit it!”

Casting a hoof over her withers, he looked back to Rainbow Dash. “My little sister is phenomenal when it comes to organization. It’s a little bit scary at times,” he confided in a mock whisper, prompting an annoyed grumble from Twilight. “So I figure between the two of you, you got this in the bag.”

A quick glance at Twilight told her she wasn’t the only one unsure about this.

“You know, I still have several correspondence exams to finish back home,” Twilight pointed out. “I know they’re for next year but it’s never too early too—”

Her brother gently rested his hoof on her shoulder, cutting off Twilight’s ramble before it could begin. “You need to relax and not work yourself up into a frenzy.” He lowered his voice. “That’s what we’ve been working on since your entrance exam, right? Everypony needs to take their nose out of a book and take a look around once in awhile.”

A bit louder he said, “Besides, I need a level-headed pony I can count on to help keep Rainbow Dash in check.” He ignored the look on Rainbow’s face as Twilight smiled at that. “Please, for me?” Shining Armor jutted out his lower lip in a pout that made his sister fold like a house of cards. Apparently, he recognized a winning move when he saw it.

Twilight giggled and nuzzled him. “O-okay. Anything for you B.B.B.F.F.”

Rainbow opened her mouth to deny that she needed anypony to watch her when Shining Armor caught her eye and shook his head slowly. “Fine,” she sighed. “Just … keep the stuff about Queen Celestia to yourself, alright? Get it?”

“Not really, but I’ll do it.” Twilight assured her. “Should we get back to your friends?”

Rainbow Dash turned to realize that her absence had not gone unnoticed. She saw Cloud Kicker, Derpy and Fluttershy standing back waiting for her, plus the other Ponyvillians. Turning back, she gave Twilight a brief nod. “Yeah, you go say hi. I’ll be right there.”

Twilight looked panicked at the thought of talking to them. “B-but what do I say to them?”

“Just mention Canterlot to the unicorn or hi to the pink pony and they’ll do all the talking for you,” Dash deadpanned. Getting the idea that Rainbow wanted to be alone with her brother, Twilight gave a small smile and slowly walked away. As soon as she was out of earshot, Rainbow did her best to skewer Shining Armor with one of her many fine varieties of skeptical glances. “‘Keep me in check,’ huh?”

Shining Armor countered with one of his own, quirking his brow for emphasis. “Rainbow Dash, you know you can get a bit out of hoof. Twiley’s got a good head on her shoulders and honestly, do you want to be in charge of organizing all the preparations yourself?”

Rainbow grunted in lieu of acknowledgment. “Fine, whatever.”

He must’ve seen that was was still annoyed. “C’mon Dash, Twiley means the world to me. She’s been shut up in that library since she moved here. She needs to get out and make friends, have fun, do something—anything—besides studying,” he implored.

“Yeah, I can get that. But why me?”

“Because there isn’t any pony in the whole world I trust more to take care of her.”

Daunted, she took a half-step back, her eyes widening. “W-wow. You can count on me.” She threw a sharp salute which she held until Shining Armor returned it. She looked around, making sure nopony was watching and gave him a quick hug. “Thanks Shiny.”

“Anytime Dashie.” He patted her withers. “Now let’s go. I think I smell some fresh apple pie. Let’s get some slices before I have to go back to Canterlot.”

Rainbow Dash smiled, her wings flaring in excitement. “Sounds cool! And … could you tell Celestia that I—you know.”

“I understand,” Shining Armor gave her a friendly nuzzle, causing her cheeks to suddenly redden. She was grateful when he continued without commenting on it. “Now, let’s go see who can eat the most slices of apple pie. Race ya!” He took off leaving Rainbow Dash opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water.

“Hey!” She took off after him, her heart lighter than it had been in weeks.

Groaning, Rainbow Dash rubbed her stuffed belly tenderly. “So … much … pie.” She let out a satisfied belch. Most of the ponies present were in a similar state between the Apple family’s apple baked goods and Pinkie Pie’s sugary treats, having gorged themselves until they were in a food coma. She just glad she had given the kids their rides before they went to town on the food.

Applejack gently prodded her with one hoof, looking a bit worn out but still standing. “Heh, good t’know that our victuals are appreciated, but you’ve had enough excitement and it’s time for to go to bed.” She slowly helped Rainbow Dash up. “C’mon, up you go.”

The beleaguered pegasus didn’t so much stand as she did lean against Applejack for support. With a chorus of moans and groans more suited to a battlefield, stuffed ponies slowly climbed to their hooves and headed for their homes. Pinkie Pie, one of the few ponies who looked just as energetic as she had at the start of the party, bounded over to Rainbow Dash. She tilted her head and leaned towards Rainbow with an expectant grin upon her face. "Sooooo ... what did you think?"

Dash tried to follow Pinkie’s motions with her head, but had to close her eyes for fear of throwing up. “Yeah Pinkie, this was really great.”

The party pony beamed. “Great! This was really fun! I just wish I had known that you were having friends coming by!” She pouted briefly. “I mean, we could’ve had lots more purple streamers and maybe some vanilla-frosted cupcakes. It’s not everyday we get three—three!—new ponies on top of all of Applejack’s relatives stopping by!” She bounced around giddily. “Now you have lots and lots of friends and I have new friends and this is all going to be super-tastic! Bye Applejack! I’ll see you later Dashie-gator! Oh, reminds me, I have to give Gummy a bath…”

Pinkie bounded off leaving Applejack shaking her head, dumbfounded. “I don’t usually have much t’do with that one but she seems nice if a bit … hm, what’s the word?”

“Random?” Rainbow suggested.

“That’ll do,” Applejack agreed. “Stay awake there sugarcube, a couple more ponies want t’say bye before they go.”

Rarity trotted up giddily to Rainbow Dash. She had merely taken some lady-like nibbles so as not to ruin her figure, and the end result was that she was still fresh as a daisy. Rainbow had never resented anypony more than she did right at that moment.

But Rarity took no notice of such trivialities and elegantly tossed her mane in gratitude. “Rainbow Dash! It was so delightful to meet you and your lovely friends from Canterlot!” She tried keeping her voice even but she couldn’t fight the excited squeak at the end of her sentence. Clearing her throat, she hastily pressed on. “You really do have the most charming friends. Why, that Shining Armor is simply breathtaking! So gallant, so charming!” She sighed happily, not noticing the look Rainbow gave that should have charred her pretty white coat into charcoal. “A shame he has to return to Canterlot, but I’m sure I can arrange some time in my schedule for you and his sister. Perhaps we can all meet at the spa?”

“I’m sure she’d love to.” Applejack grinned, ignoring the inarticulate grunted protest of Rainbow herself.

Rarity dipped her head. “Wonderful. Now I must go collect my little sister before she—aaaaah!” She shrieked when she saw her sister. “Sweetie Belle, what have you done to your coat?!”

Sweetie Belle smiled, disheveled and liberally caked with mud. “I had a wrasslin’ match with Scootaloo! Apple Bloom showed us how. It’s kinda like wrestling! I won once!”

Rarity almost fainted on the spot. “Oh dear, we have to get you home and into a bath, now! See you later darling!” Rarity called from over her shoulder as she prodded her recalcitrant sister home.

As soon as she was gone Rainbow glowered at Applejack for the spa promise. She was saved from Rainbow’s hooves, or at least the prospect of being deliberately thrown up on, by Fluttershy’s timely arrival. “It was nice being here with you,” Fluttershy gave her a soft nuzzle. “I’m so glad to see you again.”

“Yeah, me too.” Dash smiled weakly. “See ya later, Flutters.”

“Maybe we could do something together tomorrow? I would’ve liked to talk to you more but there were just so many ponies around that I…” Her voice trailed off into a little squeak when she saw Applejack tilting her head at her. “I—sorry. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with other ponies, it’s just that...”

Applejack laughed. “Don’t you worry none, I understand. My big brother’s the same way.”

“I’m sure I’ll find something for just the two of us. Maybe a flight or something?” Rainbow suggested, hoping that she wouldn’t feel like a blimp come the morning.

Fluttershy nodded. “That would be very cool. Thank you. Um, bye.” She quickly retreated, leaving Rainbow Dash and Applejack alone.

Applejack chuckled. “If that gal was any sweeter, we’d be dipping apples in her instead of honey.”

Derpy Doo fluttered up to them, Dinky on her back. Derpy, having a higher tolerance for her muffin-binges, was in better shape than most ponies. Derpy beamed. “Hey Rainbow Dash! Wasn’t this fun? Thanks for having us over Applejack!”

“Yeah, thank you!” Dinky chimed in. “I had a lot of fun! Can Apple Bloom play with me again sometime?”

“Heh, of course she can! I think she had a heap of fun with you!” The farmpony smiled. “Thanks for coming sugarcube, both of y’all. Don’t be strangers, ya hear?”

“Sure thing!” Derpy waved as she started to fly off. Cloud Kicker joined her as she left, either too tired or too wary of Applejack to head over herself. She did manage to give a little half-wave while keeping her focus on Dinky, ensuring she didn't slide off her mother's back.

Dinky waved excitedly. “Bye Applejack! Bye Apple Bloom! Bye Rainbow Dash! See you tomorrow! Remember, you promised we’d go for ice cream!” The thought of more food made Rainbow wince in pain. So much that she almost missed Dinky’s next words. “Mommy! Watch out for that—”

“Oh pickle muffins!” Derpy got one of the banners from the party wrapped around her leg. “Where’d this thing even come from anyway, I swear it leaped out at right as I was flying past!”

Dinky giggled as she nuzzled her mom’s mane. “You’re funny, Mommy!”

Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash out of the corner of her eye. “Was Derpy always—”


“I see.” Nothing more really needed to be said.

A few other ponies bid Rainbow Dash goodnight, including the ever enthusiastic filly, Scootaloo. After shaking her off, Dash looked up to see Shining Armor stiffly making his way over. “Urg, I’m gonna be heading back.” He stumbled slightly as he nodded to Applejack. “Thank you again for your hospitality.”

“Sweet Apple Acres is always glad to welcome friendly faces.” She smiled as she helped guide Rainbow up, gently supporting her with her side. “Plus, she owed us some bits. And besides which, Rainbow Dash here’s already like one of the family. Any friend of hers is welcome.” Rainbow mumbled something incoherent, even she didn’t know what she was trying to say. Nopony paid her any mind.

“Friend, guardian, keeper. I have lots of titles as far she’s concerned.” Shining Armor quipped. He smiled. “That’s kind of you to say. Thanks for watching after Rainbow Dash for me, I have to admit I’m rather fond of the rainbow-colored ego with wings.” He smirked as he and Applejack traded a smile while Rainbow tried to glower them into submission. Since she was only barely hanging onto her stomach contents, her efforts were not particularly effective. She made a mental note to ask Celestia for pointers on that. “And thank you again for letting my little sister spent the night here too, I just didn’t want her to try teleporting back to the library on a full stomach. It can make things … messy.” He winced. “I imagine it must be crowded, between your family and all your relatives here for your reunion.”

Applejack shrugged, causing Rainbow Dash to almost fall over. “Whoops, sorry there. And it’s no big deal. We got plenty of space and your sister seems like a nice girl. A bit shut in, but nice. Er, if you don’t mind my saying so.”

He sighed. “It’s the truth, how can I get offended by it?”

“Y’sound like an Apple.” Applejack nodded in approval. “Anyway, have a safe trip! Rainbow and Twilight will be fine. I’ll have my big brother walk her up to the guest room.”

“Thanks. I’ll go find my sister and say goodbye.” Shining took the opportunity to rub Rainbow Dash’s mane. “You be good, Dash. I’ll see you in a few days.”

While not quite asleep, but not conscious either, Rainbow Dash grunted something approximating a good-bye as Applejack led her inside and upstairs. She collapsed onto the guest bed. “Night sugarcube.” Applejack walked out.

Rainbow was asleep before the door closed. She was jerked back into consciousness when Twilight Sparkle staggered in, herself half-asleep. Twilight stumbled onto the first bed she saw, not noticing or not caring that Rainbow Dash was already occupying it.

“Hey!” She grunted. “Go ‘way. Sleeping.”

Twilight was a touch cranky too. “I had to walk all over to find you and I arrived only to be mobbed by everypony in town. Then they stuffed me with food, pounded me on the back and shook my hoof until it ached. All the other guest rooms are full, I’m sore, I’m tired and I’m not moving.”

“Well, I’m not either!” Rainbow Dash snorted grumpily.

“Fine!” Twilight squirmed, taking half the bed for herself. “Give me some of the blanket.”

Rainbow Dash shut her eyes. “Fine. Scratchy anyway.” She felt the blanket shift over her as Twilight curled up under it. Sighing, Dash felt herself drifting off to sleep.

“So … you’re friends with my brother?” Twilight asked, still awake though sounding sleepy herself.

“Yeah, whutabout it?” Rainbow’s patience, already thin to begin with, was just about gone.

“Nothing, just … he talks about you a lot.” She turned on her side, facing away from Rainbow. “Must be nice for him to have somepony he has so much in common with.”

Rainbow didn’t know what that was about and was too tired to dwell on it. Within moments, both mares were snoring gently. In the morning, neither would remember what was said.