• Published 25th Jul 2018
  • 6,209 Views, 557 Comments

Rainbooms and Royalty (New) - Trinary

Rainbow Dash's first Sonic Rainboom garnered her plenty of attention—including from Celestia, who made Rainbow her student! A re-imagining of the events "Friendship is Magic" (New version!)

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Chapter 28

The shimmering white alicorn strode forth as daylight bloomed behind her. She stretched her wings and tilted her head back. Everypony in the room stood ramrod still until they finally remembered to bow. The silence was broken by Rainbow Dash’s enthused cry. “Celestia!” She bolted over to her mentor, tears of joy glistening in her eyes.

Smiling beatifically, Celestia rested her neck on Rainbow’s, her wing resting on her back. “Rainbow Dash, my faithful student.” Her voice radiated kindness and warmth. Rainbow closed her eyes, burying her face in Celestia’s shoulder. It was a perfect moment.

That ended suddenly when Rainbow Dash snapped her head up in realization. “Wait up, hold it hold it! Aren’t you supposed to be dead?! And if you say ‘I got better’ so help me...”

Celestia bowed her head. “You are right—I do have much to answer for and I promise, I will explain everything. But all is not over yet.” Celestia walked forward, her hoofsteps ringing loud and clear on the stone floor. Rainbow turned just in time to see her stop before the shaking alicorn who was once the fierce and terrible Nightmare Moon. Everypony held their breath.

Celestia extended her hoof, bringing it slowly towards her face. The shivering smaller alicorn trembled and looked away, as if expecting a blow to fall on her. Instead, Celestia gently stroked her cheek, before resting her hoof on her shoulder. “Luna … sister. It’s been a thousand years since I’ve seen you like this.” She knelt down next to her. “I’ve missed you … so much.”

Rainbow Dash tilted her head. She wanted to be happy for them but this felt, a little soon maybe? It was less than five minutes ago that Luna—Nightmare Moon—whatever, had been trying to kill them. Derpy, Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth all took a noticeable step away, their eyes fixed on the former Nightmare Moon. Shining Armor was also in a relaxed but ready position Rainbow recognized.

Sensing the feel of the room, Celestia turned to the group. “I know this is a lot to take in and accept … but believe me, you have nothing more to fear from Nightmare Moon. She is gone forever.” She laid her wing across Luna’s back. “And now I have my sister back, thanks to you. Thank you, thank you all.” Smiling gently, Celestia turned back to her sister. “Luna, you and I were meant to rule together. Can we leave the past behind us and start anew? Will you accept my friendship?”

There was a tense moment as everypony hung on to hear Luna’s reply. She sniffled, her eyes trembling as she buried her face in Celestia’s neck, hugging her tightly. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I’ve missed you, big sister.”

Celestia stroked her sister’s mane, her own composure hanging by a thread. Her eyes were wet as she rested her head atop Luna’s. “So have I, little sister.”

The moment ended when a sudden shriek from Rarity drew everypony’s attention.

“Oh my, look at this!” She squealed, fighting to stand still as she eagerly showed off a golden necklace that had appeared around her neck. In the middle was a gem in the shape of one of the diamonds of her Cutie Mark.

“It’s so pretty,” Fluttershy admired.

“So is yours darling,” Rarity replied with a smile. True enough, Fluttershy and everypony else was wearing a necklace of their own, each featuring a different colored gem: a green diamond for Rarity, a yellow butterfly for Fluttershy, an orange apple for Applejack, a blue balloon for Pinkie Pie, a purple six-pointed star for Twilight, and a red lightning bolt for Rainbow Dash.

Twilight looked them over in amazement. “So these are the Elements of Harmony? I thought Nightmare Moon destroyed them!”

Celestia shook her head. “While they manifest themselves in physical form, the Elements themselves represent ideals that can never truly be destroyed. The six of you chose the virtues that resonate the mostly closely with each of you, which together make Harmony possible: laughter, generosity, honesty, kindness, loyalty and magic.”

“That’s it!” Twilight blurted out, unable to contain herself. “The six of us were connected by Rainbow Dash’s sonic rainboom! We were somehow connected, drawn to one another.”

Celestia nodded approvingly. “Well reasoned. It was not enough for you all to become a ‘Bearer’, if you will, of an Element of Harmony. You needed to establish ties with one another for the Elements to be put to their best use. It was the power of your friendship, which was and is stronger than the sum of its parts, that managed to bring an end to Nightmare Moon.”

Applejack inclined her head, removing her hat with one hoof. “Aw, shucks your highness, tweren’t nothing.” Then, looking down at the Element on her neck and what it symbolized she amended herself. “Well, I mean, glad to be of service?”

“So.” Rainbow drew everypony’s attention to her as she regarded them skeptically. “What now?”

‘What now’ meant a lot of cleanup work. Shining Armor had been about to rush the castle with an army of Bat ponies, Twinkle-Eyes, Diamond Dogs and even Seaponies (assuming they managed to figure out a way to deal with the whole stairs thing) when he saw everything go down. It was only the appearance of Celestia and Luna, together, that stopped them in their tracks.

It was something of a shock to all the ponies present to see the two of them standing side by side. Rainbow hadn’t even been certain how the long-lost ponies would react to either Celestia or Luna—if they would be glad to see them again or still held a grudge. But seeing Rainbow and her friends with the two alicorns apparently went a long way towards smoothing things over. There was even talk of all three groups sending delegations to visit Canterlot and begin the process of fully rejoining Equestria.

In all the confusion, Zecora had quietly departed without so much as a word to anypony. It wasn’t until afterwards that Rainbow Dash had even realized she’d gone. It had bothered her, not even getting a chance to say goodbye or to thank her for all she had done for them. But somehow, Rainbow figured she would see Zecora again.

But for right now, everypony else had to head back to Ponyville. Equestria needed to know Celestia was back with an extra royal in tow, and everything was going to be just fine.

Rainbow would’ve asked why Celestia couldn’t just magic them all back but she figured that coming back from the dead really took it out of a pony. Or something.

To her discomfort, Celestia had kept both Rainbow and Luna close to her the entire time, her wings draped over them. “I cannot express enough how happy I am to have the two of you with me here, together.” She gave a delighted whicker before nuzzling each of them in turn. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and was somewhat taken aback when she spotted Luna doing the same, their gazes briefly meeting. It felt weird to bond over how neither of them felt like bonding with each other. Rainbow wondered if that was Celestia’s plan. She was sneaky like that.

As much as she wanted to stay with Celestia, just reconnect with her after everything, she saw the rest of her friends hanging back behind them. “Can you give me a minute? I, uh, have some things I need to take care of.”

Celestia followed her gaze and nodded. “Yes, yes of course. Take all the time you need.” She lowered her voice and added, “I would also like to speak with you, in your own time.”

“Right. Me too, thanks.” She dropped back, trying to decide who to go over to first. Seeing Cloud Kicker, Derpy and Blossomforth trailing at the rear, still trying to keep as much distance between themselves and the former Nightmare Moon as possible, decided it for her. She walked past her new friends with a nod before heading to her oldest ones. “So, hey guys. You...” She grimaced. The hay was she even supposed to say? How’re you doing after getting abducted and turned into slaves by the pony currently being hugged by her big sister up ahead? “You guys holding up alright?”

“Mostly.” Cloud nodded, one eye still warily tracking Luna. “Been better though.”

That figured. Rainbow bit her lip. “Guys, I just wanted to say that I’m really sorry you got all mixed up in this. I mean, I wanted you with me on my big adventure but not … you know, like that.”

“It’s not your fault.” Derpy reached out and hugged her, which Rainbow returned.

“You're not the one who brainwashed us,” Cloud agreed, tossing her head in Luna’s direction. “Rainbow, are you sure about her?”

“As sure as I am about anything right now.” She sighed, knowing how that sounded. “Which isn’t as much as I’d like. The last twenty minutes have been really, really weird. I don’t know what else to tell you.”

Derpy looked at Rainbow, while letting her other eye drift over to focus on Luna and Celestia. “But you don’t think this is some sort of trick?”

Rainbow shook her head. “I think that whole … experience … was a bit of an eye-opener for her. I think she finally realized how awful she was and feels terrible about it.”

“Good.” Cloud snorted. “She should feel awful.” Rainbow winced but didn’t argue. “Saying sorry doesn't change what she did to us, to all of you. She needs to actually become a better pony.”

“I cannot agree more.” Rainbow leapt in surprise and whirled around, finding herself face to face with Nightmare—Luna, Rainbow forced herself to think in those terms, no matter how weird it still felt.

Luna rubbed her front legs together awkwardly and looked down. “I—I wish to apologize for the things I, that is, Nightmare Moon, I mean—for the things I did as Nightmare Moon. I’m not that pony anymore, but...” she took a breath to muster herself. She raised her head and looked them squarely in the eye. “Explanations and excuses do not change what was done to you all. For that I am truly, deeply sorry. I do not know what I say—”

“There isn’t anything.” Cloud Kicker snapped. “You took away all my control over my own body and turned me into something else that tried to murder my best friend. Do you really think there is anything you can say now that can ever make up for that?”

Rainbow grimaced, standing awkwardly between them. “Cloud, she wasn’t exactly … herself. I mean, I don’t blame you guys for anything you did as Shadowbolts. It’s the same sorta thing.” It didn’t sound terribly convincing even to herself.

“Really?” Blossomforth frowned. “Did somepony else forcibly transform her into Nightmare Moon? Did somepony else make her do all those things?”

Luna tensed but slowly shook her head. “No. There was no outside force at play. Nightmare Moon was a—a magical manifestation of my own jealousy and anger; my own psychosis given form. She was not me … but she did come from me; from all my worst impulses.”

“Then it’s nothing alike.” Cloud tossed her head. “If you get drunk and do something awful that you’d never do sober—maybe you can say that it wasn’t the ‘real’ you, but you’re still responsible for all the horseapples you did.”

Luna’s shoulders sagged as if under a heavy weight. “I cannot deny the truth in your words,” she admitted wearily. “All I can say is that I will forever strive to make amends, to all ponykind and to you especially.”

Derpy shuffled her hooves. “I ... want to believe you, but that takes a lot more than just words.”

Rainbow looked around and sighed. “I get it, you guys have every right in the world to be mad at her. Nopony can force you to forgive her or give her another chance. You don’t have to do any of that and it wouldn’t be fair to put that whole ‘be the better pony’ crap on you.” Cloud nodded vigorously, echoed by Blossomforth and even Derpy. She spotted Luna wincing, but not disagreeing. “But one of the things I learned tonight was that you get more out of ponies when you give them a chance and don’t just go with your first impressions.”

Rainbow rubbed her neck awkwardly. “I mean, I didn’t think Rarity or Fluttershy would be much help on an adventure but they totally blew my expectations out of the air.” She glanced back at Luna. “I doubt you guys will ever be best buds with her or anything but I think it’d be good if you could try to keep an open mind when looking at what she does starting from now. Not about what she did before or what she says right now, but what she does going forward. That’s really all I’ve got to say.”

Cloud Kicker frowned for a long moment before letting her gaze flicker over to Luna. “Maybe Rainbow's right and you've turned a corner and aren't gonna do anything like that again. But you're gonna have to prove that. And ... yeah, this isn't a situation where you can apologize and it'll all be okay. You've gotta live with the awful stuff you did.”

Derpy nodded. “I know you who were … but I don’t know who you’ll become. I hope it’s somepony worth knowing.”

“That is more than I expected to get, and more than I deserve.” Luna bowed her head. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me, I’m not doing it for you.” Cloud lashed her tail. “I’m doing it because I trust Rainbow Dash and she’s willing to go to bat for you. Don’t blow it by proving her wrong.”

“I will not.” Luna cleared her throat. “My sister and I were discussing what my place was to be in Canterlot upon my return. It was her desire that I should resume my mantle over the moon and stars, to resume responsibility for the night and take my rightful place as a Queen of Equestria.” She sighed softly. “I turned her down.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Say what now?”

“It is as I said,” Luna replied uneasily. “My sister convinced me that I should again be responsible for the moon, but I will not seek a direct role in the governing of Equestria and refuse the title of Queen. At most, I will accept the title of Princess.” Her eyes softened. “If ever I am to prove that I am not Nightmare Moon then I must put aside the jealousy and vanity that drove me into becoming her in the first place. Then perhaps one day I shall prove worthy of becoming the queen I once was.”

Rainbow didn’t know what to say to that, nor did anypony else. Luna waited then dipped her head. Rainbow recovered enough to finally find her voice. “Princess.” She dipped her own head. To her surprise, and relief, she saw Derpy and Blossomforth doing the same. Even Cloud Kicker gave her a brief nod. Luna returned the gesture and, without another word, slowly made her way back to where Celestia stood, watching silently. Once reunited, the two resumed their walking.

Rainbow Dash spent a few more minutes after that chatting with them, trying to make absolutely sure that they were fine. Cloud finally assured Rainbow that yes, they were fine; no, she didn’t need to ask every ten seconds; and if she didn’t give it a rest Cloud would punt her multi-colored tail back to Ponyville. It was then that Rainbow decided that perhaps she should check in on the others.

The five ponies she’d spent the evening travelling alongside were walking together in a group. “Hey there, look who decided to join us,” Applejack greeted her. “How’re you holding up, sugarcube?”

“Me? Awesome, naturally.” Rainbow grinned. “When we get back to town I am looking forward to having the best party ever!”

“Woohoo!” Pinkie bounced happily. “You’re speaking my language, Dashie! We’ll have the biggest, bestest party ever since we have so, so much to celebrate! There’s you doing the sonic rainboom, finding the Elements of Harmony, us becoming friends, saving the day, bringing back Luna, rescuing everypony, finding all those new pony friends and we still have the Summer Sun Celebration to celebrate summer sunnily!” She gasped in delight. “That’s like eight different parties we need to have all at the same time! Octa-party!”

Rarity clucked her tongue but was chuckling while she did so. “Oh dear. We all just barely survived your last party. I shudder to think what will happen to all our figures.”

“Nothing a little honest hard work won’t fix,” Applejack teased. “I expect it’d do a world of good for you.”

“Just so long as I can borrow you to try on a few of my new outfits,” Rarity retorted. “I promise I shall be brief. It won’t take more than a few hours.”

Rainbow chuckled. These two would never not be good for a laugh. “I have my own plans for what to do once we get back to Ponyville.”

“The first would probably be telling the tale to all the foals in your fanclub about how you single-hoofedly beat Nightmare Moon by kicking her rump so hard you made her explode and cry for her mom.” Applejack rolled her eyes.

“What? Come on, I wouldn’t leave you out!” Rainbow protested. “All of Equestria needs to know how awesome you guys are: Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and … ” she paused, squinting at Applejack. “ Wait, don’t tell me … Lemonjack? Apple Juice? Wait, no, I got it: Ampleflank!”

Her snickering was cut off by Applejack whapping her with her hat. “That’s enough out of you. Let’s get back to town so you can kick up your hooves and celebrate a bit before you have to head back to Canterlot.”


Rainbow numbly nodded, almost stumbling. Somehow she'd completely forgotten about the prospect of having to go back now that the adventure was over. The others shifted uncomfortably as they struggled to absorb it, even Applejack.

“Awww…” Pinkie’s mane deflated and her eyes glistened with moisture. “Can we pleeeease have a super-duper goodbye party before you go? A ‘So Long and Thanks for Saving the World’ party?”

“Y-yeah, yeah, of course.” Rainbow mumbled. An awkward silence fell on the six at the realization that she’d be leaving in a few hours.

After a moment, a gentle cough from ahead drew their attention. “Um, ladies?” It was Shining Armor, looking very uncomfortable, rubbing the back of his neck. “Can … I have a minute with Rainbow Dash, please?”

Rainbow swallowed nervously, giving a weak nod. “Yeah, sure.” Twilight gave her a brief look that promised they’d talk later if she needed it. Then she headed off, giving the two some space. The others were still walking up ahead and nopony seemed to be paying them any particular mind. “So,” Rainbow started, “what’s—”

“I’m sorry.” Shining Armor said abruptly, regret plastered on his face. “I am so, so sorry about—”

Rainbow Dash held up a hoof. “Shiny, it’s cool. I knew you weren’t yourself.”

But this time Shining was the one to cut her off. “It’s not that.” He looked depressed. “Well, of course I’m sorry about that but that isn’t what I meant.” Shining took a deep breath. “Rainbow, I should’ve said this a long time ago. I—”

“It’s okay.” She felt the heat rising in her face. “I know you don’t—we really don’t need to talk about this.”

“Yes, we do.” He insisted, “Dashie, I am so sorry. I knew that you had—” he groped for the right words, “—feelings for me when you were younger. I never dealt with it and just sorta waited for you to grow out of it, which, okay you did but that was still pretty cowardly of me and it wasn’t fair to you either. I should’ve sat you down and told you that…”

“You don’t have to say it.” Rainbow Dash swallowed, hating the sound of her own voice cracking. “I know.”

Shining Armor sighed. “Oh Dash, c’mere.” He didn’t have to ask twice. Rainbow buried herself in his neck as he rubbed her back. “You know I think you’re awesome, right?” She nodded weakly. “Well, don’t you forget it! It’s not just anypony who’s Queen Celestia’s student, a totally wicked flier who performed a sonic rainboom and saved the world! And most importantly, ” he lowered his voice, “it’s not just anypony I would trust with my little sister.” He looked at her. “Thank you for taking such good care of Twilight.”

“She’s a big girl. She took care of herself mostly,” Rainbow admitted. “She’s cool.”

Shining smiled. “I’m really happy to hear you say that. That’s some high praise from you.”

Rainbow gave a weak grin. “She must get it from you.”

“Aw, c’mon Rainbow.” A trace of a whine creeped into his tone as he blushed a bit.

“Heh, it’s okay Shiny-Hiney,” she teased gently. “I won’t tell anypony that I made you blush.”

Shining Armor rolled his eyes before nudging her. “You’re impossible.”

“That’s me!” She beamed proudly.

“Yeah it is.” His smile straightened out. “You know, there are a lot of ponies who would be really lucky to have a mare like you, um, you know…”

Rainbow snorted. “Well, duh. I’m awesome. I don’t think I’m gonna worry about that stuff for a while though, I’ve got my own plans.”

“Aww, really?” Shining smirked. “Because Cadance and I had been looking over some promising prospects we had picked out for you…”

Rainbow’s cheeks flushed. “You better be joking or I’m gonna make what Twi did to you look like a summer breeze! All I want now are just friends!”

Shining snorted. “Just friends? Rainbow, look at what you did with your friends. I don’t think you can ever put ‘just’ in front of ‘friends,’” he said firmly. “Look at us! We tell each other almost everything, we hang out, play games, you come to me when you need to blow off steam, that’s not ‘just’ anything, Dash.” He gave her an encouraging smile. “Do you know why I kept trying to get you and Twilight to meet?”

“Because you wanted us to be friends and you wanted her to be less of an eggheaded shut-in and me to think things through more?” Rainbow offered.

Shining nodded. “In part. The truth is, you’ve been a big part of my life ever since I got into the guard: this fast, mischievous, hotshot filly.” He cracked a small smile. “It’s been like having another little sister. That’s what you are to me, Dash: you’re like my other little sister.” He rubbed her head in a noogie, mussing up her mane as she squeaked in feeble protest. “That’s why I wanted you and Twilight to meet. I wanted the two most special fillies I knew to meet each other. My two little sisters.”

Rainbow Dash blushed brilliantly. “Aw Shining.” She hugged him. “You big sap.”

“Heh, I guess.” He embraced her again. “I’ll always be there for you. I promise.”

After a long minute of hugging, Rainbow stepped back. “So, how do you think Cadance is gonna react when she finds out you got yourself brainwashed by Nightmare Moon and got turned into a big jerk and didn’t give her a chance to get involved in the action?”

Shining froze. “Umm, you think maybe we could maybe we could, you know, not tell her about any of that?” He clenched his teeth together in a hopeful grin that threatened to split his face in two.

“Riiight…” Rainbow gave him a look. “Have you told Twilight you’re dating Cadance?”

Shining drew himself up. “What kind of pony do you take me for?” Rainbow let her narrowed gaze speak for her. “Okay, point taken. Well, I wanted to surprise her so I just dropped a hint that I was dating somepony you both knew who used to foalsit her and she was a bit taller than me.”

Rainbow Dash scratched her head. “Um, doesn’t that also describe that sour old mare with the glasses and wrinkly face at Celestia’s school who used to foalsit me before Cadance? The one old enough to be your grandmother?”

Shining pulled a face. “That … would explain why Twilight didn’t seem as excited as I thought she’d be...”

“A huh.” A mischievous twinkle entered Rainbow’s eye. “If you’ll excuse me for a second, I need to speak to Twilight for a sec.” She started to slip away. “Good talk Shiny. See ya!”

“Now hold on a second! Rainbow Dash get back here!” Shining ordered. “Don’t you dare—!”

Rainbow laughed as she flew up ahead, Shining Armor issuing dire threats from the ground beneath her. Finally, a sense of normalcy!