• Published 25th Jul 2018
  • 6,208 Views, 557 Comments

Rainbooms and Royalty (New) - Trinary

Rainbow Dash's first Sonic Rainboom garnered her plenty of attention—including from Celestia, who made Rainbow her student! A re-imagining of the events "Friendship is Magic" (New version!)

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Chapter 6

Afternoon was shifting into evening when Rainbow settled down in Sweet Apple Acres. She heard a familiar voice calling her almost as soon as her hooves hit the ground. “Rainbow Dash!”

She turned to see Applejack and nodded to her. “Hey, what’s up?”

As the farmpony drew closer, Rainbow noticed a mixture of resignation and mild annoyance on her face. “Nothin’ much,” she replied. “Tell me, did you run into a certain pink pony in town?” Her tone was just a touch too casual.

“Yeah...” Rainbow replied slowly, wondering what she’d done now. “I met Pinkie Pie. There a problem?”

Applejack sighed. “I tried t’warn ya.” She tossed her head, gesturing for Rainbow to follow. The two walked back through the trees. “Here’s the ol’ homestead,” she said, as her house came into view. “Remember when I mentioned that I had my relatives coming by for a reunion?”

Rainbow nodded.

“And I’m betting Pinkie mentioned something about throwing a party for you?”

Rainbow nodded again. “What’s this all about?” she asked as they circled around around to the rear of the house.

The answer came in the form of a tremendous roar that almost knocked her on her back. “Surprise!”

“What in Equestria?!” Dash yelped, looking to Applejack for an explanation. She just sighed and pointed at a familiar pink pony suddenly found invading Rainbow’s personal space.

“Surprise, Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie blew a noisemaker. “Were you surprised? Were you? Were you?! This is so exciting! I was all set to throw you a party but then I remembered you saying that you were staying at Applejack’s and then I remembered that Applejack was gonna have a party for her reunion so then I thought, what if I made it a double party?! Greatest idea ever!”

Rainbow Dash shook her head and was about to tear into this lunatic pony when she actually took a moment to look around. Torches and lanterns lit up the back porch and yard as balloons and streamers and banners were hung from the branches of nearby trees. Dozens of ponies stood around wooden tables laden with sugary treats and apple-based foods. Besides ponies in country clothes or with apple-based cutie marks, Rainbow spotted some of the townsfolk she'd seen while walking through Ponyville. It looked like Pinkie had invited the whole town.

“I can’t believe it. This looks … awesome!”

“Woo-hoo!” Pinkie cartwheeled around her in joy.

Applejack looked torn between annoyance and amusement, and settled for shaking her head and chuckling. “That pony’s a few apples short of a bushel, but dang if she can’t throw some of the best shindigs you ever did see.” She gestured towards a smaller group of ponies just ahead of them. “Let me introduce you to the family. This here is my Granny Smith.”

Rainbow nodded to an older green mare with her white mane in an old-fashioned bun. She didn’t say anything seeing as Granny Smith looked half-asleep.

If Applejack noticed, she gave no sign of it. “And these are my little sister and my big brother, Apple Bloom and Big Macintosh.”

Rainbow Dash blinked as she was introduced to a small yellow-coated filly with a bright red mane and a shockingly large red stallion. “Um, hey. What’s up?”

“Apples,” he drolled, offering her a cupcake with an apple slice in it.

Rainbow accepted and took a bite. It was really good. “Thanks!” The big pony just smiled, accepting her compliment with a laconic nod.

Apple Bloom, half-hidden behind his hind leg, poked her head out and slowly walked up to Rainbow Dash. “Applejack said you’re gonna be stayin’ with us for a while?”

Rainbow grinned, bemused at all the attention she seemed to be getting from foals today. “Seems that way.”

“Neat!” Apple Bloom smiled. “My sis said that you were really fast!”

“You bet I am!” Rainbow flexed her wings. “The fastest!”

“Faster than Applejack?” the filly protested. “No way!”

Challenged, Rainbow responded in the only way she knew how. “Well, let’s just see about that! Climb aboard!” She knelt down to let Apple Bloom clamber onto her back. Before anypony could say another word, they were off.

Rainbow Dash flew up and up—and up! She twirled and spun, soaring upwards before racing across the night sky. Her rainbow trail seemed to glow all the brighter in the dark. Apple Bloom squealed and let out a wild cheer. “Yaaaahooooooooooooo!”

“You hanging on?” Dash asked.

“Uh huh!”

“Good, keep doing that!” Rainbow dived down. The onlookers gasped in horror. But Rainbow knew what she was doing and how to do it while keep a passenger safe. At the last second, her wings flared out and they zoomed up, her tail actually knocking the hats off several ponies. After a few laps over the heads of the amazed crowd, Rainbow folded her wings back and delicately set down on her hooves, bowing to the flabbergasted ponies. Apple Bloom slid off, her mane looking windblown and more than a bit unsteady on her hooves.

Applejack hurried over. “Apple Bloom! You alright?”

Her sister’s face twitched, then broke into a smile wide enough to rival Pinkie Pie. “That. Was. So. Amazing!” Her face broke into a wide smile. “Did ya see me Applejack? I was flying like a bird an’ everything!”

Applejack rolled her eyes, but smiled. “You sure were.” She nodded to Rainbow. “Mighty impressive, sugarcube. But maybe a little warning next time? I don’t fancy my mane turning white quite so soon.”

“I don’t know, your Granny makes it work,” Rainbow snarked. “But if you don’t think you’re as good-looking as an old mare—”

“You might wanna take that back.” Applejack raised an eyebrow warningly. “Seeing as you are staying under my roof, remember?”

Rainbow shrugged. “Okay, fine, I take it back: you are as good-looking as an old mare.”

Applejack struggled for a moment, then sighed. “Suppose I walked into that one.” Rainbow nodded, smugly. But Applejack was soon shooting her the same expression. “And so did you when you gave my sister a flight. Now they’ll all want one.”

“Wait, who’s all—whoa!” Rainbow yelped as she suddenly found a herd of foals stampeding towards her.

Dinky Doo was at the forefront and leapt at Rainbow Dash in a flying tackle-hug. “That was so cool! Can you take me flying too? Please? Pleasepleaseplease?”

“Me next, me next!” Sweetie Belle squeaked, bouncing up and down. Scootaloo nodded, her eyes wide with wonder.

Rainbow thought she looked a bit old to need a ride, but when she saw Scootaloo’s wings buzzing a flash of understanding crossed her face, remembering how she used her scooter to get around instead of flying. “Sure thing! Everypony’s gonna get a turn!”

The foals cheered. Soon she was back up in the air, offering foal after foal a ride around the farm. The simple joy it gave them, the smiles and laughter … for the first time in a long while, Rainbow Dash really felt appreciated for what she did naturally.

After she landed and let her last rider disembark, she found herself confronted by a familiar face. “Rainbow that was amazing! You were all swish, zoom, vroom vroom!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she popped up from among the fillies, having seemingly come from out of nowhere.

Rainbow meanwhile was stretching her wings and trying very hard not to think too hard about Pinkie’s bizarre abilities, with mixed results. “Heh. Yup, yup … I am pretty special.”

“And you know we love you for it,” Cloud Kicker teased as she walked over. “Hey Dashie-kins.”

Applejack snickered, prompting an eye roll from Rainbow. “Really, CK?”

“Somepony’s gotta keep your head at a manageable size.” She grinned. “Otherwise your head won’t fit inside the door.”

“Ain’t that the pot callin’ the kettle black?” Applejack commented.

Cloud Kicker put a hoof over her heart. “Applejack, why the hostility?”

“It’s not hostility, though I have seen the way you look at my brother when you think I’m not looking.” Applejack looked at her severely. “I’ve got my eye on you, so kindly keep your eye off my brother.”

Cloud Kicker sighed to Rainbow. “Jealousy is an ugly thing.”

“And you wonder why I said you had a swelled head too.” Applejack rolled her eyes. “At this rate, I’m gonna have renovate the house to fit your giant egos.”

Pinkie interrupted. “But you could just build a whole new house! That way we could have a housewarming party!”

Rainbow Dash snickered. “You sure do like your parties, don’t you?”

Pinkie nodded so fast it was a wonder her head didn’t fall off. “Of course I do! Parties are all about bringing ponies together. They make you feel more relaxed and comfortable so you can get to know each other and make new friends. Do you know how hard it is for some ponies to make friends outside of a party, huh? Do ya? It can be really super-hard if they’re not comfortable!”

That sounded like it made sense, though the idea of Pinkie making sense was a bit of a surprise. Still, it didn’t look like everypony here was comfortable with the festive atmosphere. Fluttershy hesitantly made her way over, weaving around the groups of ponies talking to each other. She did seem to relax a little when she drew close to Rainbow. “What you did for those foals was really nice.”

“Heh, it wasn’t any big deal.” Rainbow grinned. “I mean, yeah, I was cool and all but if you wanted to see me break out the really awesome stuff and cut loose—”

She spotted Rarity trotting over right before she broke in. “Leaving aside my concern for Sweetie Belle and yourself, your mane is already a frightful mess! I shudder to think what ‘cutting loose’ would look like.”

The sound of that refined, trilling voice sent Rainbow’s feathers on edge. Before she could contemplate moving off in another direction, Rarity had already moved to intercept her. “Now I’m doubly glad I accepted Pinkie’s invitation to this rather delightful celebration.”

“Great…” Rainbow held back from saying more, since making a scene at the Apple family reunion would be really uncool of her. Also, she realized with a twinge of regret, things hadn’t turned out so well the last time she had gotten mad at a party. Brushing those thoughts aside, Rainbow took a breath. “Hey Rarity.” Despite her best efforts, her tone had gotten significantly flatter. “I didn’t expect Pinkie to invite you seeing as this doesn’t really seem like your scene.” For one thing, it was actually fun.

Applejack snorted in a way that sounded like agreement with Rainbow’s unspoken thought. Rarity conceded the point with a nod. “Applejack and I do normally tend to keep each other at hooves’ distance, shall we say, but we’re hardly unfriendly.”

Rainbow looked to Applejack, who shrugged and nodded. “We don’t exactly have a lot in common, but that’s no reason not to be neighborly.” She paused. “Well, except for when she keeps trying to add little artistic flourishes to my apple stand when she thinks I’m not looking.”

Rarity looked positively pained. “Really Applejack, presentation counts!”

“Your product should speak for itself,” Applejack countered, giving Rainbow the impression they had argued this many, many times before.

“And how much care you put into the presentation reflects how much care you put into the product itself and—” Rarity cut herself off. “I’m sorry, but this isn’t the proper time or venue for this discussion.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, please don’t argue.”

Pinkie Pie poked her head between Rarity and Applejack, bringing them together in a tight hug. “Yeah! This is a party, sillies! It’s a time for getting together and having fun, not bickering like some Bickering McBickersmiths!”

“Pinkie Pie’s parties are the talk of the town.” Rarity stated before her eyes lit up. “Oh, but you wouldn’t believe who I ran into not long after we parted ways!” She gestured to somepony behind Rainbow. “Over here darling, I told you she’d be here!”

Rainbow turned in time to see a strikingly purple unicorn slowly, and more than a little nervously, maneuver herself around several ponies.

Apple Bloom gasped and looked up at Applejack. “Is it her sis? Is it … the Creepy Library Mare?”

Applejack frowned at her. “Apple Bloom! That’s no way to talk about another pony. She ain’t creepy, she’s just…” Her frown deepened. “Just a mite private is all.” Seeing the confused look on Rainbow’s face, she explained. “About a year or two ago, a new pony came to town and became the new librarian—I think she actually lives in the library. She doesn’t socialize, doesn’t come out to talk to ponies, nothing.” Applejack shrugged. “I go by once a week to drop off apples. Ain't ever seen who lives there, but the apples are gone and there are bits waiting on the table for me.”

“I invite her to all of my parties but she never comes!” Pinkie pouted. “She never even let me throw her a proper ‘Welcome to Ponyville Party!’ She made a big pink magic bubble which was really neat since I liked pink things but this one didn’t let me get inside the library so that’s less neat.” She gasped. “That makes this the first party she’s ever been to in Ponyville! I need to adjust the decorations and say hello!”

Pinkie was about to bounce off to intercept her when Fluttershy thought quickly and stepped on her tail to pin her in place. “Goodness no! I’m sorry, but if she’s that shy then making her the center of attention is going to make her really nervous.” Fluttershy looked to Rainbow Dash and coughed. “N-not that I would be, but for, um, some ponies I can see that happening.”

Rarity nodded. “I think she has the right of it. I think it took the poor dear mustering all her courage just to ask me if I knew where you’d be heading.”

Rainbow tilted her head, wondering why this pony would be so eager to talk to her then.

Before anypony else could get a word in, the foals started up with their own ideas. “I heard her face is covered in scars and she wears a mask to hide them.” Sweetie Belle piped up.

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Nuh-uh! I heard it’s cuz she’s actually a vampony.”

“That's dumb,” Scootaloo snorted. “Vamponies don't exist.”

“Well she never comes out while the sun's up…” Apple Bloom countered.

Applejack pursed her lips and rolled her eyes. “That’s enough of that. You all git, go on and play.” She shooed them off. “No need to make the poor gal even more uncomfortable by a bunch of silly fillies asking silly questions.” The foals groaned but did scamper off—although they hung close by, watching the mysterious purple pony draw closer.

By this point, Rainbow was also pretty curious when the unicorn stopped in front of her.

“Um, excuse me?” She dipped her head shyly. “You’re Rainbow Dash, right?”

“That’s right. And you are?” Rainbow held out a hoof only to have the newcomer regard it like a fascinating and potentially dangerous new species.

The new arrival looked from side to side at the gathered ponies as she smiled widely. Rainbow had seen smiles like that on competitors before: the bigger the smile, the less confident they actually were. “I-I’m Twilight Sparkle.” She swallowed nervously. “I’ve been looking for you.”

Rainbow’s ear twitched. That name sounded very familiar, but before she could think on it further Rarity let out a delighted-sounding squeal that left Rainbow’s ears ringing. “Can you imagine? All this time she’s lived here and I never knew she came from Canterlot! Just like you! The stories you two must have...”

Wait, Twilight was originally from Canterlot?

Before Rainbow could even process that, Pinkie Pie’s legs suddenly seem to spasm before just as suddenly giving up as they slid out from under her, leaving them sticking out in all directions. “Wow! It looks like we’re going to have even more new ponies coming to the party!” She chirped as she climbed back to her hooves, bouncing giddily.

Rainbow Dash leaned back a bit, as if afraid of catching whatever it was Pinkie had. “Huh?”

“Don’t ask.” Applejack rolled her eyes. “Just go with it.”

Pinkie Pie beamed. “I wonder if they’re coming for the Summer Sun Celebration!” She bounced in excitement. “Did you come to see it, Twilight?”

Twilight ducked her head shyly. “Oh, um, not exactly. I mean, I love the Summer Sun Celebration and would love to stick around, but I’m actually here because of Rainbow Dash.”

Rarity eagerly jumped in. “She told me that she journeyed out from her library for the first time just to find you Rainbow! You must’ve been such good friends in Canterlot!”

She did? Rainbow blinked in confusion, wondering if she had a really cool fan or really creepy stalker. “Uhh, okay? Why are you looking for me?”

“My big brother thought I could help him find you.” Twilight shuffled her hooves.

Her big brother? A sneaking suspicion crossed her mind, making her eyes widen. It couldn’t be...

“Oh look, there he is!” Pinkie called as she hopped up, waving at a pony approaching from the main road.

Rainbow Dash hovered above her and gently used a hoof to flatten Pinkie Pie’s puffy mane so she could scope it out for herself. Sure enough, she recognized the big white unicorn stallion with a determined look on his face. “Oh no.” Rainbow groaned.

It was Shining Armor.