• Published 16th Sep 2018
  • 1,417 Views, 70 Comments

MLP at Hogwarts - SeleneMizutani

Alternate version of Equestria Girls, is a crossover with Harry Potter. What will happen if the main seven all go to Hogwarts?

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Rainbow Dash POV

It was another 'ordinary' morning. Well, if you could say it is really 'ordinary'.

The stupid alarm clock rang loudly,"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!"

Ugh. The clock is so annoying. I just want five more minutes in my super comfy bed.


I wish the beeping would stop.

Quite suddenly, the alarm clock stopped ringing.

"Huh? It only rang ten times, and it stopped? The instruction manual said that the alarm clock should ring for 60 times before stopping?" I wondered.

Unusual things always happen when I'm here. The weirdest thing is they only happen when I'm in the area. My neighbors think I'm mental and refuse to let their children play with me. Same thing happens in the school. That's why I don't have any friends.

I sat up and checked my watch. It's already 8:01. Time for another day.

What should I wear for the day? I opened my closet and a wave of color hit me. All my clothes are vibrant and colorful.

"I wish that I don't have to choose my clothes and find a perfect set for today..." I muttered.

A gust of wind whipped around the room, lifting a tank top and leggings up in the air, and they came to rest on my bed.

What just happened? Why do every wish I make comes true? That's quite creepy.

I said,"Never mind! It's just a coincidence."

I changed into the clothes on my bed, and I was amazed that they looked just perfect on me.

My brother, Rainbow Blitz was calling me from below,"Dash! Breakfast time!"

"Fine!" I yelled back, and I descended down the stairs.

Blitz was waiting for me beside the railing. He said,"Hey, Dashie. Another 'ordinary' morning?"

I stuck my tongue at him and we burst into laughter.

My parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles were making pancakes in the kitchen.

Mum was doing good, but I'm not quite sure about Dad.

A pancake was stuck on the ceiling, and yet more burnt pancakes on the floor.

Mum sighed, and facepalmed.

"Breakfast's ready!" she cried, ignoring Dad.

She set the table in the usual formation, and put two pancakes on each plate.

Blitz pouted,"Only two? That's not enough!"

"Your dad was supposed to make two more each, but who told him to burn each and every one?" replied Mum, smiling.

I sat down at my spot at the table, beside Blitz.

"Oh, I wish that we get a better breakfast than this one." I said to myself.

All of a sudden, the pancakes flew up into the air, and landed in the rubbish bin, while freshly baked waffles appeared out of nowhere and gently placed themselves on our now empty plates.

Mum, Dad, and Blitz stared at me.

"Um...that must be a trick of the light. Food can't fly." I explained.

They knew I was lying, but it was in the family to lie when I do something weird.

Mum said,"Remember all the weird thins that happened over the years?"

"Like the time she made the house explode?" suggested Dad.

"Or when a cat on the street suddenly turned into a pig?"

"Or the time she grew wings and did a Sonic Rainboom?"

"Or the time she touched a rope and it came to life, catching everything it sees?"

"Or the time she vanished into white light and reappeared five miles away from here?"

"Or the time she made everything in the street turn into solid gold?"

"Or the time she was holding a ruby when ten more appeared from thin air?"

"Or the time she destroyed a hill with her mind?"

"Or the time-"

"Stop it!" I cut off.

Blitz looked at me.

He asked,"Actually, sis, why do such weird things only happen to you?"

"No idea." I replied, eating the waffles.

They were quite good. Scrumptious, in fact, for waffles that appear out of thin air.

Mum said,"Anyway, sweetie, tomorrow is your birthday. Where do you want to go?"

"I want to stay at home and write some more songs. I love singing, you know." I said.

Dad exclaimed,"On your birthday? We were planning to bring you to somewhere good."

"My friends will celebrate with me tomorrow. We love music very much. That's what brought us together in the first place." I answered.

"Oh. That's why you're in the best band in the school. And the lead singer and guitarist too!" commented Blitz.

I couldn't help boasting a little,"Of course! I'm awesome!"

"Rainbow Miriam Dash! No bragging!" scolded Dad.

Mum nagged,"Yeah. You can't find friends if you boast!"

Ugh. Mum and Dad is so annoying.

Ten minutes later, I finished my breakfast (which appeared from thin air), and I went back to my room to play my guitar.

I have two guitars, one acoustic and one electric.

I picked up the acoustic one and played some warm-up chords. Then I launched into song. One that I wrote myself.

What's My Name

Song: What's My Name (Rainbow Dash didn't write this, and try to imagine Uma as Rainbow.)

The final chord rang out, and I heard applause.

Blitz had entered the room without me knowing.

"Wow, sis. I knew you had talent, but not this much. This song is AWESOME!" he squealed.

I smiled. I love everyone to love my songs.

"Thanks, bro." I replied.

He took up my guitar and tried to imitate me,"What's my name? What's my name? Rainbow. Feel the power!"

His voice was totally off-key, and his guitar playing is terrible to the ears.

I winced, and he burst into laughter.

"Of course I was kidding. You're so much better at it than me." he said.

I also laughed, as he fell onto my bed, and chuckled.

Life is so good now, in the middle of the summer, 25th July. If life could be always like this, it would be perfect.

But I don't dare to think what will happen in September...I would be bullied again...

At least I still have my friends and my family to support me. Life would be better, it will. It will.

Author's Note:

So...this is it. First chapter of this crossover. Anyway, this is my first time attempting a crossover, so please give me some suggestions and advice in the comments!