• Published 16th Sep 2018
  • 1,417 Views, 70 Comments

MLP at Hogwarts - SeleneMizutani

Alternate version of Equestria Girls, is a crossover with Harry Potter. What will happen if the main seven all go to Hogwarts?

  • ...

Mythica and Aqua Marina

Rainbow Dash POV

After Potions, where I succeeded in brewing another perfect solution, finally I had some time to be alone.

I took all my homework with me and headed towards the Forbidden Forest, to find Mythica. I need some help now. I feel so sad.

Following the first trail I made when it was my first time in the Forest, I walked along the trees and animals until I arrived at the unicorn land.

"Mythica!' I called out. A majestic unicorn turned and galloped towards me as fast as she could.

She cried,"Hey, Rainbow! Back so soon?"

"I need to talk with you. Could you please bring me to the lake in the Forest? There's another friend I need to see."

"Sure. Get on my back and I'll take you there." she replied.

Mythica got onto her front legs and I clambered up on her back. She took off, and once again I felt the wind tossing my hair and robes around, but I couldn't care less.

We passed trees, trees and trees. But occasionally I saw some kind of creature I never seen before.

Finally, we arrived. I got off Mythica's back and said,"Aqua? Are you here?"

She rose from below the surface of the lake like she did last time.

"Hey, Rainbow. What's up?"

I sat down on a lily pad and sighed,"It's the students. They keep calling me Mudblood and throwing stuff at me. Sometimes they would beat me up."

"WHAT?!" cried Mythica and Aqua in unison.

"How could they? The bastards!" yelled Aqua, her hair flowing above her head rapidly.

I continued,"It's even worse today. They called me a bitch, a slut, and I deserved to be in a whorehouse. They even insulted my father as a shitface."

"You should tell the teachers!" said Mythica in shock.

I replied sadly,"No, I can't. I'm already the best in class and they are calling me a teacher's pet. If I tell someone, they will never stop. I have to get over it. Just like my uncle says, I'm a bitch and I don't deserve to live."

I clapped my hands to my mouth.

"What about your uncle?" asked Aqua.

I told them my story.

They gasped.

"Oh! So that's why you burst into the Forest crying!" exclaimed Mythica.

I nodded. It's hard to open up since I'm like an oyster, my shell closed shut.

I took out my homework and said in a fake cheerful voice,"Okay, no more sad talk! Can we do my homework together? I need some company but I don't dare to go back to my common room."

"Okay, what subject is this?" asked Aqua.

I answered,"Potions."

Aqua and Mythica started reading my piece of parchment and giving me tips. I listened and followed their advice.

Before long, my homework was all finished. I closed my books and said,"Well, I have to get back to dinner. Bye."

"Wait! I'll take you to the outskirts! It's not safe in the Forest when you're alone." said Mythica.

I got on her back again and waved goodbye to Aqua, who in turn waved back and disappeared underneath the surface of the lake, which was glimmering from the pale moonlight. It's about seven now.

Fifteen minutes late, Mythica dropped me off at the edge of the Forest.

"Bye! See you soon!" I called, turned and walked towards the castle in the distance.

When I entered the Great Hall, it was already packed with students, but I somehow managed to find a seat in the corner of the Slytherin table.

Suddenly, Blaze slipped next to me and said,"Hey. Where did you go just now? I can't find you!"

"Doing my homework." I replied.

I just didn't say where. They will kill be if I told them I went adventuring into the Forest on my own.

"Really? Can you help me with the Potions homework? I don't understand how to brew that antidote for boils."

"Okay! I have nothing to do anyway." I said.

Blaze said in confusion,"Helpfulness is a personality trait only found in Hufflepuff. No Slytherin ever helps others!"

"The Sorting Hat said I had qualities in all four Houses, but my loyalty is what stood out." I explained.

"But loyalty is also a trait of Hufflepuff. Why are you not in there?" Blaze asked.

I answered,"I have powerful magical powers. Maybe this is the reason?!"

"IDK." he sighed, and turned back to his roasted beef.

I ate in record speed and rushed out of the Hall. It should be empty in the common room now. So I went there to clear my mind.

I took out my guitar again and sang to myself.

Human (13 Reasons Why)

This is a variation of the song Human I wrote. I loved this song so much and I sang it every day in the shower. Shh.

I sighed, and went to my dorm. I sat on my bed and took out my notebook in my trunk.

I started to write:

I messed up tonight
I lost another fight
I still mess up but I'll just start again
I keep falling down
I keep on hitting the ground
I always get up now to see what's next
Birds don't just fly
They fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it won

I won't give up, no I won't give in
Till I reach the end
And then I'll start again
Though I'm on the lead
I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail
I won't give up, no I won't give in
Till I reach the end
And then I'll start again
No I won't leave
I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail

Oh oh try everything

Look how far you've come
You filled your heart with love
Baby you've done enough that cut your breath
Don't beat yourself up
Don't need to run so fast
Sometimes we come last but we did our best

I won't give up, no I won't give in
Till I reach the end
And then I'll start again
Though I'm on the lead
I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail
I won't give up, no I won't give in
Till I reach the end
And then I'll start again
No I won't leave
I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail

I'll keep on making those new mistakes
I'll keep on making them every day
Those new mistakes

Oh oh, try everything

My mum used to sing this with me everywhere, in the garden, in the park, on the streets, and sometimes we even sing it while sitting on the roof.

I know that I'm only eleven, but I experienced much, much more than other eleven-year-olds. And I'm proud of it.