• Published 16th Sep 2018
  • 1,417 Views, 70 Comments

MLP at Hogwarts - SeleneMizutani

Alternate version of Equestria Girls, is a crossover with Harry Potter. What will happen if the main seven all go to Hogwarts?

  • ...

A New Day

Rainbow Dash POV

After the unfortunate events of yesterday, I woke up at 5:00 today, surprisingly. I decided to go for a stroll (in the Forbidden Forest). I want to clear my head.

As I walked along the lake, I rested my head against a tree, gazing at the rainbow reflected on the water's surface. It made me think of Blitz, and how's he doing in the Muggle world.

Suddenly. a splash in the water caught my attention. A blue fog rose from the water. Aqua materialized

"Hey Rainbow! Did I ever tell you I could appear wherever's there's water?" she greeted cheerfully.

I waved and said,"Aqua! Hi!"

"I saw everything in the passage from my crystal ball. Why did you do such things to yourself?"

I hesitated.



"Blitz! I missed you so much! Did you have fun at Camp Everfree?" I asked.

Blitz replied,"Awesome! But I'd rather stay at home with you."

"Let's go to the lake now! I want to see the willows, the birds, and of course, the rainbow reflected on the water surface!" I cried joyfully.

He nodded, took my hand, and we ran off into the glare of the sun, casting shadows behind us, as we faded into the distance.

I opened my eyes, and saw I was staring at the sky, and Aqua was talking to herself.

"And I have to do more research on crystal balls, and I have to practice my water powers..." she was muttering.

I cried,"AQUA!"

She snapped back to attention.

"Yes, Rainbow?"

I said,"You were talking to yourself. Are you OK?"

"Um...yeah! Yeah! I'm ok, don't worry." she replied nervously.

Obviously she's not. Aqua's a bad liar.

I said determinedly,"You're not. You can tell me everything. I'm your friend, right?"

"Well...it's my mother. I have ten sisters, actually, and it's an everlasting competition among us. To get our mother's attention, I have to study as hard as I could, but some of my sisters keep surpassing me. But thanks to you, I got praise from Mother! I wrote about a story about a nymph and a human falling in love, and she cried while reading. That day, I found out that my dad is a human, and he's dead. He sacrificed himself in the legendary Battle of Hogwarts. Thank you, Rainbow!" said Aqua, her hair flowing steadily along her dress.

"Don't fret, Aqua. Nerves won't help matters! Just try your best and everything will go according to plan. You couldn't possibly know everything, right? I once felt like that when I was six, the worst in the class, but I found my potential in sports and music, and I became more popular. And now, I'm so happy! I have so much to feel grateful for!"

I started to sing:


"See, Aqua? We have demons, but they won't take over. You have to control them, because no one could do that but you!" I encouraged.

"No one is perfect, and no one is flawless. But everyone is unique, and no one could ever replace you. You don't need to care about what your other sisters think, just be yourself."

Aqua slowly nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right. That's what mum told me and my other sisters. That helped a lot. Thank you for being there for me when no one is." she replied, a smile blossoming on her face.

We chatted about studies and music together for the rest of the time, and we sang these songs in unison.


Love Story


Defying Gravity

Space Between

and much more...

Suddenly, I checked the time and found it was already 7:50! Oh no! I'm gonna be late!

"Aqua! It's time to go and eat! See you soon!" I said hurriedly and ran, watching Aqua fade under the lake.

I burst into the Great Hall, and took a seat at the corner of the Slytherin table, next to Blaze and I gazed around the table. Altius smiled at me, and hurriedly turned back to her plate.

"Hey Rainbow. Where did you go?" asked Blaze.

I replied,"To the lake."

"Homework again?!" he said, tone dripping with sarcasm.

I said,"No. Thinking and singing."

I said nothing and ate in silence. Aqua was right, everyone has pressure. But it's your choice to make the pressure affect you. And I'm not gonna do that, but I might, just might change my mind.

I ate and left, not wanting to see the glares of the Slytherins following me.

Walking up staircases to the Astronomy Tower, I thought of what I said.

"No one is perfect, and no one is flawless. But everyone is unique, and no one could ever replace you. You don't need to care about what your other sisters think, just be yourself."

Yeah, right. I only said that to comfort Aqua. I'm a piece of shit that could easily be gone. I don't deserve whatever you give me. If I die, no one will miss me.

Gazing at the bright sun, I smiled sadly, with a hint of bitterness.

I wished I could fly right now...

All of a sudden, a strong gust of wind picked me right up and I was blasted into the air.

"Whoa!" I called, as I flew above Hogwarts, passing rooms and windows.

I swept my hand out, and immediately I was flying to the right. So I could control wind, huh? Awesome!

"RAINBOW!" yelled a voice. I looked down and saw Blaze and Altius gesturing for me to get down.

Well, ok!

I flicked my hand down casually and I started to descend slowly, landing perfectly on the ground without a sound.

"WTF IS THAT YOU ARE DOING!" screamed Altius and I winced. Too loud.

I replied,"Flying."

"IN MIDAIR?! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?" Altius continued ranting.

I said,"I don't know. I just wished I could fly and a gust of wind picked me up. I can control wind! It's amazing!"

"How?" asked Blaze.

I said,"Watch and see!"

I raised my hand, thinking about the shock and delight just now when I was flying.

Wind came, and lifted me once again into the air.

"Woo-hoo!" I called, as the wind whipped me around. I knew my hair was a mess and flying, but at that moment, I couldn't care less.

I started controlling myself like you would do in a video game, moving my hands along invisible controls.

Flying around and around Hogwarts, Blaze and Altius just stared in amazement, while I smiled and laughed happily.

After five minutes, I landed again on the soft grass, and the wind stopped.

"W...W...Whoa, now this is something impressive." muttered Altius.

I just grinned, as we walked back up to the castle, or, should I say, they walked, and I levitated.

Author's Note:

This chapter is dedicated to people who have exam nerves. Don't worry, because I'm always here to talk it out with you. Just PM me, and I'll try my best to help.