• Published 16th Sep 2018
  • 1,417 Views, 70 Comments

MLP at Hogwarts - SeleneMizutani

Alternate version of Equestria Girls, is a crossover with Harry Potter. What will happen if the main seven all go to Hogwarts?

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Leaky Cauldron

Rainbow Dash POV

With a loud roar of the engine, we set off.

I knew the car trip was gonna be long, so I gazed out of the window. The scenery passed by in a blur.

I knew the letters by heart, and my thoughts transferred to the list of books and equipment I needed to buy.

What spells will we learn? What things could they achieve?

How are we supposed to make potions? Dump a load of stuff in cauldrons and mix them together?

And what does 'the Dark Forces' mean? Terrible magic that has killed innocent people? Or spells evil wizards use to poison someone?

How do I buy my wand?? Just choose one, or draw lots from a lottery machine? Or maybe it will fly towards you when it feels like it?

I must have zoned out at some point, because the next thing I knew, Blitz was shaking me.

"Dashie, wake up! We're at Canterlot City!" he called.

My vision was very bleary, and I could only make out Blitz's shadow bending over me.

He said again,"Get up now! We're at Canterlot City!"

I opened my eyes completely, and got off the car.

We were in a busy and crowded street, people jostling us as they passed us.

Mum and Dad looked around for that Diagon Alley, but Blitz said,"You think a wizard street would be in everyone's plain sight?"

"Yeah, right." muttered Dad.

I piped up,"What about checking the streets? It's got to be here somewhere."

"Good idea!" replied Mum a little too enthusiastically.

I walked among all the criss-crossed streets, until I saw a tiny, grubby-looking pub tucked away in a secluded street. Beside it were a big bookstore and a record store. People passing it simply looked from the bookstore to the record shop, not noticing the tiny pub at all. Suddenly, I had this creepy feeling that we were the only ones even able to see it at all.

I didn't dare to mention this, in case someone heard this or my family thinking I'm insane.

There hung a old, faded sign bearing the words 'Leaky Cauldron'.

I took a deep breath and with Mum, Dad and Blitz following, I stepped into the Leaky Cauldron.

A cheerful bartender was stationed behind a counter. I noticed that for such a place, it was really dark and shabby.

"Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron. Newcomers, aren't you?" said the bartender.

Dad replied,"Sir, could you help us to get supplies for this school?"

He pulled out the acceptance letter from his rather large pocket.

The barman opened it and read it from top to bottom.

After five minutes, he looked up.

"Sure. You're Muggles, aren't you? Well, I know a family of wizards who could help you. Wait here, can't you?" said the barman, left the counter and walked away.

Once the barman was out of earshot, Mum whispered,"What is a Muggle? Is it rude?"

"It's a name for non-magical people." answered a voice I never heard before.

I whirled around sharply and saw a boy slightly older than me. He had pale green skin and a golden messy bun on top of his head.

He said,"Us wizards call your folk Muggles."

The bartender returned and introduced the newcomers (yeah, there are more than one),"This is the Shy Family. They are a pure-blood wizarding family, and they are delighted to help."

"Mr and Mrs Shy, their son Zephyr Breeze, and their daughter Fluttershy." he added hastily.

Dad greeted politely,"Bow Hothoof, Windy Whistles, son Rainbow Blitz and daughter Rainbow Dash. She's the magical one."

Mr.Shy said,"Welcome. How could I help you?"

They walked aside and started talking intently.

Mum asked,"Mrs.Shy, could we exchange our money for some wizarding money?"

"Sure. A dollar of your money to a Knut." replied Mrs.Shy.

"Um...what's a Knut?" asked Mum, fumbling for her wallet.

Mrs.Shy answered,"Sickles, Galleons, and Knuts are wizarding money. 29 Knuts to a Sickle, and 17 Sickles for a Galleon."

Mum pulled out a million dollars and said,"Is this enough?"

Mrs.Shy's jaw dropped open.

"Yes, that enough. Come over here, I'll exchange these for some of my money." she said.

The two mothers walked over to the counter and started counting money.

That left Zephyr Breeze and Fluttershy. Blitz approached Zephyr and asked."Hi. I'm Rainbow Blitz. How's it like being a wizard?"

"Awesome! You can learn magic, cast spells, and brew potions!" replied Zephyr.

They chatted about wizard and Muggle stuff. Bla bla bla.

I walked over to Fluttershy and she cowered.

"Hey. I'm Rainbow Dash. How long have you been in Hogwarts?" I asked.

"Um...I'm starting this year." she whispered.

I said,"Me too! You got the letter?"

"Yes. Today." she replied, more confident.

"Me too! We could go and buy our stuff later!" I said happily.

"Okay." Fluttershy answered, smiling.

Suddenly, I remembered what the barman had said. 'Pure-blood wizarding family'. What does that mean?

"Fluttershy, what is 'pure-blood'?" I asked.

She replied,"People who are born from wizards and witches, and half-bloods and people who has a witch mother and Muggle father, or vice-versa. You are a Muggle-born, which means that you are born in a non-magical family."

"Oh. You're so lucky to be a pure-blood. To know so much about magic!" I exclaimed.

"But I wish sometimes that I could know more about Muggle things. That's why I want to take Muggle Studies in Year Three." said Fluttershy happily.

Dad and Mr.Shy came back.

"We'll go to Diagon Alley once we have exchanged our money." said Dad.

Mum walked over with Mrs.Shy in tow.

She said,"We're done over here."

Mum shook the money bag she was clutching.

"Everyone here? Alright, let's go!" said Mr.Shy.

We went through the Leaky Cauldron and headed to a brick wall in the distance.

Mrs.Shy took out her wand and tapped three times on a unnoticeable brick in the wall.

Instantly, the brick quivered, and in the middle, a small hole appeared, growing bigger and bigger, until we were facing an archway onto a cobbled street.

I gasped.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley." said Mrs.Shy, smiling.