• Published 16th Sep 2018
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MLP at Hogwarts - SeleneMizutani

Alternate version of Equestria Girls, is a crossover with Harry Potter. What will happen if the main seven all go to Hogwarts?

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Applejack POV

After History of Magic, which is taught by this dull professor called Prof. Maud Pie, Pinkie's sister, and she only drones on and on, and most of the class nearly fell asleep. It was a massive relief when the bell finally rang, setting us free from that speech.

We went to Transfiguration, taught by our Head of House, DH (Deputy Headmistress) Luna. She told us the basics of Transfiguration, and showed us how to turn a match into a needle. I saw that Rainbow was sitting alone (again), and dragged my new friends, Pinkie and Fleetfoot, over to her table. She was immensely grateful. We whispered while transforming that match into a needle. Rainbow got it right on the second try. She really has a talent for magic. I wonder why she isn't in Ravenclaw.

I said,"Rainbow, why you're in Slytherin?"

"My loyalty brought me here, quoting the Sorting Hat." she replied sadly.

Pinkie interrupted,"Oh! Because you have all the qualities of the four houses, but your loyalty is the strongest, right?"

"How do you know?" gasped Rainbow in pure shock.

"Just a hunch."

Fleetfoot said,"Rainbow, I have to tell you something about your family."

"What is it?" Rainbow asked.

"You're my cousin. Mum's related to the Dashery bloodline. She told me before school to try to find a rainbow-haired girl with my magenta eyes."

Rainbow gasped again.


"Yeah. It's the truth."

Fleetfoot and Rainbow embraced. Aww...so cute.

I said,"Alright guys! Now we got this family problem solved, let's solve this magic problem in the bargain!"

We all laughed merrily.

Rainbow tried her best to teach us to do it properly, but we still couldn't do it. Professor Luna came to check on us.

"Rainbow Dash here could do it perfectly!" squealed Pinkie.

Prof.Luna nodded as Rainbow turned the needle back into a match with ease.

She said,"Good! This is the fastest progress I've ever seen in a mere first-year."

Rainbow smiled as she turned the match into a...bird and it flew out of the open window.

The class except Sunset Shimmer's table gasped.


"How could she do it?"

"I wanna do that too!"

"Hey! Teach us!"

Here we go again...


After the class, me, Fleetfoot, Rainbow, and Pinkie walked down to the lake to practice since classes had ended for today.

"I don't know why I could turn the match into a bird!" Rainbow was exclaiming.

Pinkie was bouncing in front of us.

"Woo-hoo! Rainbow is super cool! Hey, that rhymes! Like 'Hoo' with 'Cool!' Because the word structures are similar and-"

Fleetfoot cut her off.

"Yeah, Rainbow is awesome and all, but how could a first-year do such advanced magic? We were supposed to learn that in the second year!' she commented.

Rainbow said,"I don't know! It just worked on its own!"

She raised her wand and turned a flower planted in the ground to a giant tree for us to take shelter. Wow.

Luckily, we were the only ones there, so no one will mob us again.

We sat down, leaning against the transformed tree, and Rainbow pulled out her Potions homework and started scribbling furiously.

Abruptly, she stopped after five minutes and asked,"Applejack, do you still have that sample of potion we made in Potions class?"

"Yeah, what?" I said casually.

Rainbow leaned over to me and whispered,"Sunset Shimmer and her gang snatched mine from me and beat me up for protesting."

Unfortunately, Pinkie overheard and gasped,"WHAT? Why would they do such a thing to you?"

"Because I'm a Mudblood." Rainbow replied, turning back to her homework.

Fleetfoot said,"Don't call yourself that!"

"At least when I do they would leave me mercy." Rainbow sighed and continued doing her homework and we couldn't get anymore information out of her.

After what seemed like centuries, the dinner bell rang, and we stood up, preparing to head back to the Great Hall for dinner.

Before leaving, Rainbow took out her wand again, and turned the tree back into the flower.


We entered the Hall, only to be met with glares. I took a closer look, and found out that the glares were aimed for Rainbow.

She parted with us, and sat down in a corner of the Slytherin table.

A minute later, Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust and Gilda Griffonstone waltzed into the hall, holding a notebook.

Uh oh.

Rainbow Dash POV

I sat down at the Slytherin table, avoiding the other's glances.

Suddenly, Sunset Shimmer, Lightning Dust, and Gilda Griffonstone waltzed inside, holding my...DIARY!

Oh no! What should I do? That contains my super private stuff!!!

Without caring for what will the others' think, I stood up and rushed out to them.

"That's mine! Please give it back!" I cried.

Sunset Shimmer held the diary out of reach and taunted,"Aw, little Crashie can't get her diary back, huh? Well, I know for one that there's some juicy secrets in here!"

The hall gasped.

"Please don't, Sunset Shimmer! Please!" I pleaded.

Lightning Dust said,"Let me read some of these secrets out. It's good to share, right?"

Holding it out of reach, she opened the diary and read,"

Dear Diary,
Today is another hard day, as usual. Uncle beat me with a wooden rod for five hundred times today, while I had to wash the dishes, sweep the floor, dust the carpet, and much, much more. In fact, the to-do list my aunt gave me was so long that it went from the top of the door to the floor, trailing down the stairs.
It's not fair. Why does Mum and Dad have to abandon me in this hellhole when I was just an infant? I was abused, I was mistreated, and beaten and tortured every day. Why did they do this to their own blood? When will they come back for me?Looks like never, at this rate. It's going on for the most of ten years and it'll never stop. Sometimes I wish I could give up.
The bullies in school saw my wounds today in biology and taunted me for it. Luckily a teacher on duty saw it happen and stopped it before it became worse.
Oh no! Uncle's coming with the whip in his hands. Talk to you tomorrow.
Rainbow Dash"

She snapped the book shut and smirked around the Hall. The Professors were aghast, as so were my friends, but the others burst out laughing.

Before I knew it, I collapsed on the floor, crying into my robes.

"Is this true. Mudblood?" asked Sunset Shimmer.

I eventually managed to get myself up and said while crying,"Yes! I never told anyone...BECAUSE IT HURTS!"

The Slytherins started throwing assorted food at me, like potatoes, peas, turkey, and whatever you could imagine. Soon, the Hufflepuffs joined in, followed by the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors. I was soaked through in gravy and pumpkin juice.

I can't take it anymore. They exposed my secret and now they're throwing stuff at me when I'm innocent. I spun around and rushed out of the Great Hall, hearing my friends call:

"Rainbow! Wait!"

"We can help!"

"Stop and listen to us!"

"Please! Running away won't help!"

I ignored them and ran, running like my life depended on it.