• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 6,104 Views, 75 Comments

New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfic - Rayna Q.

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New Girl

New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfic

Chapter One: New Girl

This place so furan yet back in my mind; way back it’s like a blimp, no more like a horrible unwanted case of déjà vu. The sun always a bit too bright the streams always seeming to slap the slick mossy rock beds in an even beat. The birds, the butterflies…hell, even the flowers seemed to be a tone lighter. This place so furan, so unwanted, yet so inviting, pulling me in…engulfing and suffocating.

This new place I now call home.

New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfiction
Written and Illustrated by AppleDash-Crazy

Chapter One: New Girl

AJ ran a hand through her golden hair. “I feel like the under end of a barrel…” She took another look at the seemingly painted town, “This place here looks photo shopped.” The train slowly jerked forward, causing the country girl to take a sharp breath in. “Y’all can always turn yourself around, no reason ta get off here AJ…go back ta ya fancy life in Manhattan…”

Even as she let the words fall from her lips she knew it was impossible; there was work that needed to be done. Well that and, her jade eyes nervously looked out the train window again. Sighing and feeling her face heat up as her eyes fell over her rather large extended family. The Apples poured throughout the train station platform taking up most of the space. They were all looking at her and calling her name, AJ’s younger sister Apple Bloom smiling widely waving a “Welcome Home”-banner back and forth.

“Welcome home AJ! WHAT Y’ALL DOIN’? COME GET YERSELF OUT HERE!” Apple Bloom shouted, joy displayed across her young face.

“She looks so much older now…“ AJ allowed her back muscles to relax, she unfolded her fingers and wiped the sweat that had formed on her palms off onto her worn jeans. The one thing she missed about this place…her smile widened as she looked over the tough Apple family. “I missed the mud on ma boots.” She laughed and waved at the crowd of family members.

“Come on!” Apple Bloom yelled again, this time with slight irritation.

“Oh stop your hootin’ and hollerin’ little miss…” AJ’s body moaned in protest as she pulled herself up from the seated position. She gave her no longer defined muscles a strong stretch.

“Shoot, ah should probably move myself around next time.” She reached into the cubby above the seat and intertwined her fingers into the small backpack. “Alright AJ, it’s time ta say ‘hey’ to ya family again.” She spit into her palm and ran the liquid over her bangs, slicking her bed head down before she set her Stetson onto her head.

The blonde made her way out of the cart, a soft breeze instantly greeting her as she stepped off the platform, letting her know just how stuffy the old train really was. “Ah haven’t been in Ponyville for ah minute…”

“Eeeeeuppp.” AJ’s face brightened, only one person could make such a boring sound! She shifted her gaze to her left and was overjoyed to meet with a pair of identical jade eyes.

“Big MAC!” AJ flung herself at her older brother, wrapping her arms around his large torso. “Well ah be a horsefly ya gotten huge!” She backed away and looked over her orange-haired brother. “Ya have at least grown a foot, nah more!”

“Eeeeupp.” Mac said flatly and grabbed AJ’s bag from her, flinging it over his shoulder. AJ glanced down, noticing he had the rest of her luggage in his arms as well.

“AJ! AJ!” Quickly turning on her heel, AJ twisted down and scooped up her noisy little sister. “Ah missed ya, big sis!” Apple Bloom giggled and tightly wrapped her thin arms around her sister’s neck.

“Dido.” AJ had to fight to keep the light girl in her arms.

Ah really need to work out somethin’ fierce…

“How old are y’all now anyway? Ninety somthin?” AJ asked her sister slightly confused.

“Hahaha, nah AJ, I’m eight!” AJ felt her heart tug, she’s already so much older…

“And ah’m in third grade now!” Her sister explained proudly.

“That there is wonderful! Ah’m so proud of ya!” AJ smiled weakly and let her sister slide off her neck.

“Ah shucks…” Apple Bloom beamed up at her big sister. “Do ya want to know the best part!?”

“Alright, shoot!”

“Me and ya going to be goin’ to the same school!” Apple Bloom yelled, jumping up and down in excitement.

“Wow, wow, wow! Now hold on there a sweet apple picking minute…” AJ held her sister still, “There’s been a miss understandn’. I’m here to look out for Granny Smith, that’s all little miss. I got no time for school, and besides ya being in third grade and all, so…”

“Well actually….” It was Mac who spoke, “Granny made it ah point t’ get ya back in the books.”

“Yeah, but Mac I’d be a mighty big third grader, don’t y’all think?” AJ raised a brow.

“Hahaha, sis yer crackin’ me up!” Apple Bloom grabbed her sister’s hand, “We aren’t in the same class or grade! We got ya signed up to go ta Equestria!” AJ felt her jaw slightly drop.

“Eques…Ah can’t go ta Equestria, sis! Not with my bad, err…school situation.” AJ mumbled, she was too busy practicing her manners back in Manhattan to even attend school. So, in the
end, she dropped herself out.

“Don’t ya worry sis, we know some high end people back at Equestria an’ they agreed to let ya start up this here commin’ school year.” AJ leaned in as Apple Bloom motioned her to get closer. “Of course because their high end schooling, ya have to start a grade behind.” Apple Bloom said in a hushed voice. “…y’all know: repeatin’ tenth grade…”

“Yeah sis, y’all don’t know how much that there just isn’t happenin’…” AJ patted her sister’s head, “It was a nice jester though.”

“Actually sis…” Big Mac put a hand on AJ’s shoulder, “Tis like I said, Granny only wants ya here if yer attend schoolin.”

“Yes, I heard y’all the first time.” AJ pouted “And it’s like ah said, too much work needs to get done, I’m here to help out with Grand…”

“And y’all can help out after school!” Mac gave his sister a demanding look; AJ sighed. As much as she would like to argue, she knew if it’s what Grandma Smith wanted, then it’s what Grandma Smith got.

“Well, shoot!” AJ kicked dirt up into the air with her boot “…when y’all say it so kindly, I guess I have no other option then ta go…”

“Yay! That’s the spirit, sis!” Apple Bloom held onto her sister’s waist. “Ah’m so happy to be going to the same school as ya…well same school, but different building’s…y’all know what I mean!”

“I sure do, Sugarcube…” AJ had attended Equestria back when she was Apple Bloom’s age. The worst thing she remembered was the difficult lessons and the horrible uniforms. The school had three main buildings. One for the elementary and middle school, one for the high school, and one for their college students. Spread around the large campus, there were also buildings for the library, dining hall, and for those who lived there -the dorms-, along with other random buildings for sports and clubs. The school was made out of an old castle, and to AJ, it was a bit over the top. “…ah am so glad to be goin’ back…yay.” The blonde rolled her jade eyes, not trying to hide her lack of joy, which made Mac crack a grin.

“Ah come off it, sis! The uniforms aren’t so bad now.” Mac chuckled and patted the top of his sister’s hat, rustling her golden hair before walking over to a large faded red truck.

“Oh that’s soooo funny, Mac!” AJ huffed, back when she went to school the uniforms were not just bad; they were downright embarrassing! She followed her brother over to the truck and watched him load her bags into the back.

She quickly said hello to the rest of the Apple family who had dropped by before hopping into the back. “Bye, big sis! Ah will see y’all at school tomarra’!” Apple Bloom shouted from the group of Apple’s. “Oh and tell Granny I said hi!” she added.

“Ah will, Sugarcube!” AJ cupped her hands over her mouth as she shouted at the disappearing speck that was her sister. After they turned a corner, AJ looked over to her brother: “So we aren’t stayin’ at the farm, are we?” she soberly asked.


“Granny Smith has gotten really bad hasn’t she?”


“Are we stayin’ in town, so that we can be closer to the hospital?”

“EEuep…” Mac rotated a wheat straw in his mouth and slowed down the old farmer truck, pulling into a apartment building.

“Are we there already?” AJ looked out the truck window and at the plain, yet very earthy apartment buildings.

“Ah got yer things, ya just head on up…” Mac tossed his sister the keys. “It’s unite M105, upstairs.”

“Alright, are ya sure ya don’t need any help?”

“EEuep …” Mac began to unpack the truck. “Oh, an’ our Nabors can be a bit loud…well, one at least.” AJ nodded her understanding and began heading to the unite.

“Ah really ain’t feeling this whole Equestria thing…but it’s for granny Smith.” She put a smile on her face before walking up the stairs and over to the door that said ‘M105’. “And besides…” She opened up the brown door. “…it may be fun.”

“Who is whhatt?” AJ paused when she saw Grammy Smith lying on the floor.
“Granny!” She ran over and slowly brought the older woman’s head up. “Ah y’all alright?”

“Oh yes, yes Fluttershy! I’m mighty well, thank ya.”

“Ah, flutter-what!? Nah Granny! It’s me, AJ!”

“AJ…AJ….nah, doesn’t ring no bell.” AJ was shocked, hurt. Ah didn’t know it was this bad, not recognizing family this isn’t right.

“T-That’s not really important, Granny…what ya doing lying down here for, did ya fall?”

“Have ya tried that bustle sprouts and yogurt recipe yet, Fluttershy?” Granny Smith asked before going into a coughing fit. “Oh and tell ya cousin I do like ta dance fine…I got a hip in mah step.” AJ had a look of horror, but before she could say anything Mac came in and wrapped an arm around the frail woman.

“This happens from time ta time sis…” Mac said softly as he picked their Granny up.

“Who are ya? Put me down!” Granny Smith wiggled in Mac’s arms, without any luck. “Oh Pinkie, ah didn’t know ya was this strong.” Granny said and seemed to relax.

“I’m going to take her ta bed, y’all make yourself at home now. Your room is down this hall, second door on the left.” AJ just nodded, not sure how to take in the situation. “School’s bright and early tomorra, so try and get some shuteye. Yer uniform should be on the desk in yer room.” With that, Mac turned around and left the doorway carrying the confused Granny Smith in his arms.

“Well that was harsh.” AJ felt a shiver go down her spine and shook herself off. “Why did it take me this long to come see her? I feel like I’m too late, like ah am just here to send her on her way.” Her stomach twisted at that thought. “Ah I think ah will pass on supper.” She walked over to where Mac had dropped her luggage and picked up as many bags as she could. “Alright, tomorrow before school, ya be doin some pushups.” She told herself determined to both distract herself and build her lost toned muscles.
She walked down the hallway Mac had disappeared into, pushed her door open with her boot clad foot and dropped her belongings onto the floor. “Alright AJ, time ta pass on out.” She yawned into her hand as she set up her alarm clock. Shutting the door and making sure it was locked, she stripped down and plopped onto the soft bed. “Another thing I missed about this place, the nice warm nights.” She sprawled across the comfiture in nothing but her plain underwear, her eyelids becoming heavy as she quickly found herself in dreamland.
Her dreams were restless, those of running away and getting lost. Dark, heavy forests and smells of…smells of…bacon? AJ’s eyes slowly fluttered open, sun streaming into her open window; the light violating her vision. She quickly snapped her eyelids shut and pulled the thin sheet over her face.

“No way ah’m gettin’ up…” With that, her alarm started the blast she ignored it for a few moments before accepting defeat and walking over to her new dresser. Giving a rather large yawn, she slammed her fist onto the snooze button. “Let’s see, if it be six here in Ponyville…then it would be…” She quickly did the math in her head and frowned. “…two in the mornin’ in Manhattan.” She jumped; startled as three large bangs came from her door.

“Uh sis, how do y’all like yer eggs again?” AJ’s mouth watered at Mac’s question.

“Ah like them scrambled!” Her mouth curled into a smile: “Eggs and bacon…Mac must be preparing his famous country breakfast, I wonder what the occasion is…?” Her eyes looked over to a dry-cleaning bag next to her alarm clock; with further examination she noticed the navy blue colors of Equestria’s uniforms. “…awh that’s right, the occasion is ta sucker up to me for this whole Equestria nonsense.”

“Sis, ya goin’ ta be late!” AJ sighed as her brother yelled from the kitchen.

“Ya, ya give me ah sec!” The blonde yelled, cracking her door a bit before closing and locking it back in place. She threw her gray underwear into a messy pile on the tan carpet. Yawning again, she walked over to the private bathroom in her bedroom.

The apartment was nice in size; however compared to the historic farm house or even the Orange’s residence, it was a bit on the snug side. She turned the water on, putting her palm into the quickly heating stream. “Equestria…” She bit down on the inside of her cheek. “…ah have half a mind to bet Big Mac purposely…dang it!” AJ snapped her hand out of the now boiling water and cranked up the cold. “…awh what ya sayin AJ, Mac wouldn’t make yer life miserable on purpose.

“Even though he is known to get back at people without making it too obvious…and ya did ditch him an’ the rest of the family for the past few years…” AJ stepped into the steaming shower. The warmth streamed down her un-worked muscles, she looked into the large mirror positioned on the shower wall. It was noticeable that her body had changed from being away; her once toned and tanned figure was now a shade lighter and skinny.

“Ah look scrawny as all heck…” She squeezed a bit of soap into her hand and massaged it into her golden hair. Backing up to one of the walls in the small shower, she proceeded to do a wall sit as she scrubbed. “Time to get some muscle mass back…I wonder if ah should join a sports club or somethin’…”

Having finished her shower she went through her still packed bags with shaking legs. “Ah will unpack these latter…” The blonde put on another pair of gray toned underwear and went over to the dresser. “…gosh darn it…” Giving a hard stare down at the uniform in front of her, she reluctantly ripped the bag open and pulled the navy skirt, white button up, gold vest, black socks and navy jacket on.

AJ looked in the mirror on the dresser once more, attempting to smile…the uniforms weren’t too bad now. As she twisted her finger around the golden neck bow, a pout formed on her lips. “Ah look girly…too girly.” She took off the navy dress jacket and vest, and un-tucked the white button up from the skirt. “Now I look like a street punk…” The blonde sighed and threw the jacket back on; leaving the vest behind. “Ah guess ah will just have to settle for girlish.” AJ grabbed a red hair ribbon out of one of her bags and walked out of her room as she braided the long wavy strands down one side.

“Ah wish hats were aloud at the school…” She said as she approached the kitchen.

Mac looked up at his sister and smiled, handing her a piece of toast. She looked down at the bread in confusion, expecting bacon and eggs along with it. “Yer late.” Mac said with a smile. AJ whipped her head over to the clock that hung from the wall.

“Dang it!” AJ grabbed the toast from her brother and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks a bunch, Mac! See ya this afternoon!”


AJ raced out of the house, looking down at her cell to view the time. “Ah no, it’s already seven forty! Ah’m never goin’ ta get there on time!” She sprinted as fast as her legs could carry her, but soon they cramped up. “Awh there’s no way I’m slowin’ down, legs! One too many wall sits I guess…”

“OH NO! HEY YOU! WATCH OUT!” AJ’s green eyes shifted to the left, staring down into wild pink orbs.


Pain shot through the blonde’s right side as she was pinned to the concrete. Her breath was knocked out of her, her mind still trying to gather what just happened.

“Oops, hey sorry about that…” Something shifted on top of the country girl and she moved her gaze up. Her jade eyes widened as she looked at a pale-skinned, rainbow headed girl. “Are you alright? You don’t really look too good.” The bright-haired tomboy shifted again, AJ felt her face heat up as the girl on top of her cradled her sides and put a hand on the blonde’s forehead.

“What in the hey do ya think yer doin’!?” AJ practically bucked the girl off her.

“Well geez, what a rude way of saying ‘thanks’ to someone who so thoughtfully made sure you were cool!” The rainbow-headed girl crossed her legs on the floor and put her hands on her hips.

“Made sure ah was ‘cool’?” AJ got off the ground, wincing as her side stung. She looked behind the girl and saw a dented rainbow and black-colored bike, the blonde relaxed slightly. “Oh shoot, ah’m sorry Sugarcube!” The rainbow haired girl looked up, her pink eyes looked questionable.

“Ah didn’t know ya bike brakes went out on ya…are ya alright?”

“Wha- hahaha!” The pink eyed girl stood up and put a hand on AJ’s shoulder as she continued to laugh. “My brakes didn’t give out!”

“They didn’t?” AJ cocked her head to the side in confusion. “Then why did ya slam into me?”

“I slammed into you because you got in the way. Didn‘t you hear me say ‘hey watch out’!? I mean, normal people tend to move out of the way when they hear that, not look over to the direction it comes from.”

“Well if yer brakes were workin’ just fine, then why didn’t ya slow down!?” AJ’s voice was starting to rise again in irritation.

“Hahaha, well it’s obvious that you’re new around here! My name’s Rainbow Dash…and I never slow down!” Rainbow Dash outstretched her hand, and AJ just stared down at it; completely dumbfounded.

“Are ya pullin ma leg?” The blonde felt her eye twitch as she slapped the girls hand away. “Ya could have pulled yer brakes BUT YA DIDN’T WANT TA SLOW DOWN NONE!?”

“Yep, that’s basically it…but it’s not like I ‘didn’t’ want to slow down. Someone as cool as me physically couldn’t have pulled the brakes.” Rainbow Dash said with a serious face as she fixed her ponytail. “Anyways, I‘d just love to hang out with you, but I can’t risk being late for school again.”

“Oh shoot!” AJ pulled her cell out of her pocket. “It’s seven fifty-five! Ah’m goin ta be late for mah first day!”

“Well, if you want to ride ‘bitch’, I can give you a lift!” Rainbow grinned as she lifted her bike off the ground and patted the back of the seat. AJ didn’t seem as amused as she glared at the other girl.

“Ah would rather get hit by a bus.” She responded dryly.

“I wouldn’t say things like that, you know: with your mornings luck…you seem kind of ditzy.” Rainbow grinned wider as AJ’s face started to turn red with anger. “Okay, okay.” The pink eyed girl put her hands up in defense as she climbed over her bike. “Suit yourself.” With that, she pushed off and was gone down the road in a blur.

“Calm ya self down AJ, it’s not like she meant ta crash into ya…” As soon as she took a step towards the school, a loud bell sounded off in the distance. “Oh no!” AJ started to sprint again. “This is bad! Dang ya, RAINBOW DASH!”
AJ walked in her first class as the teacher was taking role.

“You’re late.” The gray haired man noticed soberly as he looked over to AJ, “You must be Applejack.”

“Uh yes, Sir.” AJ could feel all the eyes on her, causing her face to heat up.

“I understand you being new, and this is a large campus. However, we do not condone in tardiness.” AJ couldn’t make eye contact with her teacher or classmates, “And because you were accepted into this school even though you were held back, I and the rest of your teachers were instructed to keep a tight leash on you. One more slip up from you could get you kicked out, do you understand?” The male teacher wasn’t yelling, but his voice was strict…with what seemed like pity.

AJ shook her head in understanding, knowing that her face was as red as a tomato.

“Alright, you can take a seat next to that girl.” The teacher pointed a finger to a shy looking girl who quickly swept her bangs over her face to hide her eyes, “It seems like her lab partner won’t be showing up again.”

“Alright, thanks...and my deepest apologies.” She did a quick look around the room before taking her seat next to the cherry blonde girl. “Hey there, my name’s Applejack but people tend to call me AJ.” AJ said in a hushed voice. “What’s yer name?”

“F-f-faaaa…” the girl mumbled, causing AJ to raise a brow at her.

“Umm…excuse me but what was that?” AJ cocked her head to the side at the squeaking sound that came out of the girl.

“F-f-f-f-aaaaaaa…” The shy girl covered her face again and sank into her desk, her face becoming very pink.

“Her name’s Fluttershy…” AJ looked behind her at a pair of odd looking boys. “She’s really shy, but she will come around, just give it some time. People call me Snails, and this is Snips, we are assigned to your classes to make sure you stay focused.” Snails cupped a hand over his mouth. “And don’t worry, Twilight won’t know about you talking in class…ya know, because we are cool like that.”

“Uhh alrighty then, thanks a bunch.” The blonde looked away from the two un-proportionate boys and back to the front of the class.

The rest of the day, AJ tried her hardest to stay focused but with “Snails” and “Snips” glued to her every move it was kind of distracting. Not to mention that Fluttershy followed her around like a lost puppy, not getting to close but it seemed like the girl didn‘t know what to do with herself. Even though they only had first and third period together, the light strawberry-headed girl seemed to be everywhere she was.

AJ actually was impressed with herself when she finally broke away from those three at lunch and was able to relax on one of the schools rooftops. Of course, being on the school roof was strictly off limits, unless the garden club was planting things on it. However, AJ had already broken one rule today so why not make it two?

And besides, how could this ever be against the rules? The view was amazing and the breeze that reached this high was so nice and crisp. AJ combed her fingers through her braided hair, letting it loose as the wind picked it up. She smiled to herself, joy filling her from the inside out. “Ah do admit, back in Manhattan the breeze and view ain’t nearly this grand…”

The door to the roof creaked open with a sharp noise. AJ froze, the hair on the back of her neck stood on end…

Oh no, ah’m busted!

“Oh oopsy woopsy daisy!!” AJ turned around fast, ready to plead for mercy only to stop and find herself looking over to a very bubbly-looking girl.

The symbol embroidered on the girl’s jacket pocket showed that she was a Senior…however that wasn’t the only thing that stood out about the girls uniform: instead of the normal black shin-high socks that were required by the school the girl wore old-fashioned hot pink and blue polka-dotted legwarmers. Her reddish, almost hot pink hair was teased and in a curly mass on her head; her shoes matched the legwarmers, and so did the many bracelets and ribbons added to the dark blue jacket and skirt. But that wasn’t what stood out the most, AJ could feel the heart beat in her throat. A purple and gold band was sewn around the bubbly girls arm, marking her high rank as one of the main three student body leaders. AJ was doomed…

“I’m soooo super duper sorry about interrupting! I didn’t even know anyone else would be up here! But here you are up here and letting your hairsy’s go all wild Nelly, it must be a special magical awesome-sauce moment you’re having with yourself! Aaaand I, Pinkie Pie, must be reeeeeeeally interrupting, major mood killer to our obvious grand ol’ special magical awesome-sauce moment, so I would like to just let you know that this won’t ever never ever never evvvvveeeerrrrrrrrr…..”

“PINKIE!” AJ flinched as another voice came from the doorway, she extended her neck to see who it was, but the doorway was too dark behind Pinkie Pie. “Let’s just go find an unoccupied roof….I have a serious itch to scratch.” The pink girl bounced happily to what the voice said.

“Oookay dookily oookie!” Pinkie Pie waved widely at AJ before bouncing down the roof doorway and shutting the door behind her.

“What in the hey just happened?” A long, deep bell rumbled under AJ’s feet, letting her and all the high school students know that lunch was over. AJ quickly tied her hair back into a braid and picked up her lunch mess. “Time to get back to school I guess…this place really does keep ya on ya toes though…”

First period sucked that much was true; but by fourth AJ had gotten the layout of the school down to a fine art. She smiled as she comfortably sat in her Trigonometry class, early and able to look over the new math book as she waited for the other students to pile in.

Put on ya brave face AJ, ya know Math ain’t ya strong point…and ya ain’t got no clue what any of this means, but this is a start of ah new semester they shouldn’t start ya off to hard…

“Alright class, take your seats; to those of you who are new this semester, my name is Mrs. Oliver.” The female teacher wrote her name on the smart board above the week’s schedule, which to AJ’s dismay, was packed.

Mrs. Oliver was about to say something else, but before she could the door to the room flew open. The girl standing behind it made AJ ball up her fists: rainbow-haired nuisance. The country girl watched Rainbow Dash panting from the doorway as though she had been sprinting down the halls of the school. The girl looked up from her bent-over position and gave the teacher a wide grin.

“Late again, Ms. Dash.” Mrs. Oliver noted dryly.

“Oh come on Cheerilee…” Rainbow said, addressing the teacher by her first name. “…it’s not my fault that this place is huge…I mean there’s big,” Rainbow held out her right hand. “…and then there is just plain excessive.” She held out her left, causing a few snickers from the classmates.

“Alright, that’s enough showing off, Ms. Dash. Take your seat please.” The teacher sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

“Sure thing, boss!” Rainbow did a quick salute to the teacher before turning around. She locked eyes with AJ and froze, a large sidewise grin spreading over her face. “It’s my crash buddy!” Rainbow shouted happily, the class looking between the two and whispering.

“Don’t talk ta me.” AJ said, shooting her a warning glare; by now everyone in the class was staring at them.

“Y-you’re friends with Rainbow Dash?” Snails asked from behind AJ. “…lucky…” AJ ignored the scrawny boy and stared hard at the colorful girl.

“Fine…talking isn’t the fun part anyway.” Rainbow said with a wink, causing AJ’s face to heat up.

“Wh-what are ya’ll gettin at?!” Rainbow ignored AJ and sat down in the window seat next to her. “An-and…uh mean, and why are y’all sittin’ there?”

“This is my seat; now if you please would be so kindly as to not talk to me…” Rainbow looked over and smiled up at AJ, “…we’re holding up class.” The pink-eyed wonder nodded her head towards the rest of the room, AJ looked out over the class; everyone was quiet and looking at them. AJ’s mouth felt dry.

Never in mah life have I been so embarrassed in one day then today…dang that Rainbow Dash.
Her gaze snapped back to the other girl who now had her head rested on her desk and appeared to be asleep.

AJ couldn’t help herself but to stare at her relaxed face before taking a look at the girl in whole. This morning she really didn’t get a good look at what her new enemy looked like; and was she
a sight to see.

Instead of the normal school uniform, hers had a few changes to it. She didn’t wear the navy blue jacket; instead, she only had the white button up on, it wasn’t tucked in and looked to be at least a size too big. Maybe the shirt came from a male school uniform; the sleeves were rolled up to her elbows which showed off sporty arms. The tie she wore around her neck was definitely off of a male uniform, all females were supposed to wear gold ribbons not…black man ties. Under her skirt, she wore tight black shorts that came down to her mid-thigh, probably because she rode a bike. Her shoes were against school dress code as well, converse in a classy high school…ya no.

And even if the school board could overlook the changes in her uniform, there would be no way that her hair was naturally rainbow colored! Taking a closer look at her roots, AJ noticed light, almost white blonde hair…and her eyes must be contacts!

Rainbow opened a dark pink eye and smiled: “Like what you see?”

“Ya wish.” AJ frowned at the tomboy and looked back to the front of the class, she heard a snicker come from Rainbow. Actually, AJ did like what she saw; even though the girl had a rough-looking wardrobe, her face was very feminine. Her skin was a light pale color, her nose was small, her legs and body were toned…not to mention those lips… and that rainbow ponytail really did suit her. She sighed at her thoughts.

Looking out the corner of her eye, AJ saw that the girl had returned to ‘sleeping’ only this time, she had rolled her head to face the window.

Who is this girl anyway?

AJ smiled widely as she looked around her last class, gym. She was in need of a real solid workout, even if it made her stiff and sore for the rest of the week.

The circle building was like no other gymnasium the country girl had ever seen. The track was on the second story of the large building, running along the side of the wall. There was a nice sized pool that doubled as a tennis court when the cover was dropped. With just about any other sport area you could think of along with an indoor field and a glass roof that allowed the sun to peek in, this place was like a sportsman’s paradise.


AJ quickly spun around to the direction of the voice: “Ya Coach?”

“Because you are new I will let this slide just this once…” The large man walked over to the girl. “…today is Monday, and Mondays in my gym are always laps in the pool. So unless you plan on going in the water in your track uniform I think it would be best if you go change into a swimsuit.”

“Oh huh, yes Coach Snow, sorry Coach.”

“Quickly now, we haven’t got all day!” AJ started to jog back into the locker rooms.
She quickly made her way over to her tan locker and stripped off her PE shirt while doing the combination. “Today really isn’t yer day, AJ.” She mumbled and reached for her bra clasp.


AJ paused, she knew that voice…

Rainbow Dash! What is she doin’ here?

“Pinkie, what are you do…sh-shouldn’t you be in class?”

“Shhh~ Dashie.”

AJ slowly made her way through the endless mass of lockers towards the voices.

What’s goin’ on in here?

“B-but Pinkie…this really is a bad idea.” Rainbow’s words sounded muffled, somewhat gasped.

“Oh don’t be a party pooper Dashie, no one will find us! They are all out being fishes!” AJ paused at who she assumed to be ‘Pinkie’ talking.

They are right behind here…I bet their up to no good.

AJ peeked around the locker and her eyes widened, her knees buckled; she couldn’t breathe.
“…and besides, Dashie…” Pinkie had Rainbow pinned to a locker, her hand under her skirt as she stroked back and forth. “…we didn’t get to have our ‘roof time’! I bet you still have that itch, did I get it yet?”

“P-P-Pinkie, I huuuh.” Rainbow was panting, her face and chest were red with a blush; she bit down on her bottom lip.

“Oh Dashie you’re going to have to speak up…how about now? Did I get that itch for you?” Pinkie grinded against Rainbow and began to lick her chest, unbuttoning her shirt the rest of the way.

“Pinkie, will you stop talking and just kiss me already!?” Rainbow shouted, she needed something to block out her moans.

“As you wish…” Pinkie let go of Rainbows wrists; within moments Rainbow had brought the pink-haired girl to the floor. She stripped off the rest of her shirt and began engulfing the bubbly girl with deep kisses.

AJ shook her head; she backed away a few feet, then sprinted to her locker, grabbing her swimsuit and rushing to the bathrooms.

I must be seein’ things, there‘s no way that something like that...

She paused and slammed her head on the bathroom stall door. “Why, would they be…they are both girls and they were…Rainbow she’s…” Her wide, unfocused eyes shifted back and forth images of the two girls bodies ran through her head. Her face was hot, her fingers twitched. “Breath AJ, of course something like that can happen, there are girls like ‘that’.” She was shocked as her eyes became blurred with tears she took in shaky breaths as she blinked them away. “Damn, what’s wrong with ya AJ?”

Today was not her day…

Author's Note:

Author's Note: Hey, so I finally got the first couple chapters beta'd. So I will slowly be posting the new and improved chapters. Here is the first one, minor changes have been made, grammar has been fixed, and little spelling errors have been tweaked...if you spot any that my two beta's missed let me know! Eight eyes can be better then six!