• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 6,104 Views, 75 Comments

New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfic - Rayna Q.

  • ...

New Home

AN: This chap is waaaay shorter then the rest....view it as a filler chapter...also this one has yet to be beta'd
DC: I only own this story, MLP:FIM and the characters belong to Hasbro

New Girl

Chapter Three: New Home

“Alrighty then there ya go granny, ya’ll comfy?” AJ looked over her grandmother as the elder women nodded. Due to the troubled breathing the doctors had to place a tube down the women’s throat. “Now that tube wont be there fer long, so no worries just fer now alright? And ya‘ll can‘t be suckin’ on these hard candies for the next twenty-four hours okay?” Granny Smith nodded again, it deeply saddened AJ that her grandmother, a women who raised her was left in a helpless heap but…

“A-ar-are ya’ll really alright granny, do ya’ll need another pillow?” Apple Bloom sniffed from their grandmother’s bedside, trying to fight back tears but failing miserably. No matter how heavy this here situation gets, ah must stay strong fer everyone…that’s why ah am here after all. Granny shook her head at Apple Bloom’s question. Besides even though grandma has a bunch of machines connected ta her, today has been good, she is fully aware…and ah am sure she recognizes who ah am.

“Grammy, ya’ll do know who ah am right?” The elder women raised a brow and gave AJ a ‘no duh’ look. “Am ah Big Mac?” Granny folded her arms over her chest and gave a small huff, “Alright am ah AJ?” Granny rolled her eyes and nodded. “Well shoot, ah think ta’day really is ya’ll best day yet!”

“Really, really ya’ll think so big sis?” The small red headed girl jumped up and down next to her sister in delight. “Ah should go tell Mac!” Apple Bloom jumped from the stool she had been standing on and out of the dimly lit room. “Hey Mac! Guess what!….” AJ laughed at her sister and looked back down at the now sleeping grayed women.

“This must be real serious if we are celebratin’ ya’ll bein able to recognize family…ah am sorry granny that ah haven’t been around as of late…ah just…” A soft knock came from the front door, AJ paused and listened she had to strain her ears to hear a few more soft knocks. “…ah will be right back granny.” AJ walked out of the room as Granny Smith opened an eye and reached under her pillow, she pulled out a hard candy and popped it between the tube and her tongue, a large grin formed on her cracked lips.

“Hello can I help…” AJ paused as she opened the door, and looked over the girl standing there fiddling with her wavy hair. “…what in tar nation are ya’ll doin here Fluttershy?”

“AJ?” Fluttershy pushed her feet nervously on the ground and lowered her gaze. “I-I-I um was just um granny…ummm…” The fragile girl’s face heated as she finished her sentence with a squeak. AJ just cocked her head to the side and raised a brow, unsure of what to say to the girl standing outside her door.

“Flutters…it sure has been ah while.” Mac walked up to the door and motioned for the girl to come in.

“Ohhhh is Pinkie with ya’ll this mornin?!” Apple Bloom ran over and grabbed the timid girl by the hand, pulling her into the living room.

“Umm, no Pinkamena is getting ready still so…” Fluttershy’s voice trailed off and she nervously played with a small bag.

“That girl takes forever, with all that there hair spray and such.” Apple Bloom put her hands on her hips and shook her head.

“Will someone please explain to me what goin on?” The older Apple sister asked walking up to the two girls.

“Fluttershy always comes by ta check on granny an give her ah new book ta read…” Apple Bloom pointed to the bag the shy girl was holding, she then leaned in to whisper in her sister’s ear. “…but just between you and me granny never reads them, she jus likes Flutters company.”

“Umm…Applejack if you don’t mind me asking…umm…” Fluttershy looked to her feet. “Why are…”

“OH SHOOT!” Apple Bloom shouted causing the strawberry headed girl to squeak. “Ah almost fergot! AJ here is my big sis!”

“Big…” Fluttershy walked over to AJ and grabbed her hands gently. “I’m so so so so sorry that I didn’t know we were next door neighbors…please forgive me, if you want to that is.”

“Nabors?” AJ brightened a bit and smacked the frail girl on the back. “Well shoot sugar cube ya’ll don’t have ta be sorry about not knowin, ah am glad we live so close!”

“Really?” Fluttershy smiled and AJ nodded her head.

“Well of course, now ah have someone ah can talk to it really is nice living so close…” AJ was cut off when her sister let out a squeal of excitement and ran to the door.

“Pinkie! Pinkie!” The younger Apple jumped up and was caught by a bubbly, neon pink girl…who too began to jump up and down.

“Apple Bloom! Apple Bloom!” The two were at the entrance to the house bouncing and giggling. “I just love, love, love bouncing and shouting names!” Pinkie Pie giggled happily, but stopped when she noticed AJ. “Oh my gosh no flipping ducky wucky way! Do I spy an AJ!?” AJ was taken off guard as the bright girl flung her arms around her and started jumping up and down. “Applejack! Applejack!”

“…ya sugar cube ah am not goin ta do that…” AJ looked over to Fluttershy for an explanation.

“Oh umm…well you see me and Pinkie Pie are umm well…cousins…” Fluttershy stumbled out, “…and umm well you see we kind of live together…next to you sooo….”

“Wait so…” Pinkie Pie is ma neighbor? AJ looked at the girl who was now passing out pastry goods to her sister. Why does that upset me? Probably because ah saw her an Rainbow…and no matter how much ah bleach ma brain some things just can’t be unseen. There’s that an…AJ looked over the bright girl, she really is pretty, annoying but really pretty no wonder Rainbow…

“Ohhh! I have an amazing wow-wonderful just outstanding idea!” Pinkie Pie sprang over to her cousin and AJ. “Weeeeeell do you want to hear it, do ya do ya do ya!? Ohhhh pinkie-please say yes if you don’t I will be all pinkie-sad!” Pinkie grabbed her gravity-defying hair and pulled it down slightly. “…and if I’m pinkie-sad I will look like this! Which isn’t any fun for anyone…”

“Will ya’ll stop talkin!” AJ snapped and the girl zipped her mouth happily with her fingers. “Good now then what is your idea?” The pink haired girl tapped her fingers to her chin in thought and then put up three fingers.

“Ohh three words!” Apple Bloom giggled, AJ let out a sigh and face palmed. Pinkie Pie clapped her hands and put up her pointer finger. “Ohh ya’ll first word!” Pinkie clapped again and put her pink gloved hands on AJ’s shoulders and began to shake wildly. “AJ! My big sis is ya’ll first word!” Pinkie Pie clapped again.

“Oh for the love of…when ah said stop talkin ah didn’t mean…”

“GO! Go is ya’ll second word!” Apple Bloom shouted, cutting her sister off.

“Now this here is just ridicules…”

“With us!” Fluttershy giggled and clapped slightly as Pinkie pulled her into a hug.

“You got it you got it!” Pinkie pulled her cousin and Apple Bloom into a hug. “AJ should go with us shopping!”

“That’s more then three words…” AJ sighed.

“Oh it would be so much fun if you came with us AJ…” Fluttershy smiled sweetly.

“Ya, there is just no way that I would ever consider goin shoppin’…”



How in the hay did ah end up coming anyway? AJ nervously kicked dirt as five sets of eyes looked her over.

“So you guys are next door neighbors?” Rainbow let out a slight smile. “Sweet…”

“And how is it that you just realized this?” Rarity asked Pinkie.

“Well you see this silly willy nilly is allllllways late so we never leave at the same time, plus I allllllways stay after school with Rainbow!!” The pink haired girl grabbed her girlfriends hand. “And Fluttershy is doing the garden club thingy so we never leave at the same time!”

“Ah am not always late…” AJ tried to defend herself, but trailed off. Ah hate being put on the spot…

“Well it is really nice to meet you AJ, I have read so much about you.” The girl named Twilight said as she took AJ’s hand and shook. “You must tell me all about Manhattan, I mean I grew up in Canterlot and Manhattan is kind of similar but they are different types of high class.” The nerdy looking girl pulled out a note book. “Ready when you are…”

“Twilight darling maybe you shouldn’t pressure the girl, I mean look at her…” Rarity placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder, and to AJ’s dismay everyone looked at her. “The poor girl is beat red…we don’t want to ruin her lovely completion anymore now do we?”

“Perv-alert!” Rainbow shouted causing Rarity to cross her arms.

“I am not a perv!”

“Oh look at her lovely completion…” Rainbow twisted her voice to sound like Rarity’s accent, she used the back of her hand and swept it over AJ‘s cheek; AJ slapping it away. “Just a word of advice Rarity, that is one bad pickup line.” The rainbow haired girl looked over at AJ, “Like really you have to watch out for this one, all she wants to do is get in your pants.”

“I think you have me mistaken for you!” The high-class girl huffed, sticking her nose in the air.

“Girls! Can we please not start this again when we have a guest…” Twilight smiled at AJ, “…sorry it’s an ongoing battle of who’s our groups perv.”

“Which is just ridicules, she is so the perv looking at all those girls...” Rarity pointed at Rainbow, stomping her healed foot.

“No you’re the ridicules one! Have you seen the outfits she make “those girls” prance around in, it’s a no brainer that I’m going to do a bit of eye-raping!”

“You are just awful! Talking about looking at other girls when your girlfriend is present, how do you think Pinkie feels?!” Rarity placed a hand on Pinkie’s shoulder.

“Actually, silly-Rarity me and Rainbow tend to look at the other girls together…it’s hot.” Pinkie giggled and shrugged. “…you know really sets the mood.” Everyone looked at Pinkie only slightly shocked.

“Ya…guys has it ever crossed your minds that maybe Pinkie is the perv in the group?” Twilight sighed.

“Actually it has crossed my mind multiple times…” Rainbow looked at her girlfriend and winked.

“Hey or what if it’s Fluttershy!?” Pinkie jumped and gave her cousin a questioning look. “Always the quiet ones you have to look out for…” Fluttershy’s face turned red.

“N-n-n-no I’m not….I couldn’t…” The girl pushed her bangs over her eyes and mumbled quietly to herself.

“Or Twilight!” Pinkie pointed a finger to the bookworm.

“Me?” Twilight raised a brow.

“She does have a point Twilight dear, you are always reading those romance novels.” Rarity adjusted her ruby rimmed glasses as she looked over her friend.

“Eye-rape.” Rainbow quickly said under her breath.

“I am not eye-raping Twilight!” Rarity snapped, causing onlookers to look over at the group; AJ attempted to hide her face with her cowboy hat.

“Hey you guys are being rude.” Rainbow ignored Rarity and looked over to AJ. “Why exclude our new member? Who knows maybe the country girl has a dirty side?” AJ tightened her jaw, damn you Rainbow why put me on the spot again? “…well do you? Have you ever rode it cowgirl….”

“Rainbow that’s enough…” Twilight crossed her arms over her chest. “…if you continue to talk like that Fluttershy might just pass out…again…” Everyone looked over to the shy girl who was now a dark shade of pink, huddled on the ground.

“Wow Fluttershy, who knew you were so sensitive?” Rainbow said in a lusty tone, causing the girl to put her hands on her ears.

“Rainbow!” Rarity and Twilight said at the same time.

“Okay, okay I’m done…sorry Flutters.” Rainbow smiled at the still blushing girl and walked over to Pinkie, taking her hand again. “And when are you too going to stop being pussies and actually start to date?” The pink eyed girl flashed a glance to her two dark haired friends.

“Just because you swing that way with your best friend does not mean we do!” Rarity screeched.

“Awh, Rarity I’m your best friend?” Twilight asked giving the other girl a hug.

“Of course Twi.”

“See soooo gay for each other…I mean everyone knows what happens between you too on those long nights of office work….“ The two dark haired friends eyes widened, and Rainbow quickly changed the subject. “And besides Fluttershy is my best friend…” Rainbow paused and looked between Applejack and Fluttershy. “I just had an awesome thought! Now we have an even amount of people, soooo AJ and Flutters should so hook up and then we will have a full group of dating people!”

“No.” AJ said flatly.

“Wow AJ that was one harsh turn down.” Rainbow teased and looked over to Fluttershy who was now starting up her blush yet again. “Have you no consideration for this kind soul?”

“Oh Fluttershy ya’ll know ah don’t mean it like…”

“Hahaha, Rainbow you really do know how to put the award in the words “award” and “situation”!” Pinkie Pie laughed loudly. “But too bad for Apple of the Jacks, the girl she likes already likes someone else!” Applejack paused, her face going white what is Pinkie talkin about? “Fluttershy is soooo deeply in love with big-hubby-Mac!” Applejack let out a sigh, I thought she was talkin about Rainbow and…

“Hey wait a sec, ya’ll into my brother?” Applejack raised a brow to the girl who was now starting to shake with embarrassment.

“No, well I mean not well yes…if…” Fluttershy couldn’t find her wording.

“Ohhhh a lovers quarrel…” Pinkie teased making the rest of the group laugh.

“You know we really should have taken the train out to Canterlot for shopping, even if it is three hours away the selection would have been much more fabulous.” Rarity said with a huff as she examined the stores they passed, obviously not impressed.

“Ya well everything in Canterlot is way more expensive.” Twilight sighed. “And if we went there I would have to stop by and say “hey” to my family, it sucks going there over brakes so why would I want to over weekends?”

“But your little brother is just sooo cute.” Fluttershy let out a squeal and a small smile.

“Ya and he is going to start school here soon, meaning he will be staying in my dorm…” The nerdy girl looked over to Rainbow. “I really don’t know how your able to go home every weekend, even if you get the house to yourself it would just be a pain.”

“Ya well I get a bit of Rainbow time, it’s really relaxing.” Rainbow let out a small laugh. So Rainbow lives alone? AJ thought to herself, taking mental notes of all the people she was with.

“Plus Rainbow your house is just dashing, no pun intended.” Rarity laughed at her own joke. “Oh and are you planning on staying at Pinkie’s tonight?” Rarity asked with a raised brow. “Because it’s nearly 4:00 and if not you should probably get on a train…”

“Awh look at you Ms. Perv trying to see if I’m sleeping with my girl tonight?” Rainbow teased, pulling Pinkie in and giving her a kiss on the neck.

“Ohhh you sooo should come over tonight! You don’t mind do you Fluttershy?!” Pinkie asked as she bounced up to her cousin.

“Umm well…last time…” Fluttershy looked away.

“Oh right silly me I almost forgot!” Pinkie laughed. “Last time little Flutters here walked in and saw me and Rainbow…”

“T.M.I.!” Rarity screeched.

“….on Fluttershy’s bed.” Pinkie finished.

“God have you no morals!? Poor Fluttershy dear you can stay at my place tonight.” Rarity grabbed the shy girl by the hand.

“Why so you can get in her pants?” Rainbow said seriously. “That’s a low blow you know Fluttershy wouldn’t be able to push you off, or say no.”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it!” If steam could come out of ears, AJ was sure Rarity would be doing just that.

“Then it is settled! Fluttershy will stay at AJ’s tonight!” Rainbow pushed the shy girl over to AJ.

“Will ya stop tryin ta hook me and Fluttershy up already?!” AJ snapped as Rainbow grinned.

“Who said anything about hooking up?” Rainbow winked at the blonde. “Well we know what’s on your mind now.” AJ clenched her fists.

“IM HUNGRY!” Pinkie shouted and raised a hand. “Lets go to Sugarcube Corner and get cake!”

“Sounds like a great idea!” Rainbow grinned and patted her stomach the group all agreed and started walking to the bakery, Twilight putting a hand on AJ’s shoulder to stop her.

“That’s weird.” Twilight said to AJ. “Normally Pinkie doesn’t get jealous…” The dark haired girl looked at the blonde. “…with the way she’s acting she must see you as a real threat.” AJ looked over to the rest of the group who was now a block away, at the head of the group Pinkie and Rainbow laughed with fingers intertwined. “Are you?”

“Am I what?”

“A threat?”

“…of course not Twi.” AJ looked away.

“Really? Because everyone else seems to think you are, personally I think you are a great person AJ, you seem nice and hardworking.” Twilight’s face went serious and she looked AJ in the eye. “However these are my friends, they are my life and if you are a threat to this wonderful system we have going on I will become your worst nightmare do you understand?”

“I promise you ah would never…”

“Good, just keep that promise and we will be good friends okay?” Twilight smiled and patted AJ on the back. “Welcome to our little group, I am glad we can be friends.”

AJ nodded and watched as Twilight walked away, ah hope ah’m not getting in the way here…


(Later that night)

“I-I-I’m sorry I don’t want to be a burden or anything…” The shy girl looked away from AJ. “I-I-it just that…”

“Oh Fluttershy no worries, ah was plannin on havin ya’ll over tonight anyway, Mac said it was alright as long as we kept it down.” AJ motioned for the girl to come in.

“Oh-okay umm thank you for having me over.” The girl walked into the living room, playing with her hair nervously as AJ placed a hand on her back, guiding her over to her room.

“This way sugercube.”

“Hey Applejack…” Fluttershy went to AJ’s bed and sat down. “…do you not like my cousin? I mean I hope you do, I know she can be outgoing and always in your face but…”

“Oh it’s not that ah ‘don’t like her’ its just that we are different, ya know?” Fluttershy nodded at AJ’s word.

“And do you umm…like Rain…”

“No I don’t like that self centered, rude, perv…”

“But you do…” AJ stopped her rant and raised a brow at Fluttershy.

“No ah…”

“You do, I can tell…you give her this look…” Fluttershy looked up at AJ from her seat. “…it’s a look that Pinkie gave her when I introduced them a few years back, it’s the same look. You like her but you don’t know why…you don’t know but you do, you just do…right?” The calm girl didn’t wait for AJ to answer before she continued. “…I’m sorry AJ but everyone gives Rainbow that look…she has a way with girls that makes everyone; even when people are mad at her or in a physical fight with her, they just…give her that look.”

“Then why are ya’ll tellin me all this…”

“Because Rainbow she gives you that look as well…” Fluttershy looked away from the country girl. “…like I said everyone gives her that look, but she never…Applejack you said you don’t dislike my cousin…but you are going to hurt her real bad.”

“Fluttershy it’s just like I told Twilight earlier I would never…”

“But you already have!” Fluttershy jumped off the bed, her fists at she side, tears began falling from her face. “Rainbow doesn’t give Pinkie that look anymore, I mean I know she loves her but the look…it’s not there. And it’s because of you…” The girl whipped her face.

“Ah didn’t mean ta cause no trouble, ah am sorry…”

“N-no you shouldn’t be apologizing Applejack it’s not your fault, it’s mine I’m just getting worked up…” The girl gently rested her head on AJ’s chest and wrapped her arms around her. “I am sorry, I’m not mad at you…Rainbow is my best friend, she has been in my life for such a long time and Pinkie…Pinkie is so dear to me. I don’t want anyone to get hurt, promise not to hurt anyone please…”

“Fluttershy…” AJ pulled the shaking girl into a tighter hug. “Of course ah wont hurt no one…”

“Sooooo Rainbow…Fluttershy’s out of the house.” Pinkie unzipped her pink and green spotted shorts and let them fall to the floor. The bouncy girl placed her leg on the couch Rainbow was laying on and slowly crawled up to her girlfriend who was grinning widely as Pinkie cradled her.

“Oh is she now?” Rainbow lifted a knee to meet with Pinkie’s crotch, earning a soft moan from the other girl. “…were you that cruel to feed her to Rarity?”

“Hehe, of course not silly…I got inspired from what you said today.” The blue eyed girl leaned over Rainbow and began licking her neck.

“Inspired?” Rainbow said quietly as she slipped a hand under Pinkie’s bright shirt.

“Ya…I thought the idea of having a group of girls dating would be hot…” Pinkie began unbuttoning Rainbow’s nightshirt. “…so I sent her over to that country girls house.”

“Country girl? Wait…” Rainbow sat up and softly pulled her girlfriend off by the shoulders. “…you actually sent her over? Dang Pinkie I was only joking about that.”

“Ya well it seemed like a swell idea so I just…”

“Well It’s not ‘swell’ Applejack isn’t…”

“Interested in you.” Pinkie huffed and folded her arms a crossed her chest.

“What? No she isn’t into girls, I mean I thought she was…she looks like the type but…I think pushing her like this might be bullying.”

“But she is into girls Rainbow! Come on don’t give me that, she was just the first chick, lesbian or not to not have the hots for you.” Pinkie pointed to her nose. “But when I first saw her on that roof my Pinkie-Gaydar was going off like crazy, like my nose wouldn’t stop twitching!” The girl then pointed to her boobs, “…and then my nipples got hard!”

“Ya but your gaydar could be wrong I mean AJ….”

“Rainbow hun…I Pinkamina Diane Pie am never wrong!” Pinkie positioned herself over Rainbow again. “And right now I bet Fluttershy is getting a little country action, it’s good for the girl.”

“Ya but AJ…”

“Oh for the love of baby alligators can we stop talking about Applejack already!? I mean is it really the time? Your shirt is undone, I have no pants on, and I am sure you can feel with that knee of yours that I am as wet as a yoga mat!”

“Hahaha, yoga mat? Dang Pinkie your so random…” Rainbow pulled her girlfriend in for a deep kiss. “But really you don’t think Fluttershy and AJ are…”

