• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 6,105 Views, 75 Comments

New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfic - Rayna Q.

  • ...

New Friends

AN: I’m sorry that this chap is like a sea of words! Like really it’s almost ridicules! 22 pages and nearly 9,000 words?! And I got a new beta so hopefully this chap is a little better…(the second half of this chap is my favorite so far btw!!) This is also the last chapter I have written up so….you will have to wait a while for any new updates…just a heads up. But I post faster to my DA so go to Deviantart.com and look up AppleDash-crazy if you want quicker sneak peeks and updates…

DC: MLP: FIM and it’s characters belongs to Hasbro…I own nothing but this story. Enjoy~
New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfic
Chapter 4: New Friends

Dark purple slowly melted into a light pink haze as the warm night lingered and fought for its last surviving stars to remain bright in the sky, reluctantly losing the fight as the first beams of husky oranges and brilliant yellows burst into the rich colors that composed the morning sky.

As if by impulse the birds flung themselves at the first sight of the sun, peaking over the canopies of the orchards on the outskirts of their small, quiet town; the winged animals calling out their songs as their natural alarm woke them, forcing the rest of the town’s animals to awaken.

It was a normal scripted morning for Ponyville, a morning which a certain blond- headed, apple-eyed girl was finding hard to get used to. She scrunched her freckled nose in annoyance as unwanted light beamed into her room.

“It can’t be mornin’ yet…” the country girl yanked the firm pillow from under her face and pulled it over her head, using a foot to close the bothersome blinds and smother out the peaceful awakening.


“Son of a…” With her other foot AJ back kicked her dresser, smashing the alarm clock onto the ground. She kept her other foot awkwardly positioned against the window to make sure the curtain wouldn’t blow open.… and that’s when she heard it.

A muffled giggle sounded from beside Applejack, and she froze. In her sleep deprived state she hadn’t noticed the weight next to her; right next to her.

She sucked in a breath as she felt whoever it was lean over her. Too heavy to be Applebloom, too light to be Big Mac. Rough fingers graced across the back of her neck, moving AJ’s golden hair away, and quickly followed by a wind-like sensation against her spine. AJ’s only guess was this person was blowing onto her neck.

With one move Applejack shoved the unknown figure from her bed and grabbed her pillow, raising it over head in anticipated defense; ready to throw it at a moment’s notice.

Rainbow stumbled off the twin mattress, caught off guard by the sudden attack and landing on her rear with a small thud. She rubbed her butt for a second before looking up at AJ’s panicked, confused face.

“Bwahahaha!” the jock burst into a laughing fit, falling to her side ad gasping for air between loud fits of giggles. “Soooo worth it!”

“What in the hay…” AJ looked away from the tom and to the other familiar figures that were standing before her.

“Sorry to wake you this way Applejack…” Twilight started as Rarity pulled a bedazzled comb out of her purse and sat next to the still confused country girl, brushing out her matted golden hair.

“What are ya’ll doin’ in my room?” AJ said in an annoyed tone, glaring at Rarity who was busily working out the knots.

“Well, you are our friend now, and we were worried for you…” The dark skinned student president spoke with a smile as she grabbed AJ’s uniform from her dresser, tossing it to its rightful owner.

“Worried for me? What are ya gettin’ at, Twi?”

Twilight sighed, “Well, we would hate to lose you because of your... tardiness…”

“Lose me?” AJ attempted to shoo Rarity off with a hand, receiving only an angry slap on the wrist before the diva continued her work.

“Ooooooh silly willy dumpling head!” Pinkie Pie jumped on the bed and bounced up and down. “what Twilly was trying to sayyyyyyyyy~” with that the bubbly girl burst into song. “Iiiiif you are late and oh so tardy, you will be not so happy, our school is strict and cannot be tricked for if you’re late and tardyyyyyy, you will have an early explosion date!”

“She’s... singing?” Applejack pouted in annoyance as Pinkie started clapping her hands to the beat of her song.

“That’s Pinkie… you’ll get used to it…” Fluttershy said with a smile, and handed AJ a muffin. “you should eat some breakfast,”

AJ nodded, taking the muffin from the calm girl as she watched Pinkie with disbelief.

“…but we are your friends so we will lend a helping hand! Forging papers, brushing hair, getting you up, if you’re really late, we will even feed you breakfast in a cup!”

“Okay, okay Pinkie I think she gets the point,” Twilight took a muffin from Fluttershy and stuffed it in the neon girls mouth, Pinkie instantly stopped singing and started to hum the tune as she munched on the muffin.

“We are here to make sure you get up on time and get ready,” Twilight stated strictly. “as both your student council president and your friend, I will make sure you don’t get expelled!”

“Thank you Twi- thank all of ya’ll- but ah can manage on my own. Really,” AJ stood from her small bed. “it’s just that Ah haven’t gotten used to the time zone switch yet, but when Ah do Ah’ll be fine.”

“Well, from the crazy yoga pose you were doing this morning,” Rainbow finally spoke from her seat on the floor, giggles still lacing her words. “I would say you should just take our help.”

“And as fer you!” Applejack bit the bottom of her lip, starting to turn red with anger. “exactly what do ya think you were doin’ this mornin’, touchin’ and blowin’ on my neck?”

“Well, you smashed your alarm clock. I couldn’t think of a better way to wake you up,” Rainbow rested her chin on a knee and cracked a wide smile, staring up at the country girl.

“Just don’t do it again.”

“Oh, just a second AJ!” Rainbow shot up from the ground.

“What do ya want?” AJ looked back to the jock to see her pink eyes snaking up and down her body.

“Nice underwear. Very plain, but they hug just the right spots. Curvy…” AJ’s face went beet red as she looked down at herself.

How could I have forgotten Ah wasn’t wearin’ anything?!

“GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!” she panicked and pushed Rainbow out the door, the others giggling quietly as they followed suit and waited for their friend to get dressed.

“Why couldn’t Ah be wearin’ matching underwear…or somethin’ that wasn’t white,” AJ said out loud to herself, still blushing as she looked herself over in the mirror. “Oh what am I sayin! Why should Ah care what Rainbow saw! That pervert!”

Applejack shouted just loud enough for those in the hallway to hear, the magenta-eyed antagonist chuckling lightly.



Applejack waded into the old, dusty art classroom pathetically. Usually the room hosted a large still life, made up of nude manikins and various animal bones, but today the stage in the classroom was empty. A substitute teacher sat, tapping a pencil at his desk.

“Teach out today?” AJ asked as she took her seat next to Fluttershy, who nodded a quick response. “Ay idea why?”

“Skiing trip,” Twilight answered with a light tone as she took the remaining seat next to Applejack. “but his official report says ‘Strep Throat’.”

“It amazes me that you get so much personal info on everything,” Rainbow huffed and sat down next the dark haired girl. “seeing as I don’t, and we have the same ranking!”

“Well if you paid attention a little more often, you would know these things,” Twilight stated mater-o-factly.

“I only pay attention to things that spark my interest,” Rainbow grinned “speaking of which, how ya doin’, Apple’s?” The jock gave the country girl a wink. AJ only rolled her eyes.

“Too bad Ah have no interest in you,” Applejack laughed as she pulled out her pencil and began taping a blank sheet of paper to her desk.

“Bout time you came up with some flirty comebacks,” Rainbow said excitedly, turning to a distraction across the room. “Hey Rarity!” Rainbow waved to her lone friend sitting a few rows behind them. “We finally corrupted Freckles!”

“Will you please refrain from shouting?” the substitute asked sternly as he got up from the desk. The man was large, and not in a flattering way. “I don’t know what your teacher normally does. I am an English sub normally, so I really don’t know what you guys would do in this type of class. Would someone mind?”

“We figure draw,” of course Rainbow was the first to speak up, not taken aback or afraid to answer any questions... her way.

“Well what figures do you draw?” The teacher asked, looking over the cocky girl.

“Well we draw naked, sexy plastic chicks we find in dumpsters. And dead things, like road kill,” Rainbow said cracking her signature half smile, and earning a few immature chuckles from her classmates. The teacher just looked horrified. “you know, normal ‘artistic’ stuff.”

“Well umm… where are these objects?”

“Mr. Art-dude keeps them locked in the basement,” Rainbow continued, pointing a finger to a locked door. “he always has the keys.”

“Fine…” the substitute sighed in relief. “draw portraits for today.”

“Ooh, are you going to be our model?” Rainbow grinned. “you kind of remind me of the manikins. You should totally strike a pose.”

“I know who you are Ms. Dash,” the sub spoke sternly as he looked the girl in the eyes. “you think you’re the class clown? Well I have news for you! People laugh ‘at’ clowns Ms. Dash, they do not laugh ‘with’ them.”

Dash raised a brow.

“But Mr. Sub-dude,” Rainbow said as sweetly as she could. “you have me mistaken. I’m not the class clown... I’m the class dike.”

Rainbow’s words earned her a roar of laughter from her fellow classmates, the teacher just looking at her dumbfounded…

“Partner up and get to drawing!” The teacher sighed, ignoring what Dash had to say.

“What a pain.” AJ chuckled. it truly amazed the farmer girl that this rainbow haired wonder could so easily speak her mind. She was so sure of herself to the point of it being annoying and show-off-ish but the jock was just so confident...

“So are you just going to keep looking at me or are you going to ask to be my partner, cowgirl?” Rainbow had her devilish side smile on as she stared, waiting for AJ’s response.

“Ah wasn’t goin to ask to be your partner!” AJ looked away from the jock.

“Well I was going to ask you…”

“Oh please be in our group AJ?” Fluttershy asked calmly as she grabbed AJ’s hands in hers. “the class isn’t even and I would just love to be in a group with you and Rainbow.”

“Oh, well alright sugercube,” AJ let out a surprised squeal as Rainbow wrapped her arms around the back of her.

“Will you let me paint you like one of my French girls?” Rainbow laughed loudly.

Time ticked by as the class slowly came to an end. Rainbow had received a detention for drawing AJ and Fluttershy in lingerie, which caused Fluttershy to nearly pass out and Applejack to throw various objects in Rainbow’s direction.

“Those two fight so much,” Rarity noted as she finished up her detailed charcoal drawing of the student president.

“More like flirt…Rainbow better watch it though. I would hate for Pinkie to get hurt,” Twilight sighed and stuck her tongue out in concentration as she worked on a stick-figure meets a blinder graphite drawing of Rarity. “Done!” Twilight smiled and looked it over, then stared at the smiling vice-president; she pouted.

“Oh let me see dear…. What on god’s green earth is that supposed to be?!” Rarity screeched as she looked over the creature Twilight had drawn. “I-Is that a monobrow? Dear lord I look stoned!”

“Well I tried getting the eyes to look Asian so I followed this books steps, and I didn’t have enough room to fit the eyebrows but leaving them out would not be an option so I might have made them a ‘tad’ unibrow-ish,” Twilight rubbed her head in embarrassment. “but besides that I think the rest is spot on.” She smiled, and Rarity just let her mouth hang open.

“Baaahahahaha!” Rainbow let out a roar of laughter as she approached her friends; she took the picture from Twilight and put her arm around the shocked Rarity. “I think Twilight captured your essence perfectly!” Tears of laughter built up in the jocks eyes. “It’s like Rarity meets ‘The Scream’!”

“You really think I look like that… that thing?!” Rarity whined at Twilight she stomped her healed foot before pulling out of Rainbow’s arm and out of the class.

“I will never sub for an art class again. Ever again,” The sub huffed as the lunch bell rang.


“Oh WOW-zwer-roooo!” the pink haired neon girl jumped up and down, her cheers muffled by the chocolate bread that hung from her mouth. “oh this is sooo cute!” she looked over the half naked portrait her girlfriend had drawn.

“It is nothin’ of the sort! it is perverse,” Applejack mumbled, trying to think of how she ended up eating her lunch on the school roof. “isn’t bein’ up here against the schools rules or somthin’?”

“Well because we all, besides you and Fluttershy, make up the student government it is our duty to make sure no students come up here and possibly get harmed,” Twilight said as she munched on her sandwich.

“So ya’ll are basically bending the rules for all ya’ll benefit?”

“Well sure!” Rainbow grinned. “I mean we bent the rules for you and Flutters, I mean unless you want your alone time with her.” The jock raised her brow a few times.

“You even got the breast sizes juuuuuuust right!” Pinkie shouted as she bent over to examine AJ’s breasts, her happy face just inches away.

“Excuse me, do ya mind?” AJ blocked herself with her hands.

“NOPE-ITTY!!” the pink haired girl giggled and bounced over to her cousin to examine her breasts as well.

“Oh right, that reminds me,” Rainbow pulled out a piece of paper and began writing as she stood up and sat close to Applejack, who tensed up. “we are hosting a surprise birthday party for Pinkie.”

Applejack just nodded as she slowly munched on her sliced apples. Rainbow’s pale leg was cool as it slowly rubbed up against AJ‘s.

‘Is she rubbin’ against me on purpose?’

The farm girl sucked in a breath as Rainbow leaned in and whispered, her warm breath blew on the farm girls face as she slowly closed her green eyes.

“...did you get anything that I just said?” Rainbow seemed slightly amused with the reaction she got out of the stubborn girl.

“…umm, could ya just repeat the last bit? It’s kind of windy so ah…” AJ felt her face heat up at Rainbow’s sly grin.

‘There is nothin’ embarrassing about this situation, so stop blushin’!’ AJ yelled at herself.

“Wind...right,” Rainbow laughed, handing AJ the piece of paper before standing up and walking back to her previous seat.


"New Girl" Chapter 4 part 2 of 2

Chapter 4: New Friends

“2809 Cloudsdale heights…..”



AJ clenched the piece of paper in her fist and threw it towards the empty trash bin in her small room. She watched as it bounced off the rim of the metal container, and rested on the floor under her desk. Sighing she rose from bed and picked it up, using her thumb to smooth out the crinkled note.

“The party starts at 8pm,” she read the first scratchy line, the note memorized word for word. Each messy letter had been studied throughout the past week. “The party starts at 8pm Saturday night, my place.”

Rainbow’s place…

“….2809 Cloudsdale Heights,” AJ felt small beads of sweat form on her palms, quickly she used her jeans to wipe them off. “call me anytime (831) 230-DASH.”

Rainbow’s number; also memorized.

“I am really looking forward to seeing you there, don’t let me down Freckles! -RD.” Looking over the slightly torn notebook paper AJ sighed again, this time walking the note over to the trash and properly disposing of it.

“It’s not like ah’m bein’ rude or nothin’,” the jade eyed girl said to herself. “Ah simply can’t make the trip all the way to Cloudsdale. Ah mean that’s a solid three hour drive and ah can’t just take Mac’s car all night; and the train stations closed by six.” AJ nodded at her very reasonable excuse. “Ah will just apologize come Monday,” She sat back down on her bed and pulled out a few books. “besides, Ah have way to much studyin’ to do, and Ah couldn’t go to that party, even if ah wanted to.”

“Hey AJ?” the blonde looked up to her large brother who stood in her doorway. “Flutters and two other girls are here, somethin about a party or what not?”

“Oops sorry forgot to tell ya!” AJ jumped out of bed and pulled on her dark brown cowboy boots as she threw together an overnight bag. “sleepover, Pinkie’s surprise party.”

AJ quickly kissed her brother on his prickly cheek, then ran over to the other room and did the same to her sleeping grandmother. She grabbed her hat off the counter and kissed her sister on the head.

“It’s in Cloudsdale so don’t wait up, Ah’ll be back tomorra at some point, love ya bye!” AJ shouted and waved to her chuckling brother as she shut the door behind her.

“Bout’ time that girl got out,” Applebloom sighed as she looked up from her coloring book.



“Darling! For heaven sakes, who did your hair?!” after about an hour of Rarity fidgeting she finally spoke up and began pulling pieces of frizzy hair behind the blondes ear.

“Uhm, Ah did?” Applejack moved her head away from the dolled up girl.

“But it’s a very messy braid,” the dark haired girl bit her lip, obviously annoyed by the country girls scruffy appearance. “that I’m sure you worked very hard on…”

“I think she looks fine,” Twilight spoke up from the driver seat, looking back at the two from the rear view mirror.

“Says the girl who thinks a monobrow and stoned uneven eyes looks pretty,” Rarity stuck her nose in the air.

“Oh come off it already, Rarity, that was nearly a week ago,” Twilight huffed in annoyance. “Besides I already apologized for that.”

“I think you look lovely, AJ. Your cowboy hat and those boots, they really suit you,” Fluttershy pulled her head out of the window for a few seconds to give AJ a weak smile before grabbing her stomach and returning to the cool breeze.

“I told you to eat before we left,” Twilight rubbed Fluttershy’s back a few times. “You know you get car sickness.”

“Do you see that?” Rarity said quietly to AJ, motioning to the girls up front.

“See what?” AJ raised a brow.

“Twilight…she has obviously moved on! I mean one little fight and she has no problem with having Fluttershy be her right hand girl,” Rarity looked between the girls at the front of the car. “Twilight was already at Flutter’s apartment when I showed up to pick you up, she didn’t even ask if I wanted to sit up front with her, and now this!” Twilight was still patting the meek girls back. “I mean I’m a bit car sick too you know. Who’s going to pat my back?”

AJ scratched her head a few times before stiffly patting Rarity’s back, a bit hard. An awkward silence grew between the two. “Somehow me consoling ya doesn’t quite feel right.”


AJ placed her hands back in her lap.

“Maybe Twi is goin’ to Fluttershy because ya’ll are still mad at her? Maybe if ya just forgave-”

“That is so not happening,” Rarity cut AJ off.

“Well ya can always pat ya own back.”

“That would be simply pathetic.”

“Okay girls, we’re here!” Twilight interrupted the two as she giggled happily. “I love Rainbow’s house.”

The car pulled up a long, twisted road that went straight up the side of a mountain. The road, to AJ’s surprise, was white. With some of the angles the car was going, it almost seemed like they were driving upon a cloud. Both sides of the long, very animated road were decorated with cherry trees and other various colorful plant life.

“This is Rainbow’s house?” AJ asked in awe as they passed by a waterfall statue with beams of multicolored lights shooting out. On the statue the address ‘2809 Cloudsdale Heights’ was carved clearly.

“Of course not,” Rarity said with a giggle. “This is the road up to her house.”

The car reached level ground and a large white gate opened; a suited older man waved happily to the girls as they drove past.

“Is that her dad?” Applejack waved back.

“Oh no that was Geoffrey,” Fluttershy sighed as the car became more even. “He’s the butler.”

“The wha…” AJ raised a brow.

“And his name isn’t really ‘Geoffrey’.” Fluttershy giggled. “Rainbow has always called him that because she thinks ‘Jack’ isn’t very bultlery, so the name kind of just stuck.”

“And just a bit of a warning- don’t mention Rainbow’s parents.” Twilight spoke strictly. AJ nodded.

“Oh, now that’s Rainbow’s house,” Rarity shook AJ’s shoulder to get her attention, not that she really needed to. AJ’s mouth fell agape as a large white mansion came into view.

“That’s a… ah house?!” The others giggle in response. “More like a castle!”

“That’s what I thought when I was little,” Fluttershy said with a small giggle, as she remembered her childhood. “like Rainbow was a prince or something. Oh and I don’t mean that in a rude way; when we were younger Rainbow always said she was the ‘man of the house’ so people used to call her ‘the little prince’.”

AJ paused for a second to look away from the house, she thought over what Fluttershy had said, then burst into laughter as the car came to a stop.

“Okay guys hurry up!” Rainbow yelled as she ran down the long marble steps, “Pinkie is on her way over, so we only have a little bit of time to set-”

“Ya used to call ya’ll self ‘the little prince’?!” AJ practically rolled out of the car after Rarity, tears of laughter filled her eyes, her hat dropping on the ground.

Rainbow stopped walking down the steps and shot an annoyed glare over to Fluttershy, who shifted uncomfortably.

“Umm sorry Rainbow, I didn’t think about how that could be embarrassing. I truly am very-”

“I’ll deal with you later!” Rainbow blushed slightly and pointed up to the large double doors. “We need to move our butts and set up! Rarity, Twilight, you two are in charge of the decorations, Flutters you show AJ to the kitchen, I gave our workers the day off so you guys will need to make the food and drink-”

“I refuse to work with her,” Rarity said bluntly pointing a finger to Twilight who face palmed.

“Please, get over yourself Rarity.” Twilight walked up the steps.

“I refuse!”

“Uhh! We don’t have time for this!” Rainbow jumped down the rest of the stairs. “You and Twilight know how to decorate, Fluttershy is too slow and AJ...” Rainbow looked down as AJ picked her hat off the ground and smacked the dirt off of it and onto her jeans. “AJ doesn’t seem the type to know how to hang pink, frilly streamers. So you need to get over the unibrow thing and help out Twilight. This is not about you, this is about Pinkie!” Rarity huffed and mumbled under her breath as she made her way up the stairs.

“Now Flutter’s you do remember where everything is right?” The girl nodded. “Okay. Everything in the kitchen is marked for the party, just set up the trays and bring everything out into the ballroom.”

Rainbow turned her attention to the country girl. “AJ you’re with Flutter’s.” AJ looked over Rainbow’s serious expression; it was a look she had yet to see on the rainbow headed jock. She was in work mode, and it looked good on her.

“Sure thing Prince,” Applejack smiled as the blush returned to Rainbow’s face. The country girl didn’t wait for a response and made her way up the steps, followed by Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, I swear, if you mention anything about our childhood!” Rainbow called after the two, a light chuckle to her tone.


“...so, the bullies were really being mean to me again, and out of nowhere this little blonde headed girl- or boy- I couldn’t really tell what she was back then…” Fluttershy rambled as she continued telling various stories about their jock friend. “…anyway out of nowhere Rainbow smashes the biggest one into the locker and tells him ‘hey tubby, like picking on little girls? How would you like to get your ass kicked by one?’ And at that point I passed out, because my young adolescent ears weren’t used to such language.”

Fluttershy emptied the last bag of chips into the large container, and AJ picked it up as they walked out of the large kitchen.

“But when I woke up Rainbow was by my side in the nurse’s room, of course she started yelling at me for being so weak, but after that day I followed her around everywhere. She protected me like a big sister! And we have been friends ever since.”

“So you guys have been friends for a long time?” Fluttershy nodded as they walked up the wide set stairs, arms full of food. “And ya’ll both been going to Equestria since elementary school? Wow, I think Ah would just snap. Ah went there for a bit when Ah was younger, and Ah hated it!”

“Well I went because my parents got me a full kindergarten through twelfth grade scholarship thing, and Rainbow goes because her dad owns the place.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa… hold the phone sugar cube, this day is just getting too weird for me. Rainbow’s dad owns Equestria? Like the whole school?”

“Yep, he owns a lot of schools, business, practically all of Cloudsdale and Cloudsdale Heights. Her mom is the real power behind everything, though. I mean her dad might own a bunch of things, but her mom runs everything.” Fluttershy lowered her voice as they reached the doors to the ballroom.

“I’m not sure if Rainbow wants you to know all this so keep it between us okay?” AJ nodded and followed the girl into the room.

“You are so selfish!” Twilight screeched at Rarity who, of course, was sitting on a long low couch.

“What?” the diva ignored her ex-best friend. “Rainbow did you hear something?”

Rainbow looked like she was about to explode with anger.

“Rarity I know you can hear me!” Twilight shouted again only for Rarity to look at her nails. “Stop being so childish!”

“Rarity! Twilight!” Rainbow finally shouted. “I swear to god if you don’t stop this bull shit I will pu-”

“Master Dash sorry to interrupt,” Rainbow stopped mid-threat and looked back at her butler. “But Ms. Pinkamina has arrived.”

“Shit, shit, shit!” Rainbow sprinted and went through a few bags before pulling out a couple balloons and tossing them to Geoffrey. “Distract her! Make some balloon animals or something!”

Geoffrey sighed and nodded, obviously used to Rainbow’s weird requests. The man left the room.

“AJ!” Rainbow grabbed the country girl by the shoulders and handed her a few streamers. “You’ve roped cattle before, right? Good!” Rainbow continued before letting AJ answer. “Just throw this around the chandeliers!”

The jock then handed Fluttershy a bag of confetti. “Act like its bird seed, and all the seats are the flying shit-rats!”

Rainbow ran over to the other end of the room, flipping off Rarity and Twilight as she passed them. When she reached the large cabinets she quickly typed in the code and opened the enormous doors, pulling out big bottles of liquid. AJ watched as Rainbow began pouring one of the clear liquid bottles into the punch bowl.

“Uhh that’s the last of the streamers, and... did ya’ll just spike that punch?”

“Yes,” Rainbow set up the rest of the bottles on a small side table, and grabbed the confetti from Fluttershy, tossing it by one of the fans, sending the little multi colored pieces of paper across the room.

“Uhm, Rainbow?” Twilight looked downstairs from the opened balcony. “Pinkie is showing Geoffrey how to make giraffes,” the rest of the party held back their snickers as they looked out the windows, the nicely groomed butler now wearing a bright pink balloon crown and sitting cross legged on the porch with Pinkie. She showed him how to fold the giraffes back.

“Hey Pinkie!” Rainbow shouted off the balcony, the rest of the girls quickly backed away into the room.

“Oh, hey Dashie!” Pinkie jumped up from her seated position, grinning at her girlfriend. “Sorry I got so super distracted by Mr. Geo! I will be rrrriggghhhht up, I mean, you do have a little itch for me to scratch right?” Pinkie giggled and winked.

“Uhh, yeah babe maybe you can itch it later,” Rainbow tightened her jaw, hoping her friends didn’t get what Pinkie was saying.

They did.

“Awhh come on Dashie! I got this new type of dildo!” Twilight snorted as she attempted to muffle her laughter.

“What’s a dildo?” Fluttershy asked the blushing, shocked AJ.

“And I made sure that it wasn’t made out of latex, you know, cause last time you had an allergic reaction when wearing the harness?”

“Pinkie! That’s enough!” Rainbow put her hand over her face in embarrassment, taking a peek through her fingers to look at AJ’s horrified face.

‘Great now Apple’s thinks I’m a total freak.’

“Why? What’s wrong Dashie? Why are you blushing?” Pinkie shuffled through her bag and pulled out the phallic blue object. “Look it even has this little tip in it that vibrates so when you’re wearing it, it will tease your clit so you get pleased as well, and-”

“Oh my god Pinkie please shut up and just get in here!” Rainbow’s face was almost purple as she refused to look at the rest of her friends, who’s jaws had dropped.

“Ookily dockily oky! Now that I’m 18 I can get all kinds of fun toys!” Pinkie giggled as she walked past Geoffrey. “She really is an impatient one!” She said to the surprisingly not shocked butler.

“What’s a clit?” Fluttershy asked Rarity who looked horrified.

“It means puppy killer,” Rainbow stated with a cough. “So don’t ever repeat it okay?”

“What? That’s just awful! Why would a puppy killer please you?” Fluttershy asked innocently, and now AJ couldn’t help but laugh.

‘Great,’ Rainbow thought. ‘Now she’s laughing at me.’

“Shhh!” Rainbow shouted. “Everyone don’t say anything! Here she comes!”

“Ya I’m sure she’ll be ‘coming’ a lot tonight,” Rarity giggled from her seat. Rainbow just shot her a hard look before turning off the lights to the ballroom.

“Ooooohhhh where’s my Dashhhhieeee?!” Pinkie called as she threw the doors open. “Hey where are all the lights? Silly you know I like to do it with the lights on….”

Before Pinkie could say another word Dash flipped the lights back on and the group of giggling friends did their best “Surprise!”

“Ahhhh!” Pinkie shouted and then giggled and jumped up and down. “Oh my gosh girls I was totally Pinkie Pie surprised!” She went around and hugged all her friends. “Thank you all!”

“You are welcome Pinkie,” Fluttershy said seriously. “But please, maybe hanging around with puppy killers is a bad idea, okay?”

“Okay! Duly noted!” Pinkie laughed and pulled the calm girl in for another hug.

“Alright.. let’s get this party started…” Rainbow said, very unenthusiastically. “I need a shot.”


“*Hick* Now that was a letter four er five,” Rainbow held up three fingers “six shots?”

The jock burst into a laughing fit and rolled over on the ground, her head resting on AJ’s lap. “Oh freckles how the night sun shines through your golden mane and those grassy green eyes… that are spinning! Laying down! Bad idea! Sky! No ceiling! Spinning! Oh god why are your grassy eyes spinning!?”

AJ laughed at the completely intoxicated Rainbow Dash as she pulled herself off of the country girls lap and back into a standing position. “I’m alllllright.”

“Sure ya are sugar cube, and by the way that was only five shots fer ya,” The jade eyed girl laughed again and stood up, walking back over to the group of friends who where drunkenly dancing. Besides Fluttershy, who was in the corner still trying to sip down her first shot of punch-diluted liquor.

“Hey don’t walk away from *hick* me cowgirl!” Rainbow hobbled over to the girl and wrapped her arm over her shoulders. “You think you can drink more than me blondie? I have yet to see you touch a single dropitty!” Rainbow paused. “Hehe dropitty, like Rarity and drop…itty.”

“You’re not makin’ much sense Rainbow,” AJ was fully amused.

“Your face! Isn’t making much sense!” The jock took a few wobbly steps backwards, taking her rainbow hair out of the ponytail, the multicolored strands falling loosely to her mid-back. “This calls for a drinking contest!”

“No ah really shouldn’t…”

“Drinking contest!” Twilight and Rarity, who seemed to be making up yelled happily from where they were dancing on each other.

“Yay! Drinking contest!” Pinkie pitched in after mixing up a Daiquiris and handing it to Fluttershy, who put down the shot and smiled at the more fruity drink.

“Now girls, come on, ah shouldn’t,” AJ shook her hands out in front of her in defense.

“Awwwh who’s a little farmer chicken? You’re a little farmer chicken, yes you are, yes you are,” AJ pouted at Rainbow’s baby talk. “Pttttch you’re just afraid of my pure awesomeness, and your complete lack of …it!”

The girls let out giggles, and AJ folded her arms across her chest.

“Well ah was goin’ ta say ya’ll shouldn’t let me compete against ya Rainbow because ah would totally wipe the floor with you!” AJ smirked.

“Oh ya?!” Rainbow wobbled past Applejack and over to the small table. She poured herself another shot. “I have a six shot head start!” With that the jock knocked her head back and downed the warm liquid. “Yaawhooooo!”

AJ laughed. “Okay, but don’t tell me ah didn’t warn ya…”

“Oh! I, Pinkie birthday girl Pie, would just love, love, love, to pour the shots!” The neon girl jumped up and down excitedly and grabbed six glass shot glasses out of the unlocked cabinets.

“Bring it!” Rainbow grinned looking AJ in the eye.

“Oh ah will!” AJ grinned back and took the first two shots from Pinkie, with two swift flicks of her wrist she downed them as though they were water. “Mmmmmhmmm. That hit the spot.”

AJ patted her stomach as the fluid warmed up her insides.

“Now, now Pinkie I’m a country girl and us country girls know how ta drink so I’m goin’ ta politely ask if ya’ll keep them shots commin’ in a nice even pace?”

Pinkie nodded excitedly as she sloppily poured the bronze liquid into the remaining four glasses. “Thank ya mighty kindly Miss.”

“Oh ya!” Rainbow tapped the table a few times looking for words. “Well... your face!”


“And this makes six,” AJ spoke through a only slightly slurred accent as she took back the shot.

“So now they are even people!” Twilight shouted in a reporter voice into a birthday hat. “What will happen next?!”

“Hehehe, Twi darling, you are so funny!” Rarity stumbled as she walked with only one heel still on.

“*Hick*” Fluttershy giggled into her hand, swaying back and forth as she held onto her still mostly full drink.

“Pinkie! Fifth shot! Er I mean,” Rainbow paused searching for the right answer.

“It’s yer seventh shot... Prince,” AJ said the name with a wink, which made Rainbow bite her lip and smirk.

“Oh, say it again,” Rainbow said starring into AJ’s eyes.


“Prince!” Pinkie interrupted AJ and pushed a seventh shot into Rainbow’s face, the jock clapped her hands once before taking the shot and sloshing it back. She paused.

“Wow,” The pink eyed girl leaned forward and placed her hands on AJ’s shoulders for support, everything was spinning, voices were muffled, it was as though she was out of her body.

“...ash… Dash!” Slowly things picked back up their normal speed. “Hey Rainbow are ya’ll okay?”

Rainbow straightened herself up.

“Never better, my country friend, never better-” with that Rainbow shuffled her way over to the sound system. She cranked up the volume and pulled Fluttershy off her seat and onto the dance floor. The meek girl giggled and began swaying back as forth and Rainbow jumped around.

“Alright Pinkie, hit me up,” AJ said smiling at the birthday girl who poured the shot to the rim. “Uhh ain’t that a little full?”

“What’s wrong country girl? It’s only a bit past the shot line?” AJ looked down at the shot which had at least an extra half shot in it. “Come on silly willy nilly we are missing the parttttaaayy!”

“Well, ah guess it’s alright,” AJ grabbed the glass and chugged it back. She had to blink a few times before she offered a hand to Pinkie and the two girls walked out to the dance floor.

AJ couldn’t really remember what she was dancing to, or whether or not it called for line dancing… but she was doing it! And she was having fun! No one paid much attention to the beat they just went for it, limbs, Pinkie’s cloths, streamers, and other various things flung out into random directions, completely destroying the room.

“Alright double me!” AJ smiled, a new confidence coming up as she was handed the drinks she knew she would regret.

“Me too!” Rainbow slurred and hung herself over the small table.

“Are ya sure, sugar cube,” AJ patted the jock on the head. “You could always just give u-”

“I never lose!” Rainbow interrupted the blonde and took her drinks from Pinkie. AJ shrugged, and took back both the shots with ease; she wobbled a bit but shook her head and seemed fine. Rainbow looked down at both the shots in her hands. She looked up at AJ and her girlfriend.

“Alright, well here goes nothing,” Rainbow took back one shot, held it in a bit longer then she should have, and started coughing.

“Shoot, Rainbow, ya’ll should just hold on for a sec,” AJ put an arm under the other girls to help keep her balanced.

“Ooooh no,” She let out a few more coughs. “…not… losing!” Rainbow brought the shot up to her lips, the smell filled her nostrils, her hands shook; everything shook. The rainbow haired girl didn’t even notice the glass drop until she felt the liquid splash onto her bare feet.

“Okay, yer done,” Applejack looked up at Pinkie who nodded her agreement.

“Done with what?” The jock asked, her legs seeming to give out as she placed all her weight onto AJ, which wasn’t much but AJ wobbled and placed the other girl down. “Why are my feet wet?” Rainbow seemed annoyed. “Pinkie I told you I wasn’t into that type of stuffs!”

“I know Dashie. You just sit down and rest for a little bit, okay?” Pinkie gave Rainbow a hug.

“Okay but you go have fun,” Rainbow mumbled as her eyes started closing and opening slower and slower.

“But I want to make sure your going to be alright,” Pinkie protested, concern coating her words.

“It’s fine. Your party. Have fun.”

“I can’t leave you alone!” The neon girl looked back and forth between the group of dancing friends and her girlfriend.

“It’s fine… Apple’s… Apple’s will, my head on her lap,” Rainbow gestured for Applejack to sit down besides her, which she did. Rainbow scooted herself over the country girl and placed her head in her lap. “See? I will be taken care of.”


“Pinkie. I want Applejack.” Pinkie looked hurt for a second before smiling.

“Thank you Rainbow, thank you Applejack!” The neon girl stood up. “Thanks for letting me Pinkie! Enjoy my parttttayyyy!” With that the girl pulled on a birthday hat and ran out onto the dance floor.

AJ smiled, happy that Pinkie didn’t take Rainbow’s words the wrong way. She looked down at the delirious Dash, her pink eyes only partly open.

“Ya know,” Applejack moved a bit of Rainbow’s loose hair out of her eyes. “Ya’ll look much prettier with ya hair down.”

Rainbow chuckled at AJ’s words.

“Anyone would look prettier after how much alcohol we’ve consumed.”

“No really Rainbow,” AJ stroked Rainbow’s face a few times with her hand, making Rainbow smile and let out a few moans. “ya really are pretty.”

AJ moved her face closer to Rainbows.

“Really beautiful,” the jock moved her head to face the country girl. She closed her pink eyes. “...and sexy.”

Applejack leaned forward; she could feel Rainbow’s hot breath on her lips.

‘What in the hey are ya’ll doin’!?’ AJ’s eyes snapped open and she pulled her head away, just moments from kissing the intoxicated Rainbow.

“What’s wrong? Why did you stop?” Rainbow pleaded as she wrapped her arm around AJ’s head, weakly attempting to pull her head back down.

“Ah need ta get some air!” the country girl moved Rainbow’s head carefully off her lap. “Keep ya face to the side in case you vomit.”

She didn’t hear Rainbow’s protest as she quickly moved out to the balcony.

“Were are you going?” Rainbow lifted herself up into a sitting position.

“What are ya doin’ drinking like a sailor, and callin’ Rainbow sexy!” AJ hit herself on the head and leaned against the railing. “Well she is se- that isn’t the point! You almost kissed her ya empty headed fool! I am such an idiot.”

“Yes, you are an idiot!” Rainbow shouted as she attempted to walk onto the balcony. “Who leaves a drunk girl just laying there?” She wobbled.


“Hey there Freckles,” Rainbow slurred as she approached the blonde.

“Hey, listen, what happened- Ah wasn‘t goin’ ta do what you were thinking Ah was goin’ ta do.” Applejack lied to the intoxicated girl. “Now you’re really wasted and shouldn’t be walkin’ around.”

“Says the chickittyy who has had more bubbly than anyone else,” Rainbow slung an arm around the girls shoulders, grinning widely as she let out a hiccup. Applejack laughed at Rainbow’s drunken expression.

“Yeah, well Ah am a country girl. We know how t’ hold our booze.”

Applejack smiled weakly. She knew she should pull the girl off of her. They should both go to bed- in separate beds! But... something about being held by this Rainbow Dash... plus the fact that everything was slightly blurry... Applejack really didn’t care.

“Well I’m no light weight,” The younger girl stated. As she stumbled over nothing she was forced to wrap her arms fully around the cowgirl, the blonde’s newly tanned arms catching her.

“Careful! Are ya alright?” Dash looked up dazed, her vision going in and out as the liquor worked its magic. She looked over the worried face; freckles giving the tan skin texture, green orbs adding to a nice rich contrast.

“You know, you’re the beauti-f-f-ful one,” Rainbow put a hand on AJ’s cheek and tilted her head to the side. “Please no more teasing me. Just... kiss me. I need you.”

“Rainbow, ah need ya too, but not like this,” Applejack lifted Rainbow back to a steady standing position. As soon as the blonde was sure Rainbow could stand she let her go and took a few steps back. “Not like this, if ah was going to ever kiss ya we both have to be able to remember it! It can’t just be a drunken fling.”

“But I can‘t wait!” Rainbow wobbled over closer to the country girl. She used the railing to steady herself as she placed a hand atop of Applejack’s own. She was warm.

“Rainbow,” AJ looked down at their hands, and turned hers to intertwine fingers with the pale girls. “what do ya want from me?”

She wasn’t in the least bit mad with the girl, more like tired; confused. She turned her gaze over to the tomboy and locked eyes with the saddened face. Rainbow sucked in a shaky breath as her eyes started to water.

“Oh Rainbow, please don’t cry!” AJ rapped her arms around the taller girl’s neck, holding her close.

“I-I-I’m not crying!” Rainbow lied as she buried her face into the locks of golden hair. “I’m sorry! I’m such an ass!”

“No, you’re not!”

“Yes I am! I’m always hitting on you, always making you uncomfortable; always teasing you. I’m leading you on when I’m already with someone,” Rainbow shook. “I’m making you want me; I’m making myself want you!” She sucked in a shaky breath. “...I love Pinkie, I fricken am in love with her!”

AJ felt a stab of pain. Right in the heart.

“I know ya do sugarcube. Ah know…”

“Then why!?” Rainbow pulled her head away from the soft hair and rested her forehead on AJ’s. She looked back and forth between both the green eyes; searching for the answers. “Why do I like you so much?” The tom used her thumb to gently stroke the other girls pink lips. “Why do I want you so bad?”

“Your drunk, Rain-” AJ lost her words as the other girl pushed her head down to her neck and gently bit the soft skin. “R-Rainbow what are-” The county girl felt her body react on its own, melting into the other girls as Rainbow opened her mouth and began to lick the side of her nape, and down to her collar bone.

“Rainbow! Yer drunk! Ah’m drunk!” Rainbow sucked as hard as she could on the tan neck, Applejack attempting to shove the other girl away, but only managing to lean more into her.

With the sudden closeness Rainbow took her opportunity to reach under the girls top and used her palm to firmly massage Applejack’s breast. Applejack let out a deep moan; surprising even herself.

“N-n-no! Not like this-” AJ jerked away, suddenly causing the unsteady rainbow haired girl to fall forward, bringing both the girls down hard.

“Ouch… what was that all about!?” Rainbow was oblivious to AJ’s reaction, as she rubbed her spinning head.

“Ya were gettin’ too friendly, and ah-”

“What is going on out here!?” A screech made both the girls jump.

“Pinkie Pie! Nothin happened!” But as AJ looked between the neon girl’s shocked face and to where she was, with Dash cradling her hips, and her shirt stuffed into her bra…. “Now ah know this might look bad…”

“What looks bad?” Twilight’s voice came from behind Pinkie Pie as she too looked over to the two girls. “Oh. That looks bad. I was starting to wonder where you two went.”

“But really, Ah can explain!” AJ shouted even more frantic. “Rainbow will ya help me out here?”

She looked to the girl who was pinning her to the ground, her pink eyes unfocused as she slowly swayed back and forth. She wasn’t going to be any help.

“Oh I just have to get a picture of this!” Rarity laughed and took a snap of the two with her phone as she hung her arm around the not-so-happy Twilight’s shoulders.

“Please, explain then!” Pinkie put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot. AJ couldn’t lie to her new friends. She looked to Rainbow begging for help.

And she gave it to her.

Before the sound had reached her ears, before the smell caused her to gag, AJ felt the warm, chunky liquid from Rainbow’s gut slime down her stomach, and onto her lap. Rainbow ignored the fact that she vomited on the girl and began spitting the sticky strands of spit and bail that remained stuck in her mouth. AJ stared in disbelief at the other girl, her mouth open; unable to find words.

“Ewww that is so discussing and morbid! I definitely need a picture of it!” Rarity took her phone out again and began taking multiple shots. Pinkie and Twilight just stood there unsure if they should laugh or rush to help.

“Oh, sorry about that AJ,” Rainbow said whipping her face with the back of her hand and began flicking some of the larger chunks off of the shocked girls stomach. “I guess I should chew my food better huh?” She laughed drunkenly, AJ opening and closing her mouth, still unable to produce sound.

“Oh thank you so much Apple to the Jacks for trying to help my Rainbow!” Pinkie Pie bounced over to the country girl and pulled her into a hug, careful not to get any goo on her. “I’m sorry I was so super quick to judge! Can you ever pinkie forgive me?!” The girls eyes were watery as she pleaded, AJ just nodded, still in shock.


Applejack scrubbed as though she had never seen soap in her life. She nearly went through the whole bar of very Rainbow Dash scented soap. She paused and looked around the open bathhouse style bathroom; the large unenclosed wall showers and the deep center marble floors that dipped into a steaming tub.

All of it made her feel small, and weak, and very open. Very naked. The entire house made her feel the same way Rainbow made her feel. Even the soap.

“She must use this a lot,” She brought the bar to her face and took in a deep inhale, the smell of sea and rain hit her and filled her with instant comfort. “Why does she make me feel so opposite all the time?”

She tightened her grip, causing the slippery bar to slip out of her grasp. She sighed.

“No way Ah am reaching for the soap in this bathroom,” She chuckled at her bad joke and made her way to the large bathtub, the steaming water instantly clearing her head and making her relax. Now she could be alone with her thoughts. AJ stared down into the water.

“Why don’t you know how to help me?” She asked her reflection. “Ah just need your help, an- is that a hicky?!” She looked closer to the moving reflection in the pool.

“…son of a…..”
AN: I really hope that I can manage keeping this rated T…what do you think? Drinking, vibrating strap on dildos, puppy killers, groping, vomit…..am I pushing the “T” rating a bit far? Do you think I should change it to “M”? Or am I good? Also please, please, please leave a comment or review! I love getting the good, the bad, the ugly…it makes me push myself to be better! Plus all comments encourage me to update faster so even a “lol”, “good job”, “you suck!”, “pervert!” Any of those will make me happy!

Remember faster updates on my DA! AppleDash-crazy at Deviantart.com!!