• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 6,099 Views, 75 Comments

New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfic - Rayna Q.

  • ...

New Worries

New Girl

Chapter 6: New Worries

Two years earlier…

A smirk formed on pale, dry lips as the girl shivered in the dark, her fingers desperately fighting with an empty lighter. "Son of a bitch."

"Oh come on G." A skinny figure reached out of the darkness, prying the cold plastic from the white fingers. "Just give it here."

"Watch yourself Dash!" The older woman snapped at the sudden movement of her friend. "I almost had it!" She slumped back against the ally and crossed her stiff legs as she placed an unlit cigarette into her now frowning lips.

"I'm a master at these things; you know that G," The young girl said, laughing as she scratched the side of her head that had been shaved. She stuck her tongue out at the other woman as a dim flame danced over the lighter. "I have just the right touch." She winked one pink eye as she held the lighter up to Gilda's cigarette.

"Ha, as if Dash." The white haired girl took in a deep drag, then smashed her lips tightly around Rainbow's. They fought for dominance, both knowing that the bigger woman was going to win in the end. And she did, as her hand glided up the rainbow haired girl's dark top.

"Uhh…" Rainbow moaned as she broke the kiss, smoke gliding its way up into the sky. Gilda placed the cigarette back into her lips inhaling as she used her other hand to undo Dash's baggy pants. "Hurry up G!" Rainbow squirmed as the bigger girl pulled her hips up by her belt.

"Well if you didn't wear so many buckles…"

"Well if you would use both hands…" Rainbow was cut short as Gilda ripped apart the fabric around her crotch. "…hey those were good pants….uuuuh!" She fell back onto the ally floor as the woman pulled the blue underwear away from Rainbow's thighs and buried her face into her crotch. "Fuck, fuck, fuck…" Rainbow's mouth was wide open as she panted. She bent her head back, face looking up to the sky above the ally. "I love you G…"

"Stop talking," Gilda growled before going back to work. Droplets of rain started to beat down with her rhythm, starting slow but quickly starting to pour down hard.

"G…Uhhh…G, stop, stop, it's raining! We, we got to go…" Rainbow lightly placed a hand on the girls head, stopping her from moving. The rainbow haired punk positioned herself upright and started rubbing at the thick black makeup running down her light cheeks.

"Fuck." Gilda stood up and looked down at her soaked cigarette. "Don't suppose you have another one?" Rainbow shook her head as she, too, stood up. "Damn, why does it always rain when we are together Dash?"

"Because G, I always bring the rain."

New Girl:
Chapter 9: New Worries

Present Day
3:00 pm

"Oh my gosh! What happened?" Rarity squealed. "Why didn't I see it before? It would look soooo much better if I put a flower here don't you think?" Rarity pranced around the country girl as if she were a brand new toy. The dark haired girl's heels clicked as she made circles around AJ. Lightning flashed, brightening up the colorful shop walls, and thunder followed quickly after it. Fluttershy let out a squeak and held her hands over her ears. Rarity patted the girl's head and closed the window.

"Flower…on my bottom?" The freckled girl pouted as she grabbed onto her backside. "Don't ya think that's a bit much?" Rarity ignored the girls comment and started looking through her florist collection.

"I wonder if I would have enough time to order a daisy…"

"Please, Fluttershy, will you talk some kind of sense into this lady?" AJ pleaded, looking horrified.

"Um, well Rarity, the dance is tomorrow…you know only a daisy would look good with it, and there really isn't any time to order, so..." The now relaxed girl got up from her seat and walked over to the mirror as she examined her pastel green and yellow long sleeved dress. She did a little twirl and giggled.

"Oh, maybe your right, Flutters." Rarity walked behind the county girl and examined her rear side. "No, of course your right, I just wish I had more time." She walked over to her chair and picked up a hat. "No matter what I do, it's not going to be complete without that daisy." She picked up the feather she removed the day before and placed it back onto the top, then sighed and put the hat back down.

"Aw, don't look so bummed, sugar-cube!" Applejack got down from the raised circle platform and walked over to the three-way mirror Fluttershy was at. "This dress is by far the best one ah have ever seen. You've only known me for five months and you already got ma taste and style down perfectly. Ah love it!" She picked up the long gown and did a few cha-cha moves, causing Fluttershy to let out more small giggles.

"Oh, I'm so glad you like it!" Rarity hugged herself and looked over the two girls. Applejacks dress was brown, green, and orange. The top was tight and tied behind her neck, creating a brown choke necklace look. The top opened into a diamond shape on her chest to show off a bit of cleavage. It had two layers of leather tassels looping down her sides, and the bottom opened up into a loose mermaid-style gown. Her heels were close toed, and had a belt buckle connecting the heel to the base of the shoe. The country girl laughed as she looked over the fake spurs that were connected to both shoes. She tightened the brown glove on her left hand and did a quick spin.

"Yep, this sure is perfect for me."

"Oh, um, Applejack?" Fluttershy said quietly as she made her way over to her friend, heels clicking. "Sorry to interrupt, but Macintosh is on the phone, and he says he's been trying to get a hold of you…"

Applejack took Fluttershy's phone. "Mac, what's goin on?" She paused. "What? My phone died an hour ago…ah don't understand! She was doin' so well last night. Is she okay?" The girl took a few deep breaths and listened to her brother on the other line. "Okay," She paused. "Alright, ah will be over there in a sec!" She handed Fluttershy her phone and started to undress. "Sorry girls, family emergency, have to go."

"Is it serious?" Rarity asked, concern lacing her voice.

"Granny's in the hospital again. Mac says she wasn't responsive this mornin'. Couldn't breathe right, somethin' blocking her wind pipe." She paused as she pulled on her jacket and put a hand over her eyes. "Ah bet she fell asleep with one of those hard candies in her mouth." She choked up and sat down. "Ah always tell her not to do that."

"AJ…" Fluttershy said, patting her friends back.

"Ah'm always telling her, but she's as stubborn as a mule."

"I know sweetie. How's this, I will take you to the hospital so you don't have to drive like this in the rain, and Fluttershy will take your truck back to the apartment? Would that be alright with you Flutters?" Rarity asked as she went over and gave Applejack a hug.

"Yes that's fine with me. Will you text me when you guys get there and let me know how she's doing?" Fluttershy asked, her eyes filled with tears. Rarity nodded.

"Thank you, you guys." Applejack wiped away a tear and cleared her throat. "Alright, lets get goin'."

3:25 pm

The rain stung her face and her body violently shook; her head rolling around. "Stay awake," She mumbled to herself, shaking her head. "Just stay awake." She was panting, burning up, despite the bone chilling temperature. She didn't know what she was doing here, she didn't know who she was waiting for. All she knew was that she was in deep physical trouble, that she needed a doctor; and that she hated the doctors. "Ah!" She yelled out in pain as she used her sore, shaking arms to drag her body over the last three stairs.

She let herself collapse onto the covered patio, her face now blocked out by the crying sky. However, she knew she didn't have enough energy to get her lower half fully off the stairs and into protection. Besides, she was horrified to see the condition she was actually in, to get her leg out of the cold so that she could feel the damage.

"Rainbow?" A soft voice sounded below, sounding confused. "What are you doing laying in the rain like that? You're going to catch a cold."


"Were you here all day?" She could hear the girl making her way up the stairs. "Is that why you weren't in class – oh my god!" Her friend sprinted up the last few steps, dropping her yellow umbrella down the flight of stairs. "Rainbow, what happened? You're bleeding!" The frail girl pulled off her coat and put it on top of the barely conscious rainbow haired girl.

"Am I?" Rainbow teased, smiling weakly. "Oh, it's not that bad…"

"Rainbow, your leg is twisted!" Tears started dripping from the soaked girls eyes, and she pulled out her phone. "Hello, I need an ambulance! Yes, yes now! 2018...2018 Maple drive, apartment number…Rainbow! Stay awake, please!"

"Oh, don't cry, Flutters! I'm fine, really," Rainbow chuckled as her eyes started to close. "You've seen me in worse conditions, remember?"


She could hear muffled sounds, Fluttershy's screaming, sirens, sobs. She could see the gray sky, the sun as it peeked to say hello, then darkness, then lights, then darkness. People standing in a crowd around her, their worried, shocked, horrified faces, then darkness. Her best friend's crying face.

"I'm sorry…"

"Rainbow, don't talk." Fluttershy's voice seemed to be miles away.

"I promised I wouldn't do this to you anymore."

"Don't talk…"

"I'm sorry."

Darkness. She could smell and taste the copper in the back of her throat, and the clean sent inside of a fast moving vehicle. She went in and out of watching them pump fluids into her, red fluids; blood. She could hear them asking her over and over what her name was, where she was born, how old she was. She couldn't speak, but more importantly, she couldn't feel. They asked her to move her foot, but she couldn't feel. She couldn't…

The next thing she remembered was the flash of light as they rushed her into the double doors of a white hospital building. She remembered blonde hair; worried, confused green eyes, and a freckled face. Pushed into an operating room. What's your name, what's your age, what happened to you, move your foot for us.

"I hate hospitals." Then all lights went out.

3:45 pm

"So she is alright?"

"Yes, as of now her vitals are stable." The doctor handed the country girl a few papers. "You must keep a closer eye on what your grandmother keeps in her mouth, those candies can damage the tubing we put in and clog up the airflow."

"Yes, ah'm sorry 'bout that." Applejack removed her hat and took the papers from the doctor. "Thank you very kindly fer taking care of my stubborn granny. It's always a pleasure, but ah do hope ah don't have ta see you anytime soon."

"I hope the same thing Applejack." The doctor let out a laugh and handed AJ a pen to sign the papers with. She took it and did a few scribbles.

"And there ya go. Thanks again, Dr. Hooves."

"You're quite welcome."

"Dr. Hooves to the main gate way C, we have an emergency at gate C. Repeat, Dr. Hooves to main gate C, we have an emergency incoming patient." The loud speaker went off wildly, echoing throughout the halls.

"Why isn't that lucky, we are already at gate C." The doctor re-tucked his scrubs. "You should probably get back to your granny."

"Alright, thank ya again." AJ turned around and started heading down the hall. She paused as she heard the two doors behind her open and Dr. Hooves start shouting orders and asking questions.

"Hello there, can you tell me your name? Where were you born…"

"She's from Equestria, Dr. I'm sure I've seen her…" One of the nurses said as AJ turned around the hall corner. Curiosity took the best of her as the fast moving group rushed past the hall entrance she had just walked into.

Her eyes widened as she saw rainbow hair and blank pink eyes staring directly at her, her face emotionless as the nurse held a hand pump to her mouth. "Rainbow?" She held herself against the wall, "Rainbow!" She was about to run after the group but was stopped as she felt a hand on her back.

"She has to go in for surgery," A blue eyed girl said softly as she wiped her red swollen eyes onto her sleeve.

"Fluttershy! What's going on? What's she doin' here…in that condition?"

"I don't know, I found her like that on the stairs in front of our apartments." Fluttershy wrapped her arms around the country girl and sobbed. "It's been such a long time since I've seen her like that, AJ! She said she was done with all that! She said she was done with it…with all of it!" AJ pulled her in tighter. "She said she was done with hospitals, done with making me cry, done with making me worry where she was going to be the next day, or if she was sleeping somewhere safe and dry! She promised me, AJ!"


"She has never lied to me before! I don't know how to deal with this…"

"Well, I'm sure it wasn't her intention to end up here, looking like that. She will be fine, and when she wakes up I'm sure she will give us all a reasonable explanation." Fluttershy seemed to calm down at AJ's words. However, the seemingly strong country girl was looking around, trying desperately to find the answers to the questions beating in her head, only to find blank white hospital walls staring back at her.

6:59 pm

This place was engulfing, welcoming. It seduced her to unconsciousness, made her feel welcomed and whole. Light, pools and pools of light, interrupting her internal sleep, dragging her from the dark, warm comfort of peace and quiet.

"Go away."

She held onto the feeling of nothingness, the feeling of weightlessness. No pain would be found in this place; no pain would be visible nor acknowledged here. Sound interrupted the calm tranquil place, as curtains were drawn back further.

"Ah ain't goin' nowhere."

Her eyes opened, the feeling of freedom leaving. Her once warm weightlessness was now heavy and cold. The pain was now almost over-bearing as it shot through her legs, arms, core, and face.

It took many moments for her blue-green, contact-less eyes to adjust, and when they did she frowned as she studied the room. White, mostly all white, and metal. The smell of hand sanitizer and old flowers from the person that was here the day before. "I hate this place."

"Then you shouldn't have been so stupid." The girl looked from her bed and over to the opposite side of the room. She smirked once she saw the green eyed girl.

"Hey there, freckles."

"Wipe that grin off your face!" Applejack shouted, her fists balled at her sides. "Are ya proud of yourself? You know how worried sick ya made everyone? Fluttershy is beside herself and-"

"I don't want to talk about the others, AJ, what I really want to know is how you expect to be my nurse in that outfit?" AJ frowned as Rainbow gave her a wink. "I think you need to get all candy stripper out pronto before you give me any lecture. Then I could use a sponge bath…"

"Rainbow! Could you be serious for once? Ah need to talk to ya for real, what in the hay happened?"

"What happened, AJ, is that my nurse sucks. Haven't you played Dr. and patient before?"


"What about cops and robbers? The 'train' game?" AJ's eye twitched. "Why, of course you haven't…little Miss Virgin." With that, the doors open behind them, followed by a soft knock.

"Hey, AJ, you should get some sleep. I will take next watch." Twilight peeked around the corner, relief followed by annoyance after seeing her friend smiling filled her dark face. "What is wrong with you, Rainbow?"

"I think I broke my leg." She moved the covers off her lower section. "Yeah, isn't that what casts are normally used for?" She paused and gave the hard white cast a few knocks. "Also, I think nurse Apple over there is a pervert, I'm not wearing my briefs."

"God, Rainbow! I'm being serious!" Twilight moved over to her friend and sat on the edge of the bed. "What happened, please don't tell me you're going back…"

"Twi, come on! This is me you're talking about!" Rainbow leaned back in bed and, despite the pain in her muscles, put her arms above her head. "I tripped down the flight of stairs, hence the reason Fluttershy found me crawling back up them." She laughed. "You know, you're always telling me not to run up those things Twi, especially in a downpour. I should seriously stop tuning you out when you talk. Oh, I didn't crack a tooth on it, did I?" She presented her grin to the annoyed Twilight.

"Yeah, I'm not buying that story," The student president frowned.

"Well it's the story I'm sticking with," Rainbow joked, letting out a laugh. "But if anyone asks, say I was in an epic battle to save Princess Applejack, and there was a dragon and a stroller with a baby in the middle of the road, and in the end I saved the day but those damn stairs got in the way. Honestly, what can ya do?"

"Rainbow," Twilight sighed.

"Stairs, Twilight. Stairs."

Twilight got off the bed and looked down at her friend. They seemed to exchange a silent agreement, and Twilight's annoyed expression quickly turned into worry and pain. "Stairs?" The student president sighed. "Alright then, I will go tell the others what happened. I'm sure they will be glad to hear it was your clumsiness and not your stupidity that won this time."

Applejack watched as Twilight left the room, her eyes filled with questions as the door closed behind her. "Hey, what did she mean by 'goin' back'? Fluttershy also mentioned-"

"Please don't ask me that, AJ, it was the stairs, okay?" Rainbow rested her head against the wall.

"I'm not going to just brush it off like Twilight did! Now, as yer worried friend, ah think ah deserve ta know what's really goin' on!"

"No you don't, because if you knew what she was talking about, if you knew what I did, what I put them all through," She pointed towards the closed door. "First, you wouldn't want to be my friend, second, you would wish I didn't tell you, and third; AJ, third, you wouldn't be going to that dance with Gilda."

"What?" AJ paused and looked down at Rainbow, disgusted. "Are ya kidding me Rainbow, you must be pullin' my leg! Please don't tell me this whole thing a big temper tantrum because of me having ah date."

"No, well I guess technically speaking it started out that way…but please you have to listen Gilda is bad news she…"

"No, now you listen here, Rainbow!" AJ walked to the door. "Ah am exhausted trying to be somewhat more than a friend with you. You're taken; I know that, you know that, and well, I have a date, and you have to get over that. We can be friends; you will be an amazing friend."

"Well then listen to me as a friend! Gilda is…"

"Oh be quiet! It's only one date, Rainbow, ah'm sure you will get over it!" Applejack slammed the door behind her.

"I'm not the one that will need to 'get over it' AJ. I swear if she hurts you-" She paused and pressed her nurse's button. "I need something in my system."

"Dashie!" Pinkie popped into the room. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I should have been home! I would have heard you fall! I was at Twilight's place and we got this call from Applejack that you were in the hospital in serious condition, and that you were bleeding, and in surgery. We could hear Fluttershy crying in the background and…" Pinkie Pie flung herself over her girlfriends lap, causing the jock to flinch. "I'm so sorry, but Twilight and I looked at each other and we both thought the worst, we thought that you were going back, we really did! Please forgive me Dashie, please!"

"It's fine, Pinkie. Thank you for worrying so much."

"Ms. Dash, you called for some more pain meds?" A nurse walked into the room with a bottle. Pinkie looked between the nurse and back at her girlfriend, and then to the medication.

"Dash…" Pinkie tilted her head to the side, her throat going dry.

"Oh, you must have pressed the button when you jumped on the bed," The jock laughed weakly. "But now that you're here, do you guys have Advil or something? My leg is starting to hurt a bit."

"Oh, well, these here will take away any and all pain and discomfort you are feeling…" The nurse started to walk towards the bed, Rainbow swallowing hard.

"She said she didn't want those." Rarity walked in, and put a hand on the nurse's shoulder. "She doesn't do well with heavy medication, upsets her stomach, maybe you can just bring the Advil, yes darling? The nurse gave a questioning look but walked out of the room, medication in hand.

"Falling down the stairs, honestly Rainbow how could you be such a ditz? Your blonde really comes through every now and again." Rarity rolled her eyes and sat down on the bed beside her friend, a comb and a pair of scissors in her hands. "However, I must say I really do miss your old haircut, it just looks much more mature on you. Next time you want it cut will you give me the honor? No offence, but you kind of suck at making a straight line."

"Yeah, yeah…" Rainbow huffed as Rarity started trimming the uneven locks of hair.

"And those bruises on your face will easily be covered with this heavy makeup I brought, so you don't stand out too much at the dance tonight. But that cut lip is going to be visible, especially with the stitches." Rainbow was taken aback and ran a tongue over her lip, and sure enough four hard stitches were firmly in place, going through the front of the bottom lip, connecting the torn tissue. "And the broken blood vessels in your eye shouldn't be that noticeable, especially after you get your contacts back in. And the cut on your cheek will be fine after a bandage…" The fancy girl hummed and paused to take the Advil from the returned nurse. "Thank you, darling, could you get her some milk to take this with?" The nurse sighed but said okay. "The only really noticeable thing is going to be the cast and crutches. But with your personality and my modified outfit, the whole look should work."

"Rarity, that's really kind of you…but I really don't think I can go tonight. I mean I'm really beat up and tired. Those stairs took it all out of me and…"

"Not going to the dance?!" Pinkie screeched and took the milk from the nurse. She took a large swag and spit the fluid all over the room, the nurse opening and closing her mouth, unable to find the words. "You can't possibly miss the dance! I am the head of the planning for this dance! How will that make me look? You being my girlfriend and leaving me dateless! Besides, you absolutely can't miss it just so you can stay at the hospital and mope, and there's also…don't you think it would be a bit unnerving in here for you, you could feel tempted…"

"Pinkie, I think she gets the point." Rarity sprayed the pink girl with water from the spray bottle she was using to dampen Dash's hair. "Rainbow, you are going. There is no ifs, ands, or buts about it." The jock sighed and folded her arms over her chest. "Everyone wants you there, and I worked too hard on your outfit for it to just sit at my shop."

"Also," Pinkie jumped up and handed the milk back to the nurse. "Rainbow only drinks 2%."

8:00 pm

"Thank ya, Fluttershy, for helping me get ready," Applejack said, smiling as she examined herself in the mirror and watched her friend's gentle fingers glide through her golden strands. The skilled knots weaved in and out to form patterns of braids and curls down the country girls back.

"Oh, no problem, Applejack. I'm so lucky to be able to help you and Twilight out. Thank you for coming over!" She smiled. "Besides, I didn't want to stay at the hospital, being there made me sad. Not to mention I didn't want to be alone in the house, so I really should be thanking you two girls." She smiled at AJ in the mirror.

"Yeah, this is fun. I don't think us three have hung out alone before." Twilight was sitting on the bed, hemming the dress Rarity had given her so that the collar line wasn't so low. "Ouch," She stuck a finger in her mouth. "Needles are sharp, and Rarity is such a pervert. I don't care what she says, I'm on Rainbow's side for this one. My breasts were pretty much exposed in this thing." She got up and held the edited dress up to herself behind her two friends to examine her work in the mirror. "She won't even notice. I mean, she definitely will, but she will have to deal with it." The three let out laughs. "Oh, I'm Rarity, lets make the girls' skirts three inches shorter this year. Oh, I'm Rarity, lets make all my friends dresses short and backless." She paused and looked over Fluttershy's long sleeved dress. "…besides Fluttershy's. I'm Rarity, lets make their tit's hang free!" She pranced around, mocking her friend's voice to a key. Applejack was almost rolling off the stool in laughter. "I'm Rarity, lets pin my best friend in her living room and fuck her while her little brother is in the other room sleeping."

"Whoa!" Applejack stopped laughing. "Say what?"

"Oh, really, Rainbow didn't tell you?" Twilight stopped her mimicking. "Well, at least she can still keep a secret; as soon as Rarity told her I thought it would be everywhere. I bet she told you, right, Flutters? She tells you everything."

"Well, no, Rainbow didn't tell me…but I know." Fluttershy put down the brush, a large blush forming over her cheeks and nose.

"It's that obvious then?" Twilight sighed, taking a seat next to Applejack. Fluttershy picked up the heated iron and started to curl the student president's long, straight hair.

"Well, no, not really, but," The shy friend sighed, "I probably should have told you this sooner, Twilight, but I caught you two…after school in the student government class, it was late and…"

"You saw us!?" Twilight jumped, catching her ear on the hot curler. "Ouch!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Twi…"

"It's fine! Just…what did you see?"

"Well it wasn't just me. You see, me and the garden club were up on the bell tower's second level roof. We had just planted some flowers that open up at night." Twilights eyes widened, horrified to hear the rest. She glanced over at Applejack who was biting her lip, trying desperately not to burst into another laughing fit. "And well, you see, Rose yelled, 'Oh, my! Look over there, do you see those two!?' And then Snails starts to have an asthma attack…"


"Well, um, at first I thought that Rarity was hurting you, but then, well, you see…" Fluttershy's face was bright red. "…um, well, you were tied up against your desk, and you had a blindfold and you were…naked. Rarity we behind you in an outfit of sorts, and, well, she had a whip…"

"Hahahaha! Oh, lord, Twi, who would have known you were into that?!" Applejack was now on the floor, holding her stomach and laughing as hard as she could. "Ouch, my sides, my sides hurt! Hahaha!"

"Oh, shut up!" Twilight kicked Applejack, which just made the country girl laugh harder. "So, you're saying the whole garden club saw us…in that situation?" The meek girl nodded her head. "Damn, what was Rarity thinking leaving the window open?! Well, shit, I guess there really wasn't any point in taking Joe to the dance if the whole school already knows."

"What do you mean, Twilight?" Fluttershy tilted her head to the side. "Do you not like Joe? He's so sweet and nice and-"

"Totally gay," Twilight pouted and blew at a few strands of hair that were in her face.

"Yer telling me that you're a lesbian taking a gay guy to a dance?" Applejack shook her head. "Why can't you just be who you are? There's no reason to hide yer self."

"First, I'm not a lesbian, the woman I love is a lesbian...or bi, or whatever. Second, I am only taking him because, like Fluttershy said, he is nice and I found him crying. I asked him what was wrong and he told me that his parents would kill him if they found out, so I said I would be his "mustache". And third, after what happened with Rainbow's parents, I think I will pass on the whole 'coming out' thing."

"What happened with Rainbow's parents?" Applejack tilted her head to the side.

"Well, you see, when Rainbow was really young…" Fluttershy hesitated, not sure if she should continue. Twilight gave her a nod. "Well, when she was young, right after I met her…you see, Rainbow kissed me. We could have only been seven or eight. Anyway, her parents came in at that time and hit her really hard. I told them we were practicing for boys, and that's probably the only reason I was allowed to be her friend still. Anyway, a few years later, she came out. She got her first girlfriend when she was in seventh grade, so she was twelve, I think. She was really pretty, her name was BonBon."

"Rainbow dated BonBon? Like, Lyra's BonBon?" Twilight asked. Fluttershy nodded her head. "Huh, Rarity left out that part of the story."

"Well, anyway, they dated for a few months, and Rainbow was going to take her to our schools spring fling dance. But once she showed up at BonBon's house in her tux and hair in piggy tails-"

"Oh, I remember that night!" Twilight shouted as she finished putting on lipstick. "That's the night we first met! I was at the dance, and back then I didn't have the best fashion sense – actually, I didn't have any kind until Rarity came along, not to mention those braces. Anyway, I was getting picked on by a group of bullies – that are now all overweight, by the way – and in comes Rainbow, in a tux and piggy tails. She beat them all into the ground!" Twilight paused. "Then she took a glass of water and dumped it on my head, called me a weak cry baby, laughed, and helped me off the floor. Then she laughed some more 'cause my hair frizzed from the water. She looked adorable, by the way. Totally outdid herself. You did her hair, right, Fluttershy?" Once again the shy girl nodded. "Anyway, go on with the story."

"So, when she showed up like that at BonBon's house, it was not the "date" her parents were expecting." Fluttershy continued to curl the president's hair. "They called Rainbow's parents and they were screaming over the phone, and while they were distracted, Rainbow took BonBon and they road their bikes to the dance."

"Are ya serious?" Applejack had picked herself off the ground and was completely in awe at the story.

"Unfortunately, yes," Fluttershy nodded as she put a purple hair pin in Twilight's hair. "So, once they got to the dance, everyone was watching them, questioning. I mean you have to understand that they were really, really young – probably the first two out-of-the-closet girls at our school – so the kids and teachers were confused.

"Rainbow swears that a teacher tried to separate them, but I wasn't there for that part. But what I was there for was when her father, the owner of Equestria, and BonBon's parents stormed into the dance. They stopped the music, made a huge scene, yelling, name calling, the works. They made BonBon cry and Rainbow was screaming at her dad. He even slapped her! Then, BonBon's parents took her out of school and put her in 'a camp to straighten out the crooked', as Rainbow put it," Fluttershy sighed.

"Are ya'll being serious?" Applejack crossed her arms over her chest. "Why can't people just understand that you can't control the way people feel? Love is an unstoppable force, and so is attraction."

"Yeah. Rainbow ran away and stayed at my dorm for a week before the school found out. They were going to send her home, but her dad just told them to give her, her own dorm." Fluttershy shook her head. "That was an awful time."

"Yeah it was, BonBon didn't come back to Equestria until she was a sophomore, which was when she met Lyra. They are still together, and I'm pretty sure they're engaged to be married." Twilight smiled at her completed hair. "Thanks, Fluttershy."

"It's amazing to know that ya'll have been friends for so long," Applejack smiled. "Were you and Rarity like that?"

"No, I absolutely couldn't stand that prissy diva for the longest time. But Pinkie and her were friends in the dance committees. Actually, they dated for about three months." Twilight bit her lip. "Or was it four…"

"Pinkie and Rarity dated?!" Applejack shouted, mouth open.

"Yeah, the summer before freshmen year, but they both knew it wasn't love. They just wanted to experiment with their bi-ness and stuff. They broke it off once school started." Twilight started putting on her eyeliner. "So, I was friends with Rainbow and Fluttershy, and then once Pinkie moved in with Fluttershy and introduced her as her cousin, Rarity was just brought into our group on a whim."

"Oh, don't say that Twilight! Rarity was your friend since elementary school, wasn't she?" Fluttershy sat on the bed and started putting on her heals.

"No, our parents knew each other since we were in elementary school. We were forced to hang out, not friends."

"But ya'll are in love now, right?" Applejack asked as she started zipping up her dress.

"Unfortunately." Twilight sighed.

"Have you told her your feelings yet, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked, walking over to Applejack to help zip up the remainder of her friend's dress.

"Of course not, she would have too much fun with that." Twilight paused. "I plan on telling her after we graduate, that way our parents and the school board won't have too many issues."

"Ah wouldn't wait," Applejack stomped her healed foot. "Ah mean, if you know you're right for someone, if ya know that ya love that person, whoever they, are with all your heart…It just happens and ya can't stop it, even if you don't want it." The country girl stood next to her new friends in the mirror and examined herself. "But if ya wait, Twi, if you wait too long, she might not be there for you. She might move on, might find someone else. And if ya'll were meant to be together, if she is the one, then you both will suffer. Never endin' up with the one and only."

"And that is how you feel with Rainbow, right?" Twilight locked eyes with the country girl in the mirror.

"Yeah, unfortunately," AJ said wistfully as she closed her eyes.

"Then if you don't hurt Pinkie, and if there is a way to keep her with us in the group…AJ, I know what I said before, I know I told you to leave it at peace…but it's not at piece, we both," Twilight mentioned to Fluttershy, who sighed and looked away. "Have seen the way Rainbow is with you, how she looks at you, how happy she is, and you with her." Twilight put a hand through her new curls. "If you can find a way, a way without hurting our group…well, AJ, go for it. Get your one and only."


"And wish me luck on getting mine!" The dark skinned girl smiled. "This is going to be a night to remember!"

And that it was, for better or for worse, the group of new friends would hold this night in the back of their minds for years to come.

Author's Note:

Authors Note: Want to read my chapters quicker/view my artwork/personally talk to me? Go to my DeviantART account...AppleDash-Crazy @ deviantart.com or you can just wait for late updates and my replies that will never come here~ boosh
The first part of the next chapter will be uploaded to my DeviantART account next week sometime, it will be labeled, New Girl: Chapter 11: New Mistakes. So yeah...or you can just wait for me to upload here...in like a month-ish...or so...