• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 6,099 Views, 75 Comments

New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfic - Rayna Q.

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New Mistakes

New Girl
Chapter Seven: New Mistakes


The sun had set deep over the mountains that surrounded the valley town hours beforehand. Casting the stars high into the sky, the natural light was given to the moon as the sun rested on the opposing side of the planet, far away from the loud music and colors that decorated the hard paved staircase, which twisted up to the main ballroom of the High School section of Equestria.

Students and their dates laughed, gossiped, and danced about the long line that stretched around and down the wide raised building.

“Please, keep it neat and tidy! Nice and not too messy!” Pinkie bounced about, defying gravity as she skipped and weaved through the mass of students. “Everyone who has already purchased tickets, please move to the right side of the line! You students who are oh-so-late in getting your tickets, don’t fret! We still have around 100 or so left! Just move to the left side of the line, if you could!” A few students shuffled around; some in the back moaned and started to count the people in front of them, trying to determine whether or not waiting in line was a lost cause.

“Hey Pinks, we’ll meet you inside, okay?” Twilight said as she patted her friend on the back. The party girl smiled and twisted around to face her friend.

Rarity had once again outdone herself with Pinkie’s dress, the colors were blue, yellow, white, and neon pink. The dress itself was strapless, but she wore a scarf tightly around her shoulders and long, white gloves to keep the cool night air off of her arms. The dress was tight on her chest, but bubbled out above her waist, going back in around her knees. She wore blue tights and her heels were mismatched – one pink, one yellow. A miniature bright blue and yellow hat with a white veil hung loosely on the top of her head.

“Oh, you three look absolutely B.E.A.utiful!” She exclaimed, jumping up and down as she examined Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy. “Rarity and Rainbow are already inside. I’ll be there as soon as this line dies down a tad-a-roo!”

“Okay, see you in a bit, Pinks,” Twilight replied, waving behind her head as she led the three to the front of the line. “Hey Joe!” Twilight gestured to a tan-haired, large senior boy once they were outside the entrance.

“Hey Twi, we need to talk. I just can’t do this.” He looked back and forth. “I mean, we are both in denial and it’s not healthy… plus, Flim asked me if I would join him tonight, and I said yes.”

“Wait, you mean…Flim, as in, the twin over at the College section?” Twilight cocked her head to the side. “He’s gay?”

“Apparently, he told Flam and then it spread like wildfire. He said he had his eyes on me since I served him his first doughnut, way back when we were still going to the same school.” He gave her a small hug. “Good luck with Rarity!” And with that, the boy walked into the dance.

“Jesus, does everyone know about me and her?” Applejack chuckled and Twilight gave her a dark look. “Well, ladies, in we go.” The three didn’t even have to show the front gate their tickets; as soon as they noticed Twilight, they just opened up and the girls walked in, no questions asked.

“Ah feel like we just cheated all the students waiting in line before us,” Applejack admitted guiltily, flattening out her dress as they walked into the room.

“Well, you did, my dear Applejack.” Rarity smiled as she walked up behind her three friends. “That’s what happens when you gain a power status here, or anywhere in life, I guess. You gain the power to cheat those beneath you.” The diva flipped her hair. “Rainbow and I are over there – what in the?! Twilight, did you edit your dress!?” Rarity’s face started to darken with anger. “How could you do such a thing to me?! You can only embarrass me so much before I can no longer take it!”

“Rarity, it’s just a dress…besides, I really need to talk with-” Twilight started.

“Just a dress? Just a dress!? Oh, ‘it’s just a dress,’ she says! Not a masterpiece I spent months preparing!”

“Oh, will you stop being so dramatic for once, Rarity? This is the worst trait in you! And I really need to talk with you about something! I’m ready to-”

“Twilight! How dare you?! Dramatic?! Do you want to see ‘dramatic’?!” Rarity screeched, interrupting Twilight yet again and gaining quite a few amused stares. “Hello, Equestria students! Look at me, everybody! Am I dramatic or what?” Rarity yelled, arms up in the air as she stomped away into the crowd of moving bodies. Twilight face-palmed.

“I can’t speak to women.” She glanced up at her two friends. “Go find Rainbow, I have to deal with this.” They nodded their understanding. With a scream of her beloved’s name, Twilight was off into the thickening crowd.

“…and then, in came this huge group of masked, ninja-looking dudes…” Fluttershy and Applejack both sighed at the sound of their friend’s loud voice, and turned their heads to the left.

“Oh my! Rainbow looks nice, doesn’t she, Applejack?” Fluttershy looked up at her open-mouthed friend. “…Applejack?”

Rainbow was sitting on the bleachers. Her hair had been nicely evened out; the back was spiked up and the longer bangs in front had been flat-ironed slick against her face. She wore tight black skinny jeans that hugged onto her long legs. One foot was sporting a red heel, the other, a cast, which had already been littered with colorful signatures. A black tube top with a rainbow stripe that ran down the left breast was cinched at her waist with a bright red belt underneath a black fitted suit jacket.

“Yeah, ah guess, but she looks like she’s going to a night club, not a high school dance.”

“I think she looks mature…” Fluttershy smiled weakly.

“And then this giant bald guy came in! I was like, ‘oh, no, how do I get out of this one?’” Rainbow raised her arms over her head to emphasize the man’s largeness.

“Oh, how did you get out of there, Rainbow?” A freshmen girl said, worry coating her words.

“Well, it was simply life or death, I had to do what a girl had to do,” She said ominously as she smiled. “I punched him in the nose and with this-“She kissed her fist. “-bad boy, smacked him in the face. He went down like a baby.” She shook her head. “I didn’t want to do such a thing, but I had to, in order to save Applejack.” The freshmen let out a squeal of excitement and Applejack raised a brow.

“Dafuq?” The farm girl started making her way over. “What’s she talkin’ about?” She looked over to Fluttershy, who just smiled and lightly shrugged her shoulders.

“So how did you break your leg, Dashie?” Another girl asked, seeming just as convinced with Rainbow’s story as the other one.


“She ran up a flight of stairs, slipped ‘cause of the rain, and broke her leg,” Applejack said flatly, arms folded over her chest.

“Oh come on Freckles, you stole the punch line!” Rainbow cracked her signature half-smile, her pink eyes snaking up and down the country girl’s body. “I didn’t even get to tell them about the dragon or the baby…” She paused. “But that’s okay; I guess we can just talk about how good you look in that dress.” Rainbow winked.

“Awwwhhh!” The girls squealed. “Were you there, Applejack? Did you see Rainbow trying to save you from the Chinese mob?”

“The Chinese wha-?” Applejack blinked, her brow wrinkled in confusion.

“No, unfortunately for both, me and Master Ku, Applejack ended up not being home. However, Fluttershy was there to see the aftermath! Weren’t you, Flutters?”

“Oh, yes, Rainbow certainly fought hard,” Fluttershy giggled. “However, you really had me worried.” The girls let out little sighs.

“I’m sorry.” Rainbow pulled the meek girl down into a hug. “Can you ever forgive me?”

“Of course, Dashie.” Fluttershy smiled as Rainbow placed a kiss on her forehead.

“So cute!” The girls squealed.

“What in tar nation am ah bein’ exposed to?” Applejack felt bile rise up in her throat. “This is disgusting.”

“If you would excuse us, ladies, your dates seem lonely.” Rainbow laughed slightly. The group looked over to two annoyed-looking guys.

“Oh, alright Dashie, get better soon!” The girls blew her a kiss and walked away.

“What the fuck?” Applejack sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

“I have to keep up my reputation,” Rainbow shrugged. “I’m a bad girl gone good, mob king turned prince! Those girls are from my fan club and if I don’t give them the story they want to hear, they will either think I’m weak, or a thug. I can’t have that going around.” The jock shook her head as she leaned back onto the bleachers.

“You’re insane.” The country girl spun on her heel and looked around the crowd. “Ah don’t even know what my date looks like.”

“Damn it, don’t tell me you’re actually going through with it AJ!” Rainbow looked away and folded her arms over her chest.

“Why of course ah am, why wouldn’t ah?”

“Oh, you have a date?” Fluttershy asked excitedly.

“Yeah, but it’s hard to find someone when you don’t know what she looks like.” Applejack pouted, taking a seat next to Dash.

“She?” Fluttershy tilted her head to the side, taking the other seat next to her old friend. “But I thought you were straight? Well, except for…” Fluttershy put a hand on her mouth and looked up at a wide-eyed Applejack, then to Rainbow, who luckily hadn’t noticed Fluttershy’s slip-up.

“She’s in transition.” Rainbow laughed, glad to see Gilda was a no show.

“Shut up!” Applejack hit her with her purse, which caused Rainbow to laugh even louder.

“What are you guys doing, sitting around?” Pinkie questioned as she bounced up to them.

“Waiting for you, sweet-cheeks.” Rainbow gave her girlfriend a wink. “But really, go on and dance without me, I can’t even stand.”

“Nonsense, I’ll just have to bring the dance to you, Dashie!” Pinkie took her scarf off and wrapped it around Rainbow’s shoulders as she danced on her girlfriend. Fluttershy seemed used to it as she lightly tapped her head to the beat. On the other side, Applejack just sat there awkwardly as her crush got a lap dance from her girlfriend.

“Ah’m goin’ to get some air,” Applejack said behind Rainbow’s back to Fluttershy, who gave her a small, understanding nod. The country girl stood up and walked into the crowd.


“Rarity!” Twilight pushed through the thick crowd of dancing people, the heavy music tuning out her words as she desperately shouted for her friend. “Rarity! Please, I need to talk to you!” The student president wobbled on her heeled feet as a large man bumped into her. Eventually, she fell to the ground.

“Twilight Sparkle!” The older man grabbed onto her arm and helped her up. “Don’t you look charming.”

“Thank you, Mr. Discord Sir, but I have to go…”

“But, Twilight, we have been looking everywhere for you! You must give a speech!” The man put his mismatching gloved hands together by his chin. “Don’t you think that would be appropriate?”

“On second thought…” Seemingly out of nowhere, the man handed the girl a microphone. She took it without question and pulled herself onto the stage. “Rarity!” This time, her voice rang out over the audience; the dj quickly turned off the music. “Uh, hi everyone…my name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm your student body president, and uh, I just wanted to say that…” Twilight shifted nervously. “I just wanted to say that…well, I didn’t prepare a speech, nor do I have any intention of giving one. Well, not to you guys anyway.”

Applejack stopped, halfway to the door. “What is that girl doin’?” She turned around and looked at the blushing dark-haired girl. “Oh no, she’s not planning on…she couldn’t possibly be doing what I think she’s about to do…”

“I’m up here because I hit insanity, or rather, it hit me. Not your normal idea of insanity, no.” She shifted. “You see, I’m madly in love with someone…”

“Woot! Go Twilight!” Rainbow’s cheers from the back of the room made Twilight, along with a few others, laugh.

“Thank you, Rainbow…but really, it’s true.” She looked over the crowd. “And I have hurt that said person a lot over the past few weeks – no, I’ve been hurting her for a very long time.” She paused, realizing what she just said. “Yes, I’m in love with a woman, and that is part of this insanity. Rarity?” She called her name, pleading into the microphone. “Please, I‘m ready, Rarity! I want to be with you! And I can’t find you, but I need you now! First off, because I can’t stand not knowing your answer for a moment longer, and secondly, I really would appreciate it if you pulled me off this stage…”

“Twi! Twilight, darling!” People shifted towards the entrance, looking at the diva who had been standing there. Rarity sprinted through the crowd, her heels clicking with every step. “I’m coming, Twilight! Get out of the way, people, can’t you see there is love to be had? Move it!” The girl paused at the bottom of the stage and held a hand out to the other girl. “Yes, Twilight! My answer is yes! And I love you with all my heart!” Applejack and Rainbow whistled loudly and people started to clap as Rarity helped a shaking Twilight off the stage. The two girls hugged, then backed away, pulling in again for a deep kiss.

“Another fan club in the making…” Rainbow laughed under her breath. She paused and looked over to AJ, who was staring at her. Their eyes locked and held for a long while. ‘I love you,’ AJ mouthed; pink eyes widened. Rainbow jumped out of her seat, but wobbled. She put an arm on the bench and looked back up, but the country girl was lost in the cheering crowd.

“Please, don’t…” Rainbow mumbled under her breath.

“Rainbow, lets go to them!” Pinkie shouted excitedly as she dragged her girlfriend over to their two friends.

“…don’t love me.”

“What was that, Dashie?” Pinkie asked.



“Ah am stupid, stupid, stupid!” Applejack kicked the now-grounded streamers. “She’s in there with Pinkie…and ah’m…”

“Out here, looking stunning.” Applejack paused and looked behind her. A girl with a half-shaved white and purple head and a short leather dress smiled back at her. “I’m assuming with that cute country accent and lovely golden hair, you’re Applejack?”

“Why, yes, ah am.” AJ blushed slightly at the girl’s words and rubbed the back of her head.

“Well, then it looks like I finally found my date.” The girl smiled and offered an outstretched hand. “My name’s Gilda, but you can call me G.”

“Well, G, it’s a pleasure to meet ya,” AJ said as she took Gilda’s hand and shook twice, “But ah’m kinda over this party, so ah think ah will be on my way…”

“You can’t leave just yet, Blondie.” AJ frowned at the name as the older woman took her by the hand and led her back into the dance. “I have to show you something first.”

“You two look so super cute together!” Pinkie laughed and let go of her girlfriend’s shoulders to clap.

“Why, thank you, Pinkie. I think we do, too.” Rarity smiled and placed a kiss on Twilight’s blushing cheeks. The four friends were out on the dance floor, dancing with each other to a soft, slow song. Pinkie wrapped her arms around Rainbow’s jacketless, bare arms.

“I wonder where Fluttershy and AJ went.” Twilight looked around the sea of people, trying to locate her two missing friends.

“Fluttershy is over there talking with – oh my, she’s talking with your father, Rainbow!” Rarity raised a brow, and the group of friends all stopped their dancing.

“What?” Rainbow wobbled on her cast. “What’s he doing here?” Sure enough, to her disbelief, Fluttershy was talking with the jock’s frowning father, who was staring the group of girls down. He shook his head, pinched the bridge of his nose, and without saying anything to the still smiling Fluttershy walked away, getting consumed by the crowd. “Oh no, he saw me!” Rainbow bit her lip and pulled herself away from Pinkie. “He saw us!” She grabbed the top of her head, and wobbled to one of the empty hallways.

“Rainbow!” Pinkie called after her girlfriend.

“Girls!” Fluttershy softly yelled at Twilight and Rarity, stopping them from following their two friends. “We have bigger problems than Rainbow’s dad.”

“What could possibly be worse than that bigot?” Rarity asked as she menacingly put a manicured hand on her hip.

“Gilda, I saw Gilda.” Fluttershy bit her lip.

“What? Where?” Twilight’s eyes widened.

“She was with AJ; they were going up the stairs to the attic.” Fluttershy pointed to the stairs that ran alongside and behind the bleachers.

“Why would they be going up there?” Rarity shouted, her eyes just as wide as Twilight’s. Fluttershy shook her head.

“We should tell someone; Gilda’s not allowed on school grounds.” The student president flipped open her phone. “I’m calling Blue.”

“No!” Fluttershy put a soft hand over Twilight’s phone. “You can’t call the cops, Gilda will turn Rainbow in.” Twilight tightened her grip on the phone, but reluctantly put it back into her cleavage.

“What do we do?” Rarity looked between her meek friend and girlfriend.

“We have to go tell Rainbow.” Twilight headed towards the hallway Rainbow and Pinkie had disappeared into.

Pinkie was up against a locker wall, consoling a panicked Rainbow Dash. “Baby, come on; he has to accept you sooner or later.” Pinkie was stroking Rainbow’s hair and rubbing her back.

“What if he saw Twilight’s speech?” Rainbow put a hand over her eyes. “Fuck, what if he pulls me out of school? What if he forces me to move away from you guys? Pinkie, I can‘t go through losing you all again!”

“You won’t lose us, okay?” Pinkie leaned up and kissed Dash on the forehead.

“Pinkie, you’re the only one who can keep me sane.” Rainbow shook her head. “I need you. You’re my closest, most trustworthy friend, Pinkie.”

“Friend?” Pinkie started, but couldn’t continue her thought as three girls ran down the hall, their heels sending loud noises echoing through the large space.

“Rainbow!” Twilight shouted. “Rainbow, Pinkie…” She panted as she came to a stop next to the two girls. The president took a shaky breath. “Rainbow, Gilda.” The rainbow haired girl’s expression turned even more panicked. “Gilda, she…”

“No, Applejack!” Rainbow pulled away from Pinkie and made her way over to the other three. “Where are they? Where did she take AJ?!”

“How do you know she’s with Applejack?” Fluttershy asked, confused.

“She told me she was set up on a blind date with her!” Rainbow held onto her head as her voice shook in panic.

“Gilda was her blind date?” Fluttershy whispered in disbelief.

“What?” Twilight shouted. “What are you talking about? Why didn’t you stop her, why didn’t you tell her what she was capable of?”

“I tried, but she was too stubborn and wouldn’t listen!” Rainbow shouted back.

“Who would set her up with someone so awful to begin with?” Rarity pondered, patting Rainbow on the back.

“I don’t know, she didn’t tell me…”

“I did.” Pinkie said flatly, causing all the girls to go quiet. They all looked at her.

“Pinkie?” Rainbow looked horrified, hoping what her girlfriend had said was a crude joke.

“Yep, it was me, all right!” Pinkie giggled. “I didn’t tell you, Dashie, because I know you two had dated before, and that it fell out bad, and that she got you into some bad things. But it’s been a while, she is looking much better!” Pinkie patted her girlfriend on the back; Rainbow pulled away. “Oh, come on, Dashie, don’t you think they deserve love? Now everyone in our group…” She looked at her cousin. “…that is, almost everyone in our group, has someone!”

“Are you fucking insane?!” Rainbow’s hands and body were shaking.

“Now, Dash, try to calm down…” Twilight started, but Dash shot her a look. The jock was panting, her jaw set hard.

“I will not calm down! Pinkie, how could you do something so stupid!? You are so fucking stupid!” The rainbow-haired girl punched the lockers and then grabbed Pinkie by the collar, causing Pinkie to jump in surprise. Tears formed in her blue eyes. “She didn’t introduce me to the drugs, Pinkie, she is the reason I got on them! You don’t know what she put me through to get me to that point of low, Pinkie!” Rainbow pointed to Twilight and Fluttershy. “Those two know, I made them suffer, they saw everything, so at least they know how big of a dumb-ass you are!”

“Rainbow…” Twilight was hesitant as she approached her screaming friend. “Let go of Pinkie, Rainbow.” The jock tightened her grip on Pinkies collar. “You love her, you love Pinkie, let her go.” Twilight’s voice was soft and calm, but her eyes were full of fear.

“Don’t talk to me like I’m the idiot!” Rainbow’s eyes were narrowed as she glared at Twilight. “It’s Pinkie’s fault that this is all happening!” She jammed an accusing finger into the pink haired girl’s chest. “It’s your fault that I got hurt, and it’s your fault if AJ gets hurt…or worse! I will never forgive you for this!”

“Gilda did that to you?” Pinkie’s tears finally found their way down her cheeks as she ran a gloved thumb over Rainbow’s stitched up lip, Dash quickly pulled the girls hand away.

“Well a Chinese mob sure as hell didn’t!” Rainbow let go of Pinkie and looked to her other three friends. “Did they go to the old music room attic?” They all just looked at her horrified. “Well, did they?!” Fluttershy choked out tears and nodded.

“You promised, Rainbow…” Dash couldn’t make eye contact with the meek girl. “You promised you would never go back, you promised you would only make me smile, only make me cry tears of joy.”


“They’re in the music room, okay? So just go.” Twilight stepped between Rainbow and Fluttershy, her back towards Rainbow as she hugged the crying girl. “I hope you’re proud of yourself, Dash.”

AJ looked around the old, dusted-over music room. “Why are we here?” She looked to the woman behind her. Gilda grinned.

“Old memories.” The white-haired girl placed a hand on the blonde’s shoulder and walked her in the rest of the way. AJ followed without question, but hesitated slightly once the older woman closed the door behind them. “The room's only soundproof with the door shut.”

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry I don't really visit this account nor do I really update here. This chapter has been done sense September and I have two more chapters after this one posted on my DeviantART page here ----> http://appledash-crazy.deviantart.com/gallery/ just click on the "New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfic" folder on the left to view all the chapters that I have yet to post here. Also in my gallery you will find all the artwork I have done for New Girl. Hope you visit my page and like what you see. Warning my profile is rated PG13+