• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 6,106 Views, 75 Comments

New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfic - Rayna Q.

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New Anguish

New Girl

Chapter 5: New Anguish

The blonde haired, green eyed beauty let out an exhausted moan as she fell to her knees. It was hard to breath; her vision was a blur and her muscles had gone numb about an hour ago. Each slow, heavy breath drawn from her lungs was echoed from behind her.

Sweat streamed across AJ’s brow and down her freckled nose, beading at the tip of it as pale fingers found their way around the base of her neck. The country girl let out a small sound of pleasure as the lean figure behind her began to massage down her neck to her shoulders.

“Oh come on,” the rainbow haired jock laughed, slightly amused. “Just one more…”

“…why?” The cowgirl’s thighs burned and shook in her bent over pose. “…why are ya’ll pushin’ me so hard?”

Rainbow smirked at AJ’s annoyed face. “Don’t you like it rough, cowgirl?”

“Quit bein’ such a perv.”

“Think about it this way,” Rainbow quipped. “Your mussels are going to hate you no matter how many laps you do. However, in the long run, more is better.”

The blonde rolled her eyes before pushing herself back into a standing position.

“Just one more lap?”

“One more.”

“You’re on!”

AJ burst down the track, Rainbow close on her heels. Quickly, the star athlete eliminated the distance between them, matching Applejack’s pace. The two competitors took turns leading, ducking in and out, always pushing to be a step or two in front before both falling back in place.

“This is the grand finally Freckles!” Rainbow laughed as she sped up a few more paces. “You’re going to have to do better than that to beat me!”

“Oh don’t be so cocky…” AJ paused as nausea found its way up her body, her mouth filled with saliva. “…oh horse apples…”

She ducked into one of the openings to the track and hugged the nearest trashcan; emptying out the small lunch she had hours before.

“Hell yeah!” Rainbow launched her fist into the air for emphasis. “I so won- Hey AJ, where you at?”

The jade eyed girl groaned at the sound of Rainbow’s cheers, about to answer but was interrupted as another set of dry heaves kicked in.

“Oh…” Rainbow kicked the ground awkwardly a few times before walking up to AJ and holding the girls hair back as she stuck her face into the dirty metal bin.

“Ah…” AJ coughed out. “…am never drinkin’ ever again.”

The cowgirl groaned and turned herself around so she was sitting against the trash bin. Rainbow chuckled, sitting down next to her friend.

“Yeah, well, you were able to hold your liquor better than me.” Rainbow swallowed her pride in an attempt to make the blonde feel better. “…now hold still, your sweat is making your hicky show again.” AJ blushed slightly as Rainbow reached inside her bag and fished out the cover-up Rarity had given her. “You’re going to have to lean your head to the side.”

AJ obeyed, and closed her eyes to the feeling of Rainbow’s rough fingers gliding down her neck and over her collarbone.

“Enjoying yourself?” Rainbow laughed. AJ shot her that could boil water, but couldn’t help but to laugh as well. “Freckles, you need a breath mint.”

“Oh shut it!” AJ snatched the cover up from Rainbow and stood up on shaky legs.

Rainbow raised a brow at the outburst until she noticed the joking smile on her friend’s lips.

“You’re one weird girl you know that?” The two chuckled as AJ helped the magenta eyed girl up.

“Same time Monday?”

“Every day until you get sick of me.”

A shadowed figure watched from a safe distance as the two girls walked the track down towards the stairs.

“It’s a good thing they are getting along…” The figure grabbed her head. “What are you talking about Pink?! That’s MORE than getting along and you know it!” The pink haired girl bit her lip. “How would you know? Rainbow is allowed to have friends- they are acting more than just friends!” She felt tears form in her eyes. “What do we do? Rainbow is a jealous girl…use that against her.” She grinned.


“Spike, please!” Muffled yells could be heard bouncing throughout the dorm halls. “Will you just be quiet and go to bed!”

“But Twilight, I’m still thirsty.” The third grader rubbed his tired green eyes.

“You’ve already had three glasses of water…” A knock came from the student presidents door. “Now look what you have done.” Twilight sighed as she walked to the door. “Sorry about the noise.” She paused and looked over a very happy Rarity, who was holding an arm full of various sewing supplies. “Rarity… not a good time-”

“Why of course it’s a good time! It’s the winter ball Twilight!” The heeled girl pushed her way past her friend and dropped the supplies down onto her purple bed. “We have till Thursday to do all the fitting! Starting with yours!”

“We have school tomorrow.” Twilight motioned to her almost drooling step-brother. “Plus, it’s my brothers first night here.”

“Oh Spikey-poo!” Rarity kneeled down to bring the boy into a hug. “I haven’t seen you sense you were this tall…”

“Miss Rarity…” Spike swayed as the woman squeezed him. Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Time for bed.” Twilight opened her brothers door and gently pushed him towards it. “Your vacation is over, and you have your classes starting tomorrow, Spike.”

“But I’m still thirsty…” He frowned at his sister’s glare.

“Goodnight, Spikykins.” Rarity waved and blew him a kiss, and Spike grinned. Twilight shut his door.

“I wish you wouldn’t tease him so much,” Twilight sighed, as Rarity pressed her bust against her back and wrapped her arms around the student presidents waist.

“Oh Twi darling, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Rarity hugged the other girl tighter from behind. “Now then take your clothes off.”

Twilight felt her face heat up.

“What!?” The dark skinned girl spun around and faced her friend.

“Take your clothes off,” Rarity stated again. “We need to get your dress fit- oh! Your being a pervert, aren’t you?”

“No,” Twilight pouted as she began unbuttoning her purple night shirt. “I’m not!”

“No, not like that Twi. Slower.” Rarity gave her a wink; she glided her fingers down Twilights neck and leaned her head down to unbutton the rest of her shirt with her teeth.

“R-Rarity, not now… my brother is in the other room…”

“Oh it’s not like you make any noise anyway. Now take your pants off, slow like. If not I can help with that too?” Rarity licked her lips and Twilight pushed away from the girl and finished undressing.

“Not now okay? Just give me the dress so I can put it on.”

Rarity frowned, but obeyed.

“You know, this whole friends with benefits thing doesn’t really work if there are no benefits, Twilight.”

Rarity motioned Twilight to put her arms up. She did so, and Rarity slid the dress over her.

“Well benefits come when the time is ready, not just when you’re in the mood. Plus I can’t think about things like that when I’m so busy. Winter brake is coming up! We have exams, the sports festival, this winter ball thing, and as being student body president I have to be on top of all of that.”

“That’s why I came here tonight, Twilight. you know you never have to be on top of me, just sit back and I can help you take a load off.” Rarity tightened the dark purple bow on the back of the violet dress, taking a step back to examine her work. “I hope the color matches James’s tie.”

“His name’s Joe.”

“Joe- James- what’s the difference?” Rarity fidgeted with Twilights collar, and patted down the silky material that hugged Twilight’s body. “Whoever he is, he’d better not try anything at this dance that could upset you.”

The two-toned purple silk hung loose around Twilight’s collarbone, but hugged tightly down to the small of her back, falling loose once more at her knees.

“What he tries isn’t your concern.”

“Maybe it’s not, but someday when you decide that your ‘I’m straight but like to secretly fool around with my best friend’ thing makes no scenes, and we can finally be…”

“And this is why I can’t do this with you anymore, you get too attached.” Twilight huffed, and began getting undressed. “The dress fits perfect, once again thank you Rarity for the amazing job- ooph-”

Twilight’s breath was knocked out of her as Rarity brought her down onto the bed pining her in place.

“It’s not like you stopped me the first time!” Rarity was pouting, and Twilight refused to make eye contact. “You can’t do this to me Twi! We have been at this for years! You can’t deny that what we have for each other is more than just…”

Twilight brought her lips up to her friends, stopping the girl from talking. After a moment, she broke the kiss.

“Friends with benefits is what I feel for you, don’t get that twisted with anything else.”

Rarity nodded, and kissed her friend again.


“Come one- come all! Come and see me at the ball!” A pink haired girl jumped up and down throwing streamers and balloons into the air as she danced around her brightly colored booth, which was placed inconveniently in the dead center of the school courtyard. Other senior students ducked and covered as they attempted to find a quieter place to have their lunches.

“As president of your school clubs comity, I Pinkie Pie have officially opened the Equestria High School Winter Dance! The music club will be hosting this winter ball themed dance so get your heels and gowns ready!!” The neon girl was slowly gaining an audience as she passed around the ticket order board and hummed into her microphone. “This week the tickets are only $20! They will be doubled at the door so huuuurrry, hurry up!”

She danced around on her stage, collecting as many names as she could.

“Hey Pink?! Will ya put a lid on it?” A white and purple headed woman dressed in leather walked up to the booth. “You called?”

“Oh hey Gilda! And that depends, what would I put a lid on? A jam jar? Oh- I love jam! Me and the Cakes made this new awesome jam that you just have to, have to try!”

Pinkie handed a random senior the microphone and gave the punk girl an awkward hug, shoving a spoonful of jam in the taller girl’s mouth.

“Thank you so super much for taking time out of your busy day to come back to this place, that you dropped out of last year to meet up with me, Pinkie Pie! You like the jam?” She didn’t wait for a response as the girl spit the jam out and whipped her face on her hand. “I have so many things to go over with you! Well actually I only have one, but it means a lot to me that you do this, so if you do this then it would mean like a thousand favors all in one to me and-”

“Pink, you haven’t even asked me yet and its already a no.” Pinkie stopped talking and tilted her head to the side. “For one, you stole my girl, two, I hate you, three, your long rambling annoys me, and four- I hate you.”

“Then why did you come all the way out here?”

“Rarity did a nice job on this year’s uniforms. Wanted to push my luck on hitting on some high school chicks.”

“Well that’s what this is all about!”

“Hitting on high school chicks?”

“No! I have this really beaut- I mean hot friend, smoking! -and she needs a date to the dance.”

“No. I don’t do dances you know that.”

“But- but she’s a country girl! And she has freckles!” Gilda turned around. “She’s blonde!” The older girl paused.

“Playing my thing for blondes?” Gilda laughed half-heartedly. “Why should I do this for you? I know there is a hidden agenda, there always is with you.”

“Rainbow is falling for her,” Pinkie said under her breath.

A grin formed on Gilda’s face.

“Let me get this straight. You stole my girl from me and now a year later someone else is about to take her from you?” Pinkie looked at her neon feet. “How does it feel? Does it hurt at all?” Pinkie nodded her head, without looking up. “Good.”

Gilda turned back around.

“Wait! Please!” Pinkie grabbed onto her arm. “I know that I have no right asking you to do this, to help me… I was wrong to do what I did to you!” Gilda pushed the bright girl off her. “Please, just think about it! Applejack is really cute, she is definitely interested in girls, single, and Rainbow… really likes her. So even though it is helping me you would get a date with a hot chick and you would be able to get back at Rainbow for hurting you!”

“You really are fucked up!” Gilda yelled, gaining a few stares. “Rainbow is your girlfriend, and you would want to hurt her like that?”

“Please.” Pinkie avoided the question. “Here are two tickets to the dance, free of charge. Just think about it and text me if you’re in. If so, I’ll let Applejack know she has a date to the dance. Just- just think about it.”

Gilda shook her head, but took the tickets from Pinkie.


The streets buzzed with the sound of busy people getting off work. The school was empty, with kids neatly tucked into dorms or at home, studying for the finals before the winter break. Frost was creeping into the small town, preparing itself to fully take over and dominate with the hard edges of the winter freeze. The first half of the school year was coming to an end, causing a wordless tension throughout the town as it found itself stuck in the middle of the year which could no longer be considered new. However, one clothing shop, located conveniently downtown was closed, seemingly ignoring the holiday rush.

“And then she had the nerve to tell me that we were nothing but friends!” The owner of the pristine shop said irritated as a few girls knocked on her window, Rarity pointed to the closed sign and pulled her curtains closed tightly.

“But aren’t you guys ‘just friends’?”

“That’s beside the point, Dash.” Rarity stopped her pacing for a moment to fix her hair in the mirror, and then continued.

“What are you talking about, isn’t that the whole point? You guys are fuck buddies right?”

“No! I mean- yes, technically, but I thought we were heading in a more solid direction.” Rarity looked up at the ceiling as she spun on her heel and sat on a red sofa. “I mean in a more of a tell our friends direction.”

“Yeah I guess I can understand that. I mean it’s kind of weird being the only one who knows.” Rainbow let out a huff. “God damn Rarity this thing is so confusing to put on, I can’t tell which side goes up and which goes down.”

“It’s sleeveless darling, the blue part goes around your chest.” Rarity shook her head. “And I just had to tell someone. Flutters is too sensitive to know of such a thing, and if I told Pinkie she would go straight to her and blab that big mouth off.”

“Are you kidding? Pinkie Pie is queen of keeping secrets.”

“Oh I know you’re just trying to defend your woman, but I personally don’t believe that one bit.” She picked up a hat and started messing with a few stray feathers. “Are you almost done in there?”

“Almost. I really don’t know how you guys can wear these things.”

“Those ‘things’ take me forever to craft and they are gorgeous!”

“Yeah, yeah. Keep your weave on lady.”

“They are called hair extensions, not weaves!” Rarity paused from the hat and put a hand on her hip. “Do you think Twilight would get jealous if I showed up to the dance with someone else? I was thinking of asking Blue, her older brother. Do you think that would get her blood boiling?”

“Blue is with Cadence now.”

“Really…? Well that sort of fondles my plan.”

“Personally, I would just leave her alone, give her space. You do know she’s practically straight besides you right?” Rainbow peaked over the dressing room curtain and raised a brow at her friend.

“Of course I know that darling. It’s something we discussed right after our first time.” Rarity picked up a few jewels and started attaching them to the hat. “I’m straight too- no, actually I’m boy crazy- but something about being with Twilight… Rainbow, I think I’m in love.”

“No shit, could have fooled me.”

“Oh hush up,” Rarity rolled her eyes.

Rainbow let out a laugh as she opened the curtain.

“Oh, it’s a masterpiece!”

“The dress?”

“Oh no, sorry I was talking about this hat, isn’t it dashing?” Rainbow face-palmed and awkwardly attempted to walk around in the heels. “The dress, looks lovely too, you wear it quite well. However…”

“It’s not right.”

“Exactly, something’s off.” Rarity put down the hat carefully and walked up to examine her work more carefully. The backless dress was skin tight, hugging her thighs five inches above her knee. The strapless top was a sky blue while the rest of the dress was black with two rainbow strips on either side. The heels matched the dress, black with a blue bow and a rainbow heal. “It’s too…”

“Girly,” Rainbow pouted.


“I can’t move.”

“This would suit Twilight better, don’t you think?” Rarity looked over the dress. “Just change the colors.”

“Love is gross.” Rainbow looked in the mirror. “And this dress needs to be cooler by at least 20%.”

“Ah Rainbow you are by far the pickiest of our friends. But I shall take on the challenge and see what I can come up with. Maybe a nice pencil skirt instead.” Rarity picked the hat back up and pulled out the feather she had just put in. “Now it’s a masterpiece.”


“Hey! Hey! Apples! Up here! Iiiiiiit’s Pinkie!” Pinkie Pie yelled happily from her post on top of the schools track. The country girl looked up giving the neon girl a small wave and a questioning look.

“Hey yourself, are ya runnin with me and Rainbow today?”

“Oh no, I’m very busy with the dance. And so is Rainbow, she has to go to a surprise dress fitting at Rarity’s and then she has to go to a student counsel meeting with us members to talk about the dance, sports festival other boring things.” Pinkie let out a sigh. “Just a bunch of things to do that isn’t fun at all.” She smiled. “But I have something supper fun to talk to you about!” With that the pink haired girl grabbed one of the support beams from the track and slid down the pole. Applejack let out a small laugh.

“Oh really? And what do ya need to talk with me about?”



“Yes my little apple!” Pinkie put an arm around the taller girl’s shoulders and stretched her other arm in front of them. “Women, and the upcoming dance, and a certain someone who doesn’t have herself a lady friend to take to that said dace and-”

“Whoa there partner, now ah think its bout’ time I clear the air and let ya’ll know I’m not into girls.” Pinkie raised an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side. “I’m not a lesbian Pink.”

“Hahaha! Oh you’re funny! Why of course you are! When I’m around you my Pinkie Senses go mad! My nose twitches and nipples get hard, and you know what that means.”

“No and ah really don’t want to…”

“It means you’re as gay as a flamingo in a stripped purple vest and a blue top hat walking a miniature poodle!” Applejack looked slightly horrified. “And that you should just own it!”

“But I’m not, ah like guys.”

“Really? So which guy are you taking to the dance?”

“Well ah haven’t got myself a date yet, ah actually don’t think ah will be goin’.”

“Not going! Not going? What are you a crazy lady!” The older girl grabbed the blonde by her shoulders. “Lesbian, straight, bi, heck even if you were part pony, if you are my and Rarity’s friend you are definitely, definitely, absolutely not allowed to miss this dance! And you are not allowed to go dateless!” Pinkie hugged the apple girl. “Do you promise me you will be there?”

“Well shucks, ah’ll just have to think about it.”

“No, you have to promise!”

“Okay, okay! Ah promise.”

“Cross your heart.”

“Yes ah cross ma heart.”

“Hope to fly, sick a cupcake in your eye?”

“Uh, yeah, sure thing.”

“Sweeet! This is going to be so Pinkie-tastic! Just one more promise to make.” Pinkie put her hands together in a pleading motion. “So you’re not into girls, this I now know, not totally convinced, but I understand.”

“Just come out and say it already.”

“Well you see, there is this friend of mine, she is super nice and also really super lonely.”

“Pinkie, ah really-”

“Please! Gilda is really nice! She is all by herself, and she is really shy about asking people out. Plus, it’s just one night and she doesn’t expect for you guys to become a couple or anything.”

“Have ah met her?”

“No, she left the school last year.”

“Ah don’t know, girls really don’t do anything for me Pink.”

“Well, she’s kind of a girl, kind of not.” Pinkie put a finger to her chin. “She’s much more manly then anything really. I mean she makes Rainbow seem like a girly girl, like Rarity-ish.”

“Dang, really? That’s hard to imagine.”

“Yeah, she even mentioned last year getting a sex change when she gets out of college, if she goes to college. So if your open minded enough I guess you can just look at her like she’s a man. That way you’re going on a date with a guy, right?”

“Does it really work that way Pink? Ah mean she would still technically be a girl.”

“Technically yes, but she is really confused and I’m sure that if she went out with someone as nice and understanding as you AJ, I believe you could help her become more confident with herself.” Pinkie gave her friend a small smile.

“Ah still don’t know.”


“Well, ah mean when you say it like that… ah guess it would be okay, just for one night that is.”

“Sweet blueberry muffins!” Pinkie Pie squealed. “Oh you really mean it?”

“Stick a cupcake in ma’ eye.”

“Yes! You’re the best AJ! I knew I could count on you! She will be so happy to hear you said yes! Oh, I’m going to text her now!” Pinkie Pie pulled out her cell. “Do you mind if I give her your number?”

“No, of course not.”

“Okay, sent.” Pinkie smiled up at the green eyed girl. “Now, I already gave her your tickets so she will give you yours when she picks you up.”

“Actually, can we just met here, ah don’t want to confuse ma family by bringin’ a woman over.”

“Oh sure thing, I’ll let her know. Also, Rarity wants you to go over to her place after school tomorrow for a dress fitting.”

“She made me a dress?”

“Why of course silly-willy-pumpkin head! You’re part of our group now!” Pinkie Pie gave the country girl a tight hug. “I have to go to that meeting now! See you tomorrow AJ!”

Applejack waved, slightly taken aback from the pink girls happiness as she skipped away.

“What ah spazzy little…”

“What did Pinkie want?”

“Holly mother of- Rainbow where did ya come from?”

“At Rarity’s, thought I would swing by see if you were out here waiting for me.” The jock yawned and stretched.

“Don’t you have a school meeting?”

“I always have school meetings; think I’m going to pass on this one.” She smacked her lips together a few times. “I’m hungry, let’s go grab some grub, freckles.” AJ shrugged her shoulders and followed her friend out the gym.

“By the way you’re driving.”


“Ya’ll eattin’ that for dinner?” Applejack looked discussed as Rainbow picked an instant meatloaf out from the frozen section.

“Hey don’t give me that face; Seven 11 makes great frozen meat!” The jock stuck her tongue out at her friend and began making her way over to the front of the store. “Plus I need to get my energy up for the sports festival. These are necessary calories; maybe I should get two…”

“Hold it there partner.” AJ put a hand on Rainbow’s shoulder. “You call that there ‘food’ a proper way of getting your body ready for the sport festival?” Rainbow just blinked and raised a brow. “Not only is that not a proper meal, it is downright disgusting, most likely fake through and through. Not to mention the high possibility of you catching a worm or nasty bug from it.”

Rainbow let out a snort. “A worm? You’ve been watching too much late night TV. I’ll be fine.” She looked down at the frozen meat. “I’ve been eating this stuff for years and it hasn’t messed with me yet.”

“Naw, besides the fact that ya thought it would be a great idea to dye yer entire head rainbow and dress like a thirteen-year-old boy.”

“Hey! I know you did not just insult the do.” Rainbow pointed up to her head. “And for the last time I’m always in gym cloths so I am always prepared!” The country girl rolled her eyes and smiled as she pulled the frozen meat loaf from her friends hands. “Hey…”

“Now there ain’t no ‘heys’ nor ‘buts’. You are comin’ over for supper at my place.” Applejack tossed the hunk of meat into the cooler and wiped her hands on her jeans.

“Really? Sweet! The grub better be good!” Rainbow hooked an arm through the blondes arm.

“You really have no manners do ya?” Applejack blew her bangs out of her eyes and held onto her hat as Rainbow pulled them out of the convenient store, the jock waving wildly to the annoyed cashier. “Normal people would have said ‘I hope I wouldn’t be a bother’ or ‘Are you sure I won’t be intrude‘n?” The country girl rambled as she unlocked her big faded truck and the two hoped in. “But no…”

“But no, I’m not a normal person,” Rainbow interrupted and smirked widely. Applejack let out a small laugh and shot her friend a look. “…Oh, I mean, I wouldn’t be taking up too much room would I?”

“That’s better. and Hun, ya couldn’t take up too much room even if you invited the whole track team.” Applejack turned the key in and punched the top of the dashboard, making the ignition rollover; Rainbow bent her head to the side. “My family is having their monthly get together at the barn; there will be a ton of good-ol’ Apple folk…” Applejack looked over at Rainbow. “…and guests.”

“Well if there isn’t a possibility of me interrupting then why on earth did you do that long boring speech on manners?” Rainbow pouted as Applejack shot her another glare and pulled out of the parking lot.


The Apple-Family Orchards, on the outskirts of Ponyville.

The Apple Family’s Orchards were famous for many things; their apple dumplings, apple cider, apple pies, apple strudels, apple jam, and the list goes on and on. They were the main source of any apple needs for Ponyville and many, many towns surrounding. People were known to travel miles around to get a taste of the plump, mouth-watering treats the Apples made daily.

And today, like many days before, the big freshly painted, but hard worked famous red barn was packed with family, friends, and surprise guests alike. People came to these dinners for good old fashion fun, gamboling, gossip, friends, but most of all for the Apples cooking and company.

“Did you see that!” Three young friends yelled excitedly as a horse shoe found its way with ease around a metal pole. “Well did you did you!?” The biggest of the three girls jumped up and down. “I’m so going to be a professional sport star! That’s my hidden talent!”

“Ah’ can see it now! Scoot the amazing and wonderful…” Applebloom paused for a moment. “…er…horseshoe thrower-er!”

“Well it doesn’t sound cool when you say it like that…” the short haired girl folded her arms over her chest.

“Yeah Applebloom, its obvious Scoots going to be a pro-thrower of things!” Sweetie Bell smiled, proud of herself.

Scoot made a sour face, and was about to defend her title as something caught her eye. “No…way…”

“What? Ya don’t like that name either?” The young Apple rolled her eyes. “So picky…”

“Everybody, be quiet and lower your heads!” Scoot demanded as she made bowing motions with her hands.

“What? What’s wrong with her?” Applebloom poked the taller girl in the head a few times.

“I think I know… wait, hey isn’t that Rainbow Dash walking in with your sister?” The purple haired girl pointed to the entrance of the barn.

“Why, ah’ll be a horse sniffer…” Applebloom scratched her red head at the sight. “Why are they together?”

“Well they are friends, right?” Scoot finally looked up from her bent over position to the two older girls, who had now gained the eyes of a few other party guests. “Or is the love triangle between the RainbowPie fan group and the AppleDash fan group real?”

From across the room, Rainbow’s eyes fell upon the three little crusaders.

“Why is your sister and her friends staring at us?” Rainbow scratched the back of her head nervously and gave a slight wave to the three girls, resulting in a squeal of excitement from Scoot.

“There are a lot of people starring at us, Sugarcube.” Applejack grabbed Rainbow by the arm and started dragging her over to the long center table just in time for Big Mac to give out the dinner call. The room’s attention left the two girls and the various games they were playing and soon the table was crammed full of chatting Apples and their guests.

“So this here is the famous Rainbow Dash?” Grandma Smith said with a weak smile from her wheelchair, she took a puff from her oxygen tank then gave Rainbow a look over.

“Yes Mrs. Smith, I’ve met you once before when I was visiting with Fluttershy.” Rainbow returned her weak smile, Applejack choked on her cider.

“Hahaha! Mrs. Smith? Ya don’t have to try and be all proper and such!” Applejack hit Rainbow on her back.

“I know that!” Rainbow kicked her friend hard from under the table.

“Ouch! Ya little…”

“I was just trying to be nice,” Rainbow pouted, but then let out a little smirk.

After a few moments of silence, Granny Smith spoke up again, towards Rainbow Dash. “Is it true that you’re a dike?”

Applejack once again choked on her cider at her grandmother’s blunt words. A few people that overheard went awkwardly silent waiting for the jock’s response.

“Grandma Smith! That there is no way to talk to someone!” Applejack sat up in her chair trying to defend her friend. “You yourself taught me better than that, so what gives you the…”

“Hahaha!” AJ paused her heroic speech and looked over at her friend as she burst into laughter. “Are you a dike? An old lady asked if I was a…hahaha! Well I am sure as hell not a lipstick!” Rainbow whipped away a few stray tears from her laughter fit.

“See now, she thinks I‘m funny.” Grandma smiled and put a large portion of cobbler onto the rainbow haired guest’s plate, who happily gorged herself. “Now apologize ta yer elder for that sharp tongue of yours...” Grandma smiled a toothless grin.

“Yes Grandma Smith, ah I’m sorry…” AJ sat back in her seat.

“…Now then,” Granny Smith turned her attention once again to Rainbow Dash. “When are ya going to marry my granddaughter? Ah ain’t goin’ ta be living forever ya know?”

Rainbow spit out her cobbler and burst into another set of laughs, holding herself up by wrapping her arm around her shocked friends shoulders.



“That dinner was an absolute disaster…”Applejack lowered her hat so that she didn’t have to make eye contact with her friend. Rainbow leaned up against the opposing wall in the dimly lit halls of the Apples house.

“I think your family is fun, and I think they like me.” Rainbow pointed a thumb to herself. “Can’t you hear the wedding bells of our big redneck wedding?”

“Hey! That’s offensive!”

“You’re right, it’s not a redneck wedding unless someone is pregnant.” Rainbow feigned a disappointed look. “I lack the equipment, but we can still try?”

“Rainbow Dash!”

“Shhh! People are trying to sleep.” Rainbow laughed at Applejacks pouted face. “So now what freckles?”

“Now you go home, and Ah’ll see ya tomorrow.” Rainbow raised a brow as Applejack pointed to the end of the hall which lead to the front door.

“But you drove?”

“Yeah, and Ah can drive ya back!”

“I would much rather have a sleep over,” Rainbow winked at the annoyed country girl as she made her way up the long staircase.

*Beep* *Beep* Rainbow looked down at her phone.

Incoming text: Pinkie <3. Hey Dash, are you over at Twilights or something? Should I wait up for you? Xoxo.

The jock sighed and quickly typed out a response Rainbow: No I had dinner with AJ’s fam, don’t wait up, I love you.

She turned her phone off and put it back in her pocket.

“Well are you coming freckles? I don’t know the way to your room.” Applejack shot her a look but didn’t say a word as she lead the other girl to her room.

“That was Pinkie on the phone right? She won’t be upset at ya, staying at another girl’s house will she?” Applejack slowly opened her door.

“No, she shouldn’t be. Pinkie isn’t the jealous type. Plus me and you are just friends, so there aren’t any issues.”

“Just friends…” Applejacks shoulders sunk as she opened her door. “And that’s all we’ll ever be, so don’t you try anything tonight, got it Dash?”

“Like I would try anything with your flubber butt anyway,” Rainbow laughed.

“Well, if ah have a flubber butt then you have a flat chest,” Applejack shot back.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! I do not have a flat chest! I have tits! Do you want to see my melons?” Rainbow started pulling up her basketball tee.

“Ah’d rather pass sugar cube,” AJ pulled her hat down over her eyes and opened her door. “After you.”

“Dang your room is tinny.”

“Well not all of us can own mansions ya know.” AJ rolled her eyes and sat on her orange and brown confider that rested on her twin bed and began un-tucking her jeans from her boots. Her eyes found their way over to her friend just in time for the jock to pull off her top. “What the hell Rainbow! AH thought ah was clear on not wanting t’ see yer melons?!”

“Gosh, get a grip AJ you see girls changing all the time in gym class, besides you can’t expect me to sleep in these close can you?” Rainbow started pulling off her sport bra, and quickly AJ flipped around in bed; her face burning with a blush.

“Ah guess not…”

“Where are some cloths I can borrow?” Rainbow asked as her gym shorts hit the floor.

“There’s a dresser in the closet, the second drawer has my sleepwear.”

“You mean pjs?” Rainbow laughed as she opened the door and helped herself into AJ’s cloths. “Oh my, what have we here! I never took you for the type of girl who wore black laced panties- wait are they see through? And matching bra! Wow, I have to see you in this!”

“Ah said second drawer ya pervert!” AJ whipped around to yell at her friend but was stopped dead by the sight of her bare back and legs. “So smooth…”

“What was that?” Rainbow asked and started turning around, AJ quickly looked away. “You know you really are a hard one to figure out AJ, I just can’t get my fingers on you.” She closed the closet door. “Okay your virgin eyes are safe, you can look.” AJ slowly turned around, still half blocking her gaze with her hand. Her breath got caught in her throat. Rainbow stood in front of her wearing one of her button up orange shirts and her pair of boy short underwear. The rainbow strands of hair that were usually kept tight in a ponytail were let loose down the small of her back. “It’s kinda big.”

“Did none of my bottoms fit?”

“Duh, you’re a flubber butt, remember?”

“Just because you have the body of a little boy does not make me fat!” AJ pouted as Rainbow climbed into bed.

“Your turn freckles, I promise I might not look.” AJ rolled her eyes and made her way to her dresser.

“So has Rarity made you a dress for the dance yet?” Rainbow yawned as she sank deeper into bed.

“Yeah, I have a fittin’ for it tomorra.” AJ quickly buttoned up one of her matching orange night shirts and shimmied into a pair of brown shorts.

“Good luck with that. Rarity is going to be on a whole new level of annoying that you have never seen. She’s going to complain about the look, freak out the whole time and in the end she won’t change anything but say it looks “dazzling”.”

“Yeah, ah will admit that sounds like hell.” Both the girls chuckled together and relaxed as AJ turned off the light and settled down into the covers.

“So freckles, because you’re going to be one of “those” dateless girls, I will be generous and see if Pinkie will loan me out for a few dances. You know, because I’m nice like that.” She let out a snort as Applejack elbowed her in the back.

“Ah am not that despite thank you!” AJ sat up; arms crossed over her chest.

“Shh, people are asleep!” Rainbow sat up as well and gave her friend a wink.

“Besides I have a date.”

“A nameless date?”

“No she’s not nameless!”

“She, hey?” Rainbow’s smirk got wider and she lifted a brow at the blonde. “I knew you were into chicks, I just knew it! You could deny it all you wanted but Pinkie’s gaydar is magical I tell you.”

“For peat sake ah am not into girls!” The blonde looked away from her friend, a frown forming over her tanned face. “This is a onetime thing, the situation just came up… ah really don’t have to explain myself to ya Rainbow.”

“One time thing? So she must be sexy right?”


“What! Can you blame me for being curious?” Rainbow’s smirk turned into a grin. “How far have you gotten freckles? Has she kissed your lips?” She scooted closer to her silent friend. “Has she kissed your neck? Your collar bone? Your chest, hell has she kissed you down here…?” Rainbow began to slide her hand over AJ’s lap.

“What in the!” Applejack slapped her friend’s hand, causing the jock to roll back into bed with laughter.

“Oh AJ you should see your face! I didn’t think it was possible for anyone but Fluttershy to get that red!” Rainbow laughed harder as the country girl smacked her in the face with a pillow, and Rainbow was quick to smack her back. “Anyway, back to being serious, I really am curious as to what she’s like.” The rainbow haired girl got up and leaned her head onto her friends shoulder and let out a yawn. “I need to know that she’s good enough for you AJ.”

“Rainbow, Ah…”Applejack relaxed her tense body, and hugged the pillow her friend had hit her with. “Well to tell ya the truth, she’s a blind date. Ah never met her and apparently she left the school last year so Ah doubt you would know her.”

“Oh so you like older chicks?” Rainbow snickered. “Looks like I never even had a shot. What’s her name?” Rainbow paused. “Only graduating seniors I know that are into girls are Vinyl and Octavia, who are apparently still kicking it, Bon-Bon and Lyra who are definitely still together and Spitfire…oh don’t tell me you’re going out with Spitfire! Oh I’m so jealous!”

“No, her name was… Glenda? No, Garland, Galena…” AJ thought hard about the name and didn’t notice as Rainbow slowly moved off of her shoulder and started to scoot away from her. “…er Gina…oh somethin’ like that.”

“You mean Gilda?”

“Yeah! Ah think that’s her name, possibly ah’m not that sure though; only heard it once.”

“Oh don’t play dumb AJ!” Rainbow shot her a hard glare and jumped out of bed. “I know you’re not dumb!” The jock pointed an accusing finger at the confused apple girl. “Are you doing it to get back at me for the jokes I play? Or maybe it’s just for attention?! Either way it’s not a way to make friends!”

“What in the horse apples are ya talkin about sugar cube?” AJ used her hand to slightly move Rainbow’s finger out of her face.

“And don’t try to distract me with your cute country accent!”

“Ah’m not… that’s just the way Ah talk…”

“See! Right there changing the subject and trying to distract me!” Rainbow was now pacing back and forth, hands entangled in the hair on the top of her head. “But you’re not fooling anyone! Is it because you’re trying to make me jealous? Are you trying to get a rise out of me to see if I like-”

“Now hold your horses!” Applejack pushed herself out of bed and walked right up to her friend; grabbing the jock by the collar of the shirt, catching the rainbow haired girl off guard. “You know what Rainbow, this right here; this is your ugliest trait! Why in the hey seed does everything in this god for sacking place have to revolve around you!?” Rainbow opened her mouth to answer. “Keep ya mouth shut, I’m talkin’ now! You have no right to get upset when I go out on a date with another woman, because believe it or not every girl is not in love with your jealous, selfish ass! And heck, not every girl is going ta be willin’ to wait for you!” Applejack’s face was red with anger, her jaw clinched; she took a deep breath. “Now then, ah am completely exhausted, goodnight Rainbow Dash.” The country girl climbed into bed.

“Well screw you too.” Rainbow mumbled under her breath, only half caring if her friend heard her or not. The jock climbed into bed next to her blonde friend. “Hey AJ?” The country girl let out a moan. “I know who Gilda is… she…”

“Rainbow ah really don’t want ta hear it. I’m too tired.”

“Alright, fine, goodnight! Don‘t say I didn‘t try to warn you.” Rainbow sighed and curled up into a ball, her eyes staying open for most of the night.

12:50 pm

The Rainbow haired jock spent her day out of school, having left the apple orchards before dawn. She freely roamed the town, undisturbed by people, due to the downpour. Her clothing and hair had been soaked through hours ago. But that was the least of her worries. Her face raised towards the sky, visions, and memories, no not memories, ideas that had yet to happen continued to storm her mind much like the clashing weather above her. Her heart pounded, not sure if the wetness on her face was due to the falling rain or if she had started crying.

No! She wasn’t crying, she doesn’t cry! She’s pissed, furious; she stopped and punched a wall next to her.

“How could she be doing this to me?” Rainbow hissed through clenched teeth, not sure if she was talking about her ex or her friend. “Who does she think she is, toying with my emotions? That fucking cunt!”

She smashed her fist into the wall again, pain vibrating its way through her arm. Pausing; her glared gaze found its way to a nearby ally and she let out a few heavy pants, her breath white against the air. “Amazing, right G… how I always find my way back to this same ally. This fucking ally, I hate this place.”

She barely was able to pick up her waterlogged vans as she dragged herself across the empty street.

“Hey Gilda!” Rainbow’s fists were held tight to her sides. She couldn’t see the other girl, but she knew she was there, she could smell her. Her eyes adjusted and she saw the glowing face as the older woman took a deep drag of a cigarette. The high schooler spit on the ground as she approached the woman in the ally. The white haired girl let out a mouthful of smoke, before she let a grin snake across her lips.

“Hey Dash,” She turned her head and held Rainbow’s hard stare. “Why isn’t this expected.”

“Why the hell are you taking Applejack to the dance?” Rainbow’s stare was hard and her lips quivered.

“Hahaha!” Gilda ran her hand through her hair before she brought the cigarette back to her lips. “You know Dash, that’s why we could never work out. You’re too jealous for me.” Rainbow bit her lip and cracked her knuckles. “…oh you’re so hot when you’re angry.”

“Fuck you!” Rainbow lunged at the bigger girl, punching her in the face. Gilda was quick to recover, spitting out her cancer-stick and grabbing Rainbow by her wrist, pinning the girl to the ally wall.

“Been there, tasted that.” Gilda used her free hand to grab onto Rainbow’s crotch. The jock clenched her teeth and squirmed, kicking her feet furiously. But to no avail against the bigger, stronger woman’s grip. “I have a hot little piece of country ass now… you’re all worn out.” Gilda laughed at Rainbow’s glare. “But why not?” The older girl glided her tongue across Rainbows face. “For old times’ sake?” Her words were like venom in Rainbow’s ear, she was now heavily panting as she continued to fight wildly against the wet ally wall.

Gilda was grinning as she brought her lips down hard onto the other girls. Rainbow’s eyes widened, she snapped her head back and in one quick motion brought her head down painfully against the other girls.

“Son of a….” Gilda stumbled back. “You head butted me!” Blood slid down the white haired girl’s brow and mixed with the rain as she held onto her head.

Rainbow wiped her mouth and held a hand onto her forehead as well. “God, G I hate the taste of your nasty ass mouth.”

“You fucken little spoiled bitch.” The white haired woman popped her neck and walked over to block the entrance to the ally. Rainbow swallowed hard but straightened herself out and rolled up her sleeves, a cold chill sneaking its way up the back of her neck at the realization of her mistake. “I guess since mommy and daddy aren’t around I will just have to teach you a lesson myself.”

“Bring it!”

It only took Gilda two steps to get over to Rainbow, her fist already flying wildly through the air. Rainbow was quick and slapped her hand away before it could do damage. However her foot slipped on water and oil slick ground as she attempted to braise herself from Gilda’s impact. Her ankle twisted awkwardly and the jock let out a howl of pain as both her and Gilda’s weight smashed down onto it. She dropped to the floor as a snapping sound filled her ears and rang through her head.

Gilda; blinded by Rainbow’s condition, continued straddling the injured girl punching her in the face and stomach. Each blow causing the bruised Rainbow Dash to go more and more numb. She lay there, mouth open desperately fighting for breath as her eyes went in and out of focus.

“Oh come on Rainbow, I remember you being tougher than this.” She smiled, and grabbed a fist full of Rainbow’s hair, her face twisting as she pulled a knife from her boot and flipped it open. “You’ve got too girly Rain, far too girly, and I know it’s that Pinkie’s fault. Or is it my fault? I knew I should have fought to keep my woman, to keep you strong and tough. You’re so weak now it’s hard to look at you.” She used the dull side of the blade and ran it across Rainbow’s cheek, smirking as Rainbow closed her eyes and clenched her teeth.

She pulled Rainbow’s hair so she was forced to look into Gilda’s eyes. The bigger woman brought a gentle kiss onto her lips, and held it for a few seconds. “I loved you, the old you. You know, I really, really did. But now you make me sick.”

She punched Rainbow in the face once more, her lip starting to swell. Then she grabbed a hold of her hair again.

“I also miss your old hair, looked better than this long girly shit you have going on.” She pulled her head to the side again and started sawing away at the long strands of rainbow colored hair. Rainbow, despite her pain jerked furiously, knowing it was a lost cause. “That’s better. See you tomorrow night Dash.” Gilda stood and threw the chopped ponytail on top of Rainbow’s soaked, panting body. Rainbow laid there in the ally, closing her eyes, knowing she was completely defeated.
6:00 am

Smooth, her voice, her body, her touch. Soft, the moans that escaped the other girl’s lips, the way their bodies collided becoming one so naturally. Gentle, how their breasts touched causing friction with each inward movement, the way skin groped skin. Insanity, the way this woman made her feel.

Yes, overwhelming insanity that she welcomed so freely. This was natural, this felt right. She was meant to be in this woman’s toned arms. “Dash.” The name of her lover felt like silk falling from her lips, her brain fogged as she panted, fighting for more breath. The other woman’s fingers stopped their work.

“Relax.” The rainbow haired woman leaned down and placed a light kiss on the blonde’s forehead. “I will be gentle, I will take care of you AJ, just relax.” The farmer’s face reddened deeper, she would have never guest Rainbow to be so caring. She obeyed her partner’s words, and relaxed her tensed body. The pink eyed girl took it as a sign to move forward.

Torture, the way her body slowly snaked down her, her kisses sending shocks to every bit of skin her lips touched, how bad she wanted the contact to finally happen…

And then it did.

As soon as her hot breath, warm mouth found its target, AJ’s back arched. Her mind spun as soon as Rainbow made that contact…”D-Dash…”

No, not Rainbow. As soon as she made that contact. AJ moved her hand away from herself, her back falling back onto the mattress. She opened her jade eyes and glanced around her sun kissed room. She was all alone. Reaching down she pulled her underwear back up her thighs and dragged herself into a seated position. No pleasure was to happen this morning, not with the thoughts that haunted her mind. Not haunted, but pleased.

“Damn it all to heck…” She rested her chin on her knees. “I do like her…” Tears threatened to fall but she quickly blinked them back. “It’s not fair, she’s ah…ah menace. Ah menace that I like.” She flopped back onto the cold bed and looked blankly at her ceiling. “No, you don’t like her AJ. Now be honest.” She was slightly shocked as a few tears escaped down her checks, though she did not wipe these ones away. “You’re very much in love with that rainbow-haired menace.”

Author's Note:

Hey so I added the last scene a little while ago on my DA account...the reason? It was haunting my mind, I just had to type it out. Plus I was lacking an "AJ confesses her feelings to herself" scene...so here you have it. I placed it here so that there could be a nice contrast from the "Rainbow/Gilda" fight.