• Published 7th Sep 2019
  • 7,770 Views, 372 Comments

Spinel's New Best Friend - luckyboys121

After everything she'd done on Earth, Spinel didn't think anyone would want to be her friend the way she was

  • ...

Into the Gala We Must Go

"And after that Pinkie taught me how to play guitar for real and we're gonna play some songs at the Gala tonight and it's going to be so MUCH FUN!" said Spinel excitedly as she stood atop the therapy couch.

"That's great to hear Spinel, I can't wait to hear you two play together," said Starlight as Spinel beamed a smile back at her. Starlight then grabbed her notes as she scribbled some stuff down saying, "More importantly I'm happy that you managed to remember something good from your past and I agree with your theory that if you keep remembering things like this when the 'not fun' stuff eventually come back they won't be that won't seam as big."

Spinel smiled as she began repeating Starlight's advice saying, "And it's not a big deal, because it wasn't my fault and whatever it was won't happen again."

Starlight nodded as she said, "Exactly, wow you are making a lot of good progress after only a few sessions."

Spinel's grin grew as she said, "Thanks, what about you though. How has that dream with you and Trixie gone?"

Starlight blushed slightly as she said, "Well I haven't had another dream about her or anything." She briefly thought to herself, "Because I've been having night terrors again and have been getting headaches from the lack of sleep, and if the stuff moved around in my room is anything to go by I might also be sleep walking too... but she doesn't need to here that. She has her own problems, and I'm sure I can get over this myself... I mean how bad could it."

Starlight cleared her throat before she continued saying, "Though I don't know if it's because of the dream or what but lately hanging out with her has felt... different."

"How so?" asked Spinel confused.

"Well... I don't know just the way she looks at me and talks to me and just EVERYTHING feels like it's suddenly more than friendship... I'd say she that maybe she wants me to ask her out, but it feels like we've already been there done that and are just casually dating already!" said Starlight as she became somewhat unnerved saying all this because on the one hoof she thought it was weird.... but on the other she didn't think it was bad.

"I see," said Spinel, for real this time as she actually understood.... sort of. Not to long ago she had told Pinkie everything that had been going on with Trixie and Starlight and she said for now it would be best to watch and see what happens rather then interfere and things should just work out between them.

"Even when I asked her to the Gala tonight she acted happy sure but like.... it was in an odd way. It's like when someone finds out about a surprise party and they act like the distraction to get them out of the house while people set up is amazing to not let them know you know... you know?" said Starlight before blinking as even she realized that didn't fully make sense.

As expected Spinel said, "Not at all."

Starlight shrugged as she said, "Eh, that's OK... but I'm going to have to say something to her soon because she's even started to look different to me too. Like, when I saw her pulling her wagon I couldn't help but notice her flanks looked more," she briefly paused as blush came to her face and she fanned herself with her notes before saying, "toned then usual."

"Well I'm sure you'll figure out what to do," said Spinel, not really sure what that last part meant. "And if you need help I'll be right there at the Gala with you two."

Starlight let out a deep breath as her blush faded and she smiled saying, "Thanks Spinel, and you know if anything happens to you Pinkie and I will be there for you too."

"I know," said Spinel as she approached and hugged the mare, who soon hugged her back.

The tender moment between friends lasted for awhile as Spinel thought, "I know Spinels aren't supposed to have two best friends but if I could.... it would be Starlight."

Starlight thought to herself, "This girl seems to handling this ALOT better then I did... really wish I could've talked like this back then."

As the moment went on though Starlight glanced at the clock before letting go of Spinel as she said, "SHOOT! If we want to be ready in time to catch the train to Canterlot, we better start getting ready now."

"Oh gosh, you're right," said Spinel before she started heading out the door saying, "Thank's again Starlight I'll see you at the train station."

"No problem Spinel, I'll see you there," said Starlight.

She then trotted over to her desk as she opened the drawers and began putting everything in her saddlebag. "OK, makeup, keys, Rejuvinator, and wallet. That should be everything, just gotta go back to the castle to get changed and then pick up Trixie at her wagon." As ran to the door, failing to notice everything she just said, she suddenly felt a pressure behind her eyes as she tried to shake it off saying, "Come on head aches, your not going to ruin this night."

Meanwhile at Sugarcube corner

Thankfully Pinkie had already gotten herself dressed, and since Spinel simply needed to shape shift to change the only real task was them getting their instruments all put away and carrying them.

As they went out the door and began their way to train station, Spinel said, "Are you sure you don't want me to carry it all Pinkie?"

"I'm sure. I know you said you can handle heavy stuff but I'd still feel bad making you carry it all," said Pinkie.

"But isn't that what best friends are for?" asked Spinel slightly confused as manual labor was virtually rule one in her gems code.

"Sometimes but you can't do everything for me, I mean there's a difference between a friend and a servant," said Pinkie.

"Hmm," said Spinel slightly as she thought about that. She thought to herself, "Pinkie isn't really treating me like how Spinel's are usually treated between that and Starlight wanting to also be my best friend... maybe my Gem's code isn't actually that important here."

At Trixie's Wagon

As Starlight walked up to wagon she straightened up her dress and bag. It wasn't anything special, just the black gem studded dress Rarity had made for her when first became friends and a matching saddlebag. She knocked on the door saying, "Hey Trix, you almost ready?"

"I'LL BE OUT IN A MINUTE STAR!" came back a yell from inside.

Starlight nodded to herself as she began pacing in front of the door saying, "OK, Starlight. You are now realizing that this looks ALOT like a date, but it's not. It's just two friends hanging out. I don't have to talk about these possible feelings with her tonight... if I even REALLY have them."

Those thought disappeared though as the door opened and she saw Trixie in her dress

Trixie smiled at her as she said, "Do you like it? It was my moms when she was my age, in fact she actually wore it the first time she went to the Gala with my dad and..."

Trixie continued on like this, but Starlight didn't hear much more as the only thought going through her, some what throbbing, head was, "Which sounds better, Trixie and Starlight Lulamoon or Starlight and Trixie Glimmer?"

She was snapped back to reality though as she heard Trixie say, "So you ready to go?"

"Yes of... of course I am," said Starlight with a blush as two made their way to the train station, while Starlight tried to ignore her headache seemingly getting worse.

Before they knew it, the train had arrived and now Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Starlight, Trixie, and Spinel were making their way into the castle each very excited for the night ahead.

As Celestia and Luna glanced down at their guests though, Luna pointed a hoof down at Spinel saying, "There sister, that's her."

"Are you sure dear sister, from what Twilight's told me in her letters despite being somewhat strange this Spinel character is harmless," said Celestia.

"I am sure, though I wish I wasn't. These past few nights in the dream realm I have seen her do things... things I don't wish to recount to you unless I have too," said Luna with concern.

Celestia looked at her sister with reassurance saying, "But are you sure this means she is dangerous? I mean lots of creatures have bad dreams."

"I wish it was simply that, but I'm afraid that tonight they might be more than that. I can't pinpoint it in her now with so many creatures around, but the dreams seem to be growing in the creature's mind and if they aren't stopped... I'm afraid they could do these things in the real world," said Luna as her concern grew.

"I see," said Celestia.

"In any case I assure you sister that I am not judging her on actions she has yet to perform... for now I will simply watch her from the shadows as I watch over all our creatures," said Luna before dissapearing into tower behind her.

Celestia shuddered slightly before saying, "I hate when she does that," she then looked down at the creature entering as she said to herself, "I do hope Luna is wrong about this though."

Meanwhile Starlight's headache only seemed to bevgetting worse, as if it sensed something was near that could threaten it and began working faster.

Author's Note:

So they are at the Gala and Luna knows something is up... unfortunetly she has her eyes on the wrong creature right now. How will this all unfold, find out next time whenever that may be.

Firstly thanks to AtomicMillenial for drawing that gorgeous image of Trixie, go check them out on DeviantArt

Secondly.. I'm not sure if I can get the season finale up before January like I said but I will do what I can. Anyway thanks for reading, I hope you liked this, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day

P.S. I'm sorry if this a little rough, what with the holidays my time has been cut significantly so I couldn't proof read it as much as I wanted