• Published 7th Sep 2019
  • 7,750 Views, 372 Comments

Spinel's New Best Friend - luckyboys121

After everything she'd done on Earth, Spinel didn't think anyone would want to be her friend the way she was

  • ...

Season 2 Teaser and Lapidot

Earth, The Barn

As Lapis laid on the couch watching this weeks episode of Camp Pining Hearts she couldn't help but snuggle her face into the pyramid shaped hair before her.

This resutled in her couch mate shuddering as she said, "You know I told you not to do that."

"And I told you, that you make too good a pillow," said Lapis as she ignored the girl and enjoyed that now slightly warmer feeling as Peridot began to blush.

Peridot groaned at this as she began to shift and grab her tablet.

This resulted in concern as Lapis said, "Is everything OK Peri?"

"It's fine Lapis," said Peridot sharply and suddenly as she continued scrolling through some files.

This resulted in Lapis suddenly setting up as she said, "OK, don't give me that."

"What do you mean?" said Peridot as she continued scrolling forward.

"What I mean is you're not acting like yourself. You never ignore Camp Pining Hearts, you always let me snuggle in your hair because despite your protests we both know you love it, and finally... you haven't called me Lapis since we...." said Lapis as she started blushing slightly.

This resulted in a blush from Peridot as she looked at the concerned girl before her and remembered all they've been through the past few years. All the shows they watched, all the Meep Morps they made, all the nights they stayed up talking about their insecurities, and most importantly the night when they both realized how they really felt about each other... the night they formed Turquoise for the first time.

Peridot sighed before smiling slightly as she said, "Should have known I can't keep any secrets from you Lapi."

Lapis smugly smiled at this as she said, "You really can't," which resulted in a slight giggle from the smaller green girl. "So what's bothering you?"

Peridot's smile instantly disappeared at that as she said, "Well... I was looking more into the files about planet Equis and well...." she began to trail off.

"Well what?" asked Lapis as her concern began to return.

"It turns out that Yellow kind of disobeyed White's orders about leaving the planet alone," said Peridot.

"Wait, what do you mean?" asked Lapis.

"Well she sent a Gem to land on the planet in order to set up the Warp Pad... and so White wouldn't know about said Gem wasn't exactly a normal one," said Peridot as she began showing the files to Lapis.

Lapis began looking towards them, but didn't fully understand what they meant as she asked, "What do you mean by not normal?"

"It appears to have been some kind of experimental hybrid of an infiltration unit and a destroyer. Capable of generating a default form based on the creatures around it in order to blend in as well as mimicking any of their natural abilities, but also capable of doing things like generating stones from the ground to form weapons or structures, controlling lower life forms, and even... regenerating parts of it's Gem that have been cracked off," said Peridot as she turned to Lapis with a look of fear.

Lapis didn't blame her as she too gasped as such a feat of self repair was unheard of among Gemkind, even for a Diamond. As she imagined what such a monster could be capable of she wearily asked, "How... how can such a Gem exist?"

"Well, after taking a look further into this I discovered the reason for all this is because it has an absurd amount of energy in it's Spark. Which thankfully means that it is has a simple weakness. That if its physical form where to be poofed it would take roughly a thousand years or so to reform without any sort of outside assistance," said Peridot as she scrolled further through the files.

Lapis breathed a shy of relief at hearing that this Gem wasn't the invincible monster she thought it was, before saying, "So the planet we are going to land on may or not have a hostile Gem on it whom has abilities we've never dealt with before.... honestly pretty par for the course."

Peridot chuckled at that as she couldn't help but agree given how they had once charged towards Homeworld to fight the strongest Gems in the known universe. "True... but I'm just worried about telling Steven about this. He JUST started calming down about all this and the last thing we need is to give him a reason to freak out again."

"True," said Lapis as she thought about this before saying, "Well he can't freak out about what he doesn't know about."

"Hmm?" asked Peridot confused.

"Well I mean... it's not like telling him would really do anything OTHER then stress him out. Besides, for all we know that Gem is poofed right now and we won't even see it," said Lapis.

Peridot thought about this for a moment, before she smiled slightly saying, "I guess you're right."

"Of course I'm right," said Lapis as she led Peridot back towards the couch.

As the two of them returned to their snuggle positions, Peridot spoke up saying, "You're a bad influence on me, you know that?"

"Yup, and that's why you love me," said Lapis as she returned to her yellow pyramid shaped pillow and the two sat for a moment in sheer affection and comfort trying to relax and not think about what was just discussed.

For a few moments it seemed to work, before Lapis had a question suddenly began to nag at her mind as she said, "Out of curiosity what's the name of this Gem we might have to fight?"

"Let's see," said Peridot as she shifted her arms and grabbed the tablet. She scrolled through the files once more before saying, "It's called the... Synthetic Onyx Military Biological Replicant Attacker."

"That's a mouth full," said Lapis flatly.

"Indeed, which is why," she scrolled through the file before saying, "It was mainly referred to by it's initials S.O.M.B.R.A." She then felt a moment of dread creep up again as she saw an image of the razor sharp Gem Stone that looked like some kind of small curved blade. She moved her head further back to allow Lapis to snuggle further as she tried to calm down and thought, "I seriously hope we don't have to fight this thing."

Author's Note:

Well as you can see I put another ship I like in this story (and casually slipped in a new fusion that might be relevant later). More importantly though it appears as though Spinel isn't the only Gem on Equis. What will happen next, find out in season 2 whenever that may be

So yeah... I realize making Sombra a Gem is a bit of an odd choice but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense given how his body cracked apart leaving his horn intact (of course I did have to explain away his horn getting cut in half earlier in the episode, but what are you gonna do)

Anyway thanks for reading, hope you like it, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day.