• Published 7th Sep 2019
  • 7,750 Views, 372 Comments

Spinel's New Best Friend - luckyboys121

After everything she'd done on Earth, Spinel didn't think anyone would want to be her friend the way she was

  • ...

The Story You've Heard Over and Over Again

Once the process finished Spinel stood on stage and wiped her tears away as she looked down and saw her normal form as all the recalled memories fell into place. "Oh no no no! I can't let Pinkie see me like this," she said as she looked at the distorted shoes and dark clothes she now had on. As she looked and caught a glimpse of Pinkie bobbing and weaving through the crowd to catch Rainbow Dash, she briefly thought, "Or can I.... NO! She became friends with the old me.... there's no way she'd want to be friends with this me. And even if she did, this me doesn't deserve her." She then reached into her Gem to pull out the Rejuvinator and do this all again.... only to discover that it wasn't there anymore and she had no idea where it could be.

"Not good," said Spinel before she heard Pinkie say, "SPINEL!" with a voice full of concern at her sudden change.

"DOUBLE NOT GOOD!" said Spinel as her mind raced trying to figure out what to do. She thought about shape shifting to look like her old self, but despite her efforts she couldn't as she was unable to focus properly, and even if she could she doubted she could act like her old self. As she saw Pinkie now trotting her with her concern growing, all rational thought left her Gem as she simply dove beneath the incomplete stage like a child, and just like a child her hiding place was terrible as even if Pinkie hadn't seen her go into it, she still would have seen her in general.

As Pinkie approached the gap to below the stage, she said, "Spinel are you OK?.... Why do you look like that?"

Unable to think of anything to get her out of this, Spinel began to cry as she laughed and began saying, "No... I'm not sure if I've ever been OK. As for why I look like this.... it's because this is the real me."

"What do you?" began Pinkie before realizing what she must have meant by this as she slightly smiled saying, "You got your memories back."

"Yeah... and I remembered that Pink Diamond wasn't the only person who screwed up my past," said Spinel as she shucked through the tears once again.

Pinkie's concern returned as she slowly made her way below the stage saying, "Spinel, what are you saying?"

As Spinel saw her approaching she backed further below the stage as she said, "What I'm saying is... you deserve a better friend then me."

"What are you talking about... you'e my 'best friend Spinel' ," as she smiled again and continued to approach her panicking friend.

Spinel backed into the wall of the stage as she said, "Trust me Pinkie, if you knew what I've done you wouldn't want to be friends with me... no one should be friends with me...." her tears then increased as she made her way to a gap in the gap in the stage to run away.

Seeing this Pinkie started to go towards her faster as she said, "Look Spinel, I don't know what you did that you so scared of but I promise that you can I can get through it TOGETHER!" as she lept onto Spinel to try and grab her in a hug.

What happened though was something far more as their two bodies began to glow and melt into each other, as a hole burst furth in the top of the stage to make room for the much taller girl now standing their

As the girl looked at her strange new body, the long limbs that ended in glove like hands, the shorter limbs below them that looked like hooves with small glove fingers, the Gem which now had a string below it like a balloon, and finally the twin tails of thick puffy hair on either side of her head.

One voice came out of the girl saying, "What the... we?"

Before another voice, identical yet somehow different, said, "Fusion... we fused?"

"Fusion.... what-" began the one voice the two of them noticed what looked like a giant glowing butterfly iin front of them.

As the butterfly flapped it's wings, the second voice said, "NO! Don't look at that!"

But it was too late as the butterflies wings began to display an image

"Oh Spinel... I'm so sorry I-" began the first voice.

It was interrupted though as the second clenched the fists on the left of their body saying, "That's not the part I didn't want you to see."

As she looked back at the butterfly it showed several images of Spinel growing angry and mounting the Injector before eventually coming to this

"So their you have it...I tried to kill people who had nothing to do with Pink Diamond because she left me, a whole planet full of them," said the second voice as she gripped one arm with the other disheartened.

"Well... we all make mistakes... that doesn't mean you don't deserve friendship," said the first voice as she grabbed the arms in comfort.

"Yeah right, who would be friends with someone who's done stuff like that?" said the second voice.

"Well... me," said the first voice as it focused and made several ethereal balloons form around the.

As the second voice looked around the balloons began expanding as the images of what Luna, Discord, the Changelings, and even her best friend Sarlight came to light before showing how they all made up and have been friends ever since.

"I... wow," said the second voice as saw it all, "But this is.... are you sure you really can forgive me?"

"Of course I can," said the first voice as the right half of her face began to smile.

Before the second voice chuckled and the left half joined in on the smile.

As she smiled her body began to glow as Pinkie and Spinel split apart on to the stage.

As Pinkie looked around she said, "What... exactly was that?"

"That was fusion, it's more two or more Gems, or I guess they don't even have to be Gems, who are really close to each other can join their bodies together and become one," said Spinel.

"Wow, that's amazing," began Pinie before looking around and seeing... nopony looking at them, "But apparently not enough to get the attention of these stuck up ponies."

Spinel chuckled at this as she said, "Well then I guess our show will have to be even better.... that is if you still want to do it with me."

Pinkie smiled as she said, "Of course I do," as she approached Spinel who began smiling in return. "But first we should probably check on Starlight, besides I think she's going to happy to here about your little break through here."

"Ye-yeah," said Spinel as thought abut what she had just learned about Starlight... and how she was alot like her.

As Pinkie began walking away though Spinel took a moment to softly grin and say, "Today, right here, right now, I truly feel found," before following after her.

Meanwhile in the Canterlot Castle

As Luna finally managed to track the screaming down to Twilight's room she opened the door and the screaming abruptly stopped as she feared she was too late.

She trotted through the strangely dark room as she lit her horn saying, "Whoever you are I suggest you release your hold on my subjects mind and leave this place at once!"

To this Luna heard a chuckle in response as she turned to it's source and saw what kind of looked like Starlight only with matted twin tails and three black lines below each eye, "Starlight you-" said Luna before being interrupted as the creature before her ignited a rod she had gripped in her magic causing it to turn into a large glowing scythe.

It was then Luna gotta full look at the creature and realized that even if this was Starlight's body... it wasn't Starlight standing before her as she backed away in horror from the creatures huge unsettling grin. It then looked at her as it's vision distorted the person before someone else and she began saying, "Hmm, fancy seeing you here Blue, but I guess you wouldn't want to stray too far away from the new little Pink."

Before Luna could even ask what was going the creature bolted towards her and swung the scythe through her body. As Luna looked down in fear at what she would see she saw... nothing as her body looked totally fine.

This seemed to slightly stumble the creature as she said, "Hmm, guess you don't poof. Chalk that up to the list of things that are different about Diamonds. Guess I gotta go for plan B then." She then used her magic to twist the button on the Rejuvinator causing another rod with a metal ball to come out the other end of it.

She shown struck Luna in the gut with it knocking all the wind out of her, before a stream a magic came out of her back hoof as if it was stretching and kicked Luna into the wall. "You know you Diamonds think of everything, don't you. I mean, who would've thought of putting in a built in Shattering rod on a Rejuvinator."

As Luna struggled to breath again the creature formed a hand of pure magic on the end of one of her front hooves and lifted Luna's head up saying, "Don't worry though Blue, I'm not gonna shatter you... wouldn't want you missing out on the fun."

As her smile broadened she placed Luna in the bed and tied each of her hooves to each post before finally gagging her. She then positioned the bed so it was facing directly out the window as the creatures vision began to distort the tower above the garden into it's Injector. Her smile then widened as she hopped out the window towards it.

As Spinel and Pinkie began walking and laughing towards the entrance they noticed several ponies gasp and stare up as they too looked up and saw what appeared to a pony hop up on top holding something.

Both Pinkie and Spinel recognized what thing was though as Pinkie said, "Is that... Starlight?"

"Oh no," said Spinel as she remembered Starlight's spell and how she had been off since then.

The creature simply looked at the assembled crowd with a smile as it said, "Well well well, let me get a look at the menagerie."

Author's Note:

So one Spinel is doing OK but the other isn't doing OK, but the other... not so much. What will happen next? Find out next chapter whenever that may be.

New and Improved art drawn by TheFreeWingedDrawer, and I would just like to thank them once again for such an amazing gift and I urge you all to check them out on DeviantArt

Anyway I hope you liked this, any constructive criticism is welcome have a great day.