• Published 7th Sep 2019
  • 7,770 Views, 372 Comments

Spinel's New Best Friend - luckyboys121

After everything she'd done on Earth, Spinel didn't think anyone would want to be her friend the way she was

  • ...

Days of the Past Part 1

8000 Years Ago

As the transport bubble moved Yellow Diamond cringed as she thought of what just happened, "How could I have embarrassed myself in front of White like that.. it shouldn't have gone this way."

Sombra gulped as he saluted saying, "Forgive me my Diamond I did not mean to-"

In an instant Yellow had something to take her frustrations out on as without a word she moved her hand towards Sombra and blasted him with energy, causing his body to start to form yellow cracks as he fell to the ground writhing in pain.

Yellow briefly glanced at him before sighing as she stopped firing and said, "Relax, I'm not going to poof you... it's not worth the time." Soon the bubble stopped and opened up in a lab as Yellow turned to a group of Peridots saying, "You all, tend to him," before walking over to her seat.

As they approached the fallen form one of them gasped saying, "Oh my stars, are you alright!?"

Sombra sat up and chuckled as he said, "I'm fine, 3XF... the demonstration just could have gone a little better."

A Peridot to the left of them rolled her eyes and said, "Pffth, of course those miserable clods wouldn't appreciate my genius."

The third and final Peridot was holding Sombra's arm as a green beam shot out of her hand scanning his form and feeding data directly to her gem as she said, "Your genius 1XF? I think you mean ours."

3XF then leaned against her as she asked, "How's he looking 2XF?"

She sighed as she said, "He'll be fine, it was only superficial damage... honestly I don't know how you even call yourself a Peridot with an emotional outburst like this."

3XF blushed as she moved her fingers through her hair saying, "There's um... nothing wrong with worrying about such a prized specimen."

Sombra chuckled as he said, "I can always count on you for a compliment 3XF... too bad it's the only ones I've gotten today."

3XF huffed at that as she crossed her arms saying, "Well everyone else should have complemented you too."

Yellow then finally sighed at that as she said, "He might have gotten a few more if you all could figure out how to make all his data fully integrate into his Gem."

Before any of them could speak up they suddenly heard a voice from above say, "As always they continue to step around the obvious solution."

Sombra shuttered slightly as the small blue Gem flew down from the ceiling holding a familiar object in her hands. She did a slight curtsy towards Yellow saying, "My Diamond, I do not know why you simply will not Rejuvenate this Gem, it could make all the energy and data levels stabilize."

1XF stepped forward saying, "Please, Aquamarine, leave the science to the professionals. We've already explained that Rejuvenation may not work like that with him."

2XF showed a hologram saying, "There is only a 10% chance of that working like that, with a 20% chance of him reforming in the same fashion he is now, 20% chance of him reforming with different data active and different data dormant, and finally and most disconcertingly a 50% chance his energy levels will be unable to stabilize again and he won't reform at all."

"And even if it could work... he wouldn't be him anymore," said 3XF as she leaned down against the shuttering Sombra as she whispered to him, "Don't worry, I won't let that happen to you."

Sombra briefly smiled at that and blushed as he looked over at her, she intern suddenly turned away from him as she brushed her hair away from eyes.

Aquamarine groaned as she said, "Oh, you all are so sweet and gentle with him it brings a tear to my eye," and tapped the Gem stone below her left eye. "My Diamond I think perhaps Sombra isn't the only one in need of a Rejuvenation."

3XF shuddered slightly at that as Sombra saw this and suddenly clenched his fist and grit his teeth as he began to stand up.

Thankfully Yellow sighed at this as she said, "I don't have time to deal with all of you just..." she then leaned back and pinched the bridge of her nose as she said, "No Aquamarine, we can't Rejuvenate any of them... it would take too long to reteach them the layout of the facilities. 3XF just continue giving him lessons to help fill in the gaps in his knowledge."

Aquamarine rolled her eyes and flew back into her spot on the railing, meanwhile 3XF let out a sigh of relief as she smiled and blushed at Sombra saying, "It would be my pleasure my Diamond."

Sombra blushed in return as he grabbed her hand as she helped him get up, and then the two continued to hold hands as they left the room.

Yellow sighed muttering, "At least someone's happy," before she then turned saying, "2XF how are the reports from the latest Kindergarten?"

2XF sighed as she brought up a projection saying, "It's not great my Diamond, the resource shortage has impacted us more then expected, if these readings are right all of the XG Peridots will be lacking in core abilities as well as physical stature."

Yellow grit her teeth as 1XF spoke up saying, "Thankfully I have designed a device that will allow them to still do their jobs accordingly, able to both project holograms and interface with technology as well as simply make them appear to be our more pleasing height," she then projected a hologram of the proposed devices as she said, "I call them Limb Enhancers."

Yellow went from a frown to a more neutral face at that as she said, "Excellent work 1XF, we'll need resourcefulness like this if we can't turn things around for Era 2... speaking of turning things around what is the status of the Equis colony?"

2XF started scrolling through her holographic display as she said, "The probe carrying the Warp Pad is preparing to enter the planet's atmosphere."

Yellow smiled at that as she said, "Finally some good news today," before gesturing her hand at them as she said, "Bring up a live feed on the monitor."

2XF nodded as she touched the display again causing the large screen in front of Yellow's chair to blink to life as they all were greeted to the sight of the approaching planet. Said smile soon faded as they realized the planet was approaching far too quickly. 1XF ran over to 2XF as she yelled, "SLOW IT DOWN!"

2XF tapped away at her screen as she simply said, "It's too late," as they looked up to see a forest quickly approaching and what appeared to be a lake for the briefest second before static.

For a moment there was silence as they all stared at the screen, hoping in vain that the signal would return and everything would be fine. That moment was interrupted by Yellow slamming her first in anger against the arm of her chair as the two Peridot's looked to her in fear, and even Aquamarine lurched slightly from her perch.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" demanded Yellow as she looked down at the others both figuratively and literally.

1XF stammered as she looked over the readings saying, "Some clod must have miscalculated the planets gravity, or maybe the retro rockets suffered a malfunction and sped up the descent instead of slowing it down."

2XF simply shook her head as she said, "It was neither of those... according to what little readings the sensors got before it went offline the planet seems to be giving off some type of radiation that caused the circuits to overload."

"What kind of radiation?" asked 1XF.

"Unknown, as I stated we couldn't get too much of a reading, and what we do have doesn't match anything on record," said 2XF as her eyed widened slightly as she continued saying, "I've never seen anything like it.... even if we got a full sample I doubt it would match up with anything we've seen before."

Yellow's anger calmed down at that as she said, "Could it be useful?"

1XF looked over the readings as she said, "Impossible to tell for sure, but it's definitely something I want to get a hold of," as she smiled and the stars filled her eyes.

2XF sighed as she said, "It's too bad we can't get a hold of it, the probe failed and due to the resource shortage we aren't allowed to send another one."

1XF looked angry as she said, "Well then, we just need to send a landing party, I'm sure the Warp Pad wasn't totally destroyed so repairing it shouldn't be too difficult and even if it is we could still begin work on the colony."

Yellow sighed as she said, "I wish it were that simple but unfortunately White will not permit something like that, and after the day I've had I don't dare ask her.... I would really like to have something positive to show her at the next Ball though."

It was that point Aquamarine cleared her throat to draw attention as she straightened her tie saying, "My Diamond I think I have a solution that will have solve all our problems."

Sombra sat across from 3XF as she tapped away at a console saying, "OK, let's see what you remember, just look at these projections and tell me what you see."

It was then a hologram of a tall skinny Gem was displayed as Sombra responded, "That's a Pearl, they function as basic servants attending to their masters every need."

"Correct," said 3XF before flipping to another projection of a short Gem with square hair.

"A Ruby, the basic infantry and guard units of the Gem Army," said Sombra.

"Very good," said 3XF as she smiled and went to bring up the next hologram.

Before she could though, Sombra reached out his hand and touched her chin saying, "Now I see the most beautiful and intelligent Gem in the whole Empire."

3XF blushed as she said, "Sombra.... I think we..." but before she could finish she found herself leaning towards him.

Just as their lips were about to make contact though they both heard a loud beep as Yellow's voice came from a speaker saying, "Sombra, 3XF report back to the lab immediately."

3XF let out a slight giggle as she turned to the door and brushed her hair saying, "We'll resume this 'lesson' another time."

Sombra smiled back as he said, "I hope so," before the two left.

As they walked into the room they both shuddered at seeing Aquamarine sitting next to Yellow's arm on her throne.

3XF turned to her fellow Peridots hoping to get some semblance of reassurance, only to see sad eyes from them both.

Yellow Diamond broke the tension as she said, "Well Sombra, it looks like you're getting the opportunity to prove your usefulness sooner than expected."

"What do you mean my Diamond?" asked Sombra as he reflexively reached out a hand that was quickly taken by 3XF.

Aquamarine slightly rolled her eyes at that before she pulled a rod from her hair and pointed at a nearby screen displaying a planet as she said, "This is planet Equis, the planet you will be colonizing."

"What?!" asked 3XF as she looked up in alarm saying, "But what about the probe?"

"Unfortunately it failed, and we can't greet White with two failures in one day now can we," said Aquamarine as she looked down at Sombra smirking.

Sombra's eyes flared as he took a step towards her only to have 3XF pull him back as he sighed. Sombra then looked at Yellow saying, "It will be an honor to lead the colonization effort my Diamond."

Yellow chuckled at that as she said, "Oh no, you won't lead the effort, you'll BE the effort."

"What?" asked Sombra.

"Don't seem to surprised, you have tested well at the creation and running of Kindergartens as well all forms of engineering, between that and your superb abilities conquering such a primitive organic planet will be child's play," said Yellow as she smiled down at him.

"Well I suppose," said Sombra not sure if he should just reject the offer or be grateful for praise from his Diamond.

"But my Diamond... at least send me with him," said 3XF as she broke contact and marched forward. Yellow instantly glared down at her causing some of 3XF's confidence to wain, she briefly glanced back at Sombra before gulping as she continued saying, "As the Gem responsible for filling in any gaps in his logic base, I may be needed to assist him in any unforeseen events."

"Out of the question, with the emergence of the XGs soon I need you all present, beyond that I can't risk any already assigned units on this," said Yellow.

"So he's expendable to you!" thought 3XF as she pouted in anger and almost let out that sentiment but was quickly stopped as she felt Sombra's hand on her shoulder.

She looked back at him as he whispered, "Let me do this, not just for me but for us," before turning to Yellow as he gave a salute saying, "It would be my honor to add this planet to your glorious Empire."

Sometime later.

As Sombra looked at the small ship currently being loaded up on the landing pad he couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief as he thought, "Just conquer this one planet and then you'll have proved yourself, you'll have a proper place in the Empire... and then you can be with her."

He then smiled slightly as he heard that familiar voice from behind him say, "Alright you have all the basic chemicals and equipment needed to sit up a Kindergarten as well as a general base of operations, as well as a Warp Pad repair module, with any luck you'll be able to find the probe and get it operational."

"I hope so, the less time I spend away from you the better," said Sombra as he turned to her with a smile.

3XF looked at him, biting her lip in a mix of worry and frustration as she blurted out, "I could still go with you... 1XF and 2XF said they'd cover for me and Yellow mixes us up all the time anyway so I'm sure she wouldn't notice."

Sombra smiled at that as he instantly was upon her with a hug saying, "I doubt either of them could be as amazing as you... once I come back White will see how useful I am and will put me in a highly ranking position, one where I can likely choose my only personal staff and I'll certainly need you to continue my 'lessons'."

3XF chuckled at that as Sombra began to pull away and she instantly leaned in giving him a quick kiss before pulling away as she blushed saying, "Well then you just make sure you come back soon then."

Sombra blushed himself before clearing his throat as he said, "Of course," before turning towards the ship and getting in the cockpit.

3XF briefly turned to the 1XF and 2XF on the controls monitoring the ships systems as the engines roared to life and it began to lift off. As it left the ground and quickly rocketed out of her view she whispered to herself, "Please come back."

She stood there watching the part of the sky Sombra's ship went into for some time before she heard the last voice she wanted to hear saying, "Well now that he's gone I hope you can start acting like a proper Peridot again."

3XF's eyes narrowed as she turned toward the voice only to suddenly lurch as she saw Aquamarine holding the Rejuvinator again as she continued saying, "At least you better, that is if you want to remember him if he comes back."

3XF gulped before she began walking past her as she said, "Of course, I will perform my duties with the expected level of efficiency as well as continue developing lesson reports for WHEN he gets back."

Aquamarine chuckled at that saying, "Confidence, a fools substitute for intelligence," before flying away as she looked down at the Peridots and said, "And with intelligence like mine I'm sure before Era 2 is out I'll have my own ship and Topaz to command while you lot are still stuck here."

Crystal Settlement, Frozen North

Amore looked down from her palace at the ponies struggling to build in the cold as she sighed saying, "Tis a shame the Crystal Heart can only do so much about the weather."

"Tis indeed," said Radiant Hope as she stood behind her mentor before sighing as she said, "I still wonder if we're doing the right thing."

Amore looked at her saying, "You know as well as I that if the three tribes continue down their path it will only lead to ruin, and cine even my own sister refused to hear reason leaving to form our own united nation is all we can do."

"I can not deny that my mentor, it's just going from our ideals... our belief in a brave new world forged by Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi working together to tame this vibrant landscape to... this," she said as she eyed an Earth pony mare trying to warm her hooves in front of a fire.

"I never said forging this Empire would be easy," began Amore as she gestured towards that same mare as a Pegasi stallion wrapped a wing around her and gave her a mug of coco as the two smiled and blushed slightly at each other before turning their gaze towards the fire as Amore smiled saying, "But you can not deny that this is worth it."

Hope smiled at this development as she said, "No... I suppose I can't, but it just pains me to see our people suffer."

"As it does me, but we must take heart in knowing that we are suffering so that our children, and our children's children will live in a harmony beyond anything we have dained to dream of," said Amore.

The two looked up at the sky in thought as she Amore let out a sigh saying, "Though I admit with each passing day more and more challenges arise that make looking at that future ever harder."

Hope thought on that for a moment before seeing something glitter across the sky as she said, "Look madame, a shooting star, perhaps it is a good omen."

Amore chuckled at that as she said, "Perhaps your right it-" but Amore stopped as she saw the object in the sky begin moving closer as she said, "That's no shooting star." In an instant she used magic to elevate her voice as she yelled down from the balcony, "EVERYPONY! QUICKLY INSIDE!" She watched as all the visible citizenry followed and then turned towards Hope and said, "Quickly we must search for any stragglers."

Hope nodded as the two teleported to the ground and began a search.

Sombra growled as he tried to wrestle the ship's controls saying, "What is going on!" He tried looking at the instrument panel as he said, "Energy levels off the scale, target vectors missed by miles, speed," he watched as the display ticked to the highest possible number before literally cracking and breaking in a shower of sparks as he said, "Too high for even a controlled crash." Sombra looked down at the quickly approaching snowy ground as he sighed before closing his eyes as he said, "I'm sorry 3XF but it looks like Aquamarine was right about me after all." As a single tear flowed down his face as he grit his teeth and waited for the end.

Hope reunited with her mentor at the center of the settlement as she said, "Everypony has been accounted for madame."

"Excellent, now then to address the true problem," said Amore as she looked up at the object crashing down.

"Do you suppose it is an attack, perhaps the tribes wish to take you back by force?" asked Hope.

"Neigh, Platinum was never much of a sister to me, and if anything she let it be known how happy she was that I left, leaving her as next in line for the throne," said Amore with a sigh as she said, "No this is something else entirely."

"Well then... it appears as though it will crash far beyond the settlement, perhaps we should simply take shelter ourselves now," said Hope.

"You may do so if you want, I am going to try and see if I can slow it down," said Amore as she turned towards where it was headed.

"But my lady, why would you risk yourself like that!?" asked Hope as she began running after her.

"If that thing strikes the ground to hard it could cause an avalanche, and I have not led these ponies here simply to meet their ends," said Amore before she continued saying, "Besides, tis an odd sight, such a thing falling from the sky and it would certainly be interesting if we got to inspect it all in one piece rather then shattered across the ground," as she looked back at her student with a smile.

Hope sighed before returning the smile as she said, "Indeed it would my mentor," before moving alongside her as she said, "So shall we?"

"Absolutely," said Amore as they soon reached where the object was heading towards as they ignited their horns and tried to focus on it.

In an instant Sombra felt the ship jerk as it began to slow down. His eyes burst open as he looked out the windshield seeing the strange creatures on the ground. "What are," he began saying but quickly shook his head as he grabbed the controls again saying, "No time to wonder that now, still not slow enough for a proper landing but with any luck this crash will simply be a funny story I tell her back home." Sombra steeled his gaze on the white snow below as with all his might he moved to level off with it. Sombra had the briefest of smiles as he saw the ship begin to slide across the snow, only for the full weight of it to thud against the rock beneath shaking the entire cockpit as Sombra's Gem rattled and his body went limp and his vision went black.

Amore and Hope watched as the object hit the ground and skidded across the snow before scraping hard against the ground as it soon came to a stop. As the two ran up they eyed the objects curves as she Hope said, "Tis an odd thing indeed," she then gestured to the front of it as she said, "Why it almost looks like it has a window."

Amore quickly teleported atop the structure as her eyes widened and she said, "Tis not simply a resemblance of a window, tis actually one."

"What!?" said Hope in shock as she teleported alongside Amore as she looked inside to a large dark bipedal creature unconscious inside it as she said, "What in the name of the world is that?"

"I do not know, but whatever or rather whoever he is he won't last long out here like this, quickly help me get this open," said Amore as she wrapped the window in her magic.

"My lady... is that wise?" said Hope as she looked down at the strange muscular creature.

Amore sighed as she said, "Did we not leave our land and found this one to help every creature live in harmony?"

"I... I am sorry my lady," said Hope as she nodded and joined them as the two worked expecting the window to break, instead however it was able to come away from the bent metal frame in one piece as Hope's widened and she said, "My word... I've never seen a form of glass so sturdy before."

"There will be time to admire his odd transport later, for now we most hurry and get him back to the palace," said Amore as she put herself under one of his arms as Hope soon did the same and the two carried him back.

Author's Note:

Well I hope it was worth the wait everycreature, and I'm sorry this isn't the full story of Sombra's past. It's my fault, I just kept writing and writing thinking there was no good break but then as soon as I realized things would have to change gears once Sombra arrived on Equis it was, right there. I hope you all understand the delay for this chapter and unfortunetly the delay for next chapter as it is likely to be as long if not longer then this one, do not worry though as we are nearing the season 2 finale and I promise to get us to that before long.

Also 3XF is of course an Era 1 Peridot so unlike the angry little slice of pie we're familiar with she looks more like the one on the left

Drawn by Kurtaztrophe go check them out on DeviantArt

Anyway thank you for reading any constructive criticism is welcome have a great day.