• Published 7th Sep 2019
  • 7,770 Views, 372 Comments

Spinel's New Best Friend - luckyboys121

After everything she'd done on Earth, Spinel didn't think anyone would want to be her friend the way she was

  • ...

Princess Meeting and Villain Meeting

As Spinel sat next to Pinkie on the train she couldn't help but feel the tension in the air as she looked at the worried faces of her friends. She leaned over to Pinkie and whispered, "So what exactly do you think is happening?"

"I'm not sure, the princesses have never called us out of the blue like this before," said Pinkie.

Spinel sat back as she looked around thinking, "I hope whatever is going isn't too bad, in the mean time everyone being stressed out like this probably isn't helping... not sure if I can really do anything though. This is a big deal and it's not like the're little kids who can be distracted with a silly song or something." She then looked down as she noticed the little dragon in the seat across from her before she thought, "Well one of them is a kid anyway, and maybe the others will get distracted listening to us talk at least," as she smiled and said, "So Spike, you and I have never really gotten a chance to talk have we?"

Spike then looked forward as he said, "Hum, I guess not," recalling that any time he and Spinel were in the same room it was always with the whole group. He then smiled as he said, "So what do you want to talk about?"

Spinel thought on this for a moment before saying, "Let's start with something light and easy, what's your favorite food?"

Spike smiled wider at this as he began to say, "Oh that's easy it would have to be gem stoooonnneeesss...." he then trailed off as he realized what he just said and more specifically to whom he said. He then began stammering saying things like, "Of course those gems couldn't talk and none of them were spinels not that I'm opposed to spinels but I,"

As Spike began to stammer the others turned to him and began to snicker and giggle as Spinel let out a chuckle of her own saying, "It's fine kid, I get what you're trying to say," as she leaned back thinking, "Well this isn't how I thought things would go but it definitely worked."

In an instant Sombra found himself reforming as he glanced down at his body and the cave around him. He said to himself, "Odd, one moment my spark is still collecting energy to reform, the next it has it all, which can only mean someone helped me... so maybe." He then allowed himself to feel a sense of hope he had not felt in some time as he closed his eyes and ignited his horn feeling the energies around him. That hope was quickly dashed aside as he sighed saying, "I should have known Yellow would never dare to set foot on such a miserable planet, not until I've finished readying it and contacted her at least... there is a rather odd energy nearby though... and another that seems vaguely familiar." He tried to focus more on the familiar energy but clicked his tongue in annoyance as he said, "It's too far away and moving further... oh well I guess the odd one it is," as he began to journey deeper into the cave.

One hour later

Spinel giggled as she walked alongside Spike saying, "She seriously freaked out that much over missing one assignment."

Spike raised a hand as he said, "Swear to Celestia, went on a full rampage around town that ended in casting a dangerous spell on her foalhood doll."

Spinel let out another laugh that was shared by everything else, everyone except Twilight that is who seemed very unamused as she cleared her throat to gain attention as she said, "Well if you all are done talking about my embarrassing moments, we're at the throne room."

Spinel quieted down as she said, "Sorry about that."

Applejack then stepped forward saying, "It was mighty good of her and Spike to settle out nerves though."

"Indeed darlings, especially by reminding us about sometimes you might have... overreacted just a touch with talking to princesses," said Rarity.

"I..." began Twilight as she let out a sigh before smiling as she said, "I guess you're right... I should have learned by now that Celestia is a very reasonable mare and if she had something important to tell me she would just tell me instead of sending a vague letter." She then looked at the throne door as she said, "She probably just wants our help with a parade or something and there we where thinking it was the end of the world." She then turned around as she said, "Thank you Spinel, I feel a lot better now."

Spinel shrugged as she said, "It's cool, what are friends for."

"I know, but it still means a lot," said Twilight as she turned back to the door.

Pinkie nudged Spinel as she whispered, "See, you'd make a great counselor."

Spinel nervously chuckled at that as she whispered back, "Yeah maybe."

Pinkie did her best to give a reasurring smile as Twilight said, "Here goes," before pushing the door open as they all entered the throne room.

Celestia and Luna looked down as they saw and heard the doors open. Celestia smiled at the group approaching as she said, "Hello everycreature, I'm sorry to have summoned you all so abruptly."

"Oh it's no trouble Celestia," said Twilight as she and the others approached.

Celestia smiled somewhat wider as she said, "I can see that, after I sent the message I was a little worried you might become concerned about the lack of detail but I can see you have matured a great deal in such a short amount of time."

Twilight smirked as she said, "I admit I was a little stressed at first but I have some good friends to help me with that." She then turned to the assembled group who all smiled and nodded in response.

Luna then spoke up saying, "Speaking of which it is good to see you again Spinel and once again thank you for sorting out that mess at the Gala."

Spinel shrugged as she said, "Ah it was no big deal, it was indirectly my fault anyway."

"Nevertheless it was appreciated," said Luna.

"Indeed as is the work of all of you that has led to the overwhelming levels of peace and friendship this land has experienced since you all took up the Elements of Harmony," said Celestia.

"Oh shoot, we're just doing our part your highness," said Applejack.

"Indeed darling, after all we wouldn't be proper citizens of Equestria if we weren't willing to help our home," said Rarity.

"We're just doing what's right," added Fluttershy.

"Well fighting villains is awesome, so you know I'd have to be a part of that," added Rainbow with a cocky smile.

Spike scratched his head awkwardly as he said, "I don't always feel like I do enough, so it's really nice to hear this."

Spinel then placed a caring hand on his shoulder as she gave him a small smirk that seemed to visibly make him feel better, causing her to think, "Maybe being a counselor would be right for me."

Pinkie then stepped next to her saying, "Whether it's a party or saving the world we just want to make everycreature smile."

"Darn right," said Spinel as she put her arm around the mare.

Celestia smirked as she said, "And after all you have done still so humble," she then glanced briefly at Rainbow before saying, "Mostly," which resulted in slight giggles from all as Rainbow rolled her eyes before shrugging in agreement. Celestia then cleared her throat before she continued saying, "And it is for that reason that we have brought you all here to make a rather big announcement."

"You see Celestia and I originally took the throne of Equestria to defend the land, a task that has been quite the hefty burden, that is until you came along and began shouldering it for us," said Luna.

"And it is for that reason that Luna and I have decided to step down from the throne," said Celestia.

The assembled group barely had time to process that statement before the room was suddenly filled in a flash of light as a familiar being of chaos suddenly stood between them all wearing a gray vest, white shirt, suspenders, a red tie and finally having a small mustache in addition to his usual goatee as he said in a grough voice, "Hold it hold it stop the presses, this is an even bigger headline then pictures of that menace Spider-Mare!" He then leaned over towards Celestia as he suddenly pointed a cigar he had in his hand at her saying, "Now Sun-Butt tell me, after keeping this kingdom together for over a thousand years how can you just walk away from it," he then pointed towards Luna saying, "And you, you recently had what I'd call a rather big vacation to a nearby heavenly body, what makes you think you can walk away without putting in as much work?"

Luna glared at that as she said, "Well inspite of me not being directly I still had to monitor the dream realm during my banishment, a task that even a single night of well test the patience and sanity of any creature."

Celestia raised her hoof saying, "I can agree to that, one night of it was certainly more then enough for me, as for why we feel we are able to walk away it is because we have a rather worthy successor."

"Oh," said Discord dropping the cigar. "Well I'm very flattered but I don't know if I'd have the time-"

Luna then chuckled saying, "Sorry JJ, maybe if you spent a little less time reading comics you would have made the cut."

"Ah," said Discord before snapping his fingers and turning back to his usual self. "In that case I've lost interest, besides I got my things to do anyway." He then walked over to Fluttershy as he said, "See you back at the cottage hon."

Fluttershy nodded as she said, "Just be safe Dissy," as he leaned over and she gave him a quick peck on the cheek causing his eyes to turn to hearts and smoke to come out of his ears.

He then cleared his throat as he stood back up somewhat embarrassed saying, "Well then I..." he paused as he looked towards her saying, "Oh, you must be the Spinel I've heard so much about," he then looked her up and down as he said, "You don't look that entertaining."

Spinel smirked as she said, "Same to you Discord, what do you say to a friendly goof off then to set the record straight?"

Discord chuckled at that as he said, "A direct challenge, I like you. Unfortunately I have a rather busy schedule. People to see chaos to cause, so some other time then." He then snapped his fingers and dissipated as quickly as he had come.

Luna sighed as she said, "Fluttershy not that I'm questioning your choice of partners but sometimes I think you must be the Element of Patience to be able to stand him all day."

Fluttershy blushed as she said, "He's not so bad once you really get to know him."

Celestia chuckled as she said, "Well regardless the one we have picked to take our place on the throne is you Twilight."

"M-ME!" said Twilight as she flapped her wings in bewilderment.

"Well officially you, but we know you'll have plenty of help of course," said Luna gesturing towards everyone else.

"Yes Twilight we do believe that-" began Celestia but she instantly stopped as she saw Twilight begin to hyperventilate as she used her magic to make a bag to breathe into. "Maybe I should have been a little more detailed in the letter to prepare her for this."

As Sombra found himself entering the cavern he was greeted by Queen Chrysalis as she yelled out, "King Sombra, you've returned!?"

He simply sighed at them thinking, "Ah the organics who think the're on my level and brand me as simple a 'villian'" before saying, "Indeed I have Chrysalis and it seems you have as well," he then looked around as he said, "as have you Tirek and... I'm sorry little one but who are you?"

The small pegasus smiled as she said, "I'm Cozy Glow, Tirek's BFF," resulting in a groan of annoyance from Tirek.

Sombra slightly chuckled as he thought, "A child accompanying them, and yet they still think themselves powerful." They where then interrupted as smoke began to fill the room as Sombra thought, "And now that I'm next to it I know who that odd energy belongs to, after all out of all the creatures in this universe none is odder then-"

But before he could finish that thought the smoke cleared to reveal a large blue goat-like creature as he looked down on the group saying, "I am Grogar and I am the one who brought you all here."

Sombra raised his eyebrows in surprise but decided to keep quiet for now.

"For what reason have you done this?" asked Chrysalis.

Grogar chuckled as he said, "Why it's simple, tell me why do you think you all have lost in your efforts to take Equestria?"

"Because these organics broke into my castle and turned one of my own geo-weapons against me!" thought Sombra as he remembered the burn of the Crystal Heart.

He decided not to voice this though as Grogar said, "Because you have worked alone, whereas the ponies work together... well I say it's about time we work together."

"That's what I've been saying too but Tirek is too much of a grump to agree," said Cozy as she beamed in excitement.

Grogar opened his mouth to respond but Sombra simply thought, "Alright, I've indulged this enough," before teleporting in front of him. He then smirked as he said, "I don't know about the rest of this lot, but I guarantee my goals don't exactly line up with team work."

"You dare speak against Grogar, the true master of Darkness you tiny pretender to the throne," said Grogar as flame began to boil in his eyes.

Sombra simply chuckled at that as he said, "Oh I absolutely do, now then get me back to my Empire and away from all of this pettiness," he then leaned in and whispered, "Before I have to ruin whatever little game it is you're playing Discord."

'Grogar's' eyes went wide at that before he cleared his throat saying, "Very well if you want to be a practical example as to why we need teamwork then be my guest," he then raised his hoof as he wrapped Sombra in magic teleporting him away before turning back to the others thinking, "I hope none of them are so perceptive."

Author's Note:

Well then I hadn't expected to be updating anything any time soon, and must certainly not this but I rewatched the Steven Universe movie and one thing led to another. So yeah I'm trying to get back into updating this story for a while (both because I have a hyper focus going toward it and it is actually closer to the end then you think so finger crossed I can get that far during this session)

Anyway thanks for reading hope you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day