• Published 7th Sep 2019
  • 7,771 Views, 372 Comments

Spinel's New Best Friend - luckyboys121

After everything she'd done on Earth, Spinel didn't think anyone would want to be her friend the way she was

  • ...

The Tour Begins

Sombra watched the door waiting patiently with a smile for everyone to return as he thought, "At last the day has come, finally, FINALLY! I can show Yellow Diamond that she was right to give me this chance, that I can earn the respect of her and the other Diamonds that I... I no longer have to be alone." As those thoughts danced through his head the others came back through the door as he said, "Ah, my Spinel. So then shall we begin?"

Spinel looked over the royal trio in their chains as she said, "Before we do, do you think you could let those three go?"

"Not to question your judgement, but these organic clods have been locked up due to them being a threat. The last time I had taken form the large pink was directly linked to poofing me, and her husband and child can rival her abilities," said Sombra.

Spinel faked a chuckle as she said, "Fair enough, but as you can see I am rather skilled at taming these creatures," she then gestured to those behind her before she continued saying, "And I believe Pink Diamond would consider them unique specimens as well."

Sombra looked at the ponies and dragon as he said, "I see your point... very well I will release them, but I insist that you allow me to suppress their minds at least for safety's sake," said Sombra as he ignited his gem and moved towards the trio.

"NO!" yelled Twilight as she stepped forward.

Sombra raised an eyebrow as he turned towards Twilight saying, "Forgive me my Spinel but it seems that these creatures are not as in line as they seem... perhaps I can help you with that."

Spinel then pushed Twilight back a bit as she said, "That won't be necessary, Pink Diamond's training simply takes time... isn't that right girls?"

She then turned the others as Rairty stepped forward saying, "Why of course my Spinel... I'm sure Twilight simply forgot how generous you all are being," as she took her friend back.

Sombra smirked at that saying, "Impressive, I was a little cautious given how these ones have at least shown a small level of threat but I should have never questioned the will of Pink Diamond."

Spinel shuttered slightly as she thought, "Hearing him complement Pink so much honestly might be the hardest part of this lie." She then stepped forward as she looked at the royal family silently mouthing, "We'll get you out," before turning to Sombra and saying, "You know what, just leave them here for now, we don't want to have to keep track of too many of these guys on our tour."

"Of course my Spinel, well then," said Sombra before placing his hand on a nearby wall and causing a door to open before saying, "Shall we begin?"

Spinel briefly glanced behind her as the others nodded one by one before getting to Twilight who simply stared at her family before Spike patted her shoulder and the two of them nodded. "Let's," said Spinel simply as they moved into the hall he opened.

The group began moving down the hall as Sombra explained, "Thankfully the passages containing the circuitry and data farms for the castles systems where sealed so none of these organic clods where able to do anything to them beyond superficial damage or alterations, all of which my servants are remedying." At this point a green crystal pony began walking towards him as he smiled saying, "Speaking of which, Peridot class unit."

The pony stopped dead in her tracks and quickly raised her front hooves in a semi successful attempt at a Diamond salute as she said, "Unit P0-N3 reporting King Sombra."

Sombra then had somewhat of a cold sweat as he turned back to Spinel saying, "Forgive the title, it was needed to help over ride the minds of some organics but I assure you I still know my place in the Empire is far below that of yours."

"It's... um, it's cool, I get it," said Spinel somewhat awkwardly as she thought, "Man this guy's really got it bad with the Diamond worship... of course I stood in one spot for 6000 years because of a Diamond so hindsight is 20 20."

Twilight sighed as she looked around thinking, "Well at the very least I should try and learn more about all this while I can, to help take my mind off my worries." "What do you mean by Peridot class?" she asked.

Sombra briefly glanced back at her without saying anything before Spinel spoke up saying, "Since Pink Diamond wants to keep these organics as pets it's important to answer their questions and help them understand Gem Society."

"Pets," grumbled Rainbow Dash before getting a nudge from Applejack that said, "Be quiet."

Sombra turned around saying, "Of course my Spinel, I should have known," Sombra looked down at Twilight in a very condescending manner as he said, "Well in our society we have different Gems for different jobs and Peridots function in various fields of science, and unfortunately this planet can not form a proper Kindergarten due to the unique radiation you refer to as 'magic' so instead I've had to infuse these ponies with Peridot data, hence the green glow they emit."

"Wait... you did what to them?" asked Rarity as she looked at the mare standing at attention in greater concern.

Sombra groaned slightly before saying, "I'll try to explain it in ways you can understand later, but for now," he then turned back to the green mare saying, "What is your status?"

"All systems have been triple checked and obstructions are cleared, the Injector is ready for deployment whenever you are ready," said P0-N3.

"Very good, you are dismissed," said Sombra as the green mare continued past them. They continued down the hall before they came to a large chamber with a large glowing yellow sphere that seemed to have what looked like countless squares moving around inside it as he said, "On our first official stop we have the reactor, where the primitive energies of the Crystal Heart can be refined and amplified in order to power all the equipment."

"So you're saying you didn't make the Crystal Heart then?" asked Fluttershy.

"No, it was actually made by the original royal of this land, Princess Amore. The first impediment of my rule here, she along with her student... Radiant Hope I believe her name was. It has been so long," said Sombra in brief thought. "They took me in when I first arrived on this planet, foolish as it was. I claimed that I was here to help the advancement of their society and thus they shared with me the secrets of the Crystal Heart and allowed me to... modify their castle." Sombra sighed as he placed a hand over of his face saying, "Forgive me... but at one time I did share Pink Diamond's sentimentality for organics... I had hoped to keep those two by my side well into the colonization efforts but they sadly failed to see the true glory of the Diamonds... once they knew what was going on they tried to stop me... defeating them was the hardest thing I had to do."

"You... you killed ponies who took you in!" said Twilight as her horn threatened to ignite from her rage as the others tried to restrain her.

Sombra looked down at her and chuckled saying, "No no no... far from it in fact... hang on," said Sombra as he then placed his hand on a panel causing two pillars to rise from the floor.

In an instant Twilight expression went from anger to horror as they saw resting inside each of the pillars suspended in liquid was a unicorn mare. One small and purple with a blue mane, the other a light shade of pink with darker pink hair and being roughly the same size as Princess Celestia. "They were in fact the first ponies I modified, and the greatest at that, I had to keep them near the reactor to cook off the reserve energy," said Sombra. He then glanced at a screen and smiled wider saying, "Thankfully it seems they are ready to come out if you would like to meet them," said Sombra as he didn't even bother to wait for the answer and began tapping away at the screen.

The pillars soon began to open as the liquid leaked on the floor, Rarity stepped away gagging slightly as the others simply watched as the unicorns remained still as statues before suddenly opening their eyes as the liquid instantly stopped in its tracks. As the two mares began to walk out the liquid started flowing off the ground and through the air collecting on their backs. Finally as they reached the group the liquid took the form of wings on each of their backs.

"You.... made them alicorns?" asked Pinkie as she cocked her head in confusion.

"Not quite, though I admit the comparison is somewhat amusing," said Sombra with a warm smile as he looked upon the mares thinking, "In the end I was able to give you what you deserved."

The two mares then flexed their watery wings before forming them into a diamond salute as they said in unison, "Lapis units reporting for duty King Sombra."

Instantly the group was unnerved by the soulless symetry the two displayed, at the lack of any spark in their cold unfeeling eyes that seemed to be staring at both nothing and everything at the same time.

"How... could you do this to them?" asked Applejack in horror.

"To them," asked Sombra as he cocked her head at her saying, "I did this for them." He then approached the group as they began to back away as his face began to twist in anger and he said, "I increased their power, allowed them to live far longer then anyone else in their species, gave them a place in the Empire more important then even my own so that nothing can happen to them!" Sombra then slammed his fist on a wall to try and make his point, the two mares simply standing as if nothing was happening.

All this caused the more timid Fluttershy to move further back then the others causing her to bump into the reactor core, causing a bolt of pink lighting to go from her Element to the reactor making it glow brighter, which intern scared her making her move away from it.

Sombra looked at them before breathing out and smoothing his hair as he said, "Fascinating it appears as though these Elements of yours can also fuel the reactor, I'll have to look into that later... with caution of course, too much energy could overload it and ruin everything..." He then trailed off before looking at Spinel with a salute as he said, "Forgive me for my outburst my Spinel, I'm not sure what came over me."

"Well um... just make sure it doesn't happen again," said Spinel with a fake angry look.

"Of course," said Sombra with a slight bow before he continued saying, "Now then, as I was saying I have combined these two with the code of Lapis Lazulis, once the opposition has been removed they shall be deployed to terraform this planet to better suit Gem needs, with any luck once this magic is cleared away the land will be fit for proper Kindergartens giving the Empire double the forces and resources that was estimated, now then let us continue."

As the group began to move again Twilight lingered staring at the two mares simply standing like statues thinking, "He cares about them... in his own sick and twisted way he cares about them and it made him do this to them... if Spinel can make him care about us, who's to say it won't be just like this." A vision of Shining, Cadence, and Flurry standing stock still and silent like this suddenly entered her mind before she shook in clear.

As she thought on this Spike briefly came back saying, "Hey Twilight you gotta keep up-" before suddenly stopping as he belched flame revealing a scroll that clattered to the ground with a clang that clearly showed something was wrapped inside it.

Twilight fast approached the scroll not even bothering to read it as she unfurled it confirming the Rejuvinator was tucked inside before slipping it and the scroll into her saddle bag as she simply looked at Spike saying, "Let's go."

Spike gulped as he said, "Hey Twi... I know you're worried about your family and some of the stuff we've seen so far isn't exactly great... but you got to remember this isn't even the worst we've ever seen, I mean first off the brainwashing was done by Starlight-"

Spike continued on but Twilight didn't hear him as she thought, "If he even thinks about turning my family into things like that, I'm putting a stop it no matter what!"

Author's Note:

And so the tour is underway and Twilight is not liking it, what will happen next, find out around this time next week

Thanks for reading, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day