• Published 7th Sep 2019
  • 7,770 Views, 372 Comments

Spinel's New Best Friend - luckyboys121

After everything she'd done on Earth, Spinel didn't think anyone would want to be her friend the way she was

  • ...

Days of the Past Part 2

Hope and Amore watched as the unconscious stranger rested on a bed as Amore said, "I've done every sort of health spell and healing spell I can think of, and I can't even tell if they've had any effect... there's nothing we can do but wait."

Hope nodded as she moved over to a nearby desk as she said, "What do you suppose he is my lady?"

Amore thought on this before moving over as she said, "I have a few thoughts but I am curious to see what you think first."

Hope nodded as she flipped through her notes saying, "To be honest I'm not sure, his body almost looks like that of a miniature, yet he has one horn on his forehead like us rather than two... perhaps he is a previously unknown variety."

"Perhaps... though I don't think that is the case," said Amore as she sighed and sat down. "Though I fear that if I say what I am thinking you might accuse me of going mad in this cold."

Hope gasped at that as she said, "My lady I would never do such a thing!"

Amore chuckled as she said, "Very well then... tell me, how has your studies of astronomy been going?"

Hope cocked her head at that as she said, "I suppose they are fine... but I fail to see how that relates."

"Tell me... the strange craft he arrived in, where do you suppose it came from?"

"I hadn't given it too much thought... must be quite the place to have such odd airships, I couldn't even see the balloon though I suppose it may have been ruined in the crash," said Hope.

"Perhaps... or perhaps not," said Amore before she sighed and said, "Consider this... we have never seen such a craft or even any of the materials that make it up, as you noted the glass seems astoundingly durable, not even cracking in the crash."

Hope cocked her head again as she said, "It does seem marvelously constructed but where is this going?"

Amore let out one more sigh before saying, "The entire time we watched it, it seemed to come from straight down never turning until we slowed it down, meaning that it didn't take off from anywhere on the ground..."

"So then," began Hope before gasping as she said, "My lady, surely you can't be suggesting-"

"If you truly have been keeping up in your astronomy you know that there are other planets out there... who's to say those planets are not teaming with life like ours," said Amore.

"But... that's absurd!" said Hope.

"That is as I thought too, but tell me my pupil... do you have any other explanations for this?" said Amore.

"I...." began Hope trying to figure out something, anything that made more sense, only to shy in defeat.

Amore simply nodded at that as she smiled saying, "Well we did wish to unite the races of our world together, perhaps it is only right that we are the ones to try and do the same with the races of other worlds as well."

Before Hope could respond they suddenly heard a groan as they turned to see their other worldly guest sit up.

Immediatly Amore ran over as she placed her hoof on his arm saying, "Are you alright?"

Sombra let out another groan as he nodded and blinked his eyes as he tried to unblur his vision thinking, "My head what happened... am I back at the lab?"

Hope soon approached as well as she asked, "Can you tell us your name?"

Sombra wearily did a salute and began saying, "Synthetic-" only to stop as his vision cleared up as he saw the creatures before him. Instantly he put his hands back down as he said, "Um, Sombra."

"Well Sombra, welcome to Equis, my name is Amore and this is my student Radiant Hope," said Amore with a smile.

"Charmed to meet you," said Hope with a slight bow.

Sombra turned his head to look at the odd creatures as he thought, "Nothing like them in the data I have active on other worlds, nore in any of the things I have learned from 3XF," he briefly paused at his thoughts turning to her but shook his head as he thought, "Have to remain focused though, need to be careful with these creatures... for now." He began to get up as he said, "I thank you for your hospitality, now if you'll kindly direct me to my ship I will leave you."

At this Hope stepped next to him as she said, "Hold on now, you just woke up, surely you need to rest."

"Indeed, besides a blizzard is starting out there," said Amore as she gestured to the heavy snow fall and wind out the window as she said, "No creature could make it in such a storm."

Sombra looked at the snow undeterred as he said, "Perhaps that would stop organic creatures like you, but I can assure you I am made of sterner stuff."

Hope blinked at that as she said, "So then... you truly are from another world."

Sombra glanced at her and gave a simple nod as he continued along, this caused Amore to teleport in front of him as she said, "I do not claim to know what your people or your world is like, but I do know that as long I am the ruler of this land I am responsible for your safety while you are here just as I am responsible for the safety of everycreature else."

Sombra cocked his head slightly as he thought, "Royalty... and she seems genuinely concerned for my safety despite not knowing me? Yellow would never..." Sombra shook his head at that as he thought, "Yellow would never do such a thing because it is unwise, after all she is trying to help me and I intend to conquer her world... never the less royalty commands respect." He then gave her a salute as he said, "Once again I am grateful for your help your highness but as you said, you know nothing of me or my world, and I can assure you I am not a creature who needs protecting."

Amore sighed at that as she said, "Well if that is how you feel I suppose I can't stop you."

Hope however gulped before teleporting alongside her mentor as she said, "If you will not wait for yourself at least wait so that we can join you."

Sombra was taken aback by that as he asked, "And why would I wait for that?"

"Because despite your claims, we were the ones who stopped your ship from crashing and we can help move it and provide a place for you to repair it," said Hope before turning to her mentor as she said, "If that is alright with you my lady."

Amore looked to her student and smiled as she said, "Of course it is, what a splendid idea my student." Amore then turned to Sombra as she said, "Even if you claim to not be bothered by the snow, I'm sure whatever repairs you will need to do will be easier away from it, and with assistance no doubt."

Sombra looked at them before asking, "And what would you like in exchange for this assistance?"

"Nothing... as I said while you are in my kingdom you are my responsibility," said Amore with a smile.

"Though, if you are comfortable with it we would like to hear about your world and the astounding technology that has allowed you to travel the stars to reach ours," said Hope with a smile.

Amore chuckled at that as she said, "You'll have to excuse my pupil, she has always had a great appetite for knowledge... though I admit to a curiosity about that information myself."

Sombra rubbed his chin thinking, "That's all they want... well I suppose I can give them that at the very least, though I doubt they well be willing to help me if I tell them my true reason for being here so some deception is in order." He then sighed as he said, "Very well, I was planning on sharing this information with you anyway," he then went over to the bed and sat back down.

"I beg your parden?" asked Hope.

Sombra smiled as he said, "I come as an envoy of the Diamond Empire, the greatest power in the known universe, and I was sent you to share with your world information and technology so that you might advance to the point of joining us in the stars."

"Really now?" asked Amore in excitement.

"Well you certainly picked the right part of our planet to crash into then," said Hope with a chuckle before she continued saying, "Many creatures on this world aren't exactly interested in a united Empire."

Sombra cocked his head as he said, "How odd," as he thought, "I knew that organics could be illogical, but one would think that if a royal figured out a crude imitation of the Gem Empire the others would gravitate towards it."

"Which is why it is good that you are here, if you can truly help us advance to such a point as you describe I doubt any of them will be able to argue against cooperation," said Amore with a smile.

Sombra jerked slightly at that as he said, "Yes indeed... I'm sure that is the case," as he thought, "These creatures are much to trusting." He then looked over at Hope as he noticed her eyes were nearly closed as she suddenly struggled to stand.

Amore chuckled before letting a yawn of her own as she said, "You'll have to forgive us but it is a rather late hour and unlike you we haven't gotten any sleep lately."

Sombra cocked his head as he said, "Sleep?" thinking, "I think I remember hearing that word during the study of organics but... what did it mean again?"

Amore cocked her head at that as she said, "You don't know what..." before stopping as she shook her head and smiled as she said, "I suppose you are quite right about us not knowing what your people are like then... sleep is something we do, typically at night, where we lose consciousness in order to reinvigorate our bodies."

"I see," said Sombra as he stroked his chin thinking, "Yes I remember now.... seems rather inconvenient, would leave one vulnerable for some time."

Hope nodded as she let out a yawn before crawling into the bed Sombra had been laying as she said, "Indeed, and I don't believe I can continue without sleep so I wish you good night Sombra, and a good night to you my mentor."

Amore chuckled at that as she got into the bed as well saying, "I am right behind you my dear student."

Hope blushed slightly as she said, "My lady, you do not need to share a bed with me."

Amore chuckled at Hope's reluctance as she said, "Come now, there is no need for me to return to my chambers if you are going to be here... besides when you were a filly you used to insist on sleeping next to me quite often."

"I suppose," said Hope retreating somewhat under the blanket.

Amore once again chuckled as she turned to Sombra saying, "Terribly sorry about this, but you are free to wake us when you see the storm let up."

Sombra sighed as he said, "Very well," as the two settled in. As Sombra glanced around he thought, "I suppose this mission won't be that hard with their assistance, even if they have to take regular breaks in order to maintain their fragile organic bodies," he then looked over at them as he thought, "Sleep really does seem impractical." Suddenly the two moved a bit closer in their sleep as Sombra suddenly had the image of himself and 3XF laying together like that as he turned away blushing and thought, "Though I suppose their are some benefits to it."

Sombra watched as Amore and Hope levitated his ship into the large space as he said, "Once again I thank you... you know this room would make for a great commited hanger if you wouldn't mind."

Hope looked over at him as she said, "Well we had planned on this being a dining room but...."

Amore sighed as the two of them sat the ship down saying, "Unfortunately we haven't had much reason to have a formal meal with our subjects yet, or even the food to do such a thing."

"Which is why your help will be greatly appreciated," said Hope with a smile.

Sombra lurched as she smiled back saying, "Yes indeed-" he then approached the ship as went under it saying, "Now let's take a look at-" suddenly he stopped as his eyes went wide and he said, "No no no no no!"

Amore soon joined his side as she said, "What's wrong?"

"The main float disk is cracked beyond repair, and I doubt I will be able to get a new one on this planet," said Sombra with gritted teeth.

"And what does that mean?" asked Hope.

Sombra glanched at them before sighing as he said, "It means that this ship isn't leaving the planet again any time soon... it should be able to use the thrusters to fly short in atmosphere trips, with a few repairs of course, but as it stands the ship is completely grounded."

"Oh my... is there anyway you can contact your people for help?" asked Amore.

Sombra looked at the side as he said, "Not immediately, the long range security antenna while not intended for communication could have potentially been modified to do so.... if it was still attached to the ship and not buried in the snow somewhere. The actual communicator isn't powerful enough to reach the Empire from here... not yet anyway, once we incorporate and modify this for your aid it might be possible."

"I see," said Amore as she lowered her head in thought.

Hope leaned over as she said, "My lady did you really understand all that?"

"For the most part I believe," said Amore.

Sombra let a slight chuckle as he said, "Sorry, it is kind of amusing to see you not understand these concepts."

Hope houghed at that as she said, "How dare you say such a rude thing."

Sombra cocked his head as he said, "It was not intended to be rude."

Hope opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by Amore saying, "So you're saying that your people are too far away to communicate with your machines... but pray tell, didn't you bring any stones or potions to augment your magic?"

"My... what?" asked Sombra taken aback by that.

Hope let out a laugh at that as she said, "I see now what you meant by it being amusing."

Amore rolled her eyes but couldn't help out a giggle of her own as Sombra sighed before having a smirk as he said, "It would seem that we both have things to teach each other."

"Quite right," said Amore with a smile.

Sombra then opened a hatch as he said, "Well in the mean time I can get some equipment set up, and teach you a few things."

As they said this the snow suddenly began to whip up again as Hope said, "I don't suppose you can do anything about the weather, can you?"

Sombra thought on this as he said, "I assume you just mean around here and not full on terraforming, and no nothing immediate. I suppose we could attempt to build an atmospheric alteration tower later but that could take months."

"Well we already have the Crystal Heart protecting our settlement from the brunt of the storms, perhaps you can do something to make it more effective," said Amore.

"Crystal... Heart?" asked Sombra as he thought, "The ceremonial apparatus's for temples? It has to just be a coincidence."

"I had spent years forging it, it is meant to absorb the love and friendship of those around it in order to create a protective magic barrier that in theory could keep out both threats of invasion and things like poor weather, however I fear I may have made a mistake in its construction as despite our land being the most unified in the world, it is not doing as much as I'd hoped," said Amore.

"Ah definitely coincidence and mention of magic again... could that be what they call the radiation?" thought Sombra before he nodded saying, "I suppose I won't know for sure until I get a look at it."

"Right this way then," began Amore but she was stopped as Hope stood in front of them.

"Hold on my lady, up until now we have only led Sombra through the outskirts but the Crystal Heart is right in the center of the settlement, and I fear that the citizenry might not react the best to our... visitor," said Hope pointing towards Sombra.

Amore sighed as she said, "I'm sorry Sombra but I fear she is right since as much as we are committed to a united empire of creatures, we have never seen anything like you on our world and I fear that many would react to you with fear or the very least trepidation."

"Oh, that won't be a problem," said Sombra before thinking, "I am an infiltrator after all, I would have done this sooner if I had not lost consciousness in the crash." Before they ask what he meant he closed his eyes as his Gem began to glow, before his entire body glowed and shrunk down to a pony shape. He then opened his eyes and looked down at himself as he said, "Walking on all fours will take some getting used to, and I'll absolutely have to change back to operate my equipment but I suppose we can do that in private."

He then looked over as he saw Amore and Hope staring at him mouth agape as Hope suddenly began stuttering as she said, "Cha-cha-changeling! My lady get back!" as she tried to stand between her and Sombra.

Amore then pushed her back saying, "Hope calm down, why would a Changeling arrive in a vehicle from beyond the stars, or fake it at the very least."

Hope then looked back at her before sighing as she said, "I suppose you are right, forgive me my lady but... this is just unexpected."

"Indeed," said Amore before turning to Sombra as she said, "Forgive her, it's just shape shifting is a rare ability on our world and while we'd be willing to offer friendship if they accepted, the Changelings we have encountered thus far have not been very receptive, perhaps that is simply the influence or their Queen but that is a topic for another day."

"I... understand," said Sombra filing that information away for later.

"Now then, shall we," said Amore as she led the way out.

Soon they arrived as Sombra looked at the Crystal Heart floating above the ground as Amore explained, "As I said it collects the love of our citizenry and turns it into magic that is sent up the tower to form a barrier... it is simply rather weak now."

Sombra rubbed his chin at that as he said, "I suppose a first instinct would be to put some more conductive crystals around it to better channel this radiation."

"Radiation?" asked Hope.

"Forgive me, the magic as you call it," said Sombra.

"Such an odd term," said Amore.

Sombra then closed his eyes as he focused on the tower before him thinking, "Just a simple conductive stone will likely do the trick," as spikes began to grow the top and bottom of the tower before meeting the Crystal Heart in the middle.

Before Hope or Amore could even comment on this the effect began. Suddenly the heart began to spin faster as they could feel its energy radiate out of it and for a brief moment they stared in awe as the snow around it began to melt away into a beautiful grassy field as the effect began spread outward and as soon it touched their hooves they instantly felt better as it took away all the fatigue and worry they had experienced during this time and even seemed to make their coats shinier.

"My word this is marvelous," said Hope looking down at her self.

"Indeed," said Amore before turning as she said, "Thank you Som-" only to instantly stop as the magic seemed to have quite a different effect on him as he was groaning in pain as his body looked like it was cracking apart. In an instant Amore leaped upon the Crystal Heart knocking it from between the spikes causing the magic to fade as snow began to land over the green field.

Sombra heaved as he looked down at his body as the cracks began to fade, he then looked up at Amore above him as they blushed before parting as Sombra coughed before saying, "Forgive me, I failed to account for how the radiation might affect my form."

"Your form?" asked Hope.

Sombra thought on this for a moment before saying, "My body as it where, is simply something my Gem," he then gestured to the curved red horn atop his head, "makes out of light to carry it around, and unfortunately the radiation this outputs in large doses seems to be on the opposite end of the light spectrum and thus disrupts it."

Amore looked down as she said, "I believe I understand.... is there anyway you can do to combat it?"

Sombra raised his hoof to his chin in thought as he said, "If I were to reform while the radiation was active I could adjust to it... but such a process could take over a thousand years."

"Well then that's certainly not an option then, unless you can make us Alicorns," said Hope.

"Alicorns?" asked Sombra.

Amore sighed as she said, "It's nothing just... supposedly they are immortal ponies with both wings and horns and Hope seems to believe her and I might become them some day."

"You read the legends my lady, a pony can ascend into being an Alicorn if they prove they are truely dedicated to harmony and I can not imagine anyone is more so then you are... and perhaps myself, but you at the very least are worthy of such an honor," said Hope.

Amore sighed once again as she said, "Yes I read the legends, but that's what they are legends... moving on though what else can we do Sombra?"

"I suppose we can attempt to build a reactor to convert the radiation of the Heart into a more conventional energy, this would allow us to not only improve the weather but a number of other technological advancements as well," said Sombra.

"Well then, what are we waiting for, let's return to your ship and get to work," said Hope excitedly.

"Let's," said Amore with a giggle.

Sombra let out a chuckle of his own as he followed after them.

Several months later

As Amore looked at the various view screens around her she turned to Hope saying, "Energy levels appear stable, the reactor seems nominal."

Hope nodded as she said, "And the energy to the Heart Tower as well as the castle's system is flowing normally, meaning that this new device has been successfully integrated into the system."

"Indeed, so tell us Sombra what is this process we have been working on," said Amore as she gestured to the large drill like device that had detached from the Castle and now floated above a nearby field.

Sombra smiled as he levitated up a parchment saying, "It's rather simple really."

"Simple as levitation seems to be for you, you've made some good progress in learning to control your magic, I mean radiation," said Amore with a smile.

"As have you two become very well acquainted with my technology," said Sombra before he continued saying, "Now then, I think we can all agree that life in the settlement proper has become rather good for you and your citizenry."

"Can't argue there, from the better weather and indoor heating to the near limitless applications of holo pads for work and entertainment I dare say it's become perfect," said Hope.

"Perhaps close, but if we are to turn this settlement into the proper Empire you all deserve then we need greater numbers which is why... well I'll just show you," said Sombra as he shifted his hoof into an ocarina and played a note causing the drill to burrow into the ground as they all watched as a line of grill trailed along the drill head into the ground causing the ground itself to begin to turn green. The three watched in awe as... that appeared to be the only change that took place.

"What!?" said Sombra as he moved over to the view screens thinking, "I don't understand, could the mixture have been wrong, did I rush it too much, the formula for Peridots is a bit complex too start with but we need more scientists and" he then glanced at the green of the field as it reminded him of certain smiling green face as he thought, "Even if I can't see her it would have been nice to see someone like her."

Amore soon walked up as she said, "Is something wrong Sombra?"

"Is this perhaps something to make the soil more fertile?"asked Hope.

Sombra's ears perked up that as he thought, "The soil should still have plenty of nutrients for planting, and it would be a good way to cover my failure until I can figure out what went wrong," before he smiled as he said, "But of course, can't have the Empire expanding without proper food to feed its citizens."

Amore clapped her hooves at that as she said, "Absolutely and we're in luck," she turned to a nearby brown Earth Pony mare as she said, "Daisy is right nearby."

Upon hearing her name Daisy's ears perked up as she walked over saying, "Did you need something your majesty?"

"Yes, as you can see by the healthy green color Sombra has made another improvement to our lives with this soil, and I would like you and your team to begin working on it as soon as possible," said Amore.

"Of course your highness, I'll get everyone right away," said Daisy as she ran off

An hour later

Sombra looked over the diagrams as he said to himself, "The formula looks correct in all the diagrams... perhaps my mixing equipment is off." Sombra glanced at a screen hooked to an orb containing a sample of the green soil as he said, "And yet the soil seems to have the right measurements in it, so why is it-"

Before he could think on this further he suddenly heard the door to his lab burst open as he turned to see Hope looking at him in fear as she said, "Sombra, something has gone wrong!"

Sombra soon went towards the mare as he said, "What happened?"

"It's the new field we made, the ponies who worked on it have contracted some kind of illness," said Hope.

"Illness?" asked Sombra, as he thought, "That shouldn't be, the chemicals in their raw state are not harmful to organics."

Hope nodded as she said, "Amore doesn't seem to think it's life threatening but we could use your expertise."

"Of course," said Sombra as he followed her to the castle infirmary.

Upon arriving Sombra's eyes widened as all the mare's and stallions lay in beds and every single one of them now had a shade of green on their coats and yellow mains and tails in shades all too familiar as he thought, "It... can't be," as he walked to Amore saying, "What happened?"

"They were working on the new field when all of a sudden they suddenly looked like this," said Amore.

Daisy sat up saying, "Don't mind the new colors too much, but this splitting headache that came with them is positively awful."

"Splitting headache?" asked Sombra.

"I've checked them over with every spell I have and I can't even find anything wrong with them," said Amore.

Sombra looked at Daisy as he thought, "It couldn't be could it?" Before nodding as he said, "I'm going to try something... what is your name?"

"Daisy," she said.

"And what do you do for a living?" asked Sombra

"I'm a farmer at the moment... though once the Empire is properly formed I would like to become a florist," said Daisy as she smiled slightly at that dream.

"I see," said Sombra before igniting his Gem as he thought, "I was hoping not to use this ability given how friendly the locals are, but if this works how I think it does." He touched his Gem to her head as instantly he was greeted to a sea of data brewing in her subconscious, which he brought to the surface.

As he leaned back Amore and Hope blinked as they saw Daisy's smile had faded, as well as any concern in her eyes at her state as she now stared outward with a neutral and blank look.

"What's happened to her?" asked Amore.

Sombra didn't respond as he asked, "Now then, what is your name?"

Instantly she raised her hooves in a vague imitation of the Diamond salute as she said, "Peridot class unit P0-N3."

"Sombra... what is she saying?" asked Hope as she looked at him in concern.

"What is your job?" asked Sombra.

"Science officer, and potential Kindergartener if ordered so," said P0-N3.

"Hum... OK then if you desire to be a Kingderartener then tell me the proper spacing between Injection holes?" asked Sombra.

P0-N3 chuckeldd as she said, "Please, any clod could answer that one, exactly 3.8 meters on each side."

Sombra chuckled at that as she said, "Yes of course!" before he began pacing around as he said, "How did I not think of it, of course the radiation would interfere with the data and spark, but it being rerouted into nearby organics is beyond comprehension this could lead to so many new advances."

Amore and Hope looked at Sombra before turning back to the mare on the bed as Amore said, "Daisy what in the world are you saying?"

"Yes, and what's all this about a Kindergarten, what about being a florist?" asked Hope.

P0-N3 turned to them as she let out a belly laugh saying, "Seriously, why would I waste my time with organic plants like some useless Pearl when I can create the future of the Diamond Empire."

"Diamond Empire..." said Amore as she lowered her head thinking, "Sombra only ever mentioned that to us so how could.... oh dear," as her eyes began to widen.

"Sombra what is she talking about?!" asked Hope as she turned to the pacing excited Gem.

He didn't seem to respond though as he continued discussing this to himself. That is until Amore suddenly yelled out, "SOMBRA!" at which point he and everyone else in the room turned towards her as she gave him a stern look saying, "You will turn Daisy back to normal and then come with us to the lab to... discuss these events."

Sombra mulled this over before saying, "Of course Princess," as he touched his Gem to Daisy again as suddenly she blinked her eyes bewildered.

"Oh my... what just happened?" asked Daisy.

"Do not worry about it," said Sombra before raising his voice as he said, "None of you have anything to fear the color change is perfectly harmless and the headaches will subside after a good nights sleep where the data may fully integrate into your subconscious."

This resulted in several confused murmurs as Sombra, Amore, and Hope exited the room.

They soon found themselves back in the lab as Hope was the first to speak up saying, "What is going on with them Sombra, what is all that stuff she was saying?"

Sombra opened his mouth to respond but what was interrupted as Amore said, "I hope you can tell us the whole truth this time."

Hope looked at her in confusion as she said, "My lady what do you mean?"

Instantly Amore was gesturing for Hope to stand behind her as she said, "I fear we may have made a mistake in allowing this man in our kingdom so openly."

Hope instantly went behind her mentor as Sombra spoke up saying, "I assure you that was the wisest course of action-"

"Enough!" said Amore as she looked back at her student before saying, "No more words until I get the full story... now then, why are you really here and what is the true goal of the Diamond Empire?"

Sombra looked at them both before sighing as he said, "Well I suppose it was bound to come to light eventually... if anything now is a good time for it as these recent developments have both modified and improved the time table of the conquest."

"Conquest!?" asked Hope.

"Yes... you see," said Sombra as he began projecting the hologram of ships landing on a planet from his horn as he said, "Normally Gems land on a planet and then use Injectors," he then changed the hologram to an Injector drilling into the ground, "the tower we deployed earlier, in order plant the chemicals and data necessary to create new Gems be absorbing nutrients from the ground.

"So that's how your species reproduces?" asked Hope.

"Correct, this allows for Gems with the function the Empire needs at the given time to be made in great numbers," said Sombra.

"And what of the organic inhabitants of these planets?" asked Amore. "Surely they have some objection to your people using their land like this."

"Yes well... unfortunately a side effect of Kindergartens is the destruction of a planet's biosphere as without plants to produce oxygen the air begins to thin and... simply put there aren't any organics able to object for long," said Sombra.

Suddenly Hope's eyes widened in horror as she said, "You... you were about to kick off our extinction and we... sat there helping you.."

"Well yes... but not anymore," said Sombra excitedly as he displayed a new hologram depicting several green ponies as he said, "Thanks to the radiation in your bodies you can safely absorb the energy and data of a Gem all it need is a quick activation from me, and if my new theories are right this will intern mean you will have our ability to survive in low atmosphere environments meaning that when this radiation is cleared away and proper Kindergartens can be formed you may assist in such a thing. When the Diamond's set foot on this planet you shall be welcomed with open arms and your world will become the new Jewel of the Empire delivering resources and troops beyond anything seen before!" as he thought, "Then White will respect me."

For a moment they sat in silence, a silence that was broken in a very unexpected way when Amore chuckled as she said, "You truly think that is a life we want?"

Sombra blinked in surprise as he said, "I beg your pardon?"

"You didn't notice how Daisy changed entirely when you 'activated' her?" asked Amore.

"I mean... I suppose but it was better, she's going to serve a purpose to the Empire," said Sombra.

"Yes... but she wasn't her anymore," said Hope.

At this 3XF's voice suddenly echoed through Sombra's head saying, "He wouldn't be him anymore."

He tried to shake this thought to the side as Amore stepped forward saying, "I want to believe... no, I do believe that these few months we have spent together weren't a rouse, that you truly are our friend and as our friend I ask that you understand that there must be another way for our people to coexist."

Sombra looked down in thought, images of these past few months going through his mind, at how helpful and good natured these two had been, at how willing and eager to learn about his technology they where, and how they where equally eager to teach him magic. All this and more went through his mind, only to quickly be wiped away at the memory of the pain Yellow had caused him, and the image of what she or White would do not just to him but this whole planet if he even attempted to abandon the plan. Sombra sighed before igniting his Gem as he said, "You are my friends... and as such I'm sorry, but there is no other way." At which point large stones formed in front of the exit as Sombra turned to them saying, "Now... let me save you."

Hope gasped as Sombra began to slowly approach them, before suddenly she found herself being held by her mentor as she teleported the two of them to her royal chambers.

She then ran to her desk as she said, "Now then I have to act quickly."

Hope blinked before saying, "What are you doing my lady?"

"I'm sending a note to my sister telling her to put the Crystal Heart below the tower... that should stop him," said Amore.

"But Platinum knows nothing of what is going on, she would not understand or believe any of it," said Hope.

"Which is why I'm not telling her the whole truth... I'm writing that Sombra in an Unbrum, a pony of shadow that only the unbridled light and love of the Crystal Heart can dispell," said Amore before lifting up the letter and igniting it as it whisked away.

Hope shook as she said, "I do not know what is worse... how ridiculous such a story is or how I would have readily believed it if I hadn't spent so long working with Sombra on Gem technology."

"Indeed," said Amore.

"But my lady, what are we too in the meantime, surely we should contact the royal guard... or engage the castle's defenses," said Hope.

"You know as well as I that Sombra has total control of those defenses," said Amore and as she spoke they both shuddered as they heard a crashing sound in the distance as she said, "And by the sounds of it he's just breached this wing, and I dare not risk our soldiers against someone who can break down our walls so easily."

"So... what then, are we simply going to allow him to turn us into those... things!?" asked Hope in panic.

"I'm afraid we have little choice in the matter... that said," said Amore as she opened a chest revealing two sets of armor perfectly sized for herself and Hope as she said, "We will not go down without a fight."

As Sombra broke down the door he looked at the two ponies he called his friend now clad in armor, their horns glowing ready to blast him. He sighed saying, "This could all be so easy you know.... Hope you told me of your dream of being an Alicorn with wings and immortality, I could make you both Lapis units giving you all that and more, and if it's your free will you're worried about, I believe encasing you in the Lapis formula rather then simply absorbing it through the ground could allow the data to better integrate in your minds."

"And if it doesn't?" asked Hope.

Sombra simply stared quietly at that as Amore said, "That's what we thought," before they both fired a salvo of beams at Sombra, the Gem simply raising crystal from the ground to block it.

He sighed as he lifted it from the ground and levitated it in front of himself, blocking shots as he approached them. Once he was standing right in front of them he simply shook his head saying, "It didn't have to be this way."

Suddenly Amore teleported behind him as she said, "Yes it did," before letting out a blast right into his back.

The blast caused his body to crack slightly triggering a memory of Yellow doing the same to him, briefly releasing primal rage he didn't even know he had as he sifted back to his normal upright form yelling, "ENOUGH!" before letting a blast from his horn knocking both Amore and Hope into the wall, something he deep down wished he could do to Yellow and Aquamarine so many times. He quickly squashed that thought as he glanced around the room snarling in anger, only for that anger to dissipate as he saw the unconscious mares with bloody gashed in their heads from the blow.

Instantly he found himself carrying the two over his shoulders as he said, "I'm so sorry but don't worry once I get you in the incubation tanks those wounds will heal and the process will begin I," he then looked at the forms laying limp on him, their soft breathing the only thing telling him they where still with him as he marched forward saying, "I'm so so sorry."

Sombra then looked up at Spinel with a sigh as he said, "And that's pretty much it... of course Platinum's forces did try and fight back but they were little match for my might and were forced to retreat. Over the years I had a few dealing with other creatures who thought themselves on my level including that nasty Changeling queen Amore had mentioned. Eventually though Platinum's descendants Celestia and Luna came and used to Crystal Heart to poof me, if those fools are truly 'worthy' of being Alicorn's then Hope and Amore should have ascended long ago," he then noticed the rage in his voice before clearing his throat before saying, "Forgive me... regardless those where the significant encounters I had on this planet and I see no point to recount any others."

"I see," said Spinel as she thought on all this.

"I did try to find the Warp Pad, and even forge a new one but no luck... it's just as well, I ended up using several pieces of the repair kit for other projects," said Sombra as he pointed to the container leaning against a wall saying, "There's only enough repair gel and signal aligners left to guarantee a one way trip either to or from the pad. But enough talk of the past, now we move towards the future of this colony, and it begins with restarting the Kindergarten," said Sombra as he got up and started moving towards the panel.

"Wait," cried out Spinel as she stood up saying, "There's something you don't know."

Sombra blinked as he said, "And what is that?"

Spinel thought on this for a moment before letting out a gulp saying, "Pink Diamond has... declared several planets as organic preserves for life forms she finds interesting, and she wants to do the same with this one," meanwhile she thought, "What am I saying, this lie is going too deep!"

Sombra cocked his head at that as he said, "But.. this planet is a territory of Yellow, surely she wouldn't let it go without a fight."

Unable to stop herself Spinel said, "Yes well.... Pink had actually started forming her own colonies after you left and... they were more profitable than anyone dare dream, she's actually become White's favorite and I'm sure she'd be happy to have you join her court."

Sombra approached her saying, "Really but..." he then thought saying, "To transfer to another court... could I really, after all this time this work, and... her."

Without thinking Spinel found the words, "3XF has already transferred, in fact she's the one who sent me to talk to you," tumbling out of her mouth.

At this Sombra blushed and smiled as he said, "She did she...." he then perked up as he said, "Of course, I'll gladly transfer."

"That... that's great," said Spinel with an awkward smile as she thought, "Well I guess this works for now, it is is the kind of thing Steven did after all," as she remembered reading about how he tricked those Ruby scouts... several times.

Sombra then went back to the console as he said, "I'll free all the organics currently under my control, a significant energy pulse should do the trick," he then shook for a second as he said, "I can't wait to tell Hope and Amore this once they've regained their senses.... first things first though I should deactivate the Injector."

As Spike watched in fear the giant drill before him began to move as he used the communication stone Twilight gave him to say to her, "It's moving!"

Twilight nodded as she said, "You heard him girls," before she turned towards the reactor in front of her.

Fluttershy spoke up saying, "Are you sure this is right?"

"Do you want to risk him turning all of Ponyville into things like that?" asked Applejack as she pointed to the two mares with watery wings who didn't even turn to greet them when they walked in.

"Enough talk, it's Element Time," said Rainbow excitedly as the girls raised into the air and began firing into the reactor causing it to turn from yellow to red as alarms began to go off.

Sombra watched as several error messages came on screen as Spinel asked, "What's happening?"

"Unexpected power surge, I'll have to interface directly," said Sombra as he placed his hand through the console letting it interface with his Gem as lines of code began to fill his eyes.

Spinel watches as the error message played out, before a message that filled her with even greater fear popped up as the display said, "COMMUNICATIONS POWER AT MAX, CONNECTION REESTABLISHED" followed by a smaller message that said, "Beginning system update... update complete commencing playback of the most recent Empire wide announcement."

Spinel watched as the error messages dissapeared and instead an all too familiar announcement began as she yelled out, "No.. stop!" but it was too late.

Before the screen went black.

Spinel watched as Sombra stood their mouth agape, now bathed in the red emergency lights of the room. She let out a nervous laugh as she said, "Well it may not be the way I said, but the Gem Empire has changed and-"

At this Sombra let out a laugh of his own as he said, "Oh it's changed alright, they've forgotten all about me!"

"No they haven't... well maybe they have but," began Spinel only to be interrupted.

"Of course they have, what need is there for a conqueror when they don't conquer anymore... well if they don't conquer anymore then I will! I will, I'll use the creatures of this planet to invade Homeworld," he then laughed as he said, "If the Diamond's will not praise me then they will bow before me... before they're shattered that is, like they did to her."

Spinel stepped back as she said, "Did to who?"

Sombra then approached her saying, "That message wasn't the only thing I saw, I saw the court manifests and 3XF wasn't on Pink's of course... but neither was she so on Yellow's or Blue's or even White's!"

"That... that doesn't mean she was shattered, Gems are allowed to retire and change jobs now so maybe she," said Spinel.

"ENOUGH LIES!" said Sombra as he suddenly picked her up by the neck and held her to the wall. "All you've done is lie about why you're here, about what you can do, about what you are."

Spinel looked at him in a mix of fear and sadness as he said, "That's right, I saw notes on the hierarchy," he then chuckled as he said, "To think I spent all this time bowing before a Court Jester!"

"Sombra please... we can still... make a promise, make a change," said Spinel.

"Please Jester," said Sombra as he began squeezing Spinel with all his might as he soon felt her body give way to smoke as her Gem clattered to the ground before he said, "No more jokes." He then moved over to the console as he tapped it back on saying, "Emergency power... will have to pilot the Injector directly." He then began going up the stairs as he waved his cape saying, "Time for the King to form his Kingdom."

Author's Note:

And so... the lies have very much backfired. What will happen next? Is 3XF really shattered? Find out all this and more next chapter whenever that maybe

Sorry if the pacing of this feels a little weird, I basically had to condense what was worth a whole other fanfiction into this chapter and I hope it worked out

Any constructive criticism is welcome, hope you liked this and have a great day.