• Published 23rd Nov 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike are back again. This time traveling to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to help three young students in a battle against the darkest wizard ever, Lord Voldemort. Will they succeed?

  • ...

Ron & Hermione

As the Hogwarts Express rolled across the countryside of England, Harry and the Young Six sat together in a single train compartment. Twilight Sparkle and her friends shared their own compartment just further up along the train. The two groups took this time to relax, as they took in the splendid views of the English country.

“Whoa…” Sandbar gazed, in awe. “This is the neatest view!”

“I know!” Silverstream nodded. “You know.. this calls for… a photo op!”

Silverstream pulls out a camera before squeezing the group together, with her herself in the middle. She smiles widely as the camera SNAPS the picture, capturing the bewildered expressions of the others on film and her grinning. She glanced toward the photo fondly.

“Aw… our very first train ride together… sweet, sweet memories.”

“So the first train ride back in Equestria on the pony train didn’t count when you took our picture way back then?” Smolder smirked.

No… don’t be silly!” Silverstream snickered, with a snort. “That was to commemorate our ‘very first train ride together ever’ moment. This one’s to commemorate our ‘very first train ride together in another world with a new friend’ moment.”

“Wait…” Smolder’s eyes widen. “Then why didn’t you take one back when we were on that train in London?”

“I didn’t have any film for the camera,” Silverstream answered, matter-of-factly.

“… Right…”

“Well, whatever you call this moment,” Gallus spoke up. “I call it ‘boring’.”

WHAT?!” Silverstream shouted. “How can you say that?! This is a magical world we’re in! Hence, this is a magical train. This is—”

“Bo-ring!” Gallus repeated. “Any way you slice it, this is still just a boring train… only bigger… and a LOT fancier than what we’ve been on back home.”

“Well, the train itself may not be magical, but it does have a magical history,” Ocellus informed, reading a booklet. “For instance, did you know this train was originally built by Muggles 161 years ago when Ottaline Gambol, the Minister of Magic at the time, expressed an interest in Muggle technology? This apparently led to one of the largest operations carried out by the Ministry of Magic, using one-hundred and sixty-seven Memory Charms and the largest-to-date mass Concealment Charm on Muggles, in wizarding history! Surely that’s exciting, right?!”

“Yawn…” Gallus feigned yawning. “You hear one government’s covert operation, you heard them all. No offense Ocellus, but you just took one boring thing and made it even more so.”

“Yona liked story,” Yona spoke up. “And Yona like train just as much. If train good for wizards back then, then it good for us, magic or no.”

Suddenly, a very familiar red-headed boy looked into the train compartment, peering in as Harry and the others quickly took notice.

“Excuse me,” The boy spoke up. “Do any of you mind? Everywhere else is full.”

“No, not at all,” Harry replied.


But the moment the boy peered in he could see the entire compartment seemed completely full.

“Uh… know what? Maybe, I could find another—"

“Oh, wait!” Ocellus spoke up. “We can make room; just give me a moment.”

A flash formed around her entire being, until a pale light blue mouse with a light pink underside and cyan eyes took Ocellus’ place. The mouse scurried about before gently nestling between Yona’s horns, looking at the bewildered Ron at eye-level.

“Is this better?” Ocellus spoke, in a squeaky voice.

“Uh… uh… how…?” The boy stuttered.

“Changeling magic,” Smolder replied. “You get used to it. Now, come on! Cop a squat already.”

Ron eased his way into the compartment, though he was a slight disturbed over the transformation. Still and all, he took Ocellus’ old spot just across from Harry.

“Thanks…” He replied. “I’m Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley.”

“Nice to meet you,” Sandbar bowed. “Name’s Sandbar. And that’s Gallus…”

“Yo!” Gallus tipped his head.


“So glad to meet another friend!” Silverstream smiled.


“Yona happy to meet Ron,” Yona replied, shaking Ron’s hand quickly.

“Ocellus, you already know…”

Ocellus gave a wave with her tiny paw.

“And Smolder…”

“Sup, man?” Smolder saluted.

Ron smiled slightly, feeling a bit more at ease around the group of creatures.

“I’m Harry,” Harry greeted. “Harry Potter.”

“So-so it’s true?” Ron asked, agape. “I mean, do you really have the… the…?”

“’The’ what?”

“… Scar…?” Ron whispered.


Harry lifted his hair bangs, revealing the tiny lightning shaped scar upon his forehead.

“Wicked!” Ron gasped.

Just then, a trolley full of sweets pushed by an elderly witch passed by the open compartment.

“Anything off the trolley, dears?” The trolley witch asked.

Before anyone could answer, Ron held up some wrapped sandwiches. Unfortunately, they appeared to have been squashed together… not particularly appetizing.

“No thanks,” Ron spoke. “I’m all set.”

Harry and the Young Six felt sorry for their new friend, considering they might be all he has to eat till they get to Hogwarts.

“We’ll take the lot!” Harry spoke up.

The boy reached into his pocket and pulled out some coins. By his count, there’s obviously just enough to buy the entire trolley.

“Whoa…” Ron gasped.

“Heh! Guys, I’m beginning to like Harry more and more,” Gallus smirked.

“Aw… is it because he did a nice thing for someone, even though he didn’t have to?” Silverstream guessed.

“Well, that but also… I don’t have to spend any of my pocket change!”

“Uh, Gallus?” Sandbar spoke, awkwardly. “We gave our change to Harry, remember? For safekeeping… since none of us have pockets?”

“… Oh… right…” Gallus realized, slapping himself.


A short while later, all the kids were enjoying themselves. Each of them having a proper time with all those sweets, including a rat with a box on its head.

“Mmm… I tell you Harry,” Smolder spoke, chomping a candied apple. “When you go all out… you really go out~”

“Yeah… I guess this makes up for you spending our pocket change,” Gallus grumbled, tearing a piece of chocolate.

“Gallus, this TOTALLY makes up for it,” Silverstream replied. “Look at all the yummy things he bought us! Pumpkin pastries, Jelly Slugs, and—”

“’Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans’?” Harry asked, holding the package.

“Ooh! Every yummy flavor in existence?! Wait till Professor Pinkie hears about these~”

“I don’t think it has all those flavors, Silverstream,” Ocellus squeaked, nibbling a bonbon. “Maybe it’s just one of those marketing devices. I mean, no one can make every flavor in existence, can they?”

“Oh, but they did,” Ron replied. “Every flavor. There’s chocolate, peppermint, and marmalade…”

As Ron explained, Harry popped a flavor bean in his mouth.

“… and there’s also… spinach, liver, and tripe…”

All of a sudden, Harry suddenly felt slightly queasy, quickly taking the bean from his mouth.

“George swears he got a bogey-flavored one once,” Ron concluded.

“OH! So it’s not just the yummy flavors,” Silverstream nodded. “It’s all of them, even the bad ones…”

Silverstream grabbed a bean and popped one into her beak.

“Silverstream, no!” Smolder shouted.

But it’s too late. Silverstream slowly chewed the flavor bean up and…

“Mmm~!” Silverstream smiled, licking her beak. “That’s the best seaweed jellybean I ever tasted!”

“It’s the only seaweed jellybean you’ve ever tasted,” Gallus corrected.

“Why, it’s even better than my mom’s…”

All at once, Silverstream stopped herself with a loud gasp.

“Better… than… my mom’s—I can’t!” Silverstream cried, spitting out the bean in her claw. “Nothing can replace my mam’s kelp fritters!”

She quickly tossed the bean out the window in a fit of rage.

“Nuts to you, Bertie Bott! You and your tempting beans! I’m a kelp fritter girl for life! I LOVE MY MAMA~!!!”

Silverstream pants heavily for a moment or two… before grabbing another Flavor Bean and obviously enjoying that one too. And before we know it, she’s back to her normal, peppy self.

“Uh… so, what else is there?” Gallus asked awkwardly.

Harry picks up a blue-and-gold package that read ‘Chocolate Frog’.


C-C-C-C-Chocolate… Frog… uhh (Feels queasy)

No! No! Don’t throw up! DON’T THROW UP!!!


“These aren’t real frogs, are they?” Harry asked.

“It’s only a spell,” Ron replied. “Besides, it’s the cards you want. Each pack’s got a famous witch or wizard. I got about 500 me-self.”

As Harry opened the package, the chocolate frog springs to life. The whole group watched as the frog jumped onto the window, climbed on up before hopping out of the train.

“Oh, that’s rotten luck,” Ron shook his head. “They’ve only got one good jump in them to begin with.”

“Uh… they don’t feel pain when they’re out of the box and… eaten, do they?” Sandbar asked worriedly.

“Oh, no!” Ron assured. “It’s just a spell. You know, enchanted chocolates? We used to play a game with ours, my brothers and me. We try to grab as many chocolate ones as possible, while keeping out the white ones. Course… Fred and George always got more than me.”

Harry looked down at the card he received with his escaped Chocolate Frog, seeing the enchanted image and name.

“I got Dumbledore!” Harry said.

“Whoa, he’s got his face on a trading card?” Smolder observed. “Sweet~”

“I got about six of him,” Ron replied.

Harry turned back only to discover Dumbledore’s image completely vanished.

“Hey, he’s gone.”

“Well, you can’t expect him to hang around all day, can you?” Ron replied.

Just as Smolder is about to down a bonbon herself, a light squeaking is heard in her lap. She looked down and spotted a rat.

“Uh… I think we ordered too much,” Smolder pointed out. “We’re starting to attract rats…”

“Oh, don’t mind him,” Ron reassured. “That’s just Scabbers, our family pet.


“Yeah… pathetic, isn’t it?”

“… A little,” Harry admitted.

“A little cute, that is!” Silverstream smiled.

She picked up the rat from Smolder’s lap, nuzzling his twitching nose with her beak while gushing over him.

“Aw… who wanted a snacky-snack from Smoldy-Woldy? You did! Yes, you did, Scabby-Wabby!”

“Well, that’s a first,” Ron remarked. “Usually, most folk aren’t fond of Scabbers when they see ‘im.”

“Aw, I don’t see why,” Silverstream replied, tickling its tummy. “Why, he’s just a little itty-witty, fuzzy-muzzy, schmoozy-woozy… Hey!”

She lifts the rat towards Ocellus, still in her mouse form atop Yona’s head.

“Say hi to our mousy-wousy friend Ocellus! Say ‘hi’, Ocellus~!”

Ocellus looked up from her treat toward the rat. A few seconds of staring into the rat’s eyes and… she dropped her bonbon in fear, right on Yona’s nose, before hiding herself in the yak’s locks.

“What’s wrong?” Silverstream asked. “Shy?”

“I… I don’t know how to say it, but…” Ocellus whimpered, beneath Yona’s fur. “There’s something not right about that rat! I don’t know why, but it’s just a feeling I have!”

“Okay… maybe now’s not the best time,” Silverstream replied awkwardly. “Maybe when you’re back to normal size, we can try again…”

Silverstream takes Scabbers away before handing him back to Ron.

“Say, Fred gave me a spell as to turn him yellow,” Ron suggested. “Want to see?”

“Yeah!” Harry smiled.

“Ooh! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” Silverstream nodded her head, excitedly.

“Snacks and a show?” Smolder replied, turning to Gallus. “And you said this would be a boring train ride.”

“… Shut up,” Gallus muttered.

Ron pulled his wand out, a twelve-inch ash wand with what looks like unicorn hair sticking from the end He cleared his throat before beginning.


Suddenly, a bushy-haired brunette girl, already in her school robes, peered into their compartment as if she were looking for something.

“Has anyone seen a toad?” She asked. “A boy named Neville’s lost one.”


Toad… *Eyes widen, faints with a moan*

Not again…


“No,” Ron shook his head.

“Right then.”

The girl made to head away from the compartment.

“I thought someone would have told Neville to keep his toad—”

It was then she walked back for a better look at the passengers.

“… Am I truly seeing a pony, a hippogriff, a griffon, a dragon, and a yak… in here?”

“Uh… you forgot about Ocellus the changeling?” Sandbar pointed out. “She’s hiding in Yona’s fur.”

Ocellus’ paw popped out to wave at the girl.

“We’re gonna be exchange students!” Silverstream declared excitedly.

“… I see,” The girl nodded, turning toward Ron. “Are you doing magic? Let’s see, then.”

Ron, remembering what he was about to do, cleared his throat again.

Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow… turn this stupid fat rat yellow!

The wand zapped the rat, but apart from sending the box flying off his head… nothing happened.

“Hey! Why Scabbers not yellow?” Yona asked.

“Aw…” Silverstream pouted. “I wanted to see how he looked yellow…”

“Looks like Fred gave you a dud spell bud,” Smolder smirked, folding her arms.

“And it’s not a very clever one, is it?” The girl asked. “Of course, I’ve only tried a few simple spells myself, and they’ve all worked for me.

The girl worked her way into the compartment to sit across from Harry. She squeezed Sandbar, Gallus, and Silverstream closely together. The blush reformed on Gallus’ cheeks when he realized just how close he is to Silverstream.

“Well… this doesn’t look weird at all, does it?” Gallus asked sheepishly.

“For example…” The girl began.

She pulled out her wand, a vine wand of ten-and-three-quarters with dragon heartstring. She cleared her throat as she aimed along the tip of Harry’s glasses.

Oculus Reparo…

The wand zapped his glasses, removing the tape from the bridge and repairing his glasses. Harry, Ron, and the Young Six stare in amazement by this actual display of magic. Even Ocellus who popped her head out for a look. Harry took his glasses off to look them over.

“That’s better, isn’t it?” The bushy-haired girl asked.

“Whoa… an actual spell?” Smolder observed. “And one you could actually use often, huh Harry?”

“Wait… Harry?”

All of a sudden, the girl recognized the boy in front of her.

“Holy Cricket, you’re Harry Potter!”

Harry nods, as he placed his repaired glasses on.

“I’m Hermoine Granger,” She introduced herself, turning to Ron. “And you are…?”

“I’m… Ron Weasley…” He answered, his mouth full.

“Pleasure… and the rest of you… are…?”

“Smolder,” Smolder introduced herself, then her friends. “That’s Ocellus and Yona. And the three guys you’re squeezing in are Gallus, Silverstream, and Sandbar from window to door.”

“Charmed. You all best change into your robes. I expect will be arriving soon.”

Hermione stood up, the squeeze upon the three having ended as they all take some quick breaths.

“Whoa… that’s way closer than I thought we’d get on this trip…” Sandbar replied.

Hermione leaves for a second time… and comes back a third.

“You’ve got dirt on your nose, by the way, did you know?” Hermione pointed out. “Just there.”

She noted the spot upon Ron’s nose, who embarrassedly wiped it off clean.

“Well, that was quite an interesting turn of events,” Ocellus replied.

“If by ‘interesting’, you mean ‘annoying’,” Gallus remarked. “True, she’s smart and I’ll give her that. But she sounded like a big know-it-all. And I hateknow-it-alls.”

“So… you’re saying you hate me… too?” Ocellus whimpered.

“What?!” Gallus gasped, wide-eyed. “Oh, no, no, no! It’s different from you. You’re not a know-it-all; you don’t lord us over with your book stuff the way she did. That’s all I’m saying.”

“So… you don’t hate me?”

“No, I don’t. Okay? We still friends?”

“Well… okay. I trust you.”

“Great!” Sandbar sighed with relief. “I don’t know about you guys, but maybe we should get our robes on before the train stops.”

“You’re right!” Ocellus agreed.

Ocellus quickly transformed back into her changeling form, but forgot she was still on Yona’s head. This in turn caused her to bump her head into the ceiling, lightly trembling herself and Yona.

“Ouch! Sorry! I forgot I was still on you.”

“Oh, it okay, Ocellus,” Yona smiled. “Yaks have very strong heads.”



It was around nightfall as the Hogwarts Express pulled up along the Hogsmeade train station. As the train screeched to a halt, Hagrid walked up alongside the train carrying a lantern as he called for the students to step off the train.

“Right, then!” He yelled out. “First years! This way, please! Come on, now, don’t be shy! Come on now, hurry up!”

One by one, numerous students stepped off the train. All of them dressed in their Hogwarts robes. This of course included Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the Student Six. The Mane Six all stepped out of another car and approached the group.

“So how was the ride?” Twilight asked.

“It was pretty sweet actually,” Smolder smiled.

“Literally… because ol’ Harry here practically bought us all an entire cart of wizard goodies!” Gallus said, nudging Harry’s side.

“Well, I’m glad you all had a nice train ride,” Rarity stated. “I wish I could say the same for myself. I had to excuse myself to the facilities and when I came back, a giant toad jumped into my mane. It was horrible!”

“It was pretty funny from where I was on the floor laughing,” Rainbow chuckled.

Rarity sent a nasty glare toward the cyan Pegasus as the entire group walked forward to meet up with Hagrid.

“Ello you lot,” Hagrid greeted.

“You really get around quickly for a big guy, you know that?” Pinkie smiled brightly.

Hagrid nodded, chuckling to himself a bit. Ron looked up toward the burly man who in his eyes was like a giant compared to him.

“Whoa!” He gasped amazed.

“Right then!” Hagrid announced. “This way to the boats! Come on now! Follow me.”

Hagrid turned, leading them down from the train station. Everyone followed closely behind the man for about ten minutes. After all the walking, they stumble upon the edge of the Black Lake where there a number of boats waiting.

“Alright, ‘eres how this works!” Hagrid instructed. “It’s six students per boat. Climb in and follow me across the lake closely.”

A number of students climbed into their respective boats, with the Student Six jumping into one and the Mane Six into another. Fortunately for Spike, he was just small enough to squeeze into a spare spot between the girls. But they quickly noticed however there were no oars in either boat.

“Hey Hagrid!” Sandbar called out.

Hagrid turned his giant head toward the mint-colored Earth pony.

“How do we follow you if there’s no oars in the boat?”

Hagrid gave no response more than a deep chuckle, as he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his umbrella. He pointed straight forward, and his boat began to glide slowly across the water. One by one, every other boat too began to sail calmly after Hagrid’s. As they sailed slowly along, Silverstream could barely conceal her excitement.

“Ooh, this is going to be so much fun!” She squealed. “I can already imagine the amazing times we’re going to have here. The classes, the magic, the potions! It’s going to be so…”

She quickly stopped when she noticed the other five not paying attention to her. Rather, all their eyes went wide as saucers and their mouths dropped to the floor of the boat.

“What are you guys looking at?”

Gallus grabbed Silverstream’s chin with his talon, slowly turning her head. When she saw what they were looking at, her beak quickly fell as well. Her eyes widened brightly. Sitting before them, just across the Black Lake, stood Hogwarts itself. The giant castle stood tall and mighty atop the rocky cliff side of the valley. It’s windows lit so brightly that everyone could see it in all of its splendor. In the other boats, all of the other students as well as the Mane Six all stared at the mighty castle in awe.

“Boy Howdy…” Applejack sighed.

“We’re definitely not in Equestria anymore…” Spike declared.