• Published 23rd Nov 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike are back again. This time traveling to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to help three young students in a battle against the darkest wizard ever, Lord Voldemort. Will they succeed?

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At the conclusion of the feast, the house prefects lead the members of the four houses toward their respective common rooms. Currently, Percy Weasley lead the Gryffindor house out the Great Hall toward the Grand Staircase. The Student Six followed closely behind Harry, Ron, and Hermione, every single one satisfying full after that grand meal. Though their stomachs slightly bulged, the content look on their faces demonstrated their satisfaction.

“Boys, that was the best food I’ve ever had in my life!” Smolder said, patting her stomach.

“I know right?” Gallus nodded. “I was grabbing one chicken leg after another; basically, stuffed that meat down my throat with no regrets!”

“Yona like the Butterbeer!” Yona commented.

“Don’t even get me started on the sweets!” Silverstream said, gleefully.

While the students savored the moment, the Mane Six walked alongside the young group.

“So, I hope you all enjoyed the feast,” Twilight spoke.

“Did we ever, Headmare Twilight!” Ocellus nodded.

“And just think, we get to eat like this every day!” Sandbar said, in amazement.

“If this school’s torture, you can chain me to the wall!” Gallus smirked.


All of a sudden, everyone turned toward Pinkie Pie. The pink party pony patting her chest after delivering the loudest belch any of them have ever heard in their lives.

“Wowie-wow-wow!” Pinkie giggled. “That was a big one! Must’ve had more than I thought!”

“Well ah ain’t surprised really,” Applejack commented. “Yah practically ate the whole table up there Pinkie.”

“Not to mention your choice in food creations were… more ‘unusual’ even by your standards,” Rarity added.

“I don’t know what you guys mean,” Pinkie shrugged off, waving a hoof. “I’ve been mixing it up since I was an itty-bitty, itsy-bitsy, twinkie-pinkie!”

“Pinkie, you ate a big bowl of rocky road ice cream,” Rainbow spoke, disgusted. “With ketchup… mustard… relish… and ranch… as the toppings.”

“And you forgot to say it super yummy!” Pinkie exclaimed, licking her lips. “I should pass the recipe over to the Cakes as soon as we get back to Ponyville.”

The majority of the Equestrians tried their best to keep themselves from upchucking. But the very image of the food combination Rainbow described made it difficult to swallow. But fortunately, another subject popped up as a means of distraction.

“So… why are you guys coming with us?” Gallus asked. “Don’t the teachers get their own dorms or something?”

“They do, but Professor McGonagall had a word with Professor Dumbledore during dinner,” Twilight explained. “They both agreed we should stay in the Gryffindor common room with you all.”

“They figured it be best for us to remain together,” Fluttershy added quietly.

Just then, Pinkie burst between the two with a party hat upon her head and kooky glasses in the shape of the Gryffindor seal.

“Yeah!” She exclaimed excitedly. “Party in the Gryffindor Common Room!!!”

Pulling her party cannon out of her mane, Pinkie blasted the entire group with confetti. Everyone dusted the colorful mess off themselves as Harry, Ron, and Hermione turned towards the Mane Six.

“Trust me, she can be a LOT worse than this,” Rainbow commented.

After getting themselves cleaned off, Percy continued to lead the group through the hall and up towards the Grand Staircase.

“Gryffindors, follow me, please,” He ushered. “Keep up. Thank you.”

As they were walking along, they all passed by a group of first year Ravenclaws (Among them, a very familiar student) led by their own prefect.

“Ravenclaws, follow me. This way.”

The prefect guided the students up another flight of stairs. The entire Gryffindor group, the Mane Six and the students included, gazed up to bear witness to the magnificence of the Grand Staircase itself.

“This is the most direct path to the dormitories,” Percy announced. “Oh and keep an eye on the staircases… they like to change.”

How true the words actually were, as the students looked up toward the extremely high corridor and a large amount of staircases. As the people climbed on them, some of the staircases switched places. They all gazed in amazement as the staircases shifted, moving all around and about.

“Isn’t that dangerous?” Ocellus asked nervously.

“Yeah, what if someone falls?” Sandbar asked.

“Oh no need to worry about that,” Percy assured. “This entire corridor is enchanted for your safety. If on the off chance a student might misstep or the staircase shifts too soon, the magic in this corridor prevents anyone from falling and place them back on the staircase.”

“That’s no problem for some of us who’ve got wings,” Rainbow boasted, showing off her wings.

“Well, not all of us have wings Rainbow darling,” Rarity stated. “Thank goodness Hogwarts is well-prepared.”

“Couldn’t just use a levitation spell to float your way around,” Smolder pointed out.
Rarity dryly faced the snarky dragon student.

“As I said… not all of us can.”

“Keep up, please, and follow me,” Percy instructed. “Quickly now, come on. Come on.”

The first years of Gryffindor house followed closely behind Percy, beginning their ascent up the stairs. As they climb along, they noticed several of the portraits moving. The people within the frames started to greet the students as they passed.

“Seamus, that picture’s moving!” Neville told one student.

“Look at that one, Harry!” Ron pointed out.

“I think she fancies you,” Harry joked.

As the Student Six passed by a large portrait of a little girl, the girl herself gave a slight curtsy and waved as they walked by.

“Oh, look! Look!” Silverstream said excitedly. “Who’s that girl? She’s so nice.”

The Mane Six passed by a portrait of an elder wizard, who turned toward them with a smile.

“Welcome, to Hogwarts,” He greeted.

“Why thank you very much,” Rarity thanked.

“Wow! Even the pictures here are friendly,” Applejack observed, amazed.

As the group climbed their way along the Grand Staircase, admiring the millions of moving portraits lined along the wall, Rainbow decided to get a little competitive.

“Alright girls, who wants to race me up to—to—um…”

She leaned toward Percy Weasley.

“What floor is the Common Room on?” Rainbow whispered.

“Seventh floor,” Percy whispered back.

“—to the seventh floor?!” Rainbow finished.

“I’m in!” Smolder yelled, raising her claw.

“Alright kid, last one to the top is a rotten hay burger!”

Rainbow and Smolder took off at top speed straight up, as they flew toward the seventh floor. The two were practically neck and neck as they drew closer toward their destination. Rainbow just started to pull ahead as they were about to reach the floor…


All of a sudden, Rainbow rammed face-first into a pie which mysterious floated in thin air. Unfortunately for her, it also caused her to lose momentum and she started tumbling downward. She screamed as she plummeted down, unable to get her wings to work properly at the moment.

“RAINBOW!!!” The Equestrians screamed.

Thankfully, just before she hit the ground, an invisible magical force stopped her from falling and slowly pulled her back up. Seeing their friend was alright, everyone breathed a sigh of relief as the magic force placed Rainbow back on the stairs to rejoin the others. She took quick rapid breaths in panic, as Smolder flew back down.

“Oh my gosh Rainbow, are you okay?!” She asked worriedly.

Eventually, after regaining her composure and air back into her lungs, she nodded her head.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” She assured. “Can’t say the same for whoever did that to me and almost killed me!”

“How could a pie even float in midair like that?’ Twilight asked. “As far as I know, no one was even doing magic.”

Suddenly, cackling interrupted their conversation as what appeared to be another of the Hogwarts ghosts floated toward the group. This one was slightly different from the others though. He wore an old Victorian-style jester’s outfit and had a huge grinning face.

“So sorry ‘bout that luv!” The ghost chuckled. “When I sees someone zippin’ up them steps, I can’t help me-self but hit ‘em wit a pie!”

The ghost chuckled uncontrollably, as Rainbow finally got her wings working again. She hoved back up and glared at the spirit.

“Why I oughta…”

She flew quickly toward the ghost with every intent of doing some damage. Unfortunately, Percy stuck out his arm and stopped her from going further.

“Lemme go!” She demanded. “I’m gonna hit him so hard, it’ll wake up his body!”

“Don’t go worrying yourself over him Rainbow,” Percy assured her. “That’s just Peeves, the Hogwarts poltergeist.”

“Poltergeist?” The Equestrians spoke.

Suddenly, a loud, rude sound, like that of air being released from a balloon, buzzed in their ears as the dark-eyed, wide-mouthed little man appeared in front of them. He floated cross-legged in the air, clutching a pair of walking sticks.

“That’s right lil’ ponies,” Peeves nodded. “Peeves is the name and chaos is my game!”

Peeves observed all the students and the Equestrians gathered on the steps, as an evil cackle escaped his lips.

“Oooooooh!!! Ickle firsties! What fun!”

Suddenly, Peeves flew over toward Pinkie and stuck his hand out.

“I hear’s yer all ‘bout havin’ fun! Put ‘er there me funny bonnie!”

Pinkie, with a giddy smile, reached out to shake his hand. The moment they made contact Pinkie’s whole body lit up like a Hearth’s Warming tree as two thousand bolts of electricity coursed through her body. When Peeves pulled his hand back, Pinkie’s eyes went wide and her whole body burnt to a crisp.

“Did you order the original recipe or extra crispy?” Pinkie sighed dizzily, fainting back.

“Oh no!” Twilight slapped her forehead. “Just what we need! Another agent of chaos to put up with!”

“You wouldn’t be referring to me I presume?”

Wide eyed, the Equestrians looked around rapidly as they immediately recognized that voice. The Hogwarts first years were rightfully confused.

“Discord—show yourself right now!”

“No need to shout Twily,” Discord replied.

The voice drew them towards one of the portraits and a horrified gasp was released. There sitting on a fancy lounge chair, dressed in a Greek toga, a vine around his forehead, and holding grapes over his lips, an all too familiar draconequus came into view.

“And here I thought you’d never wonder why such a handsome figure like myself made minimal appearances in this series except for Doc’s commentaries,” Discord smiled, biting a grape.

“DISCORD?!” The group shouted.

“What in tarnation’ are y’all doin’ here?!” Applejack shouted.

With a snap of his talon, the draconequus popped out of the portrait and floated before the stunned students, the Greek robe and vine wrap vanishing complete. But instead dressed like an old-timey sailor.

“Just a sailor passin’ through me darlin’,” Discord said.

A snap of his talons later, he reverted back to his usual appearance.

“But all joking aside, now with the alliance between the Wizarding World and Equestria mended, I’ve been long overdue for a trip to visit old friends… and speaking of ‘friends’…”

Peeves popped right beside Discord, casually leaning beside the old draconequus.

“Discord me ole’ buddy!” Peeves greeted, slapping Discord’s talon. “So these be them Equestria Girls ya been mentionin’ ‘bout… oh, and the kiddies too.”

“HEY!” Gallus frowned.

“You know this joker?” Rainbow pointed out.

“Know him?” Discord smiled. “Why Peeves and I go way back, a thousand years to be exact. As masters of chaos, we always got a kick of all the chaos and mischief we’d play on all those muggles.”

“Oh yes, all the chaos we’d used to pull on humanity,” Peeves added. “The Black Plague…”

The Spanish Inquisition!” Discord included.

The Brady Bunch reunion…”

“… I wasn’t there for that one,” Discord pointed out.

“Aye there be things you missed out in a whole year,” Peeves patted Discord’s shoulder.

“Why does none of that sound like harmless practical jokes?” Twilight asked, sarcastically.

“Well, that was back during my evil Draconequus days,” Discord sighed. “Good times… anyways, it’s always so good to see my ‘best friends’ here at the school. Just think, a whole school-year full of fun and wonder.”

“That’s debatable,” Smolder muttered.

“To think this will be the biggest role I had in any story, since all the background appearances in the other universes.”

“Say wut?” Applejack asked.

Raising his eyebrows, Discord pulled down the screen, took a remote from his right ear, and with a push of a button revealed a slide show.


The ‘Over the Rainbow’ scene where Discord was fiddling with Huck’s contraption, watching the girls and Spike with Dorothy in the midst of her song.

Discord sunbathing at the beach watching Shaggy & Scooby Doo having a word with the man inviting them to Spooky Island.

Discord mooching candy bars while the shop-owner is singing ‘The Candy Man’ to the kids.

Discord disguised as a police officer during the ‘Point of No Return’ sequence.

Discord arm-wrestling a thug while the group tried to recover the key to the Patty Wagon.

Discord sitting amongst the class while The Warrens present one of their cases.


The Mane Six and their students sat there dumbstruck and clearly confused. Pinkie Pie had just straightened herself out to her usual self, brushing all the soot away.

“Hey!” Pinkie realized. “How come we didn’t know about any of that until now?”

“I have my ways,” Discord smiled, brushing his chest.

“Why am I not surprised?” Spike frowned.

“Discord… Peeves…” Percy spoke up. “Do I have to summon the Bloody Baron to take care of you two?”

Peeves turned toward Percy, stuck out his tongue, and vanished, dropping his walking sticks on Neville’s head (“Ow!”).

“Party pooper!” Discord frowned. “Well, I was just going along anyway. Places to go, people to greet, a class to prepare for…”

“What class?!” Twilight asked.

“Shh!” Discord hushes, pressing a paw onto Twilight’s lips. “Can’t tell ya, it will spoil the surprise. Maybe in the next chapter.”

With a snap of his talons, Discord vanished before their very eyes… for a few seconds. Moments later, Discord reappeared with a paper bag in his hand.

“Oh, silly me, I completely forgot,” Discord smiled, handing a bag to Fluttershy. “I packed you a lunch for your first teaching job tomorrow.”

“Aw, thank you Discord,” Fluttershy smiled lightly.

“Ta-ta! Until tomorrow…”

Discord proceeded to zoom away, rattling coats of armor as he passed by. The rest of the Mane Six sighed and shook their heads.

“Ah great! As if one Discord wasn’t enough,” Rainbow muttered, crossing her hooves. “Now there’s two of them!”

“I’d watch out for Peeves especially,” Percy said, as they set off again. “The Blood Baron’s the only one who can control him, if not Discord. One thing to note about Peeves: He won’t even listen to us prefects…”

“I know that feeling all too well, darling,” Rarity nodded, shifting her eyes. “All… too… well…”

“If I ever see that Discord and that little poltergeist again,” Rainbow growled to herself. “So help me, it is so on!”


A short while later, just along the seventh floor, the group find themselves walking down the corridor leading straight to the Common room. Eventually, they reached the end of the hall and approached a large painting of a rather large woman in a pink dress. She is known as ‘The Fat Lady’, the name spoke for itself.

“Password?” She asked.

Caput Draconis,” Percy responded.

The Fat lady smiled, nodding in confirmation. The painting soon opens up revealing a doorway in the wall, leading straight to Gryffindor Tower. Percy lead the way straight to the Common Room, as the students followed closely behind.

“Follow me, everyone. Keep up, quickly, come on.”

Stepping into the Common Room, everyone looked about in wonder and awe. The room itself was utterly huge with comfortable sofas and chairs, tables, and a giant fireplace blazing upon the center.

“Gather ‘round here,” Percy instructs. “Welcome to the Gryffindor Common Room. Boy’s dormitories, upstairs and down to your left. Girls, the same on your right. You’ll find that your belongings have already been brought up.”

“And remember every pony—I mean everyone,” Twilight corrected herself. “First class begins at the first hour of dawn. You’ll find all your course schedule along on top of all your luggage.”

“But for now, it’s best to get some sleep,” Rarity advised. “We expect everyone to be bright-eyed and bushy tailed by tomorrow.”

With that declared, everyone scurried off into their own little directions, boys on one side and girls toward the other. The next few minutes, they’re either unpacking their belongs or admiring the Common Room, especially those not in a hurry to bed. Overall, there was much activity and commotion throughout the entire room.


Later at midnight, the entire Gryffindor house was fast asleep. All hoping to be right as rain for tomorrow’s classes. All the girls slept peacefully in their beds within their dormitory, while the boys slept in theirs. Ron, Seamus, Neville, Gallus, and Sandbar were all sound asleep in their beds, tuckered out after a long day. The only one who didn’t seem asleep at the moment was Harry Potter himself.

Harry sat alongside the window in his pajamas, with his owl Hedwig by his side. He gently stroked the owl, as he gazed out the window. He sighed with content, knowing that somehow he was going to love it here at Hogwarts.


Harry quickly turned toward where the voice had come from as none other than Spike, in his pajamas and little nightcap on his head, came around the corner. The little dragon walked over to the young boy’s side, sitting alongside him.

“You okay buddy?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m alright,” Harry nodded.

“You sure? You seem a little out of it.”

“Oh no, not at all. As a matter of fact, for the first time in a long time, I feel… fantastic.”

“I’m pleased to hear that,” Spike smiled, patting Harry’s leg with his claw. “Alright man. I’m just going to head back to sleep. We’ve got a big day tomorrow after all.”

“Alright,” Harry smiled back. “Goodnight Spike.”

“Goodnight Harry.”

Spike yawned as he headed back toward his own bed at the corner. Harry remained by the window to gaze out the window for a while longer. After a while, Harry made his way toward his bed and laid down to rest, putting his glasses along the counter. Seconds later, he allowed his eyes to slowly close and drift off into the land of dreams. Having no idea what the future had in store at Hogwarts, Harry somehow knew that as long as his new friends stood by his side, he’d be more than ready for it.