• Published 23rd Nov 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike are back again. This time traveling to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to help three young students in a battle against the darkest wizard ever, Lord Voldemort. Will they succeed?

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Slytherin vs. Gryffindor

Deep within the darkest dungeons of Hogwarts, within a hidden room behind a false wall, the Dark Order of Magic convened yet again. After finding the mountain troll and setting it loose in the school, the perfect distraction was provided for them. Silently and stealthily, they broke into the wizarding school. Once more, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek stood along the outskirts of the candlelit room while their benefactor stood in the dark, hidden in the shadows.

“Quite impressed,” The benefactor said. “We were not entirely confident the three of you could find a troll, let alone gain entry into perhaps the most secure castle ever established.”

“You’re saying you doubted us?” Tirek asked offended.

“Pardon for questioning your abilities, given the previous failures of you three.”

Tirek growled lowly to himself, clenching his fist in frustration over the insult directed at him and the others. Knowing he could do nothing about it and risk imprisonment again, he just grumbled and unclenched his fist.

“So, we got in,” Cozy Glow stated. “Now what happens?”

“The artifact we seek is hidden on the third floor corridor,” The benefactor explained.

“Then let’s go get it!”

“I’m afraid that’s far more complicated. It is guarded by a Cerberus beast and many other magical traps. If we are not precise, they could kill us all within seconds.”

The three villains groaned in agitation, as once again their plans have been pushed back.

“Even when your plans gain us another step in our victory, we are still several steps behind!” Chrysalis hissed.

The benefactor slowly turned their head toward the former Changeling Queen.

“Here we assumed you’d be happy Chyrsalis,” They said. “The next step in our plans involves you.”

The changeling squinted her eyes, as she turned toward her other companions. They both just shrugged, and she looked toward their leader.

“What do you mean?”

“The Elements of Harmony still remain a real threat to our success,” The benefactor growled. “Not to mention that pitiful little Harry Potter.”

“And what exactly does that have to do with me?” Chrysalis asked.

Though she couldn’t see it beneath the rob, the benefactor smiled an evil grin.

“Tomorrow is Hogwarts’ first Quidditch game of the season; luckily, Harry Potter is playing for Gryffindor.”

The three villains leaned closely to better understand what their benefactor was implying.

“We believe a little surprise during the game could eliminate Harry Potter permanently and do significant damage to the Elements as well.”

Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow looked amongst each other, collectively grinning wickedly as an idea ran through their heads.

“We can make something work,” They spoke in unison.

The benefactor released a low chuckle of approval.

“Then get to work,” They ordered. “Tomorrow may be game time for Hogwarts, but when we’re through… it’s ‘game over’ for everyone…”


The next morning, the entire Great Hall was abuzz with many students excited for the very first Quidditch game of the season. The Student Six, minus Gallus and Silverstream, sat at the Gryffindor table with the Mane Six as well as Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Breakfast was currently underway and soon they would all make their way to the Quidditch Pitch for the game.

“You guys excited for the first game of the year?” Twilight asked the students.

“Totally!” Smolder responded excitedly. “Harry and I have been practicing with Wood all month long. I believe we have a good shot out there today!”

Suddenly, Pinkie popped out of a big bowl of assorted cashews, goggles over her highs, and a breathing tube for snorkeling.

“This is going to be the most funnest, most awesomest, most super-terrific game day ever!!!” She exclaimed loudly.

Pinkie emerged entirely from the bowl, shaking the cashews out of her mane and coat, which proceeded to hit everyone else in the face. Pinkie then plopped beside Smolder, as she began digging into her breakfast.

“Good to see you doing good today, Professor Pinkie,” Smolder chuckled.

“Yep! Nevfre befrer!” Pinkie replied, with her mouth full.

Every pony and everyone shook their heads, smiling in amusement. It was always good to see Pinkie Pie back to her old self again… minus the weight gain… the weird cravings… and the occasional mood swings. Speaking of which, Rarity leaned over toward the party pony.

“Did you see Madame Pomfrey this morning?” She whispered.

Pinkie looked over, revealing her cheeks full of food, nodding her head enthusiastically.

“And what did she say?”

Pinkie took a big swallow, till all her food went down her throat into her tummy.

“She said I’m as healthy as a horse,” Pinkie responded.

Pinkie eyes widened, then she belted out laughing over the clever word play.

“Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Healthy as a horse! Get it?!”

Pinkie leaned back so far she fell out of her seat, rolling across the floor laughing. Everyone just turned toward the cotton-candy colored mare in utter confusion.

“What is wrong with…” Ron began.

“We’re not sure!” Rainbow answered quickly.

Sandbar turned toward the entrance to the hall, noticing Gallus and Silverstream walking in. They walked talon-in-talon, as smitten as ever. He smiled when he noted this as he nudged his friend Smolder for attention.

“Look who finally showed up for breakfast,” He said.

“I’m guessing their date went well last night,” Smolder chuckled.

“No kidding! I mean when Gallus finally came in last night, he was all giddy and dancing like a love-struck idiot.”

“Silverstream head over heels when she come last night too!” Yona added.

“I’m just really happy for the both of them,” Ocellus smiled.

The two young love birds…

HA!!! Love puns…

*Paused*… The two young love birds walked up to the table and sat alongside their friends. But never once did they break their loving gaze toward one another. Twilight and the rest of the group took notice and smiled.

“So… you two official now?” Twilight asked.

“Does this answer your question?” Gallus asked.

He and Silverstream leaned in and gave each other a quick yet loving kiss, before turning toward the rest of the group. Everyone was happy for the two, except for Rainbow Dash, who just gagged over the display.

“Ugh! Too mushy-gushy, lovey-dovey for me!” She shivered.

This earned a well-deserved smack upside the head from Applejack.

“Hush on up now,” She scolded. “Ah few one think it’s mighty adorable. Just cause you can’t be bothered to care ‘bout nothin’ but lookin’ macho Dash, don’t mean yah gotta stomp over every pony else.”

Rainbow just huffed, crossing her forehooves.

“Boy, do I feel bad for whoever ends up with you in the future,” She huffed.

“That goes double fer yer sorry flank,” Applejack grumbled.

“Oh please don’t fight girls,” Fluttershy begged. “Today’s supposed to be a fun day to watch Harry and Smolder play their first Quidditch game. Let’s not start fighting please.”

Rainbow and Applejack glared at each other, before huffing and went back to eating breakfast. Meanwhile, Harry just picked at his food with his fork. For some reason, he didn’t seem too interested in eating anything.

“Take a bit of toast, mate, go on,” Ron told him.

“Ron’s right, Harry,” Hermione nodded. “You’re going to need your strength today.”

“That’s right buddy,” Smolder piped in. “We’ve got to go out there today and show Slytherin who’s boss!”

“I’m not hungry,” Harry sighed.

It was then Gallus looked behind the group as none other than Professor Snape walked toward them.

“Ugh, here comes Snape,” He groaned. “Just what we need on game day.”

“Don’t worry Gallus,” Twilight assured. “We talked to Professor Dumbledore and he spoke with Snape. He’ll go easier on you guys from now on.”

The entire group looked behind them as Snape looked down toward Harry and Smolder with a sly grin.

“Good luck today Potter, Miss Smolder,” He said sarcastically. “Then again, now that you’ve proven yourselves against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you… even if it is against Slytherin.”

Twilight smiled awkwardly, as she looked back-and-froth between her students and Snape.

“Well… that’s a start,” She chuckled nervously.

Snape rolled his eyes and walked away. As he left, Harry noticed he was favoring his right leg and limped a bit. This caused him to start thinking because he remembered the other night when he saw that his leg was bleeding.

“That explains the blood,” Harry realized.

“Blood?” Hermione questioned.

“What are you talking about Harry?” Twilight asked.

“Listen, the other night, I’m guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past the 3-headed-dog. But he got himself bitten, that’s why he’s limping.”

As he said this, Twilight started thinking a bit.

“Now that you mention that, when we went with the other teachers to search the dungeon for the troll, I don’t remember seeing Snape there at all.”

“You are absolutely right Twilight darling,” Rarity added. “As a matter of fact, I don’t think we even saw him until we all convened at the restroom.”

“But why would anyone go near that dog?” Hermione asked.

“The day we were at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults,” Harry explained. “He said it was Hogwarts’ business, very secret.”

“Oh yeah!” Silverstream nodded. “He asked us not to mention it to anyone… which I guess is out the window now since we just told all of you.”

“So you’re saying…”

“That’s what the dog’s guarding,” Harry finalized. “That’s what Snape wants.”

The sound of an owl screeching drew everyone to look up to see Hedwig flying down toward their table carrying two very large parcels. She dropped them down and Harry caught the one meant for him, while Smolder caught the other. It was pretty clear that these packages were broomsticks considering their size and shape.

“Bit early for mail, isn’t it?” Hermione wondered.

“But I-I never get mail,” Harry said amazed.

“And I have no idea who would send me one of these,” Smolder stated confused.

“Let’s open them!” Ron said excitedly.

“Ooh! I love surprises!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Harry and his two friends began to rip open his package, while Smolder and the rest of the Student Six ripped open hers. After unwrapping and tearing away all the parchment, it left the entire group speechless to see two very nice-looking broomsticks.

“It’s a broomstick!” Harry said amazed.

“I got one too!” Smolder stated.

“Those aren’t just any broomsticks, you guys,” Ron said, in wonder. “Harry, yours is a Nimbus 2000! And Smolder, yours is a Comet 290!”

“But who…?”

Harry looked up toward the teachers’ table, noticing Professor McGonagall stroking Hedwig. She smiled back toward the young boy, who in turn smiled back with a nod of thanks. Smolder looked down at the dark-mahogany broomstick with dark bristles at the end. Granted, the Cleansweep was a nice model but this one was by far better.

Twilight examined the Comet 290 closely, before noticing something very familiar about it.

“Oh my gosh, you guys! This is the very same broomstick that Princess Luna flew when she played Quidditch here!”

Everyone’s eyes widened as they looked at the broomstick, suddenly remembering the picture of Princess Luna from the trophy case. It most certainly was the very same broomstick from the picture.

“Hey, there’s a note with it!” Rainbow pointed out.

Smolder picked up the folded piece of parchment attached to the broomstick and unfolded it before the entire group.

Dearest Smolder,
My sister and I cannot begin to express our most sincerest congratulations to you and young Harry for your first Quidditch game. As a token of my faith in you to succeed, I wish for you to have my signature Comet 290 broomstick that helped me lead Ravenclaw to four Quidditch Cups. Knowing you are the first dragon to ever play Quidditch is an honor in of itself. Myself and my sister, as well as Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, shall be watching you from the professors’ stand cheering you onward.
Good luck!
Yours truly,
Princess Luna


Later that day, while all the other students and teachers were seated in the stands of the Quidditch Pitch, the Gryffindor team, broomsticks in hand, marched toward the starting gate. Wood went first, followed by Harry, Smolder, Fred and George, Angelina Johnson, and Katie Bell. Eventually, the team came to a stop behind a closed double door where just on the other side, the screaming crowd could be heard. Hearing that crowd, knowing they had to go out there in a moment to perform, made all the nerves come back for Harry and Smolder.

“Scared, you two?” Wood asked.

“A little,” Harry answered.

A little?” Smolder chuckled nervously. “Try a lot! Sure we practiced throughout last month, but now that it’s all coming together… it’s pretty nerve-racking.”

“That’s all right,” Wood assured. “I felt the same way before my first game.”

“What happened?” Smolder asked.

“Er, I don’t really remember,” Wood confessed. “I took a bludger to the head two minutes in. Woke up in the hospital a week later.”

Harry gulped and looked straight ahead. Smolder sent a glare toward the captain.

“You people really need to work on your motivational speaking,” She said. “It really sucks.”

“Don’t worry, Wood told her. “Just remember your training from this last month and you’ll be fine. And never forget what I said: The best Quidditch players use their differences to their advantage.”

Smolder nodded, as she faced the closed gate. Then the door slowly rose up, as they all stared out toward the packed Quidditch Pitch of cheering students. They all mounted their brooms and zoomed out into the enormous pitch. Up in the teachers’ stand, the Mane Six sat along with the princesses and Shining Armor as they all cheered. A young Gryffindor student, Lee Jordan, took his place as the commentator for the match.

“Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts’ first Quidditch game of the season!” He announced to the field. “Today’s game: Slytherin versus Gryffindor!!!”

Down in the stands, Gallus and Sandbar, along with the rest of the Gryffindor students and Hagrid, cheered for their team. While along the fields, the remaining girls of the Student Six (Including a particular student) cheered for their friends as the team’s cheerleaders.

“Go Smolder!” Sandbar cheered.

“Smolder best!” Yona yelled.

“Come on Harry!” Ocellus cried.

The players take their positions in the air in a circle, with Gryffindor looking across from the Slytherin Team. Harry weaves at the highest point across from the Slytherin Seeker. Smolder takes her place beside Angelina and Katie, as the whole team looked down to see Madame Hooch make her way to the center of the field. Rainbow Dash flew up next to her wearing a striped referee shirt and cap.

“The players take their positions as Madam Hooch and Professor Dash step out onto the field to begin the game!” Lee Jordan announced.

“Now, I want a nice clean game… from all of you,” Hooch informed the teams.

As she says that, she looked specifically toward Slytherin. Rainbow Dash also kept her suspicions locked on the team.

“We’ll both be watching in the sky,” Rainbow warned. “So don’t even try any funny business!”

Madame Hooch then kicked the trunk beside her, and the bludgers zoomed out into the sky followed by the Golden Snitch.

“The bludgers are up… followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game.”

The snitch zoomed around each Seeker’s head, then disappeared. Hooch grabbed the Quaffle from the chest and was about to toss it into the air before Rainbow Dash flew in front of her with a huge smile on her face.

“Can I do the honors?” She asked.

Hooch rolled her eyes before handing the Quaffle over to Rainbow. Rainbow pulled her arm back as far as she could, then hurled the Quaffle high into the air.

“The Quaffle is released… and the game begins!”

Gryffindor takes possession of the ball first and Angelina Johnson zooms past the Slytherins toward their goal. She is quickly followed by the Slytherin chasers, but Smolder comes up alongside them and blew a ball of fire just over their heads, splitting them apart. Angelina gives a thankful nod to Smolder and flew forward at top speed, throwing the ball right through the hoop.


Angelina raised a fist in the air before flying past Smolder and gave her a high five in the process.

“Nice going Angelina!” Smolder cheered for her teammate.

“Angelina Johnson scores!” Lee announced loudly. “10 points for Gryffindor!”

He pressed a button and a ‘10’ shows up beside a plaque with Gryffindor’s name. Harry clapped from atop his broomstick.


He fortunately missed a Bludger as it flew by quickly, almost knocking him off his broom.


Down in the Gryffindor stands, Hagrid and the students all clapped and cheered.

“Well done!” Hagrid yelled.

Meanwhile, back in the sky, Slytherin has taken possession of the Quaffle and one of the chasers passes it to the captain, Marcus Flint.

“Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint.”

Flint dodged a few people and just ducked from a Bludger. Katie Bell tried to interfere and snag the Quaffle back, but a stiff and nasty kick from Flint sent her spinning out of control. The Gryffindor crowd booed loudly at the dirty display.

“Hey!” Yona yelled. “That cheating!”

“You can’t kick players!” Silverstream yelled.

Flint ducked another Bludger and threw for the Gryffindor hoops. Oliver soon appeared, whacking the ball away with his broom. He smirked toward Flint, who glared back at the Gryffindor captain. Angelina and Katie passed the Quaffle back-and-forth as they strategize to score. Smolder noticed this, seeing her opportunity. She quickly zipped down into the fray, yelling toward Katie.

“Hit me!” She yelled. “I’m open over here!”

Katie noticed her wide open and hurled the Quaffle right at her. At first, it appeared too high and the Quaffle might miss. But Smolder actually leapt into the air and caught the Quaffle. She landed back onto her broom, except she landed on her feet and now ‘surfed’ on her broom toward the goal. Seeing the open position, she took the shot and managed to send it flying through the hoop before the keeper could stop it.


For a brief moment, Smolder was in shock. She couldn’t believe she just scored a goal for Gryffindor. She took a moment to celebrate as again the Gryffindor students erupted in cheers, but none more so than the Student Six.

“Yeah Smolder!” Gallus cheered.

“That’s our friend!” Sandbar yelled.

"Rick 'em, rack 'em, rock 'em, rake!" The Gryffindor cheerleaders chanted. "Stick the quaffle to the snake!"

“Yay!” Ron and Seamus both cheered.

“Yes!” Harry clapped atop his broom.

“And Smolder makes her first ever goal in Quidditch!” Lee Jordan proclaimed proudly. “Another 10 points to Gryffindor!”

He added the already existing points, so Gryffindor now had twenty while Slytherin had none. Up along the teachers’ stands, the Mane Six and the princesses clapped and cheered for Smolder.

“I can’t believe she actually scored a goal!” Twilight said amazed.

“Well, what did you expect darling?” Rarity asked. “She is quite talented after all.”

Beside Twilight, Celestia watched with anticipation and actually appeared to be enjoying herself greatly. Twilight looked upon her teacher, who was hollering and cheering along with the rest of the crowd. Twilight couldn’t help but smile.

“I’m so glad to see you having a great time Princess,” She said happily.

Celestia looked down toward her pupil, smiling as well.

“Thank you very much Twilight,” She thanked her. “I haven’t been to a Quidditch match in a thousand years; I wouldn’t miss this for the world!”

Taking a deep breath, Celestia bellowed out with the Royal Canterlot voice.


The Royal Canterlot voice was so powerful it shook the entire pitch causing everyone to hold on for their lives. The Slytherins noticed they were really falling behind and now was when they decided to get messy.

One of the chasers now had the Quaffle and raced down to the end of the field, dodging bludgers and kicking away the chasers. He threw the ball hard, but Wood caught it in time. But as Wood hurled it back to Smolder, Marcus Flint decided he had enough.

“Give me that!” He growled to the Slytherin beater.

He grabbed the beater’s bat and whacked a bludger toward Oliver. It hit Oliver directly in the stomach and he plummeted toward the ground, knocked out. This caused the entire audience to boo and look down in concern for the fallen captain. Smolder had just passed the Quaffle to a fellow chaser when he looked toward the ground.

“OLIVER!!!” Smolder yelled.

The dragon was extremely tempted to fly down, to check and see if he was okay. But she knew she must continue with the game for Wood. Harry, meanwhile, was visibly upset as the Slytherins laughed. Before Smolder could react, one of the Slytherin members had the Quaffle, soared off, jumped over George (Or Fred) and shot through the now completely unguarded hoops.


The Slytherin crowd cheered as they finally got on the board. Lee added ten points in the plague with Slytherin’s name. Seeing they now had the upper hand, Slytherin decided to push the dirty play even further. Flint and a Slytherin chaser spot Angelina with the Quaffle and a wicked idea came to them.

“Take that side!” Flint commanded.

The chaser nodded as they both tailed Angelina. They flew down next to her and began to box Johnson in. Smolder, seeing what was going on, rushed to help her teammate.

“You better get away from her now or I’ll roast you like a turkey leg!” She threatened.

She flew as quick as she could toward the commotion. But just as she nearly reached them, one of the beaters flew by and whacked her upside the head with their Bludger bat. The impact sent her flying elsewhere, but thankfully she was able to regain control.

“Ow!” She cried, massaging her throbbing head.

Meanwhile, the Slytherins kept Johnson boxed in and sent her into the capes covering one of the towers. She fell down, all the way to the ground, out cold. The crowd booed once again as Professor McGonagall looked on with serious concern that her house team was being destroyed. One of the chasers took the Quaffle to the end of the field and whacked it with the bristle of their broom, sending it flying into the goal.


Slytherin cheered again as Gryffindor groans, knowing now the score was completely tied at twenty. As Harry Potter surveyed the field of play, the Golden Snitch suddenly appeared in his sight. Harry proceeded to head off after it, when suddenly… his broom started to buck and turn.

“Whoa! Whooa!!!”

Still recovering from the blow to the head, Smolder looked up and noticed Harry flipping about uncontrollably.

“Harry, what’s wrong?!” Smolder called out.


This display didn’t go unnoticed, as the students and Hagrid looked on in confusion.

“What’s going on with Harry’s broomstick?” Hagrid questioned.

“Beats me!” Sandbar replied.

Hermione, with a pair of binoculars, observed Harry’s frantic motions against the uncontrollable broom. She adjusted her vision toward the teachers’ stand, where she soon noticed Snape, visibly muttering inaudibly.

“It’s Snape! He’s jinxing the broom!”

“JINXING THE BROOM?!?!” The boys and Ron shouted.

“What is this world coming to?!” Gallus shouted, in outrage.

“I know Snape clearly supports Slytherin and has it out for Harry,” Sandbar observed. “But that level of cheating is going to hurt Harry… literally!”

“What do we do?!” Ron asked.

“Leave it to me!” Hermione volunteered.

She proceeded to hand Ron her binoculars and quickly dashed down the stands. All the group could do was hopelessly watch as Harry was knocked and thrown about. Until finally, he nearly fell off his broom, as he found himself dangling with one hand clutching the broom. The students knew if someone didn’t act fast, there was no way Harry could hold on much longer. Yet they also knew if they tried to interfere in anyway, the Gryffindor students could potentially risk disqualifying their own team. But that wasn’t stopping a certain dragon from trying.

“Hang on, Harry!” Smolder called out. “I’m coming!”

Smolder quickly flew in to reach for Harry… when suddenly, an explosion of black smoke appeared stopping her midway. She turned toward the ground, where the explosion occurred, as a bipedal monster hissed as it emerged through the smoke. It resembled a skeletal demon with purple flesh and covered in stone-like armor, with two glowing eyes peering through the eye holes. One claw was bigger than the other with the most enlarged claws ever imagined and a set of spikes protruded from its back.

Before Smolder could say anything, she quickly released it wasn’t alone. For soon, an entire army of these creatures soon appeared before her eyes. They scattered along the pitch, their eyes toward the two Quidditch teams in the air. Raising the bigger claws, it proceeds to fire a barrage of purple fireballs toward the teams. Most of whom were quick to judge, though Smolder barely escaped by an inch.

“Whoa!” Smolder yelled. “We so did not cover this in basic training!”


“This is not what we covered in basic training!” Rainbow yelled out, from above.

The teachers looked on anxiously, but none more so than Twilight and her friends.

“W-W-Where did all those monsters come from?” Fluttershy pointed fearfully.

“I’m not sure!” Rarity replied. “But those poor kids are in trouble!”

“Come on every pony!” Twilight ushered. “We’ve got to save those kids!”

Twilight Sparkle and even a reluctant Fluttershy quickly flew toward the grounds, leaving the other three ponies behind.

“And how’re we supposed to get down there!” Applejack called out.

A pink hoof clutched her shoulder and the other upon Rarity’s, as the two mares turned toward Pinkie Pie.

“Duh!” Pinkie smirked.

She whirled her tail as rapidly as a helicopter propellor as she floated in midair and carried her two fans with surprising strength. As the three made their way toward the field, Twilight Sparkle was already at work firing beam after beam toward any of the creatures within range. Most of the creatures dissipated upon impact while others were quick to dodge. Seeing new threats in their way, the creatures turned their attention from the players to the ponies.

By the time Pinkie Pie landed and dropped the others onto the field, a group of monsters were already chasing Fluttershy while another was fighting a back-and-forth shoot out against Twilight. Rarity used her beam to scatter the other monsters away from Fluttershy and occasionally setting up a shield to block the oncoming attacks. Applejack whipped out her lasso and proceeded to clutch one of the monsters, whirling it around like a mace and knocked a few off their feet.

One of the monsters jumped from behind Applejack and raised its claw to slash her from behind. Only for a blur of rainbow color to tackle the monster aside and it instantly turned to smoke. Applejack turned back as Rainbow Dash brushed her hooves, faced Applejack, and nodded with a silent smirk. A smile forms on Applejack’s face before she slammed the lasso onto the ground making the captured monster disappear.

Pinkie Pie trotted breathlessly across the field when all at once the monsters reappeared in front of the pony, growling menacingly at her.

“Okay, let’s see…” Pinkie spoke, counting. “One, two, three, four… so that’s ten of you… and one of me…”

Suddenly, Pinkie’s lips started to quiver as she pulled a handkerchief from her poofy mane. And all at once, she began to cry.

“What’s a poor girl to do?!”

Sobbing, Pinkie planted her face upon her handkerchief as the monsters turned toward one another. One just shrugged with a grunt before they growled and charged toward Pinkie… as her head tilted up and her face was replaced with a frighteningly green face with an enlarged nose, warts, and big yellow eyes.


The monsters actually screamed at the horrendous sight, so frightened that they dissipated themselves from the field. Then the pink pony lifted a hood under her chin, revealing to be a mask beneath the face. She smiled at her success briefly, before another monster appeared at her side and sent her running. As the students watched from the stands, it became apparent that these monsters were still coming from every direction.

“Come on, Hermione!” Ron spoke, in concern.

Back on the field, as Smolder looked on from all the chaos happening in the field, she looked up for a moment and she stopped. There was Madam Hooch overlooking the entire scenario, yet something was off. She just floated there, one arm outreached across the field… and it appeared that her eyes were glowing a green haze. Yet Smolder swore there was something ‘familiar’.

“I know those eyes!”


In the meantime, Hermione had just managed to climb through the tower structures leading toward the Professors’ stand. She positioned herself just beneath Snape’s seat and touched the cloak with her wand.

Lacarnum Inflamarae!” Hermione whispered.

A spark ignites, setting Snape’s cloak on fire. Hermione quickly leaves while an oblivious Snape continued to mutter an incantation inaudibly. One of the other professors soon caught sight of the smoke emanating from the bottom of Snape’s cloak.

“Fire!” The man pointed. “You’re on fire!”

Snapped back to reality, Snape finally acknowledged the fire burning his cloak. He knocked the man back, who fell into Quirrell, who also fell.

At the same time, relying on her suspicions, Smolder took a deep breath and hurled a fireball toward ‘Hooch’. The figure saw the incoming fireball and quickly ducked aside, breaking her own concentration. In doing so, all the monsters on the field disappeared as quickly as they came. Five of the Mane Six take the opportunity to leave the field, as Rainbow looked up… yet saw that ‘Hooch’ was flying away.

On Snape’s part, the wizard had batted out the fire and acted as if nothing happened. It was then Harry’s broom stopped bucking, thereby allowing Harry to climb himself back onto his broom. He spotted the Slytherin Seeker going after the snitch, and quickly took off as if nothing happened. Smolder looked back toward the game with the danger removed.

“Go Harry!” Smolder called out.

“Go, go, go!” Hagrid called out.

Harry finally caught up with the Slytherin Seeker and rammed into him. The two seekers butt each other back and forth, trying to position themselves behind the golden snitch. All at once, the snitch began to dive, and the two seekers followed. But it didn’t take long for the two seekers to realize they were flying rapidly toward the ground. The two seekers looked at each other, then at the Snitch, but specifically the ground. The Slytherin seeker was nervous, while Harry tried to keep focus.

After a while, the Slytherin seeker ultimately backed off as Harry pulled up his broom just before reaching the ground. Still he followed the snitch, even as the boy was mere feet from the ground. Then Harry slowly stood atop his broom and stepped forward, his hand reaching out for the ball. But he took a step too far and toppled off the broom with a yelp, tumbling to the ground.

As he got back up, Harry started to lurch. The crowd gasped at the sight. Hermione appeared from the tower to see, while some of the Student Six clutched their mouths.

“Looks like he’s gonna be sick!” Hagrid observed.

Finally, Harry lurched, and the Snitch popped out of his mouth. And sure enough, it landed right on top of his hands.

“He’s got the snitch!” Lee announced. “Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the snitch!”

A whistle suddenly blows, as Madam Hooch (the real one?) flew in on her broomstick.

“Gryffindor wins!” Hooch declared.

The crowd cheered with joy, including Gryffindor. Gallus and Silverstream hugged each other, while Yona hopped around shaking the stands. The only ones not excited were the entire Slytherin house, dismayed for the loss.

“No!” Draco groaned, covering his face.

“YES!!!” Celestia shouted, with the royal canterlot voice.

“YEE-HAW!!!” Applejack shouted.

“Whoo-hoo!” Hermione cheered.

From the professors’ stand, McGonagall giggled happily for her house team’s success. While Snape seemed clearly disappointed that somehow Harry lucked himself into another win. Speaking of which, Harry Potter raised the snitch into the air as the crowd and his team cheered for them. Even Smolder, while clutching the side of her head, whirled her free hand around as her friends gave the Gryffindor Cheer!

“Go, go Gryffindor! Go, go Gryffindor! Go, go Gryffindor! Go, go Gryffindor!”


Later, after the game was over, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and the Student Six strolled around the grounds beside Hagrid. Amongst the group, Smolder walked along with a thick layer of bandages wrapped around her head. While no serious damage was done after being clunked on the head, Smolder had been informed it would bruise for a couple weeks. But the state of her health was of no concern for her, for much like her friends there was a bigger case they needed to get out.

“And so in conclusion to our strongly worded hypothesis,” Ocellus concluded. “The facts of our case, not to mention all the shenanigans during the game, are more than enough to prove that Professor Snape was willing to endanger Harry’s life!”

“Nonsense!” Hagrid denied. “Why would Snape put a curse on Harry’s broom?”

“Other than the fact that Snape hates Potter with a passion…” Gallus replied sarcastically. “What else is there?”

“We still don’t understand why he’d try to get past that three-headed Cerberus on Halloween?” Sandbar questioned.

“Who told you ‘bout Fluffy?” Hagrid asked suspiciously.

“Fluffy?” Ron gaped.

“That thing has a name?” Hermione questioned.

“Well, of course he’s got a name,” Hagrid replied. “He’s mine.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Smolder butted in. “Time out! Let me get this straight? You mean to tell me… that three-headed creature belongs to you?”

“But of course!” Hagrid nodded. “I bought him off an Irish feller I met down at the pub last year. Then I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the…”

“Yes?” Harry waited anxiously.

“Shouldn’t have said that,” Hagrid shook his head. “No more questions! Don’t ask any more questions. That’s top secret, that is.”

“But Hagrid, whatever Fluffy’s guarding, Snape’s trying to steal it,” Harry insisted.

“Codswallop, Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher.”

“That’s like saying a student can’t be evil just because they act innocent,” Gallus argued.

“Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a spell when I see one,” Hermione added. “I’ve read all about them. You’ve got to keep eye contact and Snape wasn’t blinking.”

“Exactly!” Harry agreed.

“Mm-hmm!” Yona nodded.

A sigh escaped his lips, as if deep down he was suspecting these kids were getting too deep. He turned toward the group of kids to fully address them.

“Now, you listen to me, all of you. You’re meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. It’s dangerous. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel.”

“Nicholas Flamel?” Harry asked curiously.

He turned toward Ron and the other students, the six of them either shrugging or shaking their heads. They all faced Hagrid, who seemed to realize his mistake.

“I shouldn’t have said that…” Hagrid muttered to himself. “I should not have said that…”

The group of kids watched as Hagrid turned and left, mumbling to himself. To say the students were more confused than ever was an understatement. They understood whatever secrets the dog was guarding was related to Dumbledore in some degree. But then the name ‘Nicholas Flamel’ comes up…

Nicholas Flamel,” Harry repeated, turning toward Hermione. “Who’s Nicholas Flamel?”

“I don’t know,” Hermione shook her head.

“I tell you guys,” Silverstream replied. “This mystery keeps getting more mysterious by the minute.”

“You think that’s odd, what about all those weird monsters that showed up during the game?” Smolder questioned. “We’re talking about Snape having something against Harry, but somehow I saw Hooch involved… or so it seemed…”

“What do you mean, Smolder?” Ocellus asked curiously.

“I don’t know. But something felt off about her, especially the way her eyes glowed. I’ve only seen that glow from sometime before… I need to lie down and think.”

“Sure! Because I’m sure that beater’s bat didn’t know a few cells out of you,” Gallus replied, chuckling.

“I’m going to pretend you did not just say that…”


As the group continued on, none of the students noticed Madame Hooch watching from behind the corner of the tower. Snarling toward them, she turned toward the opposite direction. Walking toward a nearby section of the wall, she looked around as if making sure that no one was looking. She then proceeded to push one of the bricks and a large section of the wall opened up. She walked in, the wall closing behind her, as she proceeded down the dark corridors. After a period of walking, she finally came upon a dark, desolate room, where Cozy Glow, Tirek, and the Benefactor waited.

“Well that certainly could have gone better,” Tirek snarked.

Hooch growled at him before transforming into her true form: Chyrsalis. The changeling grumbled to herself, slamming a hoof on the ground in frustration.

“Curse that miserable Potter and those blasted elements,” She spoke angrily. “And that brat of a dragon… almost singed my face off!”

“You were supposed to help kill the boy or at the very least injure him greatly!” Cozy Glow argued.

“You think I don’t know that? What did you think I was doing?”

“Well, if I had been the one out there, things would’ve gone right!”

“If you were the one out there, you would’ve taken one of those Bludgers to the face you spoiled little…”

“SILENCE!!!” The benefactor yelled.

The three villains quickly went silent, bowing their heads as the benefactor made their way toward the center of the room.

“Today was a failure, that much is certain,” They growled.

Truthfully, the benefactor was on the verge of exploding. If it were up to them, they’d kill all three of the incompetent fools right then and there. However, given good help was hard to find nowadays and ‘they’ still needed their help, a deep breath was released as the mysterious being calmed themselves.

“Thankfully for all of you, there is still time for our mission to succeed.”

“What do we do now?” Tirek asked.

“Now… we bide our time and wait for the next opportunity to strike. Eventually all that happened will be a distant memory and the whole school will have forgotten that fiasco. Yes, this will take much time but soon… he will rise again.”