• Published 23rd Nov 2020
  • 8,806 Views, 2,335 Comments

Cinematic Adventures: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike are back again. This time traveling to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to help three young students in a battle against the darkest wizard ever, Lord Voldemort. Will they succeed?

  • ...

Until Next Year

Author's Note:

This chapter contains spoilers for my Seventh Element story. If you are not okay with spoilers, I strongly advise you to stop reading now.


A pair of magnificent green eyes slowly opened for the rays of the morning sun. Harry Potter sat up in one of the many beds of the Hogwarts hospital wing and reached over onto the bedside table to take and put on his glasses. He looked over toward a few of the other beds, seeing the Student Six all laid up as well. One by one, they all slowly came to and looked around the hospital wing. It was strange for them seeing the familiar surroundings when they knew for a fact this is not where they were before.

“What’s going on?” Yona asked confused.

“We’re in the hospital wing,” Sandbar pointed out.

“But we were just fighting off Voldemort and the Dark Order!” Silverstream stated.

“Good afternoon, Harry, everyone.”

The Student Six and Harry turned over and saw Dumbledore, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and the Mane Six smiling as they approached.

“Professor Dumbledore?” Yona spoke. “Princesses? Profess—”

A squeaky gasp interrupted Yona before she could finish as Ocellus quickly stretched up from the bed.

“The Stone!” Ocellus cried out. “It was Quirrell! Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow were there too! There was this cloaked person there too! They got the Stone! We have to—”

All of a sudden, the Mane Six, the Princesses and Dumbledore started to laugh, much to the Student Six and Harry’s confusion.

“It’s okay guys, take it easy,” Twilight reassured. “You’re a little… behindthe times.”

“Quirrell never got the stone,” Celestia added. “And neither did Chrysalis, Tirek, or Cozy Glow.”

“Then… who does?” Harry wondered.

“Please Professor Dumbledore!” Smolder begged. “We—“

“Everyone, please remain calm,” Dumbledore spoke. “Or Madame Pomfrey could easily throw us out.”

It was then he noticed the vast amount of goodies and cards laid upon the foot of all their beds.

“Tokens from your admirers?”

Admirers?” Harry asked.

“What happened down in the dungeon between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret,” Celestia informed.

“Translation…” Pinkie popped in. “I told the entire school, so everyone and their mother knows.”

“Yeah, she really did that,” Rainbow Dash sighed. “There’s just no stopping Pinkie Pie when news spreads to her.”

Princess Luna eyes the stack of Chocolate Frog cards on one table.

“I see Ronald Weasley saved you the trouble of opening your Chocolate Frog cards.”

“How long have we been unconscious?” Gallus asked.

“Y’all been out fer at least three days,” Applejack explained. “We started gettin’ a little worried, but we’re all glad yah came around. Ah’m sure Spike, Ron and Hermione will be relieved to see you’re okay too.”

“Are they alright?” Harry asked.

“They’re fine,” Dumbledore assured. “They’re all just fine.”

“But… what about the Stone?” Silverstream asked.

“Yeah, whatever happened to it?” Sandbar questioned.

“Relax, everyone,” Dumbledore raised a hand. “Quirrell and the others didn’t get the Stone.”

“We arrived just in time to prevent that,” Celestia added. “Though it seemed you were all doing well on your own.”

“Then… you guys got Hermione’s owl?” Silverstream gasped.

“Well… not entirely,” Dumbledore admitted. “As soon as I reached London, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna met up with me. We all realized that the place we should be was the one we just left. We arrived just in time…”

“We were worried we were too late,” Luna nodded.

“You nearly were,” Gallus spoke up. “We couldn’t keep them off the Stone any longer…”

“No, Luna wasn’t referring to the Stone…” Dumbledore interjected. “She was referring to allof you. The effort involved nearly killed you. For one terrible moment, we were afraid it had.”

“As for the Stone,” Applejack spoke up. “Well, Dumbledore up and took it. Told us it was gonna be destroyed.”

The Student Six and Harry turned to the group utterly surprised.

“Destroyed?” Smolder gasped. “But… the gold…”

“Your friend…” Harry pointed out. “Nicholas Flamel…”

“Ah, so you’ve heard of Nicholas?” Dumbledore asked, with twinkling eyes. “You did do things properly, didn’t you? My friend Nicholas and I had a little chat and agreed it was best all around.”

“But… won’t Flamel die?” Twilight asked.

“He has enough Elixir to set his affairs in order,” Dumbledore assured. “But yes, he will die.”

Dumbledore paused for a moment upon seeing the shocked faces upon the Mane Six, the Student Six, and Harry Potter himself.

“To ones as young as you, I’m sure it seems incredible. But to Nicholas, it really is like going to bed after a very, very long day. After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. You know, the Stone was really not such a wonderful thing. As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all—the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing ‘precisely’ those things that are worst for them.”

The group were silent during Dumbledore’s entire explanation. It was so much to sink in, and even more so just trying to understand the matter all-together.

“Dumbledore… I’ve been thinking,” Twilight spoke. “Even if the Stone is gone, Vol—I mean, ‘You-Know-Who’…”

“Oh Twilight, you can just call him Voldemort,” Celestia replied. “Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name merely increases fear of the thing itself.”

“Of course, your majesty,” Twilight nodded. “Voldemort… he’s going to try other ways of coming back, isn’t he? I mean, he hasn’t gone, has he?”

“No Twilight, he has not,” Dumbledore shook his head. “He is still out there somewhere, perhaps looking for another body to share… not being truly alive, he cannot be killed. He left Quirrell to die; he shows just as little mercy to his followers as his enemies. Nevertheless Harry, kids, while you may only have delayed his return to power, it will merely take someone else who is prepared to fight what seems a losing battle next time—and if he is delayed again, and again, why, he may never return to power.”

Everyone nodded in understanding as Dumbledore’s speech came to an end.

“Sir, there are some other things I’d like to know,” Harry spoke, breaking the silence. “If you can tell me… things I want to know the truth about…”

“The truth…” Dumbledore nodded. “It is a beautiful and terrible thing and should therefore be treated with great caution. However, I shall answer your questions unless I have a very good reason not to, in which case I beg you’ll forgive me. I shall not, of course, lie.”

“I will, of course, do the same,” Celestia offered. “Any questions you have for me, please ask.”

“This may sound strange, but…” Harry began. “When I was knocked unconscious by Voldemort, I had this strange… flash, to my parents…”

Everyone else faced Harry Potter with a look of surprise.

“I could barely make out the vision, but it seemed like Voldemort only killed my mother because she tried to stop him from killing me.”

“You… saw that?” Twilight asked.

“I’m not sure, but it felt real,” Harry replied. “What I want to know is… why would he want to kill me in the first place?”

Everyone turned to Dumbledore, just as confused as the boy as to what would give someone the motivation to kill one so young. A sigh escaped the old man’s lips knowing that question would come up.

“Alas, the first thing you ask me, I cannot tell you,” Dumbledore answered regrettably. “Not today. Not now. You will know, one day… put it from your mind for now Harry, everyone. When you are older… I know you hate to hear this… when you are ready, you will know. All of you.”

“Dumbledore’s right,” Celestia agreed. “Don’t worry about it for the time being. Just… try to live your lives. One day, he’ll tell all of us.”

While Twilight Sparkle did not like this answer as much as everyone else, the Princess of Friendship found no reason to argue. Especially against Princess Celestia’s words if she too was on Dumbledore’s side. The Student Six, Twilight’s friends, and Harry shared the same sentiment.

“There is another question…” Harry spoke. “How did I get the Stone out of the mirror?”

“You know, he has a point,” Gallus nodded, scratching his chin. “How did that happen?”

“You can thank me for that,” Celestia smirked. “It was my sister and I’s personal touch to the obstacle course.”

“Of course, she wouldn’t have thought of it if I hadn’t brought it up to her,” Dumbledore pointed out. “You see, only a person who wanted to find the Stone, find it, but not use it, would be able to get it.”

“Otherwise, they’d just see themselves drinking Elixir of Life or making gold,” Luna added.

“That is one of my more brilliant ideas,” Dumbledore replied. “And between you and me that’s saying something.”

“So… to reiterate,” Sandbar narrowed. “With the Stone gone, does that mean Voldemort will nevercome back?”

“Like I said, I’m afraid there are ways in which he can return,” Dumbledore answered. “Harry, do you know why Professor Quirrell couldn’t bear to have you touch him?”

Harry thought about it for a moment, thinking back to the first time he and his friends met the stuttering man. He thought all the way to that moment in the dungeon where even a single touch from Potter turned him to ash and he died right in front of them. But other than that… Harry had no explanation, merely shaking his head in response.

“It was because of your mother,” Dumbledore answered. “She sacrificed herself for you, and that kind of act leaves a mark.”

Confused, Harry Potter reached out to touch the scar upon his forehead.

“No, no, this kind of mark cannot be seen,” Dumbledore corrected. “It lives in your very skin.”

“What is it?”

“Love, Harry… love.”

The old man pats Harry’s head gently, as the boy slowly understood… or at least as best as he could.

“There’s still one thing I don’t quite understand,” Silverstream spoke, confused.

“And what would that be young Silverstream?” Celestia asked.

“After we defeated Voldemort, just before I blacked out, I saw this figure in a blinding white light emerge from the Stone. What happened?”

“I believe I can answer that.”

Everyone quickly turned toward the side, seeing a flash of bright white light quickly shined through and slowly dissipated. When it cleared, a new figure stood in the room with them. It appeared to be a rather young-looking Alicorn stallion with a light-beige coat and a black mane, along with a few streaks of red. He had piercing teal blue eyes and a cutie mark of a silver shield with a gold star emblem in the middle over two crossed swords.

Everyone stood in shock over the sudden new arrival, but none probably more so than Princess Celestia herself. The regal Alicorn princess slowly walked around the others and stood in front of the new arrival. Tears threatened to spill down her face, as she looked upon the face of the young stallion before her.

“S-S-Storm Shield?” She croaked.

The stallion in question merely nodded his head slowly.

“Yes,” He responded softly. “It’s me.”

Finally allowing the tears to fall, Celestia rushed forward and embraced the young stallion with a massive hug. Storm Shield also hugged the mighty goddess with just as much intensity as she did.

“I’ve missed you so much!” Celestia sobbed.

“I’ve missed you too… mother,” Storm replied.

Everyone, minus Dumbledore and Luna, dropped their mouths to the floor. It felt like the up-teenth time they did so since this entire journey began.

MOTHER?!” They all yelled loudly.

Finally, Celestia and Storm pulled back from their hug as Celestia looked down at the young stallion. She holds his chin with a single hoof.

“It has been so long since I’ve gazed upon your face my darling son,” She cried.

“I’ve waited so long to hear from you again,” Storm smiled, tearfully.

“What in the wild, wide-world of Equestria is going on here?!” Twilight yelled.

Celestia finally turned back to the group, gesturing Storm Shield to join her. With a nod of his head, he followed his mother as they slowly walked back to rejoin the group. It was then Storm’s eyes fell upon Princess Luna.

“Auntie Luna?” He asked amazed.

Luna smirked brightly, as she threw her hooves around the stallion and he in turn did the same.

“My dearest nephew!” Luna cried out. “So long it’s been!”

“About a few thousand years,” Storm chuckled. “Give or take a few.”

“Just look at you! All those years and you’ve never aged a day!”

“Not once, Auntie Luna,” Storm shook his head.

It was then his eyes faced the Student Six, all six of them looking toward the Alicorn stallion with awe and amazement. Yet none compared to the awe stemming from Storm’s eyes, widening as he looked at the six of them together. After a few seconds or so, he turned back toward Celestia.

“You really did it…” Storm spoke softly. “You brought all the herds of Equestria together, standing by side-by-side! Just like you said you would!”

“Oh Storm…” Celestia chuckled, wiping a tear. “I can’t possibly take all the credit.”

With a wing extended, Princess Celestia gestured toward Twilight Sparkle. The alicorn mare appeared as if she was still trying to process everything that’s been happening in such a short time. The two alicorns glance at each other in awkward silence, neither one knowing for certain what to say. The two alicorns studied each other, from head to toe, circling around while their friends looked on.

“You’re… a princess?” Storm asked, surprised.

“Y-Y-Yes… ahem, yes I am,” Twilight replied, straightening out. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.”

“A princess…” Storm repeated, pondering. “You mean… you didn’t know?”

“Who are you? What are you?!”

“Storm Shield, milady,” Storm bowed. “The Princeof Peace.”

“A PRINCE?!?!?!” The group shouted.

“… Prince???” Twilight spoke, her eye twitching.

With a sigh, Twilight Sparkle slowly leaned to the side as if she were about to faint. But fortunately two of her friends, in this case Applejack and Rainbow Dash, were able to catch her just before she hit the ground. Storm merely looked toward the passed out mare with a blank expression, as if he were steadily confused. He turned back toward Celestia, who smiled nervously.

“I’ll get you back up to speed in due time,” Celestia reassured. “There’s a lot you’ve missed in the past thousand years.”

“Ah!” Dumbledore spoke, picking up a box. “Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans.”

The group acknowledge Professor Dumbledore, who suddenly decided to change the topic so quickly. In which case, the old wizard was digging through a box of the multi-flavored beans as Harry Potter looked on.

“I was most unfortunate in my youth to come across a vomit flavored one,” Dumbledore continued. “And since then I have lost my liking for them. But I think I could be safe with a nice toffee…”

Dumbledore took a brown bean amongst the pile, the whole group looked on as he proceeds to eat it.

“Mm… alas. Earwax.”

Everyone chuckled and laughed at the old wizard, regardless of whether this moment meant something or not. But among those sharing a good laugh, Storm Shield chuckled loudly as he smiled toward Dumbledore.

“You haven’t changed a bit professor,” Storm Shield replied.

“My sentiments exactly, Mr. Shield,” Dumbledore nodded.

All of a sudden, a strong cry caused the whole group to turn around. As if so much wasn’t already happening at once, Pinkie Pie cried out while clutching her stomach. Nearly everyone in the room immediately looked worried for her. Even Twilight Sparkle, stirred awake by Pinkie’s shout, stared at her friend wide-eyed.

“Pinkie, are you alright?!” Twilight asked concerned.

“It’s the baby!” Pinkie cried. “I think he’s coming!”

As if everyone wasn’t already worried enough, now the whole group was in full-out panic mode.

“That can’t be possible darling!” Rarity said worriedly. “It’s still a month early.”

“Guess he’s got other plans!” Pinkie grunted, painfully.

“I’ll go retrieve Madame Pomfrey and Cheese Sandwich!” Luna said urgently.

She flew quickly out of the hospital wing, while everyone else moved Pinkie over toward one of the beds. She breathed heavily, the pain rocketing back-and-forth through her entire being. After a few moments, Luna came rushing back with Madame Pomfrey and Cheese Sandwich in tow.

“Well it certainly seems the little one doesn’t want to wait any longer, does he?” Madame Pomfrey observed.

“What can we expect?” Cheese asked. “It’s my son after all.”

Madame Pomfrey turned back toward the rest of the group gathered around.

“I’m terribly sorry, but I’m afraid I must ask you all to wait in the corridor,” She insisted.

“Are you crazy?” Rainbow asked. “We aren’t going anywhere!”

“It’s all right Doc,” Storm replied casually. “We’re all family of Pinkie Pie’s here.”

“Aw, aren’t you the sweetest—AAAH!!!” Pinkie screamed, mid-sentence.

“All the same, can you at least separate the children?” Pomfrey motioned to Harry and the Student Six. “This should not be for their eyes!”

“You read my mind!” Smolder replied getting up.

“Suddenly I feel better already!” Gallus added, following.

“Y’all better scaddle then young’uns,” Applejack motioned.

“Great idea!” Silverstream replied. “We’ll just wait with Harry outside.”

“Better go and join the kids Spike,” Twilight advised.

“Way ahead of you!” Spike spoke quickly, fluttering away.

The Student Six, along with Harry and Spike, get up to leave the hospital wing with the adults gathered around Pinkie Pie. This way with the kids gone, Pomfrey was able to adjust the sheets around Pinkie Pie and get in position to help the baby out. All the others gathered around Pinkie Pie as she began to breathe in-and-out heavily, while Cheese Sandwich stood by her side clutching one hoof. Yet as they soon noticed, her entire bed started to hop up-and-down as some of her friends tried to keep her down.

“What sort of magic is going on around here?” Storm asked quizzically.

“That’s not magic pal!” Rainbow shouted. “It’s Pinkie Pie!”

“Just take breathes Pinkie!” Applejack instructed. “Push! Push!”

“I-I-I-I-I hate this part, A.J.!” Pinkie shook, sweating profusely. “I HATE THIS…. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”

Pinkie screamed so loud that cracks could form along the glass of the wing. Cheese Sandwich held onto her hoof as best as he could until there was a loud ‘crack’. Pinkie began squeezing so tightly, it feels as if she’s breaking Cheese’s hoof. His eyes widen with pain, as he tried to hold in. The whole wing starts to get chaotic as every pony tries to pitch in as best as they could, Fluttershy wiping the sweat off Pinkie’s brow with a handkerchief and Rainbow Dash trying to hold Pinkie down. The bed shook harder and harder as Pinkie Pie took deep breath, while Cheese Sandwich ends up bellowing out in pain as he hangs limply along Pinkie’s grip.

“I can see his head!” Pomfrey called out. “Just a few more pushes dearie, you need to dig deep!”

Pinkie Pie took one big breath till her body began to pop up like a balloon. When she could no longer take another breath, she unleashed a bellowing scream like the loudest opera singer in the world. Most of the group held their ears, the winged creatures sticking their wings through their ears. It went on for several seconds until…


Pinkie plopped back onto the bed, releasing her hold on Cheese, who clutched his aching hoof while sighing to himself (“Thank you… thank you…”). A shadow of a tiny newborn foal displayed upon the wall casts out, carried in Pomfrey’s grasp. A light tap upon it’s tiny hoof… and a tiny cry escaped from its lips as Pinkie Pie slowly looked up. All in the room looked on in awe, as a smile forms on Pinkie’s and Cheese’s face.

“Oh… Cheesy…” Pinkie sighed.


In between the events in the hospital wing, Harry Potter and the Equestrians had walked far from the room till they reached the stairwell balcony. There, they could see their two friends Hermione and Ron talking together. They pause from the very moment they spot their friends, leaning upon the railing.

“All right there, Ron?” Harry asked.

“All right?” Ron answered. “You?”

“All right,” Harry shrugged.

“How about you Hermione?” Ocellus asked.

“Never better,” Hermione smiled.

The group sighed with relief, until some whimpering drew their attention. They turned around as their Professors and other friends emerged from the Hospital Wing. As Ron and Hermione made their way down the stairs to join them, Madame Pomfrey rolled Pinkie Pie in a pony-sized wheelchair. The disheveled party pony, her mane a mess from the procedure, carries a bundle in her arms as a tiny figure squirmed in her grip. The children gazed upon the little pony as Pinkie stroked the little pony’s head.

“Children, say hello to the newest member of the Equestria family,” Pinkie spoke softly, looking down. “Say hi Lil’ Cheese!”

“Lil’ Cheese?” Gallus smiled.

“Yes sirree!” Cheese smiled, massaging his hoof. “Named him after me. A chip off the old block!”

The children chuckled as they gazed upon the tiny little pony, as Pinkie rocks him gently back and forth. Even Harry Potter smiled upon the scene, seeing new life introduced to their world. A little pony with a loving family, to nurture and care for him. And come what may, though Harry does not know for sure, Lil’ Cheese had a very promising future ahead of him.



A few days later, within the Great Hall, all the students are seated at the four tables. Green banners with snake emblems hung around the ceiling. It felt amazing how quickly the school year come and gone within a blink of an eye. And now, the time had finally come to choose the winner of this year’s house cup.

Most of the Gryffindor table, including the Student Six, all looked rather gloomy and disappointed seeing as how far behind in house points they truly were. The Mane Six and Spike approached the table to sit beside them. Just then, Professor McGonagall stepped in front of them blocking their path.

“Professor McGonagall!” Twilight greeted, with surprise. “Can we help you?”

“I do believe you all can,” McGonagall nodded. “If you would all please follow me.”

The Mane Six and Spike glance at each other in confusion, all of them shrugging. Ultimately, they followed McGonagall up to the teachers’ table. Course, it was truly a bit slow for Pinkie Pie, seeing as how she was still recovering from her pregnancy. Add to the fact Pinkie practically carried Lil’ Cheese in a bundle with a strap over her shoulder, the little tike fast asleep. To keep the noise away from his ears, a pair of earmuffs were wrapped around him so the commotion won’t disturb him. Once they reached the table, McGonagall looked upon the group with a hint of regret upon her face.

“What do you require of us Professor McGonagall?” Rarity asked.

“Firstly, I wish to sincerely apologize to all of you,” McGonagall apologized. “Back when I revoked your teaching positions, all I could think of was how poorly your actions reflected our alliance.”

“It was kind ah our fault anyway,” Applejack spoke honestly. “We broke the rules against yers.”

“However, I understand now you were indeed looking out for the young students. You did whatever it took to keep them out of danger. And for that, you actions these last few months have certainly proven that much to me.”

“What are you saying?” Rainbow asked.

“It was wrongful of me to revoke your positions as I have. Therefore, I would like to rectify that now and offer you all your teaching positions back, along with all the rights and privileges that come with it. If you will accept that is for the next year?”

Every pony looked at each other, shocked beyond words. But their facial expressions spoke for them, displaying complete joy and happiness. It didn’t even take more than a minute for an answer to come out.

“Next… year?!?!?!” Pinkie smiled widely.

“YES!!!” They all yelled.

“Boy would we ever Professor!” Spike cried out.

And in a rare instance, McGonagall actually smiled as she shook each of their hooves/claws one by one.

“Thank you so much Professor,” Twilight thanked her.

“Please, call me Minerva from now on,” McGonagall smiled.

They all nodded their heads, as McGonagall took her seat once more and the Mane Six took their place beside her. The Student Six all looked up toward the teachers’ table, seeing their professors back where they should be. And they smiled happily for them, knowing something good happened today. On cue, DumbleDore, at the head of the table, nodded to McGonagall. She proceeds to ding her glass, the chatter ceasing. All eyes turn as Dumbledore rose from his seat.

“Another year gone,” Dumbledore declared. “And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding, and the points stand thus. In fourth place, Gryffindor with 212 points.”

The Gryffindor clapped with less enthusiasm, while Harry and Hermione hid their heads. Gallus sighed as he leaned his head on Silverstream’s shoulder, the hippogriff patting Gallus’s shoulder as she looked down sadly.

“Third place, Hufflepuff, with 352 points.”


“In second place, Ravenclaw, with 426 points.”


“And in first place, with 472 points, Slytherin House.”

Immense cheering bellowed out, as all the students hollered and cheers. Draco Malfoy provided congratulations for his classmates, before spotting Ron staring at him. A sneer formed on his face, as the Student Six looked at him glumly. They all sighed sadly as they slumped upon the table.

“Boy we really screwed up this time,” Sandbar sighed.

“What else new?” Yona sighed.

“We’re so sorry guys,” Ocellus told Harry and his friends.

“It’s okay…” Harry sighed sadly. “It’s just a cup.”

“Yes, yes, well done Slytherin,” Dumbledore nodded. “Well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account… and I have a few last-minute points to award.”

The Gryffindor students looked up curiously, even the Student Six looked surprised.

“Last… minute… points?” Silverstream asked.

“To Miss Hermione Granger,” Dumbledore announced. “For the use of cool intellect when others were in great peril, 50 points.”


As all the students clapped hands, Gallus turned toward Hermione and smiled proudly.

“Good job, ‘Mione!” Gallus smiled.

And Hermione turned toward Gallus, a griffon she initially didn’t get along with… and smiled toward him.

“Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley,” Dumbledore continued. “For the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years… 50 points.”

As the house applauded, Ron turned toward the group mouthing, ‘Me?’. Harry and Smolder nodded, the former mouthing ‘You!’ and the dragoness giving the boy a thumbs up.

“And third, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house 60 points.”

Immense cheering bellowed out, as the Student Six smiled towards Harry, who sat completely stunned for such a high honor.

“Next… to the combined unity of our exchange students from Equestria,” Dumbledore announced, as the students turned. “For never ending bravery… and determination even in the face of death… I award… 100 points!”

The cheers grew louder and louder, as all of Gryffindor House smiled proudly toward the Student Six. They all looked on in surprise, some of them mouthing ‘Wow!’ as their eyes caught sight of their professors. The Mane Six applauded for them greatly, Twilight Sparkle smiling proudly as tears were in her eyes. Even the Royal Sisters, with Storm Shield sitting between them, smiled proudly at the young group.

“We’re tied with Slytherin!” Hermione spoke.

“By Faust, she’s right!” Ocellus squeaked.

“I’ll take a tie any day!” Smolder replied. “Even if it means… sharing with Slytherin.”

“And finally!” Dumbledore spoke. “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points… to Neville Longbottom.”

Surprised yet proud, the Student Six erupted in cheers along with all of Gryffindor. Neville sits there, unbelieving, and shocked, as he sat there while the cheering grew loud around him. From Slytherin house, Draco looked downfallen as it slowly dawned on him as to what’s happening. And before all’s said and done, a shadow cast over Neville. The young boy turned around and saw Rainbow Dash hovering over him. She landed upon her hooves, glanced at Neville for a moment, and held out her hoof.

“No hard feelings?” Rainbow smirked.

Neville looked at the offered hoof for a moment or two, until a small smile forms and he extends a hand toward Rainbow. But he stopped when he saw his hand and her hoof were different. At first he formed it in a fist thinking she’s offering a hoof-bump. But Rainbow stopped him with a slight shake, before extending a wing. Neville, opening his fist, took Rainbow’s wing gently and they shook with respect.

“Assuming that my calculations are correct,” Dumbledore spoke. “I believe that a change of direction is in order.”

With a clap of his hands, the green banners hanging above shift to the signature Gryffindor colors, red and yellow. Which could only mean ‘one’ thing…

“Gryffindor wins the House Cup!”

The whole house erupted in cheers, Gryffindor House winning this year’s House Cup all thanks to a group of first year students who went above and beyond to redeem themselves. All of Hogwarts looked on proudly, even Hagrid grinned before them as he applauded for Harry and his friends. Soon all the students, even the ones from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, stood from their seats and tossed their hats into the air. All… except Draco, who merely smashed his down onto the table in frustration.

As Gryffindor House shook hands with one another, cheering for one another, Gallus and Silverstream embraced one another with a kiss. Sandbar and Yona hugged each other as they jumped around, Yona’s great size shaking the ground. Smolder and Ocellus shared a laugh together, leaning side-to-side in celebration. Harry Potter, in the meantime, looked back toward the teachers’ table and grinned very widely. And the Mane Six nodded their heads toward the kids, as Rainbow Dash wrapped a hoof around Applejack, who turned toward her friend… and smiled with a blush.



Back at the train station, the time had come for all the students to go home for the summer. Amongst the students going aboard, Hagrid leads a handful of students to the train.

“Go now, hurry up you be late,” Hagrid instructed. “Train’s leaving! Go on!”

Harry Potter and his two friends made ready to board the train, as they waved to Hagrid, who waved back. He was not alone as the Equestrians stood beside him, waving goodbye to all the new friends they made. But just as he reached for the train, Harry Potter stopped as his friends looked back.

“Come on Harry,” Hermione urged.

“One moment,” Harry spoke.

Harry stepped away from the train as he slowly approached Hagrid and the representatives of Equestria.

“Thought you were leaving without saying goodbye, did you?” Hagrid smiled.

“Cause I’d have knock some sense into you if you didn’t,” Rainbow smirked.

“You’ve been a very helpful boy, Harry,” Twilight declared. “Thank you.”

As an additional token of appreciation, Hagrid pulled out a thin red book and hands it to Harry. The book opened the book to the first page on it and before his eyes… a moving picture was presented to him. This one featured Harry Potter as a baby, in the arms of his loving parents. The first and only picture he ever received to remember them.

“Thanks Hagrid,” Harry smiled.

Hagrid then turned toward the Student Six, specifically toward Yona and Sandbar, presenting two leather straps with one strand of leather arched over.

“These are for you Yona and Sandbar,” Hagrid declared. “Wand holders. You strap them on your hooves, place your wand along the arch, and you can cast spells more easily.”

Yona and Sandbar take the wand holders, trying them on as they admired the material. They looked up toward Hagrid and smiled warmly, as they admired their presents. Hagrid then turned toward Smolder, who looked toward him curiously.

“And finally, I got a little something for you Smolder.”

Hagrid turned around, his fingers placed in his mouth, and blew a shrilling whistle. Within minutes, a small little dragon flew from the sky and landed upon the young dragoness’ back. As the dragon nuzzled its tiny head against Smolder’s cheek, it didn’t take long for her to recognize him.

“Norbert?!” Smolder cried, shocked. “What are you doing here? I thought you were sent off to a colony in Romania!”

“He just couldn’t stop thinking about yer when he was taken away,” Hagrid explained. “Kept cryin’ out in the night. Apparently, according to Dumbledore, he was calling out for his mummy. So I decided… well, we decided… you should take him home to see you.”

“But Hagrid, I thought dragons were illegal here,” Smolder pointed out. “Isn’t that why he was sent off in the first place.”

“True, but then Dumbledore thought ‘bout it jus’ a little bit more. And he agreed that since dragons aren’t illegal in ‘Equestria’, what better place for Norbert to grow up than there? So he brought him back ‘ere, we talked fer a while, and ultimately decided Equestria is where he would ‘ave his best chance.”

Though she was still not certain about being a mother, Smolder nonetheless smiled warmly toward the giant man. She then picked up the small dragon in her claws, Norbert cooing and actually purring as he nuzzled himself in Smolder’s grasp. She then looked down toward the dragon, actually patting the little guy’s head as her smile remained.

“Alright now on with you guys,” Hagrid gestured, realizing. “Oh, and listen Harry, if that dope of a cousin of yours Dudley gives you any grief, you can always threaten him with a nice pair of ears to go with that tail of his.”

“Aw… that’s not very nice,” Fluttershy shook her head.

“Yeah… but it would be kind of funny,” Rainbow snickered, while Applejack shook her head.

“But Hagrid we’re not allowed to do magic away from Hogwarts,” Harry pointed out.

“He does make a valid point,” Spike nodded. “You do know that.”

“I do,” Hagrid nodded. “But your cousin don’t, do he?”

Smiling, Harry walked back toward the train door where Hermione and Ron waited for him. The Equestrians look on, smiling proudly seeing how mature Harry has grown in such a short time.

“You know? I’ll really miss that kid,” Rainbow smiled.

“Me too!” Pinkie nodded, as she cradled Lil’ Cheese close to her.

“Don’t worry,” Twilight assured. “He’s still got six more years of school left after all.”

“Indeed,” Rarity sighed. “And we’ll be here for every single one of them.”

“No doubt getting’ into a whole heap of trouble,” Applejack chuckled.

“But all worth it in the end,” Fluttershy sighed softly.

“You know Professors, if this was just the first year,” Gallus replied. “I can’t wait to see what happens next year.”

“Me too!” Silverstream smiled, kissing Gallus’ cheek.

The Equestrians and Hagrid watch on, with warm smiles upon their faces. Harry stood beside Ron and Hermione, as they gave one last look at this magnificent place… at least until the next school year.

“Feels strange to be going home, doesn’t it?” Hermione asked.

“I’m not going home,” Harry spoke, smiling. “Not really.”

As the train gave a shrill whistle, the three students climbed aboard with Harry closing the door behind him. As the train started to leave, the Equestrians and Hagrid waving goodbye, Harry waved back from the window along with all the other students. Celestia, Luna, and Storm Shield looked behind the giant group, the ponies among them, and smiled.

“Come my little ponies,” Celestia said kindly. “Let’s go home.”

“Home…” Storm sighed. “I can’t wait to see how much has changed since I was away. And maybe, when we get a chance, we can be properly introduced… if you’d like?”

Twilight looked back toward her friends and students. Although they only just met Storm and while they had so many questions left unanswered, they nodded reassuringly toward Twilight Sparkle. Nodding back, the Princess of Friendship turned toward Storm Shield with a slight smile.

“We would like that very much,” Twilight declared.

"Oh good! Because I have so many questions right now..."

"Me too..."

Using her magic, Celestia opened the portal as Equestria loomed on the other side. They turned toward Hagrid, offering one final goodbye, and one by one they all stepped through the portal back home. As his new friends returned to Equestria, Hagrid slowly walked back toward Hogwarts while the train made its long trip to return all the students home. Knowing that come next year, they will all return one day to the most enchanted place they’ve ever seen… Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Meanwhile, in the badlands of Equestria, hidden deep within the dark caves they called home, the Mysterious Benefactor was in an awful mood. They were livid, outraged beyond words, storming through the cave and used their power to destroy nearly everything in sight. The Legion of Doom were forced to watch from a corner, all banged up greatly after their battle below the school. To say the Benefactor was unhappy with them, that would be quite the understatement.

“IDIOTS!!! IMBECILES!!! MORONS!!! STUPID… PATHETIC… FOALS!!!” The Benefactor yelled. “We didn’t come so far only to have victory stolen away from us! Those foals will pay dearly for what they’ve done; so help me, THEY… WILL… PAY!!!! AND YOU!!!!!!”

The Benefactor finally acknowledged the trio in the corner, all three praying they’d be invisible.

“US?!?!?!” The trio shouted, outraged.

“We’ve been planning this moment for years…” The Benefactor snarled. “AND YOU IDIOTS RUINED EVERYTHING!!!”

“HEY! We didn’t exactly see you jumping in to help!” Tirek shouted back.

“Watch what you say Centaur! Don’t forget it was by my doing you were able to regain your power! Or for that matter, why you are here before me now!”

“How can you possibly blame us for everything?!” Cozy Glow asked. “We did everything you asked; we brought all the necessary materials!”

“And thanks to your inability to handle those meddlesome students, we lost the most important one of them all!”

“That isn’t entirely true,” Chrysalis spoke up.

The Benefactor turned to her direction, staring quizzically beneath their hood.

“What do you mean?”

Chrysalis gave a small, evil smirk as she spread her wings and reached out from behind her. Before their very eyes, she revealed none other than the Philosopher’s Stone itself. Tirek and Cozy Glow looked at her in shock and amazement, as the Benefactor quickly crossed the cave and snatched the stone from her.

“How did you manage to get this?” They asked.

“I’ve always been a master of deception and disguise,” Chrysalis smirked. “When I heard Dumbledore would be taking the Stone to his old ally, I jumped at the chance. So I crept into Flamel’s home in the dead of night… and killedhim in his sleep. I assumed his form, met with Dumbledore myself, and he practically gave me the stone insisting to ‘me’ that it must be destroyed. The old fool actually believed me when I said I would do it, and he had no clew his true friend was practically dead in the very next room.”

“You… you… killed him?” Cozy Glow spoke, slightly nervously.

The Benefactor merely smiled, with their dark and evil grin. It sharp fangs gleamed beneath the hood, as it admired the small red stone in their grasp.

“Perhaps you aren’t completely useless after all. As of this moment, Chrysalis is in command of the rest of you imbeciles.”

The promotion and insult made Cozy Gow and Tirek very angry.

“Are you kidding me?!” Tirek shouted.

“After everything we’ve been through, you seriously…”

Cozy Glow never finished her words when a painful sensation seared through her legs. Even Tirek cried out in pain as they looked down. To their shock and horror, their legs slowly became encased in stone once more. They tried with all their might to struggle out of it, but it was no use. It was happening all over again…

“Anything else you two wish to say to us?” The Benefactor asked, darkly.

The stone encasing the pair rose till it reached their chests. Tirek and Cozy finally relented.

“Alright! Alright!” Tirek yelled. “She can be in charge! Just stop this!”

“Please!” Cozy begged. “I don’t want to be a statue again! Please!”

Finally, the stone-casing stopped rising. Instead, the material broke away until all the stone on their bodies crumbled into dust. Cozy and Tirek shook their now sore, stiff limbs. But were otherwise relieved to be free of a rather traumatic predicament.

“Let this be a reminder never to question our judgment again,” The Benefactor warned. “While we’re in charge, you follow your instructions with no argument. Those who do not will be punished… and you’re all expendable! Every… single… one of you! Is that clear?!”

“Yes… master,” The pair bowed, reluctantly.

“So… what happens now?” Cozy Glow asked.

“With Quirrel now being nothing more than ash, our plans are all but squandered,” Tirek pointed out.

The Benefactor merely walked over till they stop at what appeared to be a giant symbol of sorts. A symbol which had been dug within the dirt along the very ground they stood upon.

They placed the stone upon one of the three stone pillars standing along the top and sides of the symbol.

“Worry not,” The assured. “Lord Voldemort will rise once more. Perhaps not today, not tomorrow. Not in a week or a month… but there are still ample opportunities to bring him back. We will still get what we all want in the end.”

The Benefactor grabbed the protoplasm jar and the mind control element, positioning them on the remaining two pillars along the bottom of the symbol.

“And what exactly is this ritual you wish to perform?” Chrysalis asked.

“For what we have in mind, we first require the elements from different worlds that defy the laws of nature,” The Benefactor informed. “One’s own life essence; the ability to control one’s will; and finally the ability to live forever. And together, these elements shatter all laws of physics and nature. With these powers combined, we can do almost anything.”

“You mean to use it to bring back Lord Voldemort?” Tirek asked.

“Oh no my companions. You see, one cannot resurrect a being who is neither dead nor alive. We’ve thought this over thoroughly and instead we plan to bring back one who’s… already dead.”

The Benefactor began to chant a strange sort of spell, resembling as if the mystery being was speaking in tongues. Upon completion, the symbol began to glow a deep red, beams of darkness explode from the three pillars, and come together upon the center of the symbol building up a mass of energy. A huge ball of darkness began to build, growing larger in the center before finally it exploded knocking the four back into the cave wall.

When they stood back up again, only a cloud of darkness could be seen. From the cloud, a pair of glowing green eyes with dark red pupils floated amidst the dark haze. A deep guttural laugh echoed throughout the cave, as the eyes gazed upon the four figures.

The King… is back!

Comments ( 147 )

You’re supposed to put the author’s note at the top.

Another adventure done! Nice job, guys! 👍
Good luck with Corpse Bride.

We did feel it was important for everyone to participate as much as possible, even if most of them fall back before reaching the final chamber. It wasn't easy making sure they all had their spotlight moment but it was well worth it.

Sombra is back and who knows if The Benefactor is wise enough to bring The Storm King or summon the Sirens or The Pony of Shadows.

Great final chapter to the wizardry adventure for the mane six and the student six! :pinkiehappy:
Also Seeing King Sombra in the post-credit scene:

King Sombra!!

And what a way to conclude one of our most popular, and rather lengthy, stories to date. Our heroes having been brought back home following a grueling battle with the Legion of Doom and the Mysterious Benefactor (And Voldemort partly). All seems right in the world, two worlds to be exact. We find out that the mysterious Alicorn liberated from the stone is strongly connected to the Royal Sisters (At least in this universe anyway), the students are rewarded all the points needed to redeem themselves and help secure the House Cup for Gryffindor, and on top of all that, Twilight and her friends get to be school teachers for Hogwarts once more. And to think faithful viewers, this was only just the 'first' in a popular franchise that continues to hold strong to this day.

Now that we've seen what this portion of the series has introduced, no doubt there's a lot riding on what's going on. The pieces of this on-going game between good and evil are nearly in their position. And even in defeat, our villains find their own success by once more returning another villain from days' past to join their side. Brace yourself, faithful readers because there is still more to this series that remain to come. For Mr. Enigma and I have great ideas as to the movies we hope to cover next.

Stay tuned as our good friend the Doc prepares his final commentary for this portion of the story.

That depends on whether any of those villains are part of the Benefactor's plans at building their army. But for the time being, it turns out they weren't out to resurrect Voldemort considering he 'technically' wasn't dead. The ritual itself was to restore Sombra after he was obliterated by Twilight and her friends back in Season 9. And there's no doubt in my mind he'll want revenge so badly he'll do anything to avoid making the same mistakes again.

A great final chapter to end this story, but it is still the beginning between the alliance of Equestria and Hogwarts. Plenty more magical adventures await the team moving forward. But for the time being, we move on to our next upcoming project which is currently in production.

By the way... which episode was that? I never heard of that guy.

Caught you by surprise with this revelation, did we not?

I give you a big applause my good friend for this great read

Yeah. Pretty much.

Mr. Enigma and I appreciate your gratitude. And we've got plenty of great reads still to come for this series.

What a great ending to a great story!
A new life is brought to the world,
The first in an amazing series has been completed,
An old foe resurfaces....

this story is another gem in the crown, Enigma.
Great job.

That authors note, that doesn’t make it required reading though does it?

Either way, this wraps up the biggest and most involved story thus far. And I’m eager to see where else we go off to.

I watched Corpse Bride over the weekend, that stories is probably going to go by in a flash. I mean that’s the shortest movie you will have featured thus far.

That symbol the Benefactor used... Is that the Deathly Hallows symbol?!

That can't be good...

Anyway, awesome story like always! Looking forward to your next Cinematic Adventure!

The Doc says we should include an author's note and a note we provide for our fans. If that's going to be a problem, you'll have to discuss this with the head of our creative department.

But yes... this was indeed the biggest, most actively-involved story Mr. Enigma and I put together thus far. As for where the series goes from here, those who have followed us for some time have been informed in advance as to what shall be our next project. And the stories we can tell, as short as the subject may be, we have plenty to add to it.


‘‘Twas just asking a simple question is all.

But you have no issues from me here, truly.

Very good, very good... as long as we have an understanding.

Aww, Pinkie had her baby and it's adorable!!! And Smolder got her baby back too *giggling*. I can't wait to see what'll happen to these guys during CoS

Also, I hope the crowd watching this alerts the Mane 6 about that final scene

So the alicorn is a male who saved the Student Six and Harry, and his name is Storm Shield.

Harry Potter’s first year of Hogwarts has become legendary. And now it’s time for Year 2.

Professor McGonagall finally understands how Twilight Sparkle and her friends tried so hard to keep the students safe.

This moment in the story is like:

'You get a baby! You get a baby! YOU WIN A CAR!!!!"

Yep and yep.

A little something that's been under discussion between Mr. Enigma and myself, and we both agreed it would be quite a twist.

I only have one thing to say to sum up this entire chapter...….
Because I'm starting to get some serious dimensional and time traveling distorting and colliding/clashing here that is definitely giving me the vibes of DuckTales (2017), Doctor Who, Lego Dimensions and Marvel & DC.

Yep, Year 2. And believe you me, Mr. Enigma and I have tons of plans we have in mind for 'CoS'.


I like the Student 6's just like "yep, let's am-scray now."

Took her a bit of time to realize that even a wizard who's been around as long as McGonagall can make mistakes too. Seeing as how she poorly misjudged the group and that they were truly looking out for their students' well-being, it was only fair that Twilight and her friends (And even Spike) should get their jobs back.

Hmm... Very interesting.

Storm Shield... Hmm... I wonder how will I picture him in my mind. I know the colors, but what will his mane style look like? I mean, I know the colors of his mane.

Oh now I understand the legion trio were trying to get the power to take the world but they lost it to twilight and her friends and the young six.

Yep... there's some interdimensional stuff going on at least in this portion of the story. Considering that the recently introduced character is completely different from the main character in one of Mr. Enigma's other projects. Just as there's a different Spider-Man in every dimension (Sometimes a Spider-Woman), this Storm Shield introduced in the 'Cinematic Adventures' is vastly different from the Storm Shield in 'The Seventh Element' rendition of 'FIM'.

You do know he's on the cover of Mr. Enigma's 'Seventh Element' project right? Apart from Spike, he's the only male on the cover.

See for yourself.

Yeah, that's great for them.

But I wonder which adventures will be next for them in the Cinematic Adventures?

If you paid attention, we made an announcement on what will be our next project for the series. Production is currently starting as of this very moment.


I'll have to wait and see for myself. :)

Nice to see Norbert(a) reuniting with Smolder in the end, though I can imagine that once everyone gets back, there's going to be QUITE a big reveal on Norbert(a)'s actual gender.

Thanks again for using some of my suggestions... nice to see them displayed in action! Now I'm curious to see how the next story goes... and considering what's next, it'll be nice to have a short Cinematic Adventure after the long one that just happened. But we'll have to wait and see. You take a small break, take how long you need... you earned it.

The commentary will be coming soon, don't worry.

As far as the whole 'Norbert'/'Norberta' ordeal, Mr. Enigma and I will determine what to do about it in due time. We haven't set up a plan just yet.

You just take all the time you need, Ph.D. It'll all be worth the wait.

A magnificent wrap up here for all of them. Hopefully Cheese will be able to look after their son when Pinkie goes off again, or Pinkie finds someone to watch her foal. And Sombra is back. Boy the Legion of Doom are going to have a field day explaining to him Grogar wasn't who he was, and what they've been up too since then. Until next time.

Considering that at this point Lil' Cheese is far too young for adventures, Cheese will have to take special care of the little guy. And if Cheese is not available, some pony must be up for the task. As for Sombra... yeah he's likely going to be very mad when it turned out they were originally serving a 'phony' and that there was 'never' a Grogar (Least not the one they were expecting).

However, now they do have someone to serve who in my opinion is much worse than Grogar. That of course being Lord Voldemort

Ah yes... Lord Voldemort. We've seen how strong he is against either the Mane Six and the Student Six, even at his weakest state. Just imagine how our heroes will have to step up when Voldemort restores himself to his all powerful glory.

Unless the Mysterious Benefactor is Grogar himself.

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