• Published 23rd Nov 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike are back again. This time traveling to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to help three young students in a battle against the darkest wizard ever, Lord Voldemort. Will they succeed?

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Transfiguration and Potions

The very next morning, the sun shined brightly over Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. In the boys and girls dorms, the Student Six slept peacefully in their beds. Yesterday had proven to be such a taxing day for all of them ever since they arrived at Hogwarts, then the Sorting Ceremony, and the most tremendous feast they ever had. This day seemed like the perfect day for the kids to sleep in… unless two very mischievous entities had anything to say about it.

By the foot of the entrances leading to the dorms, Peeves and Discord plotted the most humorous, yet terrible means to wake the youthful explorers. Each of them carried a wooden bucket in their grasps, both covered in a lid. The evil looks upon their faces made it very clear that it’s worse than what anyone could imagine.

“Right then,” Peeves spoke. “Now ya remember the plan, mate?”

“I sure do Peeves ole boy,” Discord nodded. “You give Gallus and Sandbar a good scare, while I have a little ‘fun’ with the girls. They’ll never know what hit ‘em!”

Discord lifted the lid off his barrel slightly, extending his eyes to peek inside. A chuckle escaped his lips as he slowly put the lid in place.

“Oooh! This prank is pure gold; just like old times!”

“Discord, barrels up!”

The two entities clink their barrels together like mugs before they sneak their way into the dorms, opening and closing the doors behind them. A few seconds passed until…



The girls rushed through the dormitory doors, screaming in horror toward the common room and covered up with slimy earthworms on their bodies.

“What the hay?!?!” Smolder yelled.

“Get ‘em off me!” Ocellus screamed, flailing her arms. “Get ‘em off me!”

Meanwhile, rushing down from the boys dormitory, Gallus and Sandbar raced down into the common room. They were freaking out more than the girls, trying to scratch the worms off their bodies.

“What’s going on here?!” Gallus yelled.

As the Young Six shook the worms off themselves, Discord suddenly popped out of nowhere dressed in a bathrobe, a sleep mask over his eyes, and clutching a small Fluttershy plushie in his arm. He yawned as he snapped his fingers and all the worms vanished.

“Must you all make such a fuss?” Discord asked, faking being tired.

The Young Six slowly turned their heads toward the spirit of chaos, glaring angrily.

“Discord!!!” Sandbar shouted loudly. “What in the wide world of Equestria is the matter with you?!”

Discord snapped his fingers again, this time transforming his attire, so he now wore a blue suit jacket and small spectacles over his eyes. Peeves floated down through the ceiling, hovering above his friend.

“You’ve all overslept on your first day of classes,” Discord said disapprovingly. “As a Hogwarts Professor, I hereby deduct twenty points from Gryffindor.”

“You just self-appointed professor!” Yona grumbled.

“Ooh, talking back to a teacher… another five points from Gryffindor!”

The Young Six all groaned but realized Discord actually made a valid point. It was already late in the morning, the kids were running late for Transfiguration Class with Professor McGonagall, and seeing McGonagall is the head of their house… being late was certainly not going to be a good thing.

“Oh my gosh you guys!” Silverstream gasped loudly. “He’s right! We better hurry and get a move on or McGonagall’s going to be furious!”

The students made a mad dash back up their dormitories to collect their supplies while Discord and Peeves remained in the common room. Discord snapped his fingers again and two cups of tea were procured for himself and Peeves.

“I think that went rather well,” Discord smiled mischievously.

“Indeed it did,” Peeves nodded. “But the ickle little students best hurry. They’re livelihoods won’t be worth two locked doors and a trick staircase if they’re late.”

The two tapped their tea glasses together and drank the contents. Of course, being a ghost, Peeves couldn’t drink tea and it just fell through him and splattered upon the floor. A couple minutes passed, and all the students raced downstairs in their robes and all the materials in their grasp.

“Okay guys, we’ve gotta go and fast!” Gallus said urgently.

“But how will we even know where to go?” Ocellus asked.

“This place is like one giant maze!” Smolder added.

“Oh it’s really simple,” Discordspoke up. “Just down the Grand Staircase and to the right.”

All the students looked toward him, shaking their heads in confusion. Without another word, they raced down to find a way to Transfiguration while Discord and Peeves watched with satisfied grins.

“Next time’s much worse for them youngsters,” Peeves spoke, rubbing his hands. “Some wastepaper baskets on their heads, the rugs pulled under their feet, bits of chalk in the face, then sneaking up being ‘em, grabbing their nose, and shouting…”

A large paw grabbed Peeves by the nose, stopping him in mid-seconds. Peeves turned his eyes as Discord smirked at him.

“GOT YOUR CONK!” Discord shouted, raising his brows.

“HEY!!!” Peeves smiled, pointing a finger.


The Student Six ran as fast as they could down the Grand Staircase, minding the constantly shifting and changing staircase. Until finally, they came upon the second-floor corridor. They raced down before eventually coming upon a giant row of greenhouses. Finally, they came to a stop to catch their breath and figure out where they were.

“Something… tells me… we’re not going… the right way,” Gallus gasped breathlessly.

“There must be someone we can ask for directions,” Sandbar said, looking around.

“Maybe someone in there will know,” Silverstream suggested, pointing to the greenhouses.

They proceed toward the first greenhouse and walked through the door. The moment they got inside, the Student Six faced an unbelievable sight to behold. Before their eyes, Applejack wrestled a giant Venus Fly Trap. Behind her was a whole gathering of students and a short, plump witch wearing gardener-like robes.

“Hold still ya overgrown vegetable!” Applejack growled.

The fly trap finally hurled Applejack into the air and as she came down, she grabbed her lasso and threw it around its giant maw. She trailed around the giant plant a few times before pulling its trap shut. Breathing heavily, she turned back toward the class, particularly toward Neville Longbottom.

That is why ya never use a growth spell to speed along the process of a Venus Fly Trap,” She explained.

“Professor Applejack?”

Applejack quickly turned toward the Young Six standing by the door with their eyes wide and mouths agape.

“Well howdy there y’all!” Applejack greeted. “What are ya doin’ here? Ain’t y’all supposed tah be in Transfiguration?”

“Well we are,” Gallus answered. “But we’re lost.”

“What are you doing?” Smolder asked.

Applejack wiped the sweat from her brow and readjusted her Stetson hat.

“Well seein’ as myself and the others are assistant professors here, my responsibility is helpin’ Professor Sprout here teach Herbology.”

The students turned behind her and saw Professor Sprout using her wand to shrink the Venus Fly Trap down to size.

“Things got a little outta hand... or hoof,” Applejack continued. “But it’s alright now.”

“Does Professor Applejack know where Transfiguration is?” Yona asked.

“Yeah, it’s just one floor down,” Applejack explained. “Just go past the courtyard, down the corridor tah yer right and it’s right there.”

“Thanks Professor Applejack!” Sandbar thanked her.

“Yer welcome,” She nodded. “Now get on off tah class and y’all stay outta trouble now!”

The Student Six nodded their heads and quickly headed back into the corridor. They just made their way toward the Grand Staircase, but just as they passed the second-floor girl’s bathroom, they could hear something inside. And it sounded as if someone was very sick.

Deciding to see if whoever it was is alright, the girls decided to go in while Gallus and Sandbar waited outside. Soon as the girls were inside, they saw Pinkie Pie in one of the stalls throwing up excessively.

“Professor Pinkie?” Silverstream called.

Pinkie turned toward them, as the girls could clearly see Pinkie’s face was as green as a freshly made salad. Her mane was even slightly less poofy, drooping a bit along the sides. She smiled as best as she could.

“Hiya girls…” She greeted, with a slight wave. “You should really be in Transfiguration right now and it’s not good to be…”
Pinkie stopped talking when another urge to vomit hit her and she hurled directly into the toilet. The girls glanced at Pinkie worriedly.

“Are you alright Professor Pinkie?” Ocellus asked.

“You want us to get Madame Pomfrey or Headmare Twilight?” Smolder added.

Pinkie eventually stopped upchucking and turned back toward the girls.

“Nah, I’m fine,” She brushed off. “Just ate too much at the feast last night. Rainbow Dash warned me not to mix Jalapeno peppers with Red Velvet cupcakes… I didn’t listen. Guess that’s why my tummy’s been feeling funny.”

The girls all turned toward each other with uncertainty, but the urge to get to class quickly was overwhelming.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Ocellus asked.

“I’m fine, Ocellus,” Pinkie nodded. “You’d berry hurry and get to class before… uh oh…”

Another violent vomiting session cut Pinkie off, as she once more vomited into the toilet. The girls shook their heads before slowly leaving the bathroom. They soon rejoined the two boys standing outside the bathroom entrance.

“What’s going on in there?” Sandbar asked.

“Professor Pinkie’s in there,” Smolder answered. “She’s puking her guts out.”

“Is she okay?” Gallus asked concerned.

“She said she ate too much at the feast,” Silverstream spoke, uncertain. “But I’m not so sure that’s all.”

“Whatever it is, we don’t have time right now,” Smolder said urgently. “We’ve got to get to Transfiguration; otherwise, McGonagall and Headmare Twiligh will tear us a new one.”

They all nodded and continued their way toward the next floor. As they were running, they almost ran smack-dab into Ron Weasley and Harry Potter, who were also heading their way.

“Lemme guess,” Ron spoke. “You all heading for Transfiguration too?”

“Yep!” Gallus nodded.

“We’d have been there sooner ourselves,” Harry said. “But we got all turned around.”

“No kidding!” Smolder replied. “This place is like a one-thousand-piece puzzle; you don’t have a single clue where to go.”

“Professor Applejack told us where to go,” Sandbar informed them. “Follow us!”

The students, Harry, and Ron ran like the wind through the first-floor courtyard and down the corridor on the right. The first door off the left marked their arrival at Transfiguration and they all rushed inside. Most of the students inside were already working on the material. Hermione turned back to them as they entered, rolling her eyes, and shaking her head. Twilight and Spike both stood in front of the classroom, right next to McGonagall’s desk where a small tabby cat sat.

“Whew!” Ron breathed. “We made it.”

“That’s a huge relief!” Gallus sighed blissfully.

“I can’t believe we actually got here on time!” Smolder smirked.

Seeing the arrival of the students, Twilight shook her head disapprovingly as she approached them.

“Where have you all been?” She asked.

“Sorry Headmare Twilight,” Ocellus apologized. “We overslept and when we tried to find out way here, we got turned around.”

“Haven’t I taught you all anything about punctuality and being on time for class?” Twilight asked irritated.

The Student Six bowed their heads in shame and disappointment. Twilight could see the regret on all their faces and deeply sighed.

“Look… just try to be on time from now on,” She spoke calmly.

They nodded in understanding and worked their way towards their seats.

“Well, at least we got here before Professor McGonagall,” Smolder said, in relief.

“I know right?” Ron nodded. “Can you imagine the look on McGonagall’s face if we were late?”

Not a second later, the tabby cat jumped off the desk and transformer into Professor McGonagall mid-leap and stood before them all. The two boys and the six student creatures stared in amazement toward the elder witch’s feat while McGonagall stared at them seriously.

“You mean something like that?” Spike replied.

“That was bloody brilliant!” Ron complimented.

“You can say that again,” Silverstream nodded in amazement. “I mean I know I can turn into a sea pony whenever I want, but even I can’t pull that off!”

“Well thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley, Miss Silverstream,” McGonagall said. “Perhaps it would be useful if I were to transfigure your companions, Mr. Potter, and yourselves into a pocket watch. That way one of you might be on time.”

Everyone could clearly hear the disappointment in the professor’s voice. Her tone made them wipe the shock off their faces.

“We got lost,” Harry said.

“It’s true Professor,” Sandbar nodded. “We got so turned around it was hard to find out where Transfiguration was.”

“Then perhaps a map?” McGonagall suggested. “I trust you don’t need one to find your seats.”

Everyone nodded silently, as they sat in their seats while McGonagall took her place at her desk.


Later that same day, inside Snape’s potions classroom, all the students sat and chattered away near steaming cauldrons. Among the class, the Student Six sat at the same table as Harry and Hermione.

“It was nice of McGonagall not to give us detention on the first day,” Ocellus replied, in relief.

“Let’s hope Snape doesn’t correct that,” Smolder said.

“From what I’ve gathered, he can be a pretty mean teacher when he wants to be,” Gallus added.

“Aw, come on guys,” Silverstream said. “We know better than to judge a book by its cover. Sure Snape looked pretty mean during the feast, but for all we know he might actually be very nice.”

The door slammed open loudly causing many students, including them, to jump as Snape stormed to the front of the class.

“There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class,” Snape said harshly.

Smolder turned toward Silverstream with narrows eyes.

“Oh yeah, he’s a real sweetheart,” She whispered sarcastically.

Silverstream smiled awkwardly and shrugged as they looked back toward Snape.

“As such, I don’t expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making,” He continued, looking at Draco. “However, for those select few… who possess the predisposition…”

Draco smiled at the acknowledgement, as if knowing Snape was talking about him. Nevertheless, Snape kept talking.

“I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.”

Smolder rolled her eyes as she turned toward her friends.

“Is this guy for real?” She whispered.

“Someone’s got an inflated sense of themselves,” Gallus smirked.

“I don’t think we should be talking,” Ocellus whispered nervously. “If he catches us, we’re in huge trouble.”

Little did she know, Snape was already glaring at them. But he was also looking right next to them, toward Harry, who was not even looking at him and scribbled notes on a piece of parchment.

“Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to NOT… PAY… ATTENTION.”

The last bit of what he said caught the students’ ears and they acknowledged Snape’s heated glare. They quickly stopped talking and sank back into their seats, trying to avoid Snape’s cold gaze. Hermione nudged Harry, finally making him look up toward the Professor. Snape slowly approached Harry, to speak to him properly.

“Mr. Potter,” Snape spoke. “Our… new… celebrity. Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?”

Hermione raised her hand eagerly, while the students turned toward Harry with concern. The boy sat silently for a few seconds then eventually shrugged.

“You don’t know?” Snape spoke. “Well, let’s try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?”

Hermione’s hand raised again, desperately trying to get Professor Snape’s attention. Everyone in the room stared toward Harry, waiting to hear what he had to say. But clearly the look upon his face said it all.

“I don’t know, sir,” Harry sighed.

“And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfbane?”

It was becoming too much. Despite Hermione’s hand raised as high as she could, the students could clearly see what Snape was doing. Putting Harry Potter on the spot, expecting him to know ‘everything’. Harry had never felt so humiliated before, not even back home.

“I don’t know, sir."

“Pity,” Snape spoke bluntly. “Clearly, fame isn’t everything… is it, Mr. Potter?”

Draco turned toward Harry Potter with a smirk, while the boy drooped lower in embarrassment. Finally, the Student Six could no longer for this any longer.

“Excuse me, Professor Snape,” Silverstream spoke up. “Clearly, Hermione knows. It seems it’s a pity not to ask her.”

“And besides, we don’t think it’s fair to put Harry on the spot just because he’s the most famous boy in this world,” Sandbar added in defense.

“You may be the Professor and all,” Smolder argued. “But that doesn’t give you the right to humiliate your own students!”

Hermione stared at them, slightly surprised by their choice of words. Some ‘oohs’ and ‘ahs’ were exchanged, as some of the students either chuckled or gasped. Ocellus nervously faced her friends, shaking her head with silent gestures.

“Silence!” Snape ordered.

One single word and the entire classroom went silent. The Professor turned toward the Student Six and Harry, who could tell by his face that he looked insulted. Harry Potter gulped nervously, while the Students looked fearful toward the dark-haired man. Snape slowly walked toward their desk while Hermione kept her hand up in the air.

“And put your hand down, you silly girl,” Snape added.

Hermione did just that as Snape sat in front of Harry. The Student Six watched them anxiously, as the professor leaned toward him and forced him to look straight into his eyes.

“For your information, Potter… asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful, it is known as the Draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite.”

The entire room was quiet, all the students watching the tense confrontation between a teacher and his pupil.

“Well? Why aren’t you all copying this down?”

The students instantly obeyed, proceeding to jot down the notes just as Snape said. The professor returned to his desk and proceeded to dip his quill into some ink.

“And Gryffindors,” Snape continued. “Note that five points will be taken from your house… for your classmate’s cheek. And the following students will be serving detention at the end of the day: Silverstream, Sandbar, Smolder… Gallus, Ocellus, and Yona will be joining you too.”

The Young Students shot their heads up from their notes, shocked beyond belief for being called out. But none more stunned than the last three students mentioned.

“Us?” Ocellus spoke nervously.

“What Yona do?!” Yona asked.

“Professor Snape,” Gallus spoke up. “You can’t just punish all of us for…”

“Spoken from the very same Griffin who convinced a hat to sort the six of you in the same house,” Snape interjected, without looking. “Rather than having each of you sorted as per tradition, regardless of which house the hat saw fit. Either you’re sorted in the same house… or not at all. Weren’t those your exact terms?”

Gallus went silent, as the other students lowered their heads. It wasn’t enough that Snape humiliated Harry Potter just for not paying attention, but now their professor was using their words against them.

“You save your world as many times as your teachers, and suddenly that means you know everything,” Snape continued. “But allow me to make this perfectly clear: You don’t.”

Snape continued to write, while the Slytherin house snickered toward the Gryffindors, specifically Harry and his friends. Hermione frowned at Harry for costing the house some points, while the Young Six bowed their heads in shame.

“Detention…” Gallus muttered. “Great…”

“Headmare Twilight’s going to be so mad when she hears about this,” Ocellus spoke sadly.

“Yep,” Yona sighed.

While the Student Six felt down about themselves, Harry Potter stared silently toward Professor Snape. The Potions Professor turned slightly, acknowledging Potter’s glance, before continuing with his writing. While the boy may not have known much, somehow he could tell that Snape disliked him for reasons beyond understanding. Which just begged the question:
