• Published 23rd Nov 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike are back again. This time traveling to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to help three young students in a battle against the darkest wizard ever, Lord Voldemort. Will they succeed?

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The Boy Under the Stairs

The crystal archway opened up, as every creature emerged from the other side one by one. Twilight led the charge with her little dragon assistant on her back, her friends rearing behind her, and her students thereafter. Soon as they stepped out from the other side, they stepped upon what appeared to be someone’s backyard. They step upon what seemed like freshly cut grass in a tiny area enclosed by a large picket fence going around. Before them stood a rather large brick house, perhaps only a yard apart from the other similar houses stretched down the street. Needless to say, everyone felt slightly confused over the new surroundings.

“Okay, I’ll be the first to say it,” Rainbow spoke. “Where the hay are we?”

“From what Professor Dumbledore informed me, this must be Surry, England,” Twilight answered.

“So this is the place he dumped this kid almost eleven years ago?” Smolder asked.

“Smolder!” Twilight scolded.

The little orange dragon held her claws defensively, as Twilight just shook her head and rolled her eyes.

“So… what exactly are we supposed to be doing?” Spike asked.

“The princesses and Dumbledore told us we have to help the boy on his journey,” Twilight answered.

“And how exactly are we supposed to do that darling?” Rarity asked.

“Ah gotta agree with Rarity,” Applejack added. “We don’t know what this boy looks like.”

All of a sudden, Pinkie started bouncing around uncontrollably, raising her hoof high in the air.

“Ooh, ooh, I know, I know, I know!”

“She does this often, doesn’t she?” Sandbar whispered to Rainbow.

“Kid, you don’t even know the half of it,” Rainbow groaned.

Twilight let out a deep sigh before approaching her energetic party friend.

“What is it Pinkie?” She asked.

“He’s right over there,” Pinkie said pointing.

Quickly, every creature turned toward where Pinkie was pointing and sure enough, they saw a young boy of almost eleven years of age working in the garden. He had black hair that was quite unkept, and he wore circular glasses over his alluring green eyes. He definitely grew much since that picture they had seen, but there was no mistaking him.

“Seriously, how do you do that?” Twilight asked Pinkie.

“No idea!” Pinkie smiled, shrugging her shoulders.

Twilight opened her mouth to continue but decided to drop it and move on. It was honestly easier to just accept it and move on at this point when it comes to Pinkie.

“Well let’s go and say hi!” Silverstream said excitedly.

The young hippogriff was about to approach when Twilight held a hoof to stop her.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea just yet,” She said.

“Why not?”

“Well first and foremost, how do you think he’s going to react to seeing us?”

“That no stop you before,” Yona piped in. “Many people in other adventures see ponies and they no scared.”

“Still, we don’t want to just walk up and risk giving the boy a heart attack,” Twilight countered.

“That might be hard to do at this point,” Ocellus said.


The shy little changing pointed with her hoof towards the boy. Everyone turned and saw none other than Pinkie Pie now standing directly behind him. Twilight slapped a hoof to her face, groaning in irritation.

“Of course…”

Pinkie reached out her hoof and gingerly tapped the boy upon his shoulder. He slowly turned around and saw the little pink pony standing behind him. Pinkie gave a little wave with her hoof, smiling brightly.


The young boy’s eyes widened like saucers. He was just about to scream when he was tackled to the ground by a speeding bullet, or in this case Rainbow Dash, who is quick to cover his mouth.

“Kid, me and my friends already stopped enough people from screaming because we’re magical talking ponies. I’m really sick of the stereotype, so could you please do us all a big favor and accept it now?”

After a moment or two, Rainbow finally got back and removed her hoof from the boy’s face. He took in a deep inhale of air, letting it out slowly. He picks up himself and grabbed his glasses, which fell on the ground, placing them back on his face. He looked upon the multitude of pastel-colored ponies, the two dragons, the yak, the changeling, and the hippogriff with a look of both fear and wonder.

“Have I gone completely mad?” He asked in an English accent.

“Nope, sorry buddy,” Spike said, patting his back. “This is all completely real.”

“Sorry for our friend scaring you like that,” Twilight apologized, shooting Pinkie a glare. “But I promise we aren’t here to hurt you. We are all completely friendly. My name’s Twilight Sparkle, and these are all my friends. What’s your name?”

The boy looked at each of the strange creatures one-by-one, trying to process all of this in his head. Seeing a bunch of talking ponies and an assortment of other creatures was certainly insane. Nonetheless, he didn’t want to come off as rude and not answer Twilight’s question.

“My name is Harry, Harry Potter,” He greeted.

“Pleased to meet you Harry,” Twilight smiled.

She offered her hoof to help him back upon his feet. Harry looked toward the outstretched hoof for a moment before reaching out his hand and accepted it. Twilight helped him back onto his feet and it was only then she noticed what he was wearing. He was a fairly skinny boy, yet he wore clothes that looked like they were two sizes too big for him. She wasn’t the only ones that noticed.

“My word darling!” Rarity gasped. “Why in Celestia’s name would you wear clothing that hideous? No offense, but it isn’t even your size.”

“Maybe if e were a cow,” Smolder muttered.

Harry looked down at himself, sighing at the sight of his gigantic clothing.

“Yes I know it’s quite large,” He replied. “But it’s all my aunt and uncle allow me to wear.”

“Now why would your aunt and uncle not buy you anything that fits you?” Fluttershy asked.

“Truth be told, this isn’t new,” Harry explained. “They’re all hand-me-downs that my cousin Dudley didn’t like or doesn’t fit him anymore…”


The sound of a great booming voice startled every single creature in the group. Even the young Yak who doesn’t fear much of anything.

Wait a minute! Doesn’t she have a huge fear of spiders? You know… arachnophobia?

Yes… but she got over that fear when she and her friends were trapped in the crystal caves under Twilight’s school.

Well, all I can say to that is that fear might reignite when…

Shh-shh-shh-shh!!! Don’t spoil it for our fans!

… Sorry.

The booming voice belonged to a rather rotund man with a pug-like face and large mustache. The man in question was Harry’s uncle, Vernon Dursley. Now anyone who lives around their neighborhood already knew Vernon was not the nicest man in all of Surry. The matter especially true to Harry, as he and the group stand perfectly still.

“What are you still doing out here boy?!” He shouted. “You get back in here and start making dinner. Dudley’s birthday is tomorrow, and I don’t want a mess in the house. So you must make the house presentable, even if it takes you all night! Understood?”

Harry just took a deep breath, sighing aloud.

“Yes Uncle Vernon,” He nodded.

Vernon turned back around, hobbling back into the house. This left poor Harry Potter and his new friends standing there. The group looked toward the boy, surprised at how he seemingly appeared as if this is all normal. From the group’s perspective, he looked as if he’d been assaulted.

“What in Celestia’s name was that?” Ocellus asked bewildered.

“Why on Earth would your uncle treat you in such a terrible manner?” Rarity added.

“It’s been that way for as long as I can remember,” He answered, shrugging his shoulders.

“What about your parents?” Silverstream asked.

Hearing that, Harry dropped his head and sighed deeply. It was only after seeing his reaction everyone’s eyes widened with realization. Silverstream, of course, felt the most guilty.

“Oh my gosh!” She gasped. “I am so, so, so sorry! That was so insensitive. Oh gosh, this is why mom and dad tell me not to bring up big issues back home.”

Harry just walked up, placing a hand on Silverstream’s shoulder to get her to stop talking.

“It’s alright,” Harry assured her.

“I hope this isn’t pushing too hard, but what happened?” Twilight asked.

“Don’t know,” Harry shook his head. “My aunt and uncle told me they died in a car crash. They tell me that’s how I got this scar.”

He parted his bangs to the side to show them all the lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead.

“Hurry up and get back in here boy!” Vernon yelled from the house.

Harry let his bangs fall back over his forehead, looking back toward the house with a head shake. He turned back toward the group of creatures and actually gave a small smile.

“Well, it was nice meeting you all,” He said. “But I really must get back before I get into too much trouble.”

The boy was just about to turn and walk back into the house, Twilight and the others ran in front of him.

“You’re not going back in without us!” Twilight said determined.

Harry cocked his head to the side, completely oblivious to what she’s implying.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

Twilight gestures Harry to lean closer with her hoof and he leans toward her level.

“We can’t exactly explain right now, but we’ve been sent here to protect you,” She whispered.

“Protect me from what?” Harry asked.

“Like I said, I can’t explain right now. Truth be told, I don’t really know myself. All I can say is that we’ve been sent to help you and we aren’t leaving until we do.”

“How exactly are you going to do that?”

“Well, the first thing we’re going to do is help lighten the load your aunt and uncle placed on you any way we can.”

Harry backed up, turning toward the group of creatures once more.

“And how exactly am I supposed to explain all of you to them?” He asked.

“That’s the awesome part,” Rainbow piped in. “Nobody but ‘you’ can see us.”

Harry gave her an ‘Are You Kidding’ look before chuckling to himself. Rainbow took this as a personal challenge and crossed her hooves.

“You don’t believe me do you?” She asked. “As if earlier before wasn’t enough… I’ll just have to prove it to you myself.”

She floated off the ground with her wings, before zipping into the house. Harry and the others quickly followed her inside hoping she won’t cause any real damage. Once inside, they watch Rainbow Dash making funny, mocking faces at Vernon at the table, while the big man sits next to a tall, skinny bird-like woman, that being his wife, Petunia. Neither one noticed the cyan-blue Pegasus because they can neither see nor hear her. Seeing this, Harry chuckled.

“Okay, okay,” Harry chuckled, nodding. “I believe you.”

Vernon and Petunia both turned toward him as if he was a lunatic.

“Heavens boy, who the devil are you talking to?” Vernon questioned.

“Um, no one Uncle,” Harry responded.

“Well hurry up and get in the kitchen,” Petunia hissed. “Dinner’s not going to cook itself!”

Rainbow was so mad that the woman would say that to a kid, she reeled her hoof back ready to let it fly. Applejack, noting the action, quickly ran up and pulled the Pegasus down by her tail.

“Come on!” Rainbow growled. “Let me at ‘er! Let me at ‘er! I’ll give her the ole one-two!”

“Just because they can’t see us don’t mean they can’t ‘feel’ us sugarcube,” Applejack warned. “Best not push it.”

Retaining the aggressive look on her face for a good few moments, Rainbow released a deep sigh and hovered back to Applejack’s side.

“Fine!” She grumbled. “But if that cranky old crone and that fat walrus keep it up, they’ll be getting a whole bunch of pain!”

The two ponies trot alongside their friends, as they follow Harry. The boy leads the group toward the door to the hallway, before opening a tiny door to a cupboard under the stairs and flicked on the little light.

“Whatcha grabbing from that there cupboard sugarcube?” Applejack asked curiously.

“Actually, this is my room,” Harry answered.

This made the eyes from every creature pop out, their mouths dropped as they look behind the boy to examine his ‘room’. The tiny cupboard couldn’t be no more than five feet by six feet at most. The only things inside were a tiny cot, along with some old and baggy clothes. What made it worse was the fact the door to the cupboard had a latch to lock it shut from the outside. Which begged the question: Did they actually lock him inside this cupboard?

“You’re kidding right?” Sandbar asked in disbelief.

Harry shook his head, as everyone’s jaws dropped again.

“Those horrible people actually lock you in here?” Rarity asked.

“Not very often,” Harry replied plainly.

It was unbelievable how this boy responded as though it were natural. Clearly these terrible people abused this boy and this fact alone broke each and every one of their hearts. Harry seemed like such a kind young boy, while his ‘family’ have done nothing but cruel things to him. Just when it became too much to bear, Harry quickly gestured them upstairs.

“The spare room’s upstairs,” He told them. “First door on the right; you can stay there if you’d like.”

Everyone wanted to stick around and talk to him, to help him through these troubles of his, but decided to go along for now. One by one, they headed upstairs and found that very room on the right. The room itself was rather small, a ton of old clutter everywhere including old toys and an old computer.

“Charming…” Gallus replied sarcastically.

“Why wouldn’t his aunt and uncle let him have this room?” Fluttershy asked.

“Because they’re a bunch of jerks,” Smolder responded.

“I can’t believe they’d do something like that,” Pinkie said, her mane deflating. “I mean forcing him to sleep under the stairs… that’s just ‘beyond’ mean!”

“Sad thing is that I know exactly how that feels,” Ocellus sighed.

“We’ll just have to wait here for a while,” Twilight said. “Once everyone’s gone, we’ll go downstairs and check up on Harry.”


About an hour and a half later, the whole group nearly passed out either from boredom or started getting tired. The sound of footsteps climbing up the stairs was more than enough to stir them awake.

“Don’t worry Dudley-kins,” Petunia said kindly. “We’ll make sure tomorrow will be your best birthday ever.”

“As long as that freaky Potter isn’t allowed anywhere near my trip to the zoo,” Harry’s cousin, Dudley, whined.

“Don’t you worry son,” Vernon assured. “We’ve arranged to have that boy sent right over to Mrs. Figg. You won’t be seeing any part of him the rest of the day.”

Everyone waited moments longer before the footsteps faded and the doors clicked shut.

“If that’s how his cousin sounds,” Spike whispered. “I hate to imagine how he looks.”

“Boy do I have rough ideas,” Gallus replied, crossing his arms.

“Come on guys, now’s our chance,” Twilight whispered.

Slowly Twilight Sparkle opened the door ajar, peeking her head to check and see that no one was in the upstairs hall. Seeing no one about, she signaled the others to keep quiet and follow her. They all crept quietly as possible down the stairs, so as not to wake anyone up. Stepping quietly into the kitchen area, they saw Harry cleaning up everything from dinner. Soon as he noticed them, he stopped what he was doing and just looked.

“Need any help?” Spike asked.

Harry cracked a smile and nodded his head. Every creature offered a hand or a claw or a talon, so this way Harry was not spending a whole night cleaning. As they worked, they decided now’s the time to get some information out of the boy.

“So… about your aunt and uncle,” Ocellus began. “If they’re supposed to be your family, why are they so mean to you?”

“It’s been that way since I was little,” Harry responded.

“Well yes, I understand that but… why?”

Harry merely shrugged his shoulders. Truth be told, he didn’t really understand why they hated him so. He never really argued about it nor questioned the way they treated him. Even if he could, he had nowhere else to go.

“You know, you ask about me a lot,” Harry stated. “And yet I don’t really know anything about any of you other than the fact you just appeared out of nowhere.”

“Well… what would you like to know?” Twilight asked.

“For starters, where do you all come from?”

“My friends and I come from a magical land called Equestria. It’s a place where ponies and other creatures alike live together in harmony… well, most creatures anyway.”

Harry nodded before turning toward the young six, who were currently straightening the living room area.

“What about all of you?” He asked.

The students turned towards the boy, a look of confusion on each of their faces.

“What do you mean?” Sandbar asked.

“Well, I know one of you is a pony like the others. What about the rest of you?”

Though shy and slightly scared, Ocellus was the first to step forward.

“Well, I’m a changeling,” She began. “Meaning I can transform into pretty much anything I want at any time.”

Harry studied the small bug-like horse up and down skeptically.

“Show me.”

Ocellus, with a hesitant step forward, concentrated all her power… until she transformed herself into an exact replica of Harry. The young boy in question jumped in shock, seeing an exact copy of him standing no more than five feet from him.

“Do you believe me now?” Ocellus asked.

Harry nodded his head slowly, still too shocked for words. Concentrating again, Ocellus used her powers to transform herself back to her original self. Soon Yona was the next to step forth.

“Yona is yak,” She said simply. “Yaks come from Yakyakistan. Tribe leader thinks good idea that Yona go to school with ponies. Best idea ever because Yona make many new friends!”

Silverstream walked up beside the young bovine, patting her on the side with a hoof. Yona smiled at her before walking back toward the others, while Silverstream introduced herself.

“Hi, I’m Silverstream!” She said excitedly. “I’m a hippogriff, which means I’m a creature that’s half griffin and half horse. One thing to know about us hippogriffs is we can also transform our bodies to allow us to survive under water.”

To demonstrate, Silverstream used her magic to transform her body into her sea-pony form and her fish tail slapped against the ground.

“Shh!!!” Everyone shushed.

“Sorry!” She whispered, apologetically.

She transformed herself back to her normal four-legged self as Smolder flew up alongside the dark-haired boy.

“Sup man!” She greeted smoothly. “The name’s Smolder. I’m a dragon, and a pretty awesome one at that!”

“When you’re not dressed for a tea party,” Sandbar whispered.

The other students giggled to themselves, but Smolder heard what Sandbar said and shot him a death glare. It scared him so much he jumped behind Yona for cover. The last of the group to introduce himself is the griffin.

“Well, you’ve already met scaredy-pants Sandbar,” Gallus replied. “The name’s Gallus, I’m a Griffin… not much in the magic department.”

Harry nodded in understanding, shaking Gallus’s talon before he rejoins the group. He soon looks back toward the other ponies.

“What about the rest of you?” He asked.

Twilight stepped forward, representing her group, with a smile.

“You already know I’m Twilight Sparkle,” She gestured herself. “The rest are my friends: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie…”


The sound of someone clearing their throat caused them to look down toward the little dragon at Twilight’s side. He furrowed his brow, pointing a finger at himself in annoyance.

“And of course my number one assistant Spike,” Twilight added, patting his tiny head.

“Thank you,” Spike nodded.

“And what is it you all do?” Harry asked.

“Basically, we each represent the most crucial factors in all of Equestria,” Twilight explained. “The Elements of Harmony.”

“Honesty!” Applejack stated.

“Loyalty!” Rainbow added.

“Generosity!” Rarity said.

“Kindness!” Fluttershy whispered.

“AND LAUGHTER!!!” Pinkie said excitedly.


Pinkie quickly put her hooves over her mouth to keep herself quiet.

“Thought you said they couldn’t hear us?” Gallus pointed out.

“Can’t take too many chances,” Twilight countered, clearing her throat. “Anyways, aside from representing a part of our personality, we represent a special power which we use to defend our home and its inhabitants. And when combined, we’re able to repel against the forces that threaten to disrupt the balance between the ponies and other creatures.”

“And no, that does not include summoning a colorful guardian whose powerful yet prone to throwing puns,” Pinkie points out.

Harry’s eyebrow raised a bit, as the Young Six face Pinkie with equal confusion. Rainbow just shook a hoof before anyone can say.

“Don’t ask… just don’t,” Rainbow spoke bluntly.

“Well… it certainly sounds like you all lead such an exciting life,” Harry replied. “Can’t say the same for me. I’ll be spending all day tomorrow over at Mrs. Figg’s so Dudley can have his birthday without me.”

“Yes, Mrs. Figg,” Rarity nodded. “Tell me dear, is this Mrs. Figg as horrid as your aunt and uncle?”

“Well no… at least not that I know of. I only really get to see her at least once a year and when we do get together, she mostly forces me to look endlessly at photos of ‘all the cats she’d ever owned’.”

“… How many cats?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“I kind of lost count,” Harry replied. “It’s usually boring when I go over there. But at least it would be a ‘temporary’ leave from my relatives even for just a day. Like I said though, I only see her once a year.”

“Well… whatever happens,” Twilight assured. “We just want you to know that we’ll be there, one step at a time.”

“Yeah you just leave it to us,” Rainbow added confidently. “With us around, we’ll turn any dreary day you have into the most awesome time of your life and these people won’t even know we’re here.”

“So long as we ain’t causin’ too big a ruckus, Rainbow’s right,” Applejack replied.

“You’d really want to do that for a complete stranger?” Harry asked curiously.

“If there’s a couple things we’ve learned in our previous trips,” Pinkie explained. “A stranger’s merely just a potential friend you haven’t even met yet. Once we get to know one another, share our stories, and find that spark, everything sets itself up.”

“Wow!” Silverstream gaped, in awe. “That is so deep!”

“I have my moments!” Pinkie smiled.

Harry Potter paused for a moment, as if he were only just breathing in word for word. Here these creatures were, completely unlike any beings he’d ever think to meet in his life. Yet somehow, he feels a sense of warmth and comfort over all the kindness they are giving to him. A feeling he hadn’t felt from anybody in such a long time. That small smile reveals itself once more, as Harry suddenly grows a keen interest in this group.

“I would like to know a little more about Equestria,” Harry spoke. “What more of this magic can you tell me about?”

Nodding in understanding, Twilight Sparkle related the rest of Equestria’s history or at least keeping it short and summarized so Harry can grasp it. For the rest of the night, the group shared their stories with Harry as he listened attentively of the adventures they’ve each had. He wouldn’t speak much except for the occasional question, but the interest in his eyes was visible before the group. As if all at once, Harry Potter no longer felt lonely and to feel included when it doesn’t involve being put to work felt like a breath of fresh air for the boy. And yet little did he or anyone else in the group knew that night, this was only the beginning of what’s still to come.