• Published 23rd Nov 2020
  • 8,806 Views, 2,335 Comments

Cinematic Adventures: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone - extremeenigma02

The Mane Six and Spike are back again. This time traveling to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to help three young students in a battle against the darkest wizard ever, Lord Voldemort. Will they succeed?

  • ...

Diagon Alley

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, just a quick thing I want to say before we begin today. While I may have had a hand in writing some material, all credit for this chapter and the next go to theovine93. All credit goes to them. Thank you for the great chapters.

Following the events of the previous night, Harry, along with Hagrid and the Equestria gang, made their way toward London, England to procure all the necessary material for the adventure ahead. Just yesterday Hagrid arrived at the old shack out in the sea, informing Harry of the most shocking piece of information ever bestowed on a boy turned eleven. Not only was the boy revealed to be a wizard, but as such he’d be attending the finest school of magic in the world.

As Twilight and her friends were sent to protect Harry, this also meant they’d be accompanying him along what is sure to be their most fantastic journey to date. Currently, the entire group were seated along a train heading towards the heart of London itself. All throughout the trip, everyone spoke about what possibly lay ahead of them.

“So Hagrid, what is Hogwarts like?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Fer starters, it is a co-ed boarding school,” Hagrid explained. “We take children between the ages of eleven to eighteen and we house about over a six hundred ‘er a thousand a year. And because it’s a multi-faith school, we take in nearly ‘every’ young wizard we feel has potential… except Wiccans. 'Aven't reached an agreement there yet.”

“It does sound like an amazing place to learn magic!” Silverstream spoke, excitedly. “Kind of sounds like Principal Twilight’s school back home.”

“Only when Hagrid explains it, makes Hogwarts sound better,” Smolder smirked.

“Well I suppose… HEY!!!” Twilight gasped, offended.

“But if it sounds like a big school, you’d think anyone would notice a school that magical?” Sandbar asked curiously.

“I’d see where you be coming from with that question,” Hagrid nodded. “It’s a huge, rambling, and quite scary-looking castle for starters. A jumble of towers and battlements, sitting along the shores of Black Lake filled with merpeople, Grindylows, and even a giant squid.”

"Merpeople?!" Silverstream gasped excitedly.

“A giant… squid?” Ocellus spoke nervously.

“Nah, don’t worry… he’s harmless. He won’t eat people; actually, he makes for a very good lifeguard. Anyways, Hogwarts is no building that Muggles could ever build… it’s supported by numerous charms and spells thereby making it impossible for the smartest Muggle to locate. Oh, but what a place… the most extensive grounds with sloping lawns, flowerbeds and vegetable patches, the largest forest in the land, why we even have a full-size Quidditch pitch.”

“Quidditch Pitch?” Spike asked.

“I’ll explain more of that later…”

In the meantime, Harry Potter’s eyes were practically glued to the list Hagrid had given him. A single piece of parchment that listed all the various supplies Harry would need to pick up before attending the school.


“First year students will require: three sets of work robes, one wand…”

“Essential bit of equipment, Harry,” Hagrid acknowledged.

“One pair of dragon-hide gloves…”

“Dragon… hide?” Twilight asked, confused.

“Hagrid, you mean to say you make gloves from a ‘real’ dragon?” Smolder asked.

Spike nervously gulped, as his eyes widened over the very image of a glove with dragon scales.

“Well, they don’t mean from a penguin, do they?” Hagrid chuckled. “Heh… don’t worry, you two will be just fine. Crickey, I’d like a dragon meself.”

You’d like a dragon?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I can’t even get Flutters here in the same room with an adult dragon.”

“… You don’t have to tease me about it,” Fluttershy pouted.

“Aye… they’re vastly misunderstood beasts, fellas. Vastly misunderstood.”

“Well we do have a few exceptions,” Spike admitted. “But yeah… you’d be surprised how cool us dragons are when given the time to know them. Least Smolder and I are among the few fortunate enough to be friends with ponies.”

As they talked, Smolder sat casually while her eyes suddenly acknowledge a woman sitting in front of them. Whether she could still be seen or not, she merely gives a nod toward the suspicious woman.

“’Sup!” Smolder said.

And in turn, whether she was heard or not, the woman merely returned to reading her paper. Smolder merely shrugged and turned to look out the window, watching the scenery.


Eventually, after the lengthy ride, the group find themselves walking across the streets of London. Harry Potter continues to read from the list of supplies.

“All students must be equipped with… one standard size two pewter cauldron,” Harry read. “And may bring if they desire either an owl, a cat or a toad.”

“Well you don’t get any more stereotypical of wizards and witches than that,” Pinkie giggled. “Next thing you know there’s be a human sized toad walking around in a wizard’s cloak running a magic school… hmm… where did I hear this from?”

“Hagrid, you think we’d be able to find any of this in London?” Twilight asked.

“If you know where to go,” Hagrid answered simply.

Their travels lead the group toward a corner store just around the street. As they approached, the group spotted a sign above that read ‘The Leaky Cauldron’, which magically appeared before their eyes. As they enter the building, the inside is erupted by music and the commotion between several patrons talking amongst themselves. A barkeep, Tom by name, noticed their entry into their building.

“Ah, Hagrid!” Tom called out. “The usual, I presume?”

“No thanks, Tom,” Hagrid politely declined. “I’m on official Hogwarts business today. Just helping young Harry and his little friends buy some school supplies.”

“Bless my soul,” Tom gasped, wide-eyed. “It’s Harry Potter.”

The pub immediately went silent, as all eyes turned towards the boy in question. The Equestrians soon found out that their attention was not just towards the boy, but to the ponies and their friends too. Of course, it is clear that they were not muggles and therefore the group could be seen. But the way they looked at them, it’s as if they were seeing old faces lost for quite some time.

Soon enough, a man approached and shook Harry’s hand.

“Welcome back, Mr. Potter, welcome back.”

Then a witch came up to shake Harry’s hand as well, while her eyes were upon the group.

“Doris Crockford,” The woman introduced herself. “I can’t believe I’m meeting you at last.”

“Well I’ll be,” Applejack replied. “Folks around here seem happy to meet the young fella.”

“What can we say, A.J.?” Rainbow replied, nudging her shoulder. “The kid’s just plain popular.”

A man in robes, with a turban upon his head, soon appeared. It is one of the Hogwarts teachers, Professor Quirrell by name.

“Harry P-Potter,” The man stuttered. “C-Can’t tell you how pleased I am to meet you.”

He turned toward Twilight Sparkle, standing beside Harry’s righthand side.

“A-A-And if I may, are you p-p-perchance… C-C-Celetisa’s st-st-student, Twilight Sparkle?”

“Why yes, yes I am,” Twilight nodded. “You know who I am?”

“O-O-Oh yes. W-W-When I heard rumor of the p-p-ponies returning to our land after some time, I-I-I just had to see for myself. I-I see you also brought some friends.”

“That’s correct. My friends and I just came for a visit, and I figured I’d bring some of our students along for the trip.”

“Hello, Professor,” Hagrid greeted. “I didn’t see you there. Harry, this is Professor Quirrell. He’ll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts.”

“Oh, nice to meet you,” Harry replied.

The boy held his hand out, offering a handshake with Quirrell. But as Pinkie Pie watched, suspicion crawled on her face when she noticed him merely looking at Harry’s hand and hesitatingly refusing to touch it.

“Hmm… suspicious…” Pinkie spoke quietly.

“So… Hagrid mentioned you teach the students Dark Magic?” Twilight asked curiously.

Defense mostly… f-fearfully fascinating subject,” Quirrell answered. “N-Not that you need it, e-eh, Twilight? Heh-heh.”

“Well back in our homeland we’ve had our share of encounters with Dark Arts in some form and we’re almost never prepared for what it can do. We’d like to encourage the students on how to defend themselves against that event once we get to the school.”

“I-I-I see… well, f-f-feel free to come by the classroom s-sometime. I-I can see what we can arrange.”

“Yes, well, must be going now,” Hagrid butted in. “Lots to buy. Heh.”

“Goodbye,” Harry spoke.

Twilight and the group follow the two through the back room winery, until they find themselves facing a brick wall.

“See, Harry, you’re famous!” Hagrid spoke. “Same I can say for you and your friends, Twilight.”

“It’s mostly because Princess Celestia and Luna had been here before us,” Twilight commented. “But it does feel nice to have some attention.”

“Are you kidding? I could get used to that praise every day,” Rainbow smirked.

“Sure ya would…” Applejack rolled her eyes.

“But why am I famous, Hagrid?” Harry asked, concerned. “All those people back there, how is it they know who I am?”

“I’m not exactly sure I’m the right person to tell you that, Harry,” Hagrid admitted.

The whole group stood silently as if they were expecting Hagrid to answer. But instead, he tapped the brick wall before them with his umbrella in a clockwise motion. All of a sudden, before their very eyes, the blocks magically shifted sticking inside and out. Before long, the whole wall opened up to reveal a hidden, busy street as the Equestrians gasped in awe.

“Welcome, everyone, to Diagon Alley!” Hagrid introduced.

Harry and his friends grinned broadly as they slowly stepped into the street of Diagon Alley itself. As they walked down, everywhere they turned there were all forms of activity taking place. A cast of colorful characters unlike anything Twilight and her friends had ever seen. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the pedestrians passing by or running their business up front, the screeching and hooting of owls drew Fluttershy’s attention as she admired all the birds perched in their cages.

“Here’s where you’ll get you quills and ink,” Hagrid explained, pointing out. “And over there all your bits and bobs for doing your wizardry.”

Harry Potter was simply amazed by all the shops at every turn, all the owls and bats watching the colorful group passing by. As they continued down the street, they turned toward a broom store, where a group of boys crowded around a shiny broomstick sitting by the window stand.

“It’s a world class racing broom,” A boy spoke. “Look at it, it’s the new Nimbus 2000! It’s the fastest model yet.”

Rainbow Dash turned toward the broomstick itself, barely seeing the broom’s model name along the handle.

“Fastest model huh?” Rainbow commented, under her breath. “Wait till these kids get a load of me.”

“But, Hagrid, how am I to pay for all this?” Harry asked. “I haven’t any money.”

“Oh, that reminds me… what about us?” Ocellus added. “I know Headmare Twilight and the others will be visiting assistants for this Hogwarts place. But with the six of us being exchange students, we’ll need our books and such too. Where do we get OUR funds?”

“Now, don’t you fret, missy,” Hagrid assured. “Money won’t be an issue; not where we’re going.”

“And where’s that?” Harry asked.

Hagrid pointed toward a snowy white building before them. The structure itself seemed to overlook all the other shops of Diagon Alley.

“Gringotts, the Wizard Bank. T’ain’t no place safer, ‘cept perhaps Hogwarts.”

“You kids go on ahead and see about collecting your funds,” Twilight replied. “My friends and I are going to have a look around this place, see what ‘we’ can find. We’ll be waiting by the entrance in half an hour.”

“Okay Headmare Twilight,” The Student Six called out.

As Hagrid escorts Harry and the students inside the bank, the Young Six noticed several pointy-eared creatures roaming around. Some of whom were either counting and weighing coins or recording numbers along their ledgers.

“Uh, Hagrid, what exactly are these things?” Harry asked.

“And why are these little… things even here?” Gallus added.

“They’re goblins,” Hagrid answered. “Clever as they come goblins. No finer creatures at keeping your Galleons safe, especially at Gringotts. Still… not the most friendly of beasts. You all best stick close to me.”

“No need to tell me twice,” Ocellus replied.

Ignoring the comment, the group soon approached a heightened desk where a bespectacled goblin is recording numbers with his nose towards his ledger. Hagrid cleared his throat, getting the goblin’s attention as he looked up.

“Mr. Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawal,” Hagrid informed.

The goblin looked toward Harry with a slight sneer.

“… And does Mr. Harry Potter have his key?” The Head Goblin asked.

“Oh wait,” Hagrid spoke, rummaging through his pockets. “Got it here somewhere…”

The goblin eyed Hagrid, until finally he pulled out a key which he placed upon the desk.

“Hah! There’s the little devil.”

The goblin soon noticed the six creatures standing beside Harry.

“… And what of them? Have they business with the bank as well?”

“Agh… almost slipped me mind,” Hagrid slapped himself.

Hagrid rummaged through his pockets again, until he pulled out a strange key. In this case, it was a two-hole key that appeared to be one-half solar and one-half lunar.

“Here it is,” Hagrid presented. “They’re here to withdraw from the… ‘royal vault’.”

The Student Six did not hear the last part as it was just below a whisper. Nevertheless, they looked on as the goblin took the key, examining it carefully before turning toward the Equestrians with light suspicion.

“Hmm… well, now… your friends seem to have contacts in high places, Mr. Potter… to be able to access this vault.”

The goblin placed that key beside Harry’s, as Hagrid realized something else.

“Oh, and there’s something else as well,” Hagrid added, revealing a letter wrapped in string. “Professor Dumbledore gave me this.”

Hagrid handed the goblin the very letter, as he looked closely.

“It’s about the you-know-what in vault you-know-which.”

“Very well,” The goblin nodded.


Later, the group found themselves travelling by mine cart deep underground by several meters. One goblin, Griphook by name, was assigned to drive the group.

“… So, as far as I understand it, the three denominations of British wizard money in ascending order – Knuts, Sickels, and Galleons – have their own value system that is independent of the British pound system that this country uses,” Gallus explained. “If a Sickel is worth 29 Knuts, and a Galleon 17 Sickels, and by the existing currency rate 493 Knuts, that means the poorest position in the Wizarding World would likely be paid in Knuts, a Sickel or two if they’re lucky, while the high-and-mighty moneymaking wizards rake in Galleons by the cartful. Talk about your financial inequality.”

Gallus acknowledged the entire group staring at him. All of whom clearly shocked by this financial analysis of the currency and how it affects wizard society. All, especially Ocellus and Harry, are silent.

“What?” Gallus shrugged. “I’m a Griffon, and griffons have a beak for things like money. C’mon you guys know that.”

Eventually, the cart came to a halt just outside one of the vaults. Fortunately, neither needed to ask how Gallus could analyze that much.

“First stop: Vault 687,” Griphook declared, hopping out the cart. “Lamp please.”

Hagrid hands the goblin the lantern, as Griphook carried it toward the vault door. Hagrid and Harry follow behind while the students wait for them from the cart.

“Key, please.”

Griphook handed the lantern back to Hagrid in exchange for the key, which he the used to open the vault door. The door opened revealing… a moderately piled high vault filled to the brim with Galleons about Harry’s height. The very sight surprised Harry greatly, the boy never expecting so much gold in all his life.

“Didn’t think your mum and dad would leave you with nothing now, did ya?” Hagrid asked.


As Griphook walked the group through a corridor, Harry and the Young Six took the time to discuss the young wizard’s recent fortunes.

“I still cannot believe that all this time, you’ve had a family fortune and none of us even knew it,” Smolder spoke, surprised. “Just a day ago, you were sleeping on a dirty floor. Now you’re flushed with wizard cash! Either you must be the luckiest boy alive or someone’s crushing on you, kiddo.”

“Don’t be SO surprised, Smolder,” Gallus replied. “50,625 Galleons is pretty sizeable, but I wouldn’t know if the current salary levels of this place would consider it ‘wealthy’.”

“Does it matter?” Silverstream asked. “Harry’s moving up in the world! Isn’t that just great?! I mean it is sad his parents had to be dead for him to get that money, but still… it’s a happy feeling just to have it, so yay!”

“I can’t help but wonder what would happen if the Dursleys had found about his family’s money,” Sandbar pondered.

“Knowing them, they’d probably ask for most of it, if not all,” Harry answered. “’Proper compensation’ for ‘opening their home’ to me.”

“Who says you have to tell them?” Smolder suggested. “On that note, why should we tell them anything?”

“Dursleys not nice people,” Yona nodded. “They not deserve share in Harry’s money.”

Eventually, the group stopped outside another vault.

“Vault 713,” Griphook declared.

“What’s in there, Hagrid?” Harry asked.

“Can’t tell you, Harry,” Hagrid answered. “It’s Hogwarts business. Very secret.”

“Stand back!” Griphook ordered.

Griphook drew his finger along the door. From the other side, the group heard what resembled multiple locks unlocking the lower Griphook’s finger drew. Until at last, the door slowly opened revealing a tiny package wrapped in string along a well-lit podium. Hagrid quickly took it and stuffed it in his pocket.

“Best not mention this to anyone, Harry,” Hagrid advised. “Same to the six of you.”

Harry and the students nod silently, though deep down they couldn’t help but wonder what was so important about that package.


Later on, Griphook escorts the group back along the mine cart.

“Do any of you have a problem with small spaces?” The goblin asked.

Most of the group shook their heads, though a certain griffon grew stiff at the thought of tight spaces. Before he could make his case, Griphook turned the mine cart, propelling it along the rails. Gripping a tight hold along a lever, pulling it down, the goblin revealed a concealed rail appearing to lead straight through a wall. The goblin steered the cart onto the revealed rail, as the vehicle rolled toward the rocky wall. As expected, Harry and the Young Six were scared over the notion of running into a wall.

“Don’t you lot get yourselves into a fit,” Hagrid assured. “It’s goblin magic we’re dealing wit. We’ll be fine… I hope…”

The cart reached the wall and… phased through, leaving no trace of it or the rail upon entry. On the other side of the ‘wall’, the mine cart drove through a dark, narrow passage. The entire section lit only by the lantern.

“Uh… Mr. Goblin?” Silverstream spoke feebly. “Why are we taking this passage and not the regular one?”

“This was of special request to the owners of the vault… that this key goes to,” Griphook answered, holding the strange key. “Special measures had to be taken so that none, except those that were granted special permissions, could access this particular vault. It doesn’t even show on our layouts, and the contents of which don’t show in our reports come auditing.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Smolder replied. “If Ihad a hoard, I’d make sure the other dragons wouldn’t be able to get it. Heck, I think Gallus would agree, right?... Gallus?”

But Gallus did not answer, as he quietly and quickly breathed in and out. The griffon tried to keep himself calm while inside the narrow passage.

“What?... What’d you say?...” Gallus spoke, between breaths. “Didn’t catch that… is… is it me… or is this tunnel getting smaller and smaller?”

“D’oh!” Silverstream smacked herself. “Gallus’s little… ‘issue’ with small spaces.”

The hippogriff goes in front of Gallus, clutching onto his shoulder. Gallus locked eyes with Silverstream, but his breathing is still frantic.

“Just look at me Gallus, look at me…” Silverstream instructed. “All right, just take deep… slow… breaths… you can do it. In… and out. In… and out.”

As Silverstream repeats this, Gallus began to breath slower and slower at a steady pace set upon by his friend. He slowly calmed down, his eyes remaining locked upon Silverstream’s. A wave of calmness and safety washed over him, as he gazed deeply into her eyes, as he slowly leans his head to—

“Hey, look!” Sandbar pointed out. “There’s a light!”

The trance is broken, as Gallus looked over Silverstream’s shoulder spotting a light coming up. As soon as the light washed over the cart and its passengers, they soon beheld a vast cavern strewn with waterfalls, and a large iron door sided by two alicorn statues. Clearly they depict the Two Sisters when they were younger, thousands of years ago. The cart soon came to a halt alongside a ledge leading straight to the door.

“Hagrid, what do you suppose is in this vault?” Harry asked.

“I suppose we’ll all find out,” Hagrid replied. “Only three people know what’s in there. One is Professor Dumbledore himself, and the other two… well, those two would be the very owners of this ‘ere vault.”

Upon a closer look, the door itself revealed two locks. Which begged the question: How could ONE key be used for two locks?

“Key, please,” Griphook gestured.

Hagrid handed the goblin the key, as the Student Six looked on.

“Question: If this door has two locks, and we only have one key… how are we supposed to open it?” Smolder asked. “It’s not like we brought a spare key to—”

Before she could finish, a hissing sound is heard as Griphook drew his finger along the center of the strange key. A red line drew along the key, dividing it into two… before he pulls the key apart, revealing ‘two’ keys. Griphook proceeds to bring the keys toward the locks.

“But… but how?” Smolder gasped, flabbergasted.

“Well again… that’s goblin magic for ya,” Hagrid explained. “If it’s goblin-magic, only a goblin can undo any enchantment made upon it. T’ain’t no surprise that the key had to have been made by a goblin.”

Goblin stuck the two keys through the locks, the solar key into the door lock with Celestia’s carving and the lunar key into Luna’s lock, before turning them at the same time. The door slowly slid sideways, revealing vast piles of Galleons, Sickels, and Knuts, along with several jewels strewn around to stud the metal piles within the vault.

“Before their departure,” Griphook explained. “The owners of this vault made very sound investments that resulted in hefty returns and added interest, which we painstakingly collected and recorded in their private ledger. I should hope they know exactly what you’ll be using this for.”

The Young Six, Harry, and Hagrid were absolutely floored by this very sight. Never before have either seen so much wealth in one location. Gallus’ front right talon wavers in the air, as his mouth quivered at the sight.

“Guys… we’re gonna need bigger wallets to carry all this out!” Smolder spoke excitedly. “Let’s get grabbing--!”

“Wait!” Ocellus called out. “We should ONLY take what we need for school and no more. We can’t cause any commotion in this world! One, we’re new here. And two, chances we’ll end up overcrowded if wizards and witches see us flushed with all this cash.”

“Ocellus right,” Yona nodded in agreement. “Yaks have saying: Have too little wood, yak freeze. Have too much wood, yak burn hut down. Have enough wood, yak keep warm.”

“Yeah but look at this place!” Silverstream replied, looking around. “Now we ALL have the same fortune! It’s a miracle, right Gallus?... Gallus?”

The others turned around, seeing Gallus having fainted just outside the vault. Possibly overcome by the sight of their newfound wealth.

“I guess miracles make Gallus sleepy…” Silverstream smiled.