• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 5,333 Views, 138 Comments

The Impossible Choice - FireMaster

Chase Waters is just an average American college student studying engineering. Let’s just say his life’s about to take an unexpected detour from his usual routine.

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Chapter 16: Escalation

Author's Note:

If you've made it this far, kudos to you, because if I'm being completely honest sometime I struggle reading back over the choppiness of my own work. Thanks for sticking with the story, and if I had to estimate I would say you are officially a third of the way there! As always hope you enjoy!

~ April 18th, 1020 ME ~


"Thank you for joining me on such short notice this morning Blazing. I do apologize for waking you from your slumber ahead of the sun, but I feel as though this private conversation is necessary."

"It is what it is, Princess."

"That as it may be, I requested your presence mainly to warn you and prepare you. While I'm indebted to you for putting others' needs in front of your own, I must confess how dangerous this could become and the risks we are all taking together.

Late last night I had a vision concerning another unknown. Some of the worst beings known to this universe are kept in the most highly advanced prison known as Tartarus. While it's almost impossible for anything to break out, it also only has one way in. Its location on the far side of the Gryphon empire makes communications run short. I foresaw a messenger flying across the sea away from the entrance only to be shot out of the sky with an orange beam that pierced his wing. He was headed away from the gates of Tartarus, but instead of having our Equestrian patrol posted at them, they were smoking with holes straight through their core. There's no telling when this happened, but now that I have been made aware I can only assume Tirek is free from his shackles. He is capable of sapping the magic of other creatures, and given enough time unopposed he will become an unstoppable force. Not to mention he is one of the most ruthless creatures known to planet Equus; a Centaur. He will take the magic from a pony dead or alive. Whichever is easiest."

"Princess I know you didn't wake me up early just to scare me and give me nightmares. Why are you telling me this?"

"Tirek is known for being calculated and weighing up his enemy's strength so that he always has the upper hand. I know you hardly know any magic yet, but I sense great potential and so little time. I pray that he will not be ready for the things we have up our sleeves."

"What could I possibly do?"

"Train... Prepare to fight. It hasn't been the equestrian way for centuries, but to do nothing would be a far greater loss. Use today to understand your strengths as well as that of the elements, and lead them well."

"WHAT?! Why would you ask me to lead?! Twilight is a princess for crying out loud, and the ELEMENT OF MAGIC! What could I possibly offer that she couldn't? She's educated, powerful, and familiar with this world."

"She may be many things and my most accomplished pupil, but she still is too reliant on books without trusting her own senses. She has never let me down before, but you have courage, and a different set of strategic knowledge from your home world. You are more capable than you give yourself credit for. You also seem to have harmony on your side; you've begun learning a new kind of magic in the last few days, befriended the elements, stood up to an Ursa, and lived in a world capable of thriving without magic. Equestria needs you, will you accept the responsibility?"

This extensive dialogue was followed by a long drawn out pause. Anticipation filled the cool spring air as the sun began to peak its way over the horizon.

"I don't think I'm qualified or ready, but you have a number of years on me so I will defer to your judgment. However, while I did say that I would stay behind to help, I didn't plan on doing so just so I could confront death, and you are not making me think well of my choice. Regardless, I will do my best... I just hope you know what you're doing."

So do I... At this Princess Celestia began raising the sun creating a colorful sunrise in the presence of our off-world guest and reassured him by telling a story.

"Many centuries ago, just after the great war that left me to rule alone while Nightmare Moon was in her 1000-year banishment, a mare was born with levels of magic not unlike Twilight, but magic schools were lacking in knowledge of her strange gift. She was called Winter Storm by her parents because when she was only a few months old, she caused a mini blizzard inside of their house with a magical surge from her tiny horn. Her parents panicked thinking it was the return of Wendigos and came to me very startled by the events. Over time other parts of the environment started bending around their daughter causing great fear and unrest around friends and family. I took her in as my youngest ever student at the age of 3. She went on to discover the near dead research of unicorns controlling the natural elements similar to how a Pegasus might. Despite the fact that she died a hero for stopping the dragons from attacking Equestria, her legacy and magic has been nearly forgotten. There have only been 2 others with this power over the years, but none that have been able to control every element, nor teach their abilities to other unicorns. Even Winter lacked the ability to manipulate every element having no control over the element of fire. You have this power, and it's up to you to decide how far you will take it and determine what you can harness."

"Celestia if I may be so Bold... and forgive me of my ignorance, but if you've lived for so long, how have you not mastered this magic or introduced it as a required bit of learning for prestigious unicorns?"

"That Blazing has everything to do with the Cutie mark. While I can summon the fires of the sun, and beams of light capable of stealing others' vision, it is not within my realm of expertise to command the wind and waves nor the rain or snow. It is also theorized that this type of magic is highly runic in nature and thus the most difficult to master. Runes have been a mystery ever since they were discovered on the walls of ancient pony civilization.

Now, the day awaits, and I need to begin preparing the people of Equestria. While little has appeared in any newspapers about the change in guard activity there is no doubt some unrest I need to handle among my little ponies. Especially the Nobles" she muttered under her breath. "Blazing this may seem short notice but take this medallion and wear it where others can see it. When they see my crest, they will know they can trust you. It will provide you high security clearance and minor command over lower ranking guards. As I said you are to work alongside the elements, those of your cutie mark and of harmony."

"Thank you Celestia, I won't let you down."

Blazing left the balcony leaving Celestia to her thoughts. She contemplated if she had done the right thing. The biggest concern was how much trust she was putting in Discord, as he instigated much of the things that she was to say during the discussion. Strangely, the only part that Discord didn't instruct her to do was give him the pendant. While she hadn't bestowed a Celestial seal in centuries, she somehow sensed that Blazing was pure in heart. From the little time they spent together he seemed thoughtful, and good willed, but perhaps a little rash. He wasn't the best candidate in the department of villain reformation (convincing evil to pursue a greater good), but he seemed determined to make difficult decisions for the sake of what needed to be done. Before they talked, she felt the most uncertain she had ever been in regard to the responsibility she was giving out, but now a little reassurance washed over her. The unknowns are daunting, but I don't have to face them alone.

Following breakfast Twilight accompanied Blazing into the training grounds to help him experiment with his abilities. The elements of harmony had been quite surprised to recognize Celestia's royal seal around his neck and they gawked while considering its implications. They would recognize it anywhere from the lessons in school, but to see it in person was entirely different.

In the meantime, Celestia went off to hold day court for the last time before she would close it until the threat passed. She had thought best to optimize her availability to instigate and save court until convening wouldn't come in the way of national security.

The rest of the elements spent the morning practicing their skills while worrying about the things they were missing back home. Pinkie didn't mind however, since she found the kitchen... or perhaps the kitchen found her.

Out on the field recruits were running laps, while Twilight and Blazing were in a more remote corner by a set of test dummies. Before they began practicing Blazing took the opportunity to ask a burning question that he hoped wouldn't be offensive.

"Twilight if your specialty is magic, why is it that you haven't tried elemental magic?"

"Because until I met you, it was believed to be fictitious to cast such spells. Every time I've studied the topic, researchers have always concluded that ancient ponies believed in higher powers that could accomplish this, but never that the ponies themselves controlled nature this way."

"Huh... now you got me curious about mythology but we should save that for another day. Although it still seems strange... Celestia seems like the type to encourage more ponies to pursue this type of magic. You don't think she's hiding something from me, do you?"

"It's hard to say, but I have no doubts she has the best interest of yourself and others in mind. Ever since becoming a princess I've realized that it's impossible to please everypony. I've accepted that Celestia won't confide everything in me like I once thought."

"Well time is short so I'll ask her about it later. For now I'm going to warm up this area by trying to recreate some fire."

"Hold on I want to document this, Spike can you get a parchment and quill? Spike?"

"You left him to take care of the Castle, remember?"

"Oh yes, how could I forget? I suppose I will just summon some from my emergency backup supply then. Alright Blazing don't mind me, I'll just be taking readings to make sure nothing gets out of hand and to see if I can break down the spell matrix that has seemingly programmed itself inside of you."

At that Blazing closed his eyes and concentrated on his mana reserves as Twilight had taught him. He tried to feel the leylines and direct the flow into his horn to prep the energy that he would need to convert into his spell. He had only practiced one other time just learning very basic techniques, yet it felt so natural. From his physics lesson he knew that energy could be released as heat, but then again magic doesn't exactly fit into most of the physics theory he studied. Regardless, once he felt he had channeled his mana and could feel sufficient amounts at the front of his skull, he opened his eyes and arced his horn in the delta shape he had formulated earlier. However, this time before he closed off the shape he turned towards a dummy.

They had a stare off as they looked at each other, but just as it looked like Blazing was going to be the first to blink, he closed off the Greek symbol and the material was incinerated. Rather than traveling as a wave of fire like dragons' breath the fire seemed to erupt from the ground in the same triangular shape.

"That was AMAZING! You just converted energy into fire, yet most of the activation took place outside your body. You accessed Equestrias external ley lines which 98% of magic users can't even sense."

"So you think you could do it?"

"I'm not sure. I've never seen ponies etch mana into patterns in the air like you just did. I also don't know if it has to be on air or if it can be achieved on other surfaces. Do you think it only applies to certain mediums?"

"I don't think I'm the right person to ask."

"But you're the only pony to ask!"

"Well you could always try it. I've heard from a little birdie that you like to conduct experiments."

'Somewhere else in Equestria...'

'This is why I despise working with anything in Equestria that thinks it's strength will better my cause. Stupidity of others will be my downfall.'

"I'm not so sure about that Tirek" came a strange female voice echoing off the walls of the chamber. "Yes, I can read your thoughts and your hatred towards others. You feel as though you have to control everything because others have let you down since you were a child. You also are confused and angry at me for interrupting. Who am I you might ask? Well let's just say we have a lot in common, but I've seen things you haven't even dreamt of." The female voice that permeated the room seemed to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It was in the walls, echoing from floor to ceiling.

"Oh, and I suppose you have something to offer me too that will fulfill my desires? I can take care of business, thank you very much! Leaving Tartarus was a breeze. I just had to wait for the opportune moment."

"FOOL!!! You think you escaped on your own pathetic strength even though you were outmatched by one Alicorn? NO! I let you out! You fall under my plans now! I will be in charge of this operation from here on out because obviously you need the master of manipulation and tact to save your sorry flank from failure. I led you to these other warlords because your ambition and pride leaves you to believe you don't need others and failure results. The one thing you can learn from your enemies is that when they work together their strength is combined.

"And what makes you think I would lend you my strength. Suggesting full on collaboration is pathetic and I haven't even had the pleasure of your name."

"Oh you will follow me, it may just take a little persuasion. After all, it's not everyday you get to converse with Nightmare, Queen of the monsters, and the most feared entity in this land. Untamed, uncontrolled, unbound I seek to regain a body. You take what you desire but leave Luna for me. I'm not going to leave any of her mind behind this time. She will host fear itself once my essence overtakes her."

"Perhaps I was wrong, Nightmare... I think we will get along." For the first time since his childhood Tirek let a smirk grace the corner of his lips.

"I assume you know the plan... will we continue on schedule?"

"In a way, however, tomorrow the Everfree awakens, and the night will no longer allow rest. Then we have a date with some ponies in Canterlot that we certainly wouldn't want to be late for... you still are prepared for the main event right? Oh and I also took the initiative of directing Chrysalis with her forces. As for Sombra... he remains a wildcard. No indication of his condition or his location has arisen, but he wouldn't miss this prime opportunity for the Crystal Empire. Regardless I'd like to pick up right where you left off. So... Let the games commence."

"Ugh! I wish I knew alchemical symbols better. This just isn't working." Blazing complained in frustration.

"Can you explain these symbols to me? Maybe I can help." Twilight questioned trying to find some way to be supportive.

"Well I can try. Basically alchemy is like chemistry except they didn't exactly have a periodic table to reference, so they made symbols that represented different things they observed. I have a theory that runes are composed of variants of these depictions, but without knowing what they look like I could never test that."

"But how did you know the symbol for fire?

"Besides the fact we use delta for math, I also know a little Greek mythology. As much as I would like to think otherwise its probably just a sheer coincidence that it worked, but it also was really easy to recall when I first experimented with it. It's like the idea just seemed natural somehow."

"That's the work of your cutie mark. You could always try reversing what you did to get the opposite effect?"

"That just seems silly. How could that ever work?"

"I just don't want us to rule out any possibilities."

"Alright just for you Twilight." Blazing began to prepare to work his mana again. This seems stupid. Magic can't be this logical. This has to be at least one in a million. One in a million? I should go put a little Equestrian money down in Vegas if this works. "Here goes nothing."

Blazing lighted his golden aura and started drawing the same triangle, only this time it was upside down in the shape of a gradient. Just as he was finishing the connection, he infused a little extra burst of mana into the spell. "Alright stand back"

"Don't worry I have a shield ready."

Following the completion of the drawing seconds ticked by and nothing was happening. Not that they knew what to expect anyway but it seemed like that idea had been a complete bust.

"Hey Twilight, was that your stomach? Maybe we should get lunch?"

"Um Blazing... that wasn't me. It had to have been you. That gurgle was so loud."

"No way it was me it must ha-"

Just then a dousing of water roughly equivalent to 50 gallons appeared in the sky right above where a certain purple Alicorn had been standing. The force was enough to knock her off her hooves due to how concentrated it had been. Water dripped from the tips of her fur, and she was completely soaked to the bone.

"Twilight! Are you ok?" Blazing asked as he galloped over to her. A group of guards heard the commotion and approached to check on the situation. Blazing was still not the most dexterous with his hoofs, so the two guards helped Twilight back to her hooves.

"Yeah it didn't hurt so much as scare the living daylights out of me. Sweet Celestia! What even was that! For that matter, why was the water warm! I need to write all of this down!" With that Twilight still soaking wet grabbed her paper and rushed back to the castle to get more ink for her quill, as the bottle she had been using had been spilled.

"Yup that's Twilight alright. Thanks for your service guards but I think she will be just fine. Maybe even better than fine if she gets to write about whatever just happened here. Oh and don't worry about cleaning up the mess I left, I’ll take care of it. You guys can get back to whatever else you've been tasked with."

"As you wish."

This response had been a little surprising, but Blazing chalked it up to the expensive jewelry around his neck. What a day it has been and it's only 9:00 in the morning! He let out a wistful sigh. Never change Twilight, never change.