• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 5,345 Views, 138 Comments

The Impossible Choice - FireMaster

Chase Waters is just an average American college student studying engineering. Let’s just say his life’s about to take an unexpected detour from his usual routine.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Surprises

~ April 11th 1020 ME ~


After a rather pleasant first night in Equestria, (excluding the ones he couldn't remember) Chase felt rejuvenated, and slightly excited for a future that held few guarantees. After so long of living a rather predictable life, the possibilities of what could occur while in Equestria were exciting while also a little daunting. From what he could remember from his time in the royal library last night, this world had some scary beasts roaming the less populated areas.

Twilight had arrived with Spike around noon to pick him up, and they went about viewing the sites of Canterlot while killing some time before their train departed. Chase really wasn't sure what to expect, because the city looked rather small compared to the castle covering the hill side, but he was pleasantly surprised. The number of ponies roaming about, and the beautiful architecture kind of reminded him of a trip he took to Washington D.C. in 5th grade. Statues, and arches were not uncommon, and the place looked much larger while being immersed in it. He marveled at a section of the city positioned west of the castle dotted with large mansions.

'Yup, this place has millionaires too... or should I say milliomares'. He chuckled at his own horrible joke, gaining himself an odd look from Spike who wondered why he started spontaneously laughing. Chase assured him that he wouldn't find it funny, despite Spike's protests that he would.

Soon they approached the train station ready to sit for a while, and relax.

"Hey Mr. Waters, I've been meaning to ask you... Why do you want to be addressed so formally anyway?"

"Well ever since I found out that I was a pony, something about my name didn't feel right. I can't really explain it, but I've always liked my last name anyway, so that's why I decided to go by it. I don't know... it just feels more appropriate right now for some reason. Sorry if that didn't really answer your question."

"No, it's alright. It just feels odd-"

"-my name is Chase. Chase Waters."

"Well that was sudden. What changed your mind?"

"Nothing. I still want to go by Waters. I just felt you deserved to know my real name since you're taking me in. Maybe I lost part of myself when I came over here, or maybe I found out I was missing something to begin with. Either way, until I can place what that is, I'm going by Mr. Waters, since I don't feel like the same human who left Earth 3 days ago."

"Huh, you're really different from most of my friends, you know?"

"Is that a good different?"

"I think so, but I'll let you know when I find out."

"Twilight... Thanks for considering me one of your friends. I'm not used to that."

"It's an honor Mr. Waters! But don't think you can hide your world from me forever, I don't think I could handle so much potential new information so close to me without getting any answers!"

"You are such a researcher! I'm surprised you don't have a book as a cutie mark."

Spike was getting a little tired of feeling ignored by the other two at this point, so he took the moment to speak up. "While I'm glad you two are getting along, can you please include me in your conversation? I'm dying here?" And with that the three began to share some laughs, and enjoy each other's company. Soon the train was boarded, and the scheduled leave time had arrived. As the train began to chug its way down the tracks, a unicorn, alicorn and dragon were joined in a train car on their way to Ponyville anticipating new adventures.


After what felt like 30 minutes of travel, the train lurched forward, and the feeling of the brakes being applied could be felt. "Well that's odd" Twilight commented as she made her way to a nearby window. "The train usually doesn't experience many delays." Just before the train had come to a stop, it lurched again.

"Um Twilight this doesn't feel like just a delay... I think there's something out there." Spike said nervously.

"You boys stay here. I'm going to go investigate."

"Um excuse me but I don't really like that plan. isn't it dangerous for you to go alone?" Not that Chase didn't have faith in Twilight, but this was probably just some little train malfunction, and the engineers would get right on it.

"Don't worry about me. I've helped save the world a hoofful of times, I should be fine.” Twilight assured him, and herself at the same time.

"Well she has a point." Spike said

"Alright but be careful, and you'll have to promise to give me some context on that later." Twilight departed, and the boys were left to wait in the train car. After only a few moments following her departure, a boom rocked the train.

"Sorry Spike, but I'm not leaving Twilight out there by herself." And with that Chase took off out the door.

"Wait! But Twilight specifically told us... oh and he's gone."

Once outside Chase took up his surroundings. After a scan of the area, he saw something that he never thought possible. In front of the train stood a bear about as tall as a school bus is long. What scared him however was Twilight seemingly stuck, squirming in its paw. He wouldn't have seen her, but she was thrashing about, and the movement caught his eye. When she disappeared in a flash, Chase assumed the worst. In a poor state of mind, he charged the beast. Him... a former human who could hardly maneuver in his new body charged what he would later discover was an Ursa Minor. The monster, having hurt Twilight, was making him angry. His rage was building, and he was losing his ability to think straight. This pent-up anger, which he assumed was all the frustrations from being brought to Equestria, was boiling over.

His intense focus on the Ursa caused him to not notice that Twilight had teleported off to its left, or that his horn began to glow a vibrant gold. He continued running only thinking one thought; I'm going to take down this beast. Whatever had taken over him, it blocked him from thinking about how stupid this idea was. As he got closer, The Ursa focused its eyes on him and began bringing its fist down in his direction. Twilight could only stare dumbfounded at his horn aglow and his thoughtless charge. It felt like the world was moving in slow motion. She began charging her magic to do a large scale levitation spell like she had when lyra brought an Ursa to town, but she realized that she wouldn't be able to produce so much mana so quickly. Chase's eyes began to become a solid white.

She was sure Mr. Waters was about to get crushed and she would lose her newest friend. She had only known him personally for a day! Why wouldn't he stop, and why had he not listened to her! ...And why was there so much mana in the air?

Chase's vision narrowed more as the ursa's swing was mere feet away from him, and his head was throbbing, specifically his horn. It almost reminded him of the sensation he felt when he had hit his horn, only this was more at the tip of the new appendage. Seconds before he was smashed, Chase let out a deep battle cry of a scream, and unleashed a literal tidal wave of water knocking the Ursa off its feet, away from the tracks. The giant collided with the ground causing sound to reverberate from the violent crash. Clouds began circling overhead, and a bolt of lightning struck straight into the bear's head. The ursa letting out a blaring roar. Chase stood his ground as the ursa began struggling to run away with its furry backside lit on fire. The Ursa was full of confusion as to why it had been by the train.

Twilight's jaw was on the grass when she saw the cutie mark on Chase's flank. A storm cloud releasing water, ice, and lightning was depicted with the varying elements falling towards a flame at the bottom. The color scheme reminded her of his mane colors. While Twilight was amazed, relieved and furious at Mr. Waters all at the same time, she along with quite a few other passengers couldn't move from their shocked states. The first one to break the standstill however was Chase, who began falling towards the earth below. Chase for the second time in his life passed out.

Time: 'Unkown'

'What happened? One second I was running and then nothing.' Chase was standing in a dark void somehow coherent, even though he didn't feel like he was grounded to the world. He was also back in his human body. 'This is a weird dream, that's for sure.'

"Mr. Waters I make a note to protect ponies dreams, but I don't think I have ever met someone asleep as much as you."

'That voice...' "Luna? Why is Luna in my dream? What is this, like take three of feeling dead?"

"We don't get much of your humor, but we have been watching over the night for a long time. I must say your human form is nothing like what we expected, but then again I wasn't really told anything about it. How are you feeling? You seem to be out of the waking world a little excessively."

"Well being that the last thing I remember was running towards a giant bear with constellations on its body, I'm still a little flustered. I also can't figure out why my own dream doesn't know what I'm thinking. Why are you asking me questions as if your not part of my subconscious?"

"As we said, it is our responsibility to watch over dreams, and your extended time asleep has been quite concerning."

"Ok well if you're actually here, can you stop switching between I and we. It's rather confusing."

"Right, I have been trying to accustom myself to today's speech, but I wont worry you with that. You must know however that you have been out for almost three days."

"Three days?! When I wake up I may never sleep again with all the extra I have stocked up."

"Yes, well I believe Twilight is quite concerned about you, and it has taken me this long to get through. It is my understanding that you are in a magically induced coma."

"Could you have presented that news any harder?" Chase said sarcastically.

"Don't tell me who taught you some of your manners. Just know that there is some strong magic within you that is quite dangerous. Stick with Twilight and her friends and you will be fine, but be warned of straying into corruption. There are people out there that would try to use you for your magic."

"Twilight is okay? Thank God! Look... No disrespect your majesty, but I think you got the wrong guy. I just got here, remember? The only thing my horn has been doing is throbbing."

"Be aware when I use my magic to wake you, things won't be the same. Some of the strongest unicorns can't take down an Ursa Minor, and whether you remember it or not, I believe you have acquired a cutie mark related to a magical surge. Your surge was so large however that instead of being raw magic, it took on the form of natural elements. You drew on powers of this world that almost nopony can tap into. We could actually feel a slight part of the released mana all the way in Canterlot. Alicorns are more sensitive to such things. You are dangerous Mr. Waters! You must be careful with what you are capable of. Magic can sometimes be fueled by emotions. If you are unable to control yourself, you will be spending a lot more time with me and my sister, and you will be kept contained." What Luna didn't tell Chase was that more extreme measures could also be necessary, but her sister, in her kind heart told her not to mention this to the ponified human. He had been through enough already.

"You mean I took down that Ursa Minor! I don't even remember! I can't believe it! I think I owe Twilight some money... I told her this place couldn't surprise me any more than it already had, but between you being in my dreams, and me doing magic?! WHAT NEXT?" He half yelled with a mix of fear and excitement.

"Your future is certainly one of importance Mr. Waters. Learn, make friends, and don't let Celestia or myself down. For now you must wake.... awake" Luna said as she touched her horn to him, and everything disappeared; if that's even possible while already in a dark void.

His last thought before regaining consciousness was why did I have to spend 5 days of my first week in Equestria asleep?

What a revelation. No better "Welcome to Equestria" than 5 days unconscious!

Author's Note:

Chapter 6 is ready for you! I think I was a little surprised when I wrote this myself, because I made a spur of the moment desicion to make him earn his cutie mark early on (Sorry Crusaders), and I also didnt realize that it had really been a whole week of mostly sleeping! Anyways, Enjoy!