• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 5,345 Views, 138 Comments

The Impossible Choice - FireMaster

Chase Waters is just an average American college student studying engineering. Let’s just say his life’s about to take an unexpected detour from his usual routine.

  • ...

Chapter 17: Awakening

~ April 19th, 1020 ME ~

12:01 A.M.

“Remind me again why we’re out here Granite rather than staying posted in the capital?”

“Hush Wiz, you know why we’re patrolling these woods. The princess has personally requested guards to monitor white tail woods to keep an eye out for Sombra and report suspicious activity.”

“Yes but why are we here? Couldn’t some of Princess Luna's night guards do a better job… I mean there’s literally nothing to see here besides the full moon.”

Moon light trickled through the branches hanging above casting shadows all around. The talking pair along with the slight rustle of the breeze were the only things that could be heard. It had been a quiet night with relatively little activity to this point besides the brush that crunched under the path of the guards. It was as ordinary as a night in the middle of the forest could get.

However, that all changed within a mere few seconds. The lifeless surroundings erupted with movement. Snakes, rodents, and even birds began to move towards the duo without even a hint of hesitation. The common theme was they all seemed to be approaching from the direction of the Everfree. It was comparable to the motion at the start of a race.

“Granite what did you do?”

“Me? What do you mean me? It was probably you with that horn of yours.”

“Well they’re coming this way…”


“And I think we better RUN!”

They both took off at a full gallop as the stampede of various small animals would have certainly tripped them up had they stayed where they were. Headed in the direction of Ponyville they came across Sweet Apple Acres near the outskirts of town nestled partially between the Everfree and White Tail Woods.

They didn’t get far when they heard piercing roars permeate the surroundings. The Solar guards were breathing heavily but didn’t slow down as they made it to town. “Wiz, something is very wrong! I swear that sounded like a hydra coming from behind us.”

“Well we’re a couple of cowards and we didn’t stay to find out what that was all about. This could mean just about anything. We need to warn the town and tell them to be ready in case we must evacuate.”

As he finished his thought, timberwolves began visibly breaching the edge of the Everfree at a run only a mile from town. Closely behind them followed manticores and cocatrice.

“I think it’s too late for that! Granite, get to the library and have Twilights assistant send a message to Celestia! I’ll take care of sending a warning to the rest of the town.”


Wiz Frame looked over to find his friend had been petrified, literally becoming a stone statue from a slight glance towards the fowl beasts.

“Hwa Ahhh!”

Wiz fired up his horn using telekinesis to ring the bell as hard as he could in the town hall, and teleported to the new castle that princess Twilight called home. It was to his fortune that he practiced more spells than the average unicorn, but a heavy sense of dread weighed on his shoulders. He began banging on the door as he wondered how they could have been more prepared, and how he could possibly get his friend back.

By now lights began flickering on throughout the streets of Ponyville and the wave of creatures was almost upon the town. A drowsy Spike opened the door, still a little out of it, and Wiz rushed in as fast as he could slamming the door behind him.

“I need you to send a message to Celestia!”



“Ok, ok I’m awake, what is the emergency?”

“The Everfree is alive! Tell her that monsters from the forest are invading the town. Tell her we need defense mobilized immediately! The entire guard may not be enough!”

“Got it.”

“Send it!”

Spike blew fire on the message and the ashes found their way out the window. Just as they did, wolves of wood began banging their heads on the door of the castle, and the ground began to shake from something even bigger.

Wiz finally took his first full breath since the cockatrice turned his friend to stone.

“We’re out of time…”

~ April 18th, 1020 ME ~

10:00 A.M.

* 14 Hours Prior *

“This meeting is now in session. Shining, I'm glad you and Cadance could join us even though the circumstances could be better. Silver Storm would you be so kind as to update us on the status of the Solar guard?”

“Certainly your majesty. Currently 835 Pegasi, Earth Ponies, and Unicorns are stationed here in the capital 221 reside by our eastern front in Manehattan, 55 Pegasi are a part of our Cloudsdale unit, and 4 patrols are positioned in Ponyville as you requested Princess.”

“And Nightshade, what of the Lunar guard?”

“The Lunar guards currently consist of 133 ponies. Half are in Baltimare training, and the other half is in Canterlot. Of those an 8th are thestrals.

“That’s it? What’s the population of Equestria? We can’t even begin to cover our bases if this country is half as big as my home country.”

“Blazing don’t be rude. The Princess is doing assessments and we are just guests at this meeting.” Twilight interjected.

“Actually I think your input is valid and should be considered. That goes for everypony. We need all the brain power we can get. As for your question the population of Equestria is a little over 150,000 with a large portion residing in major trading cities.”

“Then you may need to start considering a draft, or at least heavy recruitment. The security of a nation can’t have 1 pony in the service for every 150 citizens. I would argue it should be at least 1 to 25, especially since your current ratio doesn’t even take into account the development of your technology.”

“We are well ahead of the curve on this planet when it comes to technology, Blazing. No other Nations have made as big of strides as we have." Luna retorted with a hint of annoyance.

“Well you aren’t exactly facing any one nation right now. The threats to Equestria seem more widespread and unpredictable than that. I just think steps need to be taken to increase preparedness or else you will be overcome by continual surprises.”

“We have always been run on a volunteer system! You can’t possibly think we could risk the lives of more-“

“Luna, that's enough! I agree with your sentiments but the times we are in will require us to adapt some different strategies. More ponies could be at risk the longer we wait. Shining I need a military leader that knows how to give a good speech to begin making a call for ponies to enlist. If anyone can convince them to serve it would be you.”

“I will do what we must, Princess.”

“I know you will, Captain Shining, we are relieved to have your service.”

“Luna, I apologize for expressing resistance to your opinion. Tell me, where do you propose we station our units? The reports concern me on how prepared we are for covering our different fronts, especially danger from the south and west.”

“We thank you for your apology. I… am glad you didn’t forget we rule together. In response to our current army, we believe our enemy to be more predictable than Blazing has said. History speaks for itself. Ponyville will need an increase of troops If Tirek is to go off of, he will likely be seeking to divide and overcome the elements and Sombra has already shown interest in Blazing for one reason or another. The concern over changeling drones needs to mainly address two cities: Baltimare and Canterlot. Chrysalis wants the throne but she also will infiltrate first where it's easiest.”

"Your majesty, excuse my speaking out of line, but I believe this all to be of great merit. I propose we send new recruits to join the Baltimare Lunar guard, and transition Cloudsdale units towards Ponyville. With the elements here I think it remains in our best interest to keep our greatest clump of forces here as well."

"Commander Storm, you seem hesitant, what else concerns you?"

"Well... the reports are in from our Changeling screening, and we have at least 5 Castle Staff either missing or dead, and the more disturbing news was 8 deserters within the guard. We think some of our previous wave of recruits were changelings. B-but we’re doing everything we can to resolve the issue Princess'."

"Oh dear... that is very troublesome indeed. Storm I would like you to go through with your plans. I would like half of the Cloudsdale guard to arrive in Ponyville by tomorrow, and have them assist the scouting parties monitoring the woods for Sombra. In the meantime you may be dismissed to delegate the formation of a team to investigate the missing ponies."

The meeting went on for a few hours, with the main topics being what needed the most attention from the guard and talks with Nightshade about putting the Lunar guard on city limits for night watch. Overall productivity was acceptable but not everyone present was content. Luna for one went off to rest looking very much in need of sleep, and Cadance approached Celestia showing great concern.

"Princess, there must be something I can do right now to make myself useful. I just feel so useless!"

"Everyone that was in that meeting will need your support in this troubled time Princess Cadance, that is far from useless. Besides I would also like you to introduce yourself to Blazing; he is apparently of great importance, but he needs to feel more connected. Friendship and whatever internal conflict he has with his morals is the only reason he's still here. I want you to help me make him feel like he's doing the right thing."

"That's just it... do you really think we can trust him? Shining was telling me he was concerned he was spending so much time with Twilight since we know so little about him. Not to mention his connection to Discord. I think Shining and I are both worried he may be trouble, and that's the last thing we need right now."

"I understand. Just please talk with him. If anyone can make him open up it's you. I think you will learn to appreciate his perspective as I have even if he is rather strange at times. I want him at his best but with all the worries he keeps to himself, he may begin to self destruct. Consider this a task if nothing else for me will you?"

"Well... I... will do my best Celestia."

"I know you will Cadance, I know you will."

~ April 18th, 1020 ME ~

12:15 P.M.

"So my Aunti Celestia was telling me you're not from around here? I am Princess Mi Amor Cadenza, but I go by Cadance, and it is a pleasure to meet you." She was really hoping that came off casually enough because she really wanted to avoid formalities. She stuck out her hoof and Blazing seemed to show understanding returning the gesture.

"Nice to meet you I suppose. I go by Blazing Waters, although my real name is Chase. I dropped it when things stopped feeling real."

"I see... well I think it suits you quite well."

"I thought so..."

"Anyways, Shining Armor from the meeting this morning is my husband and Twilight's brother. I understand you were staying with her?"

"Oh yeah! Twilight's a great host! She's been funny to watch as she tries to teach me magic but I keep doing things she doesn't understand. Gotta love the lists too. She's been stressing the whole time at the castle with having to leave Spike behind and not following an organized schedule."

"Hah, that sounds like Twilight all right. With her desire to learn I'll bet she would love to hear about the technology from your home you mentioned this morning."

"Yeah maybe once all this is over I'll have to tell her."

They continued talking as Cadance did her best to help break the ice and learn more about Blazing's origins, yet one thought wouldn't stop crossing her mind the entire time. I think Twilight has a secret admirer and I'm all here for it.

Author's Note:

I wanted to write more, but I also just really wanted to get this chapter out so I ended it shorter than I planned. Hope you enjoy all the same! Thanks for all the support and feel free to comment any suggestions or things you think needs fixing.