• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 5,345 Views, 138 Comments

The Impossible Choice - FireMaster

Chase Waters is just an average American college student studying engineering. Let’s just say his life’s about to take an unexpected detour from his usual routine.

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Chapter 5: No More Puns

~ April 10th 1020 ME ~


Chase was beyond hungry when they reached the dining room, and was happy to finally see something familiar. He requested pasta, a caesar salad with no flowers, and a croissant. He was already terribly missing meat, but the royal treatment in Equestria was a close second.

He hadn't quite figured out the best way to hold a utensil, so he was still lowering himself to eating like an animal, which made him all the more jealous of Twilight's levitation. She was manipulating a fork in her magic almost as well as he had with his hands.

Hands... oh how he missed hands. The prospect of potentially learning magic was exciting beyond belief, but not at the expense of phalanges. So much dexterity all down the drain... oh well. Better to not think about that. It was so much easier for him to ignore everything about Earth, than face the countless things that he left behind.

Spike had been busy with his hands as well chowing down on some gems, and hay fries? ‘Teeth that could cut through a gem would have to be so thick, and that jaw strength must be unreal!’

As he was about to take a big bite of pasta, while praying none of the kitchen staff were judging him for his table manners, A voice came from across the room.

“Who let the commoner parade in the castle. Certainly not Celestia! Twilight, I see that you're still lowering yourself to your former status.”

As the owner of the voice began marching toward his table, a voice Chase had already accustomed himself to had managed to enter without the white Stallion noticing.

“Causing trouble I see Blueblood? I thought my nephew had learned some good manners in his time working for the guard.”

Eyes growing wide Blueblood held his ground for a second debating his next move. Just as quickly as the apparent relative of Celestia had entered, he made a turn toward the exit holding his head high, making a tactful decision not to defend himself to his aunty. 1000 years hasn’t helped her tastes, Blueblood thought disdainfully, thinking about the lesser individual that found his way into the castle.

“Well that was certainly a surprise.” ‘I thought he had grown up a little since he started a fight with a couple of my staff members that apparently weren’t doing their job right.’

“Mr. Waters I take it your day has taken a turn for the better, despite my nephews apparent lack of respect?”

“Why yes your majesty, thanks for asking! This food is marvelous by the way. I also have my greatest thanks to you for your hospitality. I have never had anyone help me as much as you have, and I’m unsure how to repay you.”

“Oh, there's certainly no need for that. I see you have also met Princess Twilight. I’m sure your time together has been enlightening?”

“Wait... er did you say Princess Twilight?” ‘I’ve been chatting with a princess calling her by her first name and not even realizing it?! How many princesses are there?’ “My apologies if I have disrespected you in any way Princess Twilight.”

“Not at all! In fact please just continue calling me Twilight. I hate all the formalities as of late. I was a unicorn like you before I became an alicorn and I don’t want it to go to my head, or change the way ponies talk to me.”

Celestia took a seat, and was waited on by her staff, ordering a salad, and soup, as well as chocolate cake to spoil herself after dinner. She had dieted several times over the centuries, but nopony could take away her favorite dessert! Thank the heavens Sweet Batter had come up with the marvelous invention in the early 200s of the modern era.

The group was soon joined by Luna, and introductions were made with Chase, who was surprised to meet yet another princess. Luna has a dark blue shade to her coat, and a purple ethereal mane that looked like the night sky. This royalty stuff was going to get confusing fast, as was all the ponies tattoos! Chase hated staring, but he couldn’t help it anymore. He had to know what their significance was. At this point he knew they must mean something, because besides himself, he had yet to see a pony without one.

“Pardon me for asking but... why have all the ponies I’ve met have symbols displayed on their... um... backside?”

Twilight facehooved. “How could I have failed to mention cutie marks. I must have thought you were accustomed to them already. Anyways a cutie mark depicts a pony's special talent. My cutie mark represents my advanced magical abilities. Celestia and Luna are responsible for the sun and moon respectively. You are rather old to not have one, but that’s not very surprising since the magic that brought you here probably wouldn’t just gift you a random cutie mark.”

“I’m sorry, you must really be getting tired of my questions, but what do you mean responsible for the sun and moon. What, do they track the orbits or something?”

Celestia's eye twitched slightly. "We raise and lower the celestial bodies. We take our roles very seriously ever since we took the responsibility from unicorn mages that would struggle to complete the process everyday.” Celestia declared.

“Art thou alright Mr. Waters?” Luna asked as Chase sat dumbfounded by yet another impossibility.

“Doesn’t that affect your gravitational pull, and potentially threaten to throw you planet off its axis?! Couldn’t you accidentally make the sun or moon too close or too far away from Equus? The physics of that are absurd!”

“Mr. Waters, I understand things work a little differently here than you're used to, but you really must stop questioning what is true. Honesty is an important part of friendship and we wouldn't make for a very good diarchy if we lied to our subjects.” Celestia commented. ‘There they go again with friendship’ Chase thought.

“Look I know you value friendship highly, but I cannot possibly begin to process some of the magical possibilities of this world, so sorry if I have my doubts about some of this new found knowledge.” Chase didn’t mean for this to come out sassy, but his tone of voice kind of got away from him a little.

“We can forgive thee of thine poor expression of doubts, but do not insult something connected with our cutie marks. They are very significant to everypony.” Luna said in response. Chase was really getting tired of all the pony puns on words, but he took what Luna said seriously. How was he supposed to know that cutie marks were so important, and that questioning something that seemed illogical would be possibly offensive.

“Sorry for that. You're very right Your majesties. Let's move on to something else. Twilight was saying we should discuss my future for however long I’m stuck in Equestria. I don't have any money, but I'll work if it means a place to stay. Things rarely come free in life.”

“Actually Princesses...” Twilight began. “If it’s alright with you I wanted to bring this discussion up because I would really like to bring Chase to my residence in Ponyville. After all I am responsible for what he’s going through, so it’s only right if I take him in while I develop a return spell.”

“Ponyville? That’s almost as bad as saying I canter a lot. What’s next, Manehattan!” Chase joked.

All he got in return was stares and raised eyebrows. “What you can’t be serious right?” All the others, including Spike continued looking at him with puzzled looks on their faces like everything was completely normal. “Um, actually forget I asked... So Ponyville huh? That sounds nice. Does that mean you could help me master the art of magic?"

“Is this what you would like to do Mr. Waters?" Celestia asked. “I guarantee you would be in good hooves, but are you sure you don’t want to try and familiarize yourself with Equestria more first?”

“I’m fine. Besides, there's at least a 90% chance that nothing could surprise me at this point, and I would happily put money on those odds.”

“Hey, no gambling if you are staying with me! I just thought you might like a slight downsize, and to meet my friends! Canterlot can be a little overwhelming for visitors, and that’s probably doubly so for you.” Twilight quickly responded.

"Well I can't argue with that logic! So is that a yes to magic lessons?"

"I would be happy too! Although mastering magic may be out of the question. Ponies like myself dedicate their whole lives to the study and still don't know everything there is to learn about it. Trust me when I say there's a lot more to spell craft than even I know. I barely know the ancient arts of runes, or incantations."

"So when can we leave?"

"As soon as you pack your bags"

"Har Har! Very funny! No seriously though, this seems like an adventure in the making! A never seen before study, and I will be the first human to do it!"

"Spike, when are the trains out of Canterlot leaving tomorrow?" Twilight asked

"There's an 8:00 o'clock and 3:00 in the afternoon. Not sure if you'll be able to wake me up for the 8:00am. though. I need my beauty sleep."

"I could make sure you wake up Spike." Luna said with a small laugh.

"As much fun as that would be Luna, I think the 3:00 o'clock would be great! Thanks Spike!"

"No problem Twilight!"

On that note the group happily finished off their meals and talked about the events of their days, before Twilight and Spike retired to their parents house, and Chase went to the library. Celestia and Luna went off to do their duties with the sun and moon, and Chase caught a glimpse of them from the Library window. The sun setting over the vast city of Canterlot was a site to behold, but seeing the rulers of a country show so much care for all their subjects was almost more beautiful. How could a few individuals have so much strength, and yet all the more humility?

As the night fell, and Chase got wrapped up in a book on species native to the land, he was able to smile a genuine smile. Although he hadn't planned on taking a vacation, this world's magic felt very special. After losing track of time reading about mythological beasts like hydras and manticores, Chase's eyes began to droop, and depart from the waking world. Maybe he could enjoy his time here after all, even if it was a prison from his life back on Earth. He never did feel joyful about his days at home, so maybe just maybe he might find a new sense of purpose until he could return. With that he drifted off to sleep in the pages of his book right in the middle of the library floor with his head resting on his hooves.

Author's Note:

Chapter 5 coming at you! Appreciate all the support I've recieved so far, as well as the views! As always, thanks for taking time out of your day to read my work and enjoy some MLP fiction!